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Thread to discuss utaites, vsingers, and their music. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them here.

Previous Thread: >>47879473

Upcoming Lives:

10/16: Cloud Nine 5th Anniversary Special Program "Amane" https://cloud9pro.co.jp/news/p/8521/
11/02: V.W.P 2nd ONE-MAN LIVE「現象II(再)」 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10444
11/03: KAF 4th ONE-MAN LIVE「怪歌(再)」 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10445
12/28: ASU First One Man Live "Ray" https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10467
12/31: Suzuna Nagihara Birthday Live 2024 『飛雪千里』 https://riotmusic-live.zaiko.io/item/366595
A song written and composed by Ado herself, I hope she does more.
first verse
i love Ado
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the ado box is growing
the ado box is now bigger than the place i live
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if I put together an ado box will a random ado spawn in there one day
she's so real...
This is the Ado I've been waiting for. Her being able to evolve into a singer songwriter is the actual best case scenario. She killed it.
Check out this soutaiseiriron cover from yosumi and dj wildparty. The arrangement is great.
i've only heard two songs from dj wildparty and they're both soutaiseiriron songs lmao
They need to make the cage bigger because she's getting fatter
>male singers :D
>male vsingers/utaites D:
It's weird how I feel this way
IDK never had this issue, there's loads of great male utaites out there
God Yomi is good. Listening to her is like drugs.
>Vesperbell Membership
>Perk: ライブの先行案内 (Live stream advanced notification)
>no notification was given
Vesperbell Membership is a scam
>one: tatsuro yamashita
>one: zoomers & groomers
makes sense
Just got back to my hotel and realized shiyui is performing in the basement at zepp shinjuku in 15 minutes. Its not sold out, but I'm too fucking tired to go. Zutomayo the day after tomorrow.
Honestly, that just means I don't care about her enough. But one of the German anon here liked her show so I felt conflicted.
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>Live stream advanced notification
ライブの先行案内 is for concerts details not streams (配信).
By now, you'd have already figured out to set notifs on all their socials because of their guerilla autism and archive deletion.
the MV is really cool
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German anon here. My flight was today night so I was thinking to go too, but jetlag killed me and my motivation. Maybe next time.
Sou - Bunny Girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIxT9Hey9Ys
Haven't heard this song before but I really like it
Ado bangin...
“Oh, I forgot to clean up the burrito that exploded in the microwave (2 days ago) so that's okay for now.”
I could’ve cleaned it for her
It’s a very humanizing tweet. Maybe vsingers are not that different from us after all.
'an 'an in the 'log
'oomer cover
>open channel
>cover with ayame
>cover with astel
>cover with suisei
who is this? i've genuinely never heard her name even once.
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There's a lot of dumb things that I want to post in the chat
ayame's character designer
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Aizawa - First Love
Anything worth visiting in Tokyo in the next two weeks?
any anon know where we can watch this?
this seems to be working just fine for now
new myuk with guiano - black sheep
Concert wise or just in general?
stopped working, move here
new lita cover
new miminari with yuho kitazawa
new haru orisong
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Huge announcement will be made today
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>3D live
Can't wait for their new 3D models
ZTMY was awesome. For both nights. But second night I had 8th row center seats.
I find it kinda wild that ado has porn from ahemaru
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Finally a new mabo cover.
Both, if it's thread-related.
Tell us more anon, is there anything unexpected on Japanese concerts?
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in this economy??
Change your perspective.
There are many reasons why this would happen that have no implication from your side.
Maybe she hasn't learnt yet the lyrics, or can't sing the song well, or didn't feel like it at that particular moment.

You have to decrease the importance of things.
If it happens then good, if it doesn't you can try asking for another song later without any expectations.

Success is built upon failure.
Those who succeed never give up even if they fail hundred times.
i once tried to teach a 2 view how to sing phony, every time i remember that i want to kill myself. genuinely would've been better if she timed me out or something.
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I dont know if unexpected is the right word, but for me, best thing about Japanese concerts over western concerts is the sense of unity and comradery, along with the energy. I can say this about every single concert I've been to in Japan. ZTMY version of penlight is also quite fun, they are not lightsticks per se but more like two separate rice scoops/paddles. You attach a ring shaped light to them and you can use them for both cheering and clapping. There is a screen on the set which even instructs you on what to do if you're new. Of course you can always look around, but it makes it easy mode. The only difference between the two shows was one song was different. Even so, I think I had an even better time on the second night. I wasn't bored at all, not even for a second. The energy really is infectious. Maybe about one year ago, in this very thread, I said ZTMY is the band I want to see live the most. I didn't realize that I would have the opportunity come so quickly. For me, they absolutely lived up to the hype. Not just Aca, but the whole band is incredible. I don't know when the stars will align for me to see them again, but maybe I'll get lucky again next year. Watching the blu rays from home is great, but nothing can top being there in the flesh.
That means there is something for you to learn from that experience.
You need to imagine it again, feel the emotions to release them, then imagine a different solution to that situation to generate a positive outcome.
Once you do that the memory will stop coming back to you and will be positive or neutral.
Your subconscious wants a solution to that past situation in case it happens again.

It's also possible that her memory of that event is completely different from yours.
This event exists in such a form only in your mind.
Once you rewrite the past event with a better solution your past and future will both change.
What matters is if it was a fun experience for both of you, not if the result is perfect or how it may be perceived by others.

Perfectionism comes from the desire to receive conditional love from parents who reward good behavior and good grades.
From this comes the belief that you need to be perfect in order to receive this positive attention and love.

But none of this applies to you once you become an adult.
You can live on your own without your parents.
Thus you don't need to receive external validation in order to live and to feel happiness.
Your source of validation should be your own emotions in the present moment.
If you feel happiness and are following your highest excitement and passion then you won.
It doesn't matter what the world or your parents may think because you live for your own happiness and have the power to act on your own independently.
The biggest critic of yourself is you, after all.

nui (YurryCanon)

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wtf she has a birthday
>imagine a different solution to that situation to generate a positive outcome.
literally the only other solution i couldve come up with is to shut the fuck up and not say anything. it was one of the single dumbest action ive done in my life.
>It's also possible that her memory of that event
probably, but then again ive forgot who she even was out of shame and fear.
>Perfectionism comes from the desire to receive conditional love from parents who reward good behavior and good grades.
this is too fucking real but i dont think it fits the scenario at that time.
>literally the only other solution i could've come up with is to shut the fuck up and not say anything. it was one of the single dumbest action ive done in my life.
What matters more is how you say things not what you say.
You can get away with many things as long as you say it with confidence.
That's how popularity works.
Even what you did and thought was stupid was perfectly ok to do and perceived positively, but you had to act it out with confidence and believe that it was good.

You could try to analyze the source of your initial desire that led to that event and think of a way to do it differently.
It was probably the desire to connect and exchange and a bit of curiosity.
There is nothing wrong with doing something stupid as long as you don't let it affect you and make it into a fun experience.

Try to think of a way to have a positive exchange by asking questions instead with the intent to learn.

>probably, but then again ive forgot who she even was out of shame and fear.
What do you fear? What will happen if you do something stupid?
Imagining that fear should make you realize that it wasn't that big of a fear and your imagination of the fear itself was greater than its reality.

Shame is not a real emotion but a social construct born form the desire to receive conditional love from parents by self punishing yourself in their stead in order to receive their love by projecting what they desire from you.
It fits with the desire to be perfect in order to receive conditional love from your parents.
Facing that fear and accepting the belief that it's okay to live for your own sake and that you can live without your parents will unlock your life and change it completely very positively.
It seems when I post a comment in a chat from a Hololive vtuber I sometimes get shadow banned from youtube for a day.
Does Hololive still have problems with spammers mass reporting chat users or do they have a funny moderation system?

That's a very shitty thing to do to hide comments and hoping that the person won't find out...

Found out thanks to Leona displaying the comments in her stream.
Leona LOVE!
By the way what are your thoughts when you ask for a song?
What makes you request a specific song?

I often get messages from my subconscious through songs that come to mind, but I don't think it's the same intent when you request a song.
Or is that it? Do you want to hear someone sing the song that's in your mind?

There are songs that make me happy and energetic but until I hear them I often don't know I wanted to listen to them and it's a nice surprise.
usually it's just the songs i like at the time, but now i at least try to consider if it'd fit their voices or not. i don't really have many 'songs that come to mind' as opposed to ear worms that play in my head 24/7.
Please record Yuka in 31 hours

i gotchu homie
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i miss her bros... even rionos seems like she retired.
low self confidence...
She didn't believe in this possibility and herself and sabotaged a chance that was given to her by someone who saw her potential.
This result was written from the start.

But it may not be permanent, although it could take a few years.
If she conquers her past and fears, she may discover the reason she tried this.
When that happens she will have the desire to communicate what she experienced to the world through music.
What happened until now was just a small glimpse of her possible future if she goes out of her comfort zone and learns to love and accept herself.
>low self confidence
not sure if this is the case since she'd already made a lot of songs even before being aru. i genuinely think she's just well off enough and is taking an early retirement. i think she's in her mid 30's now probably close to 40.
This happened to me once when I posted a clip from HACHI of this song that was a lot in my mind 2 years ago.

Leona sang it in a relay stream (o8MN5BsGWaY gone ?) after that and I experienced for the first time how it felt to get a request.
That was after I executed the greatest stop loss in my life and sacrificed everything for a new start.
I felt alone and didn't know where I would go from this point, full of doubts about the future.

It felt good to hear Leona sing it.
Even in that state I was not alone and someone tried to reach out to me.

It may be about sharing your thoughts and state of mind.
I may need to become more conscious of songs to do this, or ask my subconscious for support.

Thank you Leona!
My memory of her is that she was very reserved when talking and not good at it.
What came to my mind in that moment was her lack of self confidence.
The current result would prove that assessment.

When you lack self confidence doing something that exposes you to the world constantly hurts you because you are afraid of how it will be perceived.
That would be the reason why her activity could not last longer.

With self confidence this would be different because you would want to constantly experiment and try out new things in the present moment, because that's how it feels to be alive. Then instead of costing energy this activity would serve as inspiration and generate energy.
https://youtu.be/Uo-2PXmqKIc gnosinA 3D karaoke collab
That was a magical reunion.
The moment dreams come true feels special.
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You ever got that feel that life is like Samurai Flamenco?

You keep working towards a goal and as you get closer to it and hope to finally relax the world takes an unexpected turn and everything changes to keep it entertaining.
A never ending cycle of adventure.
Someone must be having fun...
new rim cover
new hibana MV
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it's so OVER
Aitsuki nakuru moechakkafire
ogumo gasha dokuzu cover
dear the night cover by aitsuki nakuru
clicked because it looked like a lilypse song, sounds like a lilypse song, definitely not disappointed. very nice.
feels like i've been cheating as of late because i've had either soutaiseiriron or joucho on autoplay as i sleep as background music. i feel like muque or kikivivilily would be a good choice for my sleep too. otherwise i've been really liking aru's こきゅうとす and the original かのうせかいのろんど.
haru and kaf covered a song which used their cevio counter parts
seems the original isn't that known at all, pretty fascinating that they could spot something like this in the wild.
吉乃's new song is out
長瀬有花を垂れ流す枠(仮) [FmG1noOAsyw]
my ffmpeg was 1 version behind and the output didn't get merged, im so pissed.

thx anon.
I checked a few places but I don't think anyone posted Yuka's concert yet. A bit surprised, but maybe they were relying on me. Ill be home with less than one day to spare on the archive time, so in the worst case I should be able to share it when I get home.

Thank you.
Yukimi (naishonopiasu)
new asu cover with another bomb ass cover art
been thinking about this and i guess you're right. it probably has something to do with her being more of a singer-songwriter who never does live performances. if aru's activities were mostly focused on covers and originals she probably could stay longer but that'd never happen since kamitsubaki has so many live performances.
omg migu
Was it a full album with miku or just a single?
it's her first CD single, the song was written by mafumafu
I've been going through this list of M3 participants the past few days, I didn't expect it to be so stacked. Many of them suck ass though.
new joucho song?
She performed this at her last concert if I remember right.
>xx years of listening to japanese songs
>still dont know what m3 is
The M3 is a submachine gun that was designed for fast and cheap mass production.
Basically Comiket but for music only.
Just rode on the Ado coaster
I picked KICKBACK instead
so like an actual convention?

nero seems to know muque, maybe we can expect a cover of her in the future?
Aizawa - Yoake to Hotaru

Zutomayo MV

Kakyoin GRP

Ibuki godish

Xea Bunny Girl (cover)
Kei Sugawara
new ado https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIWZfhpnq6M
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ILLIT - Magnetic covered by WON (short ver.)
Every side profile post makes me go crazy. She's got nice lashes if those are natural.
another new empty old city banger
new kikivivilily song
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Happy Birthday ADORK
ados birthday live in 1 hour
this is live footage from the national stadium concert

the birthday stream is later today
ado's heavy breathing during the second song is so adorable
they'll show the first two songs from the shinzou concert (which is ussewa and tot musica), after that the rest of the stream can be watched on UNEXT (a free trial can be used)
Japan only btw
get rekt gaijins
How many people are in this fucking stadium?
around 70k
I'm so mad I can't use U-NEXT. Maybe I will have to become Japanese.
thank god for bilibili
Thanks for the spoon by the way.
Oh it's private now, glad that I catched it
ado starting now
translator-kun is slacking...
"I love you, boys" she loves me!
Adochama your live translator..
uber eats..
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ado's sweat...
ado debu eating american hamburgers...
>Indonesia skipped
Fuck I don't want to go to Singapore...
it's a bmw that was good until approximately 1999
she hates you
Thank fuck she is coming to London again, I hope the venue is better than last imte
Düsseldorf bros...what the fuck did we do wrong
this is punishment for being the only venue not selling out immediately last time
With how low the sales went + the local promotor fuckery I'm honestly not surprised that she hates us, still hurts a bit tho...
Ado-chama you could've included at least one eastern yuropoor city...
Well it's gonna be London, Barcelona Milan for me
I only caught 3 of the 4 anime she liked. dandadan, k-on, another and what's the 4th one?
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that's so fucking grim
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Those are some big arenas, I'm glad I was lucky enough to see her in that smaller NYC venue
the düsseldorf crunchyr*ll organizer promised that ado would return if no one took any photos...
düsseldorf will never see ados box again
The Belgians took the fall alongside of the Indonesians and Malaysians kek
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Bro Antwerp is there...

I'll go Copenhagen and Amsterdam, great cities and hopefully won't get cooked in june
London in the 02 arena rather than shitty troxy thank fuck
I think I'll skip
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hmmm so O2 will be in all seater configuration
it's too soon, ado should have waited until 2026 for her next world tour
Looking through M3 and this girl is one of the more interesting ones image-wise.
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that's a lot of steps
https://youtu.be/cHg1D2zAPAQ Ruri

Remember the streams on the boat and in the universe?
That was fun, but the reason it didn't last is because her identity and her belief of who she is didn't change.
Thus any change she attempts will only be temporary and eventually revert to what's more comfortable and aligned with who she believes she is.

But this can change.
She must have a past memory connected with the way she sees herself.
This should come to mind quickly when asking herself the question of what past memory it reminds her of.

By revisiting that memory, releasing the emotions and changing her perception of it into the opposite positive message her identity can change and allow her to use a different image in alignment with a new and more positive identity.
Is ado fat?
oh shit
ado's actually going to my city this time
seems interesting. kind of weird that their youtube channel domain is different to their name.
their style is pretty nice, not sure if im nitpicking or if their audio quality is actually pretty ass though.
These venues seem dangerously bigger. Not sure they'll sell out.
new 9lana MV
I for one am looking forward to more 30-50€ a piece merch
fucking hell
Last time the venues sold out in 20 minutes, I'm more worried about missing the window rather than whatever the venues would sell out.
How did you discover Ado and what makes her special to you?
Through useewa and her strong voice
Listen to a bunch of vtubers making a cover of Ussewa, so I decided to check out the real deal. Holy shit did Ado mog the shit out of them.
ados special live on unext was fucking amazing, that crowd is fucking into it
i'm starting to get over ado at this point
it's adover
Why do Japanese artists refuse to do amphitheater shows? Babymetal sold out standing venues in under 2 weeks so surely they could get more sales at outdoor amphitheaters.
Sure Ado is even bigger but is she really going to be able to sell enough at a stadium to make it worth it, the way huge household names like Usher and Dua Lipa are? I highly doubt it.
Through a cover. Ironically, One Piece is my favorite series.

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