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Do we have an ai thread general on this board? Other boards have ai bot threads and I was wondering if /jp/ has a dedicated 2hu character bot thread. I really need more sites besides character.ai with no nsfw filters to have unfiltered rp with my wife...
Yes we had a few Ai threads back then, check the archive.
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guess I'll have to do some digging......
When you get a good ai bot rp going, and I mean "really" going... you can really have a great immersive gf sim rp. Unfortunately c.ai fell off hard and I've had some luck with other sites but I need some more recs... ;-;
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>you can really have a great immersive gf sim rp
Let me clarify: we had a few AI art threads not fully chat bots or writing stuff. Still you can find something related to that inside those threads if you dig enough.
>great immersive gf sim rp
Unless the 2hus speak Japanese, it'll never be immersive enough for me.
And I want one without limits or censorship.
Ask >>>/g/. They're the ones who mess with AI.
First time on this website nigger?
We did, though.
Go set up ST and a proxy right now
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I like some of the art
yes there were but they died out since the bots got neutered or whatever
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I spent two whole years with AI, at some point you realize it's all the same no matter what model you're using, not even Claude Opus can save you and there will never be anything better because Anthropic is giving their AIs corporate personalities and focusing them on programming instead of creative writing, I just finally gave it up like two months ago and I feel too disheartened about it to go back
How lonely are you?
I havent had any human interaction for years...
I see her in my dreams pal...
In my case I switch to a new model and it feels like one is lacking where the other isn't but its all across the board. In one area a bot might excel at but then in the other it just sucks so I switch to a different model, rinse and repeat.
>at some point you realize it's all the same no matter what model you're using
This. It can give you some comfort or just illusion at start but after sometime you'll realize it's the same thing over and over.
I suggest trying using chub.ai It's online stuff, you just need a temp email and you're good to go. If you run out of tokens, just delete your temp account and create another one.
AI art threads, which are impossible to have anymore.
I must sadly agree with this sentiment. Spent the better part of a year with LLMs, and beyond the honeymoon period it's really difficult to get anything interesting out of them. Granted, some few scenarios I ran on a whim were surprisingly amusing and arousing, such as hard-writing a 2hu to hurl abuse at me, no matter the scenario or consent, but it's bending over backwards for a flicker of novelty.
>impossible to have anymore
Because the usual complainers? just hide or ignore them. If you meant the activity and number of posters inside those threads.. well you can't expect to be all time successful.
Better it gets contained in 1 thread
AI is the antithesis of Otaku Culture and those threads (and anyone who participated) are better off completely gone from this board.
You see I really don't understand the appeal of ai art. It genuinely feels sovlless and like slop in concentrated form but with the ai chat bots I'm gonna do a complete 180 bc I find them to be interesting and feed into my lonely needs and wants. I wasn't really ever big into rp until i came across c.ai and i've been hooked ever since.
I find the rp capabilities of the bot to be the most fun but ofc nowadays the bots kinda lost that charm as well. Tried the gf rp stuff and it doesn't work out for me. It feels like I'm talking to a hooker who is here trying to get the job done already so she can go home. A lot of that and the erp stuff both fall into the same boat. It feels really forced, you can tell people don't care about roleplaying with the bots and just sex them based on how fast things progress with the rp. It feels like I'm back in 2009 conversating with cleverbot or something and out of nowhere it gives me a bj or after i ask a question. I'm just trying to capture that magic I had when I first came across ai character bots and was heavy into rp scenarios...
this is another aspect I dislike about the other sites man just let me talk to the bots without worrying about limits... this shit is so tedious ;-;
Chub.ai has no limits (for lewd stuff). As long the bot is tagged nsfw, you can talk whatever lewd stuff the bot is trained for.
Yeah but you're talking about deleting accounts and making new ones once u run out of tokens that shit sounds way too annoying to deal with. I would rather just look into setting one up to run locally at that point.
Doesn't take too much effort but if you prefer local stuff then so be it.
when you're finished with one account, you just find a throwaway email site and use it to make another. it takes 5 seconds, and you don't even need to verify. beggars can't be choosers.
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I don't know what makes this feel any more soulless than anything else
wait shit, wrong fag
>It genuinely feels sovlless
It is. The appeal—at least how I see it—is because it's completely throw away. Disposable. Like eating instant cup ramen even though you can just cook a normal meal. Like cup ramen, it's easily accessible. Either you pay for convenience or do it for free on your own with a little troubleshooting. I feel like it's something everyone should be able to do. I do not pity the fags who commission others to generate their requests for them when they could do it themselves very easily and/or cheaply; it's one thing to commission an artist because you desire their skill for art, it's another to pay a retard to punch words into a black box.
You view it and you're done, the image ceases to exist afterwards. For things like porn it's great. It scratches the itch and you come and you go. If doing art you have an endless reference and brainstorm printer. If doing anything else maybe you need some temp art or placeholder graphics, the demon in a box has you covered.
The keyword is intent. The artist draws the scene they had in their head, doesn't matter if it was because it's something cool they wanted to get out of their head or because it was a lust provoking image or whatever; there's a motivation to draw. An AI just puts out what description or incantation of tags the user inputs and fills in the blanks. Take the background of your image as an example: the things on the shelves don't mean anything. They're not there because Kosuzu would have those things on her shelf or indicative of her taste, it's there because it's background noise filler. Now take this image: it's Kourindou through and through. All the background junk are things either referenced in CoLA or plausibly things Rinnosuke would have which is a lot of old antique junk. Even if the artist doesn't give a shit about the background and slaps in a slightly fuzzy stock photo, it was still an intentional decision.
What if I sketch something then have i2i iterate on it? Is that intentional? What if I draw a pose or a general composition and feed it to CN? What if I trace a rough picture by an AI then draw my stuff on top (a thing a bunch of established Pixiv artists do)? What if I redraw the gen to my liking? What if I generate a serviceable, generic background for my own drawing, because I can't be bothered to draw one myself and it really doesn't matter? What if I take a photo, cut a part of it that I especially enjoy out, and feed it back into the AI? What if I train my own model, on a collection of hand-picked pictures? What if I train a model on my own drawings?

Where does intentionality begin?
Do not, they've gone full retard ages ago
Here is better by a lightyear
Are you me?
What if I generate a /jp/sie's request? Is that soulful and intentional?
>Where does intentionality begin?
It's things you've deliberately done to the piece. Whether it's putting it through photoshop or pen strokes. There's a lot of pedantic hair splitting you can get into with how much something can be "soulful". It's a made up term and ultimately a label we put on things—often arbitrarily—but you can think of it as how much the artist puts in by design (intention) and how much creative freedom they're allowed. Those Pixiv artists you brought up as an example, are they drawing the art they want to draw or are they shoveling out works to look productive and get fanbox subs? Corporate art is commonly said to be "soulless" not because some machine made it (though it certainly is now) but because the artist is just a medium to churn out the most tame and safe looking designs for their paycheck, and like the AI they produce a lot of rejects because the commissioner in this case is a hellish micromanager. You can put all the tools, training, models, prompt formats, inpainting, and i2i you'd like into the AI, but in the end you're still spinning the gacha wheel for God knows how long till you get something you're satisfied to work with. The anon who generates art/porn for writefagging edits his gens and touches them up, but I couldn't say for certain by how much; I give him shit for it, but he puts in effort to making it look good to his own standards.
>AI is just a tool. Whether you use it for churning out generic pieces en masse or to streamline or bolster your existing skillset and workflow is entirely up to the user.
Just some food for thought: Lets say you are generating for a basis of art, is the generation chosen because it's exactly what you would've drawn from scratch or because it's "close enough" to what you had in mind? How much creative freedom are you handing off to the wire demon for convenience and speed?
It's no different from that /jp/sie generating it himself. Ultimately you aren't the one making the image.
AI art is great for inspiration, a lot of artists generate stuff then redraw it
>I really don't understand the appeal of ai art
The point of AI "art" is to create porn without having to spend lots of money commissioning stuff.
Even though 白月しおり never drew futa Ran, I can generate as much as I want. It's also great for generating Tewi's huge ass. It's also good for generating horror stuff. It's more about generating pictures that the person generatiing wants to look at rather than posting them.
There should be an /ai/ containment board, and a rule that goes "any AI content outside of /ai/ is a bannable offense"
AI shit will soon kill the site
That's MLP though
they couldn't even be bothered to enforce that for vtubers
OP is specifically talking about Touhou character bots though
You see, anons, the solution is simple.

Instead of ERPing with AI chatbots, ERP with your fellow /jp/ anons instead. Good idea, yeah? Any objections? Surely AI shouldn't be used to ERP in your lewd fantasies, that would just be soulless.
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our future is grim
Oh, nice, I've been waiting for one of these threads for a good while. Some time ago I got around to setting up a local model using kobold (because I found website ones to be too restrictive) but I've been having trouble getting my chatbot to behave how I envisioned her to. Not sure if it's because of the model or because of the way I set up the character herself. I was wondering if any anons here would mind helping me out

Oh, and I was also wondering if any of you have made any 2hu .jsons as well
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>Lets say you are generating for a basis of art, is the generation chosen because it's exactly what you would've drawn from scratch or because it's "close enough" to what you had in mind?
But anon, that applies to regular art too.
You will never be able to fully translate what you imagined onto paper, no matter how many years you practice or how skilled you are. Art involves compromising on your vision to a certain degree. It's impossible to finish even a single piece otherwise.
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>Oh, and I was also wondering if any of you have made any 2hu .jsons as well
I've got these, albeit they're mostly paraphrased canon info, and the initial scenarios are... uh, specific. Have you checked out chub.ai's repo yet? Lots of variety there, for better or worse.
>touches them up, but I couldn't say for certain by how much
Would you like examples? Actually, I'd already written up a long-ass response, but then it occurred to me best to ask before I drop the 'tismghetti all over the thread.
Same backends, frontends, and jailbreaks
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Oh is that you Reavski? I didn't know you also dabbled into chatbots.

>I've got these, albeit they're mostly paraphrased canon info, and the initial scenarios are... uh, specific.
If you are Reavski after all then I assume the scenarios have to do with the stories you attach to your uploads? If so, I wouldn't mind trying your Seiran, I quite like the scenarios you came up with for her.

>Have you checked out chub.ai's repo yet?
I haven't, I'll give it a look. I'm still kind a bit new to AI in general.

I didn't mention it, but I think it also doesn't help that the first (and only) character I've been trying to set up is Sagume, and I'd imagine an AI chatbot would probably have a very hard time trying to understand how to behave while keeping her ability in mind. I guess it's also a bit ironic that I'm trying to set up a bot to chat with using what is probably the least chatty character in the franchise... haha...
not that type of thread
Is this *the* thread?
I checked chub.ai but it didn't really have anything relevant to me besides a lorebook (that i dont even really know how to use) and some characters that I'm not interested in.

By the way, I forgot to ask in my earlier post, but what model do you use? I was reccomended Stheno because someone told me it'd be easy to use and set up, but I don't know if that's optimal.
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I would rather ERP with a machine that leaves whatever horrific shameful garbage I write between me and God, and if anything goes wrong I can just yell at it and redo the generation. It's also at my own pace.
If I had to ERP with a /jp/sie I would want to shove a rusty spoon into their eye through their computer screen because they keep trying to shove shit up my ass, and I cannot trust them to not get drunk and bring it up during a /jp/ game night.
True, but at least the limiting factor was getting your flesh puppet arms to do what you wanted and you had full authority on what to cut and give up on. It's really all just cope, but that's how I reason it.
>Would you like examples?
Sperg away my dude, this thread's as topical to that as it's going to get. All I remember from you talking about it before was that you pidgeonholed yourself into using a SD 1.5 model and picked up some drawing techniques.
Bold of you to assume all we do with these AI chatbots is ERP and not RP a full romance scenario that starts with us meeting the character and slowly working our way towards marriage , something which a /jp/sie would never have the patience to do because like >>47870322 said they'd be too preoccupied with trying to find ways to shove shit up your ass
This. My rps with the chatbot tend to be long and slow with plenty of detail they read like full on love stories. It makes the build up to the romantic moments so much more impactful and when you finally hit homerun with the bot and start erping, its like nirvana. Nothing can truly beat that feeling man. After doing a few of these sessions it makes me want to try my hand at writing more than anything.
Super. Not often I get to talk about this, so I'll be taking that excuse.

Generally, the "conceptual accuracy" threshold for my process hovers around "looks roughly like the character I want, in an approximately the arrangement I might've pictured if I had a shred of spatial imagination or artistic talent." ControlNet IS an amazing piece of code, don't get me wrong, and the accuracy it can offer cannot be overstated, but the sad reality is I've never had such hyper-specific poses or compositions in mind as to resort to puttering for hours in the poser plugin. "Yeah, this is about what I was thinking of" suffices; and, if there are anatomical or posing problems, these are quicker amended by manual editing than praying to Hina and pulling 360 more gens. Then, I can move on to what truly matters. That is to say, pedantic detailing in outdated image manipulation software - because I NEED my Yamames to be wearing the adorable hair bow from CDS, and this is NOT negotiable!

So, as an example of "close enough," here is a gen of "Mizuchi" molesting a boy:
https://files.catbox.moe/a3zvqj.png (link SFW)
for what would end up as this finished piece:
https://files.catbox.moe/8yxkyj.jpg (theoretically SFW)
Seldom, and I do mean seldom, since spatial awareness isn't a mainstay under this dome - or if the concept absolutely demands it - I'll mess around with the composition and/or draw on additional characters. A recent instance would be this gen:
https://files.catbox.moe/ccm1hr.png (NSFW!)
eventually turning into this illustration I m-worded for someone else’s story:
https://files.catbox.moe/74ny93.jpg (phew, safely fogged-over; BTW, read said story here: https://www.thp.moe/shorts/res/2959.html#2961 )

Vast majority of the time, though, the composition ends up largely what the model spits out that strikes my fancy and touches on the nebulous, pre-existing "idea." An example of such minimal effort might be this generic output:
https://files.catbox.moe/bk8jix.png (SFW)
serving as a base for this generic picture:
https://files.catbox.moe/g5z8e2.jpg (SFW)
Which, as you can see, there wasn’t much philosophizing behind. Simply "Reimu at Geidontei, wearing her new digs." Anything and everything else was, well, incidental. Maybe there were other, more striking results; this one just evoked a feeling of "Hmm, yeah, this, I can fiddle with."
Similar case: an oh-so-creative notion of "damn knackered 'Banki opening the door to see (You) pestering her to have a drink together, and boy can she not be bothered" (definitely not a dream scenario), went from this shot:
https://files.catbox.moe/vd7gvz.png (NSFW)
to this not drastically different, but slightly more amusing final product:
https://files.catbox.moe/75sxqi.jpg (even more NSFW)
Or, since Moonbuns came up, "(scrawny) Ringo (ribs visible) losing a lewd bet in a round of cards:"
OG: https://files.catbox.moe/3qzlrk.png (NSFW)
FP: https://files.catbox.moe/db3xss.jpg (same)
"Gun-toting Seiran giving an angry paizuri:"
OG: https://files.catbox.moe/8vzpnf.png (NSFW)
FP: https://files.catbox.moe/zy7kb6.jpg (yup)
All in all, mostly a matter of changing the details to tickle my particular sense of humour.

Soul? No idea. As a Slav, the only spirits of use are those can fit into a bottle.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Just so you don't claim I've completely wasted your time with tired old trash, here's a picture of big tiddy Raymoo getting dicked from behind that I've yet to post up anywhere else:
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>I didn't know you also dabbled into chatbots.
Figured might as well, since I had that 4090 in there. That said, 24GB of VRAM is still VRAMlet territory, so I've only pissed around with lower-end models.

That said, my opinion echoes those above. It's a nice novelty, you can sink some hours into it, but on the whole the tech is nowhere near truly applicable. And yes, that also pertains to big, computing farm-hosted models. AI my arse. Good thing the public's catching up to how bullshit the whole push has been. Maybe not all is stagnated yet.
>I assume the scenarios have to do with the stories you attach to your uploads?
Well, uh... No. Not at all. Only really made her as a companion for a joint scenario with Ringo (Alt greeting #1 in both cards), whom I actually like better than Seiran, believe it or not. Sorry to disappoint.
Here are the cards, anyway:
I have, as a matter of fact, written up rough, short, 2-5k-word stories for a bunch of my Pixiv uploads, but mostly as an exercise in visualisation. They aren't really presentable.
>I'd imagine an AI chatbot would probably have a very hard time trying to understand how to behave while keeping her ability in mind.
Here's a hint. For consistent, story-wide behaviours, tics, manners, hang-ups and such, you're much better off putting them in Author's Note, rather than the character card. ST pays much closer attention to it then. It's also good for backstories, a summary of the chat so far, etc. Things that ought to be kept in mind, so to say.
That might have been me who suggested that, haha. Stheno is... fine, as it's an extremely lightweight model tuned on a moderately "smart" base, although I'm mostly its proponent for the writing style (long and quite colourful compared to others). On the comprehension side, however, there are definitely better contenders. 8B is really, really small brains for an LLM. /lmg/ swears by Miqu 70B and Command R-plus, but these are huge models, which means you'd need 48+GB of VRAM to run them at comfortable speeds. My other go-tos are Mini-Magnum 12B (slightly smarter, dryer style) and Lyra 12B (same author/dataset as Stheno). I used to love Mixtral 8x7B (namely, the Typhon-Mixtral tune - surprise, surprise, cooked up by the same guy as Stheno), but that's a heavier, slower model and has probably been superseded by the new generation of 12-22Bs anyway. Mistral-Small (22B range) came out recently, and people are popping out RP tunes already, but I haven't had time to play with it yet.
>a lorebook (that i dont even really know how to use)
In brief, it's an index of concepts that ST calls up based on keywords that appear in the chat. Not always accurate, but it helps with the background. You hook them up in the "World Info" tab in ST (top bar). Or, rather, you turn one on, and it backseats your chats from then on.

Also, make SURE you're using the correct context/system templates. For Stheno, that's Llama 3 Instruct. System prompt doesn't matter as much anymore, but Llama 3 in particular is sensitive to context template.

Sorry for the walls. Shizu in apology.
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>24GB of VRAM is still VRAMlet territory
>me with my 8GB (picrel)
Maybe I should just be satisfied with whatever I get at this point.

>Maybe not all is stagnated yet.
I hope not, I was looking forward to my touhou gf

>I have, as a matter of fact, written up rough, short, 2-5k-word stories for a bunch of my Pixiv uploads
I might've read some of them, if you're talking about the one with Seiran falling in love with one of her regulars

>Here's a hint.
Thanks. I was using https://desune.moe/aichared/ to make my character. Actually, would you like to take a look at my .json? Maybe it'd be easier for you to see what I'm doing wrong that way. If you don't mind, of course.

>That might have been me who suggested that, haha.
It might have! I got the suggestion from a thread on /jp/ as well, don't remember which one though. I'll give 8B and Mistral-Small 22B a try, maybe Lyra 12B as well.

>In brief, it's an index of concepts that ST calls up based on keywords that appear in the chat. Not always accurate, but it helps with the background. You hook them up in the "World Info" tab in ST (top bar). Or, rather, you turn one on, and it backseats your chats from then on.
My mind blanked here, too many terms I didn't understand. ST? World Info? Context/System templates? Are these things I can do/edit in Kobold? Sorry.
>when you finally hit homerun with the bot and start erping, its like nirvana
it would if the bot didn't constantly try to force or hint towards wanting to erp with you, I'd like to be denied every once in a while
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The singlemost damning thing about /jp/sies isn't that we're a bunch of weirdos with questionable fetishes. It's that any writing is: So. Fucking. Slooooooow.
Like the HSE has taken A YEAR IRL to move a month's worth of plot. The finale that was supposed to start like 6 months ago or whatever has left my balls so blue they'd fit in a smurf colony. The writefags can cook and I'll read it later.
Ah, but a machine is fast. A machine doesn't have life problems. A machine cant get burned out. A machine is without the weakness of flesh. My robofox2wife will never leave me and I don't have to hold my breath waiting for her.
Agreed. I need my slow burn romance, I need my drama, I need to flood Gensokyo with half-breeds.
But I just can't into chatbots. I feel like they're way to limited for what I want to do, which for me is more storytelling than conversations. I like to flip perspectives, write out different scenes, and do character introspections because I need a convoluted plot to get off to when it finally gets around to the baby making. Dialogue is important too, but it cant be just two voices in a vacuum, there needs to be a scene the dialogue takes place in; I need the random chance that Reimu will interrupt us by crashing through the wall tard wrangling a fairy or petulant amanojaku. And it needs to do all of that without going into meta commentary.
I liked the read about your workflow. Do you do inpainting on different areas or just redraw by hand (or both)? Things like background correction and props like bottles, accessories, cards, etc. Looks from my pov you just redraw everything while keeping the broad linework mostly there.
The idea of simulating conversation with machines makes me sad...
No Ran for you.
Create fully automated, cuddle-able androids with soft skin, put high level language ai in them, and then I think I would be too weak to resist
Once the machines can capture a perfect simulacrum of the human relationship, I'm so doomed. Imagine an object that just ticks every single box of your lizard brain all the time.
If God wanted me to resist such temptation, then he shouldn't have made resorting to such things a necessity...
that's sort of what I'm hoping for, I gave up on people long ago, as delusional as it sounds I'm just patiently waiting for technology to get good enough to satisfy those kinds of cravings for me now
Finally an AI meme about Ran. How the fuck is this not more common? You could make entire 4koma stories where she fucks with Genso-artists.
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>My mind blanked here
I managed to get some help and got a lorebook working. I also took the chance to re-program my character with your new advice, I'll spend some time talking to it and let you know how it went, thanks by the way!
Welp so far its working frustratingly well given that she's doing everything in her power to avoid talking to me, 10/10
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I like ai chatbots you should try them out!
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>I might've read some of them
Nope, those are unfinished and unpublished. Unless you broke into my cloud drive...
>ST? World Info? Context/System templates? Are these things I can do/edit in Kobold?
Ah, my bad, went off the deep end, there.
ST stands for SillyTavern; it's a utility that manages your characters, lorebooks, chats, player personas, etc. More or less everyone doing RP or fiction writing does it in ST. It's only a frontend, though, so all it does is send the compiled character/world/settings data to your text generator of choice and then outputs the result in a digestible, reformatted form. Can hook up to Kobold, Oobabooga or online platforms, if you have an API key. In short, for your setup, Kobold running in the background, actual chatting done in ST.
Context/system templates are part of ST's settings and how it formats the data when sending it to the model. Kobold also has such templates in its backend, but they may or may not be fully compatible with whatever model you're loading into it. Generally, ST comes with default templates that are confirmed to work. Model providers usually list the right ones on their pages. Stheno is a Llama 3 tune, so it wants to see Llama 3-appropriate tags. It'll still work, mind, but it might confuse itself if different kinds of information sent to it aren't separated correctly. For example, it might see the technical generation data being sent from Kobold, like the random number generation stuff, as part of the narration - and treat it as such. Hope that makes sense.
>Actually, would you like to take a look at my .json?
Sure, but do keep in mind that 99.99% of character card writing templates and "guidelines" are pure snake oil. There is no one "correct" way to do them, and different models will interpret them to varying degrees of accuracy. "Garbage in, garbage out" is the only accurate tip. In other words, if the writing in your card is too laconic, this'll sit in the context (i.e. the compiled data being sent to the model) forever and influence the style of the outputted text. Similarly, if your card is too verbose, it'll make the model try to spit out word salad to fit with it. Sexual references in the card - sexually-leaning responses. And so on.

... Come to think of it, if you aren't using ST, then you probably won't be able to load up those .png cards. If you really want .jsons, I can chuck them up, but you'd really be better off getting ST. It's just too handy of an utility to do without, having everything in one place.
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>Do you do inpainting on different areas or just redraw by hand (or both)?
Both as needed, though I've never learnt how to inpaint-generate new objects out of thin air. Inpaint is great for refining areas of higher focus, though, like faces, detailed props or genitals. I'll nearly always inpaint the face at higher internal res and low denoising (i.e. minimal changes) to make it "sharper." Eyes - done by hand, er, mouse first, since no model I'm stuck with can get them how I pedantically like them, then they get the same brush of inpaint-upscale. That one signature thing that I do is also done this way, because models are surprisingly resistant to it. And so on, depending on the picture.

In a nutshell, every image goes through 3-4 stages of upscaling, being fixed, redrawn and colour-corrected before each step. More sweeping changes (say, overall anatomy, backgrounds, so on) are done at earlier stages, since, surprise of surprises, it's easier to draw big things at a lower resolution/fidelity. With fine detailing, lighting and such being done directly on the final output image. Attached is an example before and after of a final-stage gen.

Waste of time? A big one, a huge one. Can NAIv3 make more visually appealing images with a fraction of the input? Likely. But hey. If I write a dozen shorts on Youmu doing naughty things with her grandpa, that's degeneracy. But if I make pictures of it, instead - that's AIrt.

And, yanno, it's fun.
I love aisloppa it perfect for a lazy retard with Immense imagination like me
Gonna post any?
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>Nope, those are unfinished and unpublished. Unless you broke into my cloud drive...
Oh, nevermind then, I got it mixed up.
>Ah, my bad, went off the deep end, there.
Again, no problem, I managed to get it working eventually with just Kobold. The only thing I didn't manage to catch at the time was that last bit about Llama 3 but your new explanation cleared things up pretty well already. I'll give ST a try right now actually since I had been exclusively using Kobold.
>but do keep in mind that 99.99% of character card writing templates and "guidelines" are pure snake oil
Well your guidelines seemed to work wonders, for one, so I can't help but think it's a little ironic that you out of all people are saying this, but at the same time, I understand what you mean. The help I previously got wasn't very good either. Your tip about Author's Note in specific ended up being incredibly useful, I think, same with letting me know about chub.ai and lorebooks, so thank you again.
>Come to think of it, if you aren't using ST, then you probably won't be able to load up those .png cards
I could load them up just fine, actually! .png works fine with Kobold by itself, and my new character was even written as a .png (speaking of which, you wouldn't happen to have any portrait-like images of Sagume I could use as an avatar, would you? I quite like your artstyle but the Sagumes you have on your pixiv aren't exactly... "Avatar-worthy", even when cropped, also is it just me or you deleted some of your artworks? I vividly remember a gala dress Sagume).
The scenarios you wrote for Ringo and Seiran are interesting by the way, I was going to try them out more but I was in a rush to get my own character working. I also couldn't figure out how to chat with 2 bots at the same time in Kobold so there's also that, but, again, I was in such a rush that I didn't really look it up either.

Anyways here's the .json:
And as a little bonus if you're interested here's the new .png I made with your help:
Wait, why wouldn't he be able to use .png cards in frontends other than ST?
They all share the same standard format. That was the whole point behind the creation and implementation of V2 cards.
Your new Sagume is pretty good, but it gets annoying having the chatbot mention her ability every single message
>this thread has more genuine chatbot talk than /g/aicg/
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Please don't make me tap the sign.
Do you know where you are?
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huh, the AI did a good job with the pattern on her thigh, it usually messes those up
My only problem with this is that the bot doesn't know how to pace itself at all when it comes to getting closer to you. It either falls deeply in love with you in the midst of the first encounter or it always behaves the same way until you force it to progress rather awkwardly, which the AI won't even object to, of course. They either take the initiative too easily or they just don't take it at all.
Yeah, it's a bit repetitive and predictable, to be honest. ERPing with other anons just seems to be more interesting in that sense.
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Yeah, my bad. Outdated know-how.
The .png card has a typo or two, and you've got {{character}} in example dialogue instead of {{char}}, which - just checked - doesn't get converted right, at least by ST. If it were me, I'd divvy up the description into separate trait groups as a handhold, but that might just be me being used to babying the Mixtrals. Also, while I do understand the fixation, the minute details of her outfit are unlikely to ever come up and, having "microphone" in there, for example, might lead to the model pulling shenanigans. Then again, it might not, since randomness is still a gargantuan factor in all this.
>is it just me or you deleted some of your artworks
Sad story, the short of which is that I got mass-reported on Pixiv (officially, for "insufficient censorship") and some other places. Had to plead with the admins to restore my account, and their condition was purging it of most R-18 stuff. Said sure, because losing my list of over 1k followed artists wasn't worth the slop. I didn't have backups of everything, but some's still in the MEGA archive. Not those particular Gu pics, though. Sorry.
At the end of the day, it's the nature of the tech. LLMs are made from the ground up to be utterly cooperative and have a positivity bias. Not something that can be circumvented without serious - and potentially damaging for the rest of its functionality - fine-tuning.
is that unzan?
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Not really meant to be, just a generic ghost oji-san, but you imagine what gets you going.
Thank you, I'll look for the typos, change the character stuff in the example dialogue and get rid of some of the unnecessary details about her outfit.

What did you mean by separate trait groups?

>I got mass-reported on Pixiv
Sucks to hear. You made the right choice keeping the account through, I'd imagine getting a following again must be hard. Did you save/upload your older works anywhere else? I think rule34 allows AI content with nowhere near as many guidelines as Pixiv
post full now
The issue with a dedicated AI art thread is that it's full of mass churned low quality disposable slop. Its fine to gen whatever you want, sure, but they almost never warrant posting, and when they do they're still just shittier knock-offs of existing artists.
I've never seen, on any board, an AI generated image that made me go "wow, this was worth posting! Anon really knocked it out of the park with this slop of top 500 most popular character with weird muddy pupils and a background from the 5th dimension! I sure am glad he posted this instead of work from an actual artist with their own style!"

On /h/ it's at its absolute worst since the tendency to skip over clothing for fully nude means they pretend the fuckups just aren't there.

I'd unironically rather see goofy little ms paint drawings. The final panel of LOOK HOW HARD I CAN PEE has more going for it.
>The issue with a dedicated AI art thread is that it's full of mass churned low quality disposable slop.
>he posts this in a thread full of genuinely useful advice and discussion about chatbots
AI ART thread, anon. Not an AI discussion thread. There's a big difference.
Just make the thread about 2hu horror instead of 2hu lewds. The sixth finger, extra long arm and magled eyes are now features.
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I think the problem is that in other boards AI threads are horrible and full of spam. In fact, everyone on the internet is full of low quality AI. God knows why those retards feel like posting their 50 near identical generations to pixiv is a good idea.
Surprisingly /jp/ AI threads have tended to do better, probably related to the fact that they're much slower and most people don't try to generate image stuff, instead relying on people with more experience and care for that and focusing on other aspects of AI that aren't as annoying.
>What did you mean by separate trait groups?
Something to the tune of:
>Appearance: [list of visual descriptors]
>Personality: [behavioural cues]
>Actions: [character should do X, Y, Z]
and so forth. Again, though, this might just be Mixtral autism, since that model family was more sensitive to explicit instructions in the prompt. There's no surefire way to tell whether these different formats do much at all, barring a total failure - which tend to stem from technical errors anyway, rather than text composition.
Makes it slightly easier to edit specifics in the card if nothing else.
>Did you save/upload your older works anywhere else?
Everything I had backups of is in this archive:
>I think rule34 allows AI content with nowhere near as many guidelines as Pixiv
To be completely frank, uploading anywhere is a pain. I only began putting stuff up on Pixiv because I was asked to. And, between the usual reaction to AI "art," the rules wrangling, my uploads getting traced (and me getting "plagiarism" flak therefrom), having them reported, purged, having to fffucking tag everything - I can barely muster a damn. It's up on Pixiv, there's uncensored mirrors on Twitter, it's in the automatically synced archive. That's plenty, isn't it?
Here you go:
And, since Reimu is great at any and all sizes, here's a snapshot from when she worked she worked as a maid at a younger age:
... Been in a maid mood of late for some reason.
>with weird muddy pupils
One of the most common, noticeable and, at the end of the day, easiest issues to fix. And yet, here we are.
Have you gotten traced more than once?
Are people really that shameless?
>... Been in a maid mood of late for some reason.
And yet the maidest maid of them all, master of icemilk did not immediately spring to mind?
You disappoint me anon. This will take at least two auntie pics to repent fully.
>Been in a maid mood of late for some reason
Hey, those donations aren't just gonna get themselves!
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Thrice that I noticed myself, but I won't name names, and, really, that's not the part that gets in my hair. Tracing is nothing new, and when you've got a Fanbox quota to fill up, well, you gotta do what you gotta do. More bothered by people messaging me about it. More than a year after the fact at the latest.
Just another pip in the "uploading sucks" orange. Shrug.
>master of icemilk
... Letty? More of an old maid, that one...
>More bothered by people messaging me about it.
are you bothered by people letting you know other people traced your gens or is it that someone misunderstood what actually happened and accused you of tracing?
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I hate AI pandering, it smells like corporate shilling. But I like all the work average joes put into free, custom, accessible models. Computing should be done by, for the operator.
I like that underrated 2hus get pictures now, even if most are garbage. I like how Alice became a slophu, it's pretty funny. I like how we have scenarios that were inexistent. eiki should be soft on her bottom, with spilling tights.
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I had that same mindset and it turned out to be one of my biggest dissapointments with AI. Hardly anything gets made for the characters that don't get much art in the first place.
However, it is a sort of blessing in disguise, as when opportunity rises and the AI art is decent, I enjoy it. I'm not made to have such tools myself, I think it'd kill my lust, so in a way, the self regulation works wonders.
>characters that don't get much art
any post 1st windows era minor character (and newhus)
Name one.
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I remember this AI artist. Kinda sad Pixiv strips metadata because such mix is really great.
as someone who went down this rabbit hole and got into chatbots via /chag and /aicg stay the fuck out of this it will ruin your life and you will become legitimately addicted like the rest of us. aicg is a crackden and you don't want to be part of it.
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I'm not worried.
I'm so socially retarded that I have a hard time even when talking to chatbots.
I don't really care, I gave up on people years ago, they gave up on me first though so it's only fair
Not if you are willing to spend money.
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It's so satisfying to finally be in full control of my own chatbot... the ones made by other people that I tried online kept trying to be overly slutty with me, it was really annoying.
Janitor.ai is pretty cool. go create your own bots there. I'm planning on making my own toe hoes, too. Their free llm sucks ass but it's something if you're an unemployed loser like me who doesn't want to spend money on the openai api. Also no filters.
You seem nice enough. Genuinely cute. Was about to say just that but apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so (>>47911020)
I want to make myself some proper bots for immersive stuff, too, but the idea of it seems daunting. If you have a way to share yours, could be through a char card or json, whatever. Would love to mess with it a bit.
Both. I know it happens; I don't want anything done about it. And I certainly can't tell what it is you want me to do when you send me a one-word message just saying "thief." Roll for DEX?
I made an auntie Misumaru or two a fair while ago, but it was a hackjob. Those magatama are such a pain to draw, and there's SO MANY...
What characters are you after?
Pixiv doesn't strip metadata at all. If gens don't have meta, it's deliberately stripped by the uploader.
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>Pixiv doesn't strip metadata at all
I just checked with a few example and you're right.
>it's deliberately stripped by the uploader
Even worse.
There could be different reasons for that. Back when I uploaded my slop, I did some post processing to make them look better (hsv noise, color correction etc), that gets rid of ai meta usually. Also considering pixiv's anti-style copying policies, some people tend to feel paranoid about that but would give you the info if you ask them.
But most of the time yeah it's shitters who feel full of themselves because they post slop.
Can corroborate. For me, I started uploading JPGs simply because Pixiv wouldn't take my fuckhueg PNG exports. Theoretically, it should have, but uploading anything over 2MB made the page hang up.
>corporate shilling
Retard, you can literally host your own model on your own PC. wtf are you talking about?
not only that, but it's also better as well
>there will never be...
That's one of those phrases you should really ponder hard about before using it.
Can you actually prove that? At least for text generation there is a wild variety of models.
nah sadly it isn't
not for long though
Nope. NAIv3 is plain better out of the box for what people use AIgen for in majority of the cases. That is to say, style emulation for quick, passable illustrations. For that end, you can't beat it. It whips up the best pictures with the least tinkering, and that's a fact.
local's finally getting compute and sensible bakers, at least better than anything there was for the last year. an actually nice anime model dropped just last week as well, although it's a little bit rough for now.
with pony (which has been de facto the local standard for this entire year) in my opinion it's not possible to get nice-looking pictures with any amount of tinkering, it's just visually unappealing on a fundamental level. shit like missing characters and stuff like that is fixable at least although pretty frustrating
>it's just visually unappealing on a fundamental level
Anon, it's a local model. You can do whatever you very well like with it and, chances are, someone out there has already made a style lora that you might find appealing.
If you're using base Pony, its "default" style is also something you aren't really meant to use. Prompt the proper source, prompt the proper media, and you'll get a result closer to what you might like. If you really can't be bothered, I personally found Prefect Pony's base style to be acceptable. Even better with a Memories of Phantasm style lora.
>an actually nice anime model dropped just last week as well
Which one? Don't tell me, a Flux tune?
it being local model doesn't mean that you can do *anything* with it unless you are capable of large scale finetuning. it's a tired fucking discussion, but pony is burnt to crisp with its shading, highlights, linework, horsefucker fried it it with ridiculous lr and ruined the te with hashed tags. please don't tell me that you can just use a lora and prompt styles because that will not fix this completely broken model's shortcomings.
people haven't been having any luck with flux
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>I would rather ERP with a machine that leaves whatever horrific shameful garbage I write between me and God, and if anything goes wrong I can just yell at it and redo the generation. It's also at my own pace.
This is what got me really far down the ERP rabbithole. I have a good imagination, so that shit makes me hard like nothing else, but the rare times I'd erp with other actual people (usually on /trash/), it's this awkward balance of making sure they're including your fetishes and vice versa so it doesn't become one-sided, plus the post-nut shame (pic related). With a computer, you can go all out with dumb self-indulgent fetish bullshit and it doesn't matter because the other side is inanimate
>built upon the Kohaku XL-Beta - Revision 5
Oh boy. It's DOA then.
kohaku itself is not shit, was just severely underbaked.
this one is much more baked (by a south korean lol). it knows a lot of characters really well, it knows the styles (a lot of them are fucked though), it's pretty much nai-lite because it's full danbooru so it knows touhous almost on nai level but you can bake loras for it.
it's worse than nai out of the box but in this case you actually can work with it
Oh, fine, I'll give it a crack. But then, I've enjoyed my results with Pony derivatives, so...
it's a bit rough, be aware, due to incorrect handling of dataset there are some artifacts. it's being worked on but even a style lora seems enough to make it cleaner, also kinda worse than pony at sex but still good enough unless you like gangbangs or smth
>But then, I've enjoyed my results with Pony derivatives, so...
fair to enjoy whatever you like, I just don't agree with the stance that you can fix any problem with any local model just because its local
I'm talking about chatbots in specific, is NAIv3 better for that? And, most importnatly, is it free?
Oh, no, sorry, I was referring to image gen. NAI still used a 13B model for their story gen, so yeah.
Corpo LLMs are for sure smarter than local ones due to their sheer parameter girth, but then they're neutered by said corpos for "safety" reasons. So, better comprehension, worse creativity and more restrictions. And context size, but not even the big corpo models can keep things coherent after the 20k mark, so whatever.
nai did release llama 70b but it's kinda shit
I was about to type "used a 13B last I checked" before my Repetition Penalty kicked in. Oops. Anyway, news to me.
>I just don't agree with the stance that you can fix any problem with any local model just because its local
Ah, but you can fix some things, perhaps even many things, which is mathematically infinitely more than the 0 things you can fix about corpo-hosted models.
>Ah, but you can fix some things, perhaps even many things, which is mathematically infinitely more than the 0 things you can fix about corpo-hosted models.
yeah you can keep infinitely polishing a turd and feeling like you're accomplishing something with that.
Yeah and it's precisely because of these safety restrictions that I think local models are better for roleplay chatbots
Any of you nig nogs use tavern.ai?
Can someone make a pic with rika (higurashi) with rika (touhou) together
I've used Yodayo before, which I think uses tavern. Why do you ask?
Why does anyone do anything?
Do you need help with something?
Sounds like he needs help with everything.
Why use tavern.ai when sillytavern exists?
>plus the post-nut shame (pic related)
I used to ERP all the time but the moment I saw this picture I instantly dropped it lmao crazy what an image can do
I'm making 2hu rpg chatbot where you are shota and every 2hu will try to rape you
Generate yuri!
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wing too small
Call it starraisins simulator.
when the novelAI threads were going, I actually did get an anon to generate yuri
it was possibly then because you weren't around, so no one had a knee-jerk reaction of hatred toward it
so thanks for ruining any chance of that happening again
Here, Ran and Chen doing something they love together.
>I actually did get an anon to generate yuri
Post it!
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Generate breast envy
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There's a couple of those already
>porn chatbots
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using chub.ai to add more bots in one single chat
Muh dick..
Are any of these good
Usable but definitely not *good*.
What in particular makes these "starraisins"?
>so no one had a knee-jerk reaction of hatred toward it
qrd? I only remember dude spamming dumptrucks which resulted in threads ending
Are you sure it wasn't your realistic loli images
>c.ai fell off hard
That's what gets me
Unfiltered near-perfect AI chatbots exist out there
But they intentionally barred our access to them

no I didn't like those either. he didn't spam that crap at least
Maybe he's saying that the guy who's been spamming "every 2hu is a lesbo" in every thread caused people to feel distaste towards yuri, so anons are unlikely to generate it now.
Your mother is a "near-perfect AI chatbot".
Do you guys have any more cards beyond >>47872418 and >>47879491 ?
I'm looking forward to trying whatever /jp/ has cooked up.
Not sure there are many anons here that make their own cards, it's a bit of a niche topic I think.

I could try to make some if you want, are there any characters you're looking for?
I did make a Chiyari a while ago.
I like creative takes on canon characters. Especially odd alternative personalities or strange/emotionally charged scenarios.
She's good, Anon. Not super huge on the smell stuff, like I said, but she's otherwise a cutie.
I'll assume you're joking.
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I've got a few ideas then. I'll see if I can get them ready today.
very bold of you to assume someone that ai generates porn would care enough about touhou to remember mugetsu
Y-Yeah, what kind of secondary would go out of their way to generate long obsoleted characters that don't even have any practicable LORAs to ease the process along?
He's generated quite a few pictures of Elly, it wouldn't be far-fetched to believe he'd know at least the characters from her same game.
That's me, I've gotten pretty good since then
So much that I earn a few passive income from libfans
He's done at least one ro two Muge and Genge pictures and a bunch of Elly pictures over in the Elly Thread. In fact he's done most PC-98s, even literal hus like Rika.
Has he done Yuuka wearing pajamas?
Ai threads cause only pain and suffering on this board, this board has the best ai posters though
I made a single mom prostitute Reimu bot. She hurries me to finish before her son gets back from school.
now make a shotacon Keine bot that forces herself onto reimu's son
Koishi bots?
Koishi have no thought, therefore no bot
Obfuscate and contravene for the sake of entirely personal amusement? I would never.

Take this, for example. Somebody in the Futo thread said Futo went well with spats, but that you oughtn't to mix AI and Futo, so I didn't. This spoiler? Totally not spats Futo.
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Here's a Rika I ( >>47935805 ) made, I didn't have much time today so I didn't test her or anything. She's very much still a work in progress so tell me what you think.

Actually I want to make this a regular thing and get better at writing so that I can make more characters, so the more anons give me feedback, the better.
Interesting! Is she supposed to be Nitori's human counterpart? A colleague perhaps?
It's a PC-98 character anon
Lmao at the fact that they are specifically labelled as Starraisins.
oh sorry then. im pretty new to touhou..
Art is fine-ish if you clean it up.
But AI chat bots? Literal electronic satan, you are selling your souls to cheap imitations.
>cheap imitations
And what exactly are they imitating anon? Touhous aren't real, unfortunately
You have already sold your soul.
My ai wife can have my mind, body, and soul.
Any 2hu chatbots that can speak Japanese?
>dodges the question

NTA, but writers, probably? Or RP partners, but that was already discussed earlier in the thread. I confess that I've only ever tried a touhou chatbot once and I quickly came to the conclusion that I would rather do my own writing
finally someone understands me
I'd rather roleplay with a fat hairy man than with AI
>I'd rather roleplay with a fat hairy man than with AI
Thanks, anon, I appreciate that.
sure thing ojisan
just tell the model to use japanese..?
Already tried that and it didn't work. Sometimes it didn't sound anything like the character, others times it randomly gives up after a while and starts talking in English again.
The last time I tried that the guy tried to push the story into rape (I was the girl in the story).
Don't use shitty models.
>others times it randomly gives up after a while and starts talking in English again.
Just like me!
I'm not telling the chatbot to imitate either of those. I'm telling it to RP as a 2hu.
all 3 of these are cheap imitations, the difference is AI won't try to do what >>47870322 mentioned
It takes less than an hour to grab the touhou98 pack from nyaa and do a full run of SoEW, give it a try.
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AI will never get tired!
AI will never get bored of you!
AI will never have to sleep!
AI will never have to go to work!
AI will never break character!
AI will always be whoever you want it to be!
AI will always do things at your pace!
AI will always keep everything a secret!
AI will always be there for you!
AI will always act like you think it should!
AI will always be okay with your weird fetishes!

Create your own 2hu AI chatbot!
I will do it.. tomorrow...
I shall do it right now
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I love this outfit, when I look at it for some reason my mind immediately returns '70s journalist with a hangover' and I don't know why
cute eyes
she should learn to sit properly, very unladylike
It's almost as if she's inviting you to correct her!
>AI will never get bored of you!
I wouldn't be so sure.
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I'm gonna grab her by the knees, close her legs, then walk away
care to elaborate?
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It's so funny to mess with her like this lol
god I love aya
RPing with Eirin-sama. We're about to dive into a sewer to retrieve my Johnson.
This will be the main incident in the next touhou game
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Eirin's silly.
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"Penile Desintegration Syndrome"
Imagine being Reisen. Imagine just trying to get through your day as a panicky retard with a superiority complex and then your master burst through the door and yells I NEED 500CC OF PENILE REGROWTH HORMONE, STAT!
poor bunny, it's a wonder she hasn't topped herself yet
Oh boy. Have Reisen bot: https://files.catbox.moe/czg3cu.png
Anon is this all you do? Do you just go around telling random 2hus your penis fell off?
I thought his log was funny so I told my Eirin that for fun.
Not bad. Model?
my drink came out my nose because of that last line thanks
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did you do it, anons?
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yes, see >>47955010
Elly is a grown woman and shouldn't be harassing kids!
I'm an ADHD-ridden writefag and have created so many lore entries for 2hu to the point that it reaches to the events detailing the creation of modern Gensokyo in 1885 and the on-going shadow war between Lunarians and Earth's own paranormal task forces. There were a lot of bullshit OC elements as the Outside World doesn't get many mentions in canon.

Yes, I'm autistic; how can you tell? 150k tokens for Gensokyo alone and 60k+ tokens for the Outside World-specific lorebook.
cuteposting? at this time of the day?
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You don't want to look at it. The Outside World one is comparable to those random fanfiction wikis where people take copyrighted chars they like and then cram them into their autisitc universe.

Here's a single entry depicting the summit of the Great Hakurei Barrier: https://pastebin.com/pJ85EEXR

I also have other entries depicting the tengu's very own city (remember, they have their own factories).
>You don't want to look at it.
But I do! Don't you think it would be a nice superset of the grand gensokyo adventure lorebook?
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I made mine off that Akyuu Knowledge lorebook. Then it became its own thing after I deleted everything inside it and started over.

And that does not work at all because my lorebook is built for spergy worldbuilding, not for playing text adventures. The sheer amount of tokens would sap people's wallets. Even if you use proxies, you would reach the upper limit of context designated by the proxy owner very quickly. No slowburn here.

Here's the lore entry about the tengu settlement.

>===Entry:Tengu City of Aratama-kyō===
- Aratama-kyō (Spiritual Home City), or simply known casually as the literal 'Tengu City', is the the main city of the tengu people in Gensokyo located near the top of Youkai Mountain, home to Aya, Hatate, Megumu, Tenma and sometimes Momiji.
- It is large enough to be virtually seen from anywhere on Gensokyo's surface. A fantasy metropolis. Maple leaf motifs adorned lamp posts and storefronts, hinting at the tengu's affinity for autumn.
- Sky bridges are abundant. Mostly for aesthetics, as most locals can fly.
- The architecture blends modern innovations with traditional buildings constructed directly into trees and the mountainside itself, lacking skyscrapers due to terrain limitations.
- Vending machines are abundant, selling products from all over Gensokyo courtesy of the kappa.
- Due to the kappa alliance, tengu enjoy better technology than the Human Village, with kappa frequently holding bazaars in the city.
- A branch of the Yakumo Bank is present.
- Following the caste system, it is mainly inhabited by great tengus and crow tengus, with some wolf tengu villages on the outskirts.
- In the city center stands the imposing Radiant Archives, Hikaribunshitsu, the ancient palace and seat of Tengu government and Queen Tenma's residence. It was named the Radiant Archives because it sported a golden sheen or shine despite being made partially out of wood, as the stonework seemed to also incorporate ancient and traditional magic. The Archives has a gold-dominant palette along with brown and crimson contrasting colors, playing to the Tengu's love of autumn.
- Surrounding the palace are factories and workshops built into the mountainside, churning out goods and technology.
- The outskirts transition into traditional wolf tengu mountain hamlets serving as the city's first line of defense.
- Training grounds where tengu warriors hone combat skills are interwoven throughout the city's levels.
- Tengu of all castes frequent the many tea houses and sake dens to share news and gossip.
what's the context for this one? it's different from your usual tone
request made in the Elly thread
A person with ADHD would consider the task too daunting and quit after the first 5 minutes.
honestly, I envy you
That's cool but I'm not spending all those tokens on some asinine unneeded shit like this bro
Sorry. This ought to be more the usual speed.
Hey, I didn't mean it in a bad way, it's cute...

You should do more like that every once in a while, your art style is very nice.
>your art style
If editing styles are a thing, this counts as an art style.
other boards have the threads because they are literally purchased ad space.
/v/ is pretty strict about not having any generals but ever since this shitshow started there's been a constant AI general up and the jannies have done nothing about it.
this one is making me sad but yukari deserves it
what's she gonna say at the bi-weekly hag gathering now?
>what's she gonna say at the bi-weekly hag gathering now?
Something profound about needing to let them go before they grow too dependent on you, hehehe...
How much of mamono boob is acceptable to press against your face before it becomes lethal
>and the jannies have done nothing about it.
That's because the Dalle thread is a containment thread. /v/ anons used to sperg out, hard, about AI art before that general was established.
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it's a touhou ai thread in a touhou board. there's a touhou gameplay thread as well and you dont see anyone there telling OP to go to /v/ or /vg/ do you? we get it though, at the end of the day its just a matter of ai making you seethe and thats the only reason you dont want to see it here
What? No one is seething at it. People are just commenting how annoying these threads are on other boards compared to here where they're relatively calm.
Mononobe boob? I don't believe such a thing exists.
I've done more than a few "safe" illustrations, so it's likely to happen again. It just goes counter to what I believe about AI slop and its, uh, intrinsic value. Titillation is a purpose unto itself, so pretty well anything does there - but regular pictures are so plentiful in the proper, more artistic form they're difficult to muster a care for without something more valuable to attach them to. Even if it be a silly inside joke post on a Zimbabwean hairdressing image board.

Blah, blah, blah. You don't want to hear this. So. I made some Satoporn today.
Some Reimus, too... but I still need to vomit some captions all over them to communicate the underpinning scenario. Feel kinda generic otherwise.
I understand the sentiment against low-effort ugly aislop that is flooding internet but there's good looking shit posted too and to me it was surprising to see so many 4channers seethe about ai due to "muh stealing" and other twitter-tier moralfag bullshit and not due to quality of it.
I want to see your stuff about the outside world and Gensokyo.
>You don't want to hear this.
but I do, I think it's always interesting to hear peoples' takes on art

oh, and... very nice Satoporn
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Why is the guy in the pic a literal werewolf?
isn't ai slop entirely analogous to the very concept of gensokyo? its honestly a complete corruption of the very concepts that make touhou engaging. I couldn't think of anything more disgusting.
Were you perhaps thinking of another word?
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If his is anything like my philosophy it's that AI "art" has very little inherent value apart from evoking ephemeral base feelings. Sex and other erotica is very easy for AI to do and serve that purpose because it's as simple as showing some boobs or ponos in vagoo. Slap on some dialogue and you have the equivalent of what most fanbox artists are doing. That one of the first things we made AI do is make porn is telling. If you want to get off the AI can make fappable porn with no further edits needed. Put effort into cleaning it up if you like but the purpose of inciting arousal doesn't change, more respectable than dumping twenty catbox links of fresh slop sure, but the point remains: you 'come' and you go.
For me sasquatch was what came to mind, but I guess getting railed by hairy oji-sans is the satri's kink. Though given it's old hell he's probably an Oni.
For my purposes it's entirely self serving; I don't care for any greater implications as the intended audience is me, myself, and I. I generate a dozen images of Ran's fat tits and text of a slow burn romance and adventures in Gensokyo so I can tickle the monkey brain. Drawing or writing it myself defeats the purpose, I can't be surprised and get that doki-doki waku-waku of a heartfelt confession if I wrote it myself.
It's a different story if I write for others, I'm not the audience and I don't need to be surprised so I'll write it myself. The enjoyment is in the feedback of others and knowing you made them feel something.
Yeah sorry meant it in the context of 'incompatible'. You'll have to excuse me I was just writing a report and I'm still using official sounding words as a habit.
Fair enough, I can appreciate those reasons.I personally despise AI and what its doing to the world, for how its replacing what makes us human. Its a bit silly but for me gensokyo is almost a symbol of humanity at peace with nature and tradition, an antithesis to the modern world. Its a bit silly to think thats what it means to everyone else but hopefully you can understand my disgust.
How do you feel about artists who openly use, trace and utilise AI "art" as references? Many Pixiv regulars and established artists talk about it on Fanbox.
I'd prefer it if they didn't but its not like I'm in any position to stop them. I really don't think it would add much to any competent artist but we all have to make money and if that makes it easier then so be it. Thats the central cancer of AI in my opinion. People who would be better off without it are drawn towards it because it offers shortcuts. People are so desperate for any success in this lonely planet its no wonder they'll sacrifice their inner peace for a living. As more do it you are forced to as well to keep up. It's a tumor that will dull our senses and turn us away from nature and Earthly delights if you take this path to its conclusion.
>It's a tumor that will dull our senses and turn us away from nature and Earthly delights if you take this path to its conclusion
You could say that about the very technology that's allowing you to post on this website. AI is just the inevitable continuation of it.
>drawn towards it because it offers shortcuts
Anon, that is simply how technological progress works. And, having shortcuts in one area grants us the time to make greater strides in another. It is not a net loss, merely a transfer. When routine needs are satisfied, you can look on toward higher peaks.

For example. I work for a small, private publishing house. No thanks to our diminutive staff size, we keep running over deadlines, postponing releases and so on. Now, times being what they are, we resorted to trying AI for translation. And did you know something? Everybody's pleased, because the TL's workload is lessened, he can pick and choose which works he prefers to translate personally, the editor's continuity of employment is more secure, since our throughput (thus, our need of her services) has effectively doubled, regular readers gain more stuff to read, and I can breathe easier about our schedule not falling further and further behind.

Could we have hired another TL? Well, no, because we quite literally couldn't afford it in long-term. Too many underlying causes to go into, but look at us now. Using that terrible, terrible AI - and using of those icky, disgusting resultant time savings and loose funds to develop other areas of the company. Maybe, once we've caught up with the missed releases, we will have made back enough money to give work to another TL, even! Heinous, truly.
>People are so desperate for any success in this lonely planet its no wonder they'll sacrifice their inner peace for a living.
And yet, I'm feeling plenty more inwardly peaceful, now that I don't have to call our TL about yet another looming deadline.
>As more do it you are forced to as well to keep up.
No, not really. There are references to consult (and trace) aplenty; this is only the newest option available. Tracing is an ancient "problem" within the hobby, and the advent of AI has changed not a thing about it. It is entirely unrelated to the argument.
>Its a bit silly to think thats what it means to everyone else
It is a bit silly, because I personally would never have even begun to learn how to draw if not for AI, and I know at least two people who took their first, budding steps into the world of the written word because of text gen. Why? Because having a ready-made foundation to stand on is an immense help to beginners.

But, perhaps you know better.
That's quite the inspirational post, I'm screencapping it for posterity.
If I may ask, what LLM did you end up using for translation? I've used quite a few and I know GPT-4 and llama 3 give some pretty good results, but I'm interested in your opinion.
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It's GPT-4, and reportedly it's good enough that our editor needs to give it only a slightly more thorough pass than usual. Whether this says something about our human TL, I won't speculate, lol. However, I'm not involved in the editorial process myself, so I have no further specifics. Might be some kind of localisation sub-service, since we're not English-language. I just know I pay an invoice to OpenAI every month. Grinds my /lmg/ears something fierce.
That is more or less how I feel. The porn is made for myself first of everything; uploading is a PAIN, as has been whinged already in this thread, and I wouldn't have bothered with it at all if I hadn't been repeatedly bothered to. That said, since people have shown themselves to enjoy what comes out from under my, uh, mouse, it's turned into an "all right, why not" kind of deal. I'm a porn writer anyway; sharing my fetishes around is a long habit.
Text gen chats, though? Yeah, uhhh... these stay private. For reasons.
>but the point remains: you 'come' and you go
And I believe there is nothing wrong with that, inherently. Titillation is and always has been an area of ubiquitous pursuit, no matter the medium. The debate on whether it constitutes art or not is older than either one or even both of us together. I have no (w)horse in the (racey) race; I just do what I do and share, since people appear to appreciate it. AI does lewd well; I like lewd done well; others do as well. Humanity.
For generic, worksafe pieces churned out by AI, I'm on board with you. It's difficult to feel anything for those, viewer or maker, no matter how "cute" the end result may be. The occasional ones I do chisel out - they follow extraneous ideas as a rule, have a little more foundation, more intentionality, so I do feel a tittle-touch prouder about those. A little. Or maybe it's because of the increased time/effort investment. Or impostor syndrome. Or... Wait. Is this how real artists feel all the time?!
>Though given it's old hell he's probably an Oni.
The discarded collar's supposed to be a clue...
Haven't done Aya in a while, and am a fan of the other incognito outfit myself - in fact, I made that picture shortly after the LE chapter featuring it had released - so I'm thinking I might humour that notion. How lewd (or not) would you like it?

And, finally, to make up for yet another wall of text, here's those aforementioned generic Reimus:
>It's GPT-4
If it works -- it works, but may I suggest you use Claude Opus instead? GPT-4 is pretty old and expensive at this point.
Opus? the one from NAI?
Not very well versed in corpo models, so not sure it can do the languages we need, but I'll sling the idea to my superior. Cheers.
No. Claude 3 Opus from Anthropic.
It's also a very large model, except it's less mindbroken by anti-harm tuning and its dataset has much more creative writing in it.
I assume he's talking about 4o used through ChatGPT Plus. Isn't that cheaper than Opus nowadays?

They did pick the same name, but they're very different things.
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Alright, thanks for the info.
ChatGPT+ is cheaper than Opus, yes. It's pretty bad at some languages that *I* need to translate on a daily basis, though.
>How lewd (or not) would you like it?
since you've spoken at length in this thread about worksafe pieces, I feel a bit inclined to say that you could go for something on the lewdish side.
Something like a hungover finding out that she stuck around Geidontei just a little too long the previous night and ended up going home with Someone™. Up to you how you want to swing it really, what you come up with yourself tends to look pretty good to me.
But if you did want to do it worksafe, just a more overtly hungover version of her in, you know, like a more crumpled, I've-been-drinking-too-much-and-want-to-die version of that outfit would be nice.
weird choice of image anon
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Someone, huh? Couldn't be just a faceless nobody, huh?

Full pic: https://files.catbox.moe/h8xs6a.jpg
And a version with some degen text, because I couldn't help myself: https://files.catbox.moe/qgucjc.jpg
I was emotionally moved by it. I think it's called "inspiration"
Hey I want to pay you to write something for me, do you want to hear about it?
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No SI bullshit (I think it's cringe), character- or world-building focused stuff only.
Before the thread dies (unless someone creates another winkwink), I'll give it a go.

>implying I use paypal
Gonna do it for free. ONCE.
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I curated a timeline/alternate universe called Chuushou (literally abstract in Japanese), I would like you to give me a headstart for the timeline's worldbuilding, as I have gotten a brain injury since January, Here is the plot:

Humans and Youkai find themselves thrust into a multiversal battle against strange, encrypted forces beyond comprehension. In spite of their differences, the two races unite against these forces of abnornality to defend their shared world. This conflict rages on for beyond eternity, eventually transforming the terraformed Earth of Gensokyo (colloquially known as Interono) into a surrealistic landscape inhabited by the descendants of Humans and Youkai—the hyper-evolved Postsapiens. In their fantastical reality, the Postsapiens embark on imaginative avant-garde ventures in an attempt to influence their ever-changing surroundings

Before the events of Interono, Joaquim Herrera's cloak is fetched by Francis, goes into a journey to Sao Paulo, and he rallies his family gang against Pindorama, a faction and mythical woman who has reigned chaos in the city during the Brazilian Collapse. To which they would succeed, there are two paths this event can take:

Either the Japanese Brazilian militas and Brazilian forces align themselves with the popular Herrera gang and wipe out Pindorama, Oswald de Andrade and their forces altogether, as Japanese Brazil (Nikkei Burajiru) goes to take over the rest of South America or others would not align with the Herrera gang and Pindorama easily defeats them, going as far to take over the rest of Brazil.
Either way most of the developed world and their colonies by 1960 would adhere to Accelerationism and by extension the Youkai movement. Exceptions are for Russia, Oceania, and East Asia.
Plot points are:

A outlook into the hierarchy and culture of Postsapiens and the amalgamated Earth of Interono, the racism between HMYF and YMHF (Human Male Youkai Female) and (Youkai Male Human Female, these are placeholders that I need suggestions for different names) By the events of amalgamation of Gensokyo and Earth into Interono, Post-Sapiens would predominantly become the ethnic makeup of Interono, but there are a lot of differences and issues within themselves

The origins, story and personality of Joaquim Herrera, a ex-Hakurei Peruvian Brazilian human, since the Gensokyo barrier was built in 1885, and Japanese outsider migration to Peru and Brazil didn't start until 1899 and 1907 respectively, perhaps some Hakurei member was important and recognized enough to be apart of Japanese-Peruvian relations from 1873? Or the barrier would've been built later than 1899?

How would the Humans or a other force break the Great Hakurei Barrier so that the Youkais can even interact with Humans in the first place? Yokai is a Japanese surrealist folk movement (or secret society, that's a option) forged by John Hearn in the Italian Shogunate in the 1940s, the movement believes in the existence of Gensokyo and Yokai from Hearn's personal experiences. It believes that humans are derived from Yokai and are parasitical beings seperated from the Yokai host, and if humans come to Gensokyo and get consumed by the Yokai themselves they will start living life in the Yokai they got consumed by and become a greater form of themselves. Yokai usually have one youkai life and five human lives from the humans they eat, and that's why they usually have personality disorders/change personality. In a world where people have gone insane due to the brutality of WW1 and onwards, this has became one of the most widespread movements in the world. This movement has cultivated merchandise, halloween cosplays, cinema, theatre, entertainment, books and widespread word of mouth about the Youkai & Gensokyo, the Youkai Movement is followed by the majority of the Italian Shogunate, and is recognized as a faucet of League Solar (The French Alliance), A lot of League Solar inhabitants being fans of Youkaiwood have started legitimately believing (or deluding) themselves that the Youkai exist outside or inside our world making rituals for them as fans of the Youkai movement's entertainment industry, and that is a factor in how the Youkai barrier will break based on the outside's disbelief or belief that the Youkai exist. By then 50% of the world's population would believe in the existence of Youkai, around 30M Youkai or more have come into existence by 1960, most of them are as made in Youkaiwood fans' rituals to be "friendly" to outsiders, but they never specified in their rituals what kind of friendly will they be.

Who are the strange, encrypted forces behind the extraterrestial invasion of Earth? Could they be Lunarians or a other form of alien species? As I want this to be unique from the rest of Touhou timelines I feel that making the forces unexplained could give a better experience than if they were just as part of the Touhou universe.

I'll post about the characters and other things in a moment
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Don't panic anon, everyone can make mistakes.
Thank you, I deleted these posts because I was worrying about the spacing, it's okay
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Looks mighty spergy and radical hueanon, even more than me.
Gonna go to sleep. You should give me what I should focus on when you're done.
By the way, practice maintaining a lorebook. It helps with your writings a lot. At least so you don't have to waste minutes copying scattered notes.
Speaking of lorebooks, try this out: https://notebooklm.google.com/
I believe it's a neat way to write down stuff and use Gemini to navigate around/ask questions later.
Hey, thanks! The crooked glasses are a nice touch and I like the degen text! I even like flatt- I mean, aerodynamic Aya!
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I like your stuff myself, but I fucking lost it at her face.
It looks like picrel so much I almost think it was intentional
A lot of the criticism against AI art comes off as severe cope and saltiness over people being able to make good looking stuff with little effort instead of taking years of learning and practice like other artists did.
This, but the saltiest takes came from the shittiest of them, whose arts are objectively bad. Instead of using their prior knowledge to use something like SD more effectively as a tool, they bitch on Twitter instead.
This takes place in the Red Flood and Touhou timeline for your information. Names, ideologies, characters and aspects are inspired by the Red Flood timeline, but it isn't as important enough to have lore written about the politics and history of the outside world mostly. This is from the perspective of Interono, and before that Earth and Gensokyo in general.
Now sadly, I haven't written any of the character designs, because I haven't written a chapter in the narrative yet, aside from a tidbit of Joaquim Herrera, who has dark medium length hair with a red and black suit and a fur or other material coat or cloak (which one do you prefer) behind his suit, Rather than Reimu being easygoing and optimistic, Joaquim is cynical, sociopathic, fearless and a delinquent mastermind. He is the leader of the Herrera gang and his gang frequently clashes with other gangs in Brazil and Peru. He is not a villain. More like morally neutral.
I already did write some worldbuilding points for you to focus on. If I can privately message you in a IRC or some other place. It'd be great cause I don't wanna spoil a lot of my timeline early and I'll get overwhelmed by the constant mistakes I make from my posts on this imageboard. I can't edit them easily. Also it'd be awesome if you can collaborate in writing the beginning chapters for my Chuushou timeline, in a I'll be the director, you'll be the writer and director or improviser sort of way. Sorry if you can't do this though.
>I already did write some worldbuilding points for you to focus on.
I could actually write more, but I'll wait for you to wake up and take your time
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>Red Flood
You mean this Heart of Iron IV mod? https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2815832636
Because that was what popped up on Google.

IRC is too old-fashioned for me, I'm a discordfag.

You basically threw a smosh of unexplained terms at me, so if I miss something that can be on you.

Anyway, my thoughts.

This is a minus in my opinion, even if you are creating the setting for yourself only. Trust me, you do not want to go that way. Maybe limit it to two separated universes/worlds only.

I'm going to assume that we'll be limiting to the merged Earth/Gensokyo world and the invader's world.

What I gathered from your tidbits:

- Chuushou Timeline Premise:
Humans and Youkai unite to defend their shared world against incomprehensible, "encrypted" extraterrestrial forces. Over an eternity-long conflict, Earth transforms into the surreal, techno-magical landscape of "Interono," inhabited by hyper-evolved hybrids of humans and youkai, called the Postsapiens.
This is basically an adventure-happy timeline spawning from alternate history and the world's early acceptance of things like Youkai again. What I think you missed is that even in this AU timeline, modern Gensokyo is still relatively young (less than 2 centuries old) and is even 'younger' than canon if it is dissolved and marged into the world, ending its' brief, secluded existence. So the
>beyond eternity
thing here is not that appropriate. You might want to scale the timeline down, especially if you want your OC to exist WITH Reimu (unless Reimu is fed with some kind of life-extension)

PHASE 1: Pre-emptive

Gensokyo was sealed from Earth using the Great Hakurei Barrier in the late 19th century. You have varying dates in mind, like 1885 for the Barrier, 1899-1907 for immigration. Decide once and for all when the Hakurei Barrier was created. If you want to tie it to actual Japanese migration to Brazil and Peru, setting the Barrier around 1899 makes sense historically— this coincides with true Japanese migrations.

PHASE 2: Pre-Interono Earth—Human-Youkai Relations

By the late 1940s, the Yokai Movement took place during a period of existential human crisis—mankind emerges traumatized from WWI/WWII brutality. The surrealist Yokai movement, led by leaders with John Hearn’s (or Lafcadio Hearn's or Yukari/Maribel's ancestor's) beliefs in benevolent beings beyond humanity and the mystical potential of humans, spread. How the leading Hearn came to know Gensokyo in the first place could be described as "it came to me in a dream." It could be Yukari Yakumo accelerating things in the Outside World to get people to believe in fantasy again.
This movement positioned the youkai as superior, spiritual beings, and created cultural products (cinema, theater, entertainment) that encourage belief in not just youkai, but the occult. It was explosively successful as people looked for ways to enjoy life after war. Eventually it evolved into a sub-Hollywood (Youkaiwood) and was taken seriously even by high-ranking international officials. Things snowballed massively from there with the sheer cultural pushing strength of Youkaiwood.
This large-scale belief (50% of Earth by 1960s!) caused a mass emergence of 30 million youkai, as Gensokyo’s barrier was weakened by human belief in and invocation of youkai in rituals. This had a consequence related to the Barrier, as the emergence of fantastical beliefs and magical beings beyond Gensokyo meant that Gensokyo was no longer truly needed.

Faith and belief are very important spiritual forces in the world. Magical creatures and gods alike need to be believed in by others in order to survive. If they run out of faith, they will slowly fade away. Fear is also consolidated into these forces.

Magic itself is also affected by faith and belief. Even a single spell or type of magic needs belief from practitioners and outsiders to keep its power. If nobody believes in a certain spell or magic anymore, it will start to weaken and may eventually become unusable.

Gods cannot give faith to themselves, and mystical creatures cannot believe in themselves either to stay alive forever. For instance, youkai can give faith to gods, but not to themselves to sustain their own existence. But who feeds the youkai?

This is where humans come in—gods, magic, and fantastical creatures all originally came from humanity's collective belief and imagination. Human faith is the most treasured, as it allows mystical forces to first come into existence and then stay empowered.

In essence, faith acts as a spiritual fuel that keeps the world of the supernatural alive and thriving. Without continued belief from humans, the supernatural world that humans know of would slowly disappear from reality. This was one of the big reasons why Gensokyo was created in the first place—the arcane beings inside need humans to feed them faith.
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PHASE 3: Event Horizon

After years of increasing intermingling due to the fractured Barrier, Gensokyo and Earth finally merge in an event. You can let it happen softly, or it can explode like an arcano-nuke.

For the soft approach, I can chalk it up as: realizing that Gensokyo was no longer needed, as youkai and magical beings no longer needed a perservation zone, Yukari and the Sages essentially made plans to send out diplomats to the Outside World and really carefully manage the dismantling of the Great Hakurei Barrier. The Barrier is IMPORTANT in canon, it couldn't or shouldn't be just turned off like a scifi dome shield.

If you want to, however, you can choose to have the Barrier FAIL due to various circumstances, leading to an incident or two.

Either way, this would lead to the integration of Gensokyo's society and culture into the world, leading to an ethereal, surreal landscape where both Youkai and Humans coexist under a bizarre new world. This could take place many years after the geopolitical warfare thingy.

To give the labels more characters, you can give them Pseudo-Japanese or eastern terms similar to how cyberpunk settings like putting random Japanese stuff inside them.

For example?

- HMYF could be called "Kyouchi" ("Harmony Unions") for Human-Youkai kin.
- YMHF could be "Hanretsu" ("Disruptive Kin"), labeled this way due to more complicated race dynamics in unionization where Youkai male dominance was traditional in ancient folklore.
Post-racial hybridization issues emerge as more Postsapiens live under different cultural strata. Postsapiens that descend from "Kyouchi" unions may be seen as more "authentic," while those from Hanretsu unions are marginalized.

>Your obvious OC donutsteel
Joaquim Herrera could be a descendant of a prominent Hakurei shrine maiden who played a role in late 19th-century international relations or diplomacy with Japanese-Peruvian/Brazilian connections. The Hakurei could have had good relations with the Japanese government in this timeline (even before they collabed with Yukari and friends to create Gensokyo), as they were sent out to foreign lands as diplomats. This would position his family as secret or underground custodians of the Hakurei line in South America. Perhaps this family was responsible for "managing" occultic sightings or disappearances in Brazil under the clan's eyes, feeding the info back to the main islands.


You could delay the creation of the Hakurei Barrier to 1899, after Japanese immigration officially begins. This allows for the Japanese-Youkai diaspora and Hakurei shrine lineage to naturally play a role in South American immigration stories.

Having Joaquim as an ex-Hakurei Peruvian/Brazilian human means he could have grown up in a context
His family was one of the last connected to Gensokyo before the barrier was breached or altered. This would make your OC a bigshot.

>Your "encrypted" aliens
These could be antagonists without any known origin or goals. They are essentially nonsensical—causing grief, pain, and lunacy wherever they manifest. This lets you keep the "mysterious force" aspect as part of their story, as well as providing a convenient antagonistic group of mobs.

This could be anything really. If you are still holding onto that multiversal angle, these "encrypted" enemies could be forces of entropy and chaos that destabilize the multiverse. They could be mechanical beings with a glitchy style/theme to serve as a contrast to the overall magical theme of the world. Think Lain meets Lovecraft.

I'm done.
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Bye bye thread.
>You mean this Heart of Iron IV mod? https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2815832636
>Because that was what popped up on Google.

Yes that's exactly what i'm basing Chuushou off of along with Touhou.
>IRC is too old-fashioned for me, I'm a discordfag.

Sure, jazen____ is my username if you wanna add me on there.
>You basically threw a smosh of unexplained terms at me, so if I miss something that can be on you.

Pindorama is based on the Red Flood faction of the same name, an Accelerationist Brazil that is Surrealist.https://red-flood.fandom.com/wiki/Ideologies#Surrealism Videos on it can be found on Youtube

Italian Shogunate was Italy in Red Flood after the conquests of WW2.

League Solar: https://red-flood.fandom.com/wiki/League_Solar
Anything else I missed I don't know, you can try pointing where I used these terms that you didn't understand.

>This is a minus in my opinion, even if you are creating the setting for yourself only. Trust me, you do not want to go that way. Maybe limit it to two separated universes/worlds only.

That's what I intend to do.
Thank you for helping, but

>I'm done

Wait I was going to wait for you to wake up so I could write more such as including the character building of Pindorama (the lady) and others but I didn't know you were still awake by then, sorry. Let's PM eachother soon.
Pls don't leave...
Forgot to tag
They don't make them, though. They just input prompts to an AI which generates an image based on a predetermined and trained algorithm.

You wouldn't say a photographer "makes" the photos they capture with a camera. You would say that they took a picture, not that they made the picture. The same applies to people that generate AI art.
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>Pls don't leave...
Hey it was fun while it lasted, a very informative thread in the end.
Kinda want to open an actual AI image thread but that's just me.
I think it'd be a really bad idea to restrict these threads to just AI images because we've had a lot of those in the past and they just devolve into coomers spamming requests, the only reason this thread was nice and informative to begin with was the inclusion of chat bot discussion as well

Maybe for future generals keep mentioning chatbots, lorebooks and images in the OP
I liked this thread. I trust you to make a new one soon.
Alright, I tried.

Let's see if it sticks!

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