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Link the game
I look like that and act like that

That is literally me
No it's me
A mighty suku!
Thank you kindly, brother.
poor suku
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It's time for a diet.
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Where do these sukusuku come from?
the countryside.
why do they get stuck in the walls
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These silly creatures need someone to teach them how to behave.
le fishe whale
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The creature gives out a mysterious aura, is it dangerous?
No need to worry, they are completely harmless.
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fat suku
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Sukusuku give me life.
I'm undertaking a delicious rescue!
cool sukus
make sure to do it carefully!
That's suku abuse!
Where do i get one of these creatures?
the internet.
Everywhere in gensokyo especially near the shrine, temple or great barier!
Anon, no! There's hair in there!
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Hai Suku!
Who is this green suku suppose to be?
I assume Yuuka. It's giving out flowers and has that yellow tie thing she wears
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It's Yuuka, tho she is missing her paracol.
I meant the plushies
What suku plushies you looking to get, anon?
AkibaHobby or similiar stores sometimes have them in stock, but I don't think new ones are being made. So you might have to turn to second hand people who sell them if you dare to dive into social media to find such creatures or even buying ripoffs from ebay or amazon they usually have some that are passable or even scalper prized geniune sukus.

Or you can infiltrate the secret sukusuku breeding tunnels deep in one of the mountains in Japan.
>Or you can infiltrate the secret sukusuku breeding tunnels deep in one of the mountains in Japan.
Hot, tell us more about this shit.
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I have already said too much.
Change exhentai to e-hentai
dont tell him what to do
I just hate unnecessary gatekeeping.
I didn't think that was what he was referring to, but maybe the wrong post was quoted
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This is how I go to bed, I only wish I had the means and capital to get one of those massive sukusukus.
Hmm, not that expensive, actually.
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They're communicating
they sure are talkative.
Cute video, but you could have made this with a piece of string in real life.
What's the language used among sukus?
Kyuute speech
very cute, but i'm a little disappointed; surely the all-powerful ai can do better, like sukus doin backflip or whatever.
Where can I get resources to learn this called kyuute speech?
I'm no expert but I don't think it's a proper language, that's just the sound they make. Sukus seem to prefer to communicate with bodylanguage and banging their tiny cute feets on the ground.
Comfy suku
I want to be sukusuku
Pondering the aroma...
why am i not allowed to like cute things like this
i hereby allow (You) to like things like this.
Cute bucket suku!
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Very suspicious.
who could this suku be?
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Only one head?
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Who knows where the bottom half went, it has a hard time seeing where it's going because of the cape.
It's Youmu (phantom).
Cute Just imagine what would happen if one of Sekibanki's heads was actually a sukusuku.
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There is a ton of lore on the various forms of Sukusuku in the three books.
Just wish they were translated.
Want to rub suku belly...
Don't do that anon, they will bite your finger.
That would probably feel heavenly.
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Is it okay?
It's just like a hot tub.
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Hard to take it easy...
If it's not sukusuku, what is it?
Suku the rock
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Sukusuku stronk!
Tiny suku feetsies
heavy stuff
Is it ok to use sukusukus in a non-touhou RPG?
Adding sukusukus to my game would do a lot of good for it because
>the game already has collection autism, so having an enemy you can fight and collect adds to that and increases the dopamine hit from exploring the map and encountering a rare sukusuku
>I can reduce dialogue density because having little creatures that imitate the characters and seeing how the characters interact with them says a lot about how they percieve themselves
>Artistically they aren't as challenging to turn out in large quantities as a more varied monster dex
I could use slimes to accomplish the same thing, but if I copy slimes it is just as unoriginal without even being a fraction as cute.
Sounds like a fun idea, no idea about legality etc tho. Sukusuku themselves are technically originally inspired by a video game so they aren't fully original.
And then there is how 2hu in general is free to use.
I'm an edge case, but I might play your game just to collect your OC sukusukus.
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Are sukusuku dogs or rodents?
they're badgers
they're bovines
Does that mean there is sukusuku milk?
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Youmou suku
w-watashi wa... suku desu?!
How do they run around with them little feet?
strongest sukusuku
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Are all of these yours?
I wish bootleg Sukus were as prevalent as bootleg Fumos are. That way they'd be easier to get ahold of, and maybe they'd even make designs of 'hus that don't have one too.
Box of happiness.
I thought bootleg sukus were fairly common, there isn't an insane amount since they aren't mainstream but they exist.
Some lucky guy bought all of them for 35000円
Did you mean to say that you want someone to put you in a box and sell you for 35000円?
That Suzu apron is so goofy.
I want to buy this creature
Here, take this suku.
looks like a bitey suku
It is adorable, I will treasure it for the rest of my life.
Is it mistreatment to make so many suku share a small space together?
they're like bunnies, they love to be all together, one upon the other.
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being suku is suffering
Me if i had a suku.
the suku march

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