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I want to the Chinese girl for Halloween!
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Don't let your dreams be memes!
Oh, and the story archive.
What's even happening in this picture?
A man getting turned into Alice via hula hoop dropping over his head. This magical technique is known as 2hoop.
Oh, right, the lower half seemed so feminine already that I thought it was another girl getting the alicefication treatment.
war crimes
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! Autogynophilia thread !

Be aware this is NOT an Alice thread, this thread is for men who want to delude themselves into believing they're women and read stories about turning into one.
Do not make a mistake. This thread is made for /trash/ rejects who want to engage in sex change focused erotic roleplay with each other.
Thank you for reading this public service announcement.
Didn't have to insult his former manhood like that...
thank god. alice was getting too cocky lately.
I DON'T want to be Sagume!
>Be aware this is NOT an Alice thread, this thread is for men who want to delude themselves into believing they're women and read stories about turning into one.
>Do not make a mistake. This thread is made for /trash/ rejects who want to engage in sex change focused erotic roleplay with each other.
OK but how is this different from a normal Alice thread? Are you telling me that Alice doesn't have Autogynophilia, or Autoandrophilia, or whatever? We all know that she's a weirdo into weird stuff
Thanks for the heads up man, really looking out for everyone here.

Anyways, kinda curious if anyone actually does have any ‘hu costume plans this year
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anon... that girl is not chinese! BEWARE THE ROMANIAN DYKE!
I'm sorry, traditional Japanese clothing is so unisex...
will this post rival the nue thread in term of kinofaggotery ?
Sounds like kind of a tall order.
Only time & posting will tell.
Halloween seems like the right time for it. It's not Christmas, but it's still a time to give out sweets, so I'm doing requests again.
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is she ok?
Almost never but she'd likely still appreciate the concern.
>doing requests
For as many stories as there's been by now, unless I'm mistaken, I'm surprised nobody's tried to take a crack at an Orin tf of some kind.
Seems like she'd have the right kind of 'appeal' for some, especially considering the nature of her threads (consistently horny). I suppose this would be a potential request to go off of but it isn't anything essential.
Just a thought.
Do one about an anon that gushes about being a touhou getting forcibly turned back into a man.
Something with huge tits.
I'll either do an anon getting fat cat tats or I'll also include >>47936766 kinda and do Orin's super natural feline getting reduced to nothing more than a Halloween costume for some overly horny /jp/sy. Unfortunately, work decided I'll be busy for a little over 24 hours, but I'll work on it as I can.
Orin going to the outside world during Halloween despite Satori's warnings! Her going to a costume party! A person there insisting that Orin is in costume! Orin tries to argue, but each time the person rationalizes one of Orin's features as a part of a costume, or fake, they really become fake! The person ends up rationalizing Orin as nothing more than a weird perverted guy dressing up as a cat girl! Orin-kun returns to Gensokyo to try and get someone to fix his predicament, but everyone just remembers him as this weirdo horny /jp/sie dork instead of a cat girl!

Never go into the outside world, it's dangerous!
I was originally going to do her falling into that abyssal Hell that I can't remember the name of, and following a light that redistributes her fat from her chest to rest of her and turns her into a pudgy pervert when it turns out the light was just a computer screen and the abyssal Hell was just a really dark room and all those cat features were just costume stuff he got off the Internet. I do like this idea too... I'll toy around with it.
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Did not expect the cruel & unusual punishment route with that thought but now my curiosity kinda wants to see how this plays out, it'd be a twist on the usual predicament for sure if nothing else.
>anon getting fat tats
As everyone should.
Show concern towards Alice means you worry about her which means that you like her enough to think of her wellbeing and liking someone is practically the same as marrying someone so now you are married to Alice and her stalking, drugging and raping you is completely normal
But I don't want to be drugged! That's not nice!
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Alice stealing your gender! Now you're his wife!
I'm mostly okay with this honestly, a private life with Alice-kun seems pretty cozy and I don't think he'd mind having a caring NEETwife who can also be just as off-putting to some
Alice renounced her Hot Makai Body because Men Rule the World and it will land him a /jp/sie now girlfriend!
sadly, any /jp/sie is 300% more sociable that Alice! they will use their new Glorius Makai Genes and live a peaceful life with a rich villager! Alice-kun alone and even more undesirable!
I don't care about money! Even if I'm more sociable and Alice-kun stole my gender, he still needs a companion! I'll be that companion! Shinki won't need to worry anymore!
I have no idea how you hoes even find some of this stuff (unless it's like Pixlv or something and I've just never somehow found it) but bless you for whatever your method is.
I think Hula Hoop tf has gradually become one of my favorite TF methods. There's just something about 'em that really get me going. Espically when there's a weird layer of goop running through the middle of the hoop
You're sent to Gensokyo and given the power so that everytime you kiss someone, you'll swap bodies. This bodyswap effect lasts until the end of 24 hours. What's your gameplan?
If you do it to Mizuchi, would it be possible to then possess somebody with her body? How convoluted can the body snatching logistics get?
Sure. And then you could kiss someone else, but they'd swap into Mizuchi possessing the Touhou
Mixing up everyone's bodies in Gensokyo ! Flatties to titty monsters ! Rinnosuke in Reimu's body !
Everyone would be very upset with you if you don't return them to their original bodies before the 24 hours is up! You don't want all of Gensokyo mixed up and confused, do you? What if someone powerful, like Yukari, Hecatia, or Yuuka gets mad at you!?
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You're the same anon who's favorite is Jo'on right? In that case I'd say it's time we pay that off. How about a pinup where a absolutely moronic retard desperate for any sort of rebound gambles his masculinity instead of any money against Jo'on and then becomes her Gyaru yesman / showgirl. Maybe have like a scene where Jo'on and Shion bring him to the Human village and has him advertise the Gambling Den on Youkai Mountain with teasing pole dances.

Only issue is I'm not completely sure which of these characters I want it to be. Maybe you guys in the thread can help me decide. Whichever one is chosen though I want a small interaction where the original girl is completely miffed at there suddenly being another tanned version of her now slutting it up in public.
What are they going to do when they're inhabiting the bodies of the Three Fairies of Light?
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If they know about the 24 hour thing, probably lie in wait until the last 5 minutes and then ambush you to make sure YOU'RE the one stuck as a dumb fairy
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This is what happens when you use a specific character's threads to Yuri/NTR/Scat/Diaper/ect post.
You know what they say: "Don't eat too much or you'll become cheese""
Becoming Seija is too good a fate for shitposters. Let them become fairies or Jiangshi
I vote for them to be jiangshi because they'd be too stiff to really type out shitposts.
It was a pleasant Autumn day, the leaves had turned but not fallen from the their trees, the weather was chilly but not so frigid as to be painful, and I stood here atop the mountain temple by Kanako-Sama's side.
"Hmm, my fear was ill-founded, seems the Tengu didn't have any plans to raid us before winter. Sorry for making you stand at attention so long." She told me with her arms crossed.
"It's not a bother Kanako-Sama, I'm honored that you can rely upon me so."
It had been difficult for me in Gensokyo, I'm the type of person that wants to support other people's ambitions, but the impressive sorts here didn't care for a human's help. However, by some fortune it would lead me to a strange green-haired girl who would lead me to someone who'd accept my aid. Kanako-Sama had far away surpassed my expectations: ambitious yet measured, proud and beautiful yet not feeble or too haunty, careful but not pedantic, it was the kind of person that one didn't mind being lead by, which is what made her unpopular with the other strong-headed people in Gensokyo. I didn't mind that though, it just meant I had more time with her myself.
"I don't think you'd complain even if I asked you to do something unreasonable... let's test this theory then, I'd like an offering from you, something irreplaceable." She said to me.
Idlily I thought for a moment and said "If you'd ask me for a part of my body, I wont refuse, yet it will hinder what help I can provide you."
She gave me a small smile "No, I wouldn't be pleased with such a sacrifice, but what about that ring of yours? It seems to be made of a metal not found in Gensokyo."
I tensed and rubbed the jewelry between my fingers. "This was given to me by my Father, it's the only heirloom I have of my home outside... if you'd ask me for it though-"
"So stingy." She chuckled and took her own ring. "Then shall we make an exchange? That way your hand won't be missing anything."
Exchanging rings? She couldn't mean... "Yes, my dear follower, those are my intentions. Will you accept them?"
Slowly I nodded, took off my ring, placed it on her hand, and took her own. She put mine on first, looked at it, and smiled, then I put her's on my own finger and the swap was complete.
For a moment it was warm and quiet between us, the autumn air sent a small gust through our hair, and like a thunderclap, my vision flickered and I saw a completely new sight: A tall man with short purple hair, wearing the robes of one of Kanako-Sama's attendants.
"What's this?" I asked and felt my voice was strange, like it was out of tune and I reached forward and almost fell on my face because I felt so light and off-balance.
"Hmm, strange, although I suspected such could happen after that mess with Okina. Oh, careful now." the man said as he caught me before I fell.
"Let me take this, it's quite heavy you know." he added as he lifted the large Shimenawa that floated behind me and set it on his own back.
"Kanako-Sama?" I realized.
"In the flesh, or, yours I suppose. Do you feel alright? The body of a god can be rather disorienting."
"I, I feel light and lopsided? My head's fuzzy too... Kanako-Sama maybe if we swap the rings we'll go back?"
For a moment he tugged at his finger before shaking his head "Seems it won't come off and forcing things could have consequences. Never mind that though, the mood is not beyond saving I think." He said, brushing some of the hair from my face.
My heart began to beat harder and the fuzziness in my head radiated throughout my body. I must admit, sometimes I did imagine holding Kanako-Sama and, being with her like this, yet I put those thoughts aside, it wasn't my place Afterall.
Now that he looked at me with those slit pupils, I could tell she was no different, yet that same fear, or maybe shame, caused my skin to tingle. He pressed onward, extending his hand down my arm and drawing his body closer, inching his chest towards mine, sliding his leg until it was against my thigh and... I heard a loud crack.
All the sudden the man's face was turned sideways, a growing red bruise appearing on his cheek, and my own arm was drawn across my bosom with the hand that had dealt the blow.
"Kanako-Sama... I'm Sorry! I, I didn't mean to, it was-" I struggled out.
"No, the fault is mine. I moved too quickly. Pray, wait here a minute, I'll get Suwako and we'll get to the bottom of this strange phenomenon." He said, almost touching my hand as he did, but pulled back, as if he thought better of it.
Kanako-Sama quickly walked away and left me sitting on the porch of the temple, feeling empty, but even still, hot tears began to streak down my face. What had I done? Just a moment ago we were exchanging rings and the next I smacked him! The person I respected, the one I loved, just what had happened to me?
I wish I was Koishi. That way I'd be too stupid and carefree to have any worries.
Kanako-sama wasn't even phased by the body swap, she's either planned this out ahead of time or is just that cool! Amazing!
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>Body Swapping with Kanako
>We all know that she's a weirdo into weird stuff
I will cut your limbs off and mail them to your relatives you subhuman filth
You won't do shit Alice, go back to schlicking with your dolls before your mom bursts in and asks if you're winning
Shinki is going to be very disappointed when she finds out you're making such bitter posts online Alice. How are you ever going to hope to get a boyfriend acting like this?
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Okay but imagine turning into Okuu but there's already an Okuu so the only difference between you two is you have bigger breasts.
"Suwako-San do you have a moment? I need your help again." I said as I closed the door firmly behind me.
"Of course, anything for the bride to be! Come, take a seat. And stop it with the honorifics, Kanako will throw a fit if you don't." She said as she patted the seat beside her.
In the meeting following 'the event' the two gods had unveiled... nothing. Neither had any idea on what had occurred and all we could think to do was send a missive to Okina, who had allegedly enacted a similar phenomenon with his now wife. There was no telling when or if the secret god would reply, so for now the marriage was postponed.
In the meantime Suwako had helped me maintain my new feminine matters, which were even more extensive then I'd imagine. Hair, skin, posture, nail care, makeup, jewelry, other sorts of hygiene, I had gotten a full-course lecture series in the span of a week. Sanae joined in some as well, but was more interested in asking me strange questions and telling me her own theories, namely that it was either the work of aliens or a conspiracy by a rival god, which was nice in it's own way.
"Why are you slouching? You should walk with your back straight, bust out, head up remember?" She asked me as I sat down.
"Well, uhm, it might be easier if I just showed you." I murmured as I scanned the room again to make sure nobody was there, then quickly pulled my blouse over my head and revealed the issue.
Suwako sighed. "Geez, what a mess. Thought I told you to tie the Sarashi in the back? And it's bulging out the top here? You've gotta follow the form! Here let me fix it."
"Wait, Suwako, don't!" I said in a panic as she pulled at the knot and with a great force the bandages shot away from my body and my breast landed on me with a loud 'plop' sound.
The Frog goddess stared at my chest, wide eyed and frozen, before I quickly hid the large masses with my arms, my face turning a deep shade of red. After a few moments blinking and a couple shakes of her head Suwako eyes finally looked back up to mine and she asked "Did you gain weight? Are you pregnant?"
"I didn't and I'm not!" I yelled.
"Kanako was big, kind of a waste for an childless woman like that, but your... huge." She said, looking dumbfounded.
I couldn't say anything, the embarrassment, the shame, the feeling of being looked at with those astonished eyes, it was all too much and I started to cry. "What have I done to Kanako-Sama's body?" I sniffled.
Suwako closed her eyes and took a breath before placing a hand on my shoulder. "Shh, shh, shh, girl, it's not your fault, your just going through some things right now alright? Here, just take a deep breath In, In, In, Now slowly, out...." She said softly.
We repeated the breathing exercise a few time while she held my hand and wiped my tears with a handkerchief until my sobs finally started to abate.
"Thank you Suwako and, I'm sorry for causing you trouble like this, I don't know why, my head gets fuzzy and I-" I hiccup.
"It's called being a woman girl, sometimes your mood takes takes swings at you, ah, reminds me of my third child, always a wild card that one. Never you mind though, let's focus on the problem at hand, when did this start?"
"I'm not sure, my blouse felt a little tighter yesterday and when I got up this morning they felt really heavy and when I tried to put on the same blouse It was suffocating."
She nodded, giving me time to compose myself. "Can you move your hands for me? I need to take a closer look."
I nodded and gently released the tight grip I had on my breasts, placing both hand firmly by my side as I turned away. Suwako began her examination by looking at them from the left, then the right, she stood up and then squatted down. "I'll need to touch them, is that alright?" She asked.
I nodded again and braced myself. The touches came softly and felt clinical, she started at the side of the areola and pressed with her finger tips in, repeating the process in a spiral pattern around one breast, then duplicated the process for the other. After completing the two spirals, with one hand beneath my left breast and one hand on top she raised it up and examined it's underside, after which she did the same for the other.
"Well, at the very least they're healthy, unfortunately I don't think I know anything that would causes a goddesses' chest to get bigger like this."
"Oh, well thank you anyway." I mustered, although a little disappointed.
"Take heart, while they are a little big, they're not cancerous or abnormal otherwise, which probably means this is happening for a reason. In the meantime, I'll see to it you get some more fitting clothes, a few sizes bigger, just to be sure, it may not be over after all."
"You're saying they could get bigger?" I asked, a little horrified at the idea.
"I'm saying we have a plan." She smiled and then her face became a little more serious. "Have you talked to Kanako about this? He might know something."
"I wanted to see you first in case there was a way to fix things." I told her.
Suwako put a hand on her hip. "Seems as if there's a new distance between you two, did Kanako do something?"
I squinted a tad and wondered if I should stay quiet about the slap. No, it wouldn't be fair, not after Suwako had helped me thus far, so I explained what happened to her.
"Good, I was afraid he hurt you in bed, good thing you two are sleeping apart for now. Even so, jumping on a girl like that right after proposing, if I were you, I wouldn't setting for anything less then two of his fingers." She said with a grim little smile.
"It's not that I'm angry with him, I, I wanted it to, as a couple I mean! Not me as a woman and Kanako-San as a man it's, it's complicated."
"All the more reason to make sure that snake knows he's making you feel uneasy! Listen, being a wife isn't like being an attendant, if you can't change back, you gotta make sure you've the stomach to tell him off!" She said proudly.
I giggled a bit. "Thanks Suwako-San, I'll try."
"You'd better, now let me see what I can do about that Sarashi in the meantime."
Holy Kanako, marriage AND tiddy, what could be better? Also inb4 Okina is behind it all
don't lump yuri with diapers and NTR pathetic /v/ermin
I don't personally dislike Yuri but it would be lying to not acknowledge the one guy spamming Yuri and TSF in threads they don't belong. Not really any better then Ran prostate or Flan falseflagging about her sister wearing diaper
This has to be the strangest marriage fad in the world. Will the village start using it when it falls out of style with yokai and gods?
"Damn you Mountain Hag!" The Rogue Tengu shouted on reflex.
"Can't you use your eyes a little more? Well, I suppose if you did I wouldn't have caught you, yet here we are." I mused.
"Forgive me, a crude male form suits you so well I could barely tell the difference." She sneered.
I crouched down to the little ingrate and yanked her chin up just enough to make her neck stretch uncomfortably. "I won't take disparaging this body lightly you know, it was a gift after all, but how to punish you? I could yank each feather off one by one, or perhaps break all your fingers so you could never hold a camera again. No, it would be best if I used you in a little ritual wouldn't it? Show the Humans of the village who'll protect them from you buzzards."
"You're bluffing!" She shouted what she knew, yet her body still imagined the torture and so it became real in her head. Now it was time to add a little bit more of the truth to muddle her mind just a bit further.
"Now now, A god's words are sacrosanct you know and without Tenma's protection, you're fair game."
She had nothing to say to that.
"Kanako-Sama, Dinner will be ready shortly." A quiet, serene voice told me as it approached.
When Sanae had first brought the man to the temple I didn't think much of him at the time, a typical man pining for an occupation. Outside humans are rare though, so I acquiesced to his petitions and the decision paid dividends. When I asked something of them, they not only considered the request itself, but understood my will as well. Take for example this interruption just now: they had actually arrived a few minutes earlier, yet, waited until the crucial moment to speak up, thus I had a plausible excuse to be merciful to the trespasser.
"Seems my fiancé won't be waited on, how fortunate for you that I value her cooking over your petty crimes." I said, letting go of the Tengu's neck until an idea struck me "I can't just let you go unpunished however, so I'll have you apologize to her for keeping me from her delicious food."
The Tengu looked at me and then her as a shock came over her. "Kanako? T-two of you b-but..." She stammered.
Maybe more surprising then their talent as my attendant was how well they had stepped into their new role as a woman. When I inhabited my own body, I didn't care much to be regarded as feminine, beautiful and proud certainly, but the feelings I wished to elicit were that of a god who could be relied upon and feared if crossed. On the other hand, she had quickly learned the ways of being a woman from Suwako and the mannerisms of a humble attendant were not to far off from a delicate woman. Her eyes and expression were soft, her hands gently clasped in front of her, she wore kappougi apron, and the autumn seemed to gently part around her out of courtesy.
The Tengu was stupefied by all this, seeing the former body of the proud, powerful Kanako looking like a chaste, virtuous maiden.
"M-my apologizes Yasaka-San!" She blurted out, kneeling before her.
My attendant smiled, not condescendingly, but with the warmth of forgiveness. "Raise your head please, so long as you don't commit further crimes against Kanako-Sama I'll have no quarrel with you."
The Tengu nodded, looked to me, and sped off quickly when I gave her a curt gesture.
"I hope they didn't cause too much trouble?" She asked.
"No, simply a disposable agent trying to stir up trouble, a bud I could nip, but also an asset I could use to in the next negotiation. Thank you for your discretion as always."
"I live to serve you." She bowed slightly, yet I felt something was amiss.
"Is everything alright?"
She looked down, softly placed a hand on her bosom, and said "They looked a little long at my chest, it isn't that apparent is it?"
Despite the kappougi covering them, they were absolutely apparent. When it was my body I did have a reputation for being big, which was an exaggeration you could see in many pieces of art depicting me. The truth was that they were a little larger then average and I had good posture, my attendant though, she now put even those indulgent art pieces to shame.
"Fret not, they're apart of your beauty as well. Here, give me your hand and we'll walk home together." I told her, reaching out.
She winced.
Since we had changed places it was like this. I had moved too quickly, took for granted that she'd know my intentions were pure, and now she feared my touch. It hurt, an affront to my godly statue and one that I had only myself to blame.
"We should be going." I said, beginning to walk off.
"Wait. Kanako-Sama, this much should be fine." She said, slowly putting her arm around mine and pressing, just lightly, against me. Her face became slightly flushed, fitting the autumn surroundings.
Damnit, I want her so much it hurts. Did she feel this way about me before? Constantly fighting the urge to wrap his arms around my body and consummate our relationship? Maybe, but our positions kept us apart before now, now I had vowed to myself not to land a hand on her until we're wed, and before that we had to uncover the mystery of why we'd been swapped. Because I hadn't been entirely forthright with her; Suwako and I did have an inkling on why her body was changing: she was ascending into godhood.
And therein lies the danger, knowing that such a thing is happening can cause panic and negatively impact the transformation. Not everyone is like Sanae, who had her unique, resilient perspective, my attendant was a humble one who lived to support others, not to be propped up herself. It was probably why she was becoming more motherly, more calming, more serene, all these things created an aura that soothed those around her, if this ability fell to anyone else in Gensokyo, they'd surely get up to no good with it. So, to protect her, my attendant must be kept in the dark for now, even if that means I can't be entirely forthright to the one I love, and until the day I can be honest, I'll stave off these desires. Looking at her quietly humming face, that was all I needed for now.
"Did something good happen? you're awfully cheery." I asked.
"I was thinking back to that Tengu, it's a little early for it, but she called me 'Yasaka'." She smiled.
Pretty good so far, albeit I don't really understand the fetishes. It seems you've switched (or swapped lol) perspectives from the attendant to Kanako. That could've been made more clear. Maybe try an omniscient, or selective, third-person perspective? Keep on writing! I'm eagerly awaiting the continuation of this story
Another Chinese girl thread where Kanako isn't the OP image and it's the thread with more writing for her. Very tragic.
"You're already done? How're you so much faster then me?!" Sanae asked I as put the basket of clothes aside.
"The key is making deliberate movements while folding, here, I'll help you finish up." I said as I took half of her remaining load of laundry.
"Geez, I'm jealous you have so much girl power you know! It's not fair, you were even a man up until now!" She said in a huff.
"It'll be that way again soon, besides, I'm jealous of you as well. I can't fight in Kanako-Sama's name after all or call down his miracles." I said, absent-mindedly rubbing the girls head.
One of the nicer parts of this little mess was that I had grown closer to Sanae. Before we didn't have little chats like this, because there was always that awkward gulf of me being a man. I'm going to miss it when I return to my body.
A small tingling feeling in my chest interrupts my thoughts.
"Sanae, my apologizes, but could you finish up here? There's something I need to take care of."
"Uh, sure, it's my load anyway."
"Thanks, I'll make it up to you later." I said, grabbing a bowl as I made my way to my quarters.

"Hey, are you alright? You've been in there awhile, is it something I can help with?" Sanae said, knocking at my door.
"It's just fine Sanae, I uh, I'm mending my clothes is all! Please don't come in!" I yelled.
For a moment, I was safe, but it was only a moment as Sanae then flung open the door and said "If it's that time of the month you can rely on me!" she yelled proudly.
Her kind expression was frozen when she beheld the scene: Me, topless, hunched over a bowl, milk dripping from one of my breasts in my hands, while the other hung free, also dripping.
Oh please, if this is some long-winded fever dream, please let it end here.
"P-p-pr-perhaps y-y-you're pregnant?" Sanae robotically stammered.
"I'm not! This morning they just started leaking. Please, shut the door, It'll just be a moment!" I said, feeling the blood rush to my face.
Sanae gathered her courage and took a firm step forward. "No! Kanako-Sama and Suwako-San are out today, so it's my duty to help you no matter what! W-We can't let ourselves be divided by common sense decency even if, oh geez, that's, a lot." She said, looking at the bowl, which had almost been filled.
"Sorry, It's disgusting isn't it." I said, covering my breasts, even as milk seeped past my fingers.
"No! It's just, I mean, milk helps nourishes babies! As a mammal there's no liquid more prized! Well, except uh, no, I'll leave that aside, the point is, this isn't anything to be ashamed of! That you're so bountiful, it's probably a sign of good fortune!" She reasoned.
The way this girl turned the oddest of situation on it's head was something to behold and, at least now, I was thankful for it.
"Good, now uh, let's go over the problem, you said this started this morning?" She asked.
"Yes, when I woke up my robes and sheets were pretty stained, don't worry, I washed them separately, but at the time Kanako-Sama had already left and I was still leaking so I tried squeezing some out and that seemed to stop them, for awhile at least." I told her.
"How does it feel though? Any malaise? You might have some strange sort of illness." She persisted.
"They feel kind of tingly and a little sore I guess? It, it also just kind of feels 'full', like I've eaten too much, but I don't have a fever or anything."
Sanae nodded and closed her eyes to think for a moment. "I think I might have a solution, it's a little unconventional though. Do you trust me?" She said, staring me dead in my eye.
I nodded, willing to accept whatever help I could get.
Sanae took one of my hands off my breasts, lifted the tit gently toward her mouth, pupped the nipple into her mouth, and began to suck. At first it felt like a pinprick on my nipple and as she continued to suckle it spread warmth to my entire upper body until something felt like it was overflowing, my nipple throbbed, I felt the flow increasing, and started to hear Sanae's gulps as she drank down my milk.
"Sanae wait, this is, ah, too much!" I moaned as the feeling became more surreal.
This girl, she always liked to discard common sense, to this extent though? It was too shameful! Yet the feeling of having her suck on me, something about it made my body tremble, was it some kind of hormonal reaction? It was all I could do to try and keep upright until she finally dethatched from me.
"Ha, ha, see? It stopped." She said haggard for breath as she wiped some milk off the corner of her mouth.
"That was too far Sanae! What if you get sick?" I lectured.
"It's fine! Breast milk is for babies after all and, hah, It tasted really good, like sweet and condensed milk." She said, eyeing my other breast from which milk still dribbled. "Can't do a job halfway right?"
Sanae began to move for the other breast and ended up falling face first into my lap. "Are you alright?" I asked.
"Feeling great!" She said drearily "It's like I'm floating on a cloud! Hey, can I drink in your lap? My leg's are kind of funny."
I, I was at a complete loss for words. Her sleepy emerald eyes and half parted mouth compelled something in me though and I couldn't help but lift her head to my tit and repeat the process all over again. As she suckled, I gently coo'd, stroked the back of her head, and by the time she was done Sanae was fast asleep.

"I am truly sorry for my actions and am ready for divine punishment!" Sanae declared as she slammed her head into the floor
"Hope so, because I'm not going to stop until those queer ideas are expunged from your head!" Suwako-San declared as she snapped a belt for effect.
"Shouldn't I apologize too? Afterall, I didn't tell Sanae off properly." I asked Kanako-Sama, who shook his head.
"She probably one-sidedly forced her opinions on you while you were vulnerable right? It's not like you have anything to apologize for." He said.
"Still, it feels like everyday I'm sullying Kanako-Sama's body more and more." I told him, turning away.
Slowly he moved closer to me and gingerly crept his arm around my shoulder. "Your aren't sullying anything and I'm not going to stop loving you over some strange phenomenon. Tomorrow, let's go see the Doctor in the bamboo forest, I think she'll put your mind at ease."
This time my body didn't wince at his touch, it made me happy to feel Kanako-Sama become more gentle toward me, and yet, and yet...
A new feeling sprouted within me, a longing... the way I held and comforted Sanae, I wanted to do that more...
Holy cow that went in a direction I did not expect
Holy cow indeed
"This is a breast pump." The rabbit nurse, Risen, told me as she held up a plastic device with a funnel attached to a bottle. "It's a convenient item that allows for easy milk collection, but it's still important to 'get things started', so to speak, so, could you expose your top for me?"
A little reluctantly I peeled away the top of my patient's gown to reveal myself to the rabbit, who's expression went from professional to amazed. "Ah, no need to worry! I've done this plenty of times, yeah, they're not unusual at all!" She said, embarrassed.
"Thanks, I'll be in your care." I murmured, a little dismayed that even a trained nurse couldn't help but gawk at them.
Clinically, the rabbit began to to touch my breasts, not as if she was trying to squeeze icing out of bag, but more like she teasing them. Before long, my nipples slowly began to engorge and the rabbit's nails continued brushing eventually caused milk to squirt out. "These motions are called 'Hand Expressions' and can be used to effectively induce lactation. We have a pamphlet describing the techniques I'll give you before you leave. Now, we can move on to the pump."
Riesen lifted my breast, holding the pointed areola between her thumb and fore finger, and plopped it within the funnel like device. With a few pumps of the handle, the suction held the device in place. "And hold that with your hand there for me so I can get the other one..." The rabbit said as she put the other pump in it's proper place.
"Okay, the trick is to keep a constant amount of suction, so, when you feel the flow ebb, just give it a light squeeze. If you pump too much and it starts to hurt, just flick this release right here."
I nodded and squeezed both pumps as instructed, before long the flow increased in amount. Although it wasn't quite the same feeling as being suckled on, the method seemed to be very effective at extracting milk, maybe a little too much so, as both bottles where quickly filled.
"Oh, ah, just hold on a second I'll get some extra bottles." The rabbit said, quickly rummaging through her cart for some spares, releasing the suction, removing the filled bottles, capping them, replacing them, and re-engaging the pumps.
"Is it uhm, usual to go through multiple bottes?" I asked.
The rabbit put a finger to her mouth and thought. "It depends on the woman's physiology and overall health. I would actually so you're fairly healthy to be able to produce this much, we'll know more after doing some tests."
It WAS an outlier. I felt myself get a little more depressed before the door slid open and the doctor came in.
"Doctor we're still mil-, extracting!" The rabbit said as the door was slid shut.
"Yes well, but our time is limited and this is going on a little longer then expected. Is alright if I ask you some questions while you continue?" She turned to me with a smile.
I nodded.
The doctor sat on a stool, crossed her legs, clicked her pen and readied a clipboard. "Good. Now, I'll remind you that the answers to these questions are confidential between you, me, and that rabbit over there who won't share anything with outside parties. Bear in mind, it'll be easier for us to help you if we have factual information, are you ready to begin?"
I nodded again, wishing Kanako-Sama, Suwako, or even Sanae could be here, but for some reason Eirin had forbade it.
"Have you been sexually active?" She asked.
"I haven't."
"And you haven't had any lost time, felt like you weren't yourself, or experienced any hallucinations?"
"Do you know if, prior to your inhabiting Kanako's body, any of these things were true for them?" She asked.
"I was her attendant and would know. Besides, men didn't approach Kanako in that way."
Eirin nodded and wrote some notes down on her clipboard.
"Have you had trouble sleeping, concentrating, or any weight gain?"
"Not really. I've actually been sleeping a little more then normal, my duties are only harder since I can't lift as much easily, and I've made sure to moderate my diet."
More writing.
"Kanako told me that someone suckled on your breast which left you and the person in a strange state, could you describe those to me?"
"It, I felt like sort of a mother I suppose? I just wanted to hold her gently and felt warm. She, uhm, the person in question was, euphoric? Is that the word? It did put her to sleep..." I rambled off.
"Did you experience climax?" She asked.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Did you have an orgasm or 'cum'."
"That uh... is that really important here?"
She nodded. "There's no judgement here, as I said, you answering these questions truthfully is so we can effectively help you."
"I'm not sure. I haven't exactly uh, touched myself since we traded places. I guess it did kind of feel like something 'built up' and released when the flow increased during the suckling. I'm not sure if it was an orgasm though." I meekly told her.
"So, you haven't been masturbating?"
"Why would I?! Ah, sorry, no, I try not to think about those things."
She nodded, more scratches on the clipboard. Riesen sat in the corner, organizing some things on her cart.
"Since the swap, have you felt any feelings of arousal? Towards yourself or others?"
"No. It's not that I don't find Kanako-Sama's body beautiful, just that, well it doesn't seem like her when I look at my reflection. Ah, well if it's about arousal then I have had some. Kanako-Sama was chopping some wood you see and she was sweating an awful lot, but it was my body so... it's strange."
"Very good. That's all the questions I have, thank you for being candid. We'll need to wait for the test results to be sure, but for now I'll write you a prescription for medicine to ease lactation and boost estrogen production." She said, scratching some lines on a pad and handing it to Riesen.
Estrogen? Isn't that a 'female' chemical? why would she prescribe me that?
"You seem confused, so let me explain, godly physiology is a little different after all. In essence, your spirit is male, but your body is female, so to compensate your production of estrogen has increased. We could block this production, but then your body will redouble it's efforts and leave you weak and vulnerable to sickness. So the best course of action is to help things along to a new harmony."
"But, won't my spirit still be male? And, if it's more of the same, then this chest will-"
"Yes, your body will continue to change until the new equilibrium is met. As for your spirit, it will follow suit as well. If you were planning on things going back to the way they were, I'm sorry, but that might no longer be possible."
I felt a pit drop in my stomach. This was absurdly strange, yet I always told myself it was only 'for now' and that things would be righted soon. "What if I don't take the medicine?" I asked.
"The process will continue, albeit more slowly, and you might suffer long term immune deficiencies or worse. Think of it like glass-blowing, if you work the material too slowly it'll become deformed."
"Then, no matter what, I'm going to pervert Kanako-Sama's body and I'll be, oh Kanako-Sama, I should just...just..." Tears welled up in my eyes, again, completely overwhelmed by circumstances.
Riesen got some handkerchiefs and started dotting my tears, unconsciously, I hugged the rabbit.
Eirin waited a while for me to cry, then said. "If I could be so bold, perhaps you're not seeing the opportunity here."
I looked up at her, wondering how in the world this tragedy could be of help to anyone.
"You appear to have Hyper Lactation syndrome, it's a rare condition that, as you've already experienced, causes you to lactate several times more then the average woman. Breast milk contains many of the essential vitamins and nutrients that newborns need and can be used to supplement the diets of people struggling to digest solid food."
She let the implication hang in the air for a moment and then continued.
"What's more, your godly physiology might give the milk some special properties. We'll know more when tests are run, but historical examples have been antidotes, pain relivers, fertility treatments... you could help many people and become well-known, which would be a huge boost the the Moriyan shrine's reputation wouldn't it?" She explained.
"I could help Kanako-Sama by giving people my milk?" I said as I placed my hand on my chest.
"Exactly. So please, think it over before you let this opportunity go to waste. Personally, I know having a large chest can be a bit of a burden, they're heavy and people stare at it..." Eirin said, glaring at the rabbit. "But you can turn that bosom into the Moriyan's pride."
I imagined it, being able to not just support Kanako-Sama's efforts through attendant work, but being of use to him like Sanae is. Yet, yet...
"Isn't... Isn't the fact that I was a man a concern?" I asked.
Eirin shrugged. "I judge based on heuristics I can see, and what I see is a woman with amazing potential. Also, have you considered that Kanako used to be a woman? If all your focused on is your own perceived faults, you might miss your chance to help your beloved."
"Wait, is Kanako-Sama struggling with my body?" I asked. I hadn't even considered... they'd been just the same as always, although they stood a little prouder then I did and looked more majestic.
Eirin tapped her pen "This is unrelated, but I'll remind you that, as a doctor, conversations with patients are confidential."
I wasn't expecting Moriya Milk Deliver Service when this started.
holy shit yes yes yes yes
Eh, could be worse for Kanakonon. Coulda gotten stuck in Urumi-sana and her literal cow udders like that one guy.
...Man, even after all this time that one has still gotta be the weirdest TF posted. I don't think I've seen anything else here use Umineko or Kigurumi stuff. When was the last time that one got updated?
It was planned to have like 5 chapters too, wasn't it? I'd love for it to continue.
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Some of you may want to BE the Chinese Girl, but how many of you want to BE the BE Chinese Girl? What's the upper limit you'd want for BEing while BEing the BE Chinese Girl?
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I want to BEE the Chinese girl
Breast Expansion Expediently? Become Entirely and Eternally?
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The Orin request is done! Admittedly much later than promised.
That's me. I think one of these days I'll do something more long form with J'oon and perfect possession, but I like request here. Let me know if you decide on which gyaru 2hu you want.
>but how many of you want to BE the BE Chinese Girl?
Getting my second favorite fetish on top of the first? Yeah, give me tits and make them massive please.

>What's the upper limit you'd want for BEing while BEing the BE Chinese Girl?
More or less around Passionlip or a girl from a milkfactory eroge size is the golden zone for me.
Wow, Anon gets a second lease at life! Hell is awfully generous, how great! Excellent story Anon
>More or less around Passionlip or a girl from a milkfactory eroge size is the golden zone for me.
That's a bit large, isn't it? You'd struggle to even walk around, and I don't mean due to a lack of strength. I respect the dedication to a large rack though.
I think I want to be Koishi.
Simply because if I were Koishi I wouldn't have to worry about anything.
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Specifically this kind of Koishi.
I could be the second Koishi with Koishi being the first Koishi. The only real difference between us being that I have bigger breasts.
>That's a bit large, isn't it?
But of course, if im going to get a pair of tits they better be the best they can be. And as long as it doesn't crosses into hyper territory (bigger than torso) it's all fair game.
I guess the only question remaining is what 2hu would you want to be to carry those things around with?
Okay so what's up with gender bending and having gigantic breasts?
It's not that they're linked, this thread just caters to two very specific Anons who make up 90% of the posts on this thread.
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No real preference outside a mature type, but if i had to choose.

With gender bending there's 2 extremes. It's either little girl or hyper feminine, each one has it's perks but the one you lean more to is up to your preferences. I like gender bend with massive tits because of well, the massive tits obviously, but things like having to adjust to having them and girls getting envious of the genderbend guy are personal favorties to me.
Now THIS is a story
So, what kind of genderbending do you like the most? What'd you want?
Twinning? Replacing someone?
>Twinning? Replacing someone?
Isn't that like 90% of the stories written so far?
I like moreso the idea of a role change. Not turning into a character, but instead turning into a matching member of a group. Like if I pissed off Sakuya, she might have Patchouli turn me into a fairy maid or something, or some shoddy kappa tech explodes and hazardous waste from it turns me into a kappa.
Would you proceed to get raped by futa 2hu characters in either of those twol scenarios?
NTA but yes, yes I would. Bonus points for them knowing I'm genderbent.
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Tfw not a clumsy fairy maid being reprimanded by Sakuya on the daily.
The kinds with transformation in general over the ones like body swap or possession, i like when there's a physical change way more. And just like the other anon i prefer an original transformation over a character transformation.

But funny enough on the case of character transformation i do prefer possession, or better yet fusion/merging/absorption for it. Weird how that works.
"...and so, in conclusion, the product has outstanding potential in medicinal and culinary applications with minimal risk across Human and Youkai populations." Eirin concluded her presentation.
The small audience of some of the most decorated people I'd seen had a mix of reactions, some skeptically squinted while other seemed to be taking frantic notes and whispering to their underlings.
"We'll now open the floor to questions." Kanako-Sama stated.
An older, bearded Youkai stood up and asked: "How shall the milk, erm, product be vetted for quality? Moriyan projects sometimes have a certain 'reputation' for being rushed and unstable."
It was true, Kanako-Sama did like to strike while the anvil was hot and good help wasn't easy to come by. There was always Kappa, of course, but they'd take well-laid plans and get 'creative'.
"We at Eientei will test and package the product and will stake our name on it's quality." Eirin answered clearly.
"Would that include the health of future Mrs. Yasaka? Providing to demand might be challenging." Hieda no Akyuu, unfazed by the rest of the audience, asked.
Well, it may have been a little easier, because the rest of the audience now gazed upon me.
"We've based demand projections on Mrs. Yasaka's current output and, of course, frequent help check-ups will be part of our inspections. However, I should say that production has been increasing with no signs of slowing, so we may adjust future projections accordingly."
Since we had agreed to her proposal, the doctor had been an enthusiastic business partner, foreseeing many of the issues and working with Kanako-Sama to come up with remedies. Her clinical demeanor was off putting at first, but now I was thankful for it.
"I have a question." Megumu Iizunamaru, the Great Tengu spoke up. "Can't we obfuscate the product's origins a bit? It's troublesome for us Tengu you see, since it could be seen as quite perverse, drinking milk lactated from a goddess's teat."
"In it's pure form it will be labeled purely for child consumption, where it will be necessary for the mother's confidence, in other products where it's diluted or an ingredient we will- " Eirin began, but was interrupted.
"But people will still drink it with lewd thoughts you know, we only mean to be realistic here, after all some of these effects listed: a feeling of euphoria, increased sensitivity, heightened vigor... it would seem that this product could easily be used in an illicit manner."
Ah, she'd caught on to our ruse, the milk did have certain properties that promoted procreation and fertility. Well, it wasn't REALLY a fib on our end, after all, Eirin had told me: 'any improvement in general health leads to an increase in sex drive, so all of medicine could be considered aphrodisiac'.
"So, you'd have us 'obfuscate the origins would you? And I suppose you'll help with that in your publications until things turn sour, then you'll turn around and publish exposés on the real source. Come now, abuse is an inevitable, but completely outweighed by the miracle benefits." Kanako-Sama reasoned.
"Oh, well I suppose it's easy for you to say that, you're not the one being squeezed for it. What about you, 'Mrs. Yasaka', how do you feel about fiends using the fruits of your bosom for kicks?" She turned to me and asked.
For a moment, I felt panic. This wasn't something Eirin or Kanako-Sama could answer without looking like they were manipulating me, yet I couldn't think of what to say to the Tengu in that moment.
Think. Is the Great Tengu trying to sabotage us? No, she could just wait and publish some sort of story to dis-credit us later if that was the case. Then, she probably wants more of the pie! Since she'd asked for a portion of the profit for her 'obfuscation' efforts. And now she was trying to use my timidness to get the support of the rest of our backers, since if it seems like I'm begin exploited, it'll taint people's perception of the milk. So, what I needed to do was...
I took a deep breath. "Megumu-San, do you not like children?"
"I, well..." She began, caught off guard by my forthrightness.
"I love them you see." I said, placing a hand on my chest. "Sometimes I get to show them around the temple and seeing their amazed gazes sets my heart at ease. Because you know, child birth and raising an infant can be a frightfully delicate process, some parents even struggle to conceive, let alone have their joy get to the age where they can walk on their own. So, to me, every child is like a little miracle."
For a moment I paused, making sure I was speaking slowly and confidently.
"I understand that my 'gift' is a little strange, it was to me as well, but Eirin has told me it could help weak children grow up strong, allow more children to be born, and even help those with other aliments. Even if they're those who'd use it for their own gratification, I couldn't give a care, next to all the other little miracles I could bestow on Gensokyo."
After that there was no more questions and the meeting was called to a close with promises to meet later as plans where developed. Before we could exit though, Kanako-Sama was swarmed with requests for increases in share and promises of additional support. I, on the other hand, was given a sort of breadth, and I think there were even a few people murmuring prayers around me. It was an odd feeling.
Later, after we'd arrived back home, I took some tea to Kanako-Sama, who was fettering about with papers and scrolls, scratching his head.
"Drowning in opportunity?" I asked as I knelt besides him.
"Quite so, thank you and thanks again for what you said. I knew those Tengu were going to try something, but if I told you about it, well..."
"It wouldn't have been authentic." I said.
"Sorry to deceive you." He said with a little resignation.
"But I don't mind? I serve you whole-heartedly Kanako-Sama and if there's anything you need of me, I'll do it without complaint."
"I'm beyond fortunate to have you." He said, taking a sip of tea.
Now I struggled again thinking of what to say. From what Eirin mentioned, Kanako-Sama might be having issues with mine own body, but he didn't seem like it? I had to make sure.
"Have you been sleeping properly? You seem a little tired." I asked him as I leaned against his body.
"Ah yes, it's no bother, of course, of course..." He murmured, trying to ignore me.
I felt... annoyed. Something was wrong, yet he was keeping it to himself! I had to press him further.
"Kanako-Sama, please, won't you rely on me? We're betrothed after all, there's nothing I won't help you with." I stated as I wrapped my arms around his and pressed my chest against him.
"Well, uh, the betrothal part is what's difficult about this you know..."
Eh? Our union was the issue? How could it...unless... I looked down at his lap and saw it. Standing defiant against the fabric, sticking upwards like a tent pole, his manhood. His face was a deep red.
"I see, you're holding yourself back." I told him as my hand wandered up his thigh.
Without even knowing it, I had been causing Kanako-Sama trouble like this. There wasn't any room for embarrassment, I had to make amends. Yet, before I could, his own hand stopped mine.
"No we, we shouldn't. Not until marriage." He said, a little haggard.
"Kanako-Sama, at the very least I should relieve you."
"If we go that far, I wouldn't be able to stop." He told me, his eyes looking at me, pleading for something his conscious held him from.
With a nod I retracted myself from him and moved away. "My apologizes, I'll leave you for now then." I said, standing and walking to the door.
But before leaving I turned to him and said "Kanako-Sama, about what I said today... it was true. Even still, before others taste the fruit of my body, I'd like for you to have it first."

That night, in my room, I took out the un-opened package of pills Eirin had given me. They would accelerate the change that was taking place within me, making me a permanent resident of this body, and, as Eirin had told me, possibly cause a few other changes. My chest was probably going to become heavier again, but whatever else was waiting for me was a mystery.
Without hesitation, I popped out a daily dosage and swallowed it.
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Kiss Mamizou, convince her this isn't too different from how she already disguises herself, smoke together, explore Gensokyo unbothered, use tanuki army to scavenge interesting trinkets, date with Nue (I give her the best trinket), late night visit to Geidontei, drinking with pleasant company, ???, wake up hours later as normal self after drunkenly stumbling back to rendezvous point, discuss results.
My vote is for Yuugi personally but I don't want to take up all the requesting here obvi.
Curse you for making me sift through /v/ that night trying to find whatever fucking context was there, but a decent warning still.
Yes please! Probably around as big as Ran here if not just a teensy bit bigger, sizeable but not absolutely impractical really.
Requester for that. Actually not as bad as I thought it might be, fairly to the point as well. Good job. Though I shudder to imagine how many regulars here fit that final description a little too accurately...
>two very specific Anons who make up 90% of the posts on this thread
There surely has to be at least a few others, like that Koishi anon for instance.
Twinning I think is the preference for me (as well as general growth/tf), unless it's for a "this Gensokyo needs a suitable stand-in for this specific character" scenario I'd just feel too bad for taking over someone's life. I care about some of these girls a great deal dangit!
>>48038320 >>48038332
These have been excellent so far! You're really covering all bases with this story and the flipside of Kanako-Sama dealing with masculine temptations is a great touch. Shrewd Tengus being shrewd is no surprise...very interested to see the continued changes of Kanakonon & if the milk will begin having certain 'effects' among the populace. Sweet little Sanae comes to mind, her holy ancestry could even have unexpected synergy with the milk's properties. Many fun things to consider overall
What would it be like to get turned into Seiga?
Imagine grieving over a lost wife, and finding an ancient Chinese book on necromancy. You read it and practise your methods. Unbeknownst to you, this corrupts you. But you're too single-minded to care. You eventually revive her as a jiangshi, an imperfect resurrection of a loved one, but a loyal pet. Briefly confused as to where that thought came from, you hug her, her stiff arms brushing past your aqua-blue hair. Her name is lost to you, but you know what to call her from now on. She's your Yoshika. You return to your necromancy book and you remember what has happened, what was forgotten. This wasn't just detailing necromancy. This book is a second chance after the author was persecuted. She wrote this book to be able to live on after death, by converting a vulnerable mind to become her successor. To create another Seiga, to carry out her work. But now is not the time for deliberation, now is the time for action. You, the new wicked hermit, have work to do, and a loyal jiangshi follower to help you.
Her evil schemery knows no bounds...
Yes! Eat the breast expansion pills!
Koishi twinning, Koishi twinning! Anon!Koishi having giant breasts!
Does Anon!Koishi have bigger boobs than regular Koishi?
Yes. By at least a few cup sizes.
Imagine touching Anon!Koishi's boobs...
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How would a /jp/sie-turned-2hu like to be treated by their /jp/sie boyfriend?
I want to agree with this. Becoming a specific character feels awkward because I'd feel like I'd have to try to actually properly be that character, and I don't feel like I could do that short of magically assisted identity death type shenanigans. So it just feels bad, unless you're into that. Which, I'm cool with it, but I find that not many are.

Being a faceless mob-type doesn't have that issue.
With lots of lovey-dovey affection but also high-impact sexual violence
>sexual violence
Speak for yourself, Tenshi
Mating press nakadashi
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considering how you guys act sometimes my image of the average /jp/ poster is an overweight, unhygenic, nasty misanthrope. no way am i dating one of you in a million years

i'd be less likely to date you than i would a brainworm-infested person from /tttt/ lmao
I wouldn't date me either.
Thank you for the kibd words. I'll probably do the Yuugi suggestion for the Yorigami advertising scheme story. I think the sisters having the big oni they fought in 17.5 as a big billboard works well. Then I'll get to >>48040958 because Koishi can be creepy enough for Halloween and I like big boobs.
Hope nue anon will post the end to their story, that fic is peak kino
>Koishi twinning with big boobs and spooky
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I thought this was a vibrator at first
Nah that's Cirno.
I don't have a vagina, but I feel Cirno would make for a terrible vibrator. Too cold!
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That seems painful.
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The Kaneda to Remilia art got a sequel with Tetsuo to Flandre
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That was the one with the cool unique Adult Remilla design right?
I honestly wouldn't mind a TF sequence involving KaliningradG's fanmade Adult Flanders
Subarashī Thread
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Never expected to see something I commissioned posted here but it makes me seeing others interested in them.
These 2 artworks were the main references for both sequences, Flandre sequence had multiple refs (Outfit, hair, footwear, wings and adult look) the outfit is more similar to canon Flandre's because I was afraid she wouldn't look difficult to recognize (I thought that issue happened with Remilia because her outfit is drastically different)
I do consider Remilia sequence to suffer from some jank because of how it was requested and probably I'll commission a remake of it with the same outfit as well since I really like it, also, the reason why I chose that outfit is because I wanted something to suit adult Remilia and her canonical outfit looked a bit lackluster.
There are other AKIRA x Touhou sequences I want to bring to reality which are, Mima, Ran, Ex-Rumia and there is Nue as well but I have a rough sketch of her at the moment and it will be remade into a proper artwork one day.
One last thing, I've been worried that Flandre in the sequence doesn't look mature enough, what do you think?
Since, my only rule in Touhou TG is to age up characters even if the sequence is 100% SFW.
Bless you, anon. To answer your question, I think it's just her shoes that're off and make her look a little less mature and also makes her feet look huge. Otherwise, it's fine and I'm eagerly looking forward to more of your commissions.
I don't double check what I write but I meant "it makes me happy to see others interested in what I commissioned/requested.
Anywho, here is a rough sketch of Nue TG and hopefully one day it will become a proper artwork.
Nue is strangely popular with TF artist. I think she genuinely might be the 2hu with the most Transformation art. Even more then Mamizou who's power is literally TF
Touhou transformation is very niche and I don't think I've seen many Nue transformations to begin with, and drawing Touhou TFTG is main reason why I want to become an artist and I'm super lazy and paranoid. As for Nue, I chose her because the character (A scientist from AKIRA) well, is a scientist and thought Nue would suit, I did consider Utsuho but I left her for a different thing (A story and in the future probably a TFTG sequence).
And this artwork made me want to get a Nue TFTG so that's another reason.
Why is transformation erotic to you guys? I simply do not understand it
Something about turning into a more (potentially) vulnerable and sexually attractive woman being hot. Hard to explain it properly, really.
a connoisseur I see
> I've been worried that Flandre in the sequence >>48062661 doesn't look mature enough, what do you think?
well she's tall think it's fine, of age but not old. the elevator girl looks a tad riper however.
but why do her big boobs have to disappear as they come; what a tease.
May I ask you who's the elevator girl? Are you talking about the doctor?
As for the boobs, the artist did it on his own and I had no issue with it.
It's just a matter of money since I don't have any I could leisurely spend on art and the Flandre one was commissioned as a gift for me and somehow it was finished on birthday.
This one is shaky but I've been thinking of adding one piece to AKIRA x Touhou crossover thingy, background character to Rin Satsuki just for the fun of it.
Personally now I'm holding out for a sequence / comic adaption based on one of our stories.
Only question would be which one to even pick
Because transforming into Nue (and most 2hus) is gradual, while Mamizou it's just *poof* and that's that.
What stories?
There isn't much detail here but I would lean toward either some character barely featured in transformations or introducing some redesign to the character.
>What stories?
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Anon is Alice in disguise trying to push her agenda to trick us all
Which one would you like to see a sequence for the most? Personally, I'd vote one of the shorter ones due to cost considerations. Something like Mima one.
nta but https://twitter.com/KrutR_/status/1850243572387172716
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I'm into ryona. Please beat me. I want to be abused black and blue curled up on the floor until I'll do butt stuff out of sheer terror.
Why get turned into a girl if you're just going to want to be forced to do butt stuff?
pain exists as an extent form of pleasure
Did Spider Man turn into Reisen?
Looks like Junko is turning Reisen into a replacement son, complete with Spiderman onesie.
Ancient China and its well known style of Spiderman onesies for children.
No, the artist is just some diaper-fetishist ABDL-lover who has like 10 images of Reisen being forced into it by Junko.

I'm not embedding this:
I think this is the line in the sand for these threads, and I'd rather not cross it. Very gross.
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Yeah I'm as disappointed as you are.
I remember finding it in the wild earlier today and going "oh, Reisen tf'ing into Junko son? That's a nifty idea I haven't seen before! I wonder what other cool stuff this artist has done." and then being greeted with around 15 or so pictures of ABDL shit. One of which included fucking Barney The Purple Dinosaur. Like the actual dinosaur himself in the flesh not a toy or anything.
Now I'm not gonna kinkshame since I am currently willingly posting in the Chinese Girl thread of all places but man it rustles my jimmies. This isn't even the first time I've seen something like this. They had a decent artstyle, good TF premise and then wasted it by tacking on this other kink that's an absolute dealkiller.
At least I was able to salvage one passable image from it, whatever that was worth.
So will we be getting spooky Koishi TF for Halloween?
I promise I'll get it out before Halloween, even if that means it comes before the Yuugi one.
I say if, but it's more like will.
Become a /jp/sy's desk decoration!
Well, we're waiting.
You cannot rush perfection.
Even if the perfection is question involves Koishi with fat tits.
Okay, it's going to be on Halloween, but it's still going to release on time. Sorry about delays, but real life stuff takes priority.
It's Halloween. The line between anon and Chinese girl thins.
Soon Anon will be Koishi.
What will two retards on the loose will cause? We'll find out soon.
I want to Hartmann's youkai girl
I can attest to that
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Finally delivered, though much shorter than usual. Perhaps I should've saved it for when I was in a better writing mood, but I hope you enjoy this Halloween story all the same. Not really all that creepy.
Messed up the embedding of the image. Whoever is the archiver should use this link for the archive.
Yoooooooo it's here
Very based
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I wish I had big pure boobs.
This is very well written and the only negative thing I have to say is it's too short.
Wish there was more of Anon!Koishi.
Nice! Personally speaking I would've liked to see a bit more of the actual TF but on second reading I imagine it was kind of intentional choice since y'know Koishi Subconscious which is a neat idea.
Nice Work! Especially since it was kind of rushed out for the Halloween Evening
It was 700 words shorter than my usual stuff, but I always have trouble dragging things out versus getting to the point. Weird to have writing as a hobby but a disdain for mincing words. It is my 9th short story for these threads, so maybe I should write something not Touhou related after this Yuugi story. Feel free to request something vocaloid or otherwise /jp/ related. A fair warning, I don't know much about 7th Expansion stuff.
Have you considered just taking a break?
>It is my 9th short story for these threads, so maybe I should write something not Touhou related after this Yuugi story.
Hot damn. A lot of people here have only made 1. Which one was your favorite?
Many times.
Probably the Cirno one. I'm interested to know what everyone else liked, so here's a list of the ones I've done so far.
https://rentry.org/oz9zmyvk (Byakuren)
https://rentry.org/dfpmft43 (Hina)
https://rentry.org/x9vfazb9 (Meiling)
https://rentry.org/yvodim74 (Cirno)
https://rentry.org/ao5t6fym (Megumu)
https://rentry.org/x6acxsoy#adverse-possession (Yuyuko)
https://rentry.org/m4vooeym (Okuu)
Plus the Orin and Koishi ones I've done this thread.
I didn't write this one but found it to be interesting TFTG of Utsuho and Yukari (The guy becoming Utsuho is considered to be the main character).
The story takes place in real life like setting and doesn't involve any mind change and the transformation is involuntary, it's decent but its biggest flaw is how the events are rushed through.
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Of fucking course it's a homestuckfag.
I don't care one iota for the artstyle, though. So it's not like I'm particularly saddened that this is all that they draw.
the tf was definitely rushed but I thought it was interesting how it explored the aftermath in a realistic way. I'd love to see a series where Yukari!anon goes around turning people into 2hus while Okuu!anon tries to stop them
I've been digging these threads. Many of the stories are fun! Perhaps I should get off my ass and write something.

I had an idea for a story where Yukari transforms a touhou nerd and his normie girlfriend into Touhou characters. Yukari would tease the transformed guy by showing him/her doujinshis made about the transformed couples' new love life, that Yukari releases into the outer world
It has an incomplete sequel but it could be scrapped altogether, in this one Yukari turns an old man into Kokoro.
it's a fact that most women fit the diagnostic criteria of agp. Do men actually believe that women do not put on things like revealing clothes & lingierie and then enjoy looking at themselves in the mirror?
you retards are falling for 70s pseudoscience if this panics you.
Honestly I'd read many more chapters. I'm kinda fascinated by the idea of the guy being turned into a fictional character while remembering who he was, and his family trying to take it in stride
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Maybe some day it'll finally happen but good things do always take time after all (and people get busy very easily).
It's a combination of mild affirmation and the influx of a few very specific abnormal kinks I ended up stuck with. Plus I'm a sucker for visual details and a slow buildup through highly sensory experiences, though I obviously can't speak for everyone here. Might be more nuanced than that but whatever, it's a Chinese Girl thread.
I think we'd be lucky to see even one adaptation from what there is but who knows, the Byakuren or Meiling shorts might be a decent pick.
Cute stuff! I don't think the shorter fics are too bad every so often and the more instinctual approach to things was pretty fitting. I get what you mean about not wanting to mince words though, the details are important but you don't want the stories to feel bloated. It can be a tough balance at times. Make sure not to overwork yourself though! Damn...
I've only done two stories myself but I'm a big fan of the Okuu one you did as well, it was also adorable in its own way. I've been toying around with the idea of an Okuu TF of my own for a while now but haven't found the time to actually sit down to hash it out. Almost worried it'd be too charged even for these threads somehow but who knows, sometimes I feel just a little skeevy for such contributions I guess.
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Getting turned into Utsuho comes with free Bimbofication included.
Personally I believe that mind change ruins the transformation because I believe that the purpose of transformation is giving a person a different body while keeping their mind intact.
I always had the idea that in the future, plastic surgery and medicine would be so advanced that people would have the opportunity to turn into anime characters through certain processes. So I think it is possible that in the future people will turn into 2hus.
Hopefully it wouldn’t end up costing much more than the entirety of the Hakurei Shrine’s profits within the last 20 years.
Imagine having that available but it’s just locked behind a ridiculous fucking paywall.
>Hopefully it wouldn’t end up costing much more than the entirety of the Hakurei Shrine’s profits within the last 20 years.
So about 5 bucks?
I agree with you that total mind change/identity death is not much fun. However I do like light to moderate changes. The person has a new body, alien to them, and also has alien thoughts. For exemple in that Utsuho story the anon turned utsuho knowing how to fly, or forgetting that a tray coming out of the oven is hot, is fun to me.
Moriya Shrine brand milk is not a direction I anticipated but I'm all for it.
My only criticism so far is the change in first person perspectives and pronouns make this a little hard to read, and using "they" instead of "he" or "she" when referring to the protagonist is inconsistent as well as being poor grammar. Personally I would leave the perceptional change until after they've fully settled into their new roles and are broken in by feelings and desires, though for Kanako herself I can understand it as the gods aren't bound by traditional views or forms without factoring in syncretism. Amusingly, I can't not see this image in my head whenever Kanako is referred to as "he".
I prefer the eventual mental corruption, either you become that 2hu in mind and body or become something else entirely, but either way you're no longer 'you'. This sort of thing isn't anything I would want to do willingly, I mean no offense to anyone else here but I'm not so deranged that I'd reject my own being so far as to swap sexes. I'd rather be WITH the 2hu, not BE the 2hu you know? If it's only physical then it's just elaborate cosplay. If I really want to get sappy with it I view it as a violation of natural law, and being forcibly molded is the recoil from crossing that line.
'Where did everything go so wrong?' I asked to myself as I sat, chained before all the Youkai and animals in the Earth Spirit Palace.
Most people would say it was when I fell into the underground and was chased around by man eating Youkai, others might say it was the days I spent scavenging for scraps in the hot springs district as I looked for an escape, but those harsh and terrible days where worth it, as eventually it put me in the employ of Satori, who took pity on me and made me a groundskeeper.
From dawn till dusk I shoveled shit, hauled around feed, bottle feed baby birds and rejected cubs, my hands blanketed with cuts as proof, and I've never been happier. I used to spend my days in a comfy, but wholly unfulfilling job, where I dealt in theoreticals and slowly wasted away, here though, I could see the difference my efforts made, watching birds with broken wings fly again, large cats grow proud and healthy. Just as well, I could see my failures and be responsible for them, like every time I left a young corpse in the snake pit, nothing went to waste here.
Okuu was one of those failures.
Who would've thought that with all that power the girl would succumb to a flu. She wouldn't have if any of us had noticed, Okuu was too proud to say that she was feeling unwell and just put in more effort to make up for it, even Satori, with her power, failed to notice because of the crow's single-minded devotion to her duty. When I saw her fall and struggle to get back up, I knew something was wrong and I begged her to take bed rest, but it was too late by then, her big heart had already been worn down too much. We couldn't even have a proper funeral since there wasn't enough lead in Gensokyo, all we could do was give her body to the nuclear fire.
Nobody blamed me for it, but they didn't need to, I'm the groundskeeper, the health of animal's at the Earth Spirit Palace was my duty, and I failed her.
Which brings us to now, with me chained up naked in front of a council of all those Animals, Youkai, and Satori, holding the red stone that contained Yatagarasu before her. She meant to bring Okuu back.
I struggled against the chains. "Satori, you can't! Okuu is gone and doing this, you'll spoil things even more!" I told her.
But she didn't relent, neither did Rin, Yuugi, or any of the other underground Youkai who'd come. If they had to chose between Okuu and myself, well, I guess that wasn't a choice at all, still...
"Please, everyone, this is beyond grief! You'll all regret this!" I begged.
"I'm sorry, but I can't bear it any longer, her absence or the thoughts of your own grief over her loss." Satori said, as she placed and pushed the stone into my chest.
Like a hot dollop of metal had been dropped into butter the stone sunk into my chest, I wailed in pain, and the smell of searing flesh filled the air. I gasped for air, but couldn't breath.
When the sinking stopped and the stone rested I felt a pulse from it and the room was basked in a red glow. Power, I felt endless power surge forth from the thing embedded in my chest. Whatever token resistance I could muster was nothing to the cascade that now overwhelmed ever part of my body, when one wave ceased another simply took it's place and crashed into the rebound of the last one, leaving me no room to recover.
I was going to explode and I clutched myself, begging, pleading for some form of release before that happened and in the same moment I felt my back split apart. Now the power had an escape in the form of two outlets, wings, and I tried to push it outward, feeling the things grow larger and larger as energy poured through them. Finally, some relief, but it was not for long.
My chest, in which the stone rested, also began to accumulate power, and like the wings I tried to push more power through them and regretted it immediately. They began to swell and glow, and I felt a feeling, even more intense and hot in them then when the stone had burned into my skin, yet it wasn't painful, it felt more like the burning feeling from exercise. What frightened me is that it didn't seem to stop, pushing more and more outwards, filling my chest, making it heavier.
"Haghh!" I moaned as I felt a new rush of power sweep through me.
The energies had nowhere to go now, so they continued to sweep through me, over and over again, warping my bones and flesh, shooting through my hair, and radiating throughout my skin. After one final bright flash, it stopped, and the room grew dark once again.
Satori approached me first and asked: "Okuu?"
I looked at her, tired and sore, but didn't say anything. I merely extended my arms, having long since broke the chains in the midst of my transformation, in the offer of a hug.
The Satori took it and began to cry, then she was followed by Orin, Yuugi, and all the rest of the Youkai and animals. I wrapped those I could in the hug and extended my newfound wings over them.
I'm not Okuu, but I was there for them.
Well, due to the rushed nature of the story the part where she had to learn to fly was shortened (according to the writer) and for the hot tray, her mind was clouded by the fact she became a hell raven so she wasn't paying much attention, so she knew neither of those.
Her biggest worry is her nuclear fusion power because she has no idea on how to control it.
How sad. Bittersweet, even.
Augh, my heart...the inherent tragedy of it all adds so much more to this though. This AnonOkuu has a heavy burden to bear and reputation to uphold in the wake of things but at least she has the strength for that now. I can only pray that Satori wouldn't catch on to the little mental imperfections or inconsistencies over time, or maybe they wouldn't even matter.
Good post.
>either way you're no longer 'you'
>If it's only physical then it's just elaborate cosplay.
I'm kinda on the same page since it's inherent change all around, and the physical aspect of things is usually that overwhelming anyways, but I get it. Touhouification isn't for every soul out there and there are many ways to go about it on multiple levels.
>I'd rather be WITH the 2hu, not BE the 2hu you know?
Also understandable, sometimes a 'hu wife is all you need in life.
>So about 5 bucks?
Yeah exactly, anywhere between $10 and $25 sounds affordable enough for most.
That better be a damn good and quality procedure for such a low bar though, a botched process sounds like an even more tragic punishment
I am asking for Koishi & Anon!Koishi shenanigans shorts, thank you.
I also like some mental changes, or more accurately changes in how the body behaves under your control. Veering a little bit into the "body control"-type of mind control, where as an example, a transformee finds himself habitually doing things "in character" without meaning to. To use an example, becoming Aya and finding you have the muscle memory to balance in the stupidly high tengu geta she wears, saying her signature "ayayaya!" when you're surprised, and only realising you took a photo of something interesting after the flash went off. The overall limit for mental changes would be going far as to introduce yourself as Aya Shameimaru. Of course with enough focus, one could refrain from succumbing to these instincts and act normally.
Basically enough to convincingly roleplay the character without losing oneself to the character.

Of course I expect myself to be a minority here.
I find myself being more attracted to zero mind change with the transformed character having to figure out everything on their own but my exception with Touhou is vampires, I think they need vampiric instincts as an extra layer of struggle.
I think the one Seiga short did it fairly well. Mental changes aren't bad, and in fact they can be fun, but complete identity death can be pretty disappointing, since seeing the original person cope with the changes can be the most fun part.
Turning into an established character I like the "convincing roleplay" angle. If it's a new character then no mental changes.
Ego death just makes me wonder what the point was.
I tend to write it because I like extreme mental changes.
>Not counting the small drawing I did in July, the last update was in May
Ouch. Time really does keep on slipping. Guess now would be a good time to remedy that.
Chapter 4 of Kig-Urumi's Island Getaway is now out! Enjoy.
Can still be done without ego death but I understand what you mean.
Finally, the original updates!
Yeah, I'll probably play around with it in my next short stories.
Ego death or a strong mental change?
Strong mental changes without ego death. I really want to try my hand at a longer story with that.
Sounds good. What character are you going for?
A long Perfect Possession with Yorigami J'oon. Maybe a multiple chapter affair with anon having to deal with the pestilence goddess back seating his life and slowly changing him.
Better to have Anon just changing instead of having a voice in the back of his head imo.
Instinctual changes, kind of?
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Not sure how I missed this post until now but It was supposed to be a 1-off post at the start but the requests for an encore + others chiming in with their own TF stories made me decide to expand outwards a little. Around 8 or so chapters should be enough which means we're halfway there.
The Chinese girl threads will never be able to rest soundly until I finish what I started.
Maybe, but I just really like J'oon. Then again, I'm about to have her appear in that other request I got, so maybe I could just have Shion hanging around Anon in the longer one.
J'oon goes on a vacation but needs a replacement.
I'm about to commit a cardinal /jp/ sin by misusing the quote function as bullet point formatting, and I don't care:
>Joon possesses Anon and transforms him into a copy of her
>She leaves him with Shion when she goes on vacation
>Shion trains Anon into acting like a Joon, using her misfortune powers as the metaphorical stick
>Shion possibly deviates from the plan by making him into a preferred 'version' of her sister, being more affectionate and less likely to run off on vacation alone; rather than an exact 1:1 copy
>Bonus scene of Tenshi seeing dominant Shion and getting lewd masochist thoughts from that.
"I'm here from Eintei for the delivery Ma'am." The rabbit youkai saluted to me as I opened the door.
"My, what a diligent man you are! Here it is." I said, handing the tank over to him.
He took the sloshing tank, but paused before placing it in his cooler that doubled as a backpack. "Uhm, Ma'am, you're not uh, overworking yourself are you?" he asked.
"I'm not sure I follow?"
"It's just that Ma'am, this tank, it's supposed to store a week's worth..." He answered, blushing.
"Oh? It's no bother really! On the contrary, it's rather burdensome if I don't relieve myself. Thank you for worrying about me though, that's very sweet of you." I said, leaning over and patting his head.
"N-not at all Ma'am! Eirin-San just said that we should take care to look after your health is all." He muttered.
"I'm perfectly fine, but what about you? Seems you walked all the way over here this morning, how about you stay for tea? We're having a little soccer game this afternoon as well, you should join!" I asked him.
"Sorry Mama I have many things I have to..." He began, before breaking out in a blush, turning, and running off.
I smiled and rested my hand on my cheek as I watched him rush away in embarrassment. Maybe if I asked Eirin, she'd provide me with a few rabbits to help out around the shrine? They were all so cute, I'm sure Sanae and Kanako-Sama wouldn't have a problem.
It was probably just my recent fixation on children acting up again, one of the many side-effects of the pills, I just couldn't seem to stop thinking about how nice it would be to have a bunch of young ones running about the shrine, playing happily, enjoying life. It was a little disconcerting reflecting on that though, because I knew what I really wanted was to give this joy to Kanako-Sama, and I couldn't do that, not until we were wed. The date was finally set to coincide with a little end of fall celebration we held here at the shrine and we swore not to share a bed until then, even though I knew if I pressured him just a bit, he would give in.
Suwako called it the classic 'woman's intuition', for some reason I could just tell what people were thinking without much trouble. Like how that little rabbit was trying to act mature and at the same time was averting his eyes from my chest, which was ironic given that I'd seen Kanako-Sama do the same thing recently.
These mounds were certainly attracting more attention as they'd grown to the point were we had to have special clothes commissioned from the dollmaker in order for me to remain dignified, yet, I didn't mind them too much. They stretched out my clothing, attracted strange gazes, and we're a bit heavier, but something about them made me feel a little proud. They were my 'gift' after all and I didn't want to be ashamed of them anymore, after all, I'd use them to help and please Kanako-Sama soon...
I froze and shook my head, catching my thoughts before they ran away. Another unfortunate side-effect, certain fantasies seemed to fill my head. Premonitions of what We'd do after the wedding or even sooner if I really wanted. Kanako-Sama, he'd really grown into that body, I should make sure to properly prepare myself... but I can't think such disheveled thoughts in broad daylight! No, I should wait until the backdoor god and his wife visit, they'd accepted our invitation and were visiting before the wedding, I'd have a few questions for that woman when they arrived.
"You okay? We're getting ready to start soon." Suwako asked, dressed in a soccer uniform.
"My, they're are a lot of people worried about me recently! I'm fine, just a little overwhelmed with..."
"Woman feelings?" She smirked. "Focus on the game instead, should take your mind off those thoughts."
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I like this idea, but since you used the quote function incorrectly, though you recognized this fact, you're becoming a mob kappa or fairy.
Okay but what about 2hus turning into other 2hus?
Hmmm... doesn't really sound interesting to me.
Turning into a 2hu who turns into another 2hu on the other hand...
reimu turning into Yorihime sounds fun
>hakurei god manifests for once, is (actually) highly responsive to prayers
>moon btfo with the power of bullshit gapping
>not-Yorihime teams up with Junko to finish the job because why not
>meanwhile new shrine maiden is paralysed and can't do anything about youkai, pandemonium ensues
Imagine mating press a jp anon who gets turned into a 2hu
A bit self-centered aren't ya?
Fantastic update!
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No offense but pretty meh for a months long wait honestly. Just a bunch of played out lolita jokes for 45 paragraphs. Hope whatever setup was done for the next part makes it better.
Also anyone got any good theories on where this is going? I want to say it'll just go the same way every other story here does with the victim becoming a semen gobbler but all the protagonist are so anti-fap that now I'm not sure.
Personally I think a cross between the two could be cool. Have the protag get Perfect Possessed by Jo'on and gradually groomed by both of the sisters in different ways into their preferred version of the Pestilence God. With Jo'on wanting a basic 1:1 twinning meanwhile Shion tries to basically turn you into a "less bitchier" version of her sister. Maybe even have some of the protagonist's now discarded traits (like basic human kindness) begin unintentionally rubbing themselves onto the original Jo'on since you two occupy the same body
Wonder if that one guy who wanted to be "Teh Meido" is still around.
Really like the way you're tying in the Okina story! The focus on fat snake tits is the best You're doing good work on your Kanakonon story, lad.

which one of you was this

i need to know so I can Alice
I want to be that goat
i'm sure there are many anons that want to be the 'kuya, myself included
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Are the rumors of hus assaulting huified anons if they have bigger breasts than they do true?
2hu'd anons have larger breasts most of the time, especially when twinned.
Anon becoming a fairy and getting groped and teased by twenty other nearly identical fairies because Anon ended up with massive boobs...
Anon pissing off one of the more magical or powerful 2hus accidentally and becoming their personal milk dispenser. Enjoy your new life and body.
This doesn't sound too bad actually...
For some reason, poor anon just never seems to be able to hide for long or fly fast enough to get away from them
Anon... He became Urumi. The 2hu with the most porn ever.
He's fucked. Literally and Figuratively
The soccer game was between two teams of children, with Sanae and Suwako as coaches for each, Kanako-Sama as the referee, and I manned the first aid station, where some of the mothers loitered to talk about this or that, mainly about their chief concern with this game.
"Isn't it a little odd that they're playing with youkai children as well?" one woman asked, her eyes darting to her kid on the field and back to me.
"It is, but Kanako-Sama, Suwako-San, and Sanae are all overseeing this game and won't stand for any fowl play." I assured her.
It made me feel a little guilty to see her worried about her child, since I had been the one to suggest the event. The idea came to me when I saw a few children kicking around a ball in a worn out field in the village and I figured with Suwako's ability and Kanako-Sama's ingenuity, we could create a much better field and turn it into a little event for everyone to enjoy. The problems started when we went to the Tengu to print flyers and Megumu asked if Youkai children would be allowed to compete as well, of course, our initial answer had been no, but she told us: "I'm not sure I can get behind such a prejudiced event", so our plans had to change.
Kanako-Sama, once again going above and beyond, came back with a new proposal, a soccer game for all children in Gensokyo with special rules to ensure fairness. Initially Megumu tried to poke holes in the ruleset, like the banning of flight, "soaring through the air for tengu is like walking to humans", but Kanako-Sama quickly shut her down by bringing up how Spell Card duels also had such rules and that the human children were forbidden from certain foul play like grabbing their wings. Eventually, the great tengu succumbed.
I was happy for it. That 'youkai must always predate humans' always felt like an outdated mindset, one that the little ones shouldn't be burdened with. Let them have a little harmless fun is what I think, besides, I was more concerned with the coaches.
Suwako and Sanae had been responsible for drafting teams and had been 'spirited' to say the least. While Sanae favored the more fanciful children with obvious talents, Suwako focused on taking consistently good players instead, but those two categories often overlapped, leading to Kanako-Sama to have to arbitrate quite a bit. Needless to say, the two had a lot riding on this match and now it was down to match point.
Team Hisou Tensoku's lead striker, a White Wolf girl, was making for Team's Toad goal, guarded by a particularly roughed up looking human boy. Sanae's strategy was to make the Tengu the tip of the spear, but Suwako anticipated this and put the human as the Goalie, which he took to more naturally then you might expect. You see, Youkai are taught from a young age to dodge attacks, while humans are building resilience, a trait far more suited to goalies who had to take assaults head on, so all game there had been a rivalry slowing brewing between the two, and now it was about to boil over.
The White Wolf ran, closer, closer, as close as possible before she made her move, feinting to kick the ball upward, only to dive and skirt the ball along the ground. The Goalie didn't fall for it, leaping to the side, he spun, and with all his might smacked the ball away, falling to earth, right into the diving White Wolf. Both were sent into the net, tangled, struggling, but only getting more stuck as they did.
"Hey Ref! Aren't you gonna do something about that? That Goalie just tackled my player!" Sanae yelled.
Kanako blew a whistle, let both teams cool off for a spell as the two were cut from the tangled net, and after much deliberation, Team Toad was announced the winner.
There was a lot of merriment on that side of the field, amongst both human and youkai children, while Hisou Tensoku's Team stewed, swearing revenge, with the White Wolf especially peeved, squinting at the Goalie, who's cuts and scraps, some of which were clearly wolf-like in nature, I was bandaging. He was all smiles.
"What an appropriate grand end, won't you see everybody off?" Kanako-Sama asked me as everyone began to leave.
All the sudden it seemed like all eyes were on me, the children, their parents, the spectators in the trees who thought they were being sneaky, and I wasn't quite sure what to say. So, I took a deep breath, and said what came naturally.
"Good job everyone! I hope you all had fun!" I waved.
Parents smiled, children flushed and looked away embarrassed, Kanako-Sama nodded with approval, and for the first time, I didn't think being the center of attention was so bad.
"What's going on here?!" I heard. turning, I saw it came from a certain descending shrine maiden wearing red and white.
"We just had a soccer game, surely your eyes can tell you that much?" Kanako-Sama said, staring Reimu in the eye.
"Well, I wasn't told! No matter how you think about it, shouldn't the Hakurei Shrine maiden be coaching the human team?" She asked.
"There's no 'human team' here, if you want to have such backwards ways of thinking you can stick to your little shrine, I'm sure nobody will bother you with new ideas there." He retorted.
"I bet you'd love that, me, ignoring all the conspiracies you cook up, or, I guess in your words, they're just 'forward thinking ways' aren't they? And don't think I haven't caught wind of that other scheme you're cooking up with the tengu and Eientei." She shot back.
This was bad. With most negotiations Kanako-Sama had a lot of skill in pragmatically working towards a mutually beneficial conclusion, but that was when he was faced with someone like the tengu or Eientei who were entire bodies of people, not one emotional girl like Reimu. I had to do something.
"Kanako-Sama." I said, placing a hand on his chest and pressing lightly against him. "Would you allow me to handle this? Our guests are waiting for you to see them off after all."
He nodded, shot a look at Reimu, and went to make sure everyone arrived home safely, leaving me alone with the girl.
"So, your his fiancé huh? Are you gonna skip my wedding invitation like you did with this soccer game?" She asked.
"Not at all!" I answered happily. "Having the Hakurei Shrine Maiden at our wedding would be an honor! You'll come won't you? I'm sure Sanae thinks so as well."
"Oh, yeah, if I can find the time." She said, now looking a little flushed.
Well, that was easy. With young, proud girls like Reimu, it wouldn't do anything to come at them with the same pride, instead, flattery and playing along with them worked far better, although usually it takes a bit more work then this.
"H-hey! Don't change the subject! I want to know what your planning with those bird brains and rabbits this instant, otherwise I'll crush your plans right now."
I sighed. Yeah, two steps forward, one step back. No use in getting frustrated with it though, she was just young and spirited. Sorry Kanako-Sama, I'll have to tell her a little about the milk industry, maybe omitting some details you can fill in later.
"You see Reimu, we're-" Before I can start, I hear a cry. Turning, I could see it was a baby, safely in it's mother arms, sobbing, probably because they were hungry.
"Ah, mothers sure have it rough." Reimu mentions, but I hardly hear it.
My chest grows warm and I could feel tingles along it, going from my neck to my areola, parodically pulsing with my heartbeat. I felt lightheaded and my legs felt shaky, I wrapped my hand around my waist, trying to steady myself and breathed deep.
"Hey, you about to faint?" Reimu asked, breaking me from the stupor and making me realize what was going on.
Oh no, not now! I already made so much this morning and more was going to come out already? I couldn't, not in these clothes at least, the fabric cost alone had been a fortune, not to mention the doll-maker's expertise. Ah, but I could feel it coming more and more, I can't stop it when it gets like this, have to find a way to get some privacy.
"Yes, after all this excitement I'm feeling a little woozy is all. Do you mind coming back another day? I need to rest inside the shrine." I told her.
Reimu cocked her head, eyed me suspiciously, and then grinned. "Sure, but I can't leave you all on your lonesome can I? Let me escort you back, it's the least I can do."
"Why thank you." I said, letting her take my arm while we walked to the shrine.
There might be no avoiding it, showing Reimu the truth of what we were planning, one of the others should notice I'm gone though and hopefully divert her attention before that happens.
Honestly I'm surprised Reimu doesn't take any issue with Gensokyo's elites swapping bodies with their fiances. Either way, good story as always!
>>48167641 >>48203570 >>48203803
This has honestly been refreshingly wholesome compared to the general subject matter and overall tone of some of the other stories I've read. Big fan of the way you've paced things out so far! The soccer game was a fun little idea and I like seeing the ever-developing relations between the intermingling parties at-hand.
The ending cliffhanger gave me chills in a good way though. There's far too many possibilities that could go on between Reimu and Kanakonon so now I'm just eagerly waiting on the edge of my seat. Truly there is little rest for the Divine as well.
Maybe it's more of a 'can't really do much about it after the fact' sorta situation so she's just taking any kind of leverage she can get. Who knows if she'll be as susceptible to things as Sanae though.
It would be hypocritical.
HSE but Reimu body swaps with her husband.
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"Yes, it's right here." I directed Reimu to my room, my breath growing heavier.
Once we step in side I make my way to the bed and begin stripping, already I could feel myself leaking and the sensations around my chest growing more intense, so there wasn't any time to delay if I was going to avoid making a mess.
"What are you doing stripping, oh-" Reimu said, her eyes growing wide in surprised. "Those are real?!" she said with dis-belief as I stripped away the final garment and began heaving a breast out of the specially made bra.
There's not time to answer her now, instead, I pull aside the basket from my bed and get one of the tubes with a large suction cup at the end ready. Eirin had been kind enough to put together a different setup when I started filling up multiple bottles each session, using medical supplies and a bit of ingenuity to make an impromptu milking station. It made me feel a little more like a livestock animal, but I was grateful not to have to switch out bottles three or more times for each breast and spraying milk everywhere in the process, which is what I would be doing if I didn't hurry!
Once I had both breasts free and grabbed the suction cup, one thing remained in the way: a small pad, like a bandage that covered my nipple. Eirin had called it a 'Pastie', it was meant to catch any small leaks I had throughout the day, but not to hold back something like this! As with the slightest pull the adhesive gave way and it was clear the internal padding was sopping wet.
Now with one hand, I squeezed the area around the areola and with the other put the suction cup over it, then, another sopping wet pastie later, I did the same with the breast.
Finally, with everything in place, I pressed down on the small pump attached to the tank, putting the system under pressure, and let go.
"Ehmmm!" I suppressed a moan as I was finally able to release. Milk squirted out from my nipples in a spray of different tiny streams, at first bursting forth, then subsiding until I took another breath, where upon they'd return in even greater force. The intense cycles repeated several times, causing me to squeeze and coax my chest, desperate to overcome the sensations, until things started to level out and the streams became steady. My bosom still tingled and milk still flowed, but I no longer felt like I was going to explode.
"W-what is this?" Reimu asked, having not said a word this entire time. "Is, is this what happens when a god gets pregnant?" She wondered, her face turning a deep shade of red, yet she doesn't avert her eyes in the slightest.
"No, I'm uh, not pregnant. They just got really big on their own and one day they started producing milk, hah, Eirin said it might've had something to do with me and Kanako-Sama, well..." I huff, still winded by the ongoing milking, trying to provide some semblance of an explanation.
"That...ah, what the hell is everybody thinking? I get that Okina's an evil freak, but Kanako? I guess she wanted to be on top in even marriage so she took your body and probably didn't expect things to turn out like this... things gowing awry, just like every other scheme she's had." Reimu guessed.
"I don't, ah, think Kanako-Sama meant to do such a thing, in, in any case I've accepted it." I told her.
"You mean being a, well, he's turned you into a cow hasn't he?! Wait...." Reimu stopped and placed a finger on her chin.
"Just now, you mentioned Eirin, and a little birdie told me that you Moriyans are teaming up with her and the Tengu for some business plot. It couldn't, you're not literally... are you planning on selling that milk?!" Reimu deduced.
"We're uhm, taking all due precaution with ensuring public health." I said, unable to deny anything.
Reimu grew quiet and her face turned from surprise and awe to grim and resolved. She shut her eyes and began chanting and as she did so the room grew dark and ominous. I felt a bit fearful, being naked and vulnerable, but she wouldn't just come out and hurt me right? Kanako-Sama, please, notice something's off...
And then she opened her eyes and the room was back to normal. "I've just called down two hidden gods." She said, her voice low and powerful. "The Greatest Purifier and The Godly Tasting Chef. One will fortify me from whatever poison you've produced from your chest, the other will tell me it's exact effects. Prepare yourself." Reimu explained as she approached.
Oh not again. "Reimu! You wouldn't want to do such a thing right? Surely if you talked with Eirin, she could explain it to you!" I pleaded, retreating backwards to the wall.
"You mean your co-conspirator? I'm sure she'd provide an excellent and lie-filled lecture to escape responsibility." She said as she knelt down in front of me.
"Then, uh, you should drink from the tank instead! Suckling on a nipple, you're a little old for that right?" I pleaded, but she merely reached for the suction cups and tore both off with a dreadful 'pop' sound.
How... milky
I like it
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"'The identification works best if it's directly from the source', is what the Tasting Chef is telling me, and she hasn't lied once."
In that moment, cornered, with Reimu baring down on me, I probably should've screamed. Yet, it'd been so long since Sanae had suckled on me and seeing Reimu lips approaching my chest, I was reminded of how much better it felt to feed someone directly rather then with that clinical suction cup. Wouldn't it be fine is she had a little? After all, she said 'Tasting' right? So she'd probably just lick a little off the nipple, that much would be okay wouldn't it? Meanwhile, as my anticipation grew, the flow from my nipples slowly began to increase.
And as I hesitated, without reservation, Reimu took one of my breasts, popped my nipple into her mouth, and sucked upon it.
Instantly my body involuntarily responded, squirting even more then I had when I started. The feeling was so intense that I arched my back forward, forcing Reimu's face against my whole, and by comparison bigger, tit. But she didn't stop suckling, not for a moment and I clutched the sheets as she did, trying my best not to lose myself in the sensations. It was useless though, because I could feel something beyond anything I'd felt before: energy, or something like it, passing from me to the Shrine Maiden and it felt right, as if this was exactly what I was supposed to be doing. It was so much so that, something else, deep within me, began to slowly rise up. It was warm, gentle, and overwhelmingly inevitable.
I wrapped Reimu in a hug and urged her on "Go on, drink all you like." I told her, rubbing the back of her head as the rising feeling grew closer and closer until...
Reimu pushed me away and fell on her back. "What was that?!" She yelled, panting, milk drooling from her mouth, and looking at me in shock.
At the same time, the door flew open and Sanae appeared, looking at the scene, she yelled something at Reimu, who yelled something back, but I couldn't hear it, as the time had come.
Wrapping my arms around my waist, I pushed my breasts up and welcomed it. As it began to fill me, my bosom started to glow a faint gold and swell, even larger then they'd been before, and as they did the light grew in intensity. "Come, come..." I urged as the sensation grew in strength and the other two in the room stopped arguing and looked at the growing source of light.
It was becoming unbearable. I was so close! If Reimu had just drunk a little longer this would've been so easy! Yet, at the same time, it felt amazing, like electricity running across every part of my bare skin, pushing me even closer, causing my nipples to throb and shake until, until... "Come!" I yelled.
Finally, the feeling crested, and like a roller coaster, the payoff began. From my nipples came forth a smooth, creamy, white liquid tinged with the same golden glow as my bosom and it came out thick, not like the tiny streams which had to be squeezed out before, no, it was like a river of cream came from my nipples now and I couldn't do anything but relish every second of it.
"Ahh!" I moaned, unable to even hold back my voice anymore as I threw my head back and clutched my sides, milk continuing to spray and dribble down my body as I did.
All the while the two Mikos watched me, utterly transfixed by what was occurring before them. As my mind began to clear ever so slightly and my hand passed over the underside of my breast I had a thought: 'so wet, so much wasted milk'. I turned to the two Mikos, reached out my hands and asked them "Sanae, Reimu, won't you become my daughters?"
For a moment they stood still and looked at each other in silence, then they began to move. Sanae first closed the door behind her and started to disrobe her coaches uniform, revealing that she'd been double binding her chest. I had tried to convince myself that she was a growing girl and it couldn't have been just my milk that did that, but I was just deluding myself, and now she would probably get even bigger. But was there anything wrong with that? She'd be a mother one day of course, this was just her getting ready. Reimu also began to strip, revealing her slimmer body. It wouldn't be for long though, ah, should I be worried that her figure would be disproportionate with a slim body and large bust? No, I'm sure it'd just be another thing that made her unique.
As the two knelt down in front of me, I held up both tits, one for each, and they each took one before they licked the milk around the areola and then began feeding from each breast. Where as before Reimu has sucked the energy out herself, this time I felt as though I was pushing, and that I could push harder, so I did, increasing as I heard them gulping down my milk, letting off a little, and then pushing a bit more.
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It was all I could do now to sigh, coo to the both of them, and rub their backs as they continued to suckle until they could do so no more and both drifted off to sleep.

"Kanako, I found your Fiancé, she was in her room with Reimu and Sanae." Suwako flew up to me.
When I came back to the field and found her and Reimu missing, I assumed the worst and immediately sent the two to search for her while I surveyed the surroundings in case Reimu had fled with her. My abundance of caution appears to have been for naught, but with that bratty Shrine Maiden it never hurt to be too careful. Still, Suwako looked a little perturbed and after having won the match? Strange.
"They're alright I take it?" I asked.
"Well yes, but..." Oh no. "...Reimu pulled a Sanae and then it seems like Sanae followed suit." She said.
I cover my face with my hand and rubbed downward, wishing it were not so. That this was the perfect dirt to have on the Shrine Maiden didn't even cross my mind at the time, since it had come at the expense of my future wife. I was supposed to protect her damnit! And I just let her be alone with that Crimson Slasher! I'm such a fool.
"Unfortunately there's more, your Fiancé, well, she ascended."
Without a thought I make to fly to the Shrine, thinking only of her safety, and it's only by Suwako catching my sleeve, and an abundance of restraint on my part, that I stop.
"Why are you stopping me!? You know how volatile that process can be!" I yell at her.
"Calm down! Your Fiancé she's, well, she's handling it well and uh, when I peaked inside, she was comforting Reimu. The girl was sobbing into her chest, it's not something we should interrupt." She said.
I let out a heavy breath and try not to yell in frustration. "Damnit... she does all these things for me and I can't even be there for her at a time like this."
"Oh, chin up." Suwako says, patting my back. "You should save all that frustration for when that girl no longer has to hold back around you."

"It's not fair." Reimu sobbed on my breast as Sanae slept on the other side, none the wiser.
"What isn't Reimu? You can tell me." I ask her softly.
"You all. I have to live alone in the middle of a youkai forest and you guys have a happy little family up here. I hate it." She seethed.
"Reimu..." I gently called her name, patting her back. "There's nothing wrong with feeling lonely, if you do, just come to me and I'll comfort you."
"Liar." She said. "You're only doing this because of your precious Kanako-Sama right? You want to keep tabs on me..." Reimu complained.
It wasn't too far off the mark. Knowing what the Shrine Maiden was up to was a key piece of strategic information and I did live to support Kanako-Sama as his future wife. Still, it wasn't the whole truth.
"Reimu, Kanako-Sama loves you." I told her, and at this she looked up at me. "When he hates something, Kanako-Sama either destroys it or ignores as much he can. With you, he can't help but criticize because he wants you to succeed, it's his way of showing he cares."
"Is that why he excluded me from your new 'family business'? Because that sounds like he's ignoring me." she asked.
"If you had known and things had gone awry, wouldn't you benefit most from solving the incident? Kanako-Sama knows your talents lies in fixing problems, not starting them Reimu, he did that to protect you."
For a moment, Reimu was quiet, until finally she moved and burrowed under my arm. "You weren't lying about comforting me whenever right? If you mean it, I can overlook things for awhile." She murmured.
"Of course, I'd be more then happy to." I whispered to her.
Slowly her eyes fluttered, shut, and her breaths leveled out into a comfortable rhythm. It was blissful, to have two beautiful daughters huddled against me, and they'd grow more beautiful now, and one day have beautiful children of their own.
"Kanako-Sama." I said softly. Soon, soon I'd give you more children then you could count, maybe we'll even run out of names...
Aight this is great. I'm a big fan of big milky breasts
Well done
Becoming Patchouli's milk maid because you helped Marisa to borrow multiple books. You'd probably be a stacked Koakuma but even lower in the SDM hierarchy.
That doesn't sound bad at all.
Now, is the original Koakuma still present or am I the "real and original" Koakuma?
The original is still present, but you're so low on the totem pole that you only get the name of "Koakuma's Assistant". An assistant to the assistant at best.
But the eternal breast envy of the other residents of the SDM would make sure I'd get milked by all of them. Especially Remilia and Flandre as they are the flattest.
Now I'm imagining getting turned into a third Scarlet and be the envy of Remilia especially because of my very large breasts
>but you're so low on the totem pole that you only get the name of "Koakuma's Assistant".
They could just go with something shorter and easier to say like "cow" or "the drink dispenser".
What's Japanese for "Cow" or "Dairy cow"? Because that'd probably be it.
"Ushi" for cow and "nyugyu" for dairy cow according to Google. Probably just "Nyu" for short because a lowly servant only useful for on demand milk doesn't deserve two syllables.
So much milk talk. It must be a vector of transformation.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was.
All this milk talk makes me think cow print bikinis are the outfit of a 2hu'd boobsanon
Well the first story posted was an Urumi fic, it only make sense.
I would NEVER drink jippie-turned-2hu milk. I bet it tastes bitter.
"Oh Kanako-Sama, my harvest this year was horrendous! The fields did not yield the bounty of autumn's past and I worry that my family may starve. I beseech you, is there some wisdom you can provide that would help me?" The worshipper asked.
For a moment, Kanako-Sama thought, more for dramatic effect then anything else, as he had already knew this particular worshipper was coming and had prepared well in advance.
"Indeed, the yield is poor despite you repeating the same cycle as last year correct? It's because you did not allow the land to fallow and recover. Leave the fields absent for the next growing season and compost the failed crops to sell." He told him.
"But, Kanako-Sama, my family cannot live off the sales of compost alone!" He pleaded.
"Then I will lend you a little bit of money, which you can pay back with the proceeds of the harvest you will have in two years, which I assure you will be ample if you follow my directions." Kanako Said.
"Oh, thank you Kanako-Sama, a thousand praises to you!" The worshipper bowed before leaving.
I'd seen probably more then a hundred of Kanako-Sama's audiences, but never from beside him. Now, sitting up here, the view was a little different. The petitioners looked so fragile, delicate even. I felt a need to reach out and swaddle them, let them know that their prayers will be answered and that their suffering is at it's end, I restrained myself though, I had ascended, but Kanako-Sama was still my master and fiancé.
Yes, I had become a goddess of fertility, a change that didn't feel as impactful as you think it would, perhaps because it was more like crossing a finish line of a race, rather then having a switch flip. What did surprise me was Eirin's reaction to testing the 'blessing' I produced.
'Beyond potent' and 'Lunarian Grade', those were the words she used to describe the milk I feed to Reimu and Sanae. It had all the effects of what normally came out of me, multiplied by a heaping of spiritual power. Had the two not been miko's, who're effective at channeling the blessings of gods, the results may have been catastrophic, instead, the two had their spiritual power boosted for a little bit, their bodies became more womanly, and they had to cloister themselves away for awhile, because their libidos were off the charts.
I was a little sorry for that, but neither really blamed me, and Reimu looks at me with kind eyes now. I guess the person I should really feel guilty towards is Kanako-Sama, who was worried sick about me throughout this. I moved a bit closer to him, as the last petitioner arrives, a pregnant woman.
"Uh, Kanako-Sama, I, forgive me, but I've come to petition your Fiancé instead." She asked worriedly.
He looked to me and I nodded. "You may do so." he said.
"Ah, thank you. Uhm, Yasaka-San I, my family, I believe we are cursed." She said, looking down at her swelled stomach. "My Grandmother died in childbirth, as did mine own Mother. I fear that the same fate will befall me as well. I do not wish for my children to grow up like I did, can you, is it within your power to lift this curse?" She begged.
Slowly, I got up from my kneeling position besides Kanako-Sama and went down to the woman, lowering myself to her side.
"You needn't move yourself for someone as lowly as me Yasaka-San." She said.
Gently, I moved my hand over her belly. "Do not dimmish yourself, you're going to be a Mother soon aren't you? You should hold your head high for your children." I said.
"But, the curse..." She murmured.
"Yes, a tragedy, what happened to your foremothers, don't despair though, fortune favors you and these twins." I said.
"T-twins?" She asked.
"Yes, you've been twice blessed. If there was such a curse, it would surely not allow this." I told her.
"Oh, Thank you Yasaka-San! A thousand praises to you!" She called to me before leaving.

"Are you sure it's alright not to bless her?" Kanako-Sama asked as we walked down the hall together.
"I'd like to be careful with that, considering how it must be administered." I said, placing a hand on my chest. "But it really wasn't necessary. That 'curse' is just a self-fulfilling prophecy due to stress, one mother, and then her daughter, probably died in childbirth, and so their children began to dread their own children's coming. All I had to do was change her perspective and the real problem was solved."
"How did you know she had twins though?" He asked.
"Woman's Intuition." I said, a little coyly. I could feel such things so naturally now after all.
"Guess I was worried for nothing, I'll be glad to have such a dependable wife in the future who can handle those matters." He praised.
I leaned my head against his shoulder as we walked and, taking the invitation, he patted my head and then held me close by the shoulder.
"They'll be here soon, Okina and his wife, I don't think they'll start trouble, but be cautious of the two." He warned.
Yes, even though I accepted my position, I still had questions to ask that woman.
Waiting for the chapter where Suwako has to teach Kanako and his wife how to raise kids.
From a purely practical perspective (powers, connections, position in society, etc.) which Chinese girl would you want to?
Seiga, but you have to deal with Yoshika.
Meiling is so overworked and bound to Remilia's whims that she has to nap at her job.
Junko is all alone and very angry.
Yukari. Gaps just have way too much potential to not try it out.
Also huge tits.
Either of the Scarlet sisters, Patchouli, Yukari
Huge tits are not a purely practical consideration but I understand why it'd be two big positive points.
Big boobs are actually very practical as we've seen from the Kanako story.
Imagine getting turned into Tewi.
You feel an instinctive and overwhelming sense of smugness and superiority, but would you try to resist it? You aren't just some smug brat, right...?
Give me the power to be a smug brat and I will be a smug brat
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I'll one up you on this: What if it was Kurotei?
She's the alt Player color scheme for Tewi in Flower Dream. The Japanese apparently liked it so much that she received her very own separate figure. Eventually mutating into a Lily Black-esce sort of "eviler" version of normal Tewi.
Why do you want to be a smug brat
I would never stop breeding. I would die within a week.
What if Tewi existed and you turned into Kurotei? Wouldn't that be funny?

Mesugakis are powerful
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Clownpiece after turning an anon into a copy of herself but keeps his mind intact so she can tease him even more.
That girl ain't right...
Very mean to goad somebody into forcing himself (herself) into you when he (she) doesn't have a dick any more.
Man, I want to FUCK an anon
Do you really?
BUILT for twinning but the twin has ever so slightly larger assets
Only if they get turned into a 2hu, which is unlikely.

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