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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

Previous thread: >>47885059
This is the thread.
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Catoko is so cute
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Nya Nya Nya~
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ojisan can't keep up with the zoomie lingo
Basically what? You're just all being dumb.
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What games shall we be playing today jii-jii?
Russian roulette
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We're playing card games today my buddies! You know how we do things around here. Not with endless arguments but with our special club way.
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She's so cute!
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Any way to find the Umi CG on higher quality? I want this one for a wallpaper but the quality is too low on wikis
From the game itself
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Check the wiki
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Reading comprehension of a first grade schooler
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I really like this webm
Have you tried looking on sadpanda?
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Ironically, >>47905371 was actually right.
For some reason the Clair page had a really shit quality and google didn't get me any higher quality pictures, while the episode page had it on a higher one.
I want an apology.
Good for you it aired every single week until the show ended.
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Think of an 07th Expansion character, now tell me what you think would be their 70s-80s western music tastes.
Satoko's favorite song is Crazy on You
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Takano listens to Burnin' For You by Blue Oyster Cult.
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Fem Keiichi...
>Keiko is just Keiichi with long hair
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so uh what happened to the rest of the OP? where'd all the links go?
The anti-spam filters on 4chqn have gotten stricter with links, I suppose that's the reason
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Turns out its is not gay to fuck miyao!
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I was just thinking about the relationship between Battler and Kyrie and people seeming to view her as some kind of sociopath. I think what people forgot is that Battler and Kyrie barely interact. Battler ran away from home the moment Rudolf remarried. Not only is Kyrie merely a stepmom, she is a stepmom to a child who is absent and who left because she became his stepmom. I think it's remarkable that her and Battler seem to be so close and speaks to both of their interpersonal skills. But in the end, Kyrie always loved Rudolf more. Something that people don't want to acknowledge about stepparents is that they just tend to not be as close to their stepchildren. Now add her upbringing, her desperation to not lose Rudolf, and what do you expect from her?
>what do you expect from her?
I dunno man maybe not to be a murderer?
> not to be a murderer?
You expect too much from people.
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I think people consider Kyrie a sociopath due to the "murderer" part. Before that she comes off rather well compared to the other parents in spite of her issues.
God I want to get ange pregnant
It's over
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Ciconiabros the delay will be eternal I think.
He is still actually working on it. I don't think he would do that if he was just making excuses to never release it.
>He is still actually working on it
How do we know that? He hasn't even released any previews after that one old one with the red sea (which probably was just to explain the Gou reference to a red planet).
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New Mei stuff:
Gym Uniform Satoko:
Sports Festival event rerun:
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I think he did a stream recently. If he is truly delaying it indefinitely, there's no point in streaming himself working on it.
True love won. Sperg won.
Read, anon, read!
Too hard
Ignore the shitter. oh you're one of them
Huh? I generally try to follow the 07th streams and didn't hear anything about that.
>In a livestream on August 31, 2022, Ryukishi said that Ciconia was his reason to work and live, and that he wanted to finish outside work before continuing it.
>In a livestream on April 29, 2023, Ryukishi hinted that Valentina and Maricarmen would get more spotlight and have a fight scene together. He also stated that his favorite character was Meow.

>Azario Lopez: I feel like you knew this question was coming, but is there any update on Ciconia 2?
>Ryukishi07: Without spoiling much, there are two potential approaches for Ciconia 2: portraying the opposite team’s view from the first one or continuing the first story. Both methods are being considered.

Basically, he has no reason to keep talking about the work he's doing on it and giving details about what he wants to do if he doesn't intend to keep going. If the indefinite delay was a quiet cancellation, he would simply stop talking or thinking about it.
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>his reason to live
I knew about the times you've referenced. The issue is that he talks about it because people keep questioning him, but he hasn't giving any real solid update on it at all.
Again, I think that if he had no interest in pursuing it, he would just say that the project won't be continuing, or give a vague answer like it hasn't been decided yet. Him going over specific story details he wants to include tells me this is still something he's working on.
shut up faggot
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I'm literally Irie
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Where the fuck is the Nanoha crossover
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hopefully never and it doesn't deserve it despite /u/ shit, it will never. higu failed.
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Rika from another fragment
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Rika from another fragment
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Thats Erika, silly
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I wish I was an anime girl
Straightest 07thchud
Straightest 07thchud
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I can be an anime girl that's lesbian so it's not gay
You are the real Rikaschizo anon
True. Rika tells me to lift and get stronger constantly. This is the whispering Akasaka heard in his ear and the true Furude way.
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Good morning
Same voice actress btw.
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How did she manage to voice three best girls in three different works?
Bernkastel from another fragment
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Does anyone know the source for this art? I've never found it, drives me crazy
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Where is this from? I heard this was the original scrapped last volume cover for the Mekashi arc.
oh! thanks anon. a shame it's not its own piece
Wrap up cover for Meakashi that came as an extra in the Monthly Gan Gan Wing magazine.
>Rena together with Keiichi
Based based based
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Essentially like this?
Yeah, like that.
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But we don't know for sure if it was the original plan for the cover art, right? No official statement?
Yeah, I can't confirm that part. Just checked the artist's twitter and there were basically no comments about Meakashi either.

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>Umineko ASMR - Bernkastel laughs and mocks your p
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Happy birthday Erika my beloved
When the seagulls cry, there are no survivors.
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I have not been to these threads in a while, I have a beach Battler/Maria/Lambdadelta commission on the way, but I also really need to put a Sakiko/Keitarou commission in since I said before I would, I keep getting sidetracked with other commision ideas...
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Also I didn't mean to spoiler this post, done that twice today now.
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My tbp...
Rikaschizo took refuge in /vn/
He's such a loser jesus christ at least he's not doing it here anymore
thats a satokofag, rikaschizo is just posting rika
That's clearly ryko, check your glasses.
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Bernkastel but emo
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Haven't been checking new fan art of her and damn theres lot of interesting stuff

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