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Previous Thread:>>47740227

(10/07) Kubo Shiori stars in NHK Evening Drama "Mirai no Watashi ni Bukkamasareru"
(10/07-08) Nogizaka46 36th SG Under Live Zepp Fukuoka
(10/14-15) Nogizaka46 36th SG Under Live Zepp Nagoya
(10/18-27) Yoshida Ayano Christie stars in
"Fruits Basket -The Final"
(10/21-22) Nogizaka46 36th SG Under Live Zepp Osaka Bayside
(10/28-29) Nogizaka46 36th SG Under Live Zepp Sapporo
(11/08-11/29) Nakamura Reno stars in the musical "Endless SHOCK/ Eternal"
(11/18-19) Nogizaka46 36th SG Under Live Zepp Yokohama
(11/19) Iwamoto Renka's 1st Photobook goes on sale.

Official site: https://www.nogizaka46.com/
Official X: https://twitter.com/nogizaka46
Official Showroom: https://www.showroom-live.com/campaign/nogizaka46_sr
Upcoming Nogizaka appearances/events/radio shows: https://www.nogizaka46.com/s/n46/media/list?ima=4035
Group subs masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B1HFVF5iQBgvjDrPnmwfbq0Iz6VvaOmDep0C2x8yoMo
Subbed content: https://nogiarea.weebly.com/
Group live shows: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JnKp_AEeGUNTNePfY3C3AO4veiVi7frza82lRo44ejQ
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Yakubo dressed so hot today. Cameraman better give us something good.
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If only she turned to the side more...
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no, THIS one's the real GOAT
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Teresa is a hoe
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D-Did cameraman see up her skirt?
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I'd go on death row just to have this as my last meal.
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How many onigiris did she eat?
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She doesn't know what she's doing!
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Not shown: Yoda picking it up off of the ground and eating it anyways
Why, Kawago? Why?
Why did she lose weight? Because she was fat.
And you're a fag...
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My Princess
No nagi get away from that whore
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>660 y
It's worth it for a Kana Onlyfans
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not surprising that this is the only sane place here
Nanamis thighs
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Pig sexo
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unprotected sex with all of them
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Oh god, those massive tanuki thighs!
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Raping ashu prime
Raping ikoma prime
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>spend 100 bucks
>get mini pb
>it's YAC
oh my bad, automatically read it as 写真集 but it's not
that would be a win
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teresa doesn't have to check before crossing the road
We love YAC here. Whenever we remember she's part of the group that is.
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saachan baby ;-;
Bunch of simps
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I need that Riria pb
Anyone know if the old 46 Hours TV footage is anywhere? Nogiarea only has a few clips and there seems to only be one from 2016 on aidoru
check jpopsuki
all of them are on aidoru, even a big ass ~300GB megapack
>300GB megapack
Ok thanks, I found it. Turns out it wasn't showing up because I had to search specifically "nogizaka" and not "nogizaka46" and "46 hours" and not "hours"
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Since it came out, I've listened to it everyday and I have to say I don't like Cheatday
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sucking on kana's kanas like a newborn calf...
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Thought she was naked in the thumbnail...
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this but Renka
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>socks with sandals
Whys it ok when girls do it
My Princess!
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Because there is no equality.
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some nostalgia
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Che culazo
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Was Reno always this skinny? PB time?
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>Was Reno always this skinny?
Not really. For the last couple of months she's been hooked on Peaches and Acai berry based dishes. But she's getting her weight back up getting ready for the fall run of Endless Shock.
She said she's bulking? PB already shot?
And then they fucked
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Eita gostosa
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Well I don't know about bulking but she has started cardio and strength training... I'm betting she'll get a graduation PB like Tama did.
I always wanted to buy a Reno PB, but not like this...
teresinha is hot now?
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Nogi's official tummy slut.
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>tfw no yuna wife
Even Yanchan looking skelly :(
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>He bought?
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I will marry Momoko
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I love these 2 like you wouldnt believe
佐藤璃果's soft plump ass
She is with her future husband behind the camera
You don't know how bad I want it
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Now this is a pb diet!
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saachan baby ;-;
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Baby-chan was back on Rajira Sunday
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Lucky Ayamen
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6th time. She's tied with Yakubo!
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Unf those long legs!
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Please please please they let me fuck her please. Sakura is sexy and beautiful and dream fuck. Please please I please fuck her cream pussy please. Please she is need to be fucked by myself and I am in need to fuck her please.
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Blame Zukki for setting the new nogi bulimic standard.
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dat butt
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oh my
Nogi's Jurina
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the cutest chink
We call those ritualposts. First time on 4chan?
fuck off retard, we like bokuao here
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No we don't.
I'm glad to not see that offtopic shit here.
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bokuao is the true cancer spreading out from that containment shithole
kys schizo
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Teresa puta asquerosa
Aging like a german
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she looks great
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And all the 8 kg went to the right places.
smile charming as ever
She will show her girls like Hirari does
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>new ikoma
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Training saku and ayame in the art of anal
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The fat one or the skinny one?
The chubby one because she still looks cute and japanese and not like some random korean hooker.
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>when they see a nogizaka fan that still posts on the shithole that is sakag
Imagine posting in a thread with that trip troll shitting up the place 24/7.
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Akita chubster
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sex fiend
Kana should do a gravure dvd
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Fitting, for 3ki is a house of cards
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I'm fallin for her
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Soulless demon
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aaaaa cute
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