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the true stalkers
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I love Towa!
Checkout her covers with Startend!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEIo7LHOxK8 「8.32」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35hMALocac8 「Integral」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T-1Vvm1fPA 「Kaisei」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpgSrULHibg 「Asu no Yozora Shoukaihan」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1lfwyWSGV4 「Kuusou Ressha」
fucking lmao YT
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Astro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPYJIe1sODg
Kamippoina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n02m47K5RfQ
Shoushin Ryokou https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6GCUYJvdRI

Mengen zatsudan at 23.
aquaclown lost
kys ban evanding schizo
do it marine you fuck
Hey Miko!
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How much of the internet is taken up by video data uploaded solely to check against potential policy violations?
not deleted = allowed
>usada pekora
>usada pekora is here too
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So they stream these broadcasts to some obscure behind the scenes Youtube Channel and then the official Hololive account restreams that stream, since if the actual Hololive account got the takedown the actual Hololive account stream would stop and not stay Live like it's clearly the case here.
What's happening is that this obscure behind the scenes Youtube Channel get the copyright flags, which the official Hololive account then shows on stream.

That whole setup seems super weird, why are they doing it like this?
That wasn't ok at all noel...
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Usada Pekora
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I will destroy the Riot servers
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Your oshi is a whore
lmao taken down again?
so cumming in your mom everyday is allowed?
hey man!!
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Kanata's Eggy Party just got taken down too
What the fuck is happening
there's a ghost!


that's how live striking works
fucking idiot
happened to mel during her watchalong too
isn't Lamy bit too good at this
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Sex with disabled women
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Miko has a ghost
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is this safe for work?
I thought those freaks would fuck off when shes gone but theyre even worse now.
Mikochi obaasan...
It's not. If they get taken down the stream stops.
that newfag wasn't here during azki 24 hours vtuber song thing
source? good lewd hajime art is pretty rare
ghost = boyfriend
too big
>Taso's stream got hit too
Are the bugs mass reporting again or something?
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It's the second holocaust
seems like some chinks are attacking again, i knew it was a bad idea going back to china
the stella part is already forgotten...
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No dumbass....
It's a different fucking system that will take down your stream. This is live detection. It takes stream down and then resumes it when you stop blasting copyrighted shit.
Again it already happened to several people.
You retarded idea that the yare restreaming stream to some obscure channel doesn't even make any sense. This stream is LIVE live
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Its probably bored filipino retarded fags doing this crap.
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I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

MariMiComet collab now! https://youtu.be/INGDb1MKNqc
Listen to Miko's latest orisong 「Cherry Message」! https://cover.lnk.to/9e9s2L
Jimmy, I'm gonna cum...
marimicomet sounds better, but it sounds too much like fubumicomet
Miko forgot about her announcement.....
forgetting the whole point of the stream is kinda...
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why wouldn't it be, it's just a naked monkey
Miko's brain is fried
Stop being racist to Chinese
obsessed youre obsessed for tiny flip cocks twinktomo
Lamy will never be a race car
there it is the gta
Is that miComet logo new?
What this?
That thumbnail is definitely GTA
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micomet has a logo?
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>open fubuki ch
who the fuck is this
Yeah Marine isn't going.
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I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!!
holos keep doing announcement of an announcement recently
So it's definitely Marine's sololive announcement? Or just an album?
so marine is the third wheel? what the fuck was that for?
i don't really understand why she was here either
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Subaru will never be a cicada
miko you are getting older..
i love lamy's weird voice
otsumarimicomet fags!
It was supposed to be a MikoMari stream but Miko ruined it by inviting Suisei.
To serve as host for these 2 leechs

dabbing on the main channel shit
They literally said why at the start of the stream.
Please watch them, I beg of you.
It's a collab retard
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MariMiComet ended! OtsuStellarMikoBaba~
They just all happened to have announcements on the same day so they decided to do a stream.
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Startend got a logo too, I don't know if it was used before this but it's the first time I saw it, and then straight after this Aqua announced her graduation...
Marine was talking to Miko about random stuffs when she mentioned that both of them are gonna have announcement at 9/15, and Marine just said why not make it a collab and Miko asked if Sui could join as well since Miko's announcement was a miComet project and she said yeah sure and this stream happened
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Marine already said yesterday (and they said it again today) since both of them have something to announce might as well collab to reach more audience
Miko is the host
>muh GTA notepad
Schizo headcanon
Third time's the charm?
How new? They've been using it for at least a year anon...
what's the announcement then
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man this suikawa lead game is infuriating. I thought it's just miko being retarded
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Aki would never join without pizza crew
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Looks like Palworld
Aqua does not have inverted nipples
really? I unironically never realized.
>Isn't this good?
>0 points
every time lmao
what happen?
another 100
would be cool if so, but no way. that's a city in the back
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the background is Los Santos, so it's holoGTA server obviously
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her mmd model has inverted nipples (sometimes)
what the fuck is she talking about?
>Miko got invited to Pekora's server project
>Peko also got invited to hers
holy shit
I will laugh at him
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for all i know you are making this shit up
This sort of reaction probably contributes to them avoiding each other.
Finally, the San Andreas anon gets his wish.
oh my god she definitely has a bf....
when did she mention pekora?
Why would a gta server be presented by micomet you monkeys
pekora never going to join
gozalu baby
what the fuck is that lamy...
She never stops being retarded. Also funny coming from her after the unicorn thing
Iroha literally dying
She wrote an entire essay to talk about both her oshis...
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How new?
iroha is too energetic while the 3 hags just sits down
Subaru cracked the code
When she was going over the results for holos who stalk fan's twitter profiles she saw Pekora had a decent amount of votes.
she was voted in on one of the pie charts and miko read her name
People literally only have this reaction *because* they avoid each other. Watching the awkward dance is why it's amusing and gets such a response from the audience.
flare spent all her energy on simping for ina
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That was presented by micomet? I don't see that anywhere.
Peko is getting all these shill jobs to avoid GTA, anon.
this stream was kino
The names on the stream today have nothing to do with the project
Im your mom new boyfriend
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I don't believe you
Why is everyone else sitting on t he chairs while Iroha has to stay in dogeza on the floor?
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In short:
>Holos who barely stream have a bf
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One hour to go but still no stream frame, really long recording session tonight.
I hope it's just some merch
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Sakamata desu~
So did the recent graduate end up resurfacing anywhere or why are we seeing elevated amount of images of her posted today?
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AZKi now owns this thread.

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Soul thumbnail
chinchin www
That game is terrible should get rct2 perms and I might watch stink
miComet holoGTA announcement tomorrow
Marine sololive announcement tomorrow
Fubuki is thriving
Subaru is thriving
feels really great to be a fubumarisubamicometGOD right now
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Sakamata should also have her hands up.
Who is that man she's riding a coaster with?
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man I will have to rewatch these
Probably the regloss glamping thing?
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Please don't take my house Azki...
pff you are retarded
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it's hard to watch...
When was the last time Miko hosted a large scale project alone by herself? She always have to add co-host.
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It's stream time
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BIG 3 collabs are fucking KINOOOOOOOO
hope they'll do more
Every moment counts.
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It's stream time!
Server starts on the 17th
And endanger all the other passengers?
Marine drank too much coffee before this pic was taken.
Reply to me tomorrow when you get BTFO and if its GTA I will eat my own poop again
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lmfaoooo lamey

fun stream by big3
Shion-yo is being extra cute tonight
why boyfriend then?
I don't have a stake in this, but I'm gonna save this post number just in case.
What's so fun about trains
Will always be the superior intro
Who is this chuuba?
They move on rails
Why are they big3
dog is subaru
Miko is not a selfish person, as the #1 holo she simply wants to share her spotlight with other holos
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best offcollab of the year
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do NOT moan like that you brat
When the /#/ browns will go back to their board
Basing off this.
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Big and long.
Subaru is too loud
Noel big tits
Subaru big voice
Lamy both
/hlg/'s official sex symbol
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>今日マレーシアでのhololive meetで、OllieとKoboがYAGOOとのインタビューで「ホロメンを次の社長に就任するなら誰を選びますか?」を質問しました
when pekora and miko graduate
Might want to see a barber
give it a try
>Lamy both
Big liver
how the fuck do you go from staff talking during official program to boyfriend?
one has literally nothing to do with the other
>street lamps
>palm trees
the background is obviously a city, Los Santos
When is the election?
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I lost my faith in Hololive now.
watch and like this

Yeah they're totally unrelated ;)
Who knows? She's retarded and digs her own grave all the time.
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>in late september
azki probably has the worst fanbase now
I don't know, I'm only answering based on assumptions. I didn't watch either streams and I'm not the original poster.
What was the announcement?
this guy is the quintessential /jp/ poster
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It's a mystery
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just hearing her voice makes me smile
Marine where?
it's not surprising that unprofitables would want to nominate the bootlicker
announcement of an announcement
Train amd plane otaku?
i had this game installed a while back and played it for a bit, it's quite complicated
isnt this common knowledge
Lamy is the most underrated singer in hololive
trying to make a joke about marine being flare since she was the one with micomet in the stream earlier...
the announcements:
miComet will have an announcement about a project tomorrow
Marine will also have an important announcement tomorrow
But now a holo confirmed it
Planet Coaster?
desu I think it's Nene, people only praise her dancing but not much her vocals
Explain AZKi, who even has an upgraded boyfriend
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You are not very funny
conehead lmao
Lamy puts out quite a lot of covers and orisongs for someone not confident in her voice. It's nice to see. I wish Botan started doing more of them too, but her covers tend to be over-edited/modulated or has a bunch of effects on it, which I'm not a fan of
a train
Why does this game has character creation
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A loveless marriage isn't the same
Huh planet coaster has male and female choice, what a surprise in a modern game.
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Honestly might be divorced
I sure love an announcement for an announcement....
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Here we go again
Understand them by their actions, not their words. Botan is the truly unconfident one.
cute assistant
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i found the perfect train for iroha
Rape friend
Did shion not get the mic too?
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Lamy was the first in nepolabo to do a sololive. Nene would've probably done it if her mental health hadn't been bashing her in the face with a shovel for the past 2 years
I recognise this character art, is it the Log Horizon artist?
No, she's saying you would have to be a retard to forget the mic.
I think she has a lot of potential but she seems to struggle sometimes
her voice is very pleasant though, I miss her...
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We hate Chiikawa here
this but unironically
I mean, Lamy, like Noel, has been stating multiple times on what she needs for a Sololive.
my poor poor amanekanatach...
Didn't someone forget it?
Are the asses huge, then it might be
2 muion
My sister in law spend all time gaming even when her husband is home
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A loving marriage with me?
I don't understand chiikawa
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Sakamataland will be the first amusement park with smell-o-vision on every ride
lizard yo...
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Suistream tomorrow at 19jst!! miComet project announcement!!
The fact that to play this game you have to buy a mic that costs like 6 times as much as the game and that you won't use for anything else is extremely retarded
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miComet kitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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Is she wrong?
Classic Nintendo
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Acting defensive=there something to hide
its like we went back to the 2000's where you needed retarded peripherals for one game and one game only.
He's Indian?
And another collab hosted on her channel
Cute things doing cute stuff, that's about it
And Subaru had the good idea to buy one for three and just do a collab.
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Shion won't make it to the end of this stream
Shion brings me joy
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Explain what? Azki doesn't stream that much.
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Which holo has played Guitar Hero?
Easily amused daughter
her project
her channel
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no but only heimin and kanata can call kanata retarded
Koyori should get a boyfriend, that woman is sick and she is using streaming to cope.
Sakamata going to Detroit
That list doesn't contain mengen, which Azki does regularly.
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I haven't heard her laugh like this in a while
I love this brat so much
Explain Miko
It's a good thing there's no fart/unchi sound, she'd laugh herself to death...
astoute observation brainlet holmes
Mayo and cats fix anything
That does seem like a game that would do it for her
that's a lot of yen
ah fuck im hungry
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go on the ride and die
Eat something
easily explainable, Miko is a lesbian and she has a girlfriend
puking together on a ride with sakamata!
now with a lazy and uninspired co-host who will let her do all job on top of having rehearsals
one step close for graduation for being overworked
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fecal funny murasaki shion
Shion is so bad her game crashed
Sakamata…just hire a janny
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What a kusoge
Sheep yo
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sheep yo
shion 100!!
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Thanks for the insider info
Shion is a sheep
Suisei doesn't care about her channel anymore it's fine
Shion was sheep all along
Suisei's channel is only for her music now
Of course Ririka doesn't have a boyfriend, she's a slut who does it with different men every week.
Someone is inside Towa leaking everything
I need Lamy to play Satisfactory 1.0 as the last Akukin
If you are talking about the game Azki is playing, the art actually reminds me of etrian odyssey a little
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Very cool, Google.
ririka is kind of like rushia
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I love it when holos rrrrrrols their rrrrr's
VCR status?
with a dog?
>Dogs help farmers herd sheeps
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morning sex with Nosex
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It reminds you of Etrian Odyssey because it's the same artist
I guess we should be anticipating future covers/karaoke of this
>can't hear Fubuki say kintama
Fuck you for muting, Friend
that your brain is rotten? yes
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im bored...
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>only 5 streams on Sunday night
Crazy Racoon makes more money with merchandise than Hololive
HoloGTA lost
2 more weeks twinkie
I immediately figured out she's talking about Pikmin 4
and they're all whores
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watch shionyo
6 counting Raden's Gartic Phone
>the concept of shepherd dogs
>anon thinks of bestiality
What the fuck is wrong with you?
i haven't been banned in like a week...
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watch aqua's best friend
or watch aqua archives and pretend like she never left
shionyo is so easily entertained
Sakamata should’ve make her own park instead of trying to fix this garbage heap…
Shion is being ultra childish in this moment
Daruma alone sold ¥100m in the first day during CR Fes
The gong is the easiest.
Her chat are retarded and wanted her to do the "challenging" map
Shion is a sheep gong
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never doubted
yeah, me, myself and I
I was just making a shion joke don't rustle your jimmys brother
Sakamata is a janny, makes sense for her to deal with trash
This game hands out scores essentially at random and you can't convince me otherwise.
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Shut up and watch the streams.
Who cares about aki
>no pekora stream
Towa's not streaming though...
I'm watching hinano
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shion yo sugoi
That's just Togepi
>Daruma alone
Daruma is the most popular of them all, is he not?
I wish Aqua channel had more playlists, its a pain to find some old vids sometimes
togepi yo...
Shion-yo is all I need
Did Sakamata ever finish Tiakin? I never did
i think she had those then holocaust happened and wiped everything
Why does Shion's playback audio sound like Aqua sometimes
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Too many criminals in Sakamata’s vicinity
>even shion have more viewers than pekora with the same game
YouTube definitely fucked up her channel algorithm, it can't be possible otherwise.
I miss Towa
Maybe Shion is just better than Pekora
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No but she'll randomly come back to it some day 6 months later and finish.
Man Fubuki is really good at this game
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Don't scare me like that
pekoleech betrayed noufagi by playing the chinese monkey game, that's why they abandoned her
is it even possible to watch shion and not smile or laugh
There is certainly a lot of depth and details to digest, I ended up dropping it. Looks like a fun game if you actually take the time to get into it though.
I miss that purple bitch like you wouldn't believe...
It's Saturday and rare, maybe Pekora should stop streaming every weekday night.
Shionyo sugoi
Monday is less than 36 hours away
pigeon yo...
>shion will talk like owl next time
Yes, if you're furiously masturbating instead
Tokoyami Towa is completely under our control.
azu's stream died...
Almost all her streams these days are collabs with those people so this doesn't surprise anyone.
At least the tits are the correct size
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*streams 50 hours of draque3 on weekdays*
mmmm no
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I'm heading west, Monday will never catch up
are there unchi sounds in this game
husband downloading AV in the other room
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she's streaming right now though?
Shion is an exploding pidgeon sheep that plays a gong
Shion isn't purple
How is Shionyo so good at this
I don't know who your oshi is but unless it's koyori or watame you just insulted your own oshi lol
this train game is fucking shit
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I can't believe I got NTRed by Ui
Finally move on from the shithole Sakamata
you don't watch streams faggot.
Finally she is going to sandbox mode…
watame isn't streaming either
20pm jst not 19
damn shion is good
not my point ESL learn to infer
what if sakamata was naked
my oshi miko streamed earlier
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kettle laugh my beloved
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Ok that was bullshit
This is what she does to the RV
Sniffing Iroha's toes through her broken socks
>amusement park in snow mountain
this game is bullshit another 100
shion is too good at this game..
What do they have to remove?
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spring yo
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Shion broke the game
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yes please
to be honest this is more believable than any other schizo ramblings (youtube being a bitch is still most likely)
When will Suisei debut this outfit?
Completely arbitrary evaluation
Sakamata sure love phallic object..
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That's a chinpo...
when she grows some tits
this game is biased
shion is TOO PRO
Why would you ask us?
>murasaki shion
music segments one would assume
She won’t even put proper pathway and just force people to walk through the snow
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Sex with the Have a Nice Day Ninja
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I'm glad the reign of Pekora is finally over.
Even though you have no idea what kind of schnoz or set of chompers she has under that mask?
the mask stays on
bell yo
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My poor overworked bunny...
>another 100
thats it i close the stream
Is Shion a savant?
I think this game is broken and a kusoge
She looks Japanese
this train game is shit pioneers
she should just play transport tycoon with other pioneers
She looks like a hag trying to be young
pekora is supporting zionist
Shion seems to really like her latest outfit
Did I stutter
she seriously has a lot of sponsored this month im happy but man it take her time too much
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*gives zion yo some pocket change*
w-well at least he looks like faggot
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Based PekoCHAD
Miko is not there in person so who gives a crap about this other than you twinktomo lmao pathetic
they've always got pink hair
That's my favourite type of hag
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i love this stream
That man(?)'s head looks like a balloon
I'm waiting on the inevitable Flight Simulator streams
I should have sex with Towa
this was so cute
You should start streaming again, Nene
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What do you guys eat while watching holo?
For me its a left over pasta and left over curry + egg straight from the fridge
shion too good
I'm not sure there's much reason to believe they were physically together
rather you than me
shion is cheating
Try dying your hair pink, I heard that's popular.
We're getting some really unique noises out of this stream
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Despite the appearance, its honestly really fucking good, i might be onto something here.
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cute daughter yo and ojisan pekora...
Oops, on holiday so my timezones are messed up... Yeah it's at 20
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what's up with all this cover staff shilling suddenly?
the retard probably thinks it's an offcollab or something lol
Too much fucking blogposting.
Karma 35botters
What shilling? It's the same scripted shows they used to make all the time.
Was the show with the lady cooking the recipes tha holos gave her "shilling" too?
shionyo is being ridiculously cute right now
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The schizo is too retarded. 35GODS won once again.
Shion is doing a 100% speedrun on stream
Shion is cheating somehow
here's timestamp for kareshi shit lol
Also interestingly she said that she does offcollabs in her apartment as another reason for no boyfriend... So does this imply that holos who don't offcollab have boyfriends?
She really should stop saying this random shit out of nowhere...
>he keeps pics and gifs and webms of a JP eceleb twink on his PC just to shitpost
This is sad as fuck
What's with Japan's fixation on pink hair?
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is there any holo that love ultraman
Shion is heartless
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>So does this imply that holos who don't offcollab have boyfriends?
cute shion getting embarassed
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shion asmr when
Ririka is the voice of reason in the Hololive world
The first one must bear my children
lol She said she was also surprised by male voice showing up on stream and then was like well there are dudes there nothing can be done SORRY
Good job cover lol
Retarded bitch
So it really was because someone asked where the male staff slept during the glamping? kek she's such a retard
When will Ririka learn that you should never engage retards on the internet, you can't convince them otherwise anyways.
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Why is it an argument then??
another 100?
we love ririka here
RVschizo won
That was about the regloss glamping, do your reps.
I guess they'll stick to StellarMikochiObaasan now
Noel is scared of Ultraman...
She sounds a bit unhinged
dumb bimbo slut
I love her
Marine looks so ugly next to those two
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? That's obvious.
But Ririka is one of those people who joined VCR and already interacted with male vtubers... so what's the problem?
She was shaken by the reaction and doesn't want it to happen again cause management decided to own the unicorns or some shit
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>schizos mad at riripure's celibacy again
If your oshi streams less than Ririka then she's getting railed by her boyfriend right now
These are some really stupid comments but at least she was only talking about herself.
she wants the unicorns back after shitting on them
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>implying the only thing he does with them is shitpost
so retarded it's a little endearing
Ririka is getting railed by her boyfriend?
She doesn't care for unicorns but she still wants gachikoi to believe she's single and virgin.
Wtf is Sakamata trying to do, why she is trying make a waiting line for the food stalls
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I don't care about Ririslut
The way she said she does want a boyfriend but can't get one is pathetic and cute
exploding inside shion yo implanting my children
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jesus christ fucking figure it out cunt
That was probably what the triggered the whole thing, if you go a few minutes earlier she was bombarded by chat making presumptions that she's joining the upcoming vcr minecraft just because she has a frame up at the same time as when the vcr started. I'm assuming she was probably still traumatized by that episode.
VCR mods are hard to install so the retarded holos won't be able to join.
Who said Shion was good at this game?
>I'm assuming she was probably still traumatized by that episode.
traumatized my ass
shes a grown ass woman that decided to join that colalb
would be funny if she actually did join it
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This game is not good for Sakamata
Go back to card games.
brownest post in this thread right now and that's saying something
Doesn't mean she knew what kind of freaks exist in the vtuber fandom
the gamewhen it kept dumping 100's
Chloe VCR
laplus, shion and ayame are whores
She directly acknowledged unicorns wouldn't like it and that she would do ASMR after to please them.
And she wasn't new to the vtuber world.
It's always the concerned "fans" who for some reason are usually niji fans too
Hmmm so this is the reason why Pekora only invited married woman to her place and doesn't offcollab with other holos at her place except with the married women off course :)
This but Nene
shes a vtuber before hololive retard
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should have made it spell COSMIC BEEF SQUAD
shion yo dominating
Being some 2view indie doesn't prepare someone for the hololive spotlight
Cover tech support?
>noooo i am not a whore
t. whore
I don't have a boyfriend either
Botan is busy
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>megalomaniac laugh from scoring well in a game where you make silly noises
This game doesn't even do the bare minimum to let you filter the sounds by categories and get only animals.
azki does plenty of offcollabs and she’s married. Holos who aren’t single just aren’t and unless they fuck up on stream there’s no way to tell.
Botan is eating ramen.
Good morning sir
Might as well build a small lake there Sakamata…
Does she invite people to her home though?
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Or it's a proof that she is divorced
Doesn't even matter after Norio said she streams from a different house than where she lives with her husband, vtuber relationships will be some weird shit that adjusts to their activities always.
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shion is in her early 20s
im still in my 20s it's completely normal
I don't remember her ever doing that but I don't watch her that much
29 year old ojisan...
Because playing video games with a bunch of other people online and living together with a boyfriend is not the same thing even though some shitposters like to pretend otherwise.
I wonder how many boxes she has left
>azki does plenty of offcollabs and she’s married.
She also readily collabs with men, like the acoustic guitar guy and the pianist
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you are just implying shes retarded
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>im still in my 20s
You're not fooling anyone
Does meme50 still draw Holo stuff?
acting like a pajeet is normal for 20 year olds?
The VCR offpakos are real though
I'm thinking about big fat tits again...
I have no idea, I completely stopped paying attention to twitter/pixiv
I wonder how many of holos got those boxes from her, allegedly Fubuki got some
You can really learn a lot from simulation games.
She is
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don't do that
she could strangle and kitten on stream and you will still like her because her voice is like an aphrodisiac
How about simulation sex?
I'm 35 but I'm not interested in Shion at all
more like their brain never develops beyond that age
give it a few more years
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correct and same goes for ayame
She is aware that a couple doesn’t necessarily lives together right?
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I 100% believe management did that on purpose. It’s pretty well known they want holos to interact with e-celebs and join fps circles and since the most popular ones don’t they are pushing that shit on the new branch. It’s amazing how Cover’s management is filled with vtuber antis and hololive hating nijiniggers
Maybe she doesn't recognize anything less than cohabiting as a real relationship
The fact she had a few more years is the problem she's too old now
>no offcollabs at home and no streams means boyfriend
this isn't right
ririka is a whore
you don't need to do damage control for her anymore
Ah yes the classic regloss cope
Yes. Pretty much all her karaoke collabs are done at her place. I remember some with iroha
thats even worse
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what the fuck delete that right now
>company expands
>employs market researchers who don't know shit about the product but have a degree from scam university in the field of making up bullshit
>company becomes out of touch with their core audience
tale as old as time
How long until shion gets to the chinchin sounds?
they 100% did
Same with adding staff voice to regloss 3d announcements when they never ever do that even for female staff
And they didn't tell talents that they'll do that
Basically faggot who's in charge of regloss is some higher up drunk with power who wanted his personal project,. It's fucking crazy
Botan is joining VCR too she's streaming tomorrow cucks
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This is the future
ebin samefag
A-chan leaving was the sign that they wanted to put people that had no idea what the fuck they were doing in place
Cover management is arranging marriages between holos and male utaite ecelebs and forcing their cocks into their mankos
having your oshi join the e-celeb and fps groups is a death sentence. Imagine having your girlfriend joining groups of guys and girls who do onlyfans and schedule some orgies from time to time: she can still stay pure but holy shit it’s hard to not think badly of that situation
Not now Achantomocuck
>Planet Coaster
>spent nearly 1 hour trying to build a fucking rest and dine area
that was just Miko
shion is gonna 100% this game
no? all her collab karaoke are done using audio syncing app (that's why audio quality is often shit)
Show which one was an offcollab
i'm glad shion yo tries to keep her boyfriend and fps friends a secret
They want the niji audience because they think they have plateaued with Hololive and hence they created Regloss but it didn't turn out well except for Raden. The fact is the companies' audience don't overlap much. Nijisanji operates differently but are actually doing quite well domestically. Part of Hololive's earlier success was due to exposure outside of Japan and hence the expansion overseas strategy is always at the back of their mind but overseas otaku culture are just different and they don't spend as much blindly as Japanese otakus. The initial success was also to a degree because of China which is not in the current equation and unlikely will because of antagonism from the core Hololive fans.
A-chan was a homolover tho and always interacted with them
vtubers are not your girlfriend
if I have to guess it has to be that usan faggot who started the horizontal thing.
>pokemon noises
sasuga shion yo
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>muh management
>muh A-chan
>muh FPS ecelebs
Will this guy ever shut up?
Towa has her bf in her house and still did off-collab, multiple holos even met him
what is sakamata doing?
this looks like shit
Mfmf POV
there it is
>everyone who disagrees with me is one person
I guess the 5 replies to the post are all the same person right? You're acting like a Japanese bitch licking the boots of the corporation
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This game is too easy
only aki joining vcr maicra?
I want Luna to make me shut up, by kissing me.
What did she mean by this?
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>shion hears dog
S-shion yo?
>filter and then blur the face
The fact we don’t overlap is the reason they are so retarded for pushing this. If they get vspo or niji’s audience they lose hololive’s audience. It’s not fucking rocket science. If McDonald’s suddenly starts selling vegan food only they will get vegans to eat their shit and crash in the process.
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>rocks crumbling
>100 on the first attempt
>dog howl
that's usagoro not mi-chan
She is building concentration camp
im eepy
It's nice to see Azki being so invested, I wish there are holos who would play Koei simulation games too. I hope Sakamata will play Nobunaga no Yabou someday.
You have the same talking points every time bro. No one else makes a connection between A-chan leaving and opening the gates to FPS eceleb cock except you
I mean she failed because someone leaked it on her. Until that point everyone believed she was depressed (myself included)
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why are the kids colored differently?
I'm sorry but you need to promise infinite growth otherwise the shareholders will be upset.
I'm trying to become Mr. Yukihana, if you know what I mean.
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It doesn't matter if it leaked as long as she doesn't acknowledge it on stream.
That just happens some times.
My sister is really light-skinned, meanwhile I'm dark as pavement.
Towa's bf is a eunuch so it's okay
Shion is a dog
I don't get how it's not obvious for management... like it's the most fucking obvious thing ever...
And even then they are getting their "diverse" audience through exposure on other platforms like tik-tok with marine etc
Why sabotage hololive when shit like this just happens naturally? mystery
gaki makes me hard...
They didn't understand it then, diversification is always a strategy and they thought it was a calculated risk. The rumors about Yagoo hoping to prop up Holostars with Regloss probably hold weight too.
Your mom is a whore hahaha
are sidesharts invited to Suisei's GTA server?
Remember when Towa said she would play Tarkov? Why did she lie?
I always wondered how this guy draws so fast.
>numberfag conspiracy theories
I'm so sorry...
everybody is probably invited
ENs are busy tho and I doubt they'll be fucking up their sleeping schedules for GTA server
Ignore the nigger. He doesn’t like people discussing hololive. He only wants to bump the thread with eop retardation and buzzwords
If alls that needs to happen is me talking about achan to make you have a meltdown then I'll do it everytime it's brought up now
bootlicker bitch deserves to look like a psycho
Ririka is Rushia 2.0
Wtf they havd dildo shoved uo their ass
yet anons will stand their ground and try and say otherwise still, it must be nice to have a gullible audience
who's towa?
You're changing your name?
It's just genetics
Miko's GTA server*
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>discussing hololive
>schizo theories and ebin head canons
Not even close, Rushia was very sly. Ririka is just unfortunately stupid.
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>homos homos homos
>nijis nijis nijis
>cocks cocks cocks
>drama drama drama
the average numbershart brain
they will join anyway
Based Lilyca telling it how it really is
It's not a lie, she will play it after she finishes Hollow Knight.
You just give yourself away as the same person every time. I bet you're the one that also thinks Aqua graduated because they were going to force her to do male collabs
Just let the numbertrannies delude themselves.
A chan
This map does look like Kanagawa.
They can expand on what they have. Google doesn’t need to start making gluten free products in order to grow, they just double down on software based products. If cover wants to expand then they just need to let the girls use the 3D studio and finance their projects as their ideas are way better and more lined with what the fans want. Producing merch outside of Japan in order to sell more and cheaper to overseas people would also help. Forcing or pressuring girls to become hoshikawa sara or gundou is beyond retarded
more like Mel
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Never have so few owed so many...
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I just don't care, I say debunked to piss off schizos lol
I think a girl her age should have a boyfriend and be happy
My pretend daughter deserves to be happy, not a miserable depressed loner
I'm not some derranged motherfucker who thinks this young girl living halfway across the planet is saving herself for me or some shit
Wrong, they weren't just going to force her to shill with male ecelebs they were going to make her go back to China
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Holos like this?
Siontan is a total child
Based shicucko
>I just don't care, I say debunked to piss off schizos lol
I think a girl her age should have a boyfriend and be happy
My pretend daughter deserves to be happy, not a miserable depressed loner
I'm not some derranged motherfucker who thinks this young girl living halfway across the planet is saving herself for me or some shit
>I'm not some derranged motherfucker
it matters but she handled the whole issue pretty good, pretty amazingly if you ask me. She’s still a piece of shit for faking having a mental illness while she was just fucking around with dudes.
sex with 2010 shion
Depressed girls use sex to cope all the time though.
Nene would really liven it up with a crime spree but she's not here. What other holos will have the balls to be as shameless as Nene? Probably Pekora?
sakamatard made a free2play amusement park
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I'm not a spokesman for every person claiming to be a shiokko in here, I don't share such sentiments
the first one's thighs tho
But she hides it because she knows it benefits her. She wants to fuck around? Then she should be open about it and face the consequences.
>faking having a mental illness
prove it
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i love this onion like you wouldnt believe
miss you aqua...
Kanade is our only hope
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I miss when Hololive was whole...
Shit, The Circus is in town

What do?
I’m still convinced one of the reasons for regloss low performance was that just when they were announced holizontal happened and people were extremely wary, then cover showed Ao and everyone started to believe it would be a mixed gen, then in the beginning they started interacting with homos and joined vcr. add the sub cull to that and you get regloss.
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>Then she should be open about it and face the consequences
>Then she should be open about it
You're missing the point of vtubers
Hololive hasn't been whole since they backstabbed Ru
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I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...
Developing undeveloped lands is exciting.
Anon, she's already 22 this year...
i love it when Shionyo is having fun streaming
This is why RBC should graduate.
bum with broken stinky socks
>posting a bf having whore
obvious nijinigger
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Shion's cicada noises are somehow more annoying than the stock ones
Let's hope she starts up a Korean meth lab somewhere and enslave some refugees to cook drugs.
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blue archive holo when
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Despite she being a whore she was a pillar
remember when there was a male on Towa's stream and it almost ended her career
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me too no joke
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>Ririka says something
>thread goes to shit
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Shion is wheezing at her own poor cicada impression and you're metaposting
usagoro please come back
Maybe so but ultimately it's both misfortune and bad decisions from the management. At least they are on good trajectory at the moment so it's pointless to dwell on the past and this would've taught the upper management not to try something similar.
That sounds like a lot of effort that doesn't justify a middle-managers salary, so I'm afraid we're rejecting your suggestion.
look at the size of those
based shiocuck
Why is she like this
hlztzl shti and mixed gen talks for sure were a part of it... But I don't think it actually contributed more than youtube culling their subs and fucking up their algo (ririka's channel is still fucked)
You are so right it hurts kek.
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Based Julian
get her the 20k first
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man that was fun
watching shionyo have fun makes me very happy
do girls naturally smell good or is it all the cosmetics?
The won't let shion be neet
super ultra neet idol...
depends on her diet and hygiene
Girls only naturally smell less bad than men just because they're not quite as active.
>advanced tracks design
Now things are getting interesting.
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depends. if you have a raging hard boner she would smell good
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I miss Nene Zoo Tycoon
I miss Nene...
Is the penis an olfactory organ?
Men are drawn to the smell of women. It's basic biology
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i miss that smile…
based homochad
why didnt you protect it
but the thread is always shit
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I miss Nene coaster
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And Ririka is always saying dumb shit
Wow I can't belive Shion just said that she hates Suiseis tights.
i see armpits as vaginas this is nothing
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Sometimes I think it's all getting to Yagoo's head a bit.
You're not a rockstar, dude, You're not even a Hololive member.
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let him believe that posting a smug anine girl means anything in this day and age
You're losing
nice of him to stop by the thread meetup
She needs to learn from Subaru to restrain herself from speaking unnecessarily and to control her emotions. The chat had to hold her tongue earlier to prevent it escalating further.
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I love this retard like you wouldn't believe
Now you remember the legendary idol, Minato Aqua-san
Kojima of Vtubing
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burger hours
me too no joke
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If only she loved herself half as much as we do
>Mio still waiting on the sololive queue
I guess the question now is how long is the line
This girl
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Choco zoo...
Lunaito in the back...
As long as my dick
I am really dissatisfied with a course Cover is trying to steer hololive in
Besides Miko, Suisei tour and Marine there's probably Noel, maybe another Watame live and two more Suisei lives.
I still fail to see what so sci-fi about this place sakamata…
You have been saying that for years
Cover management should cancel HoloGTA and force everyone to join the VCR server
suisei 7 more times
>Sakamata forgot to open any of her attractions so people only come to eat and go home
Sololive this year, then?
>Kobo then asked if he would do holostars Indonesia.
>Yagoo said he wishes to focus on the pre-existing talents for the foreseeable future.
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more like tomorrow
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I guess Mio must be next
Yagoo's thoughts
>neither your branch nor homos are profitable
>it'd be even worse if we combined the two
holy frick free ipod videos
I found a nice girl for that anon who hates eyebag makeup
Recommend more games to Shion.
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my beloveds
those two are so fun together
she should play dq11 considering how impactful it was for aqua
how can i learn to enjoy video games again?
> DQ 11 playing 2 hours every Saturday
man can you imagine it would take years.
What's your favorite Japanese accent?
not really but it's fucking annoying how management wants to be nijsianji so much when nijisanji is trash tier company...
>I love tacos
I bet Sakamata fart some nasty one
she can play for long hours if she's invested in the game, have you forgotten her pokemon streams?
Play the same games as your oshi and try to beat them before her.
Great now my head will be filled with images of Flare's huge brown tits all day
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Play good video games
japanese accent
>KoboOllie then asked, which Hololive talent would you choose as CEO, to which he said Fubuki. For a global leader, he'd choose Calli, and despite koboOllie begging, he said for ID he'd choose Kaela.
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There's no queue, no idea who fed that lie to Mio
azki showed me that autism can be cute
I'm confused, do we really hate La+ or is it just schizos?
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laplus is the whore queen, followed by shion and ayame
We like La+ as an idea. But hate the actual La+
i like to masturbate to her model and her rm’s feet so i guess not
you just have to believe the ceo isnt retarded
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I don't think this is an accent but I like when they use a lot of んだ especially のだ
I don't ever think about her
Watching sakamata I.. think I might like sim games like this
you posted this already
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here are the ones i hate except miko
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Is this from Yagoo? Pretty good answers.
when you hear about/see some game that might interest you just dont look at anything and try it
how did Lui manage to beat Lapwhore
no one likes to hear her voice
probably the plusmates camping that site
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AZKi sure likes games about Japan and trains huh.
Lap fucked off to her own space but you still have to see Lui in collabs.
Sukikira is heimin's domain
We love Lapu here
We love Matu here
We love Shionyu here
We love Ayamu here
>heimin's domain
you mean bunaitos
heimin don't live in sewers
My awareness of Laplus' existence diminishes every day she isn't active on Youtube.
I know the others, but why does sukikira hate Miko?
Shion went to the aquarium "alone" hmm
holy based
nice try but Kanata's number of comments eclipses everyone by a wide margin
azki's first train accident
management boyfriend favoritism
How many fatalities?
Matsuri joining VTR?
heimins are notorious there, they are on everyone's page
おつみぉーん!Riveting topics tonight.
the game automatically pauses it, don't know if it's because it's a first but it was almost a head-on collision
What did Shion even do?
Do you love this or is it just schizos who don't?
the uravalo stuff im assuming
Oh tomorrow is the start of the Hololive meet greet.
This was pretty based yeah
She fucked off for eight months, didn't upu notice?
laplus? forgiven
Miko is a pure virgin lesbian saint unlike pekwhora the turbowhore
that site is full of schizo nijiniggers and cuckfaggys, they always hate Miko
She's a little bit like Laplus but doesn't let it show too much.
More like forgotten
>just trust me bro
This is Suisei's literacy stream all over again...
faked depression while having a boyfriend
there's about 3 years of valorant logs that showed that she did not give a shit
She doesn't hate hololive or appeal to holo antis though, just because she has a private live doesn't mean she's like Laplus
Imagine how things would be if Shion never invited Laplus to her fps clique
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>doesn’t allow worker to take a break
>why did they quit
My mayo...
Who's a good sleeper holo?
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Bad cosplay, Pekora only likes white men
Pay up or get lucky fag
First time seeing cosplay jav?
Unironically NMONMP. I don't have any issue with Lap doing this and can still enjoy Lap streams, and I'm okay with her collabing with my oshi. They've had pretty good chemistry in previous collabs so I'd welcome it even.

I don't care if she joins valo groups with guys because I can simply choose to not watch them and she's not my oshi so what do I care? Same goes for any other holo.
Haven't been there for a while but there's no way that's true. Miko, Suisei, Koyo, Ririka have way more comments
I wasn't expecting the 2nd penis
What did you expect from nousagi?
I wonder how Nene's beetles are doing...
*cums on you*
Ah, I only watched for a couple seconds...
All pinned to a board and framed
I'm not gay... but penises...
That's why I said she is a little bit like Laplus and not totally like Laplus.
Why was this deleted
what's wrong with sucking dick
I'm not a janny.
Because you get more attention by deleting the post and asking why it was deleted.
>I'm okay with her collabing with my oshi
Would you be okay with it if she used your oshi to get content for her e-celeb collab? That's what she did to everyone who was on the summer bingo stream.
Towa makes me gay
Don't worry about it.
She had everyone draw her pictures so she could show it on this guy's stream.
Why are they like this?
I'm trying to find a difference between sukikira fag and /vt/ numberfag, still looking
There's a Holo meet and greet tomorrow anon
Well sukikira fags watch streams and have real reasons to hate them, /vt/ just makes shit up.
What would Debut-Okayu think if you showed her current Okayu's content?
For the same reason that they hate the others, Miko is a whore
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Some of the girls drew pictures in her diary for the k4sen event while she ate her food, that's it
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So all I need to make AZKi happy is gift her a train?
The things Towa makes her cats do is not legal
What spell is she casting?
lol no they just take stuff from other websites
That's a pretty big thing to gift
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Towa is above the law
Why crop the guy out of the picture? The first time you posted this you wouldn't even mention where it came from. It's like you don't want anyone to know she interacts with these people.
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Wow, it's nothing. I can't imagine having an issue with that.
Why do you want to look at Asian men so badly?
It's funny seeing him trying to make it an issue
Why do we even like Towa
I don't. I'm asking why you're watching them and acting like you're not doing that.
Someone who understands powerlevel suppression
We need Towa 3
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Either that, or a Hololive plane wrap.
She's the girliest in hololive
Wait a minute, do we like Towa?
Towa this, Towa that, can you just shut up about Towa for a second, fuck Towa
I'm sure Marine, Noel and Watame would love to collab with k4sen. It would be kino.
I like to imagine holos getting fucked by men so I can self insert as the holo...
Nah, she was talking about spicy topics and reassuring Miofa in mengen. I wouldn't be surprised if she does go through with privating the archive.
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AZKi's giggles are too erotic.
What are those other websites and why does it matter if they do that? It always ultimately leads to the information coming from a stream.
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Just shut up and masturbate
I don't fap to males.
Minato Aqua holo when?
Name 1 reason to hate Shion and Ayame that came from a stream
I think someone should really tell this woman to just, like, shut the fuck up.
>>StartEnd fan
>concernfags about vbuta swarming mcdonalds
>>'actually Pekora has controversy so it'd be better to not use her'
Why are you showing me this retarded teenagers twitter?
No thanks. Touching dicks is gay
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Ah yes, my favorite Dragon Ball character.
Not if is Towa's banana
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In their case it's lack of a stream and the reasons for it.
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Ui BEEam
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>Yagoo picks Fubuki to succeed him as the CEO
How much share in the company does she own?
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Swimsuits never
A majority once Yagoo dies
Her penis size in cms
Whore always
lmao, what is this retarded logic of "most people don't care about hololive, so therefore it's bad to collaborate with them". Most people don't care about any brands strongly enough to care about something this, so therefor any collaboration is bad.
So nothing from their streams then. If they actually cared about holos not streaming then Marine wouldn't be so high.
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I'm sorry about your mom...
Did you miss the "reasons for it" part? Marine will be on page 2 by the end of the year when the Ao contents ramp up.
She sucked so many dicks, she can't count lick lick bootlicker.
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fuck hime
i am now a pioneer
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my daughter was ultra cute today
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This must be the only place in the world that takes sukikira seriously
AZKi should represent Japan next year.
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Oh deer you've done it now
What icecream flavor?
your daughter made me cum twice today
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You don't have to choose one or the other you know
What is it then?
still is
The impression that Marine isn't streaming so much because she's genuinely busy is pretty strong compared to other Holos who just seem to be slacking off
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You were the one who claimed that skkr's hate is justified because it comes from streams and isn't just schizo shit. The only reasons they have for hating Shion or Ayame is schizo shit.
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same as Miko
>if you dislike my whore you must take this site I don't like seriously
What is this argument?
Miko is a pure virgin lesbian saint unlike pekwhora the turbowhore
How is their documented off-stream activity "schizo shit"? Next you're going to tell me that there's no reason to hate Rushia.
I'm just referring to Marine to show that not streaming doesn't get you dedicated haters
have you seen have a nice day today?
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It literally does even for her.
>documented off-stream activity
Documented off-stream activity of playing videogames? I hope you've never played any games offstream you fucking slut
Yes I already had six lewd thoughts about the ninja lady
what fucking documented off screen activity? Ayame openly admits that she's Valorant addict
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Too big
Concession accepted, faggot.
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pekwhora is being creampied and gangbanged by evil buu and fat buu right now
Imagine Towa but girly
traitorous miofa....
i'm doing 裏FF14 right now
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I hope Shion plays the new DQM
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I'm so tired of dragon's quest
I'm saying that it's schizo shit because the only reason you get a low rating on skkr is if you have dedicated schizos monitoring every move you make to find reasons to keep your rating low.
Like all the lowest ratings are for that reason, no one would care what Laplus, Shion or Ayame does enough to dislike them if they weren't obsessed with looking for those reasons.
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damn, i forgot to save the pekora footjob video in the right folder now i cant find it
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Holos should try playing Dragon's Crown, they already have Atlus permissions
You know very well who I was referring to. Bringing up Ayame who just admits it isn't the own you think it is. She's disliked for the same reasons and this discussion was about why they're down there.
Name this group
>yandere te nani?
AZKi is way too into this shit game.
2 hymens
people who post sexy towas should be sent to jail
>the only reason you get a low rating on skkr is if you have dedicated schizos monitoring every move you make to find reasons to keep your rating low.
This is pure cope. Everyone's every move is monitored. Laplus isn't disliked because she's getting unfairly targeted by "the schizos".
the red flags
is the jail filled with towas?
Another night sleeping alone for her poor husband
The BIG4
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>doesn't count
>it isn't the own you think it is
yeah, this is GPT tier response
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>Red Flag
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Watame Ui beamed all over Ui in bed
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cum to this
towa has 2?
peko doesn't have enough lewds to make me horny anymore
Please reply directly and stop evading filters.
Are you from /v/ or something? Go back.
>Please reply directly
These people don't have the necessary IQ to use a fucking image board correctly.
Only if she got a 12+ feet donger.
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It's not fair... all the new lewds are mami instead
>Everyone's every move is monitored
This is bullshit. Aqua is still loved by skkr when she did the same thing as Ayame and Shion for years. You only accumulate a hatebase there once you set them off.
Are her lewds being actively removed from the Internet?
What do you think is inside Bibi?
That's just because it's impossible to hate Aqua
Towa's ASMR recordings
of course, she's a turbo virgin
So you genuinely believe that if le evil schizos targeted Aqua they could immadiately unearth all of the same information as they have found about Shion? You're actually retarded.
1999 towa...
>Everyone's every move is monitored
>This is bullshit.
But you literally only know that Aqua "did the same this" because she was being monitored lmao
Chat is teaching shion how to be a yandere
I'm saying that if le evil schizos were monitoring everyone equally as you say then Aqua wouldn't be at the top of the leaderboard while the rest of nazigumi are at the bottom. You're insane if you think there isn't a bias against some members compared to others.
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goodnight shionyo
thank you for such a fun stream
>i-it's bias!!
Yep, you're just coping.
According to you everyone in hololive is equally likable and they only go up and down on sukikira because of le evil schizo bias targeting them.
>Shion Yo
Stick to one, PLEASE.
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zion yo
*sharts everywhere in the thread*
heh take that, I bet they hate hololive now
Aqua is at the top because there's very little evidence in her case.
Jion Joe...
[happy news]
Shion returns to her slumber
The only happy news I could care about is graduation of any of the whores
It's not hard to understand.
>gain a dedicated anti-base
They push you to the bottom of the skkr rankings
Your rating floats more accurately on the leaderboard
The lowest ratings are all a joke.
>ask why someone is disliked on a site
>get explanation
Why even ask?
Assuming what you said is true what is the discriminant in gaining a dedicated anti-base as you called it?
>*watches k4sen waiting for Laplus to appear*
How does one gain a dedicated anti-base? Through magic?
Marine has more antis than Lui but somehow isn't at the bottom.
Cool strawman. Literally both of your epic points are 100% wrong.
would towa hate me if i stopped making white pee for her
Towa already hates you
I wish she'd show them more.
she looks worse
You're just proving the point with Lui. Do you really think she would be number 1 if the ATM thing didn't set off a group of spergs?
Rui got her schizos because of the ATM joke she didn't make, just repeated and because they don't like her voice, you tell me
fuckin darnit
You either die a Idol, or you live long enough to see yourself become the Villain
Any techbros could tell me why nowadays YT comments are filled with "bots" posting random people's names?
Whats wrong with that guy's head? Just being fat doesn't do that
I've been watching Youtube on my phone lately which I don't usually do so it's all vanilla, and I get way more ads during streams watching AZKi than literally any other Holo. The streamer has settings to control this, right?
Of one thing is enough to drag someone to the bottom then Marine should be down there too, but somehow isn't. Why?
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Mane-san is posting on her behalf, what's so confusing?
I'm sure their home3d's will get upgraded in 15 years
It does. He really is so fat that his face gets deformed by gravity just from tilting his head.
Unicorn Overlord any day now...
Because she's more popular and has people upvoting her? How many people can you realistically see opening Lui's page and 好きing compared to her?
She has nice skin and proportions, she'd probably look extremely pretty if she lost some weight.
He's probably drinking himself into a stupor at some parlor with his work friends.
ramie's teeth are not fangs
The rankings on that site don't mean much. Look at Koyori's page and then look at Towa's page. There are a lot more antis on Koyori's page
People like Marine in spite of the things they dislike about her, while someone like Lui just rubs people the wrong way innately. It's a matter of charisma.
could lose 15kg
Towa has never had a sexual experience, and I can prove it.
Towa sexually abused Kotachin
not now kenzoclown
I too can doctor a picture of her hymen
i am no longer a fatfag
Brocc shaving her manko and losing weight is the reason why I stopped supporting her ages ago already, I don't need her to become a stick like Mel, thank you.
I'd rather have Odin Sphere
You are not Towa
Sorry but we have to pay for HoloEarth's development and the middle managers salaries in priority, gomen.
When's the last time Subaru even did her Oozora Keisatsu shtick? This shit came way too late.
She lost weight at some point but I think she gained it back because people preferred her a bit chubby
>action rpg
Also that game is from 2007, damn. Since how long has Vanillaware been around?
Shoulda fixed my.link
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Otsu married woman!
Now what?
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the fuck is this shit
well now she'll have an excuse to do it more
Do you have cheat engine installed
stop cheating
Why does the amount of likes matter now? According to you the moment someone is getting monitored by the schizos they plummet to the bottom automatically. Marine has people who figured out that she has some kind of HR expert friend who had talked to her about her issues with antis, while the only thing anyone knows about Lui is that she said something stupid once or twice and that she's not very interesting.
It knows you're subscribed to Nijis
huh i didnt install cheat engine but i did use a portable one
it just scans folders? WTF THATS ILLEGAL
autohotkey triggered it for me
can't wait for the kernel level anti cheat from Cover that just bricks your PC randomly
bulge doko
Pretty sure all shitty anticheats do scan your folders and processes
I have no idea how they work, if I name a folder "Wallhack" or something like that, would it trigger the anticheat?
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good news
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You either die a Idol, or you live long enough to see yourself become the whore
Pink Sakamata's soulful singing
Would rica be allowed to do asmr cosplay of holomen?
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watch bully
Literally who
Sorry, I don't watch Chinese vtubers.
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I wish she'd stream with my oshi some more...
my beloved
Now Choco getting the recent cop outfit felt really awkward…
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Why is this allowed?
We love Artia here
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Miko is a pure virgin lesbian saint because it's not a collab
https://youtu.be/Oy30z0l0MA8 https://youtu.be/5BE5Xlg4ibg
Unlike pekwhoreleech the turbowhore who can't stop leeching male e-celebs cocks lmao
>5000 yen for a fucking ahoge
jesus fucking christ cover
mid 2000's, odin sphere is amazing
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fucking really? 6k yen?
that’s really mean…
eto..... eto.....
Need Towife
I knew when they introduced custom avatars that they were gonna nickel and dime players to death
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Holos should play One Way Heroics...

I'm actually curious as to how the online would handle hundreds of players in the same seed. I mean, it should be simple enough since there's no actual interaction between worlds.
But does Towa needs you?
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off model art should be despised
Where's her face?
Why there are no good arcs anymore?
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You either die an idol, or you live long enough to see yourself become Sakura Miko
the retard really loves posting his twinks, roru
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At the end of the day, Gamma won
And he's falseflagging as a fanbase he also shits on, just par for the course.
VCR arc is starting though
7dtd was good
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Miko is a pure virgin lesbian saint unlike aquwhore the quitter and pekwhoreleech the turbowhore
Towa penis has a good upward arc to it
Can you use the free coins for that? I supposed you don't have any since you just installed, but they used to give 20 coins per day for a while.
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In the end, Miko won.
…the title of most blackest pussy from overuse
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...is Pekwhora the turbowhore
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Good and correct. Japanese women need to stop thinking that the weird eyemakeups and excessive filtering looks good.
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That's her old official 3D, Cover actually made her ass bigger too.
EAC never gave me shit for Cheat Engine I use for single player stuff
this chinese food restaurant doesn't start taking orders until 3pm... chinks are the only people who do this everyone else opens at 11am
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took me a bit too
But why is Marine so obsessed with Ao?
Always assume that Purple=Towa
It's up to the developer to set what trips it up. I have had one game's EAC freak out over a tiny utility program and it did that until the dev completely removed EAC while no other game with EAC has given me problems over it.
She unironically loves Ao (because she's hot)
I like Matsuri
Because Ao gives her attention
she seems incredibly lonely and Ao gives her attention and spends lots of time with her. Also, she's good looking and Marine would probably fall for anyone who is attractive and gives her attention
maybe, just maybe, she just enjoys her company.
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why did jun cheat on his wife pekwhora with another woman?
Ao looks above average and caters to all of Marine's needs. None of her other friends fulfill those requirements.
Kanata looks good but wouldn't do literally everything Marine asked so she got replaced.
>Kanata looks good
hahahaha do heimongs really?
Maybe it's just me but Ao looked pretty uggo
>Kanata looks good
You're just gay.
Why else do you think Marine liked her?
But if that was true I would find Ao super hot...
>numberbrown eop mad his eceleb got outed and became the laughing stock of japanese eceleb space
Marine was desperate
Marine supposedly looks really hot too, she should just get a partner
bitch I'm also laughing at jun, he's a manwhore and deserved it hahahaha poor pekwhora got cucked tho I'm sure she liked it because she's a cuckquean kekekekek
Desperate for what? I already established that Kanata didn't answer her calls like Ao does. There was something else that Marine liked about her.
Kanade gets it
Because Kanata was draining her blood
I think Marine is into feet
Having micomet, lui and botan there just demolish any attempt of credibility for that site. Literally vtuber antis and nijiniggers’ den
Marine is into all of the most depraved shit, feet included.
Just came back from the military, Minato Aqua gaming haishin doko
Reminder that Marine thought Kanade was cute after talking to her on stream but after meeting her for real she started treating her coldly.
one of them is EN btw
You don't say..
>ctrl + f my oshi's name
>0 results
good, keep it that way
while marine is busier than the zoomer whores aqua proved the “I’m le busy” is just bs. Nobody is busy enough to never stream, not even suisei. The only difference is that while some holos go to the studio, do their job and then stream others job back home and don’t want to stream because they prefer to do something else.
Holos aren’t busier than brain surgeons and even then you see brain surgeons having free time.
Why is FBK like this
imagine watching hinano instead of akarin utawaku
RBC has a big mouth.
I only watch akarin league
miko is 100% unfairly targeted by schizos on that site though
No she's not.
I question your sanity
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Finally a good post
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Go to sleep, fags!
Maybe I should do this
Now that's some sovl singing...
its 230 pm
>went from first page pre 2022 to last page post 2022 around the time salome debuted and getting 100k everyday
>pekora went from 2nd page to 1st page around the same time
Yes she is. There's no fair reason for Miko to be targeted at all, all of them is literally because of schizo headcanon, that and jealousy.
Is Sio for lewd?
She won
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What the fuck is PM?
Prime Minister
isn't miko's board just a general schizoposting board just like suisei's board?
Perfect Momosuzu
Pretty much. The red posts are downvoted and blue posts are upvoted. So you know what kind of "people" infested there.
Polka oMaru
Isn't that most of them? Last time I checked, Marine & Pekora's boards were the same shit.
She is you schizo. You can not like her because she’s bad at games or whatever, but to go on that site and actually click that you hate her is pure insanity. She’s always giving her best, she’s extremely nice to other holos and beloved by them, loves her fans beyond sanity and is always trying to make everyone happy. She even carries her pc to stream from her parents’ home for fucks sake.
Her only sin is to be more beloved and popular than nijiniggers’ oshi and vtuber anti’s e-celebs
She's not being targered. Nobody is. If she's getting dislikes there's a reason for it.
mio's not.
Still missing Aqua
pubefags aren't human, therefor don't count
boards of unpopular holos that don't stand out can be pretty chill
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would you go to bakamata land?
What will you do if she never comes back
Miko’s board is pretty much /antihlgg/ for nihonjins.
>She’s always giving her best, she’s extremely nice to other holos and beloved by them, loves her fans beyond sanity and is always trying to make everyone happy.
Someone will say this about every single hololive member.
I bet you believe that every other hololive member should have more dislikes than her.
which holos use bing
i feel like its getting worse and worse for me
atleast i watched some clips of marine and ao about her today
it's funny when you go to some not so popular niji's page, the dislikes on blue posts (kirai'ed poster) are in the hundreds.
whereas on miko's page, the dislikes on red posts (suki'ed poster) are just around tens.
She is being targeted for no reason
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Nice thread
A world where every woman is like Sakamata would be like heaven, I want to live there.
Every thread without robosas is a good thread
Same statement applies to everyone else. She is not being targeted any more than anyone else.
It's time to admit that the sukikira rankings are upside down
That just means that there are just a few dedicated retards that voted everyday.
My only problem with Miko is that she pretends to be a lesbian despite being a mother
Are you retarded?
Rui deserves it for not accepting the R.
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Kiara is fucking disgusting and might as well become a twitch whore at this point.
Pyro Mania
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cute retard
Miko went down from the first page of most liked to the last page, she is being targeted for no good reason other than schizo headcanon and jealousy, she's literally started getting disliked by the time she got appointed as a Tokyo ambassador
Pekora is being paid to eat a cowe...
Buy an Eotech
Then explain what you're trying to point out with your post.
Make a tulpa
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Nice, me too
See, schizos literally only hate her because of schizo stuff like this
>she's literally started getting disliked by the time she got appointed as a Tokyo ambassador
So there's a reason why she started getting dislikes and she's not getting unfairly targeted. She receives the same treatment everyone else does.
She's cute, has a boyfriend?
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Cutest girl in the world
And she started getting disliked because of some jealousy? so not a good reason then
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hajimete no chuu~
She's not in hololive so no
Legendary Superhero, Aquaman
thread leech
See the problem here is that you're clearly a big Miko fan and believe she can do no wrong. You must also believe that other hololive members have done something wrong to get dislikes as you're unhappy with the spot Miko is in.
Legendary in a negative sense, the butt of every joke. The guy just talks to fish, lmao
Awkaman... oh my poor Awkaman...
Hitori Gotou the Black Swordman from SAO.
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uh, you need to click on either suki(red) or kirai(blue) to post in there.
if you clicked suki, your posts are red. blue if you clicked kirai.
each post can be up/downvoted.

in niji's page, anti posts (blue) are downvoted. a lot.
in miko's page, anti post (blue) are upvoted, but fan post (red) are downvoted.
however, the numbers of downvote a fan post in miko's page get is 1/10 of the numbers of downvote an anti post in niji's page get.
Hololive as idol group died with Minato Aqua
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remember when nene streamed porn
>in niji's page, anti posts (blue) are downvoted. a lot.
depends on who it is. look at kanae for example
So it's not really Miko's fault that she's successful, schizos are just jealous and would try anything to bring her down with their schizo headcanon
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thanks for making it better
>Such a contrarian website that even red and blue are swapped
You forgot to include your conclusion. What does this all mean?
fair, I don't go to male nijishit page I suppose.
Remember that with every bad post there's a Robosa behind it
Aqua is not a man
is this real
That's what I did while speedrunning Only Up, managed to make that game quite fun.
power levels are bullshit
Rium from Aquarium
Yeah it is one of my favorite streams ever.
yeah, i jacked off to it
maybe feet is not so bad
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One more day not forgetting about Minato Aqua, the legendary idol !
I remember when Kanata streamed porn then took like 30 seconds to turn off the game screen when it switched to a porn scene
It's alright because flare is there.
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i'm glad that my oshi rarely likes streamerbait games, and plays them when they're on their way out.
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now im hungry
too busy cumming
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There isn’t even a schizo headcanon. There’s nothing at all. They just organized to go there and downvote and antipost her, all 20 of them. They are very dedicated though
I will never forget Minato A...
Huh... I think I forgot something...
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you are just retarded
stop replying to it
That's a duck
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This is my nurse.
I think I’m fucked.
She'll throw you into a wall
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I don't know who Aqua is, I don't know her.
Actual good news. Rizuna's make up paired with fucking filters is alien level face
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this is going to be the worst week of my life
so far
Wait, you believe that they're trying to bring Miko down by clicking dislike on a website? I think you might be the real schizo.

How am I retarded? Anon here clearly believes that only Miko can do no wrong and everyone else deserves their dislikes.
Top Vspo members according to an FPS pro:
1. Nekota Tsuna
2. Kaminari Qpi
3. Shiranami Ramune
4. Tokoyami Towa
5. Kurumi Noah
6. Laplus Darkness
7. Yakumo Beni
I will forever confuse Nekoname Tsuna with Nekota Tsuna
Cutenano doko....
qpi rape in the ass
TCT numba wan in my heart

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