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Previous thread: >>47961820

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
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Very masterful visual direction
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Don't forget to play kamige of the year
Did Miel actually do something different this time?
I've played like 30 games of theirs, I just can't anymore, there's only so much pissing inside a girl a man can take.
We need a new Urushibara-sensei kamige.
I really like baseson games, and I really like Souten Koihime so far, but I'm a bit concerned that it seems to be falling into the same trap as the other baseson games and giving each heroine a focus arc and once her focus arc is done she's completely out of the story except for an h-scene now and then until the final arc starts when she gets to be important again. I'm hoping they'll avert this a bit more as I get later into the game, but
At least they balanced their h-scenes out a bit more so you get 1-2 every chapter or so, instead of none for 30 hours then 15 at once every chapter for 5 chapters, that's a massive improvement.
Get him a decent editor so he can cut out 80% of the 悲しい and 寂しい this time
No. After you finished the game and let it settle, you will understand it's needed.
his text is still better than most eroge writers, as simple as that
recommend me some recent nukige with high quality art
Only reason you complain about text in sakumoyu is because your japanese sucks and you can't read it fast enough. I really wish n5 """jops""" would shut the fuck up and cease spreading ther garbage takes on acclaimed works, it's almost as bad as mtlers trying to talk about cool eroge they """read""".
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Baits connoisseur here.
Fumu... 1/10? maybe 2/10 at most.
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>you can't read it fast enough
This, I read every single favorite vn with ctrl held the entire time and I enjoyed them all immensely.
Ah yes, the Westerner discussing Japanese prose... Subarashii...
Most people will never understand the subtle nuances in Japanese when reading. Sure, you can understand the plot, but not every subtlety of 日本の生き方 that permeates everything in the prose.
What's the most beautiful line of glorious Japanese prose you've ever read. Something that made you sit down and go damn, that line's beautifully written.
I don't mean this line was the emotional climax of 40 hours of buildup and it all paid off wonderfully so that's why the line's good, I mean the line itself is artistic.
That's a very Western way of thinking. In Japanese, the best line of a work has artistic value *because* of the 40 hours of subtle context preceding it.
I did not know based N1-jin have graced us with their presence. Please stay and post blog links.
I finished core 6k recently, and because I've already got a vocabulary of around 7000 words and because I know most jouyou kanji, I've decided to focus on grammar for now. So I'm going through Tae Kim just to make sure I know all of it, before going through ShinKanzen Master N3 and Nihongo No Mori N3. I really look forward to focusing on N2 and N1 grammar while vocab mining all of my mangas, VNs, animes and LNs. Life's good.
I'm not a westoid, tho.
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imoutos are the best
Is there anything particular you're looking for?
I would say Hasshaku.
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Anything that resemble Ichikawa Saasha's artstyle.
Boobies too biggy but thanks anon.
>Anything that resemble Ichikawa Saasha's artstyle
That's a tough one.
What do you think of INO and Shinonome Kazuhiko's art?
Anything before Grisaia is okay. I like his old style better. His artwork in Kimihagu hits the sweet spot imo.
Not my cup of tea.
I thought she was lifting up her skirt at first
She's not that ugly.
Japanese beginner here, well relatively speaking. For now I decided to only read moege only. Read all Amakano titles. Any other good moege recommendations (that are as hyped on egs) aside from the generic choices? Doesn't really matter how difficult they are.
Started playing Sakura Taisen, that's basically a VN right?
VNs aren't really my sort of thing but somehow I really want to like this game anyway. Not sure if it's the music or the character designs or what. I hope the story at least goes somewhere interesting beyond just constantly having to manage a bunch of catty bullshit.
Cute newfag
Maybe try the yuzusoft titles, senren banka is the most popular with chinks for its heavy 和風
Ino is fantastic
>jap salaryman on rooftop
>rest of the company acts like this
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Something to do with Jap culture. There was time when Jap citizen got flown home from being captured by the taliban forced to pay the Japanese state for the plane ticket home because they 迷惑をお掛けた the state and their family for leaving japan and getting captured lol.
good prose makes you want to read slower, not faster. you savor each line like it's fine wine, which is not something i did while playing sakura moyu.
What type of drama does sakumoyu have? Is it anything like key?
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Why does エロゲスレ have such an hate boner for favorite anyway? Never played one of their games but this happens every other thread
I'm not any of those anons, but they just feel like massive wastes of time, especially the non-true routes.
Sakumoyu is more of a sort of general consensus. It has a very good story, very good routes and very good atmosphere, but it can definitely feel repetitive because of everything mentioned above.
which girl are you going for
>good prose
We both know very few people can properly talk about prose in their native language, so most people trying to talk about prose in less familiar language (e.g. japanese) are a bunch of retarded clowns parroting retarded bullshit one after another.
Don't know yet, probably Sakura but the Kouran gremlin has a certain appeal too
i dont have anything against favorite but i do have something against sakura moyu. it's the eroge that convinced me that eroge fans will call anything kamige as long as its > 50 hours and has good vocal songs.
I have been interested in these games, but it is very difficult for me to make multiple routes in titles with gameplay. I've heard really good things though, so I guess it could be fun.
Not that anon, but I really don't get why the p-word triggers you so much. I mean OK yes the average persona addicted to tiktok probably can't discuss writing in any depth, but I assume the average anon here is significantly more well-read than the average population so who cares. Even if you literally only read nukige, you're probably leagues above most people. Anyways, prose is not magic nor is Japanese. Anyone that's read a decent amount of stuff can make a reasonable judgement in my view.
It's the MLA of nakige
>read moege
>route almost over
>oh look another h-scene
>zone out halfway through the second position
>there's another h-scene later
>that'll be the SEVENTH
MOEge my ass. I fucking hate this medium. sometimes.

weirdest of all, after this route I'll read a nukige for a change of pace
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You are like little baby
Have you read anything by these guys
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>first H-scene
>the most important virgin sex scene
>I sacrifice my first nut in worship as I do with all such scenes
>it's a dream
>sexual magic energies wasted
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>same age cousin heroine
Started the trial for https://vndb.org/v51477 and the audio quality whenever they put filters on the voice for phone calls/echos for inner thoughts is unbearable. It seems like it's going to be a fun moege which is expected since Nakahiro usually provides interesting settings for his works, but I really hope they iron this out.
As for the characters they all seem pretty interesting so far and I'm glad the mesugaki imouto trend is still going on (even if she's nbr). Even the childhood friend is interesting, even if she's pretty much a copy of Hanekawa from Monogatari (has encyclopedic knowledge, and has a split personality that she changes to whenever she gets stressed)
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I see you have not read studysteady and their 14 H-scenes per route
lip *sneeze* lipples
Read 00's moege, they don't have this problem
step your game UP!
Has anyone here played Sakura no Uta? How much of the game is depressing?
Considering reading SS2, I like the design of the heroines.
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Consider luna.
So it's shit?
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Speaking of H-scenes, I just read Shiori's 1st H-scene in RiaImo and it was peak incestcore. Despite the game itself being short it really puts in a lot of effort into its H-scenes. Really loving the route too, it continues with the hilarious jokes really well.
There are two depressing things about it: how you'll never get back those 60 hours you've spent reading it, and the author's attempts at comedy.
Still waiting to play a VN s romantic as this one.
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It's hard to reach that level of chemistry between two characters. Some may say amakano, but luna hits different.
Not reading mielshit

I liked her second h-scene too. Toono Basedogi's VA work really excels it.
Word filter-kun... please let me type my favorite VA's name.
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I remember I met her thanks to picrel, really good performance.
better than the main heroine and the real best girl of that game
She was super cute as Sakuya in renzero
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everything bad I thought about this protagonist so far, I take back this instant, he's the man
anyone got a nodvd patch for fortune arterial? the ones I have don't seem to work (alpharom)
get it from the official site
westoid not being tranny challenge impossible
why they keep polluting egs with their garbage...
Why do you pollute this thread with your garbage? Nobody asked to hear about some random-ass EGS shitter.
I asked, it's very useful to filter out all of the faggots so that you accidentally won't read their retarded reviews so thanks for that info. I wish someone would make a full list of those individuals to make the filtering process easier.
Mad because your EGS profile got exposed?
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The ドM imouto
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アンレス・テルミナリア done.
In short its bad.
The game suffers badly from the multiple route mystery setting.
The text is abysmal. Every other sentence is just a bunch of words that doesn't mean anything, doesn't have a subject or a verb. (to cover for the mystery setting)
Only Sharo's 子犬系彼氏 route is good. Also if you absolutely have to play this game, play Ren last.

I've seen someone on egs saying that the writer is a speedwriter which does make a lot of sense. Not sure how he wrote the latest whirlpool game which looks like it is quite highly rated.
>>I've seen someone on egs saying that the writer is a speedwriter
>Primal Hearts 1&2 main
>Hatsujou Sprinkle main
>Nekonin/Drapri/KemoSquare main
>pieces main
How? How is a writer this inconsistent? PxH has many boring parts but is a good longform moege. pieces is often said to be the best of Whirlpool. Hatsujou Sprinkle was fun early on, then had the same issue you mentioned with sentences not saying anything and only being there to pad the script. The H-scenes were spaced out well though, and really hot too. Then he wrote the atrocious Nekonin, KemonoSquare and Drapri series. That shit is even more vapid than Nekopara.
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Finished Real Imouto ga Iru Ooizumi-kun no Baai, aka RiaImo. Darn, that was a great game. Full of good otaku comedy and exciting drama, and all of the routes had something interesting to contribute to the imouto theme. Aside from the recap at the start of Shiori's route (which was very necessary to establish context) the pacing was quick and snappy, and it never felt like it was dragging.

Shiori's route in particular was fantastic and capped off all the build-up to it well. I expected some miracle to happen which would make the siblings stay together, so I was a bit surprised when they went with a bittersweet ending. It stung quite a bit when Ryou slapped Shiori, but it makes sense for him to prioritize Shiori's future above all else, even if they have to live apart. But with the way it's framed it's definitely more on the sweet side, because Ryou and Shiori's bond is strong enough for them to keep loving each other even when they're separated by several prefectures for a few years. As an ending it strikes a good balance between idealized and realistic, which is a line the game likes to play with even if it ultimately leans more towards idealistic. I guess the real miracle is how Mai not only survived her illness but recovered from it. God must have rewarded her for her dedication to saving the siblings. That was a sweet way to top off the story but man what a tease for it to end right there with the new title screen hinting at her meeting Ryou and Shiori again.

Overall, very satisfied with this game. Would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to play an imoutoge (I'll throw in a rec to >>47967356 as well), or just wants a short and well-written charage in general.
Orgel said that she had to sacrifice the amount of CGs in other routes to be able to fit in the ones in the epilogue and I think that was a great decision. The way it seamlessly translations into the new title screen is some of the best direction I've seen in a VN, made the moment so much more impactful.
>Mai not only survived her illness but recovered from it
Plus her wish in the common route to have a pet dog and walk it alongside Ryou came true as well.
Agreed, on both points.

Darn, I forgot about that detail. That's awesome foreshadowing.
maybe a little late, but thank you
i dont have time for this site anymore man
I started playing it yesterday, would it be fine if I played Shiori's route first?
You can't, you have to beat Mai's route to unlock Shiori's. Miki's is optional, you can skip her if you really dislike her but I did her route anyway and it's not long at all. Personally I went with Mai -> Miki -> Shiori, it just felt best to save Shiori for last.
I know that I have to unlock the route... I just want to know if it is readable as a standalone story.
No. Mai's route builds up the mystery by dropping interesting hints about what's going on, while Shiori's route provides the answers and resolution. There are some reveals that would feel out of the blue if you just skipped Mai's route.
I am still waiting......
I went to their support page and found some files but when I replace the original files with the new ones and try to start it nothing happens
That's annoying, the first playthrough is usually the most memorable one for me... Oh well, thanks anyway
can anyone share 憂鬱なヴィランズ vol 2-5?
install locale emulator. right click on exe, locale emulator, modify application profile. set it to fake language related and fake system UI language then save.
It's crazy that they're still working on that. Unfortunately it will no longer be anything close to what they initially promised.
Dunno, never played anything by KEY, but Moyu is about self-sacrifice for others.

>Is it anything like key?
thankfully no
>What type of drama does sakumoyu have?
wishes and price you and other people pay to fulfill them
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Started new Ensemble. Certainly funky developments from the start. But WTF, why can't you child-make her?
Sakumoyu legitimately scares me because even visual novel fans are constantly complaining about the pacing and repetition. How bad the situation must be jesus fucking christ
Look bro, either you get into it or not. That's all there is to it.
how about you stop parroting rando opinions and just read it yourself to form your own opinion
read common + chiwa, continue if you like it, drop if you don't like what you read at that point
Chiwa-chan is undoubtedly one of the most precious girls in all of eroge.
Okay, I was thinking of reading Irosekai first, but you asked for it, I'll start with Sakumoyu.
I read sakura moyu first and it's better because it's one complete work and not 3 games. I still enjoyed iroseka and I prefer iroseka true heroine, but imo iroseka have more flaws. Some routes felt like a fucking filler and only got better in sequel while every single route made me cry like a little girl in sakumoyu.
ended up finding the solution on fuwanovel of all places via a google search of desperation. modifying two values in the exe with a hex editor got it to start up. I wonder how people go about discovering what values to modify to bypass checks like this
IDA or Ghidra.
Also share it here.

Btw the guy you replied to was right, Local Emulator works on August games too. Or living here in Japan and having Japanese Windows.
I just downloaded a game with PlayDRM. Normally games are precracked, but not this time.
Does anyone know how to bypass it?
look for crack on a-s
Get a crack somewhere.
Or learn reverse engineering.
PlayDRM is Enigma Protector, so look that up.
A few days ago I saw an EGS review that said GIGA and CUFFS were dead. I knew about the former andafter the time of that review CUBE and HULOTTE had releases, but I can't find anything about upcoming stuff. Their website is all merch. Did that random reviewer know something before it happened about CUFFS? I'm also anxious about Saga Planets. I don't want them gone. We might already lose eushully soon. Though I also thought Marmalade were dead but they have something cooking. I'm also pissed what happened to GIGA. "We dead except we're making all-ages coomerbait for Entergram now, please buy." Is the console market that profitable that they can just release eroge with the ero cut? Would it hurt them to put a couple scenes in the PC port? Makes me mad.
why care when there is so much stuff to read your whole life won't be enough
I have my windows set to japanese locale and even have the UI in japanese and it still wasn't launching so I didn't think locale emulator would work.
here's the thread I found that solved the issue: https://forums.fuwanovel.moe/topic/3268-fortune-arterial-problem-solved/
gonna have to look into ida/ghidra
Windows also has a value for the original language it's meant to be and games can check for it. Unless you really have a Japanese Windows sold in Japan, it won't work. But Locale Emulator works for that too. Before I moved to Japan, I used it for August games.

Anyway, that's quite old post, before August released the latest patches that need Locale Emu. I'll look into it more later, I guess.
i guess ida and ghidra both have their debuggers, but i would really suggest someone just starting to learn this to use x64dbg instead
I'm no expert, but the basic idea is to run a debugger, go look for some text string from an error window, go back and then jump over where the entire thing is called?
yeah either you look for string references or set a breakpoint (so the execution pauses there) on the usual suspects like MessageBoxA
All three are just different kinds of pain in the ass unless you've got the exact lube that makes you feel comfortable using them
What you do is use Cheat Engine, start the game under it and hold Step Over hotkey until it breaks, restart, set and trigger breakpoint just before it breaks, then Step In the function and Step Over all its insides until that one breaks, rinse and repeat until the dead end, then step back and see which code path inside that function must be taken to avoid the crash and patch it there.
>see which code path inside that function must be taken to avoid the crash
CE can draw a diagram of the current function to help with finding the correct path, but IDA draws much better graphs, even the Free edition is enough (Free does work with 32-bit programs even if claims to be 64-bit only).
Open the exe, press Space to switch from code to graph, select whichever function was crashing the game in CE debugger (before the dead end) in the function list on the left, and you should get the graph of it. If it's straightforward (no paths), go the function that called it instead and find how to avoid the path that called it, etc.
Just keep in mind that IDA loads 32-bit exes at (absolute) base address 400000 and CE (relative) address like "Game.exe+12345" in IDA maps to 400000+12345=412345
If CE is not displaying "Game.exe+12345" addresses, make it so (because Windows can place the exe anywhere in memory, not necessarily at 400000).

The whole ordeal should be avoided if at all possible though, because different games (game engines) do different things and spending a lot of time on hacking one of them won't necessarily help with other cases much, especially if the DRM encrypted the exe and IDA won't be able to load it. If you think you'll have to do this often, look into making cheats/cheat tables for games you actually have fun playing, and start by going through all the tutorials Cheat Engine comes with.
Soon, amakanobros...
Latest IDA crack is available on Rin, by a trusted user.
it's over
>Dropped out of university because I didn't enjoy my course.
>Watch as everyone moves ahead in their lives
>Start feeling left out.
>Slowly become depressed.
>Now 22, going back to STEM college
>Still depressed cause I feel I am late and missed out on everything
Eroge for this feel?
you're way better off than I am at 28 having dragged his feet through university for the past 9 years. my comp sci degree is finally within sight though, just one more semester to go.
Hope you succeed, anon. Maybe play rewrite or carnival
Musicus I guess? you're still young so it might resonate with you.
Although if you're really in a depressed mood you'd probably be better off with a moege/bakage maybe?
Anyway, keep fighting little fella.
Seconding this.
>>Now 22
Fucking kids at 22 think their life is over. You are not even 30, you have no even lived yet
Maybe cafe stella since it has a 21 or something year old virgin in his last year of college
you should quit escapist shit like vns until you're like 30 and it's really over
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>cafe stella
dude if you feel this way at 22 just wait 10 years from now
You didn't need to say that
This, even 30s is young unless you're Caucasian who drinks and smokes. it's the same shit as 20s.
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Anyone played https://vndb.org/v3671 ? I've heard really good things about Runa, but is the rest of the VN worth playing too?
True, there's already too much to play and generally older eroge are far superior to anything new. But don't you like watching out for new shit and seeing what some companies and creators are up to?

HULOTTE stuff had gotten more and more degenerate, what's next?
CUBE haven't had Kantoku in years and IMO he got really bad, but CUBE's new artists are also weird. The writing got worse too. What's next for them?
GIGA mostly made shit, but had a few good ones, not to mention Team Baldrhead. If GIGA lives on under Entergram, is there hope for Baldr games?
Saga Planets last milked Ambitious Mission which was pretty good with FDs. Will the next game also be good or back to more mediocre?
KEY, IDGAF about them since Rewrite but I'm still looking what they did since and now with Chyna owning them how will that work out?

It's really not weird to be interested in the current and future state of eroge.
stop complaining or die loser.
>Eroge for this feel
Whom are you quoting?
Bro just get a fucking job, stop going to school.
any list of ですわ-free vinnies so that i can immerse and mine this medium without supporting sociel inequality?
>Saga Planets last milked Ambitious Mission which was pretty good with FDs. Will the next game also be good or back to more mediocre?
as long as they going to hire sakaki kasa again should be decent
hulotte, cube, giga and key don't really care much about, dropped sharkge after fucking up and reading remi route as my first, dunno if even want to try kamikimi
somewhat sad about nitro+ death, but it's not like tn and mojika were good to begin with
favorite is pretty shit without Urushibara-sensei tho
purplesoft is alive enough to fuck around and experiment with new artists and plot, which makes me happy
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It's tough being a gyaru
I love these three, I wish pakopakosoft made vns about them again.
>somewhat sad about nitro+ death, but it's not like tn and mojika were good to begin with

What's up with that? That random nigga who was writing Muramasa sequel appearently left, so I guess the whole thing is kill? And Nitro Origin with it.
>nitro+ dead
>light dead
chuunibros we have nothing to look forward to...
Good. Fuck chuunitrash
this game action scene suck and the only chuuni part is the chant and 式童子.
Crystalia games are alright and all but not even close to most nitro and lightge
I enjoy their occasional chuunige but their main focus is nukige.
Never tried them but their style looks too moe, it doesn't feel as edgy as nitro+ or light back then.
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Katana-series games are moeplotchuunige, but diner-series games are pure chuunige. I'd rate Eternity Blood right up there with Silverio, it's top tier short-mid chuunige.
no releases since 2018, muramasa sequel nigga left, demonbane nigga left, staff generally getting too old to continue similar to alicesoft while shifting to anime and gachaslop
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Kakehana is literally Dies Irae though
moege with slight chuuni flavor
Muramasa sequel was going to be slop anyway. If there was ever a game that doesn’t need a sequel, it’s Muramasa, especially one written by someone else.
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This year for sure
I would rather have they make Dogura Q or a full version of Jingai Makyou.
>full version of Jingai Makyou.
quick rundown?
Chuuni as a genre is something quite difficult to execute properly and quite expensive, so in a way I understand why nobody wants to risk too much with new games.
On a more general note, I am grateful that new names with potential are still appearing in the medium. That is what is really necessary in the long run.
Why do they have so many different fandiscs, prequels, sequels? It looks mad confusing.
If I want to give them a try then which title is best to start with?
Jingai Makyou was supposed to be a multimedia project but most of the other stuff they planned never got made. So the game feels incomplete because there qwere like four heroines with no route.
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Chuunige is for entry level fans who get roped in by the allure of difficult kanji and moving scenario. The critical difference between chu2ge fans and nakigefans (both incredibly low-level) is that nakigefans don't particularly consider themselves vnfags, and usually say they just want a good story, chu2fags are particularly vocal about the medium and think that because they spent 50 hours looking up kanji that isn't used anymore they have become an authority on vns, despite never actually venturing outside of their genre. This makes them only slightly better than the denpage apes, who barely know what a vn is, think Shizuku invented vns, and truly can't tell you anything about the genre or what their games mean and simply absorb the "aesthetic" so they can have cool profile pictures on twitter and act like they're damaged online for imaginary clout.
Now, I may get some angry replies for this, but the truly exit-level vn fans are in fact moefags. This is because unlike most other cliques in the medium, moefags have likely had their days of playing just about anything. It's likely if you ask any moefag what they were into in high school they'll answer nakige and Rance. The simple fact is most of them are in their late 30s/40s now, and need to stare at cute things for at least three hours a day or they'll kill themselves.
Sorry, N1-kun. Some people actually know Japanese and can just read what they want without hookcucking or reaching for the dictionary every other line.
Anyone who has read あかね色に染まる坂 and can share their impressions?
I'm in a mood to read something more "classic".
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篭毛與美篭母乳布久思毛與美夫君志持此岳尓 菜採須兒家吉閑名告紗根虚見津山跡乃國者押奈戸手吾許曽居師吉名倍手吾己曽座我許背齒 告目家呼毛名雄母
thought this was a bait post and I had to look at their X (旧: Twitter)
Nothing better than waking up to the news that my medium is getting destroyed, really nice.
Are you new to hentai or something? TS shit has been a staple of the medium for a long time now.
>Are you new to hentai or something?
Do you even need to ask?
Mh... if they did some extremely psychological shit it could be interesting, but I guess they'll just do the usual generic stuff.
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Pakopako soft will go back to it's root any day now
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Looks like it's gonna be some transbian shit.
What gam?
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Gonna read Nekonade Distortion and its sequel next week. I hope it's good. I've gone through a nearly endless streak of bad or unimpressive VNs this year. Kinda want to leave it till it's closer to Christmas because of pic related but I already have Amagami lined up for this year. Hmm.. unless I put it off again for next year? Too many VNs, too many choices.
We read witchge in october
Or, right.
Like 11gatsu no Arcadia?
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Damn bros, is it really okay to show some other guy having his own cute bride wife?
I find it hard to read these kind of games where the mc is the best girl.
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why not? I don't want my best bros to have an ugly wife
Yeah actually in this case it only makes it better really.
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Based ironic weeb sis
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Okay, this nigga's based.
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Hmm, these monster grunts seemingly being censored text sure is suspicious.
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Where are the stuffed animals?
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How does Unravel Trigger handle h-scenes? Is it within the main story or shit like delegated to after story?
Two h-scenes within the routes with the last one behind the after story.
Watch Urobuchi's puppets
Forgot the new season was airing, thanks for the heads up.
Puppetshit is cringe and dont like butcher vns
What don't you like about them? (both)
Terrifying, just terrifying
What are they implying?
Then my Jinsei itself is Dies irae too.
Anyone here play Chiisana Kanojo no Serenade? I heard the ED on Youtube and it piqued my interest
feng games are all disappointments.
I don't remember this going anywhere, right? It's just to indicate they're creepy monsters making weird noises.
>have to open the task manager to close the VN because nothing else works
what the fuck
This is the thread where a dude was complaining about the MC's gay best friend trope as being part of the evil woke mind virus corrupting Japan, and when a person responded providing dozens of examples going back multiple decades anon completely lost his mind and insisted he had to keep this a secret so "they" didn't find out.
It's people who don't actually engage with the medium but sure are passionate about defending it from...something? The point is there's some kind of nefarious evil group out there trying to ruin all visual novels and if you point out that doesn't make any sense you must be part of it.
Puppetshit: All live action has an inherent cringe to it, the puppets look gay and move in an uncanny way

Butcher works: Well, there are many reasons but a general one would be shitty stories with unsatisfying endings.
Well, I don't care about mind virus or whatever but it'a true that recently card companies have been trying to fuck over erogre and the next prime minister of Japan was also trying to ban loli.
>Why do they have so many different fandiscs, prequels, sequels? It looks mad confusing.
They make a bunch of very short fandiscs for their games, I mean like literally 1-2 hours long. Basically just an excuse to give whichever heroines won a poll a couple more h-scenes.
>If I want to give them a try then which title is best to start with?
Red Cherish for diner series, Mekuiro for katana series.
How come ero manga drawings are so much hotter than HCG even when they're drawn by the same artist
a lot of vn colorists are real shitty
Maybe you just don't like live action and bitter sweet ending? I like most of the endings in Butcher's works I've read/watched. And sometimes the live action version is actually on par or even better than the anime version (like the 2006 Death Note live action).
I think it also has a lot to do with the fact that eromanga panels allow the scene to be more dynamic, while in eroge it feels more static as it is only 1 CG. The biggest solution to that problem is probably animated scenes, but it's also important that the animation feels right.
Phantom was so good. It's just something that is extremely fun and addictive to read.
I've always found monochrome to be hotter, specially legwear
you just aren't reading the good stuff
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>was expecting comfy filler route with but got pic related instead
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Damn bros, what a twist.
I mean, the game was making things pretty obvious as to something being weird about the MC, but I didn't think things would be revealed so soon. Guess the rest will be much darker than I expected.

And I don't see how this leads to heroine routes. Which is the interesting part.
Loved this scene
>And I don't see how this leads to heroine routes. Which is the interesting part.
Yeah, I got to the same scene and am really curious how that'll play out.
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Forgot about the spoiler. Well fuck it.
why are business owners all like this
It was pretty obvious from the get go
I would have preferred for Phantom to be his father and not Mikage himself. But yeah I called it at the beginning of the route pretty much.
>Importing shit is cheaper than buying domestic
The yen has fallen...
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Finally got around reading sakutoki after not really liking uta that much
And honestly the first 3 chapters and misuzu's route were pretty good, better than uta's first two chapters imo
It felt more like what I was expecting when I started uta, with more in depth discussions about art instead of just a few quotes and random trivia between two sex jokes
But then Makoto's route came and somehow managed to be worse than pica pica and more of a nukige than olympus
chapters 4 was alright even if I really don't think it should have taken this long to turn Kei into an actual character and it felt more like it was desperately trying to fix his irrelevance in uta
And then comes chapter 5, and it's a huge fucking clusterfuck
It's like Sca-ji realized that he needed to make an actual sequel to sakuuta and only had 10 hours left, and he was horny again
A painting that makes you cum on sight? REALLY? That's the best you could think of?? And there wasn't any other way to develop Yumi's character outside of making her rape Naoya??? You managed to spend hours whitewashing Reika and overexplaining that kasasagi vase story and it's magic pigments again and again and again, but couldn't grant Rin and Shizuku more than 10 minutes of screen time??? And that's without mentioning all the other utterly retarded shits like Akashi stalking Naoya for 10 years to make a movie about him, Housai burning his school for no good reason, or the fact that once again, most characters don't have any conclusion or real closure. Kana was the only decent thing to come out of this mess

I really don't want to think that subahibi was a fluke but I can't say sca-ji makes it easy
>A painting that makes you cum on sight? REALLY?
holy shit, finally someone else who brought this up. i thought i was going insane being the only person who complained about this. but yes, sakutoki sucks and scaji is a hack. i hate how scaji of all people has the position and resources to do whatever the fuck he wants with an eroge when there are so many other talented writers that could do so much more given the same opportunity. fuck him.
starting to think the real message of this game is how to be a not shitty business owner
NTA but I read sakutoki with a friend who knows art because I have no fucking idea, and he told me that there is something called stendhal syndrome that could generate something like that. I still didn't like sakutoki, so whatever. sakuuta> sakutoki.
I haven't read Sakutoki but the line in your pic looks really pretentious
I haven't read it either, but look for “comedian” by Maurizio Cattelan and read the whole story behind it. Today it is a speculative money laundering business.
>Today it is a speculative money laundering business.
I feel like I've actually seen that used as a plot point somewhere
Have you tried to read faster? Only spent like 10 days and that was kinda long by my standards, my ideal pace is week per moege.
>just speedread dude it's just a vn after all
you didn't read the vn if you don't let voices finish
I have adhd and it's boring to wait for all voice lines to play, I skip boring routes too. Too much good stuff to read, too little time and too little attention span.
>I have adhd and
This is bait btw, no one with adhd can stand the full force of a VN
Just read it fast enough and then it's stimulating enough for average adhd brain.
Have you tried watching family guy while you play?
>scaji is a hack
> i hate how scaji of all people has the position and resources
I relate so much to this. Is there anything like his works but actually done well?
Why would I watch this westoid retardation?
At least give reasons why you hate his works or what you consider similar but better.
>Is there anything like his works but actually done well?
no, lol
>Is there anything like his works but actually done well
Something I really like about Marriage is the fact that it's short means it just goes right into the plot and it's extremely fast paced. There's very little wasted time. It could easily have been three times as long with tons of pointless filler (well, if ensemble had the budget for that it could've)
The anons above explained it well.
>what you consider similar but better.
That's exactly what I'm searching for.

>done well
I don't mean works that teach me about 'different lifestyles' though.
Saying Henpri was a bait post because sca-di himself raved about it and said he didn't know it was possible to make eroge that good these days.
>I don't mean works that teach me about 'different lifestyles' though.
Fantasizing about sucking a futa cock isn't an alternative lifestyle?
Tweeting that back when you wrote subahibi you didn't like futa with balls because you were young and naive but now that you're older you love a big juicy pair of balls on a futa isn't an alternative lifestyle?
Henpri is about the line between pornography and art, and 18+ artistic self-expression clashing with disdain for pornography and the rules and laws around it. Complete with lots of meta-commentary about trying to make 18+ artistic adult VNs that include explicit themes and scenes and getting told to cut them even though they're essential to what you're trying to say with the work.The prison is a prison, but it's also a metaphor for society (like basically every other story set in prison). For fuck's sake, the guard who controls his life and he has to get approval from about everything is literally named Sofurin. It might actually be less subtle than Nukitashi, and that had a 10 minute sequence of Fooms staring at the camera and going "this is the message of the game do you understand yet" during the final battle.
What the fuck?
Why are you reposting shit I wrote years ago? Did you save my post? That's weird bro.
for me, it was the the nonsensical tenkaiichi art tournament and how half assed naoya's return was
and a lot of seething regarding rina
Is it just that post or do you save all my posts? Do you have like a notepda specifically dedicated to me? Should I be scared? Is this some kind of weird internet stalker thing?
No real difference from the posts you make after all
I saved your post because:
a) I like it
b) it reads like a copypasta
c) it's a good representation of henpri content, so I don't have to waste time writing same shit with my own words.
Don't really know you nor can identify your other posts, so you don't really have dedicated notepad. Unless I saved something else from you while not knowing it's you.
ごめん, but do the local anons know how to take a mock N1 test?
but this is really a djt question
I'm from SEA and I hate america, american culture and everything american. If you american yourself, please kill yourself.
I think all of scaji is a good base (cute art, cute base of characters, cute melancholic feel with internal world of characters mattering) but with bad directing and preaching of his own destructive views on art and life, I'll stop it here at risk of sounding like a video essayist.
Reads like a video essay so you're not making your case, anon.
>Do you have like a notepda specifically dedicated to me?
I think these days Youtube has a transcript function, he just copied the .txt of your essay "On why Henpri matters, and says something about X".
nice bait
Based junglelord.
Those are my true views and opinions, please forgive that I'm not a Twitter ironic poster.
>Those are my true views and opinions
>video essayist
>video essay
>your essay
>not a bait
Why do Americans have so much trouble with the concept of art being subjective?
European and Asian generally don't have this issue
It might as well be a video essay, it's indistinguishable from one.
You seem to be obsessed with video essays for some reason.
>European and Asian generally don't have this issue
This is a way for the poster to avoid saying whether they are indo or filipino (the only options)
This, Japanese understand in their traditional wisdom that it's both, Americans think it's "le my world of self-expressions that will upend le traditions" or whatever.
I didn't mean to hurt you anon, don't take it personally but know that it might as well be from YouTube. The first line gives it away immediately. Also "[TITLEDROP] is Y", "artistic" "metaphor", "message" is something only used in essays.
Makes sense, I only watch Amelie Doree video essays on youtube, she seems to have deep understanding of eroge through prism of gender dysphoria, so I don't really know how average YouTube video essays sounds like.
I don't know who (or what?) that is, so I can't relate to this post.
>analysis through the prism of one's mental illness
Yeah, sounds about right.
I'm French so I have a better understanding of art than you since birth
Yeah I don't understand how you can come to the conclusion that sakuuta only preaches art's subjectivity since it takes its sweet time to explain it's both subjective and universal
>I'm French so I have a better understanding of art than you since birth

wwwwwっっっっw wwwwww
>troons "girl"
Why do we care about this?
That’s slow af compared to this guy https://vndb.org/u219860
Try harder
You have to go back.
On what? Also France is one of the primary nations pushing disgusting modern art, wake up.
>On what
On my dick
Your country's already been europeanized anyway. You spend your life refreshing an american website to watch americans talk to each other all day. Sad!
>watch americans talk to each other
Good entertainment.
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Did I do well? I only cheated on ~2 answers by redoing them, I was going too fast.
And one audio test was literal gibberish to me, I couldn't understand anything.
idk bro I'm not your sensei, go pay a professional
>I hate everything american but instead of going outside I just watch them instead
How's that going for you mate
My bros that actually read are more worthy to be called sensei.
eroge is dead since before covid
just replay the old classic or fap to classic nukige
I find them good old vn highly reusable and never gets bored fapping to them, jesus and I've read moeshit like sabanowitch more than ten times already and it never fails to make me cry/cum.
Not really surprised moebuta enjoys reading same shit over and over again.
I am not really a moebuta
I am a nukinuki aniki.
Sorry for mistakenly offending you, sir.
I am not angry do not worry baby.
I am going to play (fap) Koakuma-chan no Yuuwaku! tonight after work.
Tonight will be a good night.
Her videos are decent enough, but you can tell she has only surface level knowledge in most of them. Take the Parfait video for example, I’m pretty sure that was the only Maruto game she had played at the time. How do you comment on Maruto as a writer and contextualize Parfait within his career when you haven’t read his other stuff yourself? All you can do in that situation is regurgitate other people’s opinions and second hand information. Not enough for a proper deep dive analysis.
>almost got isekai'd and took years to rehab
>still fucked his other osananajimi

but this reveal makes some of the lines up until now make more sense
Amanatsu 2 in 2026
Time to read Amaemi then since that's the one that will have no FD or sequels.
After that garbage fandisc im surprised they want to keep going
Shan't be reading
Back when I took the N1 test I could get all the mock test questions right, and I scored 140/180 on the actual test. Make of that what you will.
>>48021817 #
Back when I took the N1 test I didn’t study or practice at all, only played eroge and watched anime, and I scored 176/180 on the actual test. Make of that what you will.
Yeap. Actual test seemed quite a bit harder than mock questions.
Nice bro, but I got 2 more.
all the girls in Da Capo 4 are fucking weirdos, except for the imouto.
You weren't kidding, buddy.
Lia route is lightning fast.
Like 10 minutes of reading and fine, I can see how they plap.
When I took the N1 I got drunk the night before, woke up with a hangover, and got a perfect score. Obviously I didn't study beforehand because I was busy fapping to rpgmaker garbage. Your jlpt score means fucking nothing by the way, Japanese 12 year olds know more than you.
Honestly I thought the sex in Lia's route felt the least cohesive. Especially the second scene.
>Your jlpt score means fucking nothing by the way
Yeah, but not being able to pass N1 effortlessly does mean something.
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>The JLPT N1 test is so hard that some Japanese people struggle with it as well.
Japanese bros?
What that sentence actually means is that some people have trouble getting a perfect score despite being Japanese. Please don't be deluded into thinking it means elementary schoolers would have a hard time passing it.
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Finished Lia route. The pace is intense.
Rather good overall, but yeah, you can tell it's basically the minimum of necessary scenes to form the story.
The evil characters also were depicted as pretty shallow. But I guess more nuanced reveals, along with more worldbuilding, are left for the next routes.
How good they are will definitely change how I look back at this route.
And just without any context at all, it's certainly interesting to have the main girl's route be the first and most straighforward one.

Mel was ultra based in her scene.

There was this one scene that feels almost like a spoiler for the Kuro route. Could have done without that.

Also the rightmost pic in the extra H scene menu is a spoiler? Or just cosplay.
No matter the country a lot of natives don't know jackshit about their own language
Will you play her game though?
>""""pure love visual novel""""
>no sex scenes
What's the timeline like for getting to N1 level effortlessly? How many novels? How much time?
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Chapter 1: Life
>Title: The story of when my mother who I lived together for 16 years was NTR'd by a blonde playboy (;_;)
>Title: A twitter fight club created from a second personality of mine that was born from sleeping pill overdose
>Title: The 6 months where I have not met a single person and the mashed potato meal that I ate together with the homeless
>Title: A vaguely repeating prayer: [Please help me...]
Chapter 2: The Internet
>Title: VS. Ryona fetish Dom woman; The day when I punched a woman over and over again for the first time of my life.
>Title: The Internet is a shitty Truman Show where you know that you are being watched for entertainment.
Chapter 4: The Trip
>Title: Live happily! (Subahibi quote)
>Title: Hallucination Drugs + Sleeping Pills Overdose = The best!!
>Title: The story of me and the menhera mother (may or may not be my actual mother)
Any other ge writers with a life as interesting as this? I believe that those are the only people who can produce true kamige.
Some Japanese people are dyslexic. They will struggle with N1 for sure.
Slightly below average Japanese adult who doesn't read much fiction and newspapers might struggle with some N1 questions but should get a passing grade easily.

If I understand it right N1 is tuned to the level of understanding of an average high schooler.

It entirely depends on your abilities.
So much true, Xitter-sister!
>It entirely depends on your abilities.
wtf does that mean?
There're people who manage to do it in a couple of years but there're also people who struggle after a decade. It's nearly impossible to quantify or know how it will go for you beforehand. There are way too many variables.
I took N3 about two years after I began learning and regretted not going higher because it was so easy.
My "learning" wasn't anything intense either. I mostly just watched NND and read VNs with text hooker+MTL training wheels.
for the purpose of this thread, how many vn's until comfortably reading intermediate/high level stuff?
0, I haven't read one yet but I start a lot of them.
It's hard to quantify because different VNs have language of different difficulty, different length. It's impossible to know how fast you'll absorb and remember grammar and vocabulary.
If you'll be able to read chuuni stuff like VNs by light or stuff like Grisaia without much struggling and having to look into dictionary on every other line then you'll almost certainly pass N1.
how is sakuuta in term of complexity? if I finish that will I be N1?
I haven't played it yet but clips I have seen weren't difficult at all.
Finishing it doesn't matter much if you aren't able to read stuff comfortably without much struggle.
It's not Japanese knowledge, but 150 IQ that you need to understand Sakura no Uta.
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SCA-Ji x Watanabe collab when
I saw one of the twists coming but not the other one
>Rather good overall, but yeah, you can tell it's basically the minimum of necessary scenes to form the story.
Yeah, it's both good - because the VN is super fast paced and wastes absolutely no time - and bad - it's super low budget and maybe a bit more buildup on certain things would've been nice. Also maybe h-scenes for the other fairy brides. Ensemble was trying to do a chuunige on the budget they use for one of their bi-yearly moege, and it shows.
>And just without any context at all, it's certainly interesting to have the main girl's route be the first and most straighforward one.
It's the Saber/Arc route tradition, where the first girl and theoretically main girl has the most straightforward route and the other routes use that as a basis to get more complicated and explore the world and other characters more, I directly think each route is better than the last.
>Also maybe h-scenes for the other fairy brides.
Definitely, both are qts.
Best boy
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