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I love Towa!
holoGTA at 19!
nenechi a shit
the janny rallied his discord and the crossboarders from numbers think we care
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>assaults the man and not the unfaithful woman
common mistake
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Had to go through the vod to find it
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Nene is going to be next isn't she...
it never stops being funny
Towa will be the last one standing
but she assaulted both
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poor musumetaso...
I'm honestly bracing myself...
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how it feels whenever I read a post about EN here
Nobody cares about your sidesharts graduating
I don't get it...?
Please don't make this sexual
Ame's gone... it hasn't sunk in yet
It's super fucking obvious when vtourists raid and somehow they think people here will be anything other than apathetic at best. Or just outright celebrating in most cases.
So is Ame going to explain any further or just leave it vague as it currently is?
Uh suisei's gloves don't look like that those are clearly sagamatas
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I will destroy the Riot servers
Yeah she will explain her reasons like Aqua did, for sure
Yagoo's tweet implies they haven't really figured out what they're doing yet
Ten days of what?
people are gonna spam her chat asking what's an affiliate and she will dodge the question for 10 days
Your chikaawa pic bro
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Gen 1,2,3,4,5 and myth status?
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Suistream soon at 18jst!! HoloGTA news for the 3rd day on Miko's channel!!
She will be on the server from the start but will only open her own pov at about 21jst later due to the usual throat issue!
me on top
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Kyo mo brown
don't laugh so soon
next month will be either 0 or holoX
Ame... gone... feel cold... so cold.... feel cold think of me when die will be fitness lgend like zizz when die sick
0% married.
zerokisei? 20% married.
>10 day graduation tour, no 3D Live
ENsharts are worth less than 1/3 a true Holomem
Multiple POVs really does complete the experience but it's pretty exhausting watching multiple streams at once.
Take care cyan sui...
It's a new less disruptive model for graduations. The person behind leaves but Cover keeps using the IP for promotion and merch. They don't have to scrub her from ongoing projects like Holoass or the new TCG. It's a win-win for both sides.
Damn you're right... I got their finger gloves mixed up due to the sleeve my bad I was too excited...
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Pure evil, kill this fox. I'm glad everyone was so incompetent otherwise this story line might have actually been upsetting. But there was enough accidental car crashes and mistakes to keep it lighthearted.
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Not my oshi
Not my problem
you're not fooling anyone micometfag, you are the most blatant vtard here
ame fell like die feel sad lone wolf cold lose youtube fan ame so cold
based 35Pharaoh
Korone's stream is almost mandatory if you're watching the server it's crazy how much crap involves her
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I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!
some times destiny reveals itself in the weirdest ways.
What do gokisei feel about this
>emphasise generation-based activities more and more
>the generations increasingly have holes in them
Smart move, Cover! At least established units with graduating members can just disband, but generations are stuck with this constant reminder that they're incomplete. It's only a matter of time before we have a generation with two graduated (and/or terminated) members. Don't do it, Nene...
fell sad down in dump ame vtuber lgnd gone feel cold pray fans
Based 35Phalanx
Pekora is next
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after this server ends I can't wait for someone to make gigantic clip compilation about Korone's soap opera
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Hard to not commit crimes when the cops in your town look like this
It's always felt odd to me that despite owning the design anyway, they act like the graduate took it with them
It's just a keyboard buy another one
>not the anti thread
The siren is coming for her yeah
sometimes i crack myself up
Nene is fine.
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>You will seethe. I will win.
ask Kizuna Ai about corpsewalking
There's already a 2 hour one
I only watch EN when I can see korone hit blacks in the background
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>cucked by Subaru
>cucked by Fubuki
Korone status?
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Watching this domino effect from Kanata's POV last night made me completely lost it.
For watching multiple POVs I have Korosan's on my main and then one person from each group on my second monitor then I just unmute them if I see something interesting happening.
Its funny how it took them 7 years to get a new graduation model
Sucks to be Aqua since she won't get royalties while Ame gets royalties from her merch as well as the possibility in appearing in concerts
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laplus's day 3 matome
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koro-san encroaching on the cop role...
Is Miko also gonna pretend to care about Ame's graduation just like what she did with Aqua?
Guess who just got her gold playbutton ripe for the "I've reached my goal, time to leave" situation
This new editor is efficient with his time
Listen, I know Cover has plenty of problems but we can at least rely on them to not be as tasteless as UPD8
>2 hours
>not even a fourth day
clippers will milk this server for months
Lamy has sex with dogs
Why can't aqua get this treatment?
Aqua doesn’t want such a half-ass end to her career.
Nmtk already gave up because there's too much going on kek
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it's part of her job
exactly, using the character after the talent leaves is a big taboo in this industry
Fucking Lap flashbang stream
I'd say it's pretty obvious Aqua wanted nothing to do with the company anymore, just like Coco
why would you want this treatment
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Polka has no empathy about her actions!
Niji already did it with Roa
I wonder what time frame it was negotiated in, if they were both talking about graduating independently but came to these different conclusions, that sucks pretty hard.
This whole time I've been thinking how nice it would be if they could reappear for one-off return visits, like Holofes or someone else's 3D live or something more casual, ever since Yagoo implied that the door is held open for Coco when she graduated.
Bilibili doesn't allow her to have any relation to Cover anymore
Tiny little hope and the character isn't completely dead. I actually saw crew being sad when there's no merch left to buy in the nikkisei anniv merch.
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When there's no story a great writer creates one
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What if they use the same talent for a different character?
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I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

Miko holoGTA News in 15 minutes! https://youtu.be/k-ByFI3gZus
Miko holoGTA Day 4 stream after that! https://youtu.be/iSultM-KmyY
I doubt it, she has the excuse of being preoccupied with running HoloGTA
Why'd you want her to leave her husk so Cover can do whatever they want with it after she's gone? She's the one who made the character Minato Aqua into the powerhouse it was, and if she's leaving she's also taking that away.
passionate love...
suffah ENsharts
Not even sure what this treatment really means yet.
Subaru being exposed was funny as fuck
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Your oshi will be fine and will stay in hololive for a long time.
Why do you presume to know how it would go? They might consult with the graduated member every time they use her image.
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Is that so?
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>Kanata is a smoka now
it's oger....
I hope Korosan and Migo stay in Hololive for a good long while...
why is okayu such a loose woman in gta?
I kinda forgot EN gen 1 existed desu
my oshi is in ichipro
Avert your gaze yukimin
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Miko is so pretty
Ame has more negotiating power now that she can leverage her way into HoloUSA management
@me when micomet mention the bakery family drama
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lol, it's not even a blip on Sora's radar

what is that thumbnail taso?
I never get the profiting on a corpse angle. It is your own money and choice ffs. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Some people just want to buy merch because they like minato aqua just like other anime characters. Fans should have a choice. Talents on the other hand should be allowed to come back to voice or participate in any projects they like just like seiyuus too. I think the ame affiliate thing is the correct way forward imo.
My poor indie...
Corrupted musume...
>The same talent
clip is missing lap also challenging ao to chinchiro and winning...
yeah it's over, the tumor on her chest has gotten too big
It feels and looks really scummy from the side of the fans, like desecrating a dead body or something.
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its unironically over for lapuchan.
It depends what they do and how they do it, though...
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Why did Sio do it?
>Talents on the other hand should be allowed to come back to voice or participate in any projects they like just like seiyuus too
Or you know, maybe they don’t want to come back?
I don't know why a talent would ever willing want to graduate but let Cover keep shilling using their likeness to their fans. It just seems ultra greedy, only holos who see their fans as strictly ATMs would do that.
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That one didn't age well for them
>ever since Yagoo implied that the door is held open for Coco when she graduated.
He's implying this for Ame now as well, though her situation is a bit different than Coco's. I think that because this situation is so new, no one can really speculate. We just have to wait and see. I do hope it's not just a new model for actual graduations. That would be a legitimate black company move if it was.
all the holos should invest with their earnings.
>it's sky day
There's a day for fucking everything these days
wtf racist
Towa invested in Towa corp
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lapuchan won.
Thanks anon, nobody ever thought of that before.
So that's why all her commands are so quick, only one smart enough to set up stream deck with macros for the game.
What about investing those earnings in MVs
Forced by towa to do it
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Sora deserve her own day, faggot
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towa corp faked their p/e.
That's honestly a pretty genius solution. Keybinds are obvious, but I didn't think about using a streamdeck for it.
What happened?
All in on LINK
She literally said she had no idea about it, lmao
The police cars are too fast for these retards
Anon, Minato Aqua is Cover's. They can do whatever the fuck they want with it by default. The one playing it deciding to hold a graduation means putting a full stop on Minato Aqua as a character.
I don't think the others know what a"macro" is
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Laplus is dumb
not such a eventful day for lap since she had to leave early, mostly patroling, gambling and waiting for mechanics since her car was broken
good overall summary but should've kept more from the mechanic workshop and maybe her and botans sf6 talk
that's like 3 levels higher than what other holos are capable of, most couldn't even think of a keybind
Being able to come back=/=continue being used despite no longer active by the way
We were having a good event and ENshit had to go and ruin it, at least we got 3 solid days.
Stream is up, at 21jst!
In the meantime check out the news now friends~
So why did aqua not ask for affiliate treatment if all she wants is to retire and stop streaming?
Pretty sure Friend has been doing something similar, or at least has a repository to copy paste her emotes from
dont watch her. its over for her already.
But the ENshits has been there since day 1...
She wants nothing to do with Cover anymore.
>Normal voice in English
>High pitched voice in Japanese
Why do they do it?
The only reason for keeping what being an "affiliate" means vague is if it's something that would look bad for Cover or the talent, so the merch/PR angle is probably correct. Whenever they do vague stuff like this it's almost always because the reality is something bad.
nyahello miko miko miko miko miko miko!!!!!!
Because it's a shit move?
So why is she announcing this in the middle of GTA RP
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>cops pull up to the bakery
They already been ruining it since day 1
To hype up the graduation
So you are just bullshitting
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Well you have your answer. Honestly would prefer aqua choose this path instead and now i am even more sad.
so it gets swept up by the event excitement and doesn't cause bad optics for the company
Tick tock aquacrew another amatsuki announcement soon
The Polka/Subaru questioning yesterday was great from Botan's POV with Polka giving the images for her and her just teasing Subaru with them
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She has some kind of macro for sure. She does arms up, arms behind back insanely fast every time she sees someone.
What is this monstrosity?
This is just corpo speak for "I'll still appear in advertising but nowhere else"
I fucking wish
Not necessarily. I really get the impression they just haven't quite figured out what it entails even themselves, yet.
>hehe I want to quit but not really
Sounds fucking horrible
fuck I missed Raden call for the niji totsu
Miko is fucking dead
Because fuck Cover? Aqua loved Holo girls but fucking hated the management, she had an argument with them just a year after joining that made her considering quitting at that time ffs.
Botan has been using several macros from the start
oof, I kinda feel bad for her fans
>stream starts the same time as lunch
>sprint review for 2 hours after that
yep, it's time for 3 hours uninterrupted hololive while getting paid
Miko started! Nyahallo~ https://youtu.be/k-ByFI3gZus
went live seconds after I posted that
Mikonews starting
She didn't quit because she wants to stop streaming
>i hate streaming but i still want money
So pretty much she'll probably still appear in merch collabs and PR streams but probably not much else.
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For who? Not the clown, please...
nyaharo I suppose
Miko starting
Ame called it uncharted territory. Doubt even Cover and herself have figured out what being an affiliate means yet.
WHITE Suichan this time
Leglocking with suityan
More audio problems.
why didn't Aqua get this
Suisei looks even more like a pimp with the white version of this outfit...
hey Miko!
What the fuck is Suisei's costume??? Who does that appeal to??
micomet flirting
What the heck is going on with the stream
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Ruri, she was in the big academic vtuber collab with mostly indies from a few days back
why are the news streams always so scuffed wtf ?
Arknights players
suisei accepted being small
don't, they're cucks
When will someone bring up Cover's fucking blatant communication problems in an investor meeting?
It's so rare for them to have a major announcement thst DOESN'T leave people scratching their heads
Just her volume...
this seems pretty neccessary for long-running projects like holoearth and i'm surprised it took this long for cover to offer this alternative
we may have had the flarexnoel manga featuring coco and kanata by now if it wasn't for coco graduating, hololive magic academy got fucked twice though because of terminations
>Vt sticky
I guess they’re finally fixing the heist reward thing
Polpol wrote so many articles it's kind of insane. This is just day 1, right?
It won't change much for them in practice
>nerfing food prices
no.. they're really forcing the bakery to cook
Updates for today
>Bounty for crime increased again
>Wanted time reduced to 1h
>Police can now do drug blood testing
>All foods are now at a fixed 50k yen
I hope Miko shows the clip of Sora dancing on a stripping pole
all of this shit is being geared to making criminals thrive
Aquacrew fucking lost
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She realized a lot of them don't read news and it's mostly twix meta though
Criminals don't lack money, their problem is being unable to make content because the heists don't fucking work
period blood?!
>Blood test
why do they hate the bakery so much
Buy nyanyan sabisu now before the pump
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>people that are happy that ame is graduating
They still have more money than cops on average as well with all of the bugs funnily enough
has any gang members pimp their ride?
Cute sui laughing at miko's mushmouth english
why does miko read the restaurant name like that
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that doesn't even deserve a (You)
Polka is one of the smartest women around... I still remember when she improvised entire radio programs whenever Flare went to the toilet in their late night Minecraft days
suck a dick moron, no one gives a shit about sidebranch whore.
if anything, it’s karma.
It'd be nice if they could just tell them to read the news. It's a really interesting part of the world but so many people just ignore it.
Not Hololive so I don't care
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i only read my news from daily meru.
It's not graduation, it's more like being on permanent indefinite hiatus, or something. It's really weird and vague, whatever it is
jdrama yab
Isn't this the sideshart who has sex with dogs?
Lamy must be sad that her fellow dog fucker is graduating...
laplus, shion and ayame are whores
oh shit, it’s on the telly
Just like in real life...
go back retard
it's being a leech
I know that mama and papa
didn't she literally tell her fans touch grass back in 2022, how does she have so many orbiters is beyond me
It's 5 retards did it for you
wake up anon
wtf miko
soulless scripted drama
my poor poor taso...
They suck at showing the biggest event of yesterday
??? what the fuck is that on the bottom right?
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don't you have some dumb whore to cry about
one day anons will learn to ignore them
wait that’s polka?
Why are they not talking about ame??
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I haven't been watching any of the criminal POV's
but from what I've seen the ATM grab and plane crash heists work just fine, so which ones of them are broken?
Clip? Please
That's Goddess Miko!
>Wanted time reduced to 1h
now pekora can kill the cop
>Bounty for crime increased again
what does this mean?
La creatividad
they're downplaying the part polka played in this... miko is covering for her...
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Not my oshi, not my problem.
Mio end up joining the woman who had an affair with her husband
whose fault was that suisei, you're the first one to corrupt kanata
a jo*rnalist
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>those tits
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Miosha on the news...
higher fines i would assume
The lascivious woman appears
Mama on the telly
The media has everyone in their pockets
Arms up is just a general toggle keybind to reset hand positon.
Apparently Towa team had issues yesterday
I was watching Chama and while not broken the jewelry stuff rewards are way too low
Doing a konbini is worth MUCH more
JudeaMiko controlling the media
Money from arresting wanted people
its korosan's fault
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I think Korosan as meant to seem more unfaithful but she couldn't stop bickering with Maririn any time they interacted so it seemed one sided. Her natural instincts were too strong.
>>All foods are now at a fixed 50k yen
This is bullshit. The civilians should be able to make their prices competitive against the unmanned stores.
>Korone and DV
you can't make this shit up
need a dog version of this
Are you not capable of feeling or understanding empathy? What if your oshi was the one leaving instead? I personally didn't care much for Ame but it still makes me sad seeing how devastated other people are.
Mio's trying not to crack up
Kanata thought it was because of DV moreso.
Sorry, it's minimum 50k
is this the fabled script?!
Sora's in a good mood
what? koro didn't do anything with marine!? this is slanderous, marine was harrasssing koropapa one-sidedly
my oshi is roboco though
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Love Noel

Love hololive

Hate soft graduations

lmao get bent
I don't see anyone being devastated, now shut the fuck up, there are streams to watch.
I think this might be my favorite Towa image
And I have a lot of Towa images
My oshi already graduated. I don't give a fuck anymore.
He's talking about the arms spread pose, not that one
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Koro was flirting with her on a phone call where MIo and Kanata clearly heard it
the one from yesterday probably needs a longer reset timer
Not Hololive so no I don't care
I grieved for Aqua
People generally have no empathy for people who are little shits for years, fuck off already
compiled 2hrs worth of clip just from the cheating saga
>virtue signaling /vt/roon
fuck off
>2 hours clip
I've noticed that the retard that likes to over punctuate his sentences never makes any good posts and just shit stirs
hololive? More like whorehouse.
I honestly feel most people are sad about everything slowly crumbling apart more than Ame in particular.
Her graduating is like Mel's termination, a distraction that doesn't last more than a day before everyone goes back to not watching her
Almost every time a schizo gets exposed they're vt/enfags and you're surpised at the complete lack of empathy towards them?
Are you not capable of understanding that there's another thread where you can have your feelgood hugbox? What if you went there instead of posting here?
Miko believes in Suisei too much...........
psycho suisei
Miko should have seen that coming
Wait a minute this is just miComet showing off.....
>miComet gay news
"oh no... anyway" vibe
>leeching on clips of themselves
i think this news is biased
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They get what they deserve for completely killing the Gosling meme.
>lovey dovey micomet right after NTR bakery
Micomet don't have to do roleplaying to be gay
The best part is Botan quoted that lead bullet line exactly when warning Miko against the meeting.
And this is why I don't like miComet, they have to make everything about them
she's aiming for lui?
Hololive is peaceful again today
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Why can't Aqua do this...
imagine trusting miko at the wheel...
It was over before it started...
Shame that clip didn't show the part of Botan calling out exactly Suisei's lead bullet present
Shuba was too loud
chief first death…
Shuba... my ears......
Please wear your seatbelt
lol Subaru deserved it
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A bummer, I guess
>have sound set to 50
>see shuba
>lower it to 10
>still kinda loud
wtf shuba...
>plane crash heists work just fine
The plane has already bugged for them at least twice
I do agree it's bit silly that doing conbinis in the north with fewer police is more worth it
hope they can get them working
She could've. She didn't want to.
i never know the cop has maximum fee for the arresting. i alwasy thought they can just put any numbers they like
she really did kek
Aqua wanted to be a legendary idol not a walking dead ad for cover
Why would Aqua want to do something like this?
Marine has her niche and she's leaning hard into it
Towatame strong!
It would be a very pathetic way to end things.
I though Towa hating being forced to babysit was another schizoposting but she actually seemed pretty down about it...
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Poor twi...
The Direction?
Towapapa (exmama)...
that's rough
both times I've seen them doing it have been from Botan's big brother watches pov and it worked both of those times
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Papakin turned to a life of crime...
my poor poor taso...
those dogs will pay
Kanatan forgotten...
nope fuck that shit
actually too fucking loud
Holy shit they're so unpleasant
Jesus Christ I should've muted sooner
kin slayer
i can't hear you at all over the shrieking, miko...
holy fucking mute
fuck that's too loud, mute
should've done kanata's POV
it was funnier
Their audience must be very young
Top right of this image's thumbnail made me think it was Eris from Mushoku Tensei
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when you realized they are 30+ years old
>louder than shuba
the louder the funnier
The perfect age
Lamy jav
>lamy got even more nude
yuckymen bros...
Lamy, Marine, and Sora are whores
Marine has wrecked her throat doing recordings once again
>lamy and koyori
They all needs a beating from papa
lamy is such a crass woman
Poor mayodog...
But that's from day 2, did Koyori beg for a clip?
Damn it
no one will marry Lamy at this point
She looks like Rushia
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Lamy only enjoys a game when shes semi nude??
AZKi soon
Marilamy are shit criminals
marine is too cowardly
Sounds more like she's planning on appearing on Ao's stream.
Noel was just too intimidating, not their fault
She doesn't hate it but she really doesn't like losing or failing to help people
Koyori watching RGG announcements.
typical white trash single mom criminals
They should just stay and scam people in their club
When it bugged yesterday it didn't count the plane as crashed so the police never got notified which would explain why it looked like it was always working from Botan's perspective.
rare matsuri
festival is a viking?
She just feels that she's not doing a good job leading the gang. Which is true but it's more the newbies' fault than hers and there's no one else in the gang who can replace her in that role.
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When are they going to show Sora?
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Subashiko time
Subaru's humiliation...
Boring boring BORING I can't take it anymore... zero good stream, nothing enjoyable for 2 months. I'll give hololive 2 more weeks...
Ogayu is to blame
GTA? Hello?
>I'll give hololive 2 more weeks...
don't, just leave now
Subaru what the fuck is that voice???????????
Subaru's pineapple voice is too cute
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Flare, it could have been you...
why did they include the wigger in this?
except for aqua's graduation, everything kinda unmemorable lately
how many times did they do the plane heist yesterday? from pekora pov she only did it twice: first with towa which got bugged then with aki team which work fine
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buy that RPG Shuba
wtf? I completely missed this pineapple shit lol
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She's starting a family. Vtubing isn't for mothers. Unless you want to be a bad one like that pink twitch grifter, the "bedridden" one, not the pink cat.
they didn't show the part where half the police force was also on the back of that truck dancing
Why is it パイナップル and not アナナス?
same, was only watching papa
Mori made this better since she cluelessly walked into the commotion and genuinely didn't know that she was chasing Subaru.
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i hope pekora play a bit aggresive today
Kanade took over Nene's role
They didn't even include the good part of that Kanade Subaru clip
Chama made a little appearance in the news in her short time on the server, im glad
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ayo the whore clip
we eating good
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>She's the one who made the character Minato Aqua into the powerhouse it was
you say this but she was a nobody before Hololive. In fact 95% of holos were literal whos because they became holos. Without Yagoo's smarts and maybe some of the staffs support, holos will not be on where they are today. I always felt like this thread underplays what the management have done for the girls so I had to say it
The cut apart version doesn't do it justice
Regloss 3D live is in one week
So will there be any event today in the server?
Why did Miko break the bakery drama up into two parts like this???
cuz Ame invented it lolololololol
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now i know why is NTR so popular in Japan
the full one is 2 hours, anon…
I better get AZKi and Ayame pole dancing or I will riot
father finds out daughter is a whore
sad story
soulless scripted event
nice script yagoo
Too much self respect to have her corpse used to shill shit.
even fubuki can’t believe mama would spiral down like that
>My mom has an onlyfans
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Felt the same way about the pekomiko clip yesterday. It was a cute moment for iroha too
miko said it was unscripted, you EOPs
Also she got a call the same time Okayu called Subaru so she thought the pineapple head was calling her lol. It's like a comedy skit.
for some reason i half expected either koropapa or fbk to oyakodon mio and kanata after finding them as strippers
Did the kitsune drive over a bystander and kill it outside of the bakery?
Two onaholes
>no Kanade for today
but we got Azki
now only if shion had that same tact
Welp, back to anime and manga again. See you in a week
i want azki to be a full blown whore just for the laughs haha
>the scriptwriter said its unscripted
>trust me bro
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Waiting for Towa Ch. 常闇トワ
Suisex weather girl when?
Mio already said there's a basic script of what they'll do each day but the affair was clearly improvised
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Early start from Pekora
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Aqua ended on her own terms and became a legend, being used for shills and ads wouldn't do any good for her image and legacy
Minato Aqua will forever be remembered as one of the best there was
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guess it is Shuba pov for the first three hours of today for me
>always starting early
Pekora is really eager to play huh?
purple double down=sex
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best POVs for today, might add koro, sui and miko
Kanata WILL be happy in here!!
majima no gotoku
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these backgrounds are great
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I'll watch Miko, for the gang side im torn between Aki and Towawa...
Lamy has to convince Azki alone now? It won't happen
towa told them to go all out
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it's kanata and korone for me
>flopped so hard they have to go back to Majima and Kiryu
why is pekora so far away from when she quit yesterday
If Towa doesn't start soon i'm gonna FREAK
>already robbing a konbini
sasuga pekora
otsumiko fags!
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AZKi now owns this thread.

>robbing a conbini minute 0 before any of the cops are logged in
>pekora only has 3 stickers
what a shame
>not even 1 minute in already robbing
korone is good but if you already have mio and kanata you will probably catch most of her stream anyway
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Ugh please don't use this shit costume
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taso will hopefully make meds today and aims to make money for the bakery's future house
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Kanata completely covered up now
which police pov the best that really do their work and not fooling around
nyahello again miko miko miko miko miko miko!!!!!
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>Conbini already bugged
my poor taso..
musumetaso's innocence...
only yanitaso now...
With the ame thing, does this means higher chances of aqua coming back to streaming?
good start when it doesn't work already
Korone already beating up npcs
all products are becoming tabako to taso
Koro starts her day off killing more black people
korone sure started early today with the npc beatings
oh come on
Towa will be next
Holy cope
Now tell me which POV Suisei will appear in
Miko started! Nyahallo~ https://youtu.be/iSultM-KmyY
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>game starts
>3 npcs beaten up by korone within the first minute
gonyabbi :DDD
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No, why on earth would the two have anything to do with eachother?
korone is already curbstomping black people...
cute twink
It was the best of the bunch
kek nice driving schumacher
Why are they playing GTA??? It's so boring, VCR was better they should've join their Minecraft event
kanata noticed how their are more corpses around the bakery...
What the hell, Azki character look good
taso is surprised to see a corpse the first thing she logs on
no more VCR minecraft anon
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gonyabbbi :-DDDDDDD
bakery family mending their bonds
VCR Minecraft flopped and they're ending early lol
don't ruin the mood taso...
Subaru, Noel, Watame, Botan, Iroha
Here's your (You), you can go back now.
AZKi gave herself the old cheek marks
But it has been a total failure
why is suba so big? i cant see...
the atmosphere in the bakery is too heavy now...
>Biting obvious bait
Why does Towa want to be portrayed as a boy??
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The gang members are the only ones living normally...
*bites towabanana*
KEK korone likes lewd woman
taso is conflicted on papa reveling his fetish
that car is also trash...
>papa loves young girls
Mechanics are doing their grind too
holos should play ZZZ
>opens Holos Santos map for the first time
>becomes audibly aroused
>you can kill the cop
Pekora got OK from Towa to kill cops at sight
Towa told them to kill the cops
Sora and Suisei are streaming later so i'm at a loss for who to check for now besides Ina... Taso maybe?
>open azki stream
>looking at the map
>close azki stream
Poor Shuba will be even more overworked today..
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That would be Sora, it is to the point it feel like she's playing a diferent game
how the business so far?
2 dead minority bodies in front of panya
Mama is going schizo
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Suicyan... Wrong account... That's your test server character...
Sodachis cat cafe...
the whole family is going schizo...
sui cyan on the bakery streams
taso is letting both papa and mama have time to talk about their side
this car is slower than the last one...
my poor kanata.......
my poor poor extortedtaso....
suichan robbing kanata
I switch between Subaru and Botan. Laplus and Kanade for laughs.
pekoras going to get shot again
What are Azki's plans.
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Because Towa is a boy.
Lamy is so dumb
rip dog cafe 2024 - 2024
taso values life over dogs
Pekora just killed any cashier now out of trauma
Also the cop noticed her graffiti kek
The profits are pretty solid. Everyone needs their car fixed and tuned, after all
The bakery family just finished sorting out their internal problem and now the loan shark is taking their dream dog cafe as collateral until they pay their rent...
lol shuba finally saw her graffiti
rip inucafe day2-day4
Marine don't do it... Leave azukiti (18 years old) alone...
Azki meeting with marine and lamy, its over...
Good riddance
It's already over for AZKi
Whore's temping Azki
time to whore out azki
my poor poor amanekanatach...
Cabaret club WON
>13:56 Azki: I heard some people are around to teach me the ways aroaund
>to Lamy and Marine
Boy's don't have tits like that
i bet most of them are police
Cute magutako itasha
pekora forgot her marking
Why AZKichi why
cabaret the gathering place for expired and unwanted women such as marine lamy and now azki
how are they going to make a million in a day? they're so fucked...
Koro wheels out the gift
>>15:05 IRyS: What on earth happened while I was gone?
>>15:12 Fubuki: I got my heart broken yesterday.
good musumetaso distracting mama so papa can get the present
This was so blatantly arranged before the streams started
I already have my dick out waiting for AZKi to pole dance or stuck her ass out or smth
housewife energy
happy bread
they are going to go full break bad's gus on suisei later
pekora doesn't have ptsd anymore
[Good News]
Pekora has finally overcome her schizophrenia
Lamy? Old and busted
Azki? Fresh and wanted
>no siren anymore
pekora finally took her medicine
Pekora is kill on sight due to vandalizing Police station
Lamy is a skater after all
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Marine should set up a string operation for Pekora using AZKI
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AZKi knows exactly what she's doing.
>corrupting the married woman into becoming a stripper
that's porn


a million? rob a bank..
what for real???
Towa should force Bae to perform oral sex on her
pekora left her mark on the place she robbed
It was always just a short test beta version.
taso thinks papa is crossing manly into criminal territory
Is Iroha the only competent cop
where are you going miko
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she cant get enough of it
>so pleased with herself she starts clapping
Thats my pekotyan
Police are cheaters that can fix and paint their cars at the station. But they do need to go to Okayu for tuneups
Shuba and Iroha alerted rest of the police with their shooting...
pekora is the banksy of hololive...
Nice emote for giving car keys
taso thinks feelings are more important than emotes
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not liek this pioneers....
having sex in front of you daughter is kinda weird...
koropapa wanted sex in public
kanata saw something she shouldn't...
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>the police shouldn't say that
its just a different gang
Iroha made a grand total of one arrest yesterday and that was on a dead Pekora. She's not really competent.
taso doesn't want to see mama and papa have sex in front of her
>dies to another clerk
the fuck rami
dumb bunny
hololive used to be fun
Banksy is going to get caught with c4 on him.
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why is usagoro like this?
but VCR minecraft is the same length as holo GTA, by that logic holo GTA flopped too.
In reality they're both just beta runs of future servers, multiple holos have confirmed this is just a test run for the next holoGTA run.
Just like the wet bandits
taso wants a happy family
Corruption tag
is kanata's channel shadowbanned?
AZKi already seems a bit overwhelmed by how far this is going
>died to cashier again
there is another clerk?!
Someone should arrest the rabbit for vandalism
I'm tearing up with this jdrama.
are they trying to whore out azki????
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>azki but the unedited one
Yeah yesterday was a disaster and she had to seek therapy at the Neko Cafe. She lost at least two car chases and has turned bloodthirsty.
Hololive used to be organic
Now it's all scripted shit
taso will forego her dreams of a dog cafe as the bakery is more important to her
I'd be overwhelmed by two strippers too.
No? VCR Minecraft was supposed to go on much longer but they shortened it to just a week because it's flopped
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Why is she fat?
Reminds me of one I read where a schoolgirl inherits her father's failing strip joint and is forced to go on stage and perform
marine corrupts everything she touches...
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Corruption, Blackmail
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the bakery family nearly got away...
suicyan is catching the bakery family pack their bags
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zakora died to another conbini owner...
kanata tries to sit beside suisei whenver she gets the chance
I can’t believe Pekora dream come true
>Marine already calling her
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Write it up polpol
yes yesss another holo is graduating back to back now. the cracks in cover are showing and breaking more and more under its own weight trying to keep their shareholders happy over their talents

i can only hope more holos graduate and it will just be a domino effect
Yea, me
uchi no azki ga...
We're so back...
papa and mama getting lost is within taso's expectation
pekora should kill matsuri
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its over
I was watching a lot of early AZKi MVs yesterday. It's so obvious they just told her to dance with no real instruction or choreography for most of them
It's over... It's all over the internet already... Azki...
*cums in the cracks*
taso with the wordplay
That was from yesterday
Everyone knew this would be coming
and so would I
Now we only need Ayame to join the cabaret club as part-timer
why does suisei sound so bored?
>Polka: Good evening. Lamy: Reporter-san? you're here at the right time
>Lamy: we have a pervy girl from the countryside here to dance!
Cops are really bloodthirsty today.
Because of Kanata the boring whore
Read retard.
>VCR Minecraft β
taso wants papa to trust mama more
she's trying to save her voice
Resting her throat.
That's how she always sounds with anyone who's not Miko
Towa just sneezed directly into my mouth
Sorry I was too rough yesterday
Koronepapa is hitting random NPCs again...
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I miss Marine...
That's a fat duck
matsuri is not a corupt cop?!
kanata is too much of a coward...
Too bad Pekora missed it...
Lamy is doing great with her RP. Too bad that her role is whoring though
taso wants to find a good remedy so papa won't have to pay the medics
Matuli is going to take Pekora bomb away…
Please Almighty God in Heaven the King of Kings. Let more hololive members see cover for what it is now and have them suffer these conditions no more and have more members decide it's time to leave cover for good. Let them leave more and more until here is no one there left and cover has to rethink it's business strategy for being such a fuck up and losing their talents over making a profit.

You need lewder clothes now azki
Why did Matsuri let Pekora go?
She's in AZKi and Lamy's streams talking as much as usual right now
Pekora has a fucking bomb
pekora should put the bombs on the cop cars
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taso is warning papa to call fuwamoco because their rates are high
not now akwacrew
matsuri is a kind police
what rates?
Korone is now lusting after the new girl
subau frienzoned...
taso is interested in azki poledancing and wanted to be friends
They RP as a schizo, one character with two voices, so you have to pay twice the normal amount, I think.
she hide her bomb
why has suzy been fiddling with keys for the past 10min? bug or rp?
cam on kanata
finally bake some happy bread
Wait where Pekora stored the bomb, did she plant it on Matsuri car?
Matsuri was pretty nice to Sui yesterday too. Despite being shot by her the day before.
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Matsuri is the most corrupt...
mama has finally performed DV on taso...
azki is doing geo guesser again
Nice Pekora lmao
sneaky sneaky pekochan
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Azki is a natural
>stored the bomb in Matsuri car
>act like nothing happened
good that pekora thought about hiding her stuff
and it's flopped lol
She didn't manage to rob anything yet
She robbed 2 other stores lmao
peko did this successfully once in rust
shes fucking good at the smuggling sleight of hand stuff
Polpol making sure Okayu isn't alone due to Ao's absence
Time for Pekora to do the pareto heist too
buy the armor pekora
Who was that who just whizzed past AZKi laughing at what she's getting herself into
taso was too slow to get evidence
matsuri and pekora
i don't think a handgun will be enough
only one, the other is bugged
Right, I thought it sounded like Matsuri
fuwa moco doraemon
subaru kakkoii....
/vt/min kek
I thought Lui supposed to be the only supplying the gang their armor
Azki should be kidnapped and forced to be gang members to make up for Chama departure
Let the girls stream
why are they so happy playing GTA? do they have no empathy whatsoever?
She left the gang?
I missed that
It's over...
taso and papa are surprised that mama already bought the house
>Botan, Watame, & Lap starting three hours later due to recordings
grim day for the police
She's not playing anymore at all
Pekora will rescue azki from the whore life
the bakery family is now broke...
Aw man
I thought she got happier after Day 3
that would make a good story, do it Peko
Sui cyan in azki
>Azukichi officially got her first pay from the stripclub
It's over...
Someone linked a tweet saying Kanade will more than likely not be able to stream tonight as well, it sounds like a perfect night for the gangsters to dominate the server
taso is amused on mama dropping her gun after entering the house
Nene graduation
She was always planning on ending at this point
is marine want to show azki being whore

she said from the start that she would only play 3 days
she had some things to do idk what
they will be the richest after taso gets the recipe
Pekotyan, they got your favourite holo to be a stripper….
>Kanade not on
Sounds like a buff for the police
well it was kinda meh maybe they'll be able to make it more fun for a full version...
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She did but it was the initial plan to stop yesterday, too bad I think she would have enjoyed bigger gang events, she had her custom car etc..
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>Sentyo cancels stream cause of throat
>talks like a waterfall
old menhera baba needs a gag (my dick)
I don't trust Subaru on the helicopter
Just opened stream, did Mio forgive papa already?
is your english want to better?
Yes but he is now horny for azki after seeing the video lamy posted
yes, she got the car and bought an apartment
mamamio is too careless
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Many such cases
they hang up faster than in the movies
why are there so few gta streams today?
How does mama procure her mimige?
A good amount of the girls are stuck at the studio
only people who had fun are left
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Chances of more PekoMiko before the end of the week?
half of the server starts later due to recordings
Cover staff jumpscare kek
is azki (real) a country girl? i don't know much about her.
Its over for Azki
Quite a few are starting late today because of recording and other obligations.
Suisei is extorting the strippers...
pekora has to kill more cops and left miko to be her chaser
the bakery family's new house is a jiko bukken....
Three weekend coming so it should be a nice number of streams coming these next days and end on a high nite
Pimp my virtual diva...
Why twap why
What wait did Towa do wrong? I missed that
something happen to towa?
eta until Iroha crashes the helicopter killing both her and Subaru?
Dacnhou... dead again...
I hope they have a big showdown between the gang and cops in the finale with MiComet leading either side.
can Azki play any geoguessr in this game?
Poor Koyo missing GTA for one shit spinoff getting announced and the rest of the stream being shilling.
pretty high
they seemed to interact normal earlier like 25m ago
They should just have Iroha on the copter and Botan with a sniper rifle riding shotgun for all the chases, then let Botan shoot the cars
she will haunt them
Who is that staff again? Her voice ain't bad, is she one of the indie hired to amnage this server?
if there is a map there is always a way
*cums on the police chiefs thighs*
Towa crashed the plan, with no survivors
i wish one of the gangsters tried to play a fixer-type. well-dressed, well-spoken, professional etc. instead they're all chinpira
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fairly likely, we just got a couple minutes and it didn’t feel awkward at all
She should hang out with Lui later for Crazy Taxi fun while also figuring out the map.
No retard no
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how will Lamy get her revenge?
AkuPeko love
Pekora went to lunch with Aqua today
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agubego lunjh :DDD
Pekora went to lunch with Aqua today
By having sex with me
pekora and aqua finally met again
Azki's stripper outfit will now be chosen
azki about to show tits
Aqua should just go home to her parent's house already
i think you'd need fbk or polka as a gang member for that.
iroha is actually pretty decent with the heli
>Aqua still busy signing postcard
Akwa… my poor akwa…
Polpol starting her driving (crashing) arc pretty late into the game
>gta yaritai
why akutan why
>wanted to join gta
auwa... auwa...
i was thinking exactly that but we need them in their current roles
>AkuPeko gangsters
God if only
>Aqua was watching streams while signing
>she said she wanted to play gta too
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yeah she is flying well
shame that it takes the police so long to get to here that all of the gang members are long gone
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Aqua... Just come back...
Polpols already got her car smoking...
>telling Marine to choose clothes for her
She really wants to get whored out.
akua should have just waited until the end of the year to graduate
dumb timing
>solve it quickly
pekora is genius
Agwa my poor agwa
pekora did that pretty easily.. ayame????
>problems putting down a sofa
as expected of a papa who graduated tokyo u
pekotyan tensai
it's near impossible unless they divide up the force and dump a bunch of cops up north with nothing to do but wait around in the wilderness, which makes for boring streams, cops are better off just ignoring anything outside the city and having their own fun inside it
She was pretty good on the first day but I think her first crash scarred her and she had to skateboard home in shame
Damn, has AZKi been losing weight lately, especially in her belly
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Ojou also did it rather fast when Towa finally decided to do it with her
unfortunate. actually, maybe lui could do it?
Azki's pantsu... erotic...
If they run into each other they might have more small talk. In other news Pekora had lunch with Aqua today.
taso is becoming one with the walls
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>wearing panties & garterbelt/stockings with nothing on top
Azki turned into a slut
lui is already a criminal, but with the panya family
taso air chair
>pioneers are crying
>yukimin are gloating
it's over...
taso has a strong core to sit on air like that
Gang doing better today
How long until Aqua is memory-holed like Rushia did
People actually like Aqua
it would be cool to see her go more in that direction. it fits
>turned into
pekora can't follow...
I didn't read the thread...
Yukimins are truly the worst fanbase
The last 5 minutes.
Any Suisei sighting?
about 10 minutes ago so ~50mins in?
Last 5 mins
She wasn't fired so probably never just Coco.
taso and papa are hyped about getting a storage box
>pioneers are crying
Yeah, from their dicks
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medics sure do all the rich people shit. is that a fucking whale?(fbk stream)
which part is harder in this pareto heist?
Please shut the fuck up when Aki is explaining things to the dumb bunny
this is the most tame stripper outfit ever...
hopefully they can balance things out better for any future servers as the way things are currently it is
ass for criminals to do crime in the city
ass for the police to patrol outside of the city
boring for the criminals to do crime outside of the city as they know the chances of getting into a chase are so low
It's going to be more ero with a proper outfit and showing the garterbelt stocking combo mid dance
taso is embedding the wall with decor
Who are you talking to?
why isn't azki wearing whore outfits
more like she should've never graduated in the first place
and instead of being depressed and retarded helped moving hololive forward
Daddy's girl stripper...
19m yen?!
taso I don't think mama and papa can fit there
unironically it's much hotter in this get-up than a standard stripper outfit
sasuga azki
Towa's fujcking dying....
The sense of corruption is to great to just throw away right off the bat
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Aqua sounded really cute from pekoras description
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pekora cares more about money than woman
Kek Pekora is too busy for whores
why is pekora good at hacking? i can't even read 2 symbols before she's clicks it
then why did you graduate you stupid bitch you could have been a part of this easily
>mom is coming home
>they haven't placed anything yet
Mama is going to scold them...
>rather do gay gang shit than hang out with whores
Pekora is a homosexual
Towa just executed 2 police...
I wish pekora went to the cabaret instead of doing heists...
taso is in charge of diverting mama's attention
Get fucked police
Ojou calling her mom…
Fuck the police
too much idol shit
Towhore will know pain
Ojou wants Mio's ear fluff too
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Heists are the best part of GTA RP fuck off Towa just pulled off mega kino
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bros before hoes
I don't want her seeing AZKi like this
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Deso is way too sexy...
this is holo gta not vcr, no one cares about your dumb minigames
Ayame sex
There is NOTHING sexy about deso
fix the bed taso
>sexualizing a retard
Its ok to be a homosexual anon
Cope, playing it with robberies and heists buttfucking the popo is the right way to do it
Kys pedo
>arsenal, that is soccer
eigo muzukashii
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Pekora would take AZKI home and ban her from going to the cabaret club...
nooo Ayame don't involve yourself into the bakery family
taso your depth perception...
She's above 18 you know
kanata is telling marine the bad news...
sk8ter toi
>i heard siren
oh no her schizo is back
thats a lot of money and doesn't take long, she got 50mil out of both offices
taso is beating up NPCs like papa
Papa wants the bean!
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Koro takes off for the club to see azki
Towa is now wanted criminal…
papa is too happy hearing that he can meet azki...
kanata is going to accidentally mess with her parents' marriage again...
Papa is bad influence on Kana taso
It's Korone bakery but Mio's products are the only ones selling...
Police sucks
>these announcement
towa finally killed a cop?
finally that whore can be shot without any repercussions
Of course Ojou loves the kaopanpan pan
musumetaso is pretty diligent in turning off mama's car when not in use
>Korone selling her bread
>Ayame can’t stop laughing
>Kanata trying to give Ayame her album
>Ayame: Eh…mmm…
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fapping to AZki impregnation later
i wish pekora marked me
BANKSY_USADA strikes again
>20k watching azki turning into a whore
ayame likes it btw
fubuki... that was some nice first person driving.. you'll get 'er next time.
taso doesn't want to sell her body for the dog cafe
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Pokobee should join the cabaret club
lamy wants kanata's oracle
Pekora is turning into a schizo
somehow the dog cafe is very popular with prostitutes
Yeah, the kaopanpan pan
Lui-Harrison needs to start tard wrangling the bakery right fucking now.
Pekora your loud keyboard clacking probably isn't helping.
pekoras keyboard is too loud
pekochan keyboard asmr
Only leaders and Polka
lamy spreading the news that azki is a lewd woman
Pekora is too stupid to open a safe…
taso needs to stop enabling papa
what did Towa and bae do anyway?
>Towa taunting the police on twix
It's just like real life.
she paid for everything = she likes it
>AZKi enter the server
>sex factor instantly rise up
what does it say about Azukichi
polka is locking the gang
>every door in pareto is locked
Executed 2 police in cold blood
kanaken.. where's sakamatard..
Papa wants the new stripper
polka is being framed...
Shot Subaru and Iroha
kanata is trying her best to keep the family together...
>Ojou died to cashier too
polpol did it again
Gorone hitting on the new girl
cashiers are downing more gangsters than the cops
>bugged again
55M yen?!
they are blaming polka again...
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wait so it is bug?
plane heist 50% chance of bug
paleto heist 50% chance of bug
How the fuck are you supposed to follow everything happening? I only have Miko and Kanata's POV and I'm already struggling to keep up.
FBK is being silenced with money…
this family is too disfunctional
Wtf is a banksy?
polka... poor poor polka...
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fuck I didn't manage to get the Mio POV
You don't
Siea incoming, how will she react to recent events
You spend several hours after the day ends catching up with whatever people post on the tag
Marine you snitch
team of jews selling shredded paper for 100mil
it's over for papa...
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Pekora REALLY wants to use her bomb
How'd I fuck up that bad
don't listen to aki pekora
Is he that well-known that all the holomems know him?
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taso is pleasantly surprised at her papa's new resolve
Yes, easily.
No, she used his name out of an incredible coincidence
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cute debuchi trying to communicate
peko don't do it
Damn I feel retarded
Lui is about to start soon and kickstart Breaking Bakery arc
the bakery family is gonna get scolded by lui at this rate
Fuck off
Damn, shes not going to use the bombs since there's a high chance of failing, really wants to blow up a heli with it
good musume filling the bread slots for her parents while they learn the radio
she really want to destroy the helicopter
even after all this time shubass in those shorts does something to me....
Azki is waiting for Lui to come to start as a taxi driver right? The cabaret is wasted on her, it's so boring
Fuck on
Was Pekora behind the recent, dastardly bombings in Lebanon?
At least chat is on the same page, was afraid she wanted to play it straight today.
This inudog is such a burden…
pekora is smart than anya
That was fast Pekora, meanwhile that other one messed things up again just like yesterday
taso wants papa to stop fussing
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Stop noticing.
Mossada Pekora.
Based mossad agent pekora
>wanted by the cops
>safe at the hideout
>screw it, lets do shit anyway
how you mistake aki for that pekochan
I thought Marine wasn't gonna play
Cover staff attacked by a monkey
taso wants mama and papa to repay lui for her work
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All blondes look the same
Cover Staff!?!?
i'm afraid to realize that if pekora was actually behind bombings i would still support her... cuteness should not be this powerful
I dont understand this game
there isn't any police on the server so toilet will be just fine
official sex with azuki
miko is calling suisei
Miko sending a wild monkey to attack Cover staff
What does she mean by it ?
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She's playing she just isn't streaming. She said she may mute and take breaks but she's been just playing and talking like normal do far
Suisei is getting a VIP treatment at the strip club...
okay i hate puzzle where you have to memorise number
Who is on?
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pekochan really shouldve set it up at the entrance so it blows up subaru miko and iroha when they come in
she would've had the entire PD hunting her for awhile
staff-san should join the cabaret club
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>bombing islamist terrorists is... Le bad!
Cabaret viewpoint is so shit, Azki should join the gang soon
taso thinks they should park the care in a more hidden place
Did Miko just command spawn a fucking chimpanzee to attack Cover Staff and said staff managed to instantly oneshot the chimp?
>revealing yourself as a supporter of ((israel))
reread my post niggerfaggot, she could bomb literally any group and i'd support her. she could bomb an orphanage for all i care
the gang really need to do alot of work
Iroha Noel Shuba Matsuri (Miko)
Hot take: This bank robbery sucks ass
Can't be helped, the retarded cops set them back so hard on the second day
taso shouldn't compare her gta character with her aro character
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AZKi stole Lamys mom
Regardless of who it's by or who it's against and for what reasons, the CCTV footage of people's pagers exploding is the most villainous shit I've seen in a good while
>medics are just waiting
>polka is just sitting in the corner
What is going on with this bank robbery
this is too complicated
the number is gone now...
just screenshot it
Mama and taso have zero faith in papa's driving
taso wants to give cute mama a cute gift
Letting them put their own music and videos into the game was such a good idea
>Iroha streaming with JPEG
Its over
Damn okay then
pekora now has over 100mil
taso has steeled herself
did azki get admin to force enroll as a taxi driver? she really hates the cabaret huh
Ayame finally has 10 million..
What's their end goal? Collect how much money?
taso is saying that mama still got it
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Mama believes she might be a slut innately
Los Santos tainted AZKi fast
Citizens are not set in their roles so they can do multiple
there is also two side branchers but enough of those
and the bugged heist up north kept half of the police there
You can side line
this heist need lot of hacking...its kinda boring for a while
What the FUCK is the gang doing
She specifically said no to being medic so she can still do Cabaret with Taxi on the side
iroha, that's not a boat...
i think pekora want to buy her own house/ room or something
papa is speaking in mach speed, dozo
buying better equipment i guess
This shit goes on way too long, I'm sure she is actually bored
She wants to buy a confinement room.
Shut the fuck up shart
Aki already said from the start they don't need you
Being a medic is the most boring role in the server so I get why she refused
Pekocrew: Struggling through a slow and buggy bank robbery.
Towa: Clothes shopping
Ojou: Solo conbini/small bank heists
can they move on to another heist..
punitaso solved her limited inventory problem by eating
Even with a car korone can't drive
Aki kept telling the sharts to stop the music
shart trying her hardest to be as annoying as possible
Extremely retarded take
for what i again? i forgot what she said at the beginning
obakataso needs to be told how to press the z key
Papa is taking so long that his daughter had to commit a crime to get a car
didnt Mr. Koro said something about not playing that much 3D games because of some depth perception or something?
Lamy just killed Senchou...
Subaru's barely holding it together, will she be able to handle it tomorrow when Botan has a World of Tanks shill stream to do....
It does have some gaps of downtime but I always have one medic stream open to see who got injured and why. Those moments can be fun, the last few days a ton of people got injured for stupid reasons. It's quiet today though.
I don't think she said what for
more cars the merrier
what's going on?
hey moona
What's going on with the robbery lmao
They can't read the room despite what Pekora and Aki said and kept inviting more shits
>sharts invited more sharts to the party
just end the heist
>Aki: you guys are some happy hostages
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I want Botan to detain me
taso was gonna ask on which car papa wants to ride but mama already drove away
the puzzle take too long that the medics order burgers
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Even Polka was laughing at how Pekora basically said what you said...
IRyS accidentally became a hostage
She called Ina over
They're treating us as an excuse not to work
Called for burger delivery
What are they doing now? I missed a lot
A good car with modifications is 100 million or more
They can take other roles now so any downtime can be cleared up
>treating us
treating "it"
papa has a license but the one driving is taso without a license
Polka can read the room unlike those shits
oh yeah that shit is tomorrow
hopefully Watame & Lap also aren't late tomorrow
they doesnt need to do this robbery again. i rather go with konbini or normal bank
Mio took her meds today
>read the room
and do what?
They're not part of the gang
Sharts really ruin everything lmao
getting happy flowers for the happy bread
>downed by a fucking dog
My fucking sides
And fuck off, Aki already said ir*s iranai at the start
Wait even if they get caught in the chase after this, how much of a fine will they need to pay? It seems like whatever the case they will walk away from this extremely successful.
what are you crying about this time
will pekora and the gang do it like professionals and execute the witnesses before escaping?
Polka writing about this retarded hostage situation
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You're seething so hard, man
Not anyone's fault that Pekora et al sucks at the password minigame
They got the recipe already? Or is Lui still working on it
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Why is cover like this
thats so much money
You're the only one sharting around here.
I'm just repeating what they said
At least this one has a decent payout, unlike the jewelry or day 1 plane heists.
151M YEN!!!!!
Maybe Lui has it already? Kanata is not doing the taxi quests anymore.
The game economy requires the criminals to make money no matter what happens
Suityan is always eating... debumachi soon
it's a fucking bazaar
papa is too clingy that taso thinks he's mendoukusai
>sides can't read the room and make a mess of things
>>yeah but it's Pekoras fault for not speedrunning the tutorial
I wonder who could be behind this post
Polka's losing it
i need some of these holos to have watched robocop. where is the bitches leave..
Are they fucking serious
lol Towa crashed into a water hazard at the golf course
Pekora just shoot all of them
too many fucking indog and endog sharts
>pekora just wants to shoot them all
fucking do it
nice stop taso
Feel like it would be right up Polka's alley
Sui cyan is starting soon!!get in here frens~
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unfortunately she's not really in a position to be saying it..
papa thinks taso is trying to with her with a car
Polka has been great in this
That was rather cheap lol
taso has too many stuff with her that is spending inventory space for the operation
PekoMoona my beloved
its cheap when you a filthy rich
lmao Ayame doesn’t recognize Towa in her disguise
I still don't know why Pekora seems to think Duct Tape is contraband
Successful disguise
taso is relieved at papa and mama flirting over the radio
Wait Regloss is now in rehearsal right now. Watame and Lap are also in the studio recording something. You guys think they could be guests? Who else are in the studio right now?
Kanata's timing is just too good
This isn't hostage taking, this is a party
lmao what a clusterfuck
That means that the disguise is good, or Ayame is dumb. Or both
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Even in different worlds, they end up doing stuff together.
Luna is doing voice recording but I don't think it's connected
I don't remember asking
this but for all the tasoposts
Subaru sounds like she is close to retiring from the police force
Miko dum dum...
taso is too small to hijack a truck...
taso got ran over?
Ojou sex
kanata fucking around and wasting time again
Idol vtuber is dumb
my poor kanata...
Suityan is busy today
Helping Azki start
Helping the bakery get their....happy powder ...
Helping the mechanic team with something
Then help with whatever Lui asked her
What the fuck, Ame is graduating... I feel terror that Gura will also be gone by next year...
She had too much fun slacking off and rioting
She's a busy girl meanwhile miko...
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this is big
Just let them get shot
>Ame is graduating
post proof
Go whine about it on /vt/
what is this scripted shit
there's no suspend
everyone is just waiting for each other
Who planned this shit?
they bought an RV? that anon's vindicated..
They wanted to get another vehicle to have more inventory space. The gun didn't work in making the driver go out for some reason.
Good, the less ENwhores, the better
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>open Korosan stream
>Kanata is writhing on the floor complaining
>Korone is standing over her not doing anything
>she's AFK
Fucking lmao
police and the gang
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I really like that art
her mama sure knows exactly what I want
Put whore clothes on Sora please
The heist bugged so it was either doing this or saying the gang loses because of a bug.
pekora got fucking bodied
This better generate a ton of art
Why Pekora even wait outside…
SorAZ the purity incarnate
>instantly get shot
Miko is doing her best ok...
Gozaru domed that rabbit
Flanking Iroha wrecked them.
got shot from behind...
police is actually smarter
taso wants mama and papa to use her as a sacrifice
Iroha is cheating
someone died because of dog?!
It's full of Lap's porn...
why are these women playing as prostitutes???
This is bullshit, the cops shouldn't be able to hide and attack
IRyS is kinda bad at math isn't she..
Pekora is a great bargainer, raising the price she pays on her own.
Iroha did lol
i-i want to see
She's an absolute airhead yes.
she explicitly is not graduating
useless medic
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illegal loli porn
There's nothing explicit about it
Seeing the pole dancing reminds me somehow of a family acquaintance that once sold me life insurance that eventually quit and took it seriously
>killed pekora but dead because of dog
the fuck is this ninja doing
this but junpeko
To be honest I have no idea why none of the gang just holed up inside the building.
taso is scared of papa's overwhelming love
Wait so an EN is graduating and yet Cover still gets to keep the account active?That's fucked up.
I hope that will never happen on holos because that's really an insult to them and fans
Keep telling yourself that, anon
dogs are more dangerous than rabbits
Laplus isn't a loli
Gang should've won this really
tokino sora looks like a princess
taso and papa are worried if mama can steal a car on her own
Subaru is definitely considering passing the police chief baton to Iroha
well they are stupid but at least they got the money
They should do the same for all of the EN and ID really
What the fuck was the point of the robbery
you could see tasos foot poking out of the car while papa was in the call
Sora’s going to the clothing store right now
Not anymore...
Sora's purity will soon be completely gone
Suisei is teaching Azki the ways of a konbini robber
taso don't go towards the light
Mama can't pull people over even with a gun
Pekora is lying to the cops... she's a bad rabbit...
teaching them how to do the robbery but i seriously dont want them to do it again
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Illegal loli porn doesn't exist because they aren't real
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time to go on an adventure with uber gozaru
They seriously need to stop with these tutorials. A lot of time was wasted yesterday because of it, same with today's robbery.
pekora got helicopter ride
Sora is buying slutty clothing
taso wants papa and kitsune to be on good terms
stop playing with sidebranchwhores, Miko
Time for an action packed heli ride de gozaru
theres way too much bugs with this fucking gta
iroha taking my bunny away from all the radioactive roastie sidesharts
bless you ninnin
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Feels bit bad that Botan is missing out all these shootouts because of work
Pekora will definitely crash and explode her helicopter if she buys one.
>Illegal loli porn doesn't exist
Unfortunately it depends where you are
maguchi looks cool with the sunglasses
at least they got into the vault today
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Mio can't steal cars...
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she's a shota
get baubau´d
taso and papa are not on the same page with fuwamoco
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I peaked in on the Ayame Towa heist yesterday and they were there for like 3 hours, todays heist was like 2 hours
cant be helped, this heist gives them lot of money pekora alone collects 151M yen. but yes the puzzle was unnecessary long and they even got stuck at one point during the robbery
What is azki doing?
>Mio stole keys from the guy in the SUV
>it's keys for the sedan she stopped earlier
papa stream is guruguru
What the fuck is happening to all of my streams, everything is guruguruing except Biboo's.
Youtube dying or is this just me
they don't call it graduation and say she will be affiliated with holopro still
taso is scaring papa
thought it was just my shitty internet
no one in comments are saying anything so i guess it's youtube having a regional melty.
Norks actually did it, the bastards
There's no point, just do oilrig or the yacht. More money, less time. But someone would have to learn how to fly a heli for that.
Don't think she'd be assigned to participate anyway since it's for the rest of the cops who haven't fired a gun before. Going from the title of her stream she's going to stay at the back again and investigate the drug stuff instead of engaging the gang in gun battles
Yes it worked with Jap vpn
Lamy stream is the only one that didn't go down..
Well thank god i live in a 3rd world shithole where there's so much shit and problem going on that they can't bother on targeting porn and piracy.
Guess I'll go buy some beer since yuuchuubu is shitting itself
fucking pajeets
pekopiss on the walls...
huh, thought you were kidding
hopefully she will run onto the bakery squad
bakery mobile almost got blown up
Now I know Lui's number
Well Sora's outfit is better now but not really sexy
Really wish Gozaru would fix her stream so it wasn't always 30+ seconds behind
I think it's cute.
Sora's strim is still up.
Okayu is eating Towa's pussy
yeah, she's been on normal latency instead of low for ages now.
>Watame Ch. 角巻わため ​​ちょっと早めに配信できるかも!
There might be something to what I said earlier. Both were posted at around the same time. I think Watame would be Raden's guest in this case to duet What an Amazing swing, Raden's been practicing it secretly and did it for her 700k and anniversary stream, and do double komanechi. It might just be wishful thinking though.
Matsuri raining on Mio's parade
Irys your AE86..
That catto is too sexy for Towa lol
rape sora
pekora can pilot helicopter
most of the streams came back already
papa is teaching taso that violence is good
can't they do a prison break
I knew you'd flip it eventually korone
Be quiet raden fag there's streams post that later
Matsuri is only fining Mio for some reason
so the cars don't explode anymore when they get turned upside down

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