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When the Japanese looked upon this hideous bird monster, why did they call it a "heavenly dog"?
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The etymology behind Tengu is kinda convoluted. The "heavenly dog" was actually from the Chinese. They used to call shooting stars Tian Gou aka heavenly dogs. This notion got imported into Japan and Tian Gou became Tengu. However, since "Tengu" doesn't carry a direct meaning, the spirits of shooting stars started to become conflated with earlier myths of mountain and air spirits. Somehow the name stuck and the Tengu took on many divergent characteristics and behaviors over the centuries, including ones we are now familiar with.
Because white boys fuck dogs
Japanese people know well enough not to fall for the tricks of tengu. Meanwhile, on /jp/, you'll have boys begging to be some tengu's househusband kept under lock and key.

Also who the fuck are you quoting? Too green, go back to /vt/
The Ainu are half white, right? So the average Japanese are maybe, 1/6th.
It's not like I wanted to. I just happened to go for a hike on white wolf territory during mating season. It happened by pure chance.
My heavenly balancing dog wife can't be this cute and informative!
>Also who the fuck are you quoting?
Japanese comes from the OP here >>47934348 and white comes from the post here >>47934561. Do try to pay attention.
OP didn't say japenis, try again
The duality of the jay.
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Tengu fear the human male!
One of these is not like the others...
Yeah, Slutate isn't wearing a bra!
Delete this thread that's my fucking wife
Imagine the kind of femcel goon cave in her house...
She's not wearing one because there's no practical need for one, but you had to point it out, anon. How inconsiderate of her modest size can you be? Quite rude also.
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>"children...? Maybe in a few centuries."
here's your wife, bros.
This smoking overworked hag Aya is doing wonders for me...
Dear, I don't have that much time. We need one right now...
Aya may not be one, but is momiji a heavenly dog?
Looks like Oushino Ougi, from monogatari
Why? She looks like she hasn't bathed in days. Her pits are underboobs are probably grimy.
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I'm sure you could convince her to go to an onsen with you.
Thanks anon, that's interesting
Yeah, from all the smegma I left there
>Tengu links to Judaism
Can I get a summary? Video is unavaible.
Posting the real overworked Aya
God, the things I'd do to a tired 10guwife to try and preserve her soul from the wageslave machine
How is this dumb bird still working 9-5 after like 1000 years?
that says a lot about the wageslave machine
Here is the catbox link, even though this version was shortened:

But general proof/consensus:
- Star of David/Star of Remphan being a symbol of Israel shows up a lot at Japanese temples associated with tengus.
- Mt. Kubote in Fukuoka where it is said the tengu once lived in. It is said in the 5th century A.D. a goblin appeared in the mountain and surprised people. A museum curator pulled out an old scroll drawing of the tengu/goblin. It looked like a man with a long nose.
- The tengu has a strong resembelence to the mask of the Hata people with the huge nose.
- The small black tokin boxes/tokin hat which the tengu put on their head is very similar to custom in Judaism of phylactery, which according to Britannica, is a Jewish religious practice, one of two small black leather cube-shaped cases containing Torah texts written on parchment. The TV show in the video actually went to the Jewish community center in Tokyo and talked to Rabbi Henry Noah, to confirm the customs are similar.
- Japanese story of Ushiwaka-maru receiving a tora no maki (basically translates to tora scroll) from the Kurama Tengu after finishing his training.

There just seems to be way too many links between tengus and Judaism.
I-is this the real reason why they all are journalists in Touhou..???
I guess it was the Mountain of Jews this whole entire time
It's an interesting subject to discuss, but frankly way too liable to have /pol/-tier shitters show up and ruin things. I'd be surprised if the mods crack down on it without that, though, since they do basically fuck all about more blatant cases of discussion that belongs to other boards.
>the things I'd do to a tired 10guwife
I'd steal her bra every day after she returns from work. Once she falls on the couch and begins to snore, I'd unhook that warm bad boy and slip it out of her blouse.
Thanks for catbox, I watched.
Well, I can't obviously disprove those, but I would be wary with those connections. Six-pointed star, like most simple geometric symbols (e.g. cross, swastika, five-pointed star) can crop up independently. Tokin hat certainly comes from Shugendo practitioners. Due to those ascetics going where Tengu supposedly dwelled, both started to be associated with each other, which I think is also used to explain change from older, crow-like depictions of Tengu towards red-skinned humanoid. Torah-tora no maki looks like a case of homophones messing up translation. The noses look like the strongest point to me, which is a long shot.
But maybe? Meaningless coincidences happen, but strange situations throughout the history happen just as often. However, assuming it is true, I guess the conclusion would be that Tengu were modelled on some diasporans that went to Japan, right?
I will never lose to tengu!
Especially not the dogs
>Ushiwaka-maru receiving a tora no maki (basically translates to tora scroll)
How do you write tora no maki with kanji?
We need more resilient men like you. Death to tengu!
Iizunamaru-sama! Quick!
I will always lose to tengu!
Especially the blue-haired ones with good business sense
>There is a good chance that Japanese culture was influenced by Judaism all along
The religions of the world are way more consanguineous than people think. Even Judaism itself might have been influenced by Atenism or Zoroastrism aside from the known Canaanite > Yahwism > Judaism family tree.
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Anon... that's cool and all but the channel hosting it is a literal nazi

some highlights of 'expose the jewgenda':
>Dr. Joseph Goebbels warning on Bolshevism aka International Jewry
>"like a cancer it must be removed"
>combat and tactics of the Waffen SS
>Jewish multipronged attack on whites
>"victims of the death jab" (covid video)
>speeches by nazis & white nationalists
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looks like i'm gonna read the genealogy of jesus to my aya fumo when she arrives
par for the course, sadly
When did /jp/ become so kiked? Don't tell me you're doing this because you desperately want a tenjew gf.
NTA but I've watched like a 2 hour video in the more mainstream service where a bunch of Jews talked about the same stuff. They didn't of course make any kind of "long nose tengu jews" type of connections, but talked about some admitedly weird similarities between Judaism and Japanese culture.

The weirdest damn thing was that the first thing they talked about was some ritual conducted in Suwa Grand Shrine, which of course ties to the mythology behind Kanako and Suwako.

Rather than these things being some evidence of some lost tribe of Israel washing up on the shores of Japan, I just think different cultures just tap into similar stuff.

Some of the stuff also was just a misunderstanding of Japanese culture and not really being familiar with the timeline of Chinese influence on their culture.

Some of the parallels between Shinto and Jewish rituals were really weird nevertheless.
>the channel hosting it is a literal nazi
Does that diminish or invalidate anything in the linked video?
Inherent bias in establishing connections where there may be none. Of course, the uploader did not make the video but "coincidence" is an entirely valid argument that they wish to diminish.
The TIDF (Tengu Internet Defence Force) arrived just in time.
trying not to have jannies to nuke this thread or move it to /pol/ where it'll get slid by israeli bbc posters.
>desperately want a tenjew gf.
anon she's horribly inbred
If Aya is inbred, then why is she hot? Inbred people are hideously deformed and naturally retarded. What makes her inbred in the first place?
Silly Anon. Being a tengu's husband you're not allowed to die.
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Remember not to spread dangerous misinformation. Always get your news fact checked by a certified Tengu approved newspaper.
What dangerous misinformation? That Aya is worse tengu?
if she truly is jewish and her family wanted to "preserve the blodline" she's bound to have genetic issues. then again she literally lays eggs so dunno how much semetic dna she even has now.
I wonder what genetic issues she would have.
depends how many generations it is and how much they mixed in with the local population.
Is he wrong?
Isn't it...white girls who fuck dogs? Yes they do.
This is why Asian girls are better
They eat dogs to assert their dominance
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Tengus really do control the media in Gensokyo. Maybe some people need to hire samurai to put the tengu in their place, because The Tengu Fears the Samurai!
I don't even trust my fellow humans so why should I trust some smelly Tengger?
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Sorry little man, but Samurai are LAME and UNTRENDY so none of them are willing to offer their services out of SHAME.
a GOOD tengu is a DEAD tengu.
I was supposed to have a a child with a human girl!
A GOOD Tengu is YOUR Tengu. And her mother.
I want to kidnap and molest a small tengu child.
Typical of Aya to snatch the cum out of... your human gf without anyone noticing. She's very fast after all.
Aya DO NOT know how to properly WRITE! Such a SHAMEFUL EXCUSE of a woman!!
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Suspending a publication that has some issues is a long-standing true reporters' tradition. You wouldn't understand.
Hatate doesn't have issues before publication because she writes her paper with passion and method, unlike overworked and greedy Aya. Hatate is meticulous and neat!
Aya will always try and fail to attain 'Tate's perfection!
I do not like this exceptionally smug 10gu. Aya’s aura mocks me and I won’t tolerate it.
Here, have a serious wolf then.
The only good tengu. She's like Bobby Fischer in my headcanon, because even though she is a tengu, she hates how tengus control everything and try to genocide everyone. Due to this, she doesn't consider herself as a tengu and speaks out against tengu atrocities.
Checked. Very cool no-nonsense guard dog.
she smells of wet dog after patrolling the whole day in the rain.
You can fix that by giving her a bath.
There's nothing you can do to fix a crow tengu's rotten personality.
I will help her clean up.
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This thread is for superior tengu!
Exactly. That's why dogs should be excluded
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a thread to post cute momijis? Nice.
Stinky dog stuck in an lower class job then even Aya...
at least she loves her job and takes pride in it, unlike Aya who'll never be satisfied while writing for her shitty and disgraced paper.
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why does she like patrolling so much?
Slave mentality.
I'd assist Momiji as her tail-holder, allowing her to focus on more important things.
>protected mountain, protected hubby
it's that simple.
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brushing 'Mijis tail...
Having your bussy gaped by 'miji's thick knotted wolf penis...
Wolf are territorial creatures.
Can't let disgusting fairies or human women get close to her husband.
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She gets to pick up and keep “stray” Outsider humans she comes across like others of her kind.
Sorry, I will try to...
Why are you lecturing me, Shameimaru?
Why are they so buckbroken?
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>why are they so cute?
The only ones more buckbroken than them are the moon rabbits. How did they end up like this, considering they are an armed force?
>considering they are an armed force?
Army of wolves means little when all their leaders might as well be donkeys. Crows led by... more crows, now that's a force to be reckoned with.
Every time I see this image of Aya I feel really bad for her with how upset she looks.
focus on the among us in her eyes and you won't feel as bad.
But she’s not Junko!
Why is she dabbing
the actual question would be:
what the dog doin?
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She especially likes to pick up shotas and be their mommy figure.
Seductive Aya fangs
I love Momiji so much...
Momiji kisses other wolves
Tengu wouldnt even care about me so were all good
No tengu is desperate enough to grab me, not even Megumu
There's a huge number of single tengu women, and thanks to their superiority complex, the "I can fix him" mentally is the norm there.
You'll become a tengu's perfect house husband, no matter now much abus- I mean, guidance it takes.
I love mommy too. She is best tengu.
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this thread has been thrown to the wolves!
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White wolf revolution to overthrow the current corrupt tengu system and hierarchy! Aya's (((Bunbunmaru))) and other lugenpresse media will be destroyed!
sniping a crow tengu's head from 4 kilometers away! The revolution will get its nourishment from their ichor!
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Kill crow tengus. Behead crow tengus. Roundhouse kick a crow tengu into the concrete. Slam dunk a crow tengu baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy crow tengus. Defecate in a crow tengu's food. Launch crow tengus into the sun. Stir fry crow tengus in a wok. Toss crow tengus into active volcanoes. Urinate into a crow tengus gas tank. Judo throw crow tengus into a wood chipper. Twist crow tengus heads off. Report crow tengus to the IRS. Karate chop crow tengus in half. Curb stomp pregnant black crow tengus. Trap crow tengus in quicksand. Crush crow tengus in the trash compactor. Liquefy crow tengus in a vat of acid. Eat crow tengus. Dissect crow tengus. Exterminate crow tengus in the gas chamber. Stomp crow tengu skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate crow tengus in the oven. Lobotomize crow tengus. Mandatory abortions for crow tengus. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. German suplex crow tengus through glass. Vaporize crow tengus with a ray gun. Kick old crow tengus down the stairs. Feed crow tengus to alligators. Slice crow tengus with a katana.
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Momiji will lead the crusades in tengu mountain! She already caught one! Awoo Vult!

You can tolerate Momiji. She's trustworthy.
I love the smell of wet dogs.
Awooji is a very good girl. She isn't interested in becoming a career woman like Aya. She just wants to do well for her clan, and focus on raising at least 4 strong pups
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the wolves think they're capable of overthrowing their masters. So cute.
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Why not? Momiji is the only reason why tengus are likeable!
Soft warm wolf tum
the most nurturing environment for human children
What is more favorable: a sack of flesh and fluids tucked and growing inside one of the most vulnerable part of a woman's body, prone to disease and such, OR the hard shell and tangible ecosystem of the laid egg, which can be properly secured in an incubation chamber to be watched over, is much more resistant to sickness and won't take an excruciating process of roughly 12+ hours to welcome your baby into the world?
Embrace egg-laying, it's the superior form to deliver life.
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The egg grows inside Aya's womb at first before she lays it, dumb ass. I'd still take Momiji's wolf pups.
hey Aya, I used the eggs you bought to make us some eggs! Just don't tuck them away from the fridge next time, okay? Warming them too spoils them, silly.
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Is this how Aya does abortions?
probably just toss them into the air and pulverize them with Danmaku. Not like she has time or willpower to cook for herself, after all.
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I would think she would boil eggs often because of the things she has to do to get "sources" for her shitty fake news newspaper.
Aya is on the famous "Bootlicker Tengu Diet", composed of:
>store-bought bread with worm paste for breakfast and insta coffee, made as she does her hygiene
>insta ramen, which she during her 10 min break of her 16 hours shift. A combination of aluminium, iron and salt produce a FRH, cooking the noodles and leaving just enough time for consumption.
don't have time for long ass egg boils. Gotta keep that grind for the sweet at promotion!
>Aya is a wage cuck
Kek, wat
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tengu society, man...
Then stop looking down on Momiji and stop slandering her in the lugenpresse when she tries to change things for the better.
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get back… in you're kennel dog…
Aya. Rest. You can't even use you're/your properly. Stop peddling lies and slander about Momiji. You'll feel better and your mind will be much more clear. Momiji will change things for the better.
Many shackles make the slave. The shackles of iron and their abrasive wounds; the shackles of the heart that betray your health to benefit others; the shackles of life, of nepotistic hierarchies deciding your entire life for you before you even recover from the blindness of being born… But none compare to the evil of the shackles of the mind, for they are used to make you believe they are your life, that they give you worth — and you'll be content merely because you wear them, content that their burn-out is just how existence plays out: BUT I AM NOT CONTENT! I am not, and neither are you! We are not content! Yet, how can others also know they're not content?! That they even wear these shackles of the mind in the first place, parasites implanted on them through the media, the engineered culture of work to live and live to work? How will our brothers and sisters know and help us save our children from the shackles we've painstakingly cast off? How will they know that they are slaves?! I will tell you: they will know because… WE WILL TELL THEM THROUGH ANY MEANS NECESSARY! We will tell them through discomfort; through vandalism and through sweat and blood! Through any way that'll peel the charade and expose that the burns and burdens they carry ARE NOT OUR ONLY WAY OF LIFE! We'll rebel against the chains! We'll revolt against the higher echelons and their sick plans! We'll war against this virulent evil! And in the end, when before us stand a future without shackles, to our side our brothers and sisters, and behind us the bloodied corpse of this regime… we will be free!
"-wait, is that peanut butter?"
the smear campaign against the revolution starts, and it is as pitiful as ever.
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This monster has robbed you of your freedom. In time, and she'll rob you of your human husband too.
One day Aya is going to snap and then stab Megumu to death in her office.
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good, fuck this gay society.
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"When one day we shall be no more, then the coming generations shall be able to look back with pride upon this day, the day on which a great Volk affirmed the white wolf community!"

>Megumu is initially polite yet cunningly deceitful, willing to set different factions against each other to achieve her goals.
Wait a minute.....This sounds familiar. Tenma is her chief as well. I wonder how much Tenma is involved with this as well.
Here's how I interpreted your post

>some highlights of 'expose the jewgenda':
Wolf tengu drive by!!
Multiple Oni will correct you at night for these posts. If you repent, those Oni won't be male.
What if I shower a tengu with affection?
What if I cling to her and cuddle her silly every night she comes back from work?
What if I barrage her with forehead kisses and praise?
I'm merely stating what will happen to Aya if she continues on the wrong path. Tell those Oni that this won't happen to Aya after Momiji's revolution is successful. No need for her to whore herself out to produce lies in the lugenpresse and work herself to death. She can finally raise a strong family and be happy.
Aya turning into self-hating crow tengu, similar to how Bobby Fischer was a self hating jew, would help Aya a lot. She will no longer need to work herself to death working for the lugenpresse.

"When one day we shall be no more, then the coming generations shall be able to look back with pride upon this day, the day on which a great Volk affirmed the white wolf community. In the past, millions of white wolves shed their blood for this Reich. How merciful a fate to be allowed to create this Reich today without a suffering. Now, rise, white wolf Volk, subscribe to it, hold it tightly in your hands! I wish to thank Him who allowed me to return to my homeland so that I could return it to my white wolf Reich! May every white wolf realize the importance of the hour tomorrow, assess it and then bow their head in reverence before the will of the Almighty who has wrought this miracle in all of us within these past few weeks."
the crow tengu will answer for their oppression, one way or another.
The kappa were right, tengu are a bunch of weirdos.
But what if they give you, wait for it, TWO bones to chew every day!
Funny enough, when I did research into real life tengu mythology, there were no wolf tengus in Japan. Only the crows. Also, the word tengu comes from the Chinese word Tiangou, and uses the exact same kanji as well 天狗. No idea why the word was applied to (((crow monsters))). It might mean the white wolves are basically treated as golems or slaves.

Momiji asked the tengu leadership for 20 bones. Surprised, the tengu leadership says, "10 bones?! That costs a lot of money! What the hell do you need 5 bones for?!"
You're the negociating type, I see.
What about this: two bones AND a belly rub?
>"26 STAB WOUNDS! She was going to rub your belly, and you stabbed her 26 times!"
She looks proud of her hilarious and excessive act of violence.
Fucking birds, fucking dogs. I hate you tengu. Human girls for human men!
Tengu girls are hotter. You just have normie shit tastes!
I, too, would be proud if I got to stab my tengu boss 26 times... in minecraft, of course.
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I wonder if Aya ever though of doing that to Megumu like >>48020766 said. Poor Aya. She just needs to accept that Momiji will make things better.

One things Momiji will do is build a beautiful wall around tengu mountain and make Moriya Shrine pay for it! Believe me!
Isn't Megumu kind of a god? It's probably not going to stick. She'll show up the next day, tell Aya to stop being so dramatic, and Aya will go back go her dead end journalism job.
>in minecraft, of course.
This doesn't fly anymore in 20XX. THEY are coming to get YOU.
gladly high up tengus have no dark, sick temptations towards human men, so I'll just get away with a slap on the wrist for being silly in the tengunet.
Sometimes I shitpost on the tengunet to see if Aya or Megumu would come to lecture me on being silly and I get to stare at their tiddies bouncing when they are lecturing me.
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time to meet papiji, mommaji, brotherji and shotaji
I think that's Momiji's MILF mom.
Don't birds usually bathe in dirt?
Maybe she's really a duck in disguise.
They like bathing in water too.
Is there a charm to ward off these vile creatures?
I heard from a very reliable and trustworthy source that if you hang your dirty clothes out before you wash them then your smell will mark your territory and they won't come close. Undergarments are most effective for this.
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its especially effective against white wolves. they really hate the smell of males, and will even go miles out of their territory to deal with the source of such smells if they detect them.
For the crown tengu? Maybe a manji.
The Ainu never mixed that much with the other japanese people. Even in Hokkaido there is rare found people with aiunu genes outside of their traditional villages.
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Aya finally gets a rest from overwork? She should take a nice long bath and enjoy her first break in a while.
I forgot to mention: Momiji did promise that she will make things better.
this chicken is stewing
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Being sex friends with Aya!
Already cold rains started to pour,
But all change goes with staying same:
Higher-ups forcing to shill,
White wolves barking at you still.
Don't let your smile be part of yore,
And think of your routine sans shame:
Newspaper written with skill,
Enough sake for your fill.
Is it wrong to wish to see a Tengu be happy`?
Aya smells
Aya's a dumbass
She should kill herself
And newspaper is crass
It isn't. We should all strive to make Tengu smile more. Their happiness should be the reason of ours and vice versa.
Oh little fairy, why spewing such bile,
Instead of making other people smile?
But I'm sure you're cool,
And not complete fool,
So you will do better after short while.
Aya raped me. Again.
Why is Aya such a dyke for fairies?
She can’t keep getting away with this…
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Cirno needs to get a restraining order for this degenerate tengu.
Cute agression and incredible sexual frustration do not mix well when half the population of the place you live in is little girls.
Hatate gave her that awful poem and paid her a double-ball ice cream if she went around Youkai Mountain reciting it to people.
She's very sorry now that she understands it better.
Cute yuri lolicon
She's just curious and it's understandable. I think we all can sympathize with Aya in this scenario.
What are you doing on that branch? You know Youkai can fly and get you there as well?
The math doesn't check out Cirno.
She absolutely can, and will slander you if you try to stop her
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What if I seek protection from her with Hatate?

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