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Get away from him you BITCH!
Heca blue is the cutest
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Heca Blue is the fattest
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It feels good to know that no matter how old you get, Hecatia and Yukari will always be hags in relation to your age.
Although Hecatia feels more like a cool big sister than a hag. She has a very cool aura about her.
Your move, Doom-kun.
She's just retaining water. Blue planet and all.
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He will break those chains and then she’s in for a whole new vista of pain for this bullshit and trying to make her awful fashion the new normal. The dorky hag virgin goddess is going down and hard.
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Mein gott
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Definitely the Touhou character who feels the "closest" to me, both in terms of geographical location and in terms of the fact that we're both virgins forever. I want to give her a big hug.
Do you think Hecatia believes in the oral sex/frottage/anal loophole to virginity?
No. She believes that lesbian sex is one of the most beautiful and pure things in the world.
>Do you think Hecatia believes in the oral sex/frottage/anal loophole to virginity?
I don't believe she would comprise even if she loved someone
Maybe the source of her awesome might is her virginity? And I mean 100% of it. None of the loophole nonsense to threaten to compromise it. Thus why she never has sex to keep her wizard powers.
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>She has a very cool aura about her.
Hecatia, get off the computer. Being a dork who goes around wearing the infernal equivalent of theme park gift shop shirts is the exact opposite of cool. There's a reason you're still a virgin at your age.
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This is you right now.
You get off the Internet.
Like the Kochiya shrine maiden would ever be caught wearing such a thing like that! Plus, my tits are bigger.
I 100% trust Hecatia to not harm that child since she's a virgin
Hecatia looks like she smells of BO masked with Axe deodorant
Her fashion sense is... bold and brash
Hecatia is obaa-san, okaa-san, and onee-chan all at once, wrapped up in a convenient package.
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That's true!
How is Hecatia an old lady, look at her attire!
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Yachie likes to hear about deer.
Just because she's a granny doesn't mean she can't be hip and happening, you know?
Though ideally, the Hecatias would all be drawn in a unique outfit, or better yet, all given a unique style and constantly wear new outfits to really sell her as a fashionista, unlike characters like say, Chiyari, who owns one fashionable shirt and wears it until it's completely threadbare.
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What style would you give each one?
blondecatia strikes me as the young one who wears trendy outfits with bright colors and accessories
redcatia is the middle one who wears the darker outfits but still wears things to show off her figure and possibly even be a little teasing
bluecatia is the elder one who wears stuff like long coats and flowing dresses
Stupid dork goddess! Can't she understand that anyone would cry being forced to wear such a monstrosity?
>Chiyari, who owns one fashionable shirt and wears it until it's completely threadbare.
You forgot to mention the smell.
Would Hell (Otherworlds) really predate the creation of the Earth and the Moon, though? Seems to me like it should go Earth -> Moon -> Hell from oldest to youngest.
Keep that up and Sanae will find that the yama will send her straight to the sweatshop hell until she finally repents.
Now, you might think this a gross abuse of her influence as hell goddess, or that the yama should not allow their judgment to be influenced by external entities that are not even affiliated with the Ministry, but I think you'll find that "a shrine maiden insulting a goddess' fashion sense is a sin of the highest order" is now wholly accepted amongst the yama and kishin and that King Gokan does not just say that because of so-called "divine cleavage that brings true joy to one's heart".
I want to marry Heca-chan
Even if that means spending all day standing up in a clothing store while she tries on three different outfits at once and asks what I think. Even if it means she dresses me up in some ridiculous outfit. Intimate triple paizuri is worth any price.
She will make you wear a dress
You like?
Of course, who isn't?
I view Moon Hecatia as the most conservative one, who mostly wears traditional outfits but puts really flashy and weird accessories on them that still make her stand out.
Otherworlds Hecatia is modern and casual, wearing stuff that's fairly simple but still flashy and generally less mainstream.
Earth Hecatia goes so far beyond the cutting-edge that it becomes absolutely incomprehensible. Just an absolute mess of fashion with zero rules or restraint featuring aspects that end up hip only like a decade afterwards.

None of them are ever "normal", and she's completely unashamed of what she wears.
This shirt so ugly than even Zeus lost his boner a the view of this monstrosity...
People who don’t truly appreciate Hecatia enough that’s who. I need (giant) Hec and her feet.
Saggy granny dresses like a teenager (gone wrong)
More like gone right.
It's the other way around, anon.
Being stuck with his sexy cousin but not being able to do anything to her is what led Zeus to constantly vent his pent-up frustration on other deities and unfortunate mortals.
New Thread
How many does she have in different sizes?
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Tiny Doomie or huge Hecc?
I was thinking tiny Doomie, but being Heca and having the power to shrink people would be pretty rad too.
Nice. I’m surprised you want to be Hecatia though but that’s cool. You totally wouldn’t abuse the tiny shooter man or your newfound awesome powers either, right?
I would abuse the hell out of my powers, along with my position as the ruler of Hell. Konngara and Kikuri are due for a change of style anyway.
Tsk tsk, you already sound worse than the old boss. Someone ought to put a preemptive stop to you. I’d say Doomguy but he looks a bit preoccupied at the moment so maybe Guts or Dante can try their hand at it.
What a Hectin dork

>53 posts
>22 images
>page 9
Bruh, just bump this one.
What's the point of becoming a 2hu if you can't go nuts with her powers, both innate and those derived from her position?
You can masturbate
Heca stretching out clownpiece's clothes is why she deserves to get kanmari'd.
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Just because you're a couple thousands years old doesnt mean you cant dress stylishly!
Stupid gatekeepers!
A good hedonistic and megalomaniac point, but real power is self-control. Or something like that. I can see the joy in using Earth as a chair or foot bullying a tiny shooter hero and being utterly smug about it.
To truly grasp the responsibility that any particular amount of power comes with, you must first understand the extent of said power. That's why it's imperative to shrink and bully people like doomguy or unlucky anons with your feet and to make your underlings wear cool t-shirts. It's all part of the process of learning how to be Heca.
it's a cool shirt and i want heca as my mamawife.
quality post dude 10/10 epic i like it
Goddammit I love her hair and clothes, but why does she have such a stupid fucking hat?
And then Zeus unlocked a new fetish...
You are making a lot of sense and I love/hate it. If the day ever comes to pass that you or Hecatia does this stuff, it will be very interesting to say the least. Poets, scribes, and other authorities like them will have plenty to document and regale watchers and listeners about this, how the cool and totally not a dork goddess put people and heroes in their places. And to borrow what you first said, GIWTWM.

Kratos. Kratos no, you have to beat the Greek god again. Kratooooooooos!
Seriously though why is he crying? Id be pretty glad if a cute onee san gifted me a cool tee. Kids these days are so ungrateful.
Hecatia would never do that to Kratos' wife. She's a good girl.
She'd just come down and give him a lecture about how he really needs to think more about his wife and daughter before going back to torment dead Lunarians in hell.
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Would have been light years cooler if her design played into the spiked chaplet Hecate was depicted with and she had some sort of crown like picrel's.
I always figured it was something like he wanted to show that she resided on three worlds, worlds can be spheres, a polos is a Greek crown that looks like it could hold a sphere, QED.
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I would cumshot the stomach of a Goddess
rape goddess
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I desire to know more.
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Kratos, you will not get inside the BDSM dungeon of the gods.
Zeus, can I kiss your incredibly hot aunt’s belly here >>47911411 >>47912409?

But she’s a virgin!
Not if I rape her.
He wanted some milk, not a fancy shirt you dumb goddess.
Will those be your famous last words?
"y-your t-shirt is fuck-FUCKING UGLY!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH"
That stomach deserves extended licking.
Good as any I suppose.

Very much so.
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No buldge?
So did Kratos die? Or did Hecatia ignore him? He’s been quiet and the funny t-shirt goddess hasn’t said much about this.
Be careful what you wish for, anon. Bighus are a dangerous subject.
I love to live dangerously. Or at least vicariously so.
Junko is so pretty...
Imagine getting a hug from her. And at that size too.
POV: you are getting mom'd
You might die and experience the worst agony only the hell goddess could muster for all eternity, but she'll remember that man who insulted her even on his last breath for just a long.
That's a victory in of itself.
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I want to rub Hecatia’s feet. Or end up beneath them.
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Toshiaki proceeded to steamroll through his adventure with his new weird tshirt ally
Why does that image go perfectly with this song I'm listening to right now
I think Heca-chan would really enjoy pretending to be completely oblivious to every enemy being terrified of her
Would it really be worth it, though? Getting shrank by Heca to get stepped on by her, all for a quick coom, only to realize that she has no plans of unshrinking you afterwards.
Meme/horny tard answer: Y E S. Gimme hot Greek goddess feet and size bullying with it.
Actual answer: Might be interesting hanging out with a powerful but seemingly laid back deity but being that small is going to suck one way or another even if she indulges size and feet fetishes while maintaining her vaunted virginity and playfully asserting her might with a cute little mortal and or hero boomer shooter or whatever.
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Did you know that "Hekate", the original Greek name of Hecatia in mythology, has exactly the same values in Gematria as "America"?
It applies for all the three basic systems at once; Hebrew, English and Simple Gematria.
If this isn't just a weird coincidence, then ZUN got most likely the idea after listening to Slipknot - Gematria(The Killing Name).
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You have to be fucking kidding me.
I don't get it
Heccy's companion is the america fairy
her companion is a greek lampad from hell who dresses up according to the american flag because the lunarians are designed to represent the chinese
>then ZUN got most likely the idea after listening to Slipknot - Gematria(The Killing Name).
ZUN doesn't listen to rock music, he's said so in the past.
adding onto that, he's a pop music guy, that's why he listens to so much Keiko Matsui and why you can find her motifs all throughout his music.
I can buy the Gematria part though, that seems like the sort of weird shit he'd know about.
I mean, she's still the american flag wearing fairy if you strip the semantics
Imagine being dressed like that and thinking you don't deserve to be raped.
I recall Greek legends saying Hermes tried and Hecate spooked that horny chap off easily enough.
That won't work on me, I am not weak sperm.
Famous last words part 2.
She's called Brimo for a reason, anon.
Are you saying I can get raped if I dress like that?
You are the weak sperm, I am the strong sperm. Greek god, ok? Greek god.
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(You) can't, sorry.
This means she's a lesbian
Do you guys think she’ll make anymore future appearances in the series? Especially since apparently the whole Hell arc has been concluded.
I don't see why not. Lots of 2hus make cameos even though they've long since served their purpose
In a game though? No
Hey fat ass, get back here and don let your thread die!
Don't call her fat, rude! Unless you mean fat with a ph
Ok phat ass, still get back here and start shaking your ass so your thread doesn't die.
Hey FAT ASS, I told you to get back here.
>Wearing shirt
Did they fuck? Honest question.
But Anon, she is literally a virgin for eternity. She can't be a slut
She's a lesbian slut
I hate whores. That's why I like Hecatia. She's a pure girl.
Heca will only mate with brown men.
Yeah me and only me.
Take Brimo, remove the r, add b after m
As the ancient Greeks always said: It doesn't count if it's anal.
Does Heca enjoy anal sex?
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She looks like she fucks herself
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It wasn't the right shirt.
Hecatia should've known this.
Wizard needs source badly
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Now now, is that how you're supposed to ask for a favor, anon?
Genge heard your prayer and she answered! Better maintain a good standing with her or else haha.
I'll admit, it takes some guts to disrespect a goddess of hell's polite request for a little respect so brazenly.
Anon is in a truly difficult situation now! Somehow he needs to appease two powerful beings to avoid getting smited having his luck decimated!
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Hecatia should sit on you for these insults!
would cunning linguistics be of use in this situation?
You mean one powerful being and one has-been only known for getting her ass kicked by children.
He y FAT ASS, why don't you come here and punish with your sexy butt?
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Hecatia is cute and I want to see her work to make Hell a fresh and exciting place.
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just ask GPT
Can you spoonfeed me how to use this GPT?
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Will you be taking her home?
cant say no to hecaballs.
>that's a weird t-shirt.
>what now?
>the skirt is weird too.
naked heca foom feet.... hmmm... delicious
Hecatia is cute and I want to touch her butts.
Is Welcome Hell an instruction? The reader should welcome hell? Or is it an invitation? The wearer is prepared to welcome hell?
You can’t handle Hecabum.
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I can and I will. Now FAT ASS, get your ass here 'cus I am going to pound you so hard you won't be sitting for a week.
Anon was later found crushed and flattened in a butt cheek shaped crater in the ground, some witnesses purporting his last words were calling Hecatia a “FAT ASS” before she booty’d him.
lucky guy
Is Hecatia still in contact with her old friend Persephone and her husband?
Anon, I...you've played Touhou 22, right?
He got what he wanted if nothing else. But in a Greek tragedy fashion, he was destroyed by what he loved.
What? Is Hecatia the only greek god left or something?
Anon...the whole cast except protagonist were Greek gods in th22...
Ah, I see...
Should check it out
It's the perfect way to go.
There was a crazy late 70s very early 80s movie in the US about Hecca becoming a US high schoolgirl who becomes a full on murderous yandere magiking murderess for her BF. It wasn't a bad movie actually. Just really weird.
Oh yeah, no doubt about that.
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Best cumdump
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Heca-chan is popular!
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kys yurinigger
More yuri please
I have no strong opinion on whatever you should keep posting yuri or not.
Something about Hecatia’s expression here is adorkably endearing. Probably her posing with a Fumo version of herself is cute too.
This implies Junko has a futacock
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Hey FAT ASS, that ass-crushing was not enough to kill me nor to revive your thread. Now come back here so your ASS thread doesn't die.
Only if a bootleg comes out.
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Sounds like somebody wants to get buttcrushed again.
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Hecatia and Junko got a new job together!
lesbian nuns
>Only if a bootleg comes out.
They're already made in the Peoples Republic of BTFOing France. Well you certainly could commission one anyway.


lyl yuriaryan
Just want to pop by to say that I love the OP of this thread. Always makes me laugh every time I pass by it in the catalog.
I for one like her color matching blush.
Heca blue is the cutest
Hecatia is looking pretty weird today.
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Heca's too cool to have her thread die like this...
That's actually hot. Good job for once.
Hey FAT ASS, your thread is back at page 10 again.
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Your thread is on page 10 again, FAT ASS.
What if Heca put a melon on her head?
What if Heca put a dick on her head?
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Sanae does that for her cosplay.
Who's this????
a rapist
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Comfy Heca for the start of winter!
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Back to page 1 you cute and sexy FAT ASS
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Canon lesbian family
Canon lesbian family
Oh no, does this make aqua Hecatia… useless?
I want to bully her.
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What would a date with Hecatia be like?
With every step she takes, you would hear a loud *clap*, *clap*, *clap*.
Hecatia strikes me as the kind of girl who would let you take charge and decide what to do.
She'd go along with anything and has a good time with all sorts of people, as long as you're passionate and enthusiastic about things; guys who try to play it safe just bore her.
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Because he looks like a dork now.
For me, it's Hellcome Welcome.
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You'd already be doomed to comply if any other Touhou girl set their eyes on you, but Hecatia? Lord, it is over, you better enjoy your new life, because saying no isn't an option.
Maybe if you don’t want to end up like a Greek tragedy you can convince Hecate that she can and should do better? Otherwise yeah, prepare to be owned by the quirky chthonic goddess like in pic related there.
And that’s just *one* of her three bodies.
Nah, don't be silly. Hecatia loves freedom more than anything; she'd never *force* you into the role of her consort and you can safely say "no" (unlike say, some particular hermits).
Of course, that doesn't mean she won't be *persistent*. She has a lot of time on her hands to show you all of her charms and convince you why you should go out with her.
>all of her charms
Like what, her gaudy t-shirts?
Yes, she'll show you her entire wardrobe eventually.
Also those of the hell fairies she dresses up, her collection of NASA merchandise, her various compendiums on magic, her puppies, her extensive collection of Zanmu-bullying techniques, every boundary dedicated to her, and every single one of her spell cards.

She's sure one of those will make you see the light.
To get a virgin goddess to fall this hard for you must make that person the most charming guy in the world. Or the poor dude will be eternally blue balled
Did she really hide her two other planets inside her shirt thinking she’d fool anyone? Everyone knows the Goddess of Hell is nowhere near that bust size and that she’s way too old for growth spurts. What a dork…
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>Yes, she'll show you her entire wardrobe eventually.
>Also those of the hell fairies she dresses up, her collection of NASA merchandise, her various compendiums on magic, her puppies, her extensive collection of Zanmu-bullying techniques, every boundary dedicated to her, and every single one of her spell cards.
how can one women be so perfect
>how can one women be so perfect
Well, she's technically three women at the same time. That's her big secret.
Hecatia having three bodies is an idea with incredible potential that's rarely realized by fanworks. Three bodies means she can be doing three different things at the same time.
IMAGINE taking Hecatia on a date. Spending three times as much on food. Watching her try on three different outfits at once. Sitting between two Heccs in the movie theater while the third is STILL trying on clothes. Each one has a different preference in ice cream.
Also three bodies is a very powerful but underutilized trait for porn. Triple paizuri. I'm drunk.
She's a goddess, it comes with the territory.
Ha now I can picture her singing the used up goddess in the cage being sold song.
Why would you want to contain Heca feet?
Because her apartment STINKS.
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Nah, she's comfortable like this.
Feet are meant to be free, y'know?
Oh my!
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The moonies can’t get away!
I see that you've correctly deduced the breast size ranking. Well done!
Naturally, the ass size ranking is Otherworlds > Earth > Moon, instead, just for the record.
Her name is Hecatia Lapispaizuri
Hey now, she's great at sumata, too.
go to hell ho
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He's crying because he knows that by standing out he's more likely to be raped by Youkai.
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Red, Blue and Yellow female_pubic_hair.
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Build for big human cock.
Surely you meant Sumatia Sloppypaizuri.
is this MMD?
Looks like their knees.
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Hecatia is a good friend.

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