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It's the month of 'teneween again! Let's celebrate it /jp/ with another Lemontene thread!
I decided to try to doodle tene every day in the thirty days up until teneween. I am not an artist at all so there won't be any quality, but I still think it would be nice. If other people want to join in and doodle tene anytime you're welcome. I will do my best to keep up until the end of the month.
30 days until teneween!
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oh, a great start, tene even got a birthday cap.
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Does anyone have a better pic of last year's hat?
nope, but tene is not that old.
She was just celebrating 4chan's birthday with everyone in /jp/! She was invited to the party too!
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there's no birthday party without... a birthday cake!
Cute, I love this.
that is incredibly cute thanks anon for contributing to this thread. You're a great inspiration for always doing such beautiful doodles and nagging people to try doodling too.
>and nagging people to try doodling too
kek. but it did work in the end, there's a few anons doodling around in jaypee and they're all quite good. doodles are more a matter of heart than skill after all.
let's not forget the spookies, this is still a 'ween thread.
This is a Touhou thread secondaries are not welcomed.
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please dont bully ciruno-chan.
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She's not even a touhou character
WTF are u talking about?
the party is over... gotta wait until the end of the month for the next one.
Cirno isn't a touhou character she's secondary shit.
He means that Cirno is the wrong spelling! We should all use Chiruno because it's cuter!
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Today is the second day of teneween! A classic scene of Lemontene enjoying some lemon tea
29 days until teneween!
very nice!
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Coming in with a bit of a Tene Dump.
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oh, i didnt have this tene. she's cute.
Nice, I like both of their designs!
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tene working for the bunbunmaru (maybe).
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Tried to doodle a sitting tene
It's important to take it easy to enjoy the whole month!
28 days until teneween!
she sure is hard at work but I feel like mr. sun over there might be newsworthy as well
very cute!
cool chilltene.
halloween is truly the favourite holiday of the fairies
the day they can prank AND get candy!
true, but fairies can get pranked too, so for some touhou 'ween can be seen as payback time.
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A bit late today.
This is tene with a flower. She's helping at the garden
27 days until teneween!
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helping yuuka, i guess.
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tene is tiny no more.
So nice of Yuuka to get smuggled lemon trees into Gensokyo! I do wonder if there's the right climate and soil for it there but the plant master knows best.
Very cute dai-style tene
she has a good relationship with her sister.
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last glimpse of autumn
a butterfly
lands on a dog's nose
didn't autumn just start? time sure does fly in Gensokyo
time goes by quickly when you're having fun!
you know, there's so cold and rain where i am that i actually forgot we're still supposed to be in autumn. feel free to read "last glimpse of summer", the haiku works anyway.
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Today tene struggled a bit with autumn. Sometimes the seasons can be hard to deal with. But fairies' indomitable spirit will always prevail.
26 days until teneween!
nobody can stop the tene (or any fairy).
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After some big struggles yesterday, today tene enjoys a great hamburger
25 days until teneween!
eating big, to have big fun later.
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The preparations for teneween are well underway! I hope everyone can coordinate their efforts well.
24 days until teneween!
a dangerous guest, but she should know a couple of things about 'ween.
Everyone that can help, helps. Even if they have a pumpkin on their head.
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Every day with tene is all okay! Fairies don't have a lot to worry about so they're good in taking it easy and enjoying every day.
23 days until teneween!
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7th tene in a row. not bad at all.
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I hope daidarabocchi-san visits the fairies too.
Somehow I am always doing these late. I hope I don't make tene worried about missing a day.
There's still a lot to teneween after all.

22 days until teneween!
it's not always easy to doodle, just like with any form of art a bit of inspiration is necessary.
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tene dealing with the dangerous koisheepu
It's ok, the Koisheep's shearing is long overdue.
Well yes, but it's more that I am forgetting to do it early. I have lots of motivation to doodle tene! She's cute so it's always good.
be careful tene. Things never go as planned with koisheep
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It's already the 10th day of teneween, but 'tene is still to choose her costume... Well, there's still a lot of options and time.
21 days until teneween!
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last year she was a lemondemon, maybe this teneween she gonna pick up something even more scary.
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tippy still got a lot to learn before matching tene in stoneskipping.
Oh no... From this image I think I already know what tene's costume is going to be... a rock that looks good for skipping but is actually bad
tene's technique is truly amazing. I'll admit that I never managed to make a stone skip more than once.
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Today tene was going out for a walk to meet her friend Lily White, when she met a really scary person. She tried to hide behind a tall tree and wait for her friend, but for some reason she didn't show up.
The real scary fact is why Lily's here even though it's not spring.
20 days until teneween!
That's Lily Black, White's evil twin! Be careful tene.
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tene jogging around.
it's all okay! thank you tene!
something happened with one of the prismies there...

I will doodle tene in like two hours. It still counts, right? It's still the 12th where I live.
at worst you can try to draw two tene doodles in a row. just dont overdose on vitamin c.
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sukutene or lemonsuku? that's a real dilemma.
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Cute tene suku! Can't believe tene has her own suku now!

Anyway, today tene is trying out this whole music thing. Can't be harder than skipping stones, and she's the best at that, so she'll surely be able to do it. Somehow.
19 days until teneween!
rock on, tene!
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It will be hard to beat Remi's enthusiasm! But fairies will make it somehow

Today is a rest day for tene. Even fairies get tired sometimes, so it's important to know when to take a break.
18 days until teneween!
sleep well, tene.
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tene racing with the wind.
>I'll admit that I never managed to make a stone skip more than once.
seek a stone light and flat. a loli stone, one may say. they're the best ones for skippin'.
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never knew she was this fast wow. I wonder what motivated tene to run with so much energy

Fairies can be quite cute at all times of the year, but please respect their personal space if they're feeling uncomfortable! Pinching their cheeks or playing with their faces should only be done with consent!
17 days until teneween!
This looks like someone is punching 'tene in the face...
Well, some people in Gensokyo have strange ways to show their love. But don't punch fairies please!
it's just a playful cirno punch. at least i hope so...
A fucking commie
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So what's with the piss colored Daiyousei?
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wow! did she go play with chen? She looks very cute.

Most days with fairies are pretty happy! They visit friends, go play in the fields and forests, eat sweets and sing jolly songs. So I need to doodle more happy tene!
16 days until teneween!
cute happy tene.
Looks more like kitsunetene
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when neko grow adults they become kitsune. this is what ran told me.
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We're already halfway through the month and tene is still to decide on her costume! Her friends all already have cool things to wear, but tene still hasn't managed to find what she wants, though I am of the opinion that anything would look great on her.

15 days until teneween!
cirno taller than tene? there must be some trick...
cirno is standing on dai-chan's shoulders!
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Even the great have to practice. Today tene is practicing her skills! The correct position of the body, the correct shape of the stone, the correct grip on the stone, the correct moment to let go... all of these are important for a good throw! Sometimes tene tries new positions or different kinds of stone, and I've even heard she sometimes tosses other things into the lakes and rivers of Gensokyo. No doubt her dedication is what makes her the best in the land!
14 days until teneween!
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the trips gonna help tene in her quest for power.
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Sweets for fairies and all is right in the world! Obviously a huge part of what makes teneween so special for fairies is the huge amount of sweets that can be collected at almost no cost. The fact that these that don't want to give sweets can be pranked with no repercussions makes it the best day!
13 days until teneween!
lucky tene for she doesnt have to worry about cavities or diabetes.
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tene must tame the dark forces if she wants to get lots of candies next teneween.

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