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Last thread: >>47624003
webm is by >>47708619

The Touhou98 Experience v2.00: https://nyaa.si/view/1743332
Touhou Project All-In-One Pack: https://nyaa.si/view/1743411
Thprac: https://github.com/touhouworldcup/thprac
Touhou 1cc Tracker: https://doopu.github.io/1ccTracker/
Maribel Hearn's hub for Touhou tools and information: https://maribelhearn.com/
Lunarcast replay archive: http://replay.lunarcast.net/
Silent Selene replay archive: https://www.silentselene.net/
Pndsng leaderboard: https://thscore.pndsng.com/index.php
I started playing on my leverless I have for tekken to see what it was like since I usually do arrow keys on keyboard. I played LoLK on normal pointdevice and it was surprisingly smooth sailing until Doremy where you have to do relatively tight circles for her spells. Mentally remapping left thumb to be up and not middle finger (WASD) is definitely the hardest part.
fuck this spellcard dude

actually, just fuck orin in general, i fucking hate orin
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Yeah, getting used to different hand positions is a pain. I tried to use the numpad to be able to hit down with my thumb but I always end up pressing 5 with my middle finger
She isn't known as "that fucking cat" for nothing
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This is about my 80th attempt at beating Kaguya's RNG balls. As you can I see, I am making steady progress.
I WILL beat UFO with Marisa B
I will never ever touch that crappy shot type again after I do
If stage 4 and Murasa could stop buttraping me that would be good
Yes I can capture all of her spellcards, the point is doing it all in succession
>muh bombs
How do I make these games fun? I've been playing them for a while to get the real touhou experience, but I don't really get it. I might pull one up once in a while and have a run or two, but I don't really feel compelled to play them more then that.
The fun comes from the excitement and energy of playing well, the slow climb to overcome adversity, and an outlet to enter into a "flow state". Very little I have played has ever reached the highs of reaching a Stage 6 on a 1cc run knowing that this is my chance to clutch it out and bag the win. Doubly enhanced with most stage 6 boss tracks being off the charts. The complete package elevates it to something greater than the sum of its parts. I will not ever forget my first 1cc runs for IN.
Like how can I not have a big dumbass smile on my face trying to react to some of these spells with crazy names like Mind of God "Omoikane's Brain" while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-xhqldl_mw is blasting?
for me it was focusing too much on the end goal. if i don't enjoy the process and the improvement, then i stop playing
That's the issue, I think. I'm not improving at all. Whenever I lose a run, I lose all motivation to keep on playing and just go do something else until the mood strikes again, and when I do manage to get to the final boss I'll already eager for the game to end, especially since that's around the point ZUN throws in middle fingers like Resurrection Butterfly. Not helping matters is that getting 1ccs is necessary and there's not fun to get.

Switching to Easy mode has made the games more enjoyable for me, but I know that's not allowed or something.
Oh man not this shit again.
>but I know that's not allowed or something.
Yes, bringing this up again after the shitstorm last thread is not allowed. Just fuck off and play Easy and stop posting.
Also if you still didn't manage to get that IN clear yet since the last thread then it's utterly hopeless for you.
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But I have.
It's okay if the games aren't your thing, anon. You don't have to force yourself to like them.
Hi, I'm the guy who mentioned wanting to go to either MS or PCB since I filled the chart for EOSD in the last thread. I want to say thank you to the anons who recommended me PCB, clearing through it on normal and hard has been incredibly fun, going to clear them all before I grind out lunatic,instead of doing lunatic first like I did for EOSD.
One question, how do I unlock the phantasm stage? I cleared the extra stage and don't have the Phantasm stage, so I'm a bit confused, especially since the wiki says you just need to clear extra. Would it be acceptable to use the unlock code, or is there a requirement like no miss to unlock the stage that I might have missed?
You need to capture 60 spellcards, different difficulties and characters make them count as different spellcards iirc so getting the numbers up for the sake of unlocking the stage is easy.
Ah so it was simply a bad idea to just clear extra right after clearing normal, got it. Is it 60 per shot type or 60 total? If it's the former it will be a bit more annoying but I'll get to it eventually.
easy is a completely equivalent and legitimate way to play touhou
60 spellcards total, so you can play any character, any shot type, and at any difficulty.
I started playing PCB 3 months ago and still can't bring myself to beat it
I hate myself
To be honest, I agree. I know people love it but it's probably my least favorite game so far. It has some of my least favorite bosses in the series (Chen, the Prismrivers, Youmu, Yuyuko) and the gimmick is unreliable at best.
I actually feel like the game is pretty good, I like the bosses, except for the Prismriver sisters and their whole stage
Yuyuko and Youmu are one of my favorite characters
I just can't throw myself against it until I beat it like some people can
I also for some reason chose to play it in hard instead of normal, even though I'm not that good at touhou, and I can't just go to normal after all this
>I also for some reason chose to play it in hard instead of normal
Nah, that's a good thing to do. Playing one step above where you're comfortable is how you improve. In a few months, you're gonna think Lunatic isn't that bad.
It was the opposite for me. I was making no progress at all on Normal, but taking it Easy has the clears coming in quickly to the point where I can get far into something like SA without a single death.
>completely equivalent
Equivalent to what, watching a youtube video?
Even beating Touhou on Easy is a pretty big achievement, you've just forgotten how hard these games are.
Not everything has to be a competition
People should play on the difficulty they'll feel the best after beating, without spending unreasonable amounts of time and nerves on it
Being able to use a different finger for each direction movement does sound like the solution which allows the snappiest movement overall, even though it's probably quite hard to get used to. Please let us know once you do.
Good luck anon, it took me 291 pics to beat her. It's indeed mostly up to RNG.

I'm surprised you're having trouble with her and not Marisa A, with her options making some of the bullets invisible.
>How do I make these games fun?
Either you find them fun from the beginning, or you don't and never will.
Now fuck off.
>and I can't just go to normal after all this
Just set Normal and beat it once and for all. After that you're free to try some more on Hard or play another game, while resting assured about actually having beaten PCB.
Arcade shooters in general have not been a popular genre for a long time. I think ZUN has talked about why. The way I see it is it's sort of like learning an instrument. Everyone likes music, but not many would gladly go through the arduous process of learning how to produce it, especially ever since records were invented.
The main issue I think is that arcade shooters honestly fell behind the times. Asking someone to replay the same game hundreds of time to beat it was different in the pre-internet days where access to games was more limited. Now there's thousands of games out there so it's much easier for someone to just turn their attention elsewhere. Not helping things is that resources to help newbies improve their skills and introduce them to the concepts of the games are close to zero. Really only the photo games could count for an English speaking crowd.

But on a more positive note, I have been playing the demo for Crimzon Clover and it's really fun.
if you don't like it don't play it, if you enjoy easy then play easy. Maybe try 15 on point device mode so you can come back later and only restart boss phases instead of the whole run
>reaching a Stage 6 on a 1cc run knowing that this is my chance to clutch it out and bag the win
What I don't really like about the games is that you often can't "clutch" a run. As in, I already know what parts I have to use a bomb on or die
So even when I reach stage 6, I can just tell with like 80% accuracy if I die or beat it
I've clutched a run plenty of times, are you perhaps restarting the runs every time you lose a few lives?
Only way you can do things is through discipline, if you play only when you're motivated you're not gonna put enough hours to ever finish it. Tell yourself that you're gonna practice every day on the same time
That won't help him find the games more fun, on the contrary.
This whole discussion (which, by the way, should have ended last thread) is retarded because everyone, including the scrub himself, is assuming he is actually able to have fun playing the games and simply isn't because he sucks. when in all likelihood it's exactly the opposite.
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Anyone have any experience upscaling? Picrel does a good job, but it causes many artifacts and there is noticable input delay. Is there any way to fix these issues, or is there another tool that works better?
A few lives is a lot, yes
I just don't see a universe where I don't die on something I always have to use a bomb on. If only one spell card was like that, I'd keep going, but there's a lot of those before victory
Indeed. This is unfortunately the fifth or sixth time he's posted about it, so I now only resort to telling a couple people it's a waste of time, like you're doing.
Some leverless controllers have an additional button above the down button. If you were to bind up direction to this button it would effectively be like playing WASD. Using your thumb to move upwards seems really counter-intuitive since the up button in fighting games isn't really up, it's jump.
>Anyone have any experience upscaling?
Yes, I use GPU integer scaling. There's nothing better than nearest neighbor for pixelated games like these, it makes the bullets look much brighter and clearer than the blurry mess you get with anything else, and the impact on input lag is negligible.

>A few lives is a lot, yes
Sometimes you should just try powering through and getting as far as you can, the results might surprise you.
Getting a 1cc after reaching stage 6 with no extra lives left feels great and makes for some amazing training.
I've never gotten a clear when I've lost a life at stage 3 or earlier. Granted my strategy is to horde lives and bombs so I can get through the latter half of the game and a single life can make all the difference.
I've started playing with a controller recently after years of using the keyboard. So far I've noticed I no longer have to tap furiously when I have to dodge precisely.
That's why I'm saying you shouldn't fossilize yourself on that strategy, you end up repeating the former stages again and again and getting less experience in the later ones, which both means you end up taking longer in the long run, and you end up enjoying the process less due to the mindless repetition of the same stages.
That's just my recommendation, but you can't blame the games for not letting you "clutch a win" if you're not practicing to be able to do that in the first place.
>Granted my strategy is to horde lives and bombs so I can get through the latter half of the game and a single life can make all the difference.
This was my strategy in the past. It still is but unlike before, I don't bomb every later stage spellcard, so I need the lives as a buffer in case I get too cocky.
But I do continue on when I lose lives early. I've just noticed that losing lives or bombs that aren't in the intended areas means I don't have enough resources for a win.
I had a problem with a lot of old games that were natively in 3:4, when I fullscreened them, they got stretched out
The GPU scaling mode didn't help for some reason, I tried a bunch of system and graphics settings
Magpie basically fixed this for me. It also has a lot of presets to choose from
>intended areas
That sounds like you should be practicing the game some more before going for a 1cc run. Being able to clear a game consistently means having no spots on which you're expected to die, and every miss should only come from a mistake on the harder sections but sometimes even on the easiest ones.
>when I fullscreened them, they got stretched out
Did you check your monitor settings?
I have a laptop, so no
It's inevitable when there's spellcards I have to bomb, you're going to run out of those eventually.
I see, on those it's usually all left to the GPU driver so I'm surprised there was no setting for preserving the original aspect ratio.
That's the point, there should be no (or three, at the very most) spellcards which you can't clear without bombing.
If there are more, you need to practice a few. It'll make the runs more enjoyable and less a matter of counting resources.
Am I the only one here who doesn't mind the stretching? That being said I don't play on a 4K monitor.
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>surprised there was no setting for preserving the original aspect ratio
There is, it just doesn't work for whatever reason
But also, I have 125% zoom in windows settings, because it's 1080p for a relatively small screen. And some programs, usually old ones, look slightly blurry, usually the text and the menu, so I think there might be a bigger problem with scaling in general
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Interesting, I've always been using the ones on pic related and they work perfectly. There's a bit of border on the top and bottom but the image is crisp as on a native screen.
Mind you, this is a desktop pc so it might not work for you, but I suggest giving it a try if it's available.

If you're used to it there's nothing really wrong with it, but I find it unnatural cause horizontal movement ends up looking slower than vertical movement, and that's without mentioning the fact all the characters look fatter.
Are you suggesting that bombless runs should be the baseline for clearing? Because that's just crazy. You're talking about a few more months of practice, why wouldn't I bomb?
I'm suggesting something in between. If you "need" to use bombs at certain points in the game, then whenever something doesn't go according to plan and you end up needing to use one more bomb your whole run is ruined. If the default status is not needing to bomb except for a few particularly hard spells or whenever you end up getting cornered unexpectedly, you'll have a much wider margin and runs will be cleared more easily.
By this point I'll assume you're playing Hard or Lunatic, the above does get harder to reach there.
I already tried all scaling mode settings, nothing works
And there is no integer setting
I tried all the conventional methods of adjusting system or graphics screen, with no results
I was pretty upset about this at first, since I mostly play old games, but I'm very content with using Magpie after I found out about it
There are some settings that make it appear as if it was only slightly upscaled, so it's almost like a native fullscreen
>I already tried all scaling mode settings, nothing works
>And there is no integer setting
I see. One last thing I can point out is the existence of a program called Lossless Scaling on steam, which is paid software unlike Magpie (and I've never tried either), but which I've read is much less taxing on the computer's resources. Keep it in mind if you need something like that someday.
Uh, actually I still can't clear normal
I mostly need magpie for old games, so I'm fine for the time being
But that might be useful someday, so thanks anyway
Then I'll strongly recommend you play the photo games, at least StB, until you manage to unlock the extra stage.
I've been playing the games in release order, and thanks to the extensive training montage I've had in that game I've managed to clear MoF on the very first try, and SA in three or four tries, only having to bomb cat walk and a couple of orin's main spells.
After UFO I've also played DS until unlocking hatate, and that helped a ton with beating GFW afterwards in 5 or 6 tries.
The games are much more fun to clear when the fundamentals are right, and the photo games speed the process considerably.
NTA but what is it in the photo games that makes them particularly good for training the fundamentals?
The fact they feature an extremely varied series of lunatic-level spells which force you to improve every aspect of dodging: micrododging, macrododging, pattern recognition, streaming, and everything in between.
They can't be bombed and you can't shoot normally, so you have to focus on pure dodging with no cheesing, and you can take as many risks as you want since failure will only set you back a couple minutes at worst, unlike in a regular game in which you can end up losing half an hour.
I did notice that especially in stage 5, but I haven't really grinded with Marisa A yet. I cleared UFO with Reimu and Sanae (both homing shottypes) so I know I can do it, I just need to get good some more and then have a god run.

I can only get the 1up in stage 4 around 50% of the time, real demoralizing if you don't get it, especially since that means you lost a life or used a bomb. thanks ZUN for having this stupid "win more/lose more" resource mechanic. fuck you.
>but I haven't really grinded with Marisa A yet
Oh, then you're in for a treat.
I've posted this tip before but just in case you haven't seen it: The trick to surviving those spells with light blue orbs (nazrin with pagoda, shou with pagoda, byak's air scroll) with Marisa A is to stop shooting whenever you have to dodge through them, so the options will get darker and more transparent. The spell will take a little longer to clear but your survival rate will increase considerably.

>thanks ZUN for having this stupid "win more/lose more" resource mechanic
Yeah, it's bullshit indeed.
I thought the same until I captured Scarlet Shoot and Red Magic back to back because I had no bombs and just went for it. When I have no bombs my brain switches from defensive safe play to agressive man mode, and it feels great to tether on the edge.
Beware a man with nothing to lose.
So you want to be rewarded for being bad? It's so easy to have maxxed out lives by stage 4 in UFO that you really should not be complaining at all.
Not him but the whole point of giving extends is to allow bad players to reach further in the game. It makes no sense to give an extend for surviving and not give it for dying, might as well not give it at all.
>hurr durr ur bad
>"who are you quoting hurr durr"
I already cleared UFO retard-kun and I will do it again until all shottypes are cleared
You can still prove your point without looking like a retard, and I'm saying this even though I agree with it.
Who are you quoting?
why don't you just use vpatch
What controller do you guys use? I use an xbox controller but was thinking about trying an arcade stick or maybe one of those mods that lets you use the mouse for movement
I've been using a dualshock 4 from the start (with the DS4windows driver) and always found it perfectly usable, even on bluetooth (which you're forced to use because of the micro usb port sucking).
The input lag is just 2ms thanks to the custom driver, on par with a regular wired connection, and I haven't had any disconnects in the three+ years I've used it.
An arcade stick might be cool to use, but I wouldn't recommend using a mod for mouse movement, either the movement is relative and will feel extremely unnatural, or it's absolute (think chicken invaders) and that's cheating because it allows moving much much faster than normal and with more accuracy.
>What controller do you guys use?

>maybe one of those mods that lets you use the mouse for movement
Nobody seriously uses those.
F310. I haven't known of anyone using arcade sticks except for the people who are always mentioning them here for some reason.
What do you think is the hardest mid boss fight in the series? The one where you are almost always guaranteed to lose a bomb or even a life? For me, it's Momijo from stage 4 of th10
Hikariko. It and the end of stage 6 are the only reasons why LLS isn't considered the easiest LNN in the series.
I don't really know about the hardest...but Momiji is sure one of the most annoying ones. The real challenge for me is the fairies before and after her. The battle starts so abruptly and the danmaku doesn't get wiped, so there's still fairy bullets lingering around which always throws me off. It's also really hard to wiggle yourself into a good position for the fairy wave that starts immediatedly afterwards. More often than not I just end up bombing right at the start and at the end.

Stage 4 of MoF is in general kinda annoying to play. At least it's pretty and has nice music.
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I've only played 6~13 so these.
Is using a controller the standard for touhou? I never tried it
I think it's more popular in Japan than in the West, though I might be wrong. Personally, I didn't grow up with a controller playing games and exclusively used keyboard and mouse so I really can't get used to gamepads even for games designed for them. Playing any precise shmup on a controller sounds like torture to me.
>games designed for them
That's kind of what I meant, were the touhou games made with a controller as the input device in mind?
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Well, if you consider ZUN is usually seen playing with a controller, that's probably the case, but they were definitely made to allow people to play just fine with a keyboard too.
Kagerou is the first one that comes to mind. Her midboss spell is bullshit.
>Playing any precise shmup on a controller sounds like torture to me.
I used to think the same until I actually tried a controller. Not only are the arrow keys inherently bad at diagonal movement, you also have to press them harder than the d-pad in order to make the human move. In fact, it makes dodging diagonally so unreliable that I try to avoid it when playing with a keyboard.
Do you guys play with full audio, BGM off but sound effects on, or completely muted while you play your own audio?
I'd imagine /jp/ would mostly do the first, but I'm curious.
I use music cues to know how well I'm doing and what's coming next
it werks, even if I still suck at dodging
during practice i turn off the music so i don't go crazy from hearing the music repeating
Full audio, with sfx volume slightly lowered to let me enjoy the music better.
I mute it so I don't have to hear the picchun.
All sounds and music on
Then I can't get it out of my head for weeks after beating the game
I just turned off the BGM for practice since the same music looping for an hour is distracting. Touhou isn’t as strict about BGM for scoring anyway and I'm just playing for fun, so I only use BGM when I'm doing the run since it's more chuuni
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Just exploit the fact bullets have a tiny hitbox. Add hundreds of hours of experience, and there you have it.
Which normal do you think is harder, SA or UFO? I'd say SA is harder.
- Severe lack of resources if you die a lot
- Bombs being tied to power can fuck you over HARD if you bomb a lot. If you reach 0 power and cannot do the rest of the boss's spellcards, the run can end right there. <--- Culprit #1
- More aimed patterns than random
- Stage 5 is death, and Orin will take your corpse (1cc run) away

- More resources, but juggling and planning the UFOs is a whole game on its own. <--- Culprit #1
- Bombs are much more generous, and can be saved in case of a death. So bombs away!
- More random patterns than aimed
- Stage 5 is easy, but Shou can be hard if you cannot read her patterns. Easier than Orin though.

In both cases spell practice is your friend. Once you get over the quirks and develop good dodging skill, both games are easily top 5 for casual runs.
I'd say SA is harder as well not for it's reputation, but if somebody is playing by release order, SA is a significant spike in difficulty. UFO will comparatively be a breeze, except for managing the UFOs which people apparently have trouble with. However, if one could clear SA then they shouldn't be too scared to weave through bullets to manage the UFOs.
>- Severe lack of resources if you die a lot
I don't know why people always bitch about this. SA gives you 50 life pieces for free, with no planning or special effort required to get them. Even if you die 10 times to unique boss patterns, that's still 8 extends, on top of the 2 lives you start the game with, nearly infinite replenishing bombs, and being able to autocollect items from anywhere on the screen to replenish said bombs without taking the risk of going to the top of the screen.
I think it's mostly a psychological thing. Like how people were complaining earlier you don't get a life if you bomb Nue's (is this a spoiler?) attack in the 4th stage, even though one extra life will make little difference in the long run if you can't even dodge that on normal.
t. have beaten UFO and cannot even consistently see stage 5 of SA despite having a lot more time in it.
Please refrain from using /v/ expressions on /jp/. Here is a way you could have reformulated your reply:

SA. I have beaten UFO and cannot even consistently see stage 5 of SA despite having a lot more time in it.

Thank you for your understanding.
It originates from /int/, although it's indeed an unwelcome crossboarder expression.
As someone who tries to bomb as little as possible, and thus doesn't mind the slippery slope SA throws you down into if you bomb a lot, I've found them more or less equally hard.
Most of the stages are harder on SA, but UFO compensates for it by having a fairly harder final boss and of course the distracting ufo mechanic.
How do you calm yourself down when playing these games? I've already lost a monitor to anger over a failed run.
Simply remind yourself that it's all for fun, and that every failed run is an inevitable step towards the successful one.
Failing means you needed more practice, failed runs should be considered practice.
I found my way around getting angry at these games by simply playing games that are even more frustrating to lose.
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Th19 is more fun than I thought. Zanmu is the first final boss that I really like since th15.
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I have recently 1cced Wonderful Waking World on normal. It is a really good fangame and you guys should give it a try if you haven't already.
It is a little unbalanced and too easy on normal though; I went from dying on stage 4 boss to beating the game, despite the latter attempt being the first one of the day.
On steam (and itch.io i think?)
W GAPP hi yukari <3
Hot take, since the topic of how to make more people play and beat these games have come up in the past, but the next Touhou game absolutely needs a tutorial. A huge isssue with the games is that concepts needed to clear them such as streaming, or deathbombing or bullet hitboxes being smaller then they seem are never even hinted at with in-game materials.

It wouldn't sacrifice anything from the base game in the way that making 1CCs optional and for bragging rights only would, and even shitty Bullet Hells like Hellsinker have one.
If you need a tutorial to understand the core mechanics of a genre of games that's been around for 40 years you are underage and your opinion does not merit consideration.
>streaming, or deathbombing or bullet hitboxes being smaller then they seem are never even hinted at with in-game materials.
all of these are self explanatory by just playing the games. also I think most of the modern touhou do have some sort of manual in the game
people generally don't need guides for arcade games. if they WANT to beat the game, they will find a way to do so. if they aren't interested in games, no amount of tutorialization will save them from the inevitable experience of dying over and over again.
You're wrong, actually. All of these are very counterintuitive to a new player.

Someone would only learn this by mistake and if they even noticed would think it's a glitch or something. It's a main gimmick of the games, so it should at least get a page in the manual.

>Bullet hitboxes.
You only find these out by running into bullets, the one thing you're not supposed to do.Very counterintuitive, there's a good reason why that image showing the real hitboxes of all the bullets is posted so often.

Perhaps the only one someone new could learn on their own. But it would shave a lot of time off if you told them that some of the bullets are aimed at where they where instead of being random. A few lines in the manual would change nothing of the game, but shave hours off the time needed to beat it.

The Touhou games do an awful job of teaching new players how to play, which means it depends on the community to teach them, and they hate new players.
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SA is way easier than UFO
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Sounds like an anger and skill issue combo
>Someone would only learn this by mistake and if they even noticed would think it's a glitch or something
it's not hard to infer that the game gives you some leeway when you bomb the instant you get hit. also they wouldn't think of it as a glitch when IN (border team especially) gives you a much longer deathbomb time than usual
explaining this is also useless since new players won't be able to consistently deathbomb and reaction time doesn't help in this case
>You only find these out by running into bullets, the one thing you're not supposed to do.
Which they will do since they're new. There are some cases like knives and square bubbles having "weird" hitboxes you wouldn't expect them to have, but it's still learnable with time

>which means it depends on the community to teach them
Most people don't need to be taught to just 1CC these games. At most, they'll look up a replay or even a guide which is more than enough
>and they hate new players.
I don't know which community you're talking about but /jp/ and /v/ are filled with new players, and the other communities I know are pretty friendly with beginners
I'm not going to say it's "tradition", "gatekeeping", or "elitism", but discovering these skills and techniques is half the fun of playing shmups.
Might be slightly relevant, but for example, I only recently discovered how to capture Omoikane's Device after bombing it for the past decade+, the epiphany was absolutely wonderful yet silly at how I never figured it out sooner.

Providing all the tools to the players makes the experience dull and more of a "chore". It's not the only destination that matters, but also the journey.
>which means it depends on the community to teach them, and they hate new players.
Unfortunately the community has recently become much more lenient on new players. Not sure where you're getting this impression.
I destroy cardboard tissue boxes when I get angry enough
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I agree that deathbombing should be explained and that bullet hitboxes could be mentioned, but streaming seems kind of obvious? How do you miss that some of the shots are aimed at you?
>the community has recently become much more lenient on new players
Why do you think this is unfortunate? Encouraging new players and giving them advice only raises the standard of play for everyone.
What do you enjoy about it?
Deathbombing isn't useless. It's a major feature of the game and pretending it doesn't exist it just stupid, even if it's not reliable. TF2 doesn't obfuscate rocketjumping's existence, and that was a glitch that became a feature.
>Bullet Hitboxes
When you're hyperfocouced on beating the game you're not going to notice this at all how the hitboxes for the bulets can be a few pixels off. Maybe if they saved a replay where it happened, slowed it doesn't and went through it frame by frame, but no way.

When there's hundreds of bullets on the screen it can be hard to tell that some are aimed at where you currently are. Just a one line tip would encourage newbies to look out for them on their own and train them to pay attention.
>New Players
Pretty much every part of the touhou game play community expects nothing more then Lunatic 1CCs. Even on Twitter the mere mention of someone playing on easy gets them yelled at and it can be rare to get any good advice that's not "lol get gud".

Please, sit down someone who is completely new to these games and explain nothing to them. Wait a few weeks and see if they figure any of this out on their own.

>Providing all the tools to the players makes the experience dull and more of a "chore"
I honestly couldn't disagree anymore. There's many games that are difficult, or more complex then Touhou but are more honest in telling players what to do.

A great example is the Dominions games. Very complex, yes. But they have an in-depth manual and lots of information in the game to help guide you. It really is an "Easy to pick up, hard to master" game where once you know the basics it's up to you to leverage any advantage you have and find the most optimal way to do things.
Hold shift for focused movement.
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I understand nobody here actually reads the manuals but that's where the all the tutorial exposition you're looking for is. For example, to say deathbombing is a hidden unexplained feature is simply false. This is from UFO but I'm pretty sure it's been in the manual since EoSD.
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>but I'm pretty sure it's been in the manual since EoSD.
woah it actually is
I should actually start reading these lol
LoLK doesn't have it.
Press X to bomb
I think imperishable night is too easy
Post your LNN replay, I'd like to have a watch.
>I'd like to have a watch.
Would you actually, though? LNNs are barely different from each other outside of shot type choice.
NTA but I just want to see a good player from /jp/.
Here's a /jp/ player LNN, and it's an interesting one since it does some scoring instead of only using the most reliable and boring strategies you'll find in most other LNNs.

>instead of only using the most reliable and boring strategies you'll find in most other LNNs.
what he is doing here is not that different; just more graze milking (on easier patterns), cancels and item collection. it's a lot impressive than just a LNN but still very boring because of not being able to use bombs in this game

here's a somewhat not boring LNN replay
What do you guys actually like about Touhou?
>what he is doing here is not that different; just more graze milking (on easier patterns), cancels and item collection.
Sure, it's lower risk than trying to push for a WR, but at least it's showing off the game's mechanics instead of sitting at the bottom of the screen and speed killing stage enemies and bosses in the most sanitized way. Even if it's typical for even entry level score runs, most of the target audience for LNNs would probably shit themselves at the stage 3 and stage 4 routing.

>still very boring because of not being able to use bombs in this game
It's not like EoSD's bug-based bomb scoring is inherently more interesting either. The risks taken elsewhere to maximize the bomb usage are more fun to watch than suiciding on Meiling's face or the "wow nice Sakuya randomly moved into the corner just right and made that cancel 7% better than average" parts.

>here's a somewhat not boring LNN replay
That's mostly because IN is good. The mechanics make for engaging routing during almost every stage portion. And that's not a /jp/sie!

I like the relatively calm pace and more focus on pattern aesthetics compared to most arcade STGs, which makes it more accessible for a slow old boomer like me. The dedicated focus button allows for more natural movement without having to deal with delayed hold-to-focus or unreliable slowdown cancer. Some of the earlier Windows entries had good risk/reward scoring systems before it turned into constant invincibility/bullet eating/resource spam bullshit somewhere around TD onward. PCB is probably one of my favorite games ever.

What do you like about 2hu, anon?
The characters and music.
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I have 3 times more photos on this than I have on all the other level 9 stages combined. I like to tell myself that means I'm getting close to beating it.
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It's mostly a matter of luck. Once you get to the last shot, make sure to take defensive pictures if you're in a pinch, rather than just letting yourself die.
Have you managed to clear Ran's Superman? I keep dying on the last shot because she gets so fast I can't avoid her at recharge speed. I guess I should try using focus speed and doing a long step when I reach the end of the screen, so I can start going the opposite way.
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That one took me 414 photos. I think the main difficulty is in that hyper-precise movement becomes too slow to dodge some Ran's angles at the higher speeds, so you need to actually start paying attention to where she shows up and unfocus in reaction, in addition to making sure you don't trap yourself in the process.
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thanks guys I finally did it
congrats anon I just watched the stream, that was super impressive
will you go for a higher score or that's good enough for you?
bahaha thanks man
I'll keep playing for sure. That 2-5 sucked hard, and I know I can get close-ish to 500mil. I have a lot of route improvements to work on too.
Good shit, it's been 528 so far for me and yeah, those angles are what get me usually.

Damn, very nice anon. I've only played the game a few times but I know it's full of bullshit you have to watch out for.
Fucking hell. Congrats man! Where can I watch the replay?
Thanks! It finished uploading
The info panels on the left look cool, is this the PS4 version?
Is that a custom made stick?
Yes! Seimitsu LS-32 lever, Sanwa OBSF buttons and Brook UFB pcb. Below is an excellent ressource if you're interested in building your own
PS4 version yeah
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1704 and no clear for me....
I think that since it has many fotos and looks pretty easy I don't put too much thought until the last two shots and get overwhelmed when I start seeing pink bullets, repeating some sort of cycle...
I try to not waste too much time there and also focus on other scenes and hope that some day it just works out.
Dam, hate when that shit happens, you have my condolences anon
I luckily did that mistake in my first run and don't fall for it again well, I still forget about it every now and then
Don't worry, it's just an old video from another anon I was posting to bump the thread. You could call it a "cat bump".
I was thinking of building my own stick but with the lever on the right side and buttons on the left. I think it'd be better for shmups that way since the hand that's not being used for movement doesn't do much at all, so I'd rather use my dominant hand for the most important part. I guess I'll mess around with different layouts in cardboard boxes before I decide though.
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SA ReimuA no left challenge is hilarious.
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Is it me or can this card be somewhat cheesed by sticking to the sides? It seems there are less bullets spawned closer to the sides of the screen, just like Futo's first spellcard.
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It can indeed, the guy who made the video was trying to capture it the hard way as a challenge.
What gate are you using?
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Finally got it after changing my strategy a bit. Took me 2830 photos in total.
Good job anon.
am i disabled for finding a few shiki eiki and komachi levels significantly harder than seamless ceiling
Nope. I haven't tried particularly much because of moving to the later games, but I haven't beaten any of the stages on Level 10 even after getting >>47971433
I did get extremely close to beating 10-8, though.
No, you just have an opinion.
it's suppose to be harder because it's a higher level. it doesn't have a lot of RNG as seamless ceiling though
Now I've beaten UFO with Sanae A & B, and with Reimu B.
Marisa B remains completely cursed.
Don't blame yourself, blame ZUN's lack of playtesting.
A somewhat meta question, but how do you make a .webm of reply that doesn't exceed 4MB and is still intelligible?
Use "webms for lazys", enable two-pass and use a video that's as short as possible (use avidemux for that if necessary).
If your video is still too long, upload it to catbox instead and link it.
Been replaying PCB and that got me thinking about the details of improvement, do you guys actively practice hard spellcards and patterns or do you just keep doing runs until you get better at them? Personally I do the latter thing since I could never figure out the practice feature, and also lets me just bomb through parts I don't feel like going through
I only practice a spellcard on thcrap when it's got some trick you need to figure out (for example "snake eats the croaking frog") and I want to be able to experiment with it without having to redo the whole run every time for a few seconds of practice.
Most other spellcards can by simply cleared with enough skill, so I usually just do runs normally to improve my overall level.
I 1cc'd EOSD and PCB on normal which game do you guys recommend next?
Well, maybe you could try the game that comes right after those. Just an idea.
Any of them, it only gets better from here.
IN is too hard.
IN is the exact opposite of hard unless you have a problem with diagonal bullet trajectories.
Even then, just use the Border Team and deathbombs.
I dunno maybe something about it just doesn't gel with me but my first IN run went horribly compared to my first PCB and EOSD runs. Literally used ALL the continues.
PCB is at least 10 times harder then IN. If you can stomach playing PCB, then you can beat IN.
Am I the only one who finds it confusing how there's two distinct fan-made patches called "thprac" and "thcrap?" Lately I've just been calling both thcrap since it describes them well enough.
Yes, indeed, you're the only person on the face of the planet who finds it confusing. No one else has ever gotten them mixed up before, not even once.
Like I just did by mistake on the post you've replied to, yeah. I do usually try to use the proper name, though.
The PC98 games, before it's too late
What team did you pick? Also, where did you face difficulty?
I wasn't sure if he got them mixed up or if thcrap actually has a practice feature. It shouldn't be so confusing even people who use it get it wrong.
>before it's too late
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From experience, people tend to grow less and less interested in trying the PC98 games the more windows games they've played.
What's the context?
This is for Lunatic, right?
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Trying to beat TD extra, but I'll probably lose my mind before it happens because of this spellcard. Easiest game in the series my ass
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While I do agree it's far from the easiest game (more like mid-tier), I doubt anyone accounts for the difficulty of the extra stage when stating how hard a game is. It's all based on the difficulty of the main route, and it's usually referred to Normal specifically.
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What a shit shot type. Took me over a year to 1cc DDC with SakuB but I'm proud of this achievement.
It's the worst Extra spellcard for me too. Just bomb it.
I 1cc'd the Extra with Reimu, so while the bomb's spirits are still rotating around me I go towards the side where they're currently spawning to clear them out.
I wish the bullet hitbox charts had Mamizou's bullets included because their shapes are really annoying, especially the green dog ones.
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Where is this from?
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CtC LNNNFS!!! I've been grinding this since around the end of July and I'm so happy to have finally done it!
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Reported, hidden, and called ZUN.
congrats anon!
Memes aside, I was a bit surprised when, during one of the Tohostation streams a few months ago, beatmario was playing one of the PC98 games and once he got to the ending and he tried to cover it hurriedly ZUN said something like "eh, it's not a big deal". I guess the goal of his rule is protecting people from being spoiled the endings mainly of the games that have been released recently.
probably it was because ZUN thinks people can't see the PC98 endings because people can't play the games so it doesn't matter as much
but he is truly laxer than most people think, some months ago he wanted to listen to a random song of his and he went to youtube to listen to a random upload, some Japanese fans were dumbfounded and criticized him lmao
>and criticized him
>some Japanese fans were dumbfounded and criticized him lmao
Where can I read more about this?
Man, Japanese moralfaggotry can be so absurd sometimes.
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