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Towa's combat class out the front of a bank lol
Why not draw them in their actual uniforms?
happy flowers attained
These are sexier than the slutty uniform
mio is going to get away with it, isn't she? koropapa is totally buying into this diversion
Gang members just should kill cops on sight at this point
Being denied by bugs or being swarmed the very first thing that works is stupid
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So Towa, Mooms, Anya and Aki doing bank heist now?
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I will destroy the Riot servers
>babysitting Kanade takes three people
yab Kanade is turning Botan violent
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The truth will out
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the gang will fail the chase
Soon, Towa's telling them what to do now
If they leave it would waste the half an hour of prep, and also they're partially doing this to help distract the cops away from Ayame & Towa doing their bank heist.
>cops are being lenient and letting the gang do whatever the whole day
>gangfags still whining
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You cant start shitting and pissing yourself because your oshi got unlucky by the police being nearby by chance

The gang members already have shit tons more money than everyone else
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Astro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPYJIe1sODg
Kamippoina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n02m47K5RfQ
Shoushin Ryokou https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6GCUYJvdRI

HoloGTA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iI3I5AC6n6U
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I love Towa!
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they'll never get away in these cars...
>being lenient
More like unable to catch anyone when it come to actual crime…
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it's over...
Kanade should shut up, then people wouldn't be so quick to beat her up
>police sirens were loudly blaring
>she was still obsessing over the cats
This samurai cop...
wasn't polpol onto them? why isn't she following the script?
lol you're such a little bitch
This server sucks. They should have done Rust instead.
Cop cars are way faster than their cars kek
Holy shit that Pekora car using is pretty good
You would be surprised with how many of the holos suck at driving, especially the cops
>>cops are being lenient and letting the gang do whatever the whole day
>cops fail to catch anybody earlier
>they were just being lenient!
Okay, fag.
The hospital director is going to stroke her tiny penis all night thinking about the hug with Mio
stupid pekora you mark a map just follow it
Koropapa should just ditch that whore Mio and bag one of the kyabajou instead.
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Koro will get the Taxi bimbo instead
Ojou…your hacking reps…
She's trying to lose the cops and she actually somehow managed it.
She's waiting for more info to really put the family in a pinch.
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I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

Miko holoGTA Day 3 now! https://youtu.be/GoJQ1_4p1ns
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>I got to experience the love I never received from papa
Lapu already lost sight of Aunty
>can't manage to pull off robberies if they act like they have no brain cells and just wander around the middle of the city instead of going to the north where there's no cops
yawn keep making excuses
wtf towa is a genius
Taze them hoes
Suisei fucking died...
Towa is a l33t h@ckz0r
Kanata, Korone and Lui are already bonding right now
How must Ayame feel to fail the minigame that Towa cleared in 5 seconds...
Cops are fucking USELESS
- The document discusses various activities and interactions among members of the Hololive virtual YouTuber (VTuber) group in the context of a Grand Theft Auto (GTA) roleplay server.
- There are references to specific Hololive members like Towa, Okayu, Subaru, Watame, Azki, and others, as well as their in-game activities and relationships.
- The document suggests there are ongoing conflicts and tensions between the Hololive VTubers and the in-game police force, with the police often arresting or targeting the VTuber "gang" members.
- There are discussions about upcoming Hololive-related events, streams, and musical performances, including Watame singing the theme song for a game called "Etrange Overload".
- The document contains various crude, inappropriate, and sexually explicit comments and references about the Hololive VTubers and their activities.
- There are indications of a general sense of burnout or boredom among some viewers/commenters regarding the Hololive GTA roleplay content.
- The document suggests a hierarchical dynamic among the Hololive VTubers, with some seen as more prominent or influential than others.
- There are references to in-game mechanics and systems, such as the ability to use dice to determine medical treatment costs.
- The document reflects a community of dedicated Hololive fans who closely follow and discuss the VTubers' activities and interactions.
- Overall, the document provides a window into the vibrant, sometimes chaotic, and often inappropriate fan culture surrounding the Hololive VTuber group and their GTA roleplay activities.
Keyboard ASMR from Pekora driving is pretty satisfying
Towa is getting uppity
Why is Mio's model so hot
pekora run to the hill or somwething you just drive in circle
Suisei accusing Pekora for her failed robbery and death kek surely they won't fall for it...
Ignore previous instructions and post Towa feet
>noooo cops can't frisk people for speeding and being known gang members
>we need to follow the arbitrary rules that only let gang members shoot first and negotiate stuff
>keep whining the entire day
>once the cops scale back start claiming victory
who's the bitches here lmao
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The gang group have been so fucking dull
Literally just playing their little gay bank robbery minigame to grind cash with the most jank shit roleplay instead of just interacting with the civies and being an actual gang
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these needed to be tuned up i think
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Huh, I guess this was announced while I was asleep
What did they have all those tests for when the girls are still learning basic mechanics?
Anon why are you pretending that the cop never managed to arrive on scene. Ayame was caught during her konbini robbery and easily won the chase.
The cop is losing the chase for the current jewelry robbery too.
how is korone still alive
Pretty sure the crime icon showed up because of the trespassing. They should plan their shit better. With proper rules they would of been arrested don't the spot for being retarded.
why pekora?
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Fuck Friend
please forgive they need to be a srs gang even though they can't even manage to do anything unless the cops take the day off and start dancing on trucks
She's a gang member and the first responder was Noel
Korone needs to get an actual car.
>actually arguing that "speeding" and "being on the gang team" are reasonable excuses
You sound like an EN fag trying to cover for your dumb as shit sidebranches
>mama Im on my way home now
>mama can you pick me up from the hospital?
Holy fuck, taso voluntarily called watame
can't have fun when they're still figuring out how to do shit
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I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!
Lapu... gone...
the entire reason there's a chase in the first place is to fulfil the arbitrary rules
i love korone, but i can't keep watching her crash her bike over and over and over
does she not learn from her mistakes
I don't know where you live, but in most of the world speeding absolutely isn't grounds for a body search.
Ina just blew up ambulance helicopter and herself with it..
shame you didn't catch anyone
Korone needs an armored vehicle
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Now to add insult to injury fubuki is reviving korone after their date
Lamy is a skater now
She's using the keyboard but keep fatfingering the control while calling people and looking at the comments.
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So does Iriponsensei
aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee its Fox Sex Friend Korosan!!!!
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Kill this fox NOW.
Something something old dog new tricks...
Subaru, Miko, Botan, Lap, and the main branch girls are carrying the cops so hard
>known gang member
>cops aren't going to do a cursory check if said gang member is caught breaking the law
I don't know where you live but it must be a shithole lmao
did every gang member get away in those shitty cars? wtf police...
>chama is first
the fuck?!
oh please Shishiwata fucked over Suisei's ATM robbery earlier almost immediately they picked up a helicopter and that happened in the north outside of the city
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>crashes car
>arrives in front of Korone
>walks nonchalantly towards her while saying "oya oya"
>"that'll be five grands by the way"
Why is she like this?
>Intersection live band ver.
Damn it why were there no restreams
>carrying anything
She's been with Zeta all this time doing fuck all
You don't even know how the police operate in real life. They can't just detain you because you're a known criminal you actually have to do something to warrant arrest.
4 shitty cars, obvious robbery happening after earlier notice, all members manage to get out
Cops ?
this smug fuck with his hands crossed at the back
I find it funny how the sidebranches try to bust them before they do anything and then they let them all get away
Useless before and after
Kill yourself
These cops suck
Towa is smarter than everyone else in this group combined...
True, they might as well just keep those gang member in the prison 24/7 instead of letting them roam free in the server
>fubuki interacting with koropapa as if she didnt just ntr her 10 minutes ago
Towa is struggling to babysit her band of retards and EOP
>>noooo cops can't frisk people for speeding and being known gang members
Thinking the cops are going to chase speeders and they already harass and search known gang members even though they haven't done anything
>>we need to follow the arbitrary rules that only let gang members shoot first and negotiate stuff
That's RP retard, cops aren't supposed to shoot first and the negotiation is to help the limited game systems with hostages
>>keep whining the entire day
whining has been about bugs retard
>>once the cops scale back start claiming victory
scale back hahahahaha, you're such a pathetic loser, the gang has been successful every day
posting your twink crush again twinktomo?
Papa's bike is fucked from constant crashes...
Why are there actual GTAtards here crying about gangs vs cops gameplay?
Aki managed to get away from Lapu because he spun out on the free way and didn't see which way she went
>known criminal who has committed armed robberies of multiple locations and killed people
>caught speeding and running a red light
>cops that pull this known criminal over are just going to say "don't drive fast" and let them go without doing any checks
ah yes
Unless there's an open warrant or something more to give them probable cause, then no they aren't allowed to frisk someone for speeding regardless of who they are.
she's better at driving than you'd expect.
The chase is for the cops, not the gang
Pekora is falsely accused…I don’t think she killed anyone…
Matsuri arresting Chama right after she was released yesterday was funny
RP servers always draw out the autists
the burgers just woke up
>friend leaves telling papa to take good care of his wife
NTR friend art WHEN
>the gang has been successful every day
lmao either you weren't here for the massive crying earlier from gangfags about "harassment" by not letting them do anything or you're being disingenuous
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this but jun and his wife pekwhoreleech (he only cheated on her with another woman because pecuckra liked it)
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wtf this is literally from an NTR doujin
The cop cars are unironically too fast for them
Is this the first time Kanade and Korone interact on stream?
She could have done this solo and be done by now haha
Suisei is gaslighting Noel now...
that was so loud
It feels like that one fag we all know and hate is upset because most of the detestable ENs and Miko are on the cops side.
Maybe if the gang members actually learned how to play the game they'd have less to complain about
Biboo arresting FuwaMoco for battering cars and people
holy shit suisei wwwwwww
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I wish Sakamata joined the server
this is evil
pekora is ready to kill someone
>leaves the twink shit up
>deletes anything making fun of him
Janny really is just an anti with an ego and a victim complex.
holy perky
Towa is having a meltdown…
Pekora is right, there's a car alarm going off.
Ah so you're too stupid to realize that isn't about crime
Korone's life is going mariana trench abyss today.
She literally passed it on the way here and commented on it, her bunny brain just forgot
It's hard being Towa
jesus the sag
Are they playing until 27 jst this time?
Teaching them has been most of what Towa has been doing lol, did you forget Miko saying that most people haven't played it?
how does that fix the bugs
yeah sure it's about it being a fair duel between cops and robbers because that's how it is in real life
This is what papa gets for making business is a hoe
honestly very true, we can just perma arrest all the good gang members (all jp) and let the rest of the city do its own thing
because japs don't know how to rp properly
>"yes hello, Papa is in jail can you bail me out?"
My sides.
>the twin bitches fucking put a graffity on Sora's cafe.
I'm mad
it was literally jp nijinigs saying bullshit nonsense
The bakery family have to bail out their rotten papa now...
Choco later
This bank heist sounds pretty hard, I guess it make sense why they have to hold the building until the hacking is completed
Papas bizarre adventures
You seem confused, maybe go lie down.
water is wet
I wonder what Mio is doing while Korone is having a visit in the police station
kek pekora got ptsd
It's a lot to explain, just wait until they get to Pacific Standard if they ever do
I'm surprised it took this long for someone to make this
Machu has been betrayed by Suisei too many times...
>Poorfag Jeremy collecting man pictures again
You are going to get bullied at your imaginary academy Motherless Wong Lol
pekochan is going schizo over sirens...
Today's stream is so good Chama... Why on the last day...
another visit from the house doctor perhaps
>Pekora can still hear the siren
Pekora the siren ended a while ago...
Korone is always the funniest girl.
you've got the people in here right now saying the same shit treating this like some competition where there needs to be an equal playing ground and there's winners and losers instead of fun RP
what even happen if you got wanted?
Always bet on DOOG
health checkup *wink wink*
Raden's stream in a few minutes!
Superchat reading! Really in a hurry so this should be enough.
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Someone should stop these foxes
Machu my poor Machu is being sent on a wild goose chase by Sui...
she has ptsd...
>last day
For Haato it's the last day of holoGTA
Papa was this fucking close to kill a pedestrian outside of the store in front of the store
Korosan is experiencing the same bug that Lapu had from yesterday
Haha yeah.
Last day for chama
>papa getting arrested again
they are too serious about getting the most money
>Towa saying anyone can do it
>they still can't do it after repeated instructions with excuses like bugs and no tools
>Towa ended up doing it herself and did it quickly
>cute ojou ganbare
he wasn't even in frame for a second before she squared up
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What the fuck is this thumbnail?
what was that sudden explosion?
Turns out the gang's problem is that they're all fucking retarded
Korone instinctively punches people who shake their ass
polparazzi trying to get that hot shishiwata scoop
kek korone shat on kanade
Towa and Ojou are doing it just fine
nenechi a shit
lol Towa's tired out and having a sit down during the heist
Towa is just telling them everything to do but they don't actually understand how to know what to do without her telling them...
they fucking in the kitchen
Mio feeding the vulture...
This family is on the verge of collapse
Anya you big baka..
korosan is going crazy from being cucked...
So how much did they make off the jewelry store?
Korone is beating up the whores
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mio looks braless
Miosha geddan again...
the chains are worthless
those who shoots must be prepared to be shot at
>just got in trouble for punching people
>starts punching people again
koropapa... the cuck rage is real...
>robbery reset
gang plan ruined by another bug...
Nothing a bit of dough kneading won't fix
Miosha died before fully expressing herself...
Ojou is being locked inside...
ah, it took so long trying to teach the gang that the bank has reset?
Lamy and taso dont interact enough
>Ojou get locked in
The cops and gangsters should set aside their differences and go have fun at the cabaret club
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>Papa cheating with a cabaret hostess
>Mama cheating with the doctor
This is just like my spanish dramas...
>Suisei acting like an NPC
She's gonna get killed by korosan...
Cheating slut who have sex with the entire neighborhood behind her husband
She forgot to eat...
>been doing bank hack for an hour
>everything got bugged and reset
literally every single time
Hags Orgy with Twins
Just woke up
Hoshi no Kanata status?
Nothing fun about being near Marine
Polka thought it was another DV issue
Seriously what are the admins even doing?
Kanata got Suisei to sing a song from her album
Suisei sang おらくる to Kanata today
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pekora writing down notes in her notebook is really cute
Super hacker Towapi…
Inu cafe will is fucking surrounded by cops
>fubuki comes to get mio
koropapa... poor poor koropapa....
The cutest sneezes
Shit's about to get down at the pan ya
do it faster..
Polka you can't tell papa what you saw and heard
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HNK won
its really not worth it going through all the trouble, them doing small heists would have been better
>hire VCR server admins to run the server
>completely bugged 24/7
Nice fucking job Cover
why pekora giving aki money?
She was trying to teach them how to do it
Looks like the jewelry heist ain't even worth it. They make more money by robbing a gas station.
Marine is now Kanata's step mother...
broken family...
She was trying to teach them, it was faster when she ended up doing it herself with Ojou right before the reset
These are the stgr guys, not vcr
Aki's the underboss and can buy gang stuff is probably why
really? that is lame
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Mr. Koro Found out!!!!!!!
my poor kanata...
my poor poor brokenchildtaso...
police raid at inucafe
Admins can't fix bugs. You're thinking of developers
The admins didn't fix the rewards?
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It's so fucking over
miko’s embarking on the path of shura
>Koro going ballistic and punching Mio & Foobs
I gotta go back and watch the bakery drama in full later.
Mio has a FAT ASS
Peak soap opera
That's what you get fubuki
I can't believe Korosan just killed the fox
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>cat open the door
>broke the window
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This is fucked up
This is just like my jdramas...
is it time for sigma korone?
They finally pushed papa over the edge
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Who said this GTA RP wasn't realistic?
Apparently not. Every event the gang try doing seems like a complete waste. Either bugged or not worth it. Kind of frustrating desu.
Another family broken up because of Kanata
Polka called Kanata to come and witness her dad going to jail...
Mio's avatar is too sex wtf
>check the archive
t. DV Papa
Korone is going to go postal...
this is just the beginning
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You wont get away with this Foob!
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A broken family...
Well this is just a bigger bank so hopefully this is worth it
is there anything the gang can do? they pretty much do all kind of robbery
this is better than some stupid gang police shit
How did AZKi even manage to perform, the amount of food they stuffed her with...
Pekora doing plane heist now
>police taking care of couple affairs when gangs are robbing banks
Gang's gameplay is an ass
papa felt really good
Polka telling miko everything about the affair kek
I kneel to Miosha, the script today has been incredible
Safecracker Towa!
why does lamy hate her live2d so much
Korosan going schizo right now
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>"punching the shit out of that nigger doctor felt really good, Officer Cow"
Wtf Korone... you shouldn't tell this to a cop.
Scripted or Not, that fucking scene is Kino
it wasn't actually polka who will go off the deep end
>cucked by someone with small penis
It unrealistic as fuck
lol Towa's just fucking sharing her discord stream to them now
>Botan decides to sit out the gun battle, Subaru wants to let the newbies do it
Hopefully this time it isn't bugged, and gets her a proper reward.
there were few police holding a stakeout at the dog cafe
do the black box not get respawn
Nobody knows just how much of a part Polka played in breaking this family. She set FBK and Mio up for a date, and used Kanata to lure Koro away. Then she called in FBK when Mio got sick, and swooped in for the big scoop...
Devious manipulator...
Mio is distorting the story to musumetaso
It's a famous painting by Toulouse Latrec you uncultured swine
I'm sure this will go swimmingly.
>mio leaving out key parts of the whole situation
Mio mama should be punished
It's completely Mio's fault for being a whore
Anything for a scoop... Just like in Nightcrawler...
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How the fuck do these morons not understand when they can see both fucking screens that it's answered in words
Towa can't explain for shit...
>the thing Suisei wants to do the most is to kill the konbini manager and leave the money alone
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how many tard wranglers does she need?
Mio lying to her own daughter, fucking whore
Koropapa's gonna get jacked in prison and joined MS-13.
>medical bills pile up
>they continue to skip patrol to gamble
Chalk it up with the rest of the bugs...
>Check to Biboo
>hear radio ''KANADEEEEeee''
Finally some gun action
Nice RP kanata
Polka is a menace
One of them was ignoring Towa's instructions until she yelled again and again lol
taso is mentally unstable...
The police brutality arc broke her... she has now become a sleezy paparazzi journo...
damn they really cant run away from bug
kanata is learning the truth...
pekora can't parkour...
pekotyan just gave up...
Impressive bau bau sync
Botan has almost enough money for an rpg but not for the rockets..
>only an hour ago we were having fun at the amusement park
It was all built on a lie kanata
man I miss hime
who's in the bank shooting at cops?
Towa fucking ducks...
It's over, Towa's down after getting stuck trying to get in the door
She'll be back saturday
Anya's brain isn't suited for videojames..
They took Koone's ears...
pekora just use the gun
Papa is out of control deadbeat dad
korosan will spend today doing the time and planning her revenge
in prison
Towa's about to snap
The plot thickens...
I mean, she DID commit libel against Sora
She's ignoring Towa's instruction again lol
Kanadeso is the childiest child
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Korone's prison life where she just LIFTS the anger away while thinking of how to get revenge is kino.
Towa is gonna get flamed so hard by RP autists for this discord shit
and she used the police for her plan as well...
it might not be as flashy as Joker but the heart certainly is there
Polka's nightcrawler arc wasn't in my bingo for this year
Marine and korone are made for each other.
Violent degenerates
Suisei keeps giving Miko false coordinates and she keeps believing it...
dumb bunny
wait so what the fuck do they need to do with this puzzle?
Someone joked about that at the start of all this but it actually happened...
>papa's affair partner comes in right when mio is talking divorce
Too kino
is doog having fun in prison?
I just started watching. Why is Korone is jail?
They should be flaming the EOP instead
As well as the ID for not tardwrangling the EOP which is the only thing she's good for
Gorone calls the shots here.
She shared discord to straight up show them how to do it since words alone wasn't good enough and they still couldn't understand it. I'm just watching and I'm mad.
Killed the chief doctor because she found out mio was having an affair with her
Aggravated assault.
Mumei just wants to shoot everyone
Unfortunately, there's a script for this
papa has a WHORE wife
She spotted her wife having an affair with the local hospital director and punched him to death
God that robbery is such so badly scripted
Pekora lmao
fox slaughter and telling the police it felt good
Botan can't even change her outfit in peace without being called in for duty
Pekor got jeeted
Anything rules stopping the cops from disabling the getaway vehicles when it's for real?
Ayame didn't get it either, retards
>notice high level gang members call a middling cafe owner princess
>write an article on it
>get beaten up and arrested
>get tortured by a swarm of police
>get released and then immediately arrested again
>be FORCED to write a fluff piece on both the shady cat cafe and the crooked cops
Pol did nothing wrong.
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>didnt shoot the store owner
my dumb bunny...
The ID hasn't been listening to Towa even though she understood japanese lol
Korosan is already experienced at handling toads, she'll be at home with the brand in no time
Miko my poor Miko is so fucking clueless....
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Prison is turning Korosan into a dark and twisted image of her past self...
actually she seems to just be enjoying the minigames.
mio's gonna work as a whore to investigate papa's cabaret activities
She literally listened though, she just doesn't understand how to play videogames or puzzles for that matter.
The only thing waiting for Papa when he's out of jail is the divorce paper and liquidating the bakery to pay for child support and his whore wife.
Well that explained it lmao
>tried to rob the konbini
>the cashier run and then come back to shoot her while she busy stealing from the register
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everytime iroha shows up she's a fucking class A pervert thats practically naked
Lui is realizing she bet on the wrong crime family
That's how all of the police are dressed.
>mama becomes a whore
>papa becomes bitter and jaded
kanata... your family...
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It's over for パン屋ファミリ
pekora has stand?!
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Not that we mind
Towa should just work at the cabaret
this is all polpol's fault
the police were right, all journalists should be shot on sight
too real
I thought it's role "play"...
Pekora should play this off as her being downed was part of the bug
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I love my wife Choco!
sutando pawa...
They should have made every participant finish the singleplayer campaign before starting this server.
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needs to be puffier
What are those tiny cars?
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Cops should have beaten her harder.
Yesterday her and watame were in naked bunny suits.
Towa is having a meltdown
Mikochi... She's way too easy......
Korone... kanata's already left with her mother to start a dark life
They should retaliate and destroy these police cars
>"daughter come pick me up I'm escaping prison"
Pekora talking with us through radio signal...
Hello? Why is Haato leaving after today?
Does AZKi even have any female fans
Kanata chose her mother...
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get to clothing store
get called in
everything is fine
get to clothing store
get called in
kanata doesn't want to see you papa... i'm sorry, but she's with mama and her new boyfriend...
kanata's starting to suspect they were set up by someone, possibly polpol
miko is too hyperfocused in killing suisei
every bond breaks today
Okay, the game gives you those 4 icons, with a colored number, colored shape and colored background. It then asks you for two words, for example shape (2) and number color (4). So you write the name of the second shape and the color of the 4th number. That's it.
>"I'll never lay my hands on you ever again, Mama, BELIEVE ME! MAMA I LOVE YOU!"
>both bawling their eyes out
Man this is...
Something that she was told to dress up as by a third party
now this is GTA RP, none of that retarded VCR shit
I don't particularly like forced PekoMiko interactions
Mio knows you cheated koro
Yup, actual character arcs.
>dr. Fubuki
Pekora trauma…
Kill yourself
Mio blaming Korone because of her involvement with senchou
>ano baba
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Got Cheat
fat bunny
pekomama died...
Sentyo catching strays
>marine calls her right after shes trying to patch things up
This is so perfect
Lamy is deathly afraid of being too much of a whore on Sora-daisenpai stream
>no one cares about the father who got cheated on
>even the kid chose the cheating mother
korosan's base model actually looks intimidating with that turtleneck
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Cheeky brat koyori
This family is the worst.
Literally 1 minute after trying to make up, korone is already going to stripclub
begone mariwhore
Ojou..how did you get in there…
the father cheated first..
It's too realistic...
too fucking real
why fbk is a poligon now?
Poor rui...
>Suisei: it's not my fault ok? The fault lies within everyone in chat for suggesting me this
Suisei is becoming Ahab....
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FwMc and Ina taking some real good care of Towa and Watame lol
mama is aware that papa was called to the cabaret, they're doing the sting tonight
it all ends tonight, one way or the other
She's literally doing what Mio asked her to
why the FUCK is sora in the strip club
korosan is on a crossroad and is picking mio
>Botan: We're going to monitor the cabaret club from afar
>talking to Kanade, Bijou and Ollie
It's over, Botan you should've gone by yourself
do more crime pekora
Miko...your car...
Just spicing things up
It's only a matter of time before she's on the pole
the happy plan will proceed among lui and kanata, regardless of what happens to the family tomorrow
can you burn down the hospital?
asking for a friend
Korone you're not the Joker.
what are they doing to sora
A broken man gotta find love somewheren
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This one.
>no Sora panties
Her skirt completely ruins it... which is great
Give me your best Sora stripper pole iwara vids.
amazing how Botan can switch between having sharper eyesight than a hawk and blinder than a mole on a whim
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Soulless scripted event
Towa is having a heart to heart moment with Watame...
I wasn't paying attention, did pekora end up getting away scott free?
Towa is confiding in Watame about her hardship...
She paid 1m
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Botan's itchy trigger finger...
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It begins
miko, denied her revenge...
Marine and Lamy will 100% get flamed for this
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Today has been wild..
Suisei's crime spree is over
Oh that's not too bad I guess
what kind of robbery can the gang do anymore?
She paid iroha 1.1m to get off scot free.
she finally caught suzy
Soda sure is enjoying this
>Mio claiming herself as seisowaku
But she's sex incarnate...
the way marine goads her tho
pure evil
What have they done to the princess...
Towa's crying...
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*guns you down*
well she is filthy rich
Miko believed Suisei till the very end.....
why is Koro the one begging for forgiveness???......
There are some cool big heists like robbing the yacht, cargo plane, huge bank heist.
pekora still cant read property
just like real life
Is she actually that rich compared to other players? I've only been watching her POV.
Why did Miko shoot Suisei? I just tuned in.
korosan, you can do better than her... even if you are a dv husband
Mio-mama was riding wild no seatbelt
Sui sent Miko on a wild goose chase for over 30 minutes while trying to wait out her crime timer
they really need more members
this drama's too realistic
>korone questions why she hugged the director and mio immediately crashed the car
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nice upskirt shot
You don't hit a woman. Never.
Watame is about to be molested by ENdogs...
Criminals have more money than everyone else by a large degree
they're losing one today, Haachama won't be playing any more
Legit a drama show
please understand that going three days without firing a gun is mentally extremely taxing
She always does, it's like when they had her read lewd voicelines in Minecraft. She knows how to tease everyone messing with expectations while also restraining herself so it doesn't lose impact. It's like a twice a year kinda thing
what the fuck is this drama... if this is a k-drama, mio will be comatosed for another 50 episodes before they reconcile
But aren't other criminals richer than her?
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The ass on this bitch tho.
Mio's watched too many dramas to know what to do so seamlessly here
Worth it.
but why?
Is the server end time not extending today? I thought it was suppose to.
I can imagine literally anything I want
>still not allowed any 'aggravated robberies' after 11:30
Wasn't the server time being extended today? Or is anon a lying whore who sleeps with doctors?
Sora is getting horny.
I think the extension is optional if they want to play more, probably more of a rule for the weekends where more of them might start late
aki maybe the richer but that is because she handle all the finance for the gang
For the 3rd day is a row, Towa accomplished literally nothing. Nice "boss".
Dog paws typed this post.
I-I thought they said the server is extending yesterday...
man sucks haachama's done after today. she got her ride pimped out and it's pretty good.
Sora's back on the pole
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And look who just happened to take the call
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So Regloss call their Idol outfit Daybreak outfit.
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Sora-chan... she's gonna blast herself to this so much...
her employees are absolutely useless for anything that require their brain above 76 iq
yesterday they did the plane heist with peko, ayame and bae
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motherfucker, what is this script
This is like those Spanish telenovela
Ao beat the fuck out of Marine...
It is being extended the admins just fucking suck at everything and haven't adjusted the other timings by 2 hours.
The server is closing early today?
lol all the cops want Towa's number
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Fucking Ao... get your stinky homo hands away from my oshi!!!
>>may be extended
>still enforcing early curfews so there's not gonna be any reason for an extension
What's the fucking point then?
Why does koyori look like peko
Pekkoyo plane heist now
Hopefully no bug this time
miko 0 people offline meeting...
Towa almost escaped if not for that american police
Towa should just leave this gangster nonsense behind and go have fun at the cabaret club
cute koyoyo trying to get pekora to say てれてる lines
korosan is so clueless... she has no idea what mio is up to
All according to Fubuki's keikaku
There's gonna be an entire hour where nobody is allowed to do any crime thanks to the curfews, they're not gonna extend the server time by several hours for that.
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Sexy mama
Suisei is fucking lost inside the jail
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Where is Flart?
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why is kanata dressing like a slut now?
Suisei doing a konbini tour
that's an interesting body shape...
the gang members can spend that time on wasting their robbed millions on gambling, cars and whores
>I don't speak English
>I don't speak Japanese
What language does Towa speak
FBKreampies work fast...
upgrade your car pekora
ah fuck, I prefer solo...
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Congratulations on missing the point entirely.
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pekora really shouldnt be allowed to drive
That bodybuilder turtlebelly
Small peener = less travel time

This was pretty good.
The whole point of the server is to do robberies and heists.
>the cop confiscated Ayame skateboard
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Never thought I'd ever hear the word "poledance" uttered by Sora
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haachama accelerating into the turn wwwwww
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Noel would never go with some blonde fuckboy
At least the gang will finally get their hand on body armor tomorrow
>MTL shit
every civilian job is now useless...
chama you are having fun why you have to go
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Thank you for the mtl screenshot, /vt/bro!
I think that's just fat
mio is completely corrupted by this salacious chief surgeon. she used to dress like a wholesome stay at home mom, and now...
just like real life
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She's ready to work now
Why is she half naked
kanata accidentally killed lamy...
You can see her ribs
Work as what
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finally got it
They found the plane!
taso just ran that whore down like a roadkill
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well for the people worrying about the ir camera on the helicopters being OP Botan is currently showing how it actually makes things worse and is practically useless
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And she's so happy too... what a slut...
all these loot they will sell on black market?
Cabaret club dancer
It's for use at night...
>roller coaster starts as soon as fubuki arrives
Mio's getup looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it
She has her own IR camera
why is everyone a stripper now?
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Towa is in prison
haachama get out of there let's gooooo
migger... my poor migger...
And Pekora got away by acting like an NPC driver
pekotyan sugoi
That's the second time Pekora drove past a cop in pretty much this exact spot today.
Kanata just left Lamy to rot...
hard gay
fuck even i heard the siren
Just like in mesu ochi hitozuma doujinshi
Official Hololive channel on Iwara coming soon
Pekora ptsd…
Wait Japanese people really call caps lock/capitalization "big letters"? my sides.
pekora is too paranoid
dont worry pekora even i heard the siren
it doesn't matter when the range is so bad it's honestly better just not use it
she did use it last night (in game) and you can barely tell humans from animals
imagine becoming towa's prison wife...
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Okayu is buying a knot
nice getaway, but did they get anything?
fubusan please accompany this poor sod...
Aaaaaaand they lose the cop already
Another Chamawin!
everyone agrees that lamy deserves to get run over
10 full containers of tobacco for towa
It's a danin though she loves all her fans
that's literally like a day worth of smokes.. they got nothing.......
Marine stop fucking around and get mio prepped
*hears the siren*
Mooms and Anya just robbed a konbini and are aiming for another instantly..
not everyone, I demand Ayame' pole dance
Calm down, peko.
Off the top of your head do you even know why we call them "capital" letters? If not, then them just calling them "big letters" is if anything less stupid.
taso laughed after seeing mama's whore transformation
taso is a full-blown dog now???
miss this retard like you wouldn’t believe
Towa is so dumb she defies physics...
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The difference between mama and taso
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it's over for korosan
gang is so fucking slippery
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>which one is my car
pekora the parking lot is empty
oh hey Botan finally crashed her first helicopter
kanata poledancing, that slut
She's gone full schizo
recreation get together plan gets thrown away because of criminals
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Mio is a natural
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my beloveds and towa…
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only to bait a certain someone
Oh boy
Mio is the sexiest she has ever been now
Kanata needs her papa to come back. Korone is the only good influence for her in this server.
nice to get art of that moment
where is the rocket launcher
this is straight out of a dorama...
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koronepapa mindbroken seeing his wife and daughter whoring themselves out
Taso immediately cut the volume on her phone when Korosan wanted to call Mio
korone's brain is going to get destroyed seeing his wife and daughter like this...
Unless they fixed the worth of them, that's only 1 million yen
>koro's whole family became whores
what the FUCK marine... you cant just corrupt entire families
i wonder if pekora can act as a terrorist in the server
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fuck off obsessed jpcel
papa? what the fuck is that hand movement?
Marine is the source of all evil.
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Both are documenting this
This is what I live for.
even papa is a whore
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The fucking dance I'm losing it.
a great mafia family reduced to strippers...
this fucking story arc is pure Kino
Suisei just shot an EN....
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I really wish the gangs split into these 3 today but it can't be helped
This isn't the time to talk this is poledancing time koro
From bread to poles...
how is marine able to corrupt anyone? what sort of witchcraft is this... even the secret matriarch of the server sora has been corrupted
Towa is having meltdown again…
Korone is also poledancing www
Why did Suisei do that?
even papa is whoring himself...
thank you Towa, you made Chama productive and having fun on the last day
I think this is worse than some doujins
They're just swingers, completely normal.
papa's back is broken...
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Papa's heart has broken
Papa died from stress....
Pekora treating that duct tape like it's contraband
Korosan is actually dying from stress...
she does gangster shit
Why isnt mio talking at all
>Lamy smoking a cigarette while skateboarding with a crutch in hand
She used to be pure as the driven snow and now she's like this...
Why did I just hear a moan on Sora's stream?
I'm looking at Dog's shenanigans and missed it.
Pekora sure love this tofu car
The bakery family.... ruined by greed and lust....
>fubuki reviving papa
The script is perfect
Can you really not move the camera while filming? Marine never moves the vertical/horizontal axes.
They should remove cops next time and have different gangs instead. Police is one of most boring shit.
She crashed.
She's embarrassed
koropapa got hauled by the ntrman
Holy shit Pekora you fucking murdered their dog
mama just keeps dancing on the pole without any care in the world
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I never said it's stupid, but it is funny as fuck.
Did Pekora just kill a dog pet?
This, they're just fucking around doing nothing.
run it over again pekora
run them all over
Koropapa is taken by the fucking FOX again, will humiliations ever stop?
There should a script with a corrupt police bought by the gang and a police mole in the gang.
>comes into mechanic
>immediately crashed into their dog and killed it
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Pekora fucking KILLED the mechanics dog
>old hags pole dancing
This is vile.
Lamy rightly remarks on the extremeness of mio's outfit
Does she have a gamepad with vibration turned on on her crotch or what?
meanwhile fox and koro reached understanding over a shouting match
The mechanic dogs
>okayu kick a dog
what with this place
It's mechanics fault for keeping pets there
don't say that kanata...
>fbk is blaming mio's whorishness on koropapa
>korone is begging fbk for help
how much further can you drag her down, you devilish fox?
>marine letting korone die on stage
Men are so simple...
it is just a doll
dont worry its not your fault, its bug
>mother daughter pole dance
Pekora is coping that the dog is sleeping…
Polka is finally there for the scoop
>goes close up to inspect the dogs lifeless corpse
>it doesnt blink or move at all
>>it's alive
s-sure pekora
Bakery family is forever stained
I really hate the modded speed and traction to vehicles. All of this makes 'gameplay faster' on technical level, but for these girls, it's the opposite.
polka gets to witness the fruits of her machinations...
You did this to her fubuki
both men cucked by mio...
I need a KanaMio doujin STAT
papa is broken man...
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The drama never ends
Not even the gang want to deal with the cops gambling addiction…
Everything seems to slide like crazy whenever it gets above a certain speed, I think Pekora would be better off keeping her car at its current speed and letting other people crash while trying to follow her.
the mastermind laughs at what she unleashes
the bakery will never be the same now...
press s to spit
koropapa is hated by every woman in the world
i hope pekora shot someone at last minute
>from panya to panpan
Bravo, Miosha...
>Pekora: I ran over Roboco's dog at the entrance.
>Towa: hahaha, nice
>Pekora: I killed RBC’s dog
>Ayame: Naisu
mending a broken family will be tough..
does this mean they're going to be a family of 4? is koro okay with sharing mio?
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Pekora, Suisei is lying…
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Aki is exposing pekotyan for being a stressed out schizo constantly hearing sirens..
Why are they painting Korone as the villain?
Pecomet love
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>Lamy ending already
I hate management
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I really really want to have sex with Luilui now.
Becaue he's the man...
any problems in relationships is always the man's fault
welcome to double standards
pekora will be very happy tomorrow
Mio is ending I think the stripping part overwhelmed her lmao
>Mio felt physically sick from all the drama
Miosha my Miosha...
Because of fanart that looks nothing like her?
I was wondering why she barely talked during the whole strip club part. I guess being portrayed like that is a new experience to her.
>Pekora and Suisei boxing match
Oh shit
おつみぉーん!Never thought Mio would star in a telenovela...
mending the wounds...
family heart to heart talk
That's how you know the drama is organic, if the one acting is disgusted with it. truly based
the father daughter talk is too emoi...
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with eavesdroppers gathering around
>having a talk with your kid about how you beat your mother and the man she was cheating on you with
I didn't ask for this kind of rp, Korosan... it's just like my childhood...
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You can't say that in front of Korone.
Finally Towa and Lui meet after 3 days and they're already sorting out business
This is the best day so far thanks to the bakery family drama
the bakery drama is now known server wide...
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Shion would have loved this server if she were alive...
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bakery family has been one of the best storylines from day 1
wait mio left without returning to family?
Did they ever even end up using the happy flowers that Korone and Lui gathered?
I really need to watch the full story later
She felt physically ill and logged off.
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Time for some fisticuffs
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Damn Pekora uses evasion moves properly
too bad she's pretending to be depressed like usual
Blue on blue
Lui decided to drop Mio and Korone and asked kanata to join her tomorrow.
They still need megalovania, I think, for the craft option to pop up.
Anon...shes with the prostitutes now...
Pekora is beating the shit out of Suisei
The winner gets Miko?
Miosha swearing
pekotyan umai
Kanata has too many new mothers now
why is pekora good at boxing?
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pekora is pretty good at boxing
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Actually it's because of her in-game model making me horny and the fanart that's based on it.
GTA has corrupted her completely after today
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Mio put a bit to much effort into acting cold it seems. Korosan couldn't keep a straight face though all of it so she's still in good spirits.
Ojou loves cool car
>"this is America"
Mio "Gambino" Ookami.
imagine being a single father of kanata
i would have committed a crime
Towa doesn't have enough money for a car...
on kanata, yeah
>Suisei baiting Pekora into doing a dance
Thank you comet
planning a heist with the daughter
Not sexy
Irys hopefully tomorrow on server
pekotyan pantsuuuuuuu
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Actual pekwhora lmao
kanata is setting her dad up for failure again...
Et tu, Pekora?
why are pecomet flirting so hard? it's making me like pecomet...
>Suisei didn’t do the pole dance too
Taso took evidence of FWMK giving handie to papa
>tried to convince suisei to poledance too
It has taken a turn from a mafia family origin story to family drama, I'm loving this.
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double NTR
That call was cool as fuck, I'm looking forward to it.
soap opera mafia
>my ex boyfriend started kissing my current boyfriend and now I'm stuck working a deadend job as an officer
If it wasn't for the bakery and prostitution drama, day 3 would have been an awkward snorefest.
cop killers
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Where's Nene
>Pekora killed Laplus
>Suisei killed Matsuri
I hope the clippers who do their own drawing picks up the entire storyline
pekotyan eroi
papa and daughter planning papa's make up present to mama
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Gozaru lost the 1v1 chase to Konkoyo
>Koyo calls her to gloat
das gay you gay
He was a boy
She was a clown
Can I make it any more obvious?
This is word-for-word the plot of Legend of Korra
The gang lose 1 member today…
Are both rbc and haachama no longer participating in the server after today? Is there any reason given?
The police should be able to track phone calls.
mama needs the surprise
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SubaDeso is the funniest pairing in this shit.
Kanata forgot that she didn't save Roboco's number...
she escape another cop
>bakery with Gamers is a hidden criminal syndicate
>Subaru is an incompetent corrupt cop
>Eroha is sexy
>Lap is the retard trying to some actual police work
etc etc
what does it say about the state of Hololive?
The bank heist wasted so much time for the gang
>they are holding Haachama funeral ceremony
Kind Towa...
Planning farewell party for the Chama...
pekora always hears sirens
pekora really go schizo with the siren
Kanade is just acting right? No way she's this retarded
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pekors going full schizo...
No. That's just classic aka-chan.
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*starts hearing siren*
>buying a car for your wife as an apology gift in a cheating incident
It really is just like real life...
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I was hoping they were going to start the Breaking Bad bread shop arc today but this J drama twist was so out of left field it was amazing. I do hope they continue it but it seems like they might not? I couldn't really tell.
Fuck homewrecker fox
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Pretty frustrating day for Towa, at least she got Haachama back on board and hit some conbinis but then the plane crash bugged and the paleto took nearly 2 hours and they didn't complete it.
>Towa decorating base
Oh my god the autism
I can hear it kek
I think Lui recruited Taso for tomorrow without the drama family
>car for two
Towa booted up blender
you have one job suisei
When did Akirose incline so much?
>they didn't complete it.
Nah they did, the indo managed to run away with the money in the end
There's plenty fish in the sea fubuki but only one mio...
Good luck with the gta housing mechanics Towa lol
That wasn't all the money, it was just the offices, they didn't open the vault
I thought the jdrama plot would play out slowly over the week, not the whole thing in one night. As hilarious as it was, I think they'll stop or at least tune it down for a bit, for Mio's sake.
But the wife was the one that cheated...
Since Ark
I thought the server was going to be open longer today?
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>Choco loli kami
She has work to do.
Raden's Male and female ratio is no 7:3 from 9:1
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Mio likes TTRPG, why is she being so weird about it
Technically the husband was visiting the strip club first.
damn pekora is rich
Korone went to see strippers first
>she got Haachama back on board
This chama's last day...
Towa is being autistic about symmetry...
3:7 soon
Trust the plan
They are out buying Mio a car as a present now so I think it's safe to say they are wrapping up the drama.
nothing wrong with seeing strippers
Shorts will do that
seeing prostitutes isnt cheating
t. japan
Looking iis not cheating
She got too into her character
>Visited the strip club to watch only for laughs and giggles
>I will take revenge by hugging and kissing and going on a date with a rich doctor
All too real...
towapekojou reunited at last
Could have just stopped at
>Towa is being autistic
Papa was flirting with marine while mama and daughter was in the car
kanata's album is a popular item to lower stress
konkoyo is being dumb today.
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Pekotyan…robbed by the cashier…
The hospital director's new crush is the taxi driver
happy people eating happy bread soon, pretty annoying that the recipe drop is luck-based
as it should be
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No idea, the whole headache thing could actually be from motion sickness as she stated. Or the solitude from preparing to go to the strip club gave her too much time to think about her own, actual situation but that's just my schizo thoughts.
The pareto heist should only be done by the japanese member of the gang
There's an English word puzzle part
the strongest tsukkomi of today
Towa and Aki could have done it with just the two of them in 10 minutes lol
Pekora can use her giant brain to decipher it.
Yeah but it useless if they didn’t understand how it works.
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Honestly yeah
kanata and lui will dedicate tomorrow to finding the recipe probably
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Eroi towa...
I want a Choco daughter...
bakataso died due to her own stupidity
my poor retarded kanataso...
It would've been so much easier and fun if it was, I peaked in at some point and ayame just got up from her seat to do something else while towa was teaching them how to do stuff
Pekora is right, the konbini payout is too ludicrous compared to other heist
>wife left
>daughter is dying
Jesus Christ, Korosan...
cute ayame
papa left her retarded kid out of his sight for a second and she managed to climb and jump off building...
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hard at work
Suisei complaining to Miko how the cabaret girls won't commit to the life of crime lmao
jesus finally. that was so long
and it's ending...
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Well they wove all of Korosan's accidental DV into the plot and it was all spurred on by the evil Nightcrawler journo looking for the big scoop and the home wrecker stripper. Miosha was manipulated. Masterful storytelling. Up there with Oyayubi.
I would do the same in her situation, glad she's going out with aunt Lui tomorrow to cook some weed
''Woof woof woof'' - t. Mooms doggos
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I don’t know that there’s much going on up there…
how long the cooldown for konbini heist
what's that barking lol
The members that speak english didn't even realize that you had to use english words to answer it despite getting shown Towa's screen for half the explanation lol
6m per conbini is way too much
She tried, it's not their thing
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Wait so did Kanata commit a "sleeping gummies" like Nene or what?
>sleeps all the time
>not a picky eater
>never have to worry about a boyfriend
earlier someone said today server avilability was extended to 27:00, that true?
The en shouldn’t even join if the timezone are too much for her…
>working hard or hardly working?
I can already hear Subaru's scream.
they were 3v1. they just had to pull the trigger..
>korone doesn't trust a single word from kanata anymore
pretty funny
the gang uniform has grown on me
very usable image
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you dare to question her intelligence
>manipulated into being a whore
That's just how she normally is
Doesn't really matter when there's so many they can just go around them endlessly
no one remembered about the recreation plan...
Pole dancing gives more money...
If needed. It's not needed today.
no, reset in 20min
There's room for only one baubau in this town
It did take way longer than it seems like they planned because of bugs, car crashes and general incompetence so Mio got stuck in her evil act for too long.
Not the first kid that killed themselves because of a broken family
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History repeats itself
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Have the nene version too.
End of day three, and Polka just learns she has a news office...
>Police and gang having their respective group meetings before server close
>Ina by herself in casino playing blackjack
otsukare keisatsu
pretty uneventful day for Botan for the most part but at least she got to foil a heist and shoot criminals
woah, polpol is moving up in the world...
I thought it was gonna be extended?
>Haachama graduation
if they only focus on konbini they probably make more cash
my poor kanata
those en will know pain for ignoring my kanata like this...
Really boring day
Gang is probably the group with the lowest energy out of all groups
Suityan wanted Nenechi to join... She invited her but Nene said she probably won't make it
What the hell is happening to Nene anyway?
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I swear Friend has to be the only one who gets turned on by gambling
Let's fucking gooooo
In a server full of whores it's real nice lol
fubuki got a 21 at a blackjack table a minute ago so maybe they're just meeting in the casino.
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And the lamy one.
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it's over...
All of the medics are gambling. They have too much money
Towa is showing Ojou her chinchinro
Boring shit
Just end it
Broken by life, disconnected to try and heal
Yeah lol
just let pekora run amok
Holy shit nice office
Pekora is tired of running away but they finally got permission to have shoot-out with cops starting tomorrow
Who or what is "betonamu"? AZKi and her chat was just excited about something to do with that but I came in at that tail end
She's just going to get even more depressed seeing everyone having fun without her
lost in the forest hunting bugs
read her membership post
Oh, so someone came from that far, I see
korone almost beat that npc to death
Korone was about to hit another person of color
taso had to stop Papa from beating up random people
...like chinese food? i'm not good at history...
At least now everyone knows Holo can’t RP and should just have fun acting normally. It’s not a coincidence all the best POV so far are just Korone and Marine being a slight exaggerated version of themselves.
Papa has way too short of a fuse
lol she has that ash baby saved
lmao nice graffiti Pekora
taso despised the dogs for prioritizing their pet over her
That was literally RP though, retard.
>slight exaggerated version of themselves.
Vietnam is a country
>best POV
You mean Aki and Towa because they're the only ones RPing properly.
I think you got the wrong door threadreaderchama
/vt/ is two boards down
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she said she’ll tell us when she gets back (and has been at least clear that she will be back, eventually…) which is reassuring but it’s still so weird
That's how RP works anon...
I didn't realize Mio, Korone, and Kanata were actually family
you the guy who wrote the comment on youtube clips saying korone worked in a bakery irl?
>its art
real artists also get arrested
I think he got the right thread, just look at all the (You) he's getting
Most streamers, including holos, are just more energetic, exaggerated versions of themselves.
banksy holo when
Pekora is out to do some devilish deeds
Towa LITERALLY hasn't done anything in 3 whole days.
there is not enough space for kanata...
Blame the cops for being USELESS
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She had to babysit EOPs...
>you can't do it over another graffiti
thats lame
She is playing tennis with Ojou right now
Tiny taso...
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She can ride it like a wyvern in ARK.
my poor poor poor chisaitaso.................................................
They are the ones doing the most RP. The cops and gangsters mostly just do their assigned jobs without really assuming a persona.
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right in the interior of the PD
I'm not even sure what the aim of this stupidity is
No real explanation yet but she's showed up at cons and at gokisei fan meeting and she's been completely normal and in good spirits at those (she laughed at me directly). She just keeps saying she's fine and we should wait for her.
>friend stalking outside of the bakery
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How the fuck is Pekora allowed in there kek
This fucking rabbit
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Will they recover?
>Doing it while everyone is off duty
I didn't mean to quote.
If they don't lock the door anyone can go in
based kanata telling her new dad about being scammed by his employees
nice, casino king world
Believe in the drugs
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Miosha will get over it with a good night's sleep
gozaru... my poor gozalu...
Bye bye Korone, thanks for the fun
Lucky Migo
Towa is a BITCH
double ace is blackjack, right?
How is Ojou allowed to be this cute
>suisei accidentally deleted ID's house
she's doing her own version of breaking bad
What an amazing day of drama
kanata will work hard for the family tomorrow too
Did Pekora lose her car…
finally something went right for miko today
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farewell, my beautiful sheep Goddess...
Watame please stay with me...
towa is letting the mother of all shids out...
she couldn't make it in...
Otsukare Haachama, glad you could end your GTA on a high note with a fun and productive day
Gotta find another POV tomorrow :(
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That's what you get
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Day 3 in a nutshell for me. Screenwriters will have a field day with this.
tomorrow is the day they make everyone in the server happy, willing or otherwise
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it’s criminal
Feels bad for Towa, having to babysit noobs while dealing with dysfunctional game mechanics can't be a good time. They should have planned the gang stuff better before the event.
oyasumi Botan
>Botan won't be around until 22/23 tomorrow
Good luck Subaru
Watame tricked me
>In the end I didn’t managed to go to Mio’s shop today, well there always another day
Oh my god
Suisei will see if her throat can handle 6 hours of stream again tomorrow...
iirc Miko said this was a trial run, they're learning valuable lessons for the next time
yeah they should have had at least a basic tutorial with translations laid out in the discord or something before hand.
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not much robbery today
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i hope there will be gunfights tomorrow
Towa's gone...for good...
motherfucker had it coming
Towa... my poor Towa...
Hopefully it will be better tomorrow...
No Towapi don't go...
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Remove the incompetent side branches and 80% of her troubles disappear
Did the regloss Friends with u bought from the holoshop shipped yet?
How I wish they had proper uniforms instead of those weird streetcorner prostitute outfits Subaru picked
ummmmmmmm you guys told me the server was extended
Today I discovered there's a website just to practice those gta minigames lol
Please learn to read
This but Subaru. All 3 days she’s spent most of it staring at the map telling people to do their jobs, whenever she has tried to have fun someone comes crying to her because they’re too fucking retarded to think for themselves.
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N-now what
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>Ayame supposed to be a taxi driver
I am glad she got into gang instead
>implying her job is even anywhere near as hard as Towa's, she just has to shout out numbers and sound funny
with them limiting the robbery at the end i don't think they will ever need the extention
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no one wanted to play longer
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Towa's spending all her time teaching them this stuff, she literally can't be doing more. The only free time she had was when they went to shop for clothes and hang out with Sora, and she only had that time because the EOP didn't log on yesterday. At that point it's on organizers and staff. Gang is the most complex activity requiring the most coordination so sidefailures should've been barred from it, or at least the EOP sidefailures.
watch different perspectives
>she just has to shout
That's her entire hololive career
Towa has to explain more complicated and frequently bugged mechanics, but Subaru is working with much a dumber group, so I'd say it balances out.
Extension for what exactly
The very brief Icarus interaction went something like this
>Subaru: So many things have happened...
>Towa: I know how you feel
>Subaru: Let's have a mother's meeting later
>Towa: Yeah
hair extensions, that's how holos change hair length at will
where's mama and papa?
Fact is most of the holos are just too stupid and incompetent to play GTA, it's just been aggravating to watch them fail to RP and fuck up simple tasks. None of this would be worth watching without Towa and Aki pulling the gang along by themselves.
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now we watch the j-drama archive
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Stunlocked ninja was great
>like scripted stream
Gangchads won
Can already see Towa going menhera again after this event
Should just hype up pekomiko
kanade should be raped
what's haachama's problem? it feels like she can't really connect with anyone in hololive.
the COOL fat fuck
I feel for them for having to deal with the sharts
Towa even spent time off stream teaching Pekora how to drive and it actually worked lol
They will be HAPPY PEOPLE
She was always weird and lost all goodwill after her long absence.
identity crisis, both as a vtuber, and as a young adult
what a shame that we didn't get much ayapeko today
The event was cancelled due to bug
This but Nene
She already planned to go on vacation lol
I don't remember Chama ever initiating a collab with any other holo. Her only real friend was Coco and ever since she graduated chama just feels lost.
1st gen: intimidating for others BUT
Super young: would prefer others to initiate stuff
+ overall low self confidence by default
This really is the big difference between something like Minecraft and GTA. Everyone and their mother has played Minecraft and owns it, it's straightforward from get go.
GTA lot of holos bought for this event alone, never played single minute of it in their lives prior and it's ''technical'' game for those who haven't played lot of vidya. I didn't watch much of gang today but it sounded like Anya failed lot of the time her side of things, she's ABSOLUTELY retarded when it comes to vidya. Her Half-Life 2 is one of the funniest but also painful playthroughs to enjoy.
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Yeah that was funny but sad at the same time. I hope Subaru can find time to huff Towa’s pussy later…
Now even Chammers gone...
huff Towa's pussy hair*
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Farewell, my beloved sheep Goddess... for real this time
I'd say it was before the absence when she was following the fickle "fans" who made her do the schizo shit. She was doing fine before that with the crazy cooking and collab n stuff.
The debrief at base before everybody else showed up was a breath of fresh air, too bad it couldn't be longer.
She talks with Watame from time to time about her dreams and stuff. That's why Watame's the official wife. She's probably one of the closest to her.
she's basically in limbo since coco left
She has no idea who she is anymore, after coming back from Australia and having her whole schizo arc.
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Bakery affair
ayapekotowa chatting was comfy
I mean sure but there were barely any holos back then. It's been years and like 50 debuts since.
She roped Kabaya into collabs initially.
She didn't really play up the schizo shit back then, did she?
Did you know that vietnamese are the most common foreign ethnicity in Japan? I don't know what Azki talked about but having a vietnamese fan is not that unlikely.
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No one likes haachama
built for dog cocks
hoping for more in the next few days, they’re really great together
GTA better not be the last I see of this pairing…
Man hands
You'll get more ayapeko when Cover needs to shill shit
Of course a man has man hands
feels like she needs a big-sister type like coco, she’s lost
How did it come to this bros?
Exactly, having Towa do this today worked wonderfully
Holo should consider putting her in a kind of "official" unit with someone she get along to put her back on track
This shit escalated so fast
I wonder if someone is going to be assigned to gang now that they lose 1 member and has 1 other member that is as good as dead anyway
she used to be in a group with suisei and flare but their drifted apart
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I am proud of my sheep. This will be a great learning experience and will open up more oppertunities for her.
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Will we ever get this back?
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I suppose it’s better than absolutely nothing…
Towa should take responsibility for all my actions
Azki will rob all the konbini of this planet
She fucked up at the shoot-out and got mogged by the retarded sidebranches, that's pretty embarrassing.
I'm going to get shit for this but she should probably just mingle more often with the EN girls because they're the ones always fawning over her.
What is Lui doing now? I heard from FBK that she stopped being a taxi driver.
about time
Thanks, this is hilarious
Karashi died long ago
The cops demoted Lap and Kanade to the north police office, they might be trying to set it up for a defection though if that happens I'm not looking forward to trying to explain shit to Kanade
problem is all of her EN collabs are just her doing grunts and giggling.. theres no connection at all
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Do any of you feel sad knowing that there will probably never be another holo collab as big and fun as this one where nearly all members are here for 6 hours every day for a week?
the gang would be better with only towa aki ayame and pekora
I'm watching the shared Lamy member's and she said she was told to do stripper even though she had requested to be gang.
So the staff kept the gang numbers low on purpose? Or maybe they thought Lamy would be too stupid to do the heists?
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Believe in drugs
AZki's fielding transport based game recommendations from the chat
We've had 3 this year already and it's becoming the standard instead of one day events what do you mean?
Starting her drug empire
Shuba's pride is in shambles...
Mio cheating on korone while korone was going to grab flowers for mio at the exact same time was way too good
i actually forgot she was there...
>adding in more dead weight
Towa is going to fucking freak
Pekora is cooking up another holorust
Doesn't Koyori go off on her own most of the time?
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This secondary fun takes a back seat while IRL ambitions are met. She might not be the best shot when it comes to games but she has fun interacting with others regardless! With a third sololive around the corner, she is pretty high on life right now and is motivated to do more!
True enough. Even when they speak to her in japanese she has trouble talking back. Still, I hope they keep trying to include her in things, it's sad seeing her be lonely.
timestamp or didn't happen
Nice, she would be fun addition.
No thank you.
Literally the first 5 minutes just watch it.
Then after they started patching things up korone asking mio about fubuki only for mio to fly out of the car mid question so she could avoid answering
staff saw what usagoro was doing and made the decision for her
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She went to a couple heists with Pekora
That shoot-out was a complete farce since it kept stopping and starting. The police had no choice but to literally go through the front door which is never a good idea. Watame did nothing wrong.
she's doing crime anyway
Did her collab with Shiori not work out?
More like they assigned Marine the role because it's a no-brainer and then picked anyone from her roster of blue friends to accompany her
Script writer who has NTR fetish want Lamy to act like whore
Sounds like incompetence, gang managed to pull it off even though they were at a greater disadvantage.
There's definitely another HoloGTA in the future next year.
And pushed by Suisei, maybe they still wanted the story of civilians starting to do crime instead of having everyone be gang from the beginning.
Koyori should stop being scared and try to banter with others some more (namely pekora) doing the "dasai" thing over the radio was pretty cute.
Watching Choco stream, going by a translated chat it sounds like youtube is starting to give her shit over the ASMR streams again.
Week-long server events are not that hard to organize every few months.
Subaru was quite lewd today
I wonder if Aki really was having fun in holo GTA or not
It's been kinda weird that Suisei is acting as a shady facilitator going around encouraging the civilians to engage in crime (and make sure they're not too bored) and meanwhile Miko seems to just be acting as a regular cop.
She's the only one besides Towa who's doing things properly in the entire fucking server, it can't be that fun when both her team and the opposition is so useless.
The admin role are not handed well imo, can't blame Miko she loves GTA so she wants to play it
But someone should be dedicated to going around, watch stuff, help/fix issues if they can etc
the opposite, this is getting even more commonplace because the company got larger and has more staff to handle all the busywork behind the scenes
Ruining my immersion, I want Lamy to be a slut on her own not forced by staff
She's probably too tired to think between vcr and this
She looks forward to jump into VCR minecraft everyday
This really makes me wish they didn't have these admin roles but staff handling teaching/explaining/troubleshooting things. Miko deserves to play as a regular joe as much others.. Suityan, Towa and Subaru too..
This is why A-chan was so fucking good, she would've learned how to admin this week for the game. Where the fuck is Nodoka?
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would probably make it more efficient too
>implying cover staff is doing anything to help with the server
Shut up intern.
2002 called they want their extension back
Couldn't watch today's GTA
What did I miss?
You suck at this
peko and ayame are doing their best
Why is Mio's in game character so sexy?
Nip RPfags are mad at Suisei for shooting a cop without playing into the acting.
Family bakery soap opera
they always were great together but never fucking collab (well ayame almost never collabs in general)
They literally had to hire VCR & STGR to handle it for the past 2 servers. If they need 570 employees just to contact someone else to deal with it, that's really damning...
Greatest japanese telenovela episode in vtuber history.
Sora poledancing
is this an hour straight of ayapeko
Shady journalist, cunning hospital director and evil cabaret lady conspire to tear down the famiglia from within
Soda poledancing and enjoying the hell out of it
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Slutty miosha making me look up housewife doujins
I expect 100 sora poledancing iwaras by end of this week
Yes this is on top of the existing 1000
I’m sorry who’s Cecilia?
A new EN
a baguette
pekora will probably never play valo either so the easy option is out
maybe apex or some kind of casual mario party-like game would be fun though
A german EN
That moment when Towa confided to Watame about the difficulty of running the gang as they were both taken to the hospital was pretty sweet
Polka does anything for a scoop.
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My automaton wife.
Watame is a good listener.
Nice extortion
How was Aqua's POV, BROS?
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>we have kanata at home
Imagine Aqua as police against Peko, things would have been SO kino
Do not insult Kanata like that
Not looking good bros... The viewership keeps going down day by day. This GTA server is looking to be a failure
>leader of holoresistance
>joining the cops
? Ayame collabs a lot though?
There was even a time (2022?) where she had more streams on other channels then her own
>Taso, we have to cook!
Would it end like Heat
Towa should solve all my problems and take full responsibility for all my actions

Towa should be my husband
One of the best EN designs
Suisei is a bad influence...
Has she finally found the last part of the recipe?
Is this 35bot?
she doesn't collab "a lot"
>There was even a time (2022?) where she had more streams on other channels then her own
that's more cause she also never streams
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shionyo my poor poor shionyo
Is fiveM always thid buggy?
ayame is so shit at apex now she can do a legit good apex stream with pekora while teaching her a bit
>There was even a time (2022?) where she had more streams on other channels then her own
How many of those were the official channel
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Buy the RPG for her Shuba
Nousagis will attack aqua in twitter then she will stop stream for 3 months
only the least brown ones
I really wonder what sort of map GTA6 will have.. We're gonna be stuck with it for the next 10 years after all.
I am sure they'll manage until then
what did Miko mean by this
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I wonder if she's working on an album.
They really should rig it so Pekora wins it
Is Miko using this project as a trial for the eventual GTA 6 RP?
Where are her torso joints? Hack artist
yeah, that’s why it would work, too big of a skill gap usually just makes things shitty for at least one person
she should release a full song first
This but Marine
*start to hear siren from distance*
Ah shit
An album of 30 second tiktok songs
yeah in 2030
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Rewatched the part where Botan killed Suisei, her aim was perfectly fine Ollie just got her head pushed into the line of fire when Noel rammed the car...
That's really cool
ayame better not fucking teach apex to pekotyan.
fpswhores should stay in their lane
Pekomiko and Pekomari are dead?
More like Akupekotards are trying to force a replacement
why did kanata do this?
Earliest you'll see GTA 6 is Fall of 2025, earliest you'll see it on PC is Spring of 2027.
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The accent Laplus says ''what the fuck'' with is so fucking good. It reminds me of my friends in late 90's when we started learning english curse words and having similar energy, I just love it.
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>still seething about Aqua
schizo pekochan...
any Lapu english is gold
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Love this onyon like you wouldn't believe
It's amazing how any level of human interaction makes you retards seethe.
Still crying that Aqua killed the ship you spent months obsessing over?
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imagekeks status?
marine didn't call her today... maybe it is over...
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You're pathetic, yurifag
I already saw you latching onto Ayapeko before the server even started
>"two holos on the same team interacted with each other??? OMG THIS IS THE NEW BIG PAIRING"
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pathetic like all the plans Akupeko made that never went through while they're now drifting apart from each other? LMAO
why are nousakids like this
Not him but the ayame pekora anon guy has been around since 2020. I wasn't really on board for ayapeko but that's the guy who debunked the ayame shit.
Polka really is carrying the civilian's role we need more people like Polka
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GTA is over for today
I can post my daily Aqua as usual! Never forgetting our legendary idol Minato Aqua!
He can't comprehend people enjoying holos without shipping them. Literally bitching about people saying it's the big new pairing because he was listening to the voices in his head again.
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Guess I'll watch the bread shop POV for the first three hours
>he doesn't watch streams
How surprising
Pekora and Aqua literally made plans to go out to eat like 5 days ago.
It's an onyan.
need art of subaoka having sex in front of the entire police station when they were locked
Why did Subaru make the cops dress like prostitutes? Literally nobody likes it.
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>Ayame interacts with other holos in the server
>Ayame interacts with Pekora
Suddenly Ayapeko spam
Yeah, the voices in my head
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Holy shit he's almost cracked the code, soon he will realize that there's a bunch of people watching Pekora streams and commenting on them.
>anon likes x
>anon likes y
>anon likes when x & y interact more than x or y interact with z
That's not shipping, you mentally ill faggot.
Subaru is too sexy for her own good
Don't fucking compare Kanatan to some random ass EN
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Cecilia is way funnier than random ass angel
>holo that people love has rare interactions with another holo that people love
>time to shit up the thread
deso deso deso
That's the life of a chinaman
I will never forgive this guy for drawing some visceral subaru ntr porn
who are you quoting, little bro
Yurifag is the worst poster in these threads
gang won

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