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Oh come on, you're still upset about last night? If you wanted to keep your virginity so bad you shouldn't have been such a tease. Now listen to this short diatribe about the intersection between quantum physics and number theory (4 hours).
A little heavy-handed start, but nevertheless, Renko thread!
Remember the rules everyone!
*interrupts her at 2,5 hours into the lecture*
I-I love you Renko..
>A little heavy-handed
She's autistic, she doesn't know what subtlety or tact are
you can't sloppily say it! make it clear so ALL cam understand!
1. Respect other's boundaries and personal spaces
2. Ask for Consent for everything you need from others
3. Do not desecrate Religious Sites/Figures or Public Spaces
4. Tax Evasion is punishable by Federal Law
5. That includes every spare real estate you think should be "secretive". no one is after you!
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Thank god, a cop is here.
Jokes on you, Renko is not a citizen but a free traveler and can only be charged in Maritime court. Legally, the police can't stop her!
After that she continues the lecture as if nothing happened.
Quick, find a Jizo statue to kick!
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And she has the nerves to call Merry a slut...
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It's too late, there's no stoping her now.
There is also a 6th rule:
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*unless she asks you very very nicely to accept and you have several other witnesses around for who's been handling your drink (the blonde one in purple is especially important here).
She's saying this to Maribel
Is the blonds girl trustworthy or is she Renko's accomplice?
you can always trust a fellow european!
I think you might have some trust issues, Anon. It's just a drink, what's the worst that can happen?
Renko is a smart girl, she can exploit that sentiment.
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No I will not elaborate.
Renko is a pure girl with pure intentions.
How did she even find me? We don't even live in the same era...
It's only right that the best physicist in history can traverse all four dimentions and Merry helped as well, just a bit
Autism is never an excuse...
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She didn't ask to be autistic.
If you want her to change, cure her autism.
How do I do that?
Well, if you really want to know, I think it would help her autism if you visited a local bar with her, maybe enjoy a few drinks, and just have fun for the night. Nothing serious, just casual fun. :)
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She's just that powerful.
How would that help?
>me when i post touhou girls
>tfw me when
Don't ask questions that's not curing her autism. Drink the damn drinks already
Sure, sure, but she's a little pushy. Why is drinking so important to her?
It helps with social anxiety
Alcohol is bad for your health. Has she tried propranolol?
While alcohol isn't good for your health, it's pretty common for people to drink a bit. Taking hear medication because you're nervous about a date doesn't sound really good in the long term.
No, why don't you demonstrate? She'll order the propranolol, and you'll drink it when she tells you to, understand?
Fair enough. Renko is a serious person, I trust her not to do weird stuff.
And every day she becomes more powerful. Maybe one day she will be able to open a gap without gaining a criminal record.
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A girl can always dream I guess...
Wait, I don't remember last night. What happened?
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It will happen in the next album.
Mark my words.
>4 hours
this is worse than the rape
Yeah at least the rape is over after two thrusts or so.
At least give her a chance.
as someone whose primary field of study in university was number theory and who has a marked interest in quantum physics, how do I make her be real?
Carefull now, you're gonna summon the esoteric Touhou schizos if you post things like that.
I would cherish every minute of it.
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It's a Renko thread, Anon. They are already here.
Though, personally speaking, I'm prepared to just help this one carry on as it "normally" would. It's got an okay start so far.
If you have any dreams where she shows up or makes contact be sure to remember whatever she has to say, then go from there. It's far from an exact science but it's a "start".
That's more cruel than raping him.
He can talk about his feelings after Renko's lesson is over. If 4 hours is too long for him to wait, he doesn't love her in the first place.
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An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by another force! I can also kiss you without asking and stuff! And I struggle with my mental health and would like to date someone cute please!

Am I good enough?
Alice needs to start kicking statues.
Good. They're entertaining.
You are way too soft, anon. 4 hours is nothing and you should be thankful that Renko decided to dedicate 4 hours out of her busy schedule for this. And she never forced you to be there in the first place.
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She's real but maybe not quite in the way you think. But you can absolutely meet her and I believe she would very much enjoy meeting someone like you. You have already set the ball rolling by expressing a desire to meet her.
My second favorite type of thread on /jp/! Renko is very powerful and stirs all kinds of emotions and experiences in people.
It's intentionally short and ends abruptly to see if you'll ask her to continue (you should)
anon, I am already having trouble with my sleep schedule, and now I have to worry about the possibility of renko being in our realm? how can I sleep soundly knowing she can appear any second now? would she spare me if I'm not an european?
do i get raped again if i don't want her to continue
Even worst, she'll be dissapointed and sad, and will become more shy about sharing her interests. Do you want that to happen?
>It's intentionally short
Are you talking about the rape or the 4 hour long lecture?
thats it, im sitting through the entire 4 hours and paying attention
The lecture. The length of the rape depends more on you.
Horrifying! Utterly shocking!!
>how can I sleep soundly knowing she can appear any second now?
Oh please Anon, she'd have to be completely diluted across all of reality for that to even be remotely possible. No way is that on her radar right now when she's busy with religious desecration and finding out how to mix the perfect drink. As long as future generations (us included) don't all start feverishly worshipping her over the next century or so we should be fine...Probably.
The Renko spares no one. She just has so much to say!
>>47785779 >>47785804
The lecture is more important anyways.
Renko is a deeply unserious person. She just looks serious because of how smug she is.
>The lecture is more important anyways.
Renko, this is why you don't have a boyfriend. You nerd.
I prefer european women
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You came to the wrong thread then buddy!
There's about 3 different Yakumo threads going on right now that might suit your interests though.
No european woman ever gave me a 4 hours long physics lecture.
If you find fulfilling your base desires to be more important than a nice, intellectual discussion on an interesting topic like theoretical physics, then you don't deserve Renko's attention. Your loss.
Renko impresses me. It takes someone special to try to daterape using anxiety medication.
anon, no!
Spend oen day with Renko and you will change your mind!
Watch out, she might slip an aspirin into your drink!
It's no joke, propranolol might cause fainting or even death in high enough doses, particularly if mixed with alcohol...
Renko is too cool to be a nerd, she is just a smart girl with unique interests.
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Artistic depiction of a rapist made by a male rape victim as part of his rehabilitation process
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I can't believe Renko did that to her poor married teacher...
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Hell of a post to end up coming before this one, but I owe >>47706956 from the last thread and some other anons here something real quick so:


Renko & Alice's quest to play with some dolls, digitally remastered (went in and touched some things up a bit) for your collective viewing pleasures! Apologies for the delay on this, my attentions can be pretty divided at times...
I can't promise I'll get to drafting whatever might come next for her right away, mostly because I've been at this for quite a few hours now and am pretty tired, but I at least wanted to finally give the story the justice it deserves for you all. Like I said earlier as well, I'm pretty content with letting this thread carry on as usual for the time being anyways. Typical Renko Shenanigans and all that, y'know.

If I do end up posting anything story-related it will likely be after another day or two, depending on the state of the thread & my own brain, but I've also been on the fence with the idea of the Renko threads becoming some kind of hub for my writing honestly. Don't let this stop you from posting. I really wouldn't want to start sucking up the attention each time one comes around but maybe I don't need to be so humble? idk, I need a nap...enjoy
I can feel her seething hatred towards sculptures from this picture
Any ideas for the next story?
Is it just me or rape had a period where it was weirdly popular? It felt like everyone was talking about rape, including us. Rape was everywhere.
Yeah, I've also noticed that. And from pretty different sources too.
I don't think posting more stories would be an issue, these threads have always been a combination of a whole bunch of things.
The concept definitely had an uptick on the board for a small while at least, but I just chalked that up to stereotypical tongue-in-cheek anon behavior and a bunch of people that were simply That desperate to get plowed by their favorite girl.
It's pretty jarring sometimes but that's the prerogative of those kinds of posters I guess so (apprehensive shrug), it's not like Renko's been "safe" either.
Right you are, I guess it's just a matter of me not wanting to stick out too much really but that's mildly paradoxical with writing projects anyways.
Yes! Thinking about this actually reminded me why I enjoy writing. I'm planning on Renko encountering about 4 new girls but the main focus will be her running into Marisa, with the Witch then later deciding to rope her into one of her typical schemes to raid the SDM library as a quid pro quo situation. I'd like to start bumping up the stakes for Renko's misadventures and it'll be a good way to set up some things for the future. I was going to try and keep it under 8~9 parts (the length of the dollquest) if I could help it so what I'll likely do is split the story into before and after the Library Raid.
I'll need to do some mild pre-planning & more research on my own beforehand though, I don't want the timeline to start getting too fucky too soon with people who'd be aware of Sumireko. The doll story was also practically improvised post-to-post so this'll be me getting a little more "serious" with things I suppose.
Renko's ambitions simply cannot be contained at this point.
I want to 1v1 Renko in fy_pool_day and ruin her!
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>before and after
Oh, maybe I should've also specified the "after" will include the raid itself of course but all in due time, some of the SDM ladies will end up getting inherently involved too but they'll be different from the other 3 girls during the "before" section. Don't want to spoil much more than that though. Next time I talk about any of that here I'll likely have the first story chunk ready to back things up so T-minus the next few days for all that.
I can't decide on whether or not she'd main Engie, Soldier, or Demo but I like the way you think. I wonder how much time she would even have for gaming between club activities and college work...
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Not sure who ruins who, Renko is not exactly a stranger to shooters.
Whoever wins will penetrate the other and ruin them. Either way I win.
Holy fuck she's autistic as hell
TGA is the best album for that scene alone.
If she wins, you have to listen to her talk about physics.
She's so cool
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Man, I love Rneko.
Don't act like you wouldn't act the same way in that situation.
renko tests her physics theories on Doom 3.
For some reason, it's very easy to imagine Renko playing what for her would be a 100 year old game.
I don't agree much to give my chastity to that young lady. but, I'll be open for some intellectual exchange about quantum physics and mathematical philosophy. Her opinions would be different than Miss Yakuri.
I'll read that.
Nta. But with all due respect; the Miss Yukari's threads are populated by... Disgusting horndogs and plebians, who their sole thoughts are filled with lust and disillusion.
For one century, not one good shooter came out. Her and Maribel truly live in a dystopia.
4 hours? you know she somehow takes 25 hours out of the 24 in a day anon
I think she would main Scout, honestly.
What do european women have that Renko doesn't?
looking at this picture, it should be obvious
a passport, of course!
Renko lacks a couple of things, if you know what I mean.
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Also very smug.
Is she wrong tho?
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Renko has captured you in her love frame! You're her's now!
Can she let me go? I have things to do.
what could possibly be more important than renko?
Not even Yukari does this. Renko is going mad with power!
I would propose on the spot if she did that to me
Fair enough, but she has to let me go at some point.
I want to give Renko a hug.
Maybe, at some point, you could write a story about her meeting Yumemi
An autistic girl like her probably wouldn't like physical contact like that
Not all autists are like that.
Then how do you think she would react?
I don't know. She could get very flustered, not because she doesn't like it but because she's not used to physical intimacy. Or she could hug you back a bit too intimately and strongly because she doesn't quite know how to do it properly or because she likes you.
You know, drinks are pretty expensive. You could also offer her one once in a while.
What drink would you offer Renko?
Just a beer, I'm afraid that if I give her anything with more alcohol, she'd start acting really weird.
I'd make this a bad experience for her by actually trying to learn and making her explain me everything down from the basics. Once she'll see I'm too retarded to learn past arithmetics, she'll lose interest without raping me!
She'd start disliking being touch but overtime she'd grow to become waaay too touchy
That's exactly what she wants to happen
Renko isn't doing this just to impress people, she genuinely wants to find someone to explain things to
renko is a very cautious girl, she suspects of any drink not prepared by herself.
she also believes the feds are trying to take her in unconscious, so she can't fight back.
Renko has probably drunk very little actual liquor, and the last time she did, she got trashed on cider.
She would respectfully refuse.
What happens if you break the rules?
Whisky. I want her to start acting really weird.
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>she also believes the feds are trying to take her in unconscious, so she can't fight back.
How does she plan to avoid a Waco style situation if the feds find her secret "house"?
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Why does Renko wear the hat?
What the fuck FBI!? Not cool!
They were too afraid to fight Renko face to face. What cowards.
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Renko and Maribel just committed insurance fraud
Renko is the hat, not the girl
this explains so much...
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unlike Maribel
Blonde hair.
She doesn't need it, she is beautiful as she is.
She didn't choose the hat, it chose her
If Renko had blonde hair, wouldn't she just be Alice?
and thus, Yukari was born...
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No, Renko is smarter than Alice and doesn't have magic powers.
No one is as smart as Renko, of course, but Alice is also smart, she just has a different field of study.
As for the magic, it comes with the blonde hair
How is the story coming along?
Bad move Anon, she has a thing for idiots
She has a thing for any man with a pulse
no! renko doesn't like mansluts!
Ok, she has a thing for any CHASTE man with a pulse
Tell that to the cops.
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She hopes that by wearing it, she'll be blessed with a portion of her great ancestor's blessings.
Does it work?
She's so flat...
Her family fears this will be the end of the noble lineage of Usami, where the firstborn women all sent through a powerful growth spurt in late high school, but alas, Renko's failure will lead to her inevitable expulsion from the family.
Now all hopes are pinned on her little brother, in hopes that he might save the family from doom, but the poor lad is tragically preyed upon by foreign blonde witches that will, without a doubt, dilute the once-mighty bloodline of Usami and leave it beyond salvation.
not gonna lie, renko looks really alluring here
Who cares about some ugly bags of fat?
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I got two freshly-written parts I'll be posting today momentarily, alongside a third as soon as that's done as well to make up for lost time. This would've been posted sooner if my priorities were more in-order (curse my improper time management...) but things should hopefully be pretty straight-forward from there.
She's just the kind of lady who has an appreciation for the truly Classic things in life, that's all! Also the gaming market has been abysmal ever since Sony & Nintendo went bankrupt in the mid 2090s (source: nonexistent).
>the Miss Yukari's threads are populated by... Disgusting horndogs and plebians
Yeah you're basically right about that, such is the way. I was mostly poking fun at the implied Hearn-Yakumo connections but I find it funny we're now back down to just one Yukari thread.
I almost considered that as well but for some reason brushed it aside. Jeremy is very cocky but maybe Renko would enjoy running around as some Boston delinquent. Let's just hope someone is still managing to run a proper server in her time.
How's life in the frame still treatin' ya then?
(rubs hands together like a cartoon villain) Though, to be honest, big character interactions like her and Gappy for example I'm saving for the more theoretically "plot-heavy" scenarios. I guess that technically puts me in the long-haul for these stories but I'm still willing to put in the effort for as long as I am able.
Life in the love frame, but any potential doting over you is fully out the window.
My more morbid side kind of wants to see her in this state just to see what would happen too but I'd fear for my own safety just a little. That apprehension against touch might be dulled with enough inebriation...
That's when she busts out the 3D-printed flamethrower they let her craft on-campus of course, for extra credit!
Slanderous!! Do you know how many shirts Merry has gone through because of those things?
Sounds like a reasonable plan, Renko is quite famous for being *very* level-headed.
She'll have the flamethrower at the ready.
Maybe she's just an Extra-Late bloomer? By her own calculations (cross-referenced by her trusted foreign friend), such an outcome wouldn't be entirely improbable..!
By the time Renko managed to fully convince Alice she had to get going, the sun was already halfway covered by the treetops and the sky already colored with the shades of approaching dusk. The Magician's generosity certainly was appreciated and Renko wasn't about to start denying what fun she truly did have, it just all began feeling a bit...uncanny. As if Alice was more willing to extend their time together with one activity after another rather than simply letting her go.
Renko really had only wanted to play with those dolls for about an hour or so but, after a while, Alice realized her dolls still needed their daily training regimen. She insisted Renko stayed to observe. Curiosity got the best of her, so she complied & sat quietly in front of the house as the unit of dolls practiced away like a well-oiled machine. It was fascinating from a technical standpoint, even if Renko couldn't help but notice how much time had passed through the sun's descent alone. Then it was time for a semi-late lunch for the college girl because "We can't have a plain-old Human such as yourself wandering off on an empty stomach now can we~?" Alice assured she wouldn't be a burden if she stayed for just a little longer, so they chatted amongst themselves inside while Renko ate. She even managed to sneak a few more "provisions" into her handbag from Alice's sparse pantry while the blonde was in the middle of a particularly-extended diatribe over that Marisa girl. Renko told herself it was for the greater good, Alice doesn't even need to eat anyways. The eventual six 'o clock chime brought both girls back to attention once more, before Alice stepped in for the final time to simply suggest Renko could at least "freshen up" before they parted ways. Her desperation never fully came to the surface as it had earlier, though Alice couldn't do much to mask her gradually bubbling melancholic state.
As much as she loved this refreshing new company, some part of her still recognized how she was starting to push things and knew this couldn't be forever. Renko was only human after all, and an Outsider at that. What if Alice would start getting sick of Renko too after enough time, or overwhelmed? It was a bitter reminder of why she chose this isolated life in the first place. She didn't say much once Renko finally had her bath & a change of clothes, even less as Renko took a moment to gather all her things.

A simple "Thank you for the help Miss Margatroid" and a firm handshake goodbye was all Alice needed to cement the fact their short-lived reverie was over. She stood silently a few paces away from the door as Renko went on her way with her things.

Renko almost felt bad for the woman as she finally stepped off the property, looking over her shoulder to see a dejected figure slumping towards the living space. The front door shut on its own. She sighed. "It was inevitable...at least she let me hang on to you I guess", Renko said to the Merry Doll innocently held in her left hand. The glow of the setting sun shone off its button eyes, unresponsive. Like Renko needed a talking doll or something fantastical like that anyways, there was a whole new world out here to explore full of impossibility! Maybe she could go try to search out that Witch? Kirisame, if her memory served her correctly. Alice mentioned something about her having a shop in the woods at some point. Though, truthfully, it was difficult for Renko to perfectly recall the plethora of information Alice was willing to share on her. For some shut-in from the Demon Realm, she sure knew how to keep tabs on the people she liked!


Renko decided it was best not to dwell on this much, carrying on through the woods. At least she didn't have to worry about feeding herself right away.

Some time later and the girl decided to rest on a stump not far from the beaten path. The constant chittering of the various creatures around her was fairly refreshing, especially compared to the hustle-and-bustle of the cities. Sometimes it felt as if the only true solace she had away from all the steel & concrete was when her & Merry traveled out far enough to reach a reservation or, at the very least, century-old abandoned ruins slowly being reclaimed by nature. The atmosphere of what few historical sites remained in places like Tokyo was nice, but it wasn't something you could regularly find in every major city these days. "Nothing could beat this", she said to nobody in particular. Renko dug out a canteen of purified water, thankful she'd at least remembered to pack that much, though she might have to start getting creative with food once Alice's snacks were depleted. She couldn't work in a kitchen very well but she knew how to start a fire for roasting. The nighttime sky was quickly fading in through the thick leaves above, what light the Forest still had evaporating away.

She pulled her shawl close to herself. Perhaps she should've done some foraging while she still had the chance...
A cool autumn breeze stirred the nature around Renko as she drank. With every passing minute, she knew this Forest would only grow even more dangerous. Running into someone like Alice was practically a fluke, even with a razor-thin waning crescent to guide her. There would be no moon visible tonight however. She needed to find a safe place to camp somewhere and soon. Anywhere, or else she'd resort to making her own. Wouldn't be the first time...
Before she could begin working out the logistics of an improvised campsite with what little supplies she had however, Renko heard a very faint voice somewhere nearby. She instantly got off the stump with her items and began scanning her surroundings. The intensity of the breeze picked up slightly, the Physicist needing to keep one hand on the brim of her hat to prevent it from flying off. Bushes rattled. Leaves fluttered around her. It was someone whispering, or...singing?

Something nearby was playfully humming to itself with a childlike cadence, Renko still on-guard for just about anything even through the mild confusion. There was a small taser in the front pocket of her bag in case of emergencies, good for wild animals & drunkards, but would that enough against a Youkai?
A few nearby tree branches snapped as the humming increased in volume, proximity between Renko and the unknown threat rapidly closing. Her eyes darted through the treetops above, following the rustles, until something quite unnatural finally caught her attention as the breeze died down once more. It was the hem of a lime-green dress, playfully poking out of a nearby fruiting tree alongside a pair of innocently-dangling legs.
It was another supernatural entity! Was it also foraging? Renko needed a closer look at once.

The college girl did her best to sneak up on the creature, making out a few shimmering scales through the leaves. It continued to sing to itself as branches were further plucked. Was it some kind of Fairy, or Sprite? But those looked just like...

"Butterfly wings..!"

Renko instantly regretted the impulsive exclamation, even though it was barely above a whisper. She was a mere few feet away from the tree as she let out a small gasp, frozen in place and hand to her mouth in embarrassment. The Fairy immediately stopped humming and darted back into the treetops with its own gasp. A few leaves fell to the mossy ground below, typical forest ambiance filling in the silence once again. Damnit! She was so close too! So much for any more potential interactions before Renko would have to go into full survival mode. Maybe it was for the best, Renko wasn't even sure if she should be that trusting or careless with the other inhabitants of—


Renko turned to walk away only to be greeted face-to-face by the Fairy herself. The girl jumped back with a shout, falling on her rear & scrambling herself back up against the trunk of the tree in surprise. She clutched her briefcase close to herself in her small panic, breathing rapidly. The fairy looked on with mild confusion, fluttering in mid-air & idly scanning their surroundings due to Renko's response.
"What? Did you see something scary? It's not even fully nighttime yet silly!"
The fairy cheerfully beamed down at Renko, holding a basket woven from leaves that was overflowing with a days-worth of forest harvests. Renko could only stare in stunned fascination for a moment, taking in this individual's unnaturally blue hair and magnificent gold-patterned wings. The fairy giggled as she touched down to the dirt below, setting aside her basket and plainly sitting in front of a girl desperately trying to parse exactly what was being witnessed.
"Heyyy, it's okay. See? I won't hurt you! You probably don't even taste that great, heehee~"
"You...you're...a Swallowtail!"
"That's right! My name's Eternity, Eternity Larva! What's your name miss?" She makes a cutesy waving gesture with both hands as a greeting, wings shuddering slightly and giving off a mild sparkle in the dimming light.
Renko remembered once reading of the potential risks that could stem from giving a Fae-adjacent being your name without hesitation. Maybe she'd be fine if she didn't give out her full name..? This Butterfly seemed harmless enough.
"Uhh...Usami. You can just call me Miss Usami, thanks. It's a...pleasure?"
Eternity raises herself with a huff as Renko relaxes a little, reaching out a hand as an offer to pull the girl back on her feet.
"Well Miss Usami, what are you doing sitting down in the dirt like that? Are you some kind of mushroom~?"
Renko was even more confused for a moment before she took Eternity's hand to brace herself. This Fairy was actually a lot smaller than Renko initially figured, but she still had a firm grip.
"No, I'm a human! I'm a human girl and I've come to this land in the name of Exploration & Research!"
"Wooow, you must be some kind of genius from The Outside! I've heard of people like you. Then what are you doing wandering around in the Forest?"
It's fun to imagine Alice telling Renko about every fun thing Marisa ever did.
Renko probably knows Marisa better than Marisa knows herself after that discussion with Alice.
>How's life in the frame still treatin' ya then?
I'm still waiting. She HAS to let me out at some point.
I hope this isn't the last time Renko and Alice meet. Renko should at least pay her a visit when she decides to leave Gensokyo, I'm sure Alice will be waiting for her with a doll made in her likeness.
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"Well I wouldn't be wandering if I knew where I was headed exactly. Some local shop, but there's hardly any landmarks around here in a forest this dense y'know? Plus, I could ask you the same thing! Wouldn't an insect such as yourself prefer somewhere a bit...warmer?"
"Oh absolutely~! I love the summer weather, it's the best where I live."
"You're not from the Forest then..?"
"Nope! I live in a biiiiig field of pretty sunflowers with a bunch of other different Fairies, it's lots of fun. You should go see it sometime! It's off in the plains & hills to the West, but if you reach the River you've gone way too far."
Eternity thought it could be funny to see the surprise on this human's face when she'd surely run into the Gardener of said field, so she neglected to inform Renko of her existence behind a simple smile.
"So then, why are You here?"
"This is where I hibernate! I have a small hideout all to myself nearby that's perfect for sleeping through the cold, I'm just stocking up on food & supplies for the winter. See?"
Eternity proudly displays her all-organic parcel by lifting it up to Renko's face, a few stray berries tumbling to the dirt below. Renko looks on in a mild daze, trying to ignore her subtle hunger before bringing back her focus.
"Wait wait, you have a place of your own here in the Forest? To stay?"
"That's what I said! Fairies only though Miss Usami, you might get stuck in the tunnel and that'd be a big pain for both of us."
Eternity laughs to herself at the thought as Renko stares off dejectedly. So much for that plan she supposes, she doesn't have time to spare for some whimsical Butterfly child anyways. As the shadows grew deeper around them, as much as Renko tried to fight it, so too did her dread.
"Well, maybe I'll try giving you a call if I find myself nearby then. See you around Eternity Larva."
"Oh! Wait! I still know a great place I can take you if it's any old landmark you're after. The magic shop isn't far from it either, it could keep you safe for just one night!"

Well...maybe Renko could spare a little more time.

"I'm listening."
"It's a little up ahead near the path, follow me~! I don't think it'd be so bad for a Human like you."
Eternity began fluttering through the woods with glee, Renko doing her best to keep up without tripping over all the overgrown foliage and spilling her luggage. Soon enough, the girl began seeing glimpses of something peculiar sticking out into the skyline through the leaves, or at least the outline of something artificial. She couldn't be entirely sure of what it was until both girls reached a clearing, at which point Renko was once again stunned.

"Ta-da~! What do you think Miss Usami, isn't it pretty?"

They were staring up at a long-discarded telecommunications tower, patchy with rust & gently creaking under the weight of the twisting tree trunks snaked throughout its frame. Mushrooms & multicolored flora of all sorts were sprinkled throughout the moist grass, fireflies & glowing spores shining in the fresh darkness. This had to be a construct from the Late 20th Century, the modern standard for radio towers Renko knew of were far more complex in design & advanced in function. Never mind the location, just When had Renko been sent to exactly..?
"You're right, it is pretty...this all looks Perfect! How long has this been in the middle of the Forest?"
"This has been around for years now! It's a Grand Shrine for Fairies, a very special place that'll grant respectful people like us with wonderful fortunes. Here..."
Eternity rummages through her leaf-basket for a moment.
"I was playing around with my friends earlier today, the same Fairies that first created all this, and one of them gave me this. She wanted to help me but I think it'll help you more!"
The Fairy handed Renko a crisp apple and a small white oleander. The college girl didn't know what to say.
"Thank you...this feels like such a blessing, I-I don't—"
"Don't worry about it! You don't have to thank me. Just watch out for the creatures of the night, okay? Other people might not consider you so unappetizing. It was fun meeting you Miss Usami, bye-bye~!"
As quickly as she appeared, Eternity Larva whisked herself away back into the foliage with a parting giggle. Renko could only wave meekly as she held the gift close.

A true blessing indeed.

Half an hour later, Renko had a small fire crackling near the tower's base. The girl was resting against one of its legs near her things & scribbling away her notes for the day by the light of the flame. She would occasionally throw in spare kindling she'd gathered while snacking on extra cookies. The stars above were beautiful, even without the light of the moon. For such a scary place, Gensokyo sure knew how to hold itself idyllically.

Hopefully she'll retain that much raw information all at once!
Let us know if you start starving to death anytime soon then I guess. Hope you had a tall glass of water before the snap.
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Reaching for her canteen once more, it clattered against an extra bottle of that strange cola Alice kept hidden away. It rolled out from her bag and onto the grass. Renko just couldn't resist snagging one more for the road. Truth be told, she never got to finish her bottle from that morning either and felt Very compelled to give this spare one another go...for some reason. However, Alice's vague warning against it's consumption echoed in her subconscious. The college girl hadn't felt sick from the drink at all, but maybe it would be best to save this one for further analysis sometime in the future. Where would someone like Alice even find an old-fashioned bottling plant, and why would it have such ostensibly-questionable ingredients? This tower was the most "modern" thing Renko's seen around here thus far. Maybe someone sent them to her..? The Magician did mention there was a village somewhere nearby, briefly, but Renko couldn't imagine it was all that industrialized when Alice didn't even have any power outlets in her home. Sticking with her water reserves would be the safest bet for now.
A few more minutes of note-taking and Renko yawned, feeling the siren call of deep sleep beckoning her ever closer. She was just about ready to put out the fire & lie down when something felt...off. It was subtle, but it was easier to notice now that she wasn't engrossed in her notes. What happened to the endless chirping of all the insects? The nearby shrubbery at the edges of the clearing also wouldn't stop rustling occasionally. Unnaturally so.

Sensing an incoming confrontation, Renko grabbed her taser and braced herself, preparing for the worst.

In her stillness, the Physicist swore she saw a pair of cherry-red eyes gleaming at her for the briefest of moments. They disappeared after a quick double-take however. Her breathing was slow, her stance stiff with anticipation. Everything was quiet for a minute.
Maybe she had just been seeing things..?

Without warning, manic laughter erupted from the woods as a large ball of shadow quickly flew by in a blur. The fire was instantly snuffed with a hiss, though no water had been poured. Renko's eyes had little time to adjust before the shadow enveloped her surroundings with impermeable darkness. Panic began creeping in once more. She shouted, feeling swishes of movement in the air around her and blindly firing up the taser as she attempted a few defensive thrusts into the shifting void, before she felt her whole body forcefully slam into the cold steel behind her.
White static flashed in her eyes as the base of her scalp smacked itself into a jagged, protruding bolt from the momentum. The clicking taser clattered to the ground, landing near her fallen hat. A loud clang reverberated throughout the entire tower, echoing off into the Forest & disturbing a few nearby birds, before the girl limply slid down to the grass below in agony. Her throbbing skull felt electric with searing prickles of pain, a cool sensation quickly coating the back of her neck and soaking her hair. She could hardly move despite the adrenaline in her system. Renko was firmly pinned to the grass below before she knew what to make of the situation, shivering & wincing through fading consciousness. Those same reddened eyes from earlier were now inches above her own face. They were framed by a bob of blonde and the glint of dripping saliva off the creature's fangs.
Rumia was smiling wildly, her grip on Renko's shaking wrists only growing tighter.
"An Outsider! Finally! I'm so tired of hunting wild pigs! Critters just aren't the same as Human Meat...your blood smells so delicious & savory, haaah, I love how scared you are! It feels so gooood...I missed this so much! I can't wait!! I need to feed, NOW. It's dinner time, DINNER TIME!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

The last thing Renko could remember, aside from the moisture of the hot steam pouring out from the Youkai's mouth & washing over her face as she edged closer, was a muffled shout from the woods that seemed to grab Rumia's attention at the last second. Drool spilled across Renko's jugular as a sudden flurry of brightly-colored lasers knocked the Youkai far off to the side. The synthetic noises & inhuman screeching were nearly deafening. If Renko didn't know any better, she could have sworn that she was literally seeing stars in what were surely her final moments on this earth. The blinding cacophony melted away into unintelligible perception, the cool blades of grass providing the smallest relief as Renko's body fully shut down from her ensuing concussion. Her blood soaked deeply into the dirt below the shrine. This can't be the end! This wasn't where she was going to die, not now..! She still had to...she needed to...she...
"Merry...where...I should've...never...I'm so...sorry, I..."
The college girl took one final choking gasp as everything faded to black, figures whizzing by in a blur and illuminating the forest with the dazzlingly deadly art of Danmaku.
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Wonderful posts
(Except for her new cocaine addiction)
I can't go to sleep, I keep thinking about the end of this story. Why did you have to end it on a cliffhanger?
Didn't realize it until now, but Renko doesn't know about how Danmaku is used in Gensokyo yet
This is quite the way to find out
>"Merry...where...I should've...never...I'm so...sorry, I..."
Merry kept getting attacked by youkai as well, now Renko knows how that feels.
For some reason, Renko looks so strange with a blue skirt
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Look at this edgy dork!
What is she doing with her hand?
she's so cool...
Alice's chest is too big for this to work
In what situations are Renko's abilities useful?
Besides the obvious "you get lost at night and need to know the time and location," they probably also influence the way she thinks and acts. Renko sees the universe as a machine and so she thinks that everything can be explained logically.
Gangstalking practitioner
I will not elaborate (she'll find me)
Renko has the most powerful ability of all 2hus.
She is kind of like Maxwell's demon. By looking at the night sky, she can extract information without needing to process it, therefore reducing her informational entropy by less than she increases her physical entropy. She can create a perpetual motion machine by looking at the sky.
>reducing her informational entropy by less than she increases her physical entropy
by more* not by less
>4. Tax Evasion is punishable by Federal Law
only if you get caught
Same for kicking Jizos
Try to get her to look in a mirror and lock herself in.
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To create a perpetual motion machine she would need to reduce physical entropy. But in TJD, Renko says the physical world is made from wave interference, which is a way to store and process information, so if her paper is correct, maybe they aren't so different.
What in the world is Maribel trying to do there?
"Where's Merry when you need her?"
Why does Renko keep calling Maribel "Merry"?
Oof poor anon
What else was Renko supposed to do?
Anon should have got that Renko has a hard time talking about feeling 2 hours before.
(currently working on more entries besides the following in a few btw, thanks for the feedback!)

I'm sure you were able to sleep eventually...
It's like how Marisa looked in ULiL, that's just her alternative-outfit for the fighting games of course if she could even reasonably be in any.
>>47826459 >>47829840
The evolution of ZUN's skills with drawing hands has always been funny to me, Magical Astronomy still had that older funk to things (in good & bad ways) but it makes me feel better with how I draw hands at least.
Be sure to hide all your antique technology & expensive drinks! She gets closer every day, Anon.
Easier on the tongue.
It'd be cute to imagine the slight blush on her face she'd have to hide though. Renko would then need to spend the rest of the lecture consciously controlling how fast she's talking so it doesn't seem as if your encouragement's phased her that much.
Anything would be game once she's finished though, just make sure you're presentable when the time comes.
It would be weird if Alice never told her about danmaku, but this is still the first time she sees it.
Damnit that first one was meant for (You), that's what I get for trying to be cheeky I guess! I'm not even disoriented in any way...

Next entry loading, please wait warmly...
Haha, that's nonsense, Anon!
I've done all kinds of things to hide from her, like moving houses and having the landscapers remove all nature she could hide in! Besides, she's only going to act alone anyways! There's one weird berry bush out front they wouldn't remove though, with long golden-yellow leaves, and it keeps making some kind of noise like snickering. Maybe it's a chipmunk or something.
Muted voices, sensations of being dragged or jostled every so often, thick liquid running down her throat, and a constant ringing between her ears over a slowly-beating heart were the only things Renko had the ability to parse for a time. No dreaming to ease her stupor nor idle, conscious thought to keep her reasonably grounded.

Time was a null concept, flickering perception only filled by void. Occasionally, Rumia's fleeting laughter would pop into her brain only to drag her subconscious back down into nothingness. The girl barely had the energy to care about whatever she was cycle seemingly stuck within, let alone internalize things.

But eventually, though incredibly hazy & sore, she was able to finally open her eyes once again with a sputtering cough. Had it all just been some horrible nightmare..? Everything was way too bright...the chirping of the mid-day birds barely audible through her pounding temples. The headache alone would've been enough to lull her back into unconsciousness had it not been for her freshly-awakened capacity to notice something was odd.
Renko was indoors someplace unfamiliar, lying in a worn bed that wasn't her own and wrapped in puffy blankets. 'Still in Gensokyo then', she figured. The aged & squeaky frame creaked as she shifted. It couldn't have been Alice's cottage again, everything was too...dusty. She silently gazed at the endless particulates dancing through what few beams of light shined through the nearby window while she waited for her confused senses to stabilize. The room felt humid, especially for mid-Fall temperatures, with the rank odors of hemp & stale linens gradually filling her nostrils. Something might've even been rotting nearby but she couldn't be sure, it all made her nose crinkle and she wasn't eager for exact details. Her mouth tasted funny and felt sort of numb, like she'd been chugging some unholy cross between a root-beer float and expired cough syrup. Renko smacked her dry lips, coughing once again. Her clothing & undone hair felt caked with sweat. She pulled the blankets away slightly, looking down at her modest bra and—
Wait a minute, her shirt had been unbuttoned at some point? The Merry Doll was lying close next to her, almost conspicuously so, but now wasn't the time to dwell on semantics. Was the hat she'd been wearing still near the firepit?? What about her briefcase & handbag, all her important documents and survival goods?! Now she was Fully awake, eyes widening in mild panic as she sat herself up. Searing pains kept her movements slow however, Renko taking sharp inhales through her teeth with every adjustment. She seriously needed some water...a hand instinctually went up to her face, only to feel thick bandages that had been tightly wrapped around her forehead.

Whatever bedroom she'd been holed-up in was small, bordering on cramped. The indiscriminate mess strewn about certainly didn't help, how could anyone even begin sanely sorting through all these haphazardly-stacked objects? Mushrooms, sage, weeds, books, melted candles, scrolls, stationary, pendants, coins, crystals & gems, musty clothing, tattered rags, cracked dishes, old mirrors, broken picture frames, overused tools, dirt-caked artifacts, sparkling bottles of all shapes, cracked & corked alike, filled with multicolored fizzing mystery liquids; the list was endless. On top of that, this place was practically falling apart! The knothole-riddled floorboards were filthy, partially molded in places. There were even blooming flowers & blades of grass poking through. Unruly vines grew through cracked plaster, snaking around the stained walls in places & banisters above. The ancient, splintering dresser opposing her looked even more disused than the bedframe. Shelves remained in states of disarray, a few lazily-nailed ones having partially lost their bearings long ago. Was this...that Witch's shop?

Renko took all this in through darting glances, though it mostly detracted from the task at-hand. There was no sign of her briefcase, but she finally noticed her hat hanging off the bedpost to her left. She should've just looked to the side slightly to start...though she still hesitated putting it back on right away. Sighing with slight relief, she glanced to the other bedpost across from her. It had blended in with the wood grain at first, but there was the strap to her bag. It was hanging off the other side! Now she was getting somewhere. She just needed to lean forward a bit, and...
Her back popped unexpectedly at the base of her spine, muscles seizing. Renko painfully cried out and, soon after, heard a surprised gasp emanate from somewhere beyond the closed door. Then a shout, followed by a chair tumbling down & loose items crashing about, more disgruntled mumbling, the clattering of brushed-aside things, before the echoing boot-stomps finally reached the door.

Renko pulled her shirt closed in embarrassment as the doorknob jiggled, partially-ready for just about anything.
You actually bring up a decent point there Anon, one I hadn't thought of too hard myself at least.
Given information over Marisa alone aside, I'd just figured any Danmaku-related topics Alice touched upon would've inherently been doll-oriented and, therefore, harder to fully discern from everything else. The note taking helps, but Alice did give her a mess of information to work with overall both personal and otherwise. Renko might've had a few clarifying questions to ask during that practice session from earlier, as well as Alice's stories from the first night queuing her in to some kind of greater "system", but her perceptions over any "energy bullet" battles would still be inherently skewed without actually witnessing them first-hand.
I'm sure she'd be eager to somewhat try it out herself with a complete understanding of the subject though...after recovery & practice of course.
You're right! What was I thinking, you sound perfectly safe taking such precautions.
I'm sure the landscapers had their reasons. There's all kinds of weird bushes out there, endangered plants or rare breeds or whatever, perfectly normal stuff. It's probably just rustling in the breeze is all, average shrubbery behavior.
Don't pay attention to it whenever it sneezes though, that's also the local chipmunks...playing pranks on you. Those little scamps! Very silly & normal, Don't Worry.
Pardon the multi-posting but
>whatever she was cycle seemingly stuck within
Curses...at some point in the future I seriously need to find out if I have dyslexia or not. I swear I re-read these things like 3 times over before I post 'em but that's what Rentry's for I guess. Typing out the next part now.
I thought you would take much longer with the next part. I hope this means that you enjoy writing these stories as much as I enjoy reading them!
She grunted as she struggled to unstick the lock but, after a moment, Marisa swung her bedroom door open with a huff. She knew just what to say to Renko in a moment like this, having hyped up the quip to herself all morning.

"So! You're finally a—"
A precariously-balanced stack of notes & letters nearly her size came tumbling over itself from the force of the door hitting the wall, spilling across the bedroom floor as Renko looked on in silence. The girl held her arms close to herself, Marisa staring off blankly & saying nothing at all before exhaling in dissatisfaction.
"…awake. Damn. Just organized that pile, ehh-hold on, one sec…"

The Witch knelt down, shuffling everything off to the side for a minute until there was a semi-cleared pathway from the bed to the door, all while grumbling to herself about how she'd further sort things later. There were more important matters right now. The Physicist could only dumbfoundedly observe through her flushed state. She'd been warned Marisa's messes could be a handful at times but this just felt absurd at this point.
"Gahh, 'at'll do for now. Anyways, where're my manners?" She held her arms out with a playful flourish. "Welcome to the Kirisame Magic Shop! Ya interested in some dusty tomes & fungal elixirs today, or just browsin'?"
"…are you Serious. Is…is this some kind of joke?"
"Hey, ya gotta have a sense 'a humor in situations like this, right?"
"You're Marisa Kirisame? The ever-cunning Ordinary Human Magician, childhood Scribe to the Spirits? Famous Heroine renown throughout the land??" Renko grunted in pain, she'd have to control her temper if she wanted to keep her aches from flaring.
Marisa chuckled. "Wow, she Really talked me up, huh? Y'know, Alice ain't always as nice as the lady lets on. Real temper on that one. Wonder what ya could've done t'butter her up so much…"
The Witch shrugs to herself as Renko nervously glances towards the Merry Doll leaning against her pillow.
"Anyways, what's with the tone? Expectin' a girl more 'put together' than this, huh? I should be the one askin' you the questions here! Geez…first I gotta stick m'neck out for that Tetsuo kid every week an' now you've come stumbling through the Forest. What a pain…"
She sits down at the foot of the bed, shaking her head & taking off her broad hat. It's tossed a small ways away onto the floor.

Now that she was closer, Renko couldn't help but notice she may have been just a little taller than Marisa. This Witch had quite the attitude for someone of her stature but Renko felt best keeping that to herself for now.
"I'm…sorry? I may not have realized what I was setting myself up for last night…"
"Yeah that sounds about right. Pretty sure that was actually two nights ago now though."
"What?! How long have you been—gahhh…" She presses both hands to her temples in an attempt to ease the pressure.
"Hey now, easy pal. Haven't even given ya yer last bit 'a medicine for recovery yet. Usami, right?"
"Renko…Renko Usami, fourth-year major in Super Unified—ghk, Hold on! How'd you know my—"
"Ya label all yer clothes, kid." She briefly digs out Renko's scuffed shawl from the handbag as an example before stuffing it back in. "Talk about paranoid, you're more meticulous than Alice!"
"H-Have you been rifling through my stuff?!"
Marisa scoffed dryly, almost too eager to deflect the accusation.
"Had t'make sure ya still had all yer precious belongings together now didn't I? Never seen a girl manage t'pack so many hats in one box…and what if you were carryin' a dangerous weapon or somethin'? Can't just drag any old ne'er-do-well into my home all willy-nilly. Would you?"
"I didn't exactly ask to be brought here!" Renko grimaces, unable to steady herself without her usual mediator.
"Yeah? Well I didn't ask t'be saddled with yet another pesky know-it-all Outsider from some future era thinkin' she won't immediately land herself in hot waters! I was just passin' by that night, you're the one who decided to light yer own flare in the middle 'a Youkai territory. Coulda just left it all by that Fairy Shrine 'n let nature take its course. That Man-Eater almost puts up a decent fight when she's ravenous! But I didn't. I'd consider myself pretty Lucky if I were you, draggin' around a body in the dark ain't easy either. Yer family got a history of stirrin' up trouble then??"
"What are you implying..? I-I'm an only child, I don't…"
Marisa's pupils shrank, realizing what she'd almost let slip while still trying to keep her cool. She didn't need to tell this newcomer everything she'd been suspecting right away, could escalate things quicker than they already have.
"Ahh—um, oh nothing. That's not important, uh…thirsty?" She meekly pulls out Renko's canteen. The girl snatches it away without a word, desperate for proper refreshment.
Just then, someone began pounding on the front door of the house.
"Sunnava—! Listen, I ain't done with ya yet. Stay put & keep quiet, alright? Be right back."
Had to step away for a little while for pizza & chores there, but yes! I have written small things for myself before, not really much in terms of straight-up "fan fiction" per say, but this is my first serious endeavor into an extended semi-public project so I'm really glad it seems to have had a great reception so far. Thank you. Trying to sprinkle in small references to various /jp/ things every now & again as well, part of that whole "alive writing process" I've mentioned before
This isn't all to say I'm just rushing through things however, gotta take my time when I have it to spare and I'm not too stressed over the thread getting bumped off either way. It happens. Might work on one more entry before napping, it'll be sorted out eventually.
>"Ya label all yer clothes, kid." She briefly digs out Renko's scuffed shawl from the handbag as an example before stuffing it back in. "Talk about paranoid, you're more meticulous than Alice!"
That's so cute
If I knew the love quest was this important to her, I would have accepted the drink.
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It's fun to think about Renko's spellcards.
She would probably have the same take on it as Alice. She seemed very excited to fight in TGA.
Another interesting thing is that danmaku is more or less a combination of wave functions, which Renko is very familiar with.
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Don't underestimate her power.
So, what, would all her moves just be kick-oriented then?
Maybe she could also throw her hat.
Renko doesn't have that much magic she could use and I doubt her upper body strength is that great.
Renko confirmed combo fighting style of Lui Kang and Kung Lao.
I have two words for you: improvised firearms.
I'll call the cops on her. You can't just go around causing damage just because you're cute.
Why ruin her fun, what has she ever done to you?
You could say that that runs in the family.
>Never seen a girl manage t'pack so many hats in one box…
Wait, Renko has multiple hats?!
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It's the same hat, but she has multiple bows and other accessories to dress it up.
But the CoSD and the R53M hats have different crowns.
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The R53M hat looks just like Sumi's. It must be the family hat, which is why she wore it when going to Tokyo.
...I'd rather be awake when it happens.
That hat sure hides a lot of secrets...
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Maribel may have the udders of a european, but Renko has the heart of an Englishman. P.A. Luty, to be exact.
The warrant for her arrest is still outstanding.
This shows the difference between her and Sumireko. Sumi is content with a single shot pistol, Renko doesn't settle for anything less than a smg.
Marisa dragged the door behind her, though wasn't focused enough to ensure it fully shut itself. Renko wiped the water from her face, watching the latch bounce off the frame and leaving it slightly ajar for her to take full advantage of. 'Stay put', as if she was just some sequestered animal..! She'd been lying motionless in this stale hovel for long enough. The Witch may have had more to ask but Renko had certain questions to figure out for herself. Apparently there was so much more going on here than she could've even initially anticipated.
She patiently waited for Marisa to trudge a decent ways through the house before beginning a slow, strained attempt at getting out of bed. Renko clenched her fists, bracing herself, though still felt mildly dizzy. Marisa shouted once more, tripping over the pile of books she'd knocked over earlier in surprise & buying Renko some time. Throwing off the blanket, she was extremely thankful she still had her dress on & at least one sock. The back of her head still seemed to be coated with dried blood as well, stained through the wrappings.

There could be little-to-no room for error here. She swung her feet onto the floorboards as soon as Marisa had opened the front door.

"Oh. Yo, Reimu! How ya doin' there?"
The Shrine Maiden looked on stoically, Gohei across both hands.
"'Oh'? What's with a response like that to start, in the middle of something?"
"Ahh nothin' much really, just...cleanin' the place. Y'know how it is."
"Really? That's convenient, you wouldn't mind if I came inside then? I think you & I need to talk. Privately."
Marisa coolly gestured her in, holding open the door. "By all means~"
Reimu looked around with her typical sense of dissatisfaction over the state of her friend's 'shop' as she stepped inside, avoiding the usual floor stains & keeping an eye out for new ones. Back in the bedroom, Renko had managed to silently tip-toe about halfway to the door via her nearly comedically-exaggerated sneaking.
She didn't need to fully see everyone's faces, she just had to get close enough to keep up with the conversation.

"Marisa, these items are in just as much disarray as they were the last time I came inside. Is this really what cleaning looks like for a Kirisame?"
"Hey, I have my systems! They work for me so don't always be expectin' 'em t'work for you."
"Right. I had tried to stop by yesterday evening but you seemed to still be out somewhere. Been busy these past few days?"
"As a matter of fact I was busy! Busy over at the Bamboo Forest harvestin' ingredients for a brew."
"A brew?" Reimu shakes off an unidentifiable sticky wrapper from the bottom of her shoe. "You wouldn't have happened to stop by Eientei while you were in the area, did you..?"
"Yeah, I might've. Needed some refills from the Doc! We talked it out like usual, what gives?"
"Oh really? Well I guess that isn't what Eirin told Reisen this morning because that Certainly wasn't what the Moon Rabbit had to say to me when she came all the way over to the Shrine earlier to report some petty theft!" Reimu points in accusation as the blonde begins to sweat slightly.

Renko can just barely see their bickering shadows from her increasingly-crouched stance at this point.

"I-Is that so..?"
"It is!! What do you think you're doing trying to antagonize those Moon Women?? My Shrine's been rebuilt & settled for a while now, I don't need some army of rabbits tearing it apart again plank-by-plank just because of MY associations with YOU!"
"Hey now! Relax a little, huh?? Don't you just start flingin' around some—"
"I'll fling what I like you sticky-fingered troublemaker! That isn't even the start of it! Yesterday morning I had a swarm of Faries lounging around my storage building, it's why I came here last night; that Trio & the Butterfly, they were all gabbing to Clownpiece about some Newcomer girl."

Renko was nearly at the doorframe when her breath hitched. That winged-little bug-eyed..!

"A Newcomer huh..?" Marisa puts a hand to the back of her head, turning away from Reimu's scrutinizing eyes. "Outsider then I presume?"
"The Ice Fairy even tried getting in on the gossip! And unless my ears were also playing tricks on me, I kept hearing them mention the name 'Usami'. One of them even seemed to suggest she'd be here with you!"
"Hah...Ha-Ha! Oh please Reimu, don't make me laugh. Already got m'hands full with that new hire 'a mine, 'member? I was out with him yesterday!"
"But you weren't with him for the whole day now were you."
"Besides my point! Anyways, another Usami around? Fat chance! L-Like we need a new Sumireko Situation to worry over, they probably just ran into her Dream Self. Typical excitable Fairies, right?"
"Who said anything about there being Another Usami?"
The Witch froze in place. "I...Well..! Uhh—"

Renko's grip on the doorframe suddenly slipped. She stumbled back, painfully jamming a splinter into her non-covered foot & failing to fully stifle a cry.
Damn it!! Had to think fast..!
To be fair, I also just think it's funny to imagine her meticulously folding each outfit she wanted to bring while carefully leaving enough room alongside the rest of her things for all the matching hats. They might get just a little scrunched but it'd be worth it.
Renko has her styles and she's going to own them anywhere & everywhere damnit! Not that she cares too much for fashion, she just knows how to put herself together is all.
If there are albums made from her adventures, she wants to have a different outfit on each of their covers. Understandable.
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This bring up an interesting question: how much do you think Renko knows about Sumireko?
That's just the kind of girl Renko is.
You just know that if Merry went on the same adventure, there's a 50% chance she forgets her bonnet.
What happens if you mating press Renko mid autistic rant
Does she get upset?
She continues ranting, of course. Nothing on earth can stop her from finishing her "lecture."
She'd flip the script from your insolence and mating press (You) instead!
After draining you physically so you're weakly settled, she'll go back to her rant in full-swing and still expect you to remember all the important details she was covering beforehand. For context!
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>She'd flip the script from your insolence and mating press (You) instead!
It's always good to keep in mind that Renko is much stronger than she looks like!
What happens is she asks a question afterwards and you don't know the answear?
Oh that's simple.
You start begging for forgiveness.
God I just love the kind of woman who will do terrible, horrible things to me like those two cuties.
What's the worst she can do?
Your dick is getting caged and it's not coming out untill you get the answers right.
She'll forgive you this time, but if it happens again, you win a one way ticket to TORIFUNE!!
She seems to have some anger management issues
The least she could do is give me a lap pillow after such a thorough draining
Are you surprised?
It's endurance training, Anon.
The lap pillow will be your meager reward for retaining all that information. That stick's gotta have some kinda carrot attached, right?
Ok, what happens if you get the answears right?
You get a TWO way ticket to TORIFUNE, where you get to run around with Renko, pretending to be in DOOM.
Doesn't that sound great? What more can you want?
That's it, I'm learning physics.
Not that much, probably. If she knew about Sumi, she would bring her up to Merry at least once.
How much does Renko know about herself tho?
Does she know she was a side character in a decently popular doujin series from around 100 years ago?
Hey now after Touhou 25 she and Maribel were the MCs
Where will the games take place?
I guess by that time, Reimu's gohei has grown too much for her to use it.
Future Gensokyo and Moon. There's also a really weird one that takes place on Mars.
By Touhou 24 it's like a pike.
What's Merry's shot type?
I'm surprised no one has mistaken Renko for Sumi yet. They must all have noticed her different style, voice, intellect and chest size.
Yukari already has a shot type. A better question is what Renko's is.
If Renko had her own game, what would it be?
A puzzle game
What kind and why?
A phtography game like StB.
Imagine a smug Renko telling Merry about how she used to be the more popular one
How have her and Merry escaped the police so far? Isn't desecrating graves a crime?
>Isn't desecrating graves a crime?
Not if you're cute.
Is it better to be the main character of your own side story or a side character of the main story?
Sounds fun. But what would you call it, Black-and-white Detective?
If we're talking Touhou-adjacent games, another photography spinoff would be pretty fitting. Renko'd be running around Gensokyo or other outside-world occult hot spots studying bullet patterns and the like through her photos, maybe with a title like 'World Spirit Album ~ Cultural Ruins Exploration' or something?
If we're talking puzzle games, I personally think she'd make a great protagonist for a point-&-click PC-ROM detective-type game. Something with inherent mystery to it. Maybe Merry has been spirited away again somewhere, or maybe it could have both girls inspecting local supernatural happenings other people aren't sure how to deal with. It might be niche, but I think 'Black-and-White Detective' would make a great title for a game like that.
>Not if you're cute
You all better be taking notes here! Capital punishment can simply be avoided all-together if you're adorable & smug enough.
We're all technically side characters to each other in the never-ending story of existence, perhaps it'd simply be best to carve what paths you're able to in the absence of any one-true protagonist. In a way, paradoxically, that also makes us our own protagonists.

Renko would definitely be bragging to Merry over how cool the people of the past considered her to be though. At least until they start reading through all the rape jokes together in a dumbfounded mix of shock & awe.
I figured one of the fairies would be a good bet for Gensokyans that wouldn't really be inclined to have any pre-existing Usami-related conceptions. If it was another group there could be a greater risk of that, especially with anyone from 14.5, but I doubt Sumireko was turning enough of the fairies heads during their brief character overlaps at the fireworks festival she was judging. If anything, true to Sumireko fashion, she'd be the easiest one to ignore from their POV.
Her cape, glasses, bust size and general cadence would set her apart enough for most anyways though, you're right. But if there's some compromising moments from CoLA I'm overlooking then I guess that's egg on my face, maybe Sumireko's various alternate selves have been pulling more weight than I currently realize or she just sticks out more in general than I've been giving her credit for. She does have the attentions of at least 2 Sages after all.
>>47851797 >>47853954
>Not that much, probably.
I'm inclined to agree on that one. We know Sumireko left her Grimoire as a semi-comprehensive record over all the Danmaku she witnessed at that fireworks festival, even if she framed it more like a self-affirming personal account of things by the end. However, that combined with how little serious attention she gets from her online dream-posting/schizophrenic AI ramblings outside of Gensokyo leads me to believe whatever lasting impact she'd have on future understandings over the occult wouldn't do much to carry her name through the annals of history. The Hifuu girls had to get the idea for their club from somewhere though, so to me it's also fun to imagine any documents of Sumireko's that did survive until the 22nd Century would, by that point, be scrubbed of practically all relevant personal information in some way as well as anything else overtly-compromising. The ghost of her efforts would go on to have more impact over her descendant & their shared interests than anything she could have ever done directly in her time, ironically enough.

On that note, I've essentially had to create a small headcannon for myself over these topics for the sake of Renkoquest story comprehension. It's something I had to explore with the last few entries I created, hence why I needed to do the right contextual research. Sat down yesterday morning after telling myself I'd type-out the final parts for the current arc and, next thing I know, 2 days worth of writing & other bullshit passed and I now have around 5k words worth of posting prepared for you all. So much for truncating things...had a small crisis over creating that much potentially-bloated content but fuck it. You'd all hopefully tell me if I was getting too self-indulgent or obnoxious with things anyways.
I'll post two parts shortly, two more hours later, and the final two once I have my ending drawing finished. Just let me know if I start shitting things up too terribly I guess.
Both girls whipped their heads towards the bedroom. Without hesitation, Reimu slung the Gohei over her shoulder & began her stride over.
"Hey, Reimu, listen! I don't think ya wanna—!"
She had the door open in a matter of seconds. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary that seemed to jump out at the Maiden, at least at first glance. Mess of papers over the floor covered in Marisa's chicken scratch, some worn utility bag—likely stolen, her hat hanging ajar off a bedpost, tossed blankets...actually, that doll by the pillow looked new. Some gift from Alice? But why would it look just like...ugh, Her, but with shorter hair?
Reimu instinctually raises a hand to her nose, figuring whatever might've been lingering here wasn't worth having to withstand Marisa's sloppiness for much longer. Maybe that handbag could use a searching? Glancing near Marisa's closet, she noticed a neglected burlap sack with a hole in its corner unceremoniously dumped against a half-broken end table. It'd been chewed through by a rat, which was now lying dead on the floor. It festered next to what rotting sweet potatoes & yams still remained within.
She nearly gagged. Never mind, that settled it: Something was amiss here but investigations could continue elsewhere at a later date. That noise could've just been some other filthy rodent anyways. Forest dwellers...

From the other side of the closet's blinds, hands to her face, Renko held her breath as best as she could through her pain while being swaddled by a number of objects. It was hard to make anything out from the piles in the dim light, the only illuminous item among the discarded fabrics & trinkets being a floating sphere of some kind. It was glowing a deep purple, hovering silently in the air across from her. If it wasn't for Reimu, it frankly would have had the Physicist's full attentions. Something about it felt strangely alluring, almost familiar somehow...
She sighed to herself as soon as Reimu fully shut the door behind her.

"Marisa, you're disgusting. I told you not to take so much from the Aki Sisters' harvest! How could you waste divine offerings so blatantly?"
"You're one t'talk there. I was hungry! Just...not as cravin' for veggies as I thought that day. They cooled off so quickly an' they can always make more, can't they? Not like I got anyplace better t'put 'em!"
"How about anywhere else besides a damp & moldy corner of your room then next time then, huh?"
"But they're easy t'access that way! Y'know, for lazy days in-bed."
"Good grief you're hopeless..." Reimu puts a hand to her face in unabashed disappointment, before finally noticing how conspicuously Marisa seemed to be standing in front of a nearby table. She'd been too busy interrogating & watching out for garbage before. Renko's briefcase lay closed behind the Witch among her things, barely obstructed.
"Since when do you own anything that fancy-looking?"

In that moment, Marisa figured the smartest thing she could do to finally get the Maiden off her back was to be more honest than she'd normally ever consider at times like this. As much as she could afford to be right now anyways.

"...stole it. It's not mine."

Reimu said nothing, simply glaring while deciding how much she was going to chose to believe from all this before finally sighing.
"I really wish you felt like you could be more honest with yourself Marisa, or at least with me when it's just the two of us. Haven't we been through enough together as it stands?"
There was a certain defeated tenderness to the Shrine Maiden's tone, it took Marisa by slight surprise & caused her own demeanor to falter more than she would've expected otherwise.
"Reimu, ya know I...I-I don't just—"
She waved her free hand in front of herself, dismissing whatever the Witch had to say.
"Save it, you've always been horrible at hiding things from my intuition anyways. I'll find out in time. I know something strange is going on here but it's clear you aren't going to be letting up right now. I just hope you know what you're doing..." She dismissively turned away to leave while Marisa stood there in silence. A slight breeze picked up outside as soon as Reimu opened the front door.

"We may not be perfect but try not to start creating more Incidents than we've resolved, Please. You aren't just some mischievous kid anymore and neither am I."

With that, Reimu turned to fly back eastward towards Gensokyo's mountainous border. Marisa could only observe from the doorframe for a moment, basking in the chirps of the forest & warmth of the sun overhead.
"...coulda gone a lot worse I guess." She turned back inside, walking over to the bedroom.
"Oi Renko, what the heck'dchya do managin' t'hide...from..."
Marisa saw nothing, aside from her hat which was now thrown over Renko's on the bedpost. Her closet door had also been shut. "Uh, kid? Ya still in he—"
The college girl spilled out of the closet with a shout, tumbling onto the floor & taking a moment to catch her breath.
Renko stared at the dingy ceiling, lying amongst the clothing she'd dragged out as she responded.
"Sorry...had to be certain...we were alone again. Phew..."
"Eh, you're alright. Wasn't a bad idea there, not like ya had much time. Just clever enough t'work but still pretty lucky. That Miko ain't got the most patience when she's inna temper."
"So that really was a Shrine Maiden? The only Shrine I've seen so far was abandoned centuries ago. How many live around here exactly?"
"She's our main one, last of the Hakurei lineage; takes care 'a most Youkai-related troubles on her own terms. Almost to a fault sometimes...when she can be bothered. There is one other active mountain Shrine to the West with their own errand-girl but she's harmless enough. Besides that, most other wanderin' Maidens 'round here fell into obscurity long before I was settled. Don't think Reimu ever was on good terms with 'em, never asked."
Renko knew she'd visited a Hakurei Shrine years ago, thanks in-part to one of the earliest older documents partially-recovered by the Club if she wasn't mistaken. The girl hoped those notes still remained in her briefcase. If only they knew of it's true importance back then...
"But she's looking for me now, isn't she? More people like her will find out too. I'm still plenty human myself! Maybe if we all tried arranging something she'd listen to reason and—"
"HAH, the Crimson Slasher - Voice of Reason! Listen kid—"
"Are you even that much older than me?!"
"I said Listen! Some folks 'round here have already been on-edge with any new faces since the last time someone 'a yer ilk decided t'make a scene 'a herself. We just got done dealin' with a possession scare too, if ya waltz on up to that Shrine yer chances of bein' deemed worth the trouble aren't great. Can almost guarantee there'd be no faster way t'get yerself personally escorted back outside the Barrier. Ya sure you're an only child..? No strange relatives?"

Renko paused before sitting up in contemplation. Time dilation in Gensokyo must be astronomically potent relative to the outside world, let alone the spatial & temporal displacement that apparently occurs upon passing through its Barrier. A widespread & semi-controlled collapse of specific wave-functions across certain, non-Euclidean, curated pathways running parallel to the geometry of Reality via electrodynamic particle interactions that directly affected Probability itself, actively maintaining both ends of existence independently whilst simultaneously keeping them passively superimposed over each other; that was roughly how the college girl came to understand the existence, machinations and nature of these 'Fantasy' worlds diluted throughout her own. Theoretically that is, her quantum equations to test such matters in the Physical plane were still a technical work in progress. Renko had been busy mathematically feeling-out the logistics of such application deep in the Forest at first, once she realized she'd initially crossed over without conscious awareness. That wasn't long before she first ran into Alice, or rather, Alice had found Renko a small ways away from her abode. The college girl was lost in thought at the time, feverishly mumbling to herself about boundary manipulation under a darkening sky while furiously scribbling away her theorems into her notes & onto a tree stump. Testing every avenue available simply felt practical! She'd just never witnessed the real-time application of these methods concentrated nor maintained to such a stable & extended degree before now, drawn in from her wonderment like a moth to a flame.

Truthfully, however, part of Renko understood all this pondering she was doing on the floor was a subconscious effort not to dwell too much on Marisa's inquiry. Her relationship with her parents had been stable enough since high school, but...

"...uh, everythin' okay down there?"
Renko blinked a few times, pulling herself out of her mental stupor. "Yeah, sorry, sorry, it's just..." She finally stood up with a wince, bringing herself back to the mattress while Marisa continued to stand & listen.
"If you must know, I guess I...haven't always technically been an only child. When I was a teenager, my younger brother, he..."
Even after the downfall of incurable disease, ailments such as Leukemia still had a non-zero fatality rate. They'd caught it far too late, an easily-avoidable idiotic mistake. His intensive therapy could only last so long. Even now it made Renko bitter towards the state of her era & all its superficial 'progress'.

The Physicist hung her head low in silence, the Witch taken aback by the unspoken implications.

"Oh, hey, I-I didn't mean t'pry. I'm sorry."
"You weren't aware, how could you be? It's fine...my father's side of the family has been plagued by tragedy for generations."
"Oh yeah? Actually, hold that thought. If you're plannin' on fully recoverin' any time soon ya gotta take the last of that medicine now."
"Don't mention it."
>The Hifuu girls had to get the idea for their club from somewhere though
I think it's the exact same club that continued thru the ages with the only members beign Renko's ancestors and whatever friends they could convince to join.
>In that moment, Marisa figured the smartest thing she could do to finally get the Maiden off her back was to be more honest than she'd normally ever consider at times like this. As much as she could afford to be right now anyways.
>"...stole it. It's not mine."
This part actually made me chuckle.
I once tought of a danmaku game where Renko and Maribel try to fly to the Moon using magic, end up in the Lunar Capital, mess around and in the extra stage, they fight Toyohime and she helps them go home, but they end up in Gensokyo. In the sequel, they are in either the center or left side of Gensokyo and have to rush to the Hakurei Shrine before sundown.
For a less Touhou-like game, an FPS on TORIFUNE.
I think it's better that details about the outside world and character backstories are left to the imagination.
Otherwise, very nice story.
A nerdy high schooler's single-member club being passed down like a family tradition for over a century until it hits university would be pretty impressive, I guess I'm just more inclined to think Sumireko would fail to get her act together in time for that for whatever reason. Maybe it's the draw of an inherent connection thinly-veiled by negative history for me, I don't know.
It is a little funny picturing Sumi harassing her offspring into carrying on the legacy of her crazy spookums mystery club while her husband just...lets it happen. Has she ever talked about what her fellow teens think of her before or is it just implied she's a lone wolf regardless?
I'd play that. Hopefully we'd be able to get it running on every conceivable piece of hardware available too, just like the real Doom!
That's pretty fair, I can't deny a lot of inherent draw that exists for Touhou lies in the intrigue of its various mysteries. Needless extrapolation was something I ran into with Dollquest as well, likely just a bad habit of mine when I stick to certain concepts/story-beats too hard. I'll hopefully strike a good balance eventually.
I don't mean to completely desacralize the wonderland since I'm mostly trying to elaborate on any pre-existing firsthand information that does already exist (printworks, spinoff games, etc.), when I'm not also tying in /jp/-related things just for shits 'n giggles that is. Thank you though. Apologies in advance if the following entries are more reflective of that than otherwise, it's something I'll be keeping in-mind when the time eventually comes for the SDM raid. I suppose since this arc ended up more lore-heavy, the next will be more action-oriented if nothing else.
Marisa returned a moment later with an indigo glass bottle, de-labeled & nearly depleted of its contents, as well as Renko's briefcase as a show of transparency. The Witch had already shuffled through its contents anyways, most of the college girl's notes were nigh-incomprehensible but there were a few select writings that seemed...eerily familiar. Maybe Renko already had enough of a hunch to let Marisa be more open with what she knew after all.
"What's even in that medicine? You mentioned it was from that Bamboo Forest, right?"
"Keen eavesdroppin' there, but I dunno any specifics. Some specially-made, fast-actin' tonic good for healin' bone fractures & replenishin' lost vitals. Designed by one of the most brilliant minds in the land! Made pilferin' the thing that much more of a thrill, heheh~"
"Sounds like it wasn't your most perfectly-executed maneuver though." Renko uncorked the bottle, reeling slightly at its sharp scent but understanding it was a necessary evil.
"I've done better, ya got me there. Really did try 'n work it out face-t'face with the Doc! But I already owe those Moonies more than I had t'spare after restockin'. She told me my condition wasn't 'critical' enough t'warrant forkin' over the thing, so I bided my time 'n made out like the bandit I am! It's supposed t'knock ya out cold once it gets goin' though, fair warnin'."
Renko popped the emptied bottle from her lips with a gasp & a cough, clearing her now-sticky throat. "Duly noted...but you couldn't have just concocted something yourself?"
"I ain't exactly known for my medicinal skills, had t'think 'a somethin' so ya wouldn't just keep bleedin' out. That brew I'm currently makin' is still experimental. Wouldn't do ya any good, unless you'd enjoy wakin' up with animal ears 'n claws or growin' fungus from yer hair."
Renko scoffed at such outlandish mental images. Now that was something that'd truly baffle modern science!

"Anyways, care t'tell me more 'bout that family curse 'a yours? I'll even cut ya a deal: we can have a nice little back 'n forth over any questions ya might have for me. Sound fair Miss Usami?"
Renko held the Merry Doll in her lap as Marisa joined her on the bed once more, briefly thinking the offer over. "Not sure if I'd really call it a curse per-say, but...alright. I don't know every detail myself but, before we had to place her in Hospice, my grandmother would often tell vague stories of her own superstitious grandmother. Apparently that generation of Usamis had to essentially ex-communicate the previous matriarch after a series of highly-inauspicious circumstances, they never dwelled on those negatives much after the fact. Something about how my grandmother's great-grandma became increasingly involved in some taboo esotericism after raising her first & only child. Knew too much or didn't know enough of whatever she was caught-up in, maybe both? Everyone else in the family considered her Mad, a danger to herself & her daughter. It all drove the woman into the fringes of an already rapidly-evolving society. They figured she'd just...fled the country all-together after that. Or worse. Nobody bothered to keep tabs & whatever studies she left behind were scattered, hidden away, or burned. From that point on my great-great-grandmother made a deliberate effort to steer the family back towards a somewhat-normal existence. It was mostly a 'success', though my grandmother was never afraid to tell me there was so much more to this life than meets the eye."

Marisa was hanging onto every word despite the mild rambling, seemingly working out her own logistics to herself as Renko spoke.

"She inspired me to do better than my ancestors. I've never tried to bring more stress upon my parents but I know there are fundamental truths to this world that can only be explored through thorough research & direct deliberation! That's why I've traveled here you see. I'm set to be a key speaker at an academic conference come next Spring, partially-sponsored by my University. If I can manage to put together my practical thesis paper in time, I can use it to back-up my manuscript & hopefully gain enough accreditation to support myself post-graduation! Does that answer your question Miss Kirisame?"

Marisa pondered for a moment before nodding affirmingly.

"Excellent. Now then, here's My first question: Why do you keep asking about my family??"
Hoo boy, should've seen that one coming. "Well...let's just say it seems Gensokyo couldn't have been more primed for ya..?"
"That's such a non-answer! What's the big idea? I practically just told you my whole life-story!"
"Alright, alright! I get it. Look, if ya really are from the future then I'm just tryin' t'be smart 'n keep weird...time...things from happenin'! Ya might run into some people here that could mistake ya for someone else. That hat 'a yours is a dead-ringer; yer crazy ancestor...might already have some history here? Please don't press me on that, the topic's givin' me the willies."
Marisa may not have been able to fully understand the complete scope of what she was attempting to protect Renko from, but the Physicist felt best heeding & respecting her adherence regardless. For now. A few suspicious had already been confirmed enough, though that name the Witch mentioned earlier still didn't seem familiar. Frankly, the potential budding implications of her notorious ancestor's full involvements in this realm left Renko questioning her own current state of existence more so than she would've liked to in that moment. The girl's first hat was a gift from her father after all.
That, and the idea of seeing her own traits haphazardly reflected through this other Usami was more worrying than she'd want to admit to herself.

Was this 'Sumireko' girl even around the same age during her time here? Is this where she'd finally escaped to back in the 21st Century? Renko hoped this was one detail she wouldn't have to directly find out for herself during her time here.

"Fine then. Does that make this your turn again now or what?"
Marisa was quick to change the subject. "Sure thing! Durin' yer recovery coma yesterday ya kept mumblin' gibberish to yerself. A name kept poppin' up, 'Mayri-Barry', or somethin' along those lines. What's up with that?"
Renko's cheeks went flush once again as she unintentionally held the Merry Doll tighter. If Marisa was going to lie through omission even now then she ought to have that right as well.
"Friend of mine—we're roommates. We attend the same Club. She's just...very important to me is all. There aren't many other students my age who take my studies seriously and...she's the last Outsider I said goodbye to before heading over."
A sly grin crept across Marisa's face. "Say no more! I understand. Enjoyin' yer youth while ya still got it must be excitin' for ya, huh?"
"I beg your pardon??"
The blonde laughed whole-heartedly, though meant no real condescension. This Renko girl was pretty cute, coming from a lineage of dorks that is, but it's not as if Marisa planned on verbalizing that. She could tell the college girl was already getting frazzled, that told her more than enough.

"Oh nothin'! I'm sure you're Totally secure with yer interests there. Yer turn now, ain't it?"
Renko huffed in embarrassment. She'd dealt with enough radical preconceptions around campus alone over her & Merry's underlying 'involvements', none of which she'd be eager to willingly confirm publicly let alone with strangers. She had a 'boyfriend' when she was younger...briefly. Such thoughts are completely normal! Romance was trivial for the girl, pedestrian—A distraction. Marisa was just...being weird about it! That's all, surely...
"Then how about something easier this time: Why on Earth was my shirt unbuttoned while I was unconscious??"
"Hey now, we're both girls aren't we? What's all the fuss over~?"
"Woahhh! Take a joke, huh?? Yer torso was covered in bruises 'n yer arms had a few scratches from that Youkai, had t'treat 'em with a lotion also snagged from Eientei. Normally used on burn wounds I think, they're probably extra-miffed at me for that, but it still worked like a charm!"
Renko's aches had been mostly isolated to her bones & head at this point. She supposed the results couldn't be argued with at this point as she re-buttoned her shirt.

"You really don't know how to mind your own business, do you?"
"Nope! But you'd be dead if I did y'know. Next question..."
The Witch digs out the other bottle of cola Renko took from Alice. "Margatroid give this t'ya?"
"S-Sort of...I needed something sweet to drink over there that wasn't tea. They were hidden away but she wouldn't tell me much about it, I couldn't make-out whatever's on the bottlecap either."
Marisa inspected the dusty cap closely with one eye shut, feeling the contours of the runes on the designed glass while re-confirming her suspicions.
"Ya couldn't read it 'cause that there's Makaian script. This line was bottled ages ago!"
"That's soda from the Demon Realm?!" Renko felt her heart sink into her stomach.
"Yup. Pretty popular in its city districts too, Alice must've been sent some by someone on the inside clearin' out old stock. Ya didn't drink any, Right?"
The Physicist was nervously tittering her fingers together. "Uhh, well...should I be worried?"
"Oh boy. I dunno every little thing those maniacs cram into these but there's some powerful bindin' magicks emanatin' from the bottle alone. Almost like a beacon 'a some kind, but I'm not openin' it t'investigate further. Makai ain't exactly the best place for Humans like us t'be fated t'wind up in."
Marisa's darkened tone only made the pit inside Renko deepen. No wonder it'd felt so tempting! What a carless mistake. Did she have to worry about Archangels swooping in to take her away now?! If it wasn't for the sedation of the medicine slowly trickling through her system, Renko would've been stuck right back into a needless panic.
The Ballad of Usami Renko

There was a statue on yon hill,
It's lifeless form in slumber stayed,
Much time by it has passed and will
And yet it still remained unswayed

The sun it's stone would try burn,
Around it plants did grow and died,
The wind it's face would try to turn,
Yet Jizo, there did still abide

Then from the green shrubs of the hill
A young girl chanced for to appear,
Her shout showed forth her angry will
That you could hear her far and near

Her hair, brown as a hazelnut,
Her eyes like stars were shining forth,
Steady she was on her foot,
Her voice, a cold wind from the north

Her skirt, dark as the moonless sky,
White as the lilies was her shirt,
Her hat sat on her forehead high,
And thousand worlds could hear her word:

"Merry, in your world I come to dwell!"
Then with her foot, the statue turned
And there she'd yell and there it fell
And then with divine light it burned

Light flown forth like a gilded spring,
Renko's mind it did make spoken,
And then she shows how every thing
Was waves of time against stone broken.
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>unless you'd enjoy wakin' up with animal ears
I swear /jp/ is becoming the poetry board.
But in an FPS you can't see Renko so what's the point?
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Who would win this fight?
Let's analyze this. Maribel can open gaps in the fabric of reality, Renko can kick.
I say Renko has this in the bag.
What do you mean?
What about over-the-shoulder action shooter then? Renko wouldn't even need to worry about... lacking on the front side from such perspective.
Unless Maribel have managed to become Yukari already, I am betting on Renko. Physics students tend to be in much better shape then psychology ones. And we all know that Renko has a killer kicking technique.
Yeah, Renko never skipped leg day.
>What do you mean?
Every so often I see people here writing various poems. I was exaggerating a bit, but it's still pretty unexpected.
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I kind of want to see a third person game with Renko. Imagine her hat rotating itself so the bow always faces the camera.
Ok Renko, time to fix your autism.
It won't work.
Why not?
Non-autistic Renko is an oxymoron. Trying to fix her is like trying to make cold fire or dry water.
Jizo statues are GOOD...
Defacing graves is BAD...
You are NOT stalked by government agents...
You SHOULD pay your taxes...
Maribel is NOT trying to mog you...
A humanities degree IS useful...
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Sure, maybe drinking alcohol with Renko isn't the best idea, but what about some coffee?
As long as Maribel is there, sure.
She didn't knew that... it's been three days since he went to the hospital... she deeply regrets her descision...
It's not her fault, she couldn't have known it, but she should find a way to make it up to him.
Merry being there makes me less likely to accept. If Renko was alone, maybe, but with Merry there, they must be plotting something.
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I love the idea of the bow rotating to face the viewer.
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I'm amazed at how diverse Renko's wardrobe is. She sure has a lot of style.
That's the thing, you don't and you won't
album about her going to a bar has her wearing the least amount of clothes, shes not beat the allegations is she?
Tell me about Maribel. Why is her friend so much popular than her?
Renko is the POV character while Merry is more enigmatic and a bit too ethereal. She's also hard to separate from Yukari.
Renko just gets a little hot when she drinks, don't jump to conclusions, she's a pure girl.
Renko gets all the funny lines in the CDs.
I think people find Renko more relatable than Maribel. Renko is pretty ordinary compared to Maribel. Maribel can go to weird otherworlds in her dreams, while Renko is basicaly just a girl who studies physics. I think a lot of the otaku types who aren't NEETs are from a STEM background so Renko would be more relatable that way too.

There's also some sort of relation between Maribel and Yukari. Renko is just a human.

Renko is also arguably the more goofier and autistic of the two.

I like both and personally Maribel is more relatable to me.
I used to like Maribel more specifically because I found her less relatable, funnily enough.

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