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"Player Two" edition

Please read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guide

Fumo Information Website from a helpful anon - https://fumo.website/

Places to buy fumos and other plushes:

For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides (a bit dated)- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharing

Picture guide for acquiring fumos-

Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html
Gift Closet: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nuigurumi_costume/
Online Shop: http://giftshop.jz.shopserve.jp/

Fumo: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=ふもふも
Deka: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=でかふも

Fumo: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=フモフモ ふもふも&lang=en
Deka: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=デカフモ でかふも&lang=en

Tokyo Otaku Mode-

Solaris Japan-

Fumo: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=ふもふも+東方ぬいぐるみ
Deka: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=でかふも+東方ぬいぐるみ

Amiami- Amiami is currently the only place for non-jp people to buy Fumos during official sales, check Gifts twitter for sale dates
Fumos: https://www.amiami.com/eng/search/list/?s_keywords=touhou%20plush&s_sortkey=releasedated
Gift Closet: https://www.amiami.com/eng/search/list/?s_keywords=gift%20closet&s_sortkey=releasedated

Proxy and Forwarding services-

Do not buy from JP Figures. They are a scam.

Where can you get Fumos in Tokyo?
Akiba Hobby, AmiAmi, Lashinbang, and K-Books in Akihabara. Animate in Ikebukuro. Mandarake and Surugaya have multiple locations.

#/fumo/ irc available on irc.rizon.net

link to the op text: https://pastebin.com/jJsKV0QJ

Previous thread:
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You guys know the drill
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You guys seem like the right people to ask for this. I have a younger cousin that's into touhou graduating from high school next year and want to get her a custom fumo as a graduation gift. I'd like to know if there's any particularly reputable makers that I should try to get a hold of. Pricing isn't much of a concern as long as it's not something egregious like half a grand.
Fumos watching the afl grand final
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Where do you guys store your badges? I put mine in a bread box.
You can try with this guy
There's also yumemey which makes some really good ones, but has the commission slots always full.
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thats a cute ranshama u got there buddy
i save mine in these small gameboy advance catridge cases
woah that's a really cool picture
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Aww, that sounds like a nice gift! Custom Fumos are real cool. If you've got until next year, have you considered making it yourself? Provided the design isn't too complicated. It'd add a nice touch and would probably mean a lot. You don't even have to make it from scratch, you could use a bootleg as a base like I did.
But some makers do make some cool stuff. I follow this guy who does some pretty unique work:
I dunno what his rates are but I see him say his commissions are open so it probably wouldn't hurt to ask.
Ziplock bags. I still don't know what was going through my head when I bought ALL the big ones. I guess I just needed to have them all...
>gameboy advance catridge cases
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I took Sakuya /out/ with me yesterday.
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Cozy morning after making some coffee
Cute photos.
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Thank you! Here’s the last one, driving back
She seems like a perfect fumo to bring to a picnic
>driving with fumos
Do you usually clean your Sakuya fumo with an ultra-soft toothbrush?
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"I drive."
That's a cool picture. What were you up to during that drive?
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Put the FUMOS in the JUGS anon
guys I missed the momiji preorder.
she was listed for a awhile for being available in Sept 24 but know I don't even see that on amiamis website.
do I just gotta go for an ebay listing or look at proxy services now?
Forget about ebay, just keep an eye on the fumo search on YJA and you'll probably find her for around 50-60 bucks.
Yahoo Japan Auctions, which are usually searched on through a proxy like buyee (great search engine, meh buying experience) or fromjapan (alright search engine, great buying experience).
I'll keep that in mind. beats the 120 ebay wants. I was really hoping she would pop up again on amiami.
thanks anon
No worries.
Here's your best chance, by the way
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I bought this little dork from Don Quixote. I know nothing about fumos but its a Mochidoru Plush. Is it good quality?
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My Sakuya fumo is the greatest thing I purchased. I didn't realize I didn't just get a plushie, I got a best friend.
It's ridiculous, even the official amiami ebay page is getting overpriced. A year ago i bought Satori for $65 now with the new rerelease, satori costs $95.
It's unfortunate yeah, but I guess people are willing to pay that much.
That's the point of the artificial scarcity of fumos. It cost them nothing to keep a base stock of every model and would definitelly constantly sell, there's a reason why they only do MTO.
>would definitelly constantly sell
If it did, they would profit much more from the constant sales then from an occasional high profit sale.
Either they're dumb or there isn't that much of a demand for fumos.
Congratulations on welcoming a soft girl into your life.
The MTO format definitely helps to push more sales.The fomo for fumos is too strong.
where to buy a good clownpiss fumo?
>My pic of Marisa and Reimu on antique North Carolina pottery in op

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This bowl made by A.R. Cole
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I need a Keiki Haniyasushin Fumo cause she’s probably the closest thing to a potter in the verse
sorry to bump but do you guys know any decent 3rd party or made to order manufacturers? i want to produce a few dozen custom fumos for a local convention. doesnt seem like any of the custom fumo people take bulk orders.
Not really, but you might have some luck asking these guys.

Try asking this guy.
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Been neglecting my girls for almost a year now, finally woke up. Does that just happen? Life gets busy sometimes...
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Went out with Koishi and I'll be hiking more this autumn.
Would be nice to get a Minoriko fumo.
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Haters will say it's sped up and reversed
Lies. This is clearly ice fairy magic in action.
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Cool pots of greed
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I decided to buy the big-ass Reimu fumo when it goes in sale later this month
Suika fumo when?
sanae is available again on amiami's ebay account, note that it's more expensive but shipping is free.
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Late to the party fren.
All the drinks have already been drank.
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Rerun when? ;_;
those bottles look full to me, get to work anon
She came out recently, so you'll probably have to wait at least a couple years. Your best chance is to search for her on YJA at least once a week, you might manage to find her at a decent price.
RumChat is how I would describe most of my Fumo Posting.
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>tfw won the Reitaisai's Cirno ticket lottery
I'm G E T T I N G that Hina fumo!
sure enough anon, won her for 40 something.
tactical awoo inbound
Very nice.
I searched for "tactical awoo" and found this. We are truly blessed.
Roger doger that can be arranged once she's in
Do you think fumos discriminate against other plushes? Am I okay to leave them alone together?
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What's in the box?
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Oh, its just Udonge
Good morning Udonge!!
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How do I take care of my fumo ?
I feel that she begins to be dusty. But I fear that she lost softness if I use water or cleaning products.
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what are we worried about?
stay strapped or get clapped nigga.
See pic and post at >>47876136, it's from an expert.
What's the typical frequency of deka releases? Once every few years? I want one for the car passenger seat.
Huge thank you, I will follow that.
I hope you and your fumos get happy times.
They seem to release dekas yearly. According to the Gift website, from 2021 to 2023 deka fumos were released. This year they had deka yukkuris, so i guess that counts as this years deka. Keep an eye out for hopefully new dekas in 2025. ,
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sleepy thread
someone save the sleepies
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I fucked up while painting her shoes brown... do you think it's possible to cover this up with white acrylic paint fumobros?
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>acrylic paint
What the actual FUCK are you talking about?? Are you actually using craft store paint on plush fabrics?? Holy shit that's insane.
If you're gonna repaint fabric, use fabric dyes like Rit Dyemore or these kind of markers that are meant for that kind of thing, not stuff made for solid objects! Golly...
I did use fabric paint, I think I just diluted it too much and then gravity fucked me over... you won't be able to see her legs under the skirt anyway, but I thought some damage control might be possible...
Hmmm...at this point I don't think there's much you can do about removing the runover. Darker on lighter colors are always gonna be a pain to deal with in these situations. The only thing I can come up with is making some leggings to cover them up? The design you're going for might not have them, but maybe you can find a fabric that matches the skin color? I'm sorry, I don't really have any good advice.
Thank you for the help anon. Worst case scenario Miss Custom Fumo will get new tights.
If you want to match the tights to the skin color, here's some suggested fabrics from Discord


Although Color A is sold out in the first link and that's the one that's said to match actual Fumos the best. And stuff from Ali can take multiple weeks to arrive.
Hope you have fun in your plush making endeavors Anon! It can be real fun, but you just gotta have lots of patience sometimes, and you have to expect a lot of trial-and-error.
Is there anything that can notify me when new fumos are put on sale on AmiAmi?
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I have this brown minky-like fabric (pic related) that I've been using for mockups, I put it next to the feet and liked how the two colors looked so I think I might use it for the tights!

The fumo I'm making is Jacketko. I only really have the hair, the hat and the cross left to pattern, so I'm hoping to finish her before Halloween.

I've been feeling a bit down because of the whole paint thing, so thank you for your encouraging words anon ;_;
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Nice! She's lookin' pretty good so far. DIPP is my favorite ZUN album and I always appreciate the more obscure girls getting custom Fumos. Who did you use as a base btw?
No worries Anon, these things happen. I was worried I was coming across as mean in my initial response when you suggested the acrylic paint, I was just so surprised you were considering such a thing lol.
I myself have been feeling a bit down since completing the hair on my current girls. It was pretty tough. I pretty much have to just make their clothes and they're done, but I just haven't been feeling motivated y'know?
You can always check here, Gift's Twitter, or Discord Server alerts
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I've seen cosplayers and some custom fumo makers (like Zerokonbu) using acrylics on fabric, so I honestly thought as long as I heat-set it, it'd be fine. Then again, paint does stick much better to natural fibers compared to polyester.

>Who did you use as a base btw?
A bootleg Yuuka! I didn't trust myself to sew a tiny shirt from scratch.
Thank you, your soft girl looks very cute so far! Honestly, I bought all of the materials for Jacketko over a year ago, but had to take a long break from working on her to focus on uni. The Halloween deadline is really only there because I had to motivate myself to work on her somehow. But now that I've shown her to the world I can't let the metaphorical custom fumo maker killer get to me lmao.
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This IS spooky month, anon. Fumo jumpscares are only appropriate.
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Too lewd
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What are they teaching?
Y-Yuuka! When I say returning to nature, this isn't what I meant!
Isn't this supposed to be a SFW board?
I fucking want this in my life
holy fuck
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Drinking with yuugi!
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>custom Yuugi fumbo
>Oni sake juice box
>clear purple R36S
Dangerously based combo.
But she's gonna die
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living in europe for some time
my fumo arrived at the post office
they say i need to pay 40 euro in taxes she wasnt even worth that much

also pic from march
very nice picture
Yeah, import fees are terrible pretty much everywhere in europe, although 40 is still way too much. In italy it's about 20 bucks: about 10 for vat on the fumo, 5 for vat on the shipping costs and 5 for tax collecting fees (aka theft).
fumo yuuka sexo
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does the u.s. even do import tax on fumo
Only if you're buying over $2000 worth of fumos at once
So that's like what, three of them?
Wednesday was early for a party I'm just getting my weekend
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Had a therapeutic drive with Reimu. Fumos make the best night drive companions
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Absolute comfy kino, anon. What do you think it is about them that makes them such good driving companions and how was the drive? Did you go far?
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Decided I needed to get out of the house today so me and blue Reimu are going on a bit of a day trip
Good to see more driving with fumos. Where are you going?
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Mesquite. Currently passing through Moapa
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Well that was alright. Time to head home
reminds me that i need to clean my fumos, they're getting dusty
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Home sweet home
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I don't even want to imagine trying to take the smell out from inside her afterwards...
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Brö's cööked
fumo abuse you should go to jail
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I placed a HowaHowa Reimu in between my Fumo collection, so far nothing bad has happened but perhaps it's a Touhou plush with similar characteristics of Fumos.
The funny coincidence is "fumo" is the Italian word for "smoke".
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When are the Hina and Nazrin fumos getting released?
In Spanish it also means "I smoke".
Preorders for her can't open soon enough. I need my green Gothic Lolita goddess...
shot some film photos of my fumos today. obviously i can't show you right now, but hopefully i will be able to soon.
page 10.
All the Canadian fumos have been taking it too easy over the long weekend
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Ghost on the mountain!

It's hard to get good dusk pics.
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Yuyu was getting hungry...
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smol laptop
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Yuyu WILL eat wild berries!
Berries are food. Yuyu is hungry. Why would you limit her so?
thats a 3ds....
Are you implying okuu is smaller than a cat? That's preposterous.
Do any of you want to be buried/cremated with a fumo when you die?
Nah, I'd want them to be free and loved.
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Yeah, its looking like its gonna be one of those nights
eternal funpost /fumo/ is back
>Alice in Wonderland
>Alice Margatroid
It's no surprise where the inspiration for Alice Margatroid is based on, especially the PC98 version.
In that case, it would be nice if there Gift will release an official PC98 Alice Margatroid Fumo, but they are more likely going to release an Alice Margatroid Mad Hatter and playing card costume from Lost Word.
One of the Marisas is missing her hat.
Happened again, I got to bump the thread back to 1.
It's better for them to move on to a new owner. Maybe a friend or a relative someone I can trust.
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I want to believe
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She thinks she's Zoro
she looks like a hood rat
I could see Youmu attempting a drive by but missing every shot
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I'll take Ran with me, she's mine, but for the rest I'll do what >>48026654 said and make sure they're rehomed.
Hina, Nazrin, and Yuuka were all first created by bootleggers. Is gift trying to compete with the bootleggers?
nevermind, its DEKA CIRNOS
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Gradient hair achieved
Has science gone too far?
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I will buy two Blondnae's. She just radiates big Suwako energy lmao. And her clothes look like somebody accidentally inverted the colors in photoshop lel.
Official Toutestu looks wonderful!
Its all been leading to this.
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Kourindou Reimu and Marisa.... it's been 4 years...
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Well of course, the main reason people buy from bootleggers is because Gift's official Fumos used to be limited to a few characters, and available only to Japanese customers. Then Ami Ami decided to sell made-to-order Fumos to only overseas customers, and Gift has been churning out new characters and variants quicker then ever to keep up with the demand. That's also why they branched out to Vocaloid, Azur Lane, and Bocchi.
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Is chart anon still around?
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I don't like it. Unfortunately, I have to buy it.
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The AmiAmi preorder for the Okina Fumo has no chair in the pictures. Is there gonna be a chair included. I was gonna buy 3 and have a Fumo council. I NEED to know!!!
I think it says "chair included" in the description
That's a good point. Man, I wish they sold the chair separately.
When does Clownpiece get a fumo?
All fumos absolutely should absolutely include a complimentary chair to be honest
Shes more expensive than the other fumos and the description says chair included, not sure why its not in the photos though
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Great, Thanks! Now I must prepare my wallet for the inevitable ruination.
Maybe we could convince one of the bootleggers to make a Wriggle then gift could finally start making Wriggle fumos.
They're out.
Nazrin secured. This is the happiest day of my life.
Hecatia locked in
Got freaky t-shirt girl to keep my Sanae fumo company
Bought all of the regulars and 3 Okina fumos. May she have mercy on my shipping costs
Got my market Goddess, two Hina-chan's, and a little Devil to work for my Patche.
>June 2025
Geez, that's forever from now.
They used to give a 6 month wait at first, then 7 and now we're at 8 months. If this keeps up we'll end up having to wait a whole year.
And people funposting their new Fumos they got from Japan before us makes the wait that much harder too...
Gee anon how come you get 3 Okinas?
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I have mental issues and my fumos will be able to play musical chairs when I’m not around
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I really hope they post that pic without the watermark eventually, so we can add that one to the chart instead of the chair-less one.
Failing that, I wonder if it could be removed with AI.
They're pretty dumb for watermarking these pictures, it's not like you're buying a picture when you buy a fumo.
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I like how the chair in plush form looks more like a personal sofa or lazy boy recliner
Oh nice, thanks.
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November will be soon and I can get my Okuu.
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Shit, I will need to make personal chart of fumos I own again. I lost my file.
You could grab the thread's fumo chart at >>47897039 and draw rectangles or circles over the ones you've got.
I will but first I need to come back home and then check which fumo I'm missing from the chart.
And before you ask, I have many fumos and I lost the count.
>two hinas
how much misfortune do you have, anon?
Not sure if I should order both Hina and Heca or just one of them...
I am in a similar boat, I really like how the Hina fumo looks, at first I was only interested in getting Nazrin but I think I might cave in and get a Hina, too...
it will never be easier or cheaper to buy then in the pre-order period.

If in doubt, buy.
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From Yukari to Hec & Okina, Hijiri next.
had to move my reimu fumo away from the screen or else she'd start crying
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More than I'd like. It's never easy Anon...
And I was never really happy with the bootleg. Something about her doesn't sit right with me.
Official Hina is so pretty, gosh!
Give your reimu fumo some money too, asshole.
I know it is blasphemy, but I like the bootleg more.
She has her strengths. The gradient on her dress is really well done, and her front ponytail is actually made of her hair wrapping to her front, unlike the official that almost has it as a faux tie. And her boot laces are nice and thick.
But she has a few issues too. Her head is noticeably smaller than a normal Fumos and she seems a bit smaller overall, her bow is just a big annoying mess, and the swirl kanji symbol on her dress could stand to be bigger.
But at the end of the day, she's still Hina. I kinda feel bad to think about throwing her away or dismantling her for custom fodder whenever my official Hina's come in. I guess they could coexist...?
It sounds like an easy way to deal with her small head/size is to give her a hat.
What a fucking bakker!
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Did you guys get yours?
This thread can really go from half asleep to flooded with activity. New fumo announcements, and pre-ordering new fumo
Really pondering if it's worth getting this bing chilling's version of koa + reimu & marisa
I don't know shit about Okina but I kind of want her fumo since I have the other sages and you know, chair.
See >>48051309
okay I gave in. I ordered both Hina and Heca, now the long wait begins
Now you better play her game before she arrives, or your backdoor is getting molested.
Can she drift in that?
of course.
No. They were sold out less than an hour after posting it. They will have another batch this weekend though.
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Early voting with Momiji!
Alright I'm sold plus her theme song is pretty good
give her a MAGA hat
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she would not vote for him
Great pictures is that Osaka Castle?
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Gifu Castle, up there at the top of the mountain. Osaka Castle is much bigger. I can take Hina there later.
She literally works for Youkai mountain border patrol. Make Gensokyo Great Again!
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Oh man, I fuck with this Miku hard.
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Official Shanghai & Hourai Doll Fumos when? The plush strap exists so could an official Fumo be made as well?
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>found a loose thread on Eirin's eye crease
>had to cut it

I hope my fumo will forgive me for using a lint roller incautiously.
She seems fine after the surgery and I gave her extra headpats.
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it would sure make Alice happy...
Least degenerate Fumo fan holy shit.

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