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Previous Thread: >>47846377
dumb nigger
Luv Hasshi.
I have a cousin who was born on the exact same day as her.
Why are you like this?
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Lucky guy.
someone has to post the no make up hasshi now
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The tattoo is fake guys, it's just some fucking cartoon cat fake tattoo kids usually get.
Now her tits on the other hand... is very much real.
She announced her marriage like one month after her Hawaii trip.
I took it with a grain of salt, but 5ch anons said that it's pretty usual for women to take pre-marriage trip with their fiancee in Japan.
Holy fuck. Why doesn't she wear that on the Japanese streets?
She's on the prowl for some Samoan bulls.
Only shows them during Halloween
Japan is too cold.
She is not.
They're real and they're spectacular.
I want to shamelessly flirt on her in front of her parents and siblings.
Wouldn't that make them feel uncomfortable?
I'm just asserting my dominance in front of her dad.
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My wife (right) and our special needs daughter (left), please be nice to her.
Why aren't you breeding your wife more?
Breeding the one on the left.
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I should have made the thread before this dumbfuck decided to
It's a good pic but it should have been Minori for her birthday. Or at the very least the pic of Ayaka's ass.
What ass?
I don't have the pic on this device.
Today was indeed a good day. Have some cute Minoringo [spoiler|also naobou[/spoiler]
Good enough
I know but I backspaced after to delete the || and caught a ]
Don't look at this link, he just wants your personal info. I bet he's not even the birthday guy.
I don't get any viewer activity. I started using Google Drive because Streamable compresses far too much and yet demands smaller file sizes, and then they delete videos if they do get regular views.
Small price to pay for cute seiyuu.
rio is every SC's boyfriend
It seems like every branch has one of them. Who is the equivalent in gakumas?
As long as you're okay with getting doxed.
She certainly has the male appearance part down.
How would he get my personal info?
If you have it on your Google account he gets it when you check his shit.
That isn't how that works.
sex with rio
Dude, don't lie to get people's personal info
computer, enhance!
You can see on the file that it's a publicly shared and doesn't require an account to view. Drive doesn't give a file owner any information or indication of user viewing, downloading, or copying files, you might be confused from previously using Workspace which can have view data enabled.
Also bonus meme if you are planning are sharing a file with Drive, your account name and info is on the file
Oh shit, I gotta take down all my trib videos.
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You can tell deep down they really love and respect each other.
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Hello sir, I'm afraid that your daughter is wearing a curtain.
I need to peer beyond the curtain
I can see her torn shorts
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You can post this all you want, I'm still gonna jerk off to it every time.
I don't get it.
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What do you not get
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Sex with the cute chinese on the left
nari without the makeup/filters
hardly a ground breaking composition but yukki's voice is beautiful so that automatically gives it points
i'd like to see her doing an op or ed theme for something onde day
I miss Runa
Apparently Pyon babby is born.
Yamazaki Jr is a boy but Pyon was hoping for a girl.
I hope her and Yui's kid become good friends.
We all do.
I do as well but I do also like the replacement
Both are good.
I don't get it.
Ninomiya isn't like this.
Yui Ninomiya also had a kid recently.
Million and Cinderella can't be friend
that's crazy
Those are lovers.
Now I'm not naming names but let's just say that some ML seiyuu REALLY need to follow their leader
You mean all of them
Agreed, they should all dye their hair and start wearing color contacts.
Colleagues from the same agency and music label.
Everyone is Yukiyo this Yukiyo that, But I find Minako's VA quite attractive and she also needs to get married
She can be cute but she often looks kind of crazed. Maybe it's the mouth.
Well, at least she's not Aberika-tier
She also used to be kind of cute, maybe handsome for a woman.
Yukiyo is old and ugly and needs to retire.
Another thread where we admit that Yukiyo has always been massively overrated?
I LOVE Koroazu!
Shio is terrible.
What's bad about her?
She isn't as good at acting or singing.
I used to think Aberika was cute but it feels like she looks even crazier these days. I think most ML seiyuu (most iM@S seiyuu in general for that matter) look better with age but not her
I don't believe you. Runa was already absolute crap.
Is Suwa a controlling spouse?
Exceptions being...
>Pyon (bad hair dye)
>Machico (bad hair dye, looks dumpier)
>Kakumoto (fat)
>Nansu (bad hair dye)
>Kido (balding, not really her fault so it's unfortunate)
There's a reoccurring trend with the ones who don't look as good anymore
What's the trend?
Huh that must have meant she was preggers during the 10th live with a fetus in her...
Not an ML but
>wedding in June
>baby in October
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>Yukiyo turns 40 next year
>Not married
>No baby
I could have saved her...
They got married way earlier, they just had the reception in July.
All that matters is you fill out the family registration and turn it in. The actual wedding dress-up stuff is optional.
Kind of generic but her pipes carry it well.
Shio is even worse.
Yeah, I was surprised they did a ceremony then, it was so long after, I think it must have been at least a year after.
Hitomi looks better with the blonde hair.
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Erichi photo book announced, hopefully it's good.

Sometimes she looks really good, sometimes she doesn't. I hope they take the time to make sure they get good pictures of her, and I hope they take some really lewd ones.
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I don't think we'll get anything lewd judging by the pre-release photos but the photos were taken in Okinawa apparently so maybe there's a slim chance.
I won't be buying it then. I like her enough, but not enough to buy a photo book of her without any lewd shots
I actually laughed at how generically bland the instrumental sounds but her voice really is trying to make it anything beyond mediocre
I hope she gets a decently big anime OP someday so she can get some actual eyes on her because she definitely has the talent for it but unfortunately she just got dealt the same shoddy hand 98% of seiyuu who go into music get dealt
Maybe she wanted to wait for a real opportune time so that all her invitees would be available.
That would definitely explain it. Granted I'm not criticizing her, it just surprised me when I saw people talking about going to her wedding that long after the fact. Honestly I don't really follow ml and I don't think I've really seen her in anything other than the crossover games but it's nice to see her moving forward in life and seeming so happy.
Are you guys gonna buy her calendar?
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Thanks, brekkiemeansbrekkie. Very cool.
I think with some VAs you can just tell whether or not they'll do a lewd photobook. I'd like to see some SCs with swimsuit/lingerie shots (ex: Damayu, Yukki, Shio, Eri herself, etc) but their presented image makes this unlikely. I think it's more likely with certain others.
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transparent bra straps will never not look absolutely terrible
I agree. If a strap is needed then a normal strap is way more appealing.
They're alright as long as you don't see them, and as most of the time you see these outfits from a long enough distance away, it's whatever imo
Which others do you think are obvious?
Likely, not obvious.
I feel that Sayanee is likely. I would also not be shocked if Hitomin took that route.
She could've at least give us one sexy PB...
I'm baffled that no one ever offered her a PB deal yet.
Even uggos like Noriko got one.
Why would you want another uggo to get one?
Yukiyo is a beauty pageant finalist.
She's objectively beautiful.
You mean "was", not "is". Meaning true in the past, but no longer true.
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Yeah it's weird she never actually did a PB when she is 100% totally cute enough for one. I'm guessing she probably hates males and didn't like the idea of them wanking it to her.
If she really didn't want men wanking to her she never would've become an iM@S seiyuu where she has to wear idol outfits every year and do dances in front of hordes of otaku men
She gotta pay the bills somehow.
True. Those cats ain't cheap.
Yukiyo could ara ara me while I try to reignite her dying star
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No one is wanking to that ugly old cunt.
These days her content is so sparse and probably behind a paywall. Used to be a favorite of mine to tribute when she was more generous.
>Used to be a favorite of mine to tribute
Prove it.
nature is healing
What a nice sunset. I'm glad there's nothing else in this image that is drawing my attention so I can focus on the sunset.
There is a whore blocking the sunset...
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>I'd like to see some SCs with swimsuit/lingerie shots (ex: Damayu, Yukki, Shio, Eri herself, etc)

Shio answered your wish sorta.
She should answer my wish and quit being a seiyuu.
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I saw, but honestly I found pic related more erotic. Bra strap skindentation.
A tease, but first one isn't very revealing and the second is not unusual when the live outfits have bare shoulders.
Yeah I don't see her going the full fanservice route but I'd be glad to be proven wrong. I want to say Chisa might head in this direction but iirc she has a tame PB in the works.
Chisa should do AV. I want to see her tear some cocks with that fang.
That's her bus trip plan though.
One of us needs to go on that trip and see her fanging and banging in person. Maybe get some videos too.
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I can't believe she's pregnant in this pic
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It was very good but
>they didn't undress like in the MV
Is Yaya okay?
Is she ever okay?
Just believe that she is
I have a good feeling about Halloween
What's so special about Halloween?
Mentally? Probably not. But her body definitely looks more than okay there, she has some nice juicy thighs in that pic
Why do they undress in the MV?
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Their shirts got wet.
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The girls in the game MV have different members (and outfits) from this webm. But yeah, probably not proper im@s live material either way.
It's too risky to potentially have a wardrobe malfunction or they definitely would have done it.
Why didn't the audience ejaculate all over them onstage so they'd be forced to strip?
When have they ever worn bikinis at an iM@S live
They don't wear them because of potential wardrobe malfunctions.
Yeah that must but it.

Pyon feet
It obviously is. Girls don't like showing their nipples off by accident
Guys, don't look at this.
I don't want to look at it.
It is possible to do swimsuit and wet lives, but most seiyuu would probably balk at the idea. I don't blame them for shooting down any suggestion, but I still want to see it.
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It's definitely possible, but iM@S has always been a series that prioritizes seiyuu comfort at lives above anything else, to the point where even if an outfit has exposed midriff or shoulders, seiyuu can request to have them covered up. It's not like underground idol stuff or even something like Love Live where the girls don't get much say and have to do what their contract says.
I do agree that I want to see it though. In a just world, we'd have MOIW but every outfit was a swimsuit.
Aimi covering herself is a crime, same with Miyu
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I've always thought Risa's VA has nice racks.
She is pretty and should be more popular.
I'm gonna need a few more pictures of her breasts to judge
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absolute shit taste desu
> Not liking plastic
Chisa is still hiding her fang.
Honoke called a Ryoko a nepobaby and got rekt.
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Middle looks cute in blonde.
This reminds me though, do you have the webm where Suzaki Aya actually does kiss the lady who's name I can't remember? It wasn't an im@s event.
Reina needs to quit being a wimp and go full Mingosu and kiss them for real
Did Mingosu ever actually do that without having been drinking?
No but here's a youtube link.
Mingosu is one the very few VAs who I think is legit gay.
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Just went and made one
She's been working her way up.
I don't think Reina is actually gay, but she's always making kissy faces and talking about falling in love with girls, I wouldn't be shocked if she was.
She's done it to Nu at multiple lives I believe
If Ayaka, Azusa and Yuuma haven't done it, I don't see why Reina has to.
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Those three aren't going around pretending to kiss their unit mates
If Azusa had been cast as Rin instead of Shizuka she'd be kissing one of her unit mates all the time, since she does that anyway.
We're never getting this Nari again are we?
Not at Imas lives.
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What did she mean by this?
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She just made a kissy face, which these girls do, but Damayu wanted a kiss.
Imagine Damayu kissing a girl on stage hahaha
That would be silly
Imagine Damayu kissing me in bed hahaha
That would be silly
Are you a cute girl?
Imagine Damayu kissing me, in the nude. That'd be very silly.
I wish
I don't blame her for wanting to kiss Reina.
Shio is so awful. Can't they just fire her, rehire Runa and just call her by a different name?
Yaya needs to be happier.
She needs to be less happy.
Is she already sad again? Was the live even 48 hours ago
Reina is another one on my PB wishlists.
Her menhera kicks in as soon as she leaves a stage.
I love that song.
Sometimes I wonder if these shitposts are for real.
Probably not, so it's best to ignore them.
Azusa and Megu should do a shared PB.
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Azusa and Megu should do me.
I need a megu gf real bad
>Reina is another one on my PB wishlists.
Mine too. I'm hoping the calendars her and Mayu are doing are a step in that direction.
Does Mayu have the body for that kind of work?
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She has nice thighs in that one Christmas photo.
Her ass is pretty nice. I don't see her or Reina showing off that much though.
Got any good pics of her ass for reference?
I do not. Source is "trust me, bro".
Kissing this boy
Kissing this girl.
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Which one?
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The only girl in the picture.
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Slut (said lovingly)
Any honsexuals in chat?
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Ever since that one photo got posted where she had a really fucked up looking nose and I can't look at her the same way anymore. I have to take out my Alstro lust on Noriko now
For me it was how bad she looked without make up in her PB.
I saw the ring and got excited for a second, but it's on the wrong finger.
I've always been a nepobaby myself.
I've always preferred Ryoko but there was a long period of time when I wanted to fuck all 3 of them.
Well she's 35 y.o this year which is in ideal age range of marriage (?). So you can expect her to get married at any time.
I hope she gets married soon, preferably to me, but I'll be happy for her if she's found someone.
i like all 3, bite me
>Chisa will never leave a bitemark on you
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I hate how she's hiding it more and more these days
Same. She should just get braces and get it fixed.
Million Live dentist hands made this post
You mean orthodontist.
Don't you fucking dare
Now you got me curious, show the pic.
I used bleachbit to erase my HDD after I saw that. If you download the PB it should be obvious which pics she's not wearing makeup in since she looks like the fucking crypt keeper. If you can't find it I'm sure someone else in the thread has the link.
I mean in general, she doesn't always need to look menhera
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She likes looking menhera, but she could easily transition to slut.
As I implied, she will probably go back to her natural look outside lives at some point.
She should transition to slur.
Reina <3
If you don't lust for Aberika you are genuinely gay.
Machico looks so bad with that dye hair. She should just dye it all back to black.

6 years ago I'd agree
One of the less offensive colors desu
Unrelated but Aimin sexo
Bro she doesnt even look human anymore
I'm sure she already gets blacked regularly.
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I am looking forward to this Reina's lewd gravure pics.
I'll be able to die happy if they come.
I don't
her pale body
I'd rather the other Reina this one has ugly teeth.
Hush your mouth
>not wanting to see Shama's beautiful skin she keeps hidden from the world
She does have beautiful pale and smooth skin.
They are both beautiful, why not both?
Your favorite seiyuu, with a tan.

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