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Post little bunny princess. Her windows cousin Kaguya is also welcome.

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Every morning I wake up with a healthy dose of :D
Yuri princess!
Who do you ship her with?
Me, of course!
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Who? :D
Post her pretty pantsu.
anon, I...
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either that or nopan
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is she an actual police officer? what does she carry with her on patrol?
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I'd think a Jitte ot tekkan if we're talking edo period. Hard to say for certain
>is she an actual police officer?
In theory, Gensokyo has no organized law enforcement.
In practice, nobody cares enough to question her claims of being a "police officer".
In truth, she's just what happens whenever Kaguya forgets to take her pills.
>A princess who's always a little bit "off". Since her personality is something of failure, she doesn't get out to meet people often, so no one really knows what she's like. Except that, as a proprietor of feelings most people don't have, she's something of a collector of things normal people don't find interesting.
What did ZUN mean by this?
Kotohime paizuri
Would you enjoy a session of Earth-shattering sex with this police officer?
She collect random objects, she will take you captive because she is the law according to her and she will torture you with turbo autism
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She locks up random girls.
She's gay and abuses power she's not supposed to have.
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>power she's not supposed to have
Says who?
She's decreed she has the power, so she has the power. Simple as.
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Kotohime's origin
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What does she smell like?
My first thought is a red fruit or dessert of some kind. Strawberry shortcake or something maybe.

I think she smells sweet, regardless :)
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Confident hime!
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Built for ___.
I need to know the artist and where I can find more, stat. It looks like the artist with the user 'ANGEE' on pixiv, and they're my favorite Koto artist
Kotohime and Meira seem to be connected somehow.
They're lovers
They are platonic friends
They're enemies
Meira would fucking hate Kotohime
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Post more :D
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A little early for that, Koto…
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This is ANGEE's style, but it's just some deviantart user who made that bodypillow design. ANGEE has been absent for like 2 years now.

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