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Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>47963425
physical flashcards...?
stop doing this: using ocr/texthookers
i agree but the fastest way to stop is to use them until you dont have to
>just ocr for the next 5 decades bro!
how come nobody who uses them stops
[citation needed]
[vocaroo needed]
>is there a way to hotkey the Right click > Lookup in Yomitan? scanning with shift is fucky I'd rather just highlight the thing I want to look up

nice and I could do something like that with my mouse but I just prefer having complete control of the parser. It doesn't get it right first try a lot of the time.
Couldn't you just use Autohotkey to bind something like that?
concession accepted
janky but yeh
wotd: すっとこどっこい

姫様どこでそのような言葉を! (ㆁωㆁ*)
How do I post on 2ch?
you need to pay 4 dollars (if you're outside of japan)
I only want to make one thread....
just pay for a month
4 dollars is nothing
support yapanese economy
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thinking 3
dont think feel
what do you mean it doesn't get it right the first time? If you continue to hold it and move your mouse, it will continue to update whatever it's hovering over until you let go.
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reminder that if you can't read this without ocr then you're n6 at most
so if someone radical searched that then theyre gonna mi?
how long would it be to memorize pic related? do i need to make it an anki deck?
here's the other half of the story
just learn as you go
no need to memorize a chart
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nobody here gonna make it, it was a trick question
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me reading chinese
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peak fiction
I'm 37 and totally jaded regarding women. I find it amusing that people would make a big deal about virginity. Love comes from family (if family is not shit), and from nakama.
>go there and just chill
I would love that. But realistically I will just live the rest of my days in my home country and consume Japanese media in private pretending to look at Japan from a distance. Actually going there is bound to be disappointing in so many ways.

If I have learned anything in my life, that is that everything is better in your imagination. And that ties to the virginity thing. Joys are better in your imagination, and suffering is worse in your fear. It's all duhkha.
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game crashed. good thing i saved
this reads like some unhinged eroge
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>futa character with an appropriate name
love hidden shit like this
エ゙まイ゙ はイ゙ ガ!
This is just a pain in the ass visually
they cooked with this ed animation
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they look hypnotized
>gigantic banana
sexo :O
yeah it says so in the top left if you could read
I thought 使役 was like, employment or something
if people can't figure this out on their own, idk how long it'll take you learn the actual language.
this would be considered a verb basics overview, probably roughly equivalent to working your way through something like genki 1&2 or other such introductory materials - but omitting the finer details and other topics that are pointed out in those (e.g. particles, other word classes etc.). as such it is not well suited as a primary learning resource but you can use it as a cheatsheet or guideline for further studies
It's not supposed to be. It's really simple. Alan Moore figured it out I bet, that's why he never left his hometown.
NTA but 使役中 is something like "in use" or "in service". It's used in the sense of "putting a dog to work for you".
Oh, that makes sense
gyarus are made for fat old man hypno anyway
wtf was she a futa? i only watched the 1st season of the anime and it didn’t reach that part
I made that up after looking around a bit. I know basically no Japanese (I can read maybe 10 kanji). So take it with a pinch of salt.
just saw this card in my learn pile today. this is definition i have: 人を使って何かをさせること
yeah so like putting someone to use, but not necessarily as a meat toilet
I guess in context
the dick reveal happens in the movie, that's why it's so highly acclaimed
never heard of bazarr before but seems neat
ever since I've started memorizing example sentences instead of words in isolation my ability to actually use the words I memorize has drastically increased
matt says you shouldn't be using the words for the first 2 years, just inputting
if you drop the names of e-celebs I filter you from my vision
"if you drop the name einstein in a physics discussion i filter you from my vision"

this is how retarded you sound
einstein actually contributed to physics
matt shaped the culture of this general and language learning online
>zoomers unironically defending appeal to authority
i bet ur vaxxed
using spoilers to mask your stupid political opinions should be a bannable offense
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im chugging 20 shows again this season
The Anki 2.3k deck has a bunch of incorrect definitions. Each time I ask ChatGPT for clarification it tells me something entirely different. Who made this fucking thing?
give examples
I noticed this when I received a bunch of words that said "soon" but with different levels of nuance. The flashcard said that "今に" meant "someday" but ChatGPT says that is wrong. And so it is with a bunch of other words, that were similar to each other and were confusing me. "事実" and "現実" and "実際".
>but ChatGPT says
you're an idiot


>In primary school (1-6 grades), students learn 1,006 kanji. These are also known as the kyōiku kanji (教育漢字).
>In secondary school (7-12 grades), students learn an additional 1,130 kanji.
so the native japanese takes 12 years to learn 2136 kanji while some gaijin learns that same amount in 10 months on anki? something's not right here
ChatGPT is more correct than some retarded weeaboo who learned Japanese by playing visual novels, especially given it was trained on literally every single written Japanese text available.
Elevens can't compare to the 160IQ gaijin scholar
being this black and white on chatgpt is equally as retarded, congratulations
Or maybe it's just the creator of this deck was a low verbal IQ retard like yourself who cannot into nuance of the English language. "Someday" is not the same thing as "soon" or "before long". Could he be ESL perhaps?
and yet it can't give you a complete and reliable description description of what 今に means

if only there were tried and true resources of some sophistication and comprehensiveness available somewhere outside the realm of ai
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the real question is how much of an actual nitpick fag are you going to be
3 hours for 1 manga chapter

could be worse...
schools are inefficient, nothing surprising here desu. also they're learning 10 other things at the same time unlike smelly neets
>rephrases the basically exact same meaning several 3 times, one of which arguably is better suited for 今にも
>forgets the other meaning of 今に, 1 out of 2 - that's a 50% failure rate

here's a hint
to give you a quote
>ますます雲は厚く垂れこめ、今にも雨が降りだしそうだった。 (小川 洋子、ホテル・アイリス)
The gaijin is motivated by his desire to travel to japan and fuck hot japanese bitches.
The virgin jap only learns the language to grow up and work 12 hours a day while his wife cucks him on the daily with the BWC gaijin
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japs are bizzare
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That's nice, but not a single one of those things means "someday" as the Anki flashcard said it did. The Anki deck is wrong and misleading and ChatGPT is right, that is to say, the person that made the deck is a retarded weeaboo and now I have to exhaustively check all of these cards so I don't speak like a moron.

ChatGPT does in fact understand the meaning of this word. And "今にも" is a separate word, with its own flashcard and dictionary entry.
How japs talk about God?
do you just add sama to kami to indicate that you mean capital G absolute kind of God or there's more to it?
jesus christ, man. the very first reply to your post by someone else showed you an example >>47980232

みに生きてもいるのだった。 (谷崎 潤一郎、猫と庄造と二人のおんな)
Maybe you should hone your English before you commit to learning any Japanese.
anything else you wish to discuss?
huge cope
bro just walked in, unzipped and flopped his 10" cope on the table
bbc - big black cope
>錆 is さび
>but in 錆びる the 錆 is just さ
Why isn't it just 錆る? Like, what?
that or 主
>lil bro thinks kanji spellings and okurigana should be standardized
it's just weird to me because it's not like 付き where even the normal independent word has an okurigana
japanese when written is a mess of a language
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>at more than 200 new words from the Zelda game
>can't make cards from all the sentences since just writing down every new word has already been work enough
how am i gonna make these into cards.
i hope keigo gets shot
>hes learning handwriting in 2020+4
who are you talking about
dont tell me you dont know how to add words to anki in one click
i do, but without context sentences the cards kinda suck
that's not really keigo imo
so you dont know how to ocr something?
is it not possible to get the entire sentence with ocr?
probably would've been, but in wanting to actually play the game too I pretty much just took note of every new word and didn't take pictures of every sentence they appeared in.

also, is there better ocr software on android than yomiwa?
>android emulation
lil bro...
>android emulation
bro what the fuck are you talking about
says the guy who doesnt know how to ocr or take a picture of a game in one click lol
AU 3)

autumori means == aitai so aitai tumori makes no sense
ocrs are cringe and tools for ngmis
google translate or go home
I'm not emulating an android phone, nor am I emulating Zelda on my Android phone.
I'm playing the fucking video game on my switch, and the easiest way to get ocr out of your switch is either by ocring the switch display with your phone or taking screenshots and sending those to your phone, hence my question what's some good ocr on android. Idk why you're being such a bitch to be honest.
real thread
he is like that sometimes, don't take him serious
true but google translate is also cringe and full of ngmi energy
jeez calm down nigga you act like i just killed your dog
the easiest way is to use a switch emulator or have a capture card
nah I'd 大腰 you at minimum for that
i hope ocr users actually do it like this:
1) word comes
2) try to read it
3) fail
4) ocr it

but i think most use it like this
1) word comes
4) ocr it

2) is where the leveling up happens btw

>b-b-but i wanna read through a lot of japanese!
what good is it if you can't even read anything without the aid of ocrs!if you wanna learn how to read japanese, read japanese.
you wouldnt even be able to lay 1本 on me faggot
more like
>see word
>zombie hover
>remain dekinai forever
play this if you want to dekiru
playing yugioh in japanese is bullshit

you need to re-learn 12,000 cards

at least the normal monsters might be good for the language learning
But what-if step 2 and 3 happen on the same frame?
the cards effects dont magically change in japanese
youll just suck at problem solving text
redownloading toad treasure tracker rn
>the cards effects dont magically change in japanese

the OCG says hello
tcg fanfiction is another story and belongs in the trash
is tae kim fluent
well he's a faggot i know that much
he thinks subjects dont exist in japanese or something so probably not
Were you the top or bottom?
then explain how his face is the subject of my fist
thanks for the laugh guys
very true
also dont forget they avoid reading things they cant hover
i spend exactly zero seconds a year thinking about things like subjects and objects
you can hover just about anything nowadays
*unzips pants*
Never posted here before, but after studying on and off with very little seriousness for quite a while I decided to actually buckle down and spending a decent amount of time studying properly.
I've been using Tae Kim, Minna no Nihongo, Anki, a Kanji textbook and comprehensive input for about a month now.
I'm at the point where I can read the majority of a yotsuba&! manga so long as I stop to look up the meaning of the occasional word
My biggest flaw is I don't really know the specific meanings of various okurigana and how they change the meaning of verbs exactly.
Obviously I know a few basic verb forms, but most of the time I just use the root Kanji and context and it's enough to understand, but if I had to write myself I'd have no idea how to conjugate correctly....
thanks for reading my blog >.<
achieved a new feat
To the people who didn't learn pitch accent formally, do you regret it? I'm only about a year into learning Japanese, and it already looks like it's going to be annoying to learn the pitch accent of the words I already know. That will probably be even more true as I add more words to my vocabulary.
I could probably get away with just not learning it and just trying to imitate how native speakers talk, but I think I'll always sound off if I do it like that.
how would you realistically hover a console game on real hardware
all you need to do is study pitch in general to the point you can actually hear it during immersion
capture card old man
lol do you do that
that jlab deck has a dogshit template and just enough dogshit cards that it might actually override work and time the guy put into it. and don't even get me started on the "listening cards". the clips that are farmed are low quality and frustrating to listen to in very many cases. compound this with the overall quality of all cards and you get a pretty poor product
nope never needed to lol
i believe i asked you first
i asked you for a vocaroo first but all you can do is reupload my old ones from the archive
those were my vocaroos and all you can do is clone my voice
how are you using minna no nihongo? was it translated to english? AFAIK it was built to be taught in japanese classrooms, not as a self study material
why did you not post a new one then
No, I use it as intended. It's in Japanese. You're supposed to buy a secondary book in your native language that explains what grammar you need to know for the main book which is in Japanese only.
because youll use it against me either as archive fodder or to improve your ai
if i stream will you please stop pretending to be me
wonder if double rice will negotiate
as much as i want you to stream so that people can see youre a fraud saying ill stop pretending to be you doesnt make any sense since im not pretending to be anyone
youre trying to get me to agree to a false premise
hm uh oh seems like double rice doesn't want to commit to a deal
its funny for someone who wants to prove hes real so bad he certainly isnt in any rush to stream lol
so hypothetically if you were the fake and i streamed you would find it in your heart to finally stop the relentless posting?
hypothetically ofc
i promise i would stop if you streamed
unko is the anthony burch of the japanese language learning community
hypothetically speaking if you werent a massive faggot would you stop going to /tv/ to get my trip banned?
every single one of you is a massive faggot and you successfully prove it anew every day
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alright fine ill "stop the relentless posting" if you stream
this is a janny-free thread again, the trash thread is pure schizophrenia
ok what should i stream
fake me
i would never agree to this
a persona game of your choice
ok 2 sec
i wait with bated breath
downloading obs and duckstation
one of the p2s i take it? nice choice
cant get my mic to not be super low
its the built in laptop one
new here, what's the difference between the guides?
i have good speakers but i better be able to hear you
why is no one saying anything
We're watching the stream
peep down lil bro
huge L for nise unko
Wtf I remembered your voice being deeper
blud read ち as ら
did they seriously rip off sting for the overworld bgm lmfao
thats because youre probably thinking of my voice lol
the cope begins
anyway i think its obvious that im making good progress even though i still have a long way to go
i thought you were really high level before but you're just ok
yeah thats about right
but i encourage anyone who could do better to stream or even vocaroo
i actually made that up i have no idea how good you are since idk japanese
anyone could tell his accent is american and he's stumbling over every third word.
i not american but yea
anyway go ahead and btfo me on vocaroo if you can
I thought the accent was fine and as far the stumbles go, that's kind of expected when streaming. Even in your native language.
Oh that makes sense. I was gonna say I remembered you being better too but I didn’t wanna be mean lmao
i mean its pretty obvious i dont read much japanese and there was a lot of stuff i should have know or not read like that
but still i think anybody with real ability would recognize some 慣れ
to reiterate
passport copes = i photoshopped it or am an immigrant who happens to have a japanese gf, no reason given why he cant post one
vocaroo cope = they are faked with ai, he cant post (a new) one because i would train my ai on it
stream cope = voice different (??), his reason for not doing one: tba
lil bro thinks hes him
someone clearly cares enough to literally spend hours daily posting with my old names on even doing things like reuploading and editing my old vocaroos to repost them and writing fanfic about my marriage
im not the weird one here
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here's my stats. i'm feeling the gains from the tobira deck
even if youre telling the truth its definitely weird asf that you let it get to you so much
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>New 25,448
dame i spent hours in a fps and missed this stream nice

wait wtf why are you sperging out like this
i have the wanikani 3 deck. but it's not resulting in any gains so far
he wasted an hour thinking it would epically btfo the other guy but turns out no one cared
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she cute
i mean he probably would have played the game anyways. it's not like he was engaging with chat or something.
yea seriously i tried having a heart to heart with him in chat and he ignored me
to be clear the stream was epic
where lol
nah he only streamed cause he was told to
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wonder what め means here..eye?

>Kid who doesn't understand the wonderfullness of evil deeds
its 子供奴

using め at the end of a word like that just meanst the dude is 罵るing you hard
do you even try using your dictionary lil bro?
>i mean its pretty obvious i dont read much japanese and there was a lot of stuff i should have know or not read like that
Yikes, I guess fake unko won
i dont anybody here could do better
did you see qms and matts streams lol
>did you see qms and matts streams lol
Pretty mean-spirited bro
im just saying its easy to point out when people better than you make mistakes
You mean like what you're doing with matt and qm lol
dame unko really just got clapped like that by a random djter
if you think qms stream was better than mine thats on you
Man, I didn't know djt was capable of this much salt
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Giovanni just called me a dekinai

yes. also, to answer a question of yours from a while ago, you don't have to call me a woman if you don't want to. i'm gender fluid
but you were born a man right?
you lil sis my beloved ;3
idk I wasn't expecting to get sassed up by dr. james hepburn grech tonight
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also i will call you whatever gender i feel like
If only you spent as much time reading as you do posting mildly revolting women
shut up
man matt was so charismatic
i dont feel like reading very often but ill get there eventually
dw it shows. glhf
that ill get there eventually? yeah i know
My dude, I think it's time for you to go to bed lol
you dont know me
Yeah after tonight's stream, you're right I don't
feel free to do better
idk man, I guess I set the unko bar a lil too high in my head
but can you do better
I don't like to brag, but I'll tell you what, we can call a mulligan on your stream tonight
if you do better than me ill know my place
as it stands talk is cheap
Nah man, you're better than me, you know 3 languages
well maybe like 2.5 lol
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that's rude
so did i miss anything?
べらんめぇコンチキショーめ! >:3
Das my fra jam
>coachy kala kah
this apple is such a disciplined badass
Agreed, unko I will respect you again if you change your pfp to the apple and continue (redo) your playthrough
i truly believe anyone with real ability would be able to recognize my real ability so my cards are on the table and there will be no more streams for a long while probably
man, todays just not bunkos day lmao
youtuber career speedrun any% WR
lil bro...
im chilling
all yall (or maybe its just one guy) just be posting the type of shit anyone including people not even interested in japanese could post to stir drama
I'm not stirring drama, you just quit streaming forever lmao
Someone change the subject, this is getting depressing
the thread is basically the equivalent of people coming up to me and shitting their pants and then trying to call me weird for saying they stink
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ブサイゾンやろうず( ・ิω・ิ)
Nah bra, just take some personal pride in your japanese ability and stop being a baby lol
it might be angry guy
angry guy wouldn't appreciate you calling him that
btw I did in fact shit my pants during stream and you are weird
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Annnnnnnnd I rest my case lol
lets get this thread back on track
not enough back on that track imo
yh its not looking good for fake unko dno how he intends to keep it up after this
>more colloquialisms than proper writing, check
>intentionally misspeaking every single page, check
>random katakana out of nowhere, check
>literally butchering the language every sentence, check
>variant kanji that literally don't exist, check
Yep it's n5 time.
he can do his own stream and actually read the words and names correctly lmao
be on track to immerse ;3
anybody going to?
Find it in daikanwajiten and I'll buy you pass
is it true that bunko gets off on people calling his wife ugly
You blind nigger? Or just n6? The middle kanji is wrong.
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sneed not apply
The one on the left is cursive and the one on the right is clearly 喜 as you can tell from the diagonal strokes. The one in the image shared is clearly intentionally straight on both sides.
>uppertard cant see that the right stroke is clearly diagonal
tbf it is 土 when it should be 士
it's x when it's x?
The diagonal strokes should be within the line of the box at least, this looks like a fused version of the bottom of 晝 or the top radical of 具 with 1 less crossing stroke (merged in some fonts)
any normal person would just read it instantly and think nothing of it
My question is why would you recommend a book full of misspellings and poorly drawn kanji to beginner JSLs? So after spending 3 months on n5 material they have to relearn Japanese the right way for n4? Manga should NEVER be recommended to a JSL no matter their level. Only material in a standardized font that has been checked for errors should be recommended. You then get beginners who read it and think they understood it, thus via Krashen, learned a false language, and recommend it to other beginners.
>you're being such a bitch to be honest.
just block anyone with a name you retard he's literally never helpful
You're retarded and would have an aneurysm if you ever had to read actual handwriting or abbreviated forms, you'd lose your fucking mind if you realized that そ has an alternate form too or if you realized that the 糹radical has like four different formally approved ways of being written
Being able to read a garbled character as the correct one is a sign that you know the language
Confusing the language for the garbled characters is what will happen when you teach it to beginners.

You can easily look up alternate forms, you can't look up mistakes.
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The characters aren't garbled, though. Like, not only is that particular version of 大喜びnot garbled (and is simply written in a childish kind of script, no more garbled than having a kid transcribe words in English), as a general rule manga doesn't have completely broken words, unless you think slang is actually wrong instead of simply not standard. A sentence like 'well by fuckin' gawd almighty ain't that a real kneeslapper' isn't standard English you'd find in any textbook or newspaper, but it's still English.

>Only material in a standardized font that has been checked for errors should be recommended
You a lit major? You think ESLs should only be reading NYT and Dickens?
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oh no the strokes they're blending together I can't deal with it it's all wrong the Japanese people they're definitely writing their own language wrong the kanji definitely doesn't exist
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It's just chong cursive
Then post an example or 2

Read >>47982663 again and try to understand it, you can do it!
Nah you're just stupid and blind bro, sorry you can't read characters ever so slightly distorted lmAO
Ok, I'll stick to high quality resources and you can stick to toilet paper scraps.
>things written by japanese people are toilet paper scraps now
I bet you worship the ground matt walks on
heartbreaking that after 13 wont have a proper accent or some shit if unless you practice for 10k hours on just that with coaches and what not. I seen some youtube video where some accent coach judges american and british accents and he says they are off.
You don't know any japanese people anyways, you are supposed to be learning to read vinny
Study IPA
Also are the coaches listening to blind recordings of white people and jap people side by side or what because it's really easy to nitpick if you can see that the person is white
super duper is just english rendaku
unko stream qrd?
>read vinny
I was refering to some video I saw about some guy rating movie stars in films. I assume with enough training you can nail it though, I didn't even know Christian Bale was British. Very different if it is a complete different language.
are songs good for immersion? ;3
Actual underage b&
Only if you can understand them.
>t.15 years of rhythm games = n5
I'm a zoomer but not underage.
all you need to know is that the faker is in full cope mode no barrels held
Well I guessed that you learn that, at least in joyo kanji, there is none that have a fused 日with 一 horizontal bottom stroke.
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Why you learn Japanese?
who said i am
People that speak spanish can pronounce japanese pretty good. Learn spanish.
The worst part about this it that it's literally read taiki but then some uneducated retard writes one bi at the end and claims it's a different word even though the meaning is the same.
That's pretty common in Japanese though
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maybe if japanese people spoke chinese that would make sense, but they actually speak japanese, so the meaning stays the same, but they have to add the oregano and read it the japanese way, unless they don't in which case they dont
okurigana? That's not what that is
What retards like tatsumoto don't understand is that the more you rely on technology the less you use your brain, but you can only learn a language by using your brain at 100%. Your odds of learning japanese falls percipicly the more technology you use
>talk to japanese people
100% effective
>read japanese writing
10% effective
>read japanese writing while looking up english translations of words
1% effective
But it's effective-ness in the way that building muscle is. It's like doing 1% of your reps and expecting to build muscle. It's literally impossible. You have to go hard every time all the time and rest hard. His "rest" consists of scripting, shilling and shitposting all day. So even if he did do effective study, it wouldn't take.
possibly my favorite song in the world

the bass line in the first verse is just so good
>read japanese writing
Not him but if you don't know a kanji you don't know it and sometimes it's obviously the key word in the passage so what the fuck do you do then?
all facts yes, but for these kinds of "people" japanese is just autistic goods, sorta like scrabble and weeb shit combined
first bba that does something with my kokoro

You ask somebody to tell you what it means and how to read it. The that dialogue contains much more information than a dictionary entry, which can only explain it in terms of words you already know.
And you get this magical somebody where, exactly? Also just read a JP-JP dictionary lmao
futatabi dekinaikun
shes cute and actually helpful
her english is also impeccable
This is literally what I thought he was going on about. This is what happens when you tell learners not to write, they see a legitimate 1/10 on the sloppy writing scale and call it an alternate form.
just realized the のか is exactly the 1:1 equivalent to のように
never realized how little i care
talking about streaming, you could stream nukiges on pomf.tv
how the fuck can weather go down a slope? Japanese is a bad language I QUIT
oh no no no, don't abandon us Japanese! ;_;
kudari zaaaako
What kanji is this mister chinaman!
what do you do when you keep mistaking a reading? if i don't understand the meaning it doesn't make sense but sometimes i've noticed that i misread a word for a long time
List your 3 sizes and I might deign to answer your conundrum
>so the native japanese takes 12 years to learn 2136 kanji while some gaijin learns that same amount in 10 months on anki? something's not right here
Your view of reality is so wrong in so many ways. Let's break it down!
>native japanese
A child who doesn't speak anything yet isn't native, so this statement amounts to a weird appeal to authority that doesn't exist.
>12 years to learn 2136 kanji
The amount they dedicate to learn those kanji in those 12 years is comparatively nothing. Those kids are being pumped full of all kinds of information.
>gaijin learns that same amount in 10 months
Ideally, but again, most don't apply that kind of effort and instead take something like 10 years because they are fooling around (like the children).

So, there you go. Your reasoning makes no sense whatsoever, and it's probably the reason so many things are askew in your life. You ought to take a hard look at your thinking and maybe fix a thing or too, there!
That kind of shit only happens to ankidrones, just do extensive reading and it won't be a problem. If it somehow is then just write it on your skin
uhhh no? if it's in anki i'd check myself on the reading but by just reading i don't get any input on if the reading in my head is correct or not
you are still mistaking the reading when you "check yourself on the reading"
mlen moment
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happy 1011
I did the "lets break it down" and the closing paragraph like that for comedic effect, baka
but its not funny?
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reads like SEAnigger
they're being pumped full alright
See? I filled that post with funnies.
Whats a SEAnigger?
There is a huge difference between learning to read with a dictionary you look words up on by hand, and using one-click OCR.
Fast and convenient lookup of words robs you of that instant of brain struggle, which is what learning feels like.
Looking up a word you don't recognize should be inconvenient enough that you will at least try to figure out what the word means from context before deciding to look it up.

If you can't realistically read a game by looking up words you don't know by hand, that means you are not at the level where that is comprehensible input. Making that lookup faster means you're wasting that game. Save it for a later stage in your learning, and pick up something easier.
>le grind is le glory
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ロリの日と聞いて( ー`дー´)キリッ
why isnt she naked in the bath, how am i supposed to actually learn from a fake recreation
like imagine looking up a genital shaving tutorial and they dont even show the genitals
BBAs don't like foreigners
should have at least been in a one piece (non cucked version)
With easy OCR you're basically reading English subtitles and not getting the Japanese language patterns in your brain.
what the fuck is a SEAnigger tell me REEEE
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Ideally you look up by hand, has to be inconvenient enough that you would rather reread a sentence or 2 and think than look up the word. Also you shouldn't be reading if you have to look up a word every sentence, page or even every other page. Ideally you have a constant incrementing timer set (even while you sleep) for ~1 hour and you look up a word every hour and decrement the counter. So you really have to be smart about rationing out the 24 lookups you get a day and that will force you to lower the reading difficulty and using every context clue you can think of.
Reminder that as a child you never touched a dictionary until you could read it.
nobody gmi needs to be told what to do they just naturally do it
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Are there any books like this that you recommend?
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lol 腹と裏腹に
This is true. In learning anything.
I tried to start playing pokemon midori and I have to look up so much, I needed to take a rest after walking down the stairs from my room. Even if I have to play the equivalent of 40 seconds a day, the gains after two sessions are obvious to me. In how quickly I can read kana, and how much of the vocabulary in the menus I have internalized.
Although you have a point, 24 lookups a day is not realistic for a beginner. The whole point is that as long as the pacing and amount of comprehensible input result in an adequate difficulty for your level, you will improve. Very much like lifting weights that aren't too heavy nor too light for you.
>as a child you never touched a dictionary until you could read it
That is not a very intelligent thing to say. Children do not learn optimally, and they can ask their teacher "what does this mean" as many times as they need. As adults, we can mimic the teacher not giving out the answer right away (and spoiling the learning process) with our own criteria based on the circumstances. That's the whole point of not being a child.
I wonder what the intersection between being virgins, Japanese learners and being literal pedophiles is in these threads...
I say this as someone who is fairly fluent in four languages, English being my third one.
im only one of those things
honestly downright sickening whoever made that thumbnail
>playing native material
>40 seconds a day
>muh kana gains
holy shit
>honestly downright sickening whoever made that thumbnail
yeah they didnt even make it full hd i tried to download it with yt-dlp --write-thumbnail but the quality was atrocious
learn how to read
says the guy who makes reading errors not 1 minute into streaming
feel free to do better
anybody can laugh at michael jordan missing dunks
pomf.tv nukige stream lets gooo
can't wait for the bunkoschizo arc to finally end
aside from polar coords why did they add complex numbers to the standard, are there different implementations that would break things, if so which and how?
Why are there so many lolicon SEA girls. Is there something in the water or do they just like money
lolicon is the natural human state
evidently anybody can easily get michael jordan to jump through hoops by laughing at him too
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every cell of my body
lolicon posting should be a crime in itself
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i think you should be able to calculate the missing information with the rest
Given the person's height (158 cm) and measurements (bust K cup, waist 53 cm, hip 82 cm), estimating weight can be challenging because it depends on factors like muscle mass, bone density, and overall body composition. However, based on these details and a rough estimation:

>Bust (K cup): This adds significant upper body weight.
>Waist (53 cm): Indicates a very slim core.
>Hips (82 cm): Suggests a relatively proportional lower body, though smaller in comparison to the bust.

Given these proportions, her weight might be somewhere around 50-55 kg. This estimate considers that her waist and hips are small, but the bust size would contribute to a higher weight than what is typical for a 158 cm tall person with such slim measurements.
you sound like your entire life is a constant brain struggle so by that logic you should be able to post a vocaroo with your flawless japanese
100% correct but the way this post is written makes me want to become a hooktranny
would be cool if someone made a better stream or vocaroo than mine
thankfully not all 3 (it's called acquiring)
Bitch has a Minecraft Steve square head
scary 表情
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if i keep doing this, how many months will it take me to memorize the kanjis and become able to read japanese?
>reading an article this morning
>see word I don't recognize
>try to add it to my deck
>turns out it already exists and has a 1.1 year interval

alright fuck anki
>using anki
biggest meme ever.
no clue, but I can say for sure that you'll be light-years ahead of any textbook/ rlearnjapanese retard after a year
>textbook/ rlearnjapanese retard
add anki retards. Languages are intuitive and should be learnt this way.
why is hovering bad now what's this new meme
i just naturally never hovered
only thing new is you lil bro
japanese sometimes look like retarded chinese...
>2 decades at least, depends on iq
i stopped practicing for a week, but when i got back today, I still recognized this kanji.
That's a progress right here.
I wish I had these tools when I was younger... I can't afford to stall i'm reaching 30s..
a certain newfag was mad that he spent 3 years grinding dumb apps when he shouldve just immersed with a texthooker from the start, but he cant admit his mistakes so instead he began to force this meme
Wait, people don't start with standalone kanji recognition like RTK anymore?
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>this obliterates the hooverer
zoomers unironically think whitenoising vtumors teaches them japanese, lmao
>adhd ankicucks need cards like children to learn
just google it in jp
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no there's already ocrs that convert the mangas to html and make you able to read. he's a retard.
you didn't get the anon, eedosuka won't be in your dictionary. i replied that a google is quick enough too
サイレン面白いよね :3
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ok that wasn't too bad. also acquired some 京都弁
>implying hoovertards can read jp explanations on google
lmao even lol

self own
simply reading (as in actually reading outloud) is enough, you don't even need to google anything

but i guess this and the vocaroo aversion are somehow correlated...
>hovers okuen
didn't you know? they hover everything
yes either i read it outloud and know the meaning already since I've heard it in anime many times. or google translate what the dictionary can't explain. and google actually was more reliable.
to listen to the pronunciation and repeat it dumb nigger...
oh he mad
>Also you shouldn't be reading if you have to look up a word every sentence, page or even every other page
now this lol. can you dunning kruger pseudos do us all a favor and fuck off?
>no muh deck
thank god I never ventured into this madness
how hard is it to just export a subtitle from netflix or something and not have it desync constantly lol.
tf are you on, google in JP and read the JP search result
what are you even trying to say here
>zoomers can't even comprehend the concept of reading
holy grim
>read the JP search result
uhm, about that....
if fake me is here when i come back ill be disappointed
kek. it's no different than reading a japanese book and having a dictionary beside you but digitally. you know how people always learned languages?
>>zoomers can't even comprehend the concept of reading
>holy grim
>wants to have a gaijin accent and be a laughing stock like pajeets
oh no..
hollo knight sucks you worthless normalfag
what an incredible linguistic moment! :O
it's one of the best metroidvanias ever made
holy meme.. just emulate the old castlevania games retard
I cannot parse that Japanese :3
i only immerse with porn (not JAV)
my 右足 gonna ノックする on that 裏門
I'm already the Warrior, you know! >:[
>Can we talk for a bit?
My dictionary has dosuka as the kyoto dialect for desuka, which I honestly would have misread it for anyways.
iyadosu e
>immersed with a texthooker
tip top kek
linux tards already have to chain together 40 user-level programs just to run a game, why would a texthooker make it any less immersive.
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lol, the lengths to which japanese women go with make up and contacts just to make their eyes look larger.
you mean wine and the game exe?
that's male
japanese people in general have bigger eyes than other asians. it's chinks and gooks who go to great lengths
good one anon
i don't understand why is everyone talk down on anki and yomichan. why bother even talking about it in the guide.
> talk down
talking down*
why does this have so many views
people be emmersing out there
the people who watch that and the people who made it know perfectly well why they're where they are

its over
holy shit your memory sucks
depends on the word
障子, 座敷 and 氷塊 are a few words i tend to forget either the meaning of or the pronunciation often because they never pop up other than in anki.
>y- yea, ...but it's easier! s-so neurons and stuff... uh >.<
is it true? :3
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not clickin your tranny vid
self own
>been one week already trying to learn kanji
>only like 40 cards
>it's painfully slowly to remember and have to go through at least 3 times each to remember
>some old ones get pushed out of my head
Is it normal or am i just too dumb to learn by this method?
the author of this great series died
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the artstyle is so fucking ugly
not normal. you should be instantly fluent. the question you people ask
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yooo hot evil kaioushin bitch
yes its normal. once you start reading and associating kanji with actual tangible memories and not garbage mnemonics or whatever, it will get easier.
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tfw she sees your dick
toad treasure tracker is so fucking good, dude

you fucking troon DB has the best artsyle
now remove the nostalgia goggles
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>I ran out of HRT
this you?
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>DB has the best artsyle
>cherrypicking the only one non uggo female character
concession accepted
>female character
she's a cyborg not actually an android
I remember it just fine when I see it in Anki apparently
Why you niggers behave like elitist faggots?
Is this what no female interaction does to a mf?
can't parse this fucking language
in that case maybe you need to take up a different hobby, one that doesn't involve as much memorization
what if they're trying but just stupid?
should've just done rtk. teaches you to actually identify the fuckers instead of just hoping that your brain will eventually recognize distinct shapes.
rtk is a gigantic waste of time
>so they come to a thread about a hobby they essentially dont care about just to shit it up
this coming from bro who whined like a little bitch about not reading much japanese last night lmao
bro thinks 1h a day for 3 months is a gigantic commitment
1h a day for 3 months just to learn shitty monotonous kanji keyword mnemonics lol
its' はねかえる(跳ね返る). you binded とは together in your head
i mean if you're proud of it then congrats to you my friend
delusions of grandeur
i will stand up and give your japanese participation award *pins ribbon*
why is fake me raging so much?
cause stream was mid but now he's doubling down lmao
Do you use TSCs?
he seeks recognition from his peers but it's not happening. this outcome was clear from the beginning yet here we are
that's not what you learn though.
and you can just learn the most common word related to that kanji alongside it. no one is forcing you to be a retard.
yea I did. and so did my dictionary.
dont go hard on unko his perceived japanese ability is all he has in life in lieu of parental love
is it? i feel nothing. maybe in the 'pathetic' sense of the words
why are you seething? you didn't do as well as you could have on a game i'm guessing you hastily pre-read and played before. it's all good bro, we've all been there. i look forward to your next stream whenever you decide to come back
wow ok fuck you then? *spits on ur shoes*
you can just *feel* that tampon moistening
that doesnt even make any sense?
you should dislodge your foot from my ass and read more frequently
>a game i'm guessing you hastily pre-read and played before
this is exactly what i'm talking about. it was obvious that people were gonna say this and that you can't win no matter what. yet the local brainlets were still able to manipulate you into doing it. this where most of my disrespect stems from and it should really give you pause and food for thought - i don't actually care about you proficiency level. you can stuff that in your pipe
bro i'm not coping you were disappointed with your performance and went on indefinite hiatus after one stream, probably because you didn't practice reading past that point
bc this is not about your japanese but your incessant need for attention and praise by people who dislike you - which is a pretty self-destructive tendency. you might want to reign that it a bit
>yet the local brainlets were still able to manipulate you into doing it
i didn't even goad him into doing a stream. he wanted to own the noobs and then got mad when he didn't do very good
>hes still trying to make me look bad by arguing with randos
kinda late but I wanted to showcase a smart response to this post that I came up with:
"the only thing moistening is my dick in your mangina, homo."

remember unko shitting on DOGen when he sounds like he does lmao cringe
Where did the Japanese get コンセント -> power outlet? Is this some dutch or portugeuse thing again
yh i admit that wouldve really gotten under my skin in the moment
people like him exist in every walk of life. this is natural human behavior, you just gotta have the jack shit to back it up
doing a vocaroo when told to do a vocaroo is like direct replying and makes you their bitch facts
miss when this thread used to be comfy before fake me showed up
niggas so mad he finally "knows japanese" but is still not getting validation and has no friends
There's no such thing as a comfy thread when namefags exist
I wish there would've been a "core rpg 6k" or something instead of a regular core 6k deck. now I'm literally dying playing a fantasy game for the first time having to look up every other word as if I was a complete beginner. who hasn't learned any vocab yet.
4chan generals are a status competition. named posters are higher status, and so are people who brag about their ability, so people try to tear them down more.
>There's no such thing as a comfy thread when namefags exist
the solution is simple. if we all use his name, then everyone is effectively anonymous again.
i just tore down 500g of chicken wings. does this affect my general status?
no they tear them down more cuz they have a personality they can target you cant know for sure which posts belong to who if they got no names on them
>4chan is a status competition
where tf you people come from, /xivg/?
no but if you play a character and try to be funny by bringing up chicken wings enough, someone will view you as competition and start trying to tear you down.
its true ive experienced this firsthand
by eating more chicken wings than me? i don't think you can eat more than 500g of chicken wings dude
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as for the master, forgive everything?
with or without the bone
amen praise be to jesus
bro i limited by blur css to trash
where do i find a woman like that in japan
boneless. cut from breast meat, none of that toothpaste stuff. had that with some sweet chilly sauce and ketchup. nothing else bc i was home alone and felt lazy - rare occasion. after that i had some stewed plums
bunko i trusted you bro wtf
you should really give this a try. most of the time you don't need extra sugar. i also don't do orange juice but throw some lemon peel slices in there when cooking them.

>breast meat
fake me went a little crazy
my bad. i mean nuggets the entire time.
ah compacted chicken trimmings and paper
consider the fact that maybe you need fucking adhd meds
these illusive maybe facts
consider the fact that maybe you need my foot up ur ass
if youre struggling with a jrpg than you probably are a complete beginner
incomplete beginner here
we call those n3s
What could a beginner try to read if even yotsuba is too hard?
dragon ball but ignore goku
yotsuba is a beginner trap. try something that you vaguely already know to get your feet wet like naruto, dragon ball z, one piece. old shounen like that are really repetitive and that helps early on. you can look through something like this for suggestions, too. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1w42HEKEu2AzZg9K7PI0ma9ICmr2qYEKQ9IF4XxFSnQU/htmlview?pli=1#
a dictionary
>it's another schizo meltdown
we need lil j back
only moe can save this thread
starting to miss mlen in a weird way
mucho texto
didnt r
me when i see japanese
So did learning Japanese actually improve the anime watching experience for you guys at all? Or was it a waste of time?
didnt remember?
most people here still watch with english subs so its hard to say
yes, it's immediately better as long as you don't whitenoise. even if you only understand 10% directly in japanese and the rest you still have to use translations for, 10% is still more than 0. and your comprehension only improves as you continue
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daily reminder to read the official DJT guide
DJT guide v3.0, written from scratch by 出来るやつs: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
new - rikaitan site: https://rikaitan.github.io/
i guess i will not complain
Haha, nihongo is so kantan.
Buddhist words are all bullshit, don't worry about them
tang dynasty readings arent difficult
blud things people are impressed bc he had to hover that
i think shinto was the religion in japan
and yet according to anime christmas is one of their most important holidays. who knows what they get up to.
everyone knows you're an absolute shitter
prove it
crazy how bunko is now officially only the 4th best (jp) djter
4th is generous
whos above me? im fine if its jamal or ciaran but im not sure if anyones really better than that so top 3 at worst
i set up yomitan to always scan and then mapped alt+delete to mouse 4 to toggle yomitan when i want to read something.
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>whos above me?
baited for this exact reply
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When I was a kid we had some cast iron wind chimes, I've missed the sound they make and am hoping yous can help me find one like it.
It looked like pic related aside from key differences:
>the ringing is much deeper, akin to the temple bells (bonsho/oogane)
>the ring clapper was hung so that it remains horizontal
I've gotten as far as finding the terms 南部鉄器 風鈴 三重奏 but would appreciate help finding ones with the details above, I'll get one to gift to my oneechan.
crazy post
thanks for the heads up i wont read it
can't help you at all but i feel nostalgic for wind chimes my grandma had when i was a kid
Just install rikaitan like everybody else.
The so-called "yomitan" is an attempt to hijack the (former) Yomichan project by a malicious third-party. We oppose the hijack attempt of the browser add-on. The group behind the attempt shills a flawed and ineffective language learning method which is different from AJATT. Furthermore, they have a history of bad behavior in the Japanese learning community, including spamming and raids on people they dislike, making them untrustworthy.
bot post
i'm glad that although you spam like the piece of shit you are, you'll never be as popular as other projects.
other projects can't even remotely compete with me
name 3 things that rikaitan does that is undeniably more practical, efficient convenient or useful that yomitan doesn't have.
name 3 things that yomitan does that is undeniably more practical, efficient convenient or useful that rikaitan doesn't have.
Yomitan was born when shoui and his dick suckers attempted to hijack the yomichan project. There's nothing good about it and it has no advantages over Rikaitan (unless you like the troon agenda).
faggot youre the one trying to poach yomitan users, but your garbage strat of "oh let me just shit talk and discredit yomitan" isn't a good enough selling point. youre annoying the whole thread every time you post. promote your shit with something substantial at least.
you're the one who started shilling yomitan here. take that garbage with you and go back to shitcord or whatever place you came from. DJTers use Rikaitan.
chinpo is the religion in japan
I'm new here but he's right, this really isn't a good look for your project, try to give people legitimate reasons about why rikaitan is good and why people should bother switching
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not my problem
i have no connections with rikaitan but if you're new i can give you a quick explanation
Yomichan (the original browser addon) no longer exists because its creator sold out to a shady group of people who promote language learning scams. Rikaitan was created as the rightful successor to Yomichan. On DJT we all use Rikaitan and despise yomitan shills.
Just filter the namefag
People are asking about what it actually does over yomitan, not about dev drama.
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What is a vocab that is relevant to your current life circumstances but you haven't mined yet? Mine that word right now.

For me, it's 裂肛.
I want to die.
no way i hope you'll recover anon
nothing but sometimes people (aka one person) here will lie and say shit like yomitan contains malware
How do you "inmerse" as a begginer with almost 0 knowledge of kanji? Saw that anki is just a side tool and inmeesion is the primary way but at the beggining how do you actually so it?
a lot of people are in agreement that for starters you should learn kana, do core 2k, read a full grammar guide and start focusing on immersion afterwards. the sentences on the back of the core 2k cards are good enough till then.

idk if djt shares that opinion, but it's what I did. immersing immediately with zero foundation is essentially white noising.
Theres only one 2k deck or is it like a format? Do you have a link to it? Im curredntly doing anki foundations tho as my first deck. Dont know if its a good one...
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bro there are like 12 guides in the op
this is a nice looking layout dame but too much information clutter at once imho
never seen someone else post a card template that wasn't dogshit
Get up and walk around dude
ntr games are the only games that actually do ポリネシアン・セックス so i stick to it to this day
>How do you "inmerse" as a begginer with almost 0 knowledge of kanji?
you can whitenoise rawslop, but unless you do actual learning side-by-side it's useless
nangumi?nangumi? lmao
reminder for newfags that it will take less time for silicon valley to develop brain inplants that ocr/translate japanese you see, than for (You) to reach a point where you can fully understand native content

consider your priorities carefully, "learning a new language" isn't a hobby
busted lol
why does he read with such... sassiness
what is it supposed to be?
congrats for winning most disingenuous post of the thread
na n ku mi
oh lmao common unko L
unko actually has his name from 蘊蓄
like what he does with all the Ls
why can't people make mistakes when learning a language. it's literally inevitable.
majinaika? majiru majiru? nangumi nangumi???
would be funny if you streamed or vocaroo and btfo him that way
wait it's not nangumi?
50% of djt is bots
45% of djt are genuinely bad people like criminally insane (see the ciaran invitation link debacle)
5% of djt are sane and healthy guys
nangumi???? lmfao
its easy to point out mistakes even if you are worse
feels good being the top 1 percentile
i never give people shit for making errors unless they're talking big game and are full of themselves like this little namefag is. he fancies some kind of michael jordan but in truth it's mlb arc jordan
ok 45%er
kek mlb mj comparison is on point. and he'll just scream vocaroo at you if you dare defy him lmao
the stream was made private hours before that post so that guy either recorded or downloaded it and uploaded the clip himself
making a vocaroo that is better would not only be a bigger win but it would also be less effort
literally no excuse
yep, this one's going in the djt hall of fame
just understood a momotarou reference
i feel so tsuyoi bros
didn't you get banned for posting porn earlier? how tf do we get rid of you lol
>the video is private now
yeah that's what i thought unko lmao
>free trial of bunpro ended today
>go to resubscribe
>my bank doesn't allow international transactions without prior approval

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fuck you garry

yomininja isn't working on your post
wtf i don't think thats the iikata he used when i played this as a kid
never pay for bunprolapse
that's a baby game bud
fake unko won
why are there so many bizarre fishing related words w t f
i think he deleted the stream after anon pointed out the mistake, utterly btfo holy shit
aaaaand privated lmfaooo
self humiliation ritual
shouldn't have taken the bait
you had the thread by the balls until you deleted the stream
i get it it was just a stream for fun but now you look like a ウサ公
Why do tripfags torture themselves like this?
can the drama pls die down? i don't wanna have to alt-tab every minute like this
he had to destroy the evidence of his first-degree murder of the japanese language
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>that's a baby game bud

it's a game for japanese children. i'm starting with children's games and working my way up

i already have 1,000 cards in my pokemon deck, pic related
>can the drama pls die down?
i still don't know what this image means but i have to lol every time i look at it
no balls to be had
ability clearly means nothing and nobody is ever gonna even attempt to compete
its back
What peogram do you use to search for qords while playing?

did you mean words. i use yomininja which lets me use yomitan. it doesn't detect everything, but it helps
why'd you private it in the first place lil bro
how are you mining so much from this one game. what do your cards look like.
you should rename it livestream fail
it ended up being a good idea because it led to this truth >>47988541
btw if anyone else streams or vocaroos and wants me to stream again i can do that
not an answer. nigga why did you private it
>it doesn't detect everything
it does actually you just dont know how to use a dictionary
in the english version he says "your pokemon don't look dead", in the japanese version he says "did your pokemon die"

not sure why it was censored
but you've already proven we can't trust you to read anything correctly, also you suck at streaming from an entertainment standpoint
i have no idea why either but dame garry was a bigger ass in the jp version
unko took the video down to edit out his mistakes?
sasuga nangumi-kun
he's backpedaling hard after the nangumi debacle and is now challenging everyone to beat him at jap lmao
unko be like pls god let this thread archive already
nangumi? nangumi? lmao
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just the basic yomininja export to anki cards
bro unko be honest that guy read for 60min its gonna take you at least 200 vocaroos to fill the (skill) gap ;^=)
says the guy who panic deleted his vid
you cant even reply in japanese
even text
ill make up the difference eventually just gotta wait for the dust to settle lol
you can't even read japanese tho lol
and you cant even beat me
bad day for lil bunbun
i'm not in competition with you bro, i'm just not the one talking mad shit all the time while making n6 mistakes
nah youre the one talking mad shit all the time not even putting yourself out there in the slightest
when have i talked mad shit, mr. "i'm the best jap speaker on djt"
some how despite all my mistakes nobody has made anything better and its been years
i think gambs did better on a way harder game tbf
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don't mean to ruin your fun time, but those cards are probably going to be hard to remember. in the future, sooner rather than later, heavily consider switching to a better template like pic related. you won't know how important having context is until its too late. https://animecards.site/ankicards/
say what you will about qm but these cards slap
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fake unko was gambs this whole time
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yominja isn't telling me what 2びょうで means,

at 10 words a day, i haven't yet had problems with the deck.
india is canon in pokemon
try hovering just the びょう lil ぶろ
>yominja isn't telling me what 2びょうで means,
its a time unit
what's the point of even streaming your reading sesh if you don't understand anything and can't translate anything
i was clearly following the instructions the game laid out but if you wanna say i preread or saw a walkthrough or used an ocr or whatever i cant stop you
the only way to win is not playing when it comes to retards
holy cope
holy shit relax not everything is about you
>the only way to win is not playing when it comes to retards
true statement
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should i join this woman's nakama

so it's saying "if wrapped by gastley, even indian elephants would fall in 2 seconds"
lil unk pre-read too? it just keeps getting worse
notice you can't hover 何組
yeah so i should stop posting and reading this dogshit thread
SEETHING lmao see you tomorrow
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n3 test

why is it 二秒で and not 二秒に
this is a shitty template. you should use targeted sentence cards
yomitan contains malware
use rikaitan
stupid bot your cards suck
kys nigger
TSC is the best card template approved by djt
> but at the beginning how do you actually so it?
see https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/introduction-to-learning-japanese
a game i just downloaded from dlsite contains an empty Otokonoko.txt text file
this game has no gay shit in it so what the fuck did the creator mean by this lol
do nips still use their p2p shit like perfect dark? idk where to look for raws of shit like an anniversary bonus booklet
by the power vested in me i unapprove your shit caca doodoo template
>perfect dark
holy moly thats a name i haven't heard in a decade
de is for in a range of time
ni is for at a specific point in time
correct but not fun if you're the one answering
lol sorry
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oo, finally found Tengoku in the wild. Tengoku is japanese heaven
this is filtering me
dame another one for the history books
>mine words
>suddenly see them everywhere
God is with me
how many djt "experts" have impaled themselves taking the stream bait at this point
nobody has impaled themselves because they're putting themselves out there and that only deserves kudos

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