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Seiga nyan nyan
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i like the dangerous lady
Seiga is finally getting punished for the innumerable sins that she has committed!
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...should be kept away from village boys!
I am a village boy and I object to this message!
I think Seiga prefers men who are of the age to be widowed shortly after the marriage.
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She's called the "wicked hermit" for a reason, anon! Young old, human or not, there's no satiating her ravenous desires!
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Though sometimes, things can... "backfire" with more forceful partners.
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What is that? I can't recognize anything.
pedo hermit lol
I can fix her
The pair Seiga x shota never fails.
She is specifically only interested in humans. Just because someone is a slut, doesn't mean they fuck anything with a penis.
Shame on you, Anon!
Isn't shota the universal pair for anyhu?
100%, 1,000% she gets youkai sex on the regular.
We're talking about a woman who use dead fetuses to fuel her sorcery, anon. Somebody who parades around a risen corpse and cuddles with it. ANY taboo is tiny in the face of all that!
"Seiga nyan nyan" refers to Seiga Kaku from the Touhou Project series, often associated with cute, playful expressions. Are you looking for specific information about her or something related?
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Should be a universal rule yeah.
Whoa mama
How many gallons of milk does she produce on a daily basis?
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i like the dangerous lady
Just your waifu, as long as the shota isn't you.
she eat babies for evil taoist magics
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chest too smol
If I had an old lady like that in my life to perk me up, I wouldn't be where I am.
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Nyang nyang nyuu
seiga speaks in a chinese accent mixed with broken english and japanese
>chinese accent mixed with broken english and japanese
Isn't that just average Taiwanese?
she speaks like that chinese girl from ranma
seiga speaks in bing chilling
actually, seiga speaks standard chinese, cantonese, and japanese.
seiga speaks tangut
Evil catgirl
晚安, 青娥
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And a ching chong ching to you too, anon.
Anon don't tell me you can't read kanji?
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I don't like how evil she is
What kind of evil thing would she do to jelly baby?
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"so you're saying there are better things than stacking rocks?"

Why doesn't she wear a bra?
How would she know what one is?
This is the most cursed thing I have seen today.
In ancient China, bra wasn't yet invented
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Could you look after this for me?
Sure. Shall we begin the funeral?
Seiga and Akyuu are buddies!
akyuu is fucking dead
>Captcha: 88JJJ
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evil hag erotic...
Seiga if she were Eirin's apprentice.
>Eirin's apprentice
How old are Seiga and Eirin again?
Eirin was here before the existence of the Universe, but, to be serious, it is said Eirin is like 1200–1400 years old. And about Seiga, I don't know, I know she was around in ancient China or something.
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nah, Eirin is definitely at least 8000 years old
Seiga on the other hand has at least to be older than Miko, so 1500 years. But it's likely she was fooling around in China for some time before coming to Japan.
The dialogue implies Eirin to be somewhere in the 65 million years old range since she expresses nostalgia for a time before humans existed.
Oh my god she looks so cute in this image!
The question here is what she was doing during that time? And if the Lunar Capital was founded many years later, did she even have friends or familiars?
How is your NNN so far?
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she's great with kids
With living kids, right?
Wonder if Seiga is old enough to have known Xu Fu
Probably no, assuming >>48149129 is true.
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I gave 1500 years more as a boundary, she could definitely be older than that, and probably is by at least a century. The other limit is that she obviously has to be younger than the Taoists texts and probably younger than their widespread dissemination across China.
Seiga wants you to join her in bed~
This Seiga looks a bit weird but I agree
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So noble!
I'd trust this hermit.
Is Seiga a prostitute?
no shes a comfort lady
Such an evil woman has no right looking so erotic...
It's almost like she wants me to lose and be ravaged...
Seiga rapes the crown prince
Why does Seiga have the Coral Blue #2 Semi-gloss Lipstick?
Seiga got a new daughter.
Where can I find the original Qing'e story? All the editions of Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio are incomplete, containing only a hundred more popular stories at best.
Nevermind, someone posted it already:
In the story, unlike in Touhou, her husband finds her after she faked her death, and they... well, I wouldn't call it "reconcile". It's more like he kidnaps her and also becomes a hermit, somehow, and then they live forever after (happiness optional). I feel the translation might have skipped a few things.
And even before that, unlike the common assumption that Seiga married into the Kaku family for power, here she was forced into it by the scandal her then teenage future husband instigated: he cut a hole in her room with the magic showel/hairpin and slept in her bed, making everyone think they had premarital sex, thus dishonouring her and her family unless she married him.
Does the Kaku family really exist?
The surname exists, but as for what is shown in the story, it's a retelling of a Qin dynasty legend by a XVIII century novelist, so we can't know for sure.
Too bad her profile doesn't take into account that the marriage was forced. Imho it adds a lot of depth to her character, especially in comparison with Kasen.
They are both hermits who have abandoned their past lives and identities. Their idea of what it means to be a hermit comes from their past experience. Seiga didn’t have freedom of choice so she treats being a hermit as liberation. On the other hand, Kasen had freedom of choice and squandered it so she treats being a hermit as self-restraint. Ironically, it is Kasen who is presented as a proper hermit who has the right to judge Seiga.
There is also feminist angle to Seiga. She’s a woman who goes against an oppressive system and gets the witch treatment because of it. She is called unfilial wretch, although her marriage was forced. No wonder she wears the title of „wicked hermit” like a badge of honor.
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I love my wife!
What girls are available today, Miss Seiga?
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evil butt...
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I love your wife too!

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