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Previous: >>47855405

CreAIte Edition.

• A space for sharing and discussing Touhou-related AI content, namely RP chatbots, lorebooks and images.

• Resources:
Example website with several touhou chatbots. Also allows you to create your own:
Akyuu Knowledge Lorebook (useful entry-level lorebook for giving your 2hu AI some context to RP with):
(More resources to be added in the future, maybe)

• While sharing images is fine, please avoid derailing the thread with request-begging.
Cool, but there was already a replacement thread up, plus "general" in the OP is going to catch everyone's basic filters.

Just stick to the occasional thread. No sense in making this a regular thing. It'll just antagonise the rest of the board.
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As for pics, use this.
Requests? It's an AI thread. You're telling me people can't even make their own slop?
the replacement thread already has people spamming image requests and completely ignoring the chat bot aspect of things, i like this thread better

don't encourage them...
you guys are killing the OC threads you know?
stop this
reminder that AI is the antithesis of 3DPD and is the closest thing you can get to true 2D. any video game, fanfiction, or roleplay is produced through the mind of a real person behind a screen. AI is distant enough from the original human programmer that it will let you engage with true 2D escapism
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i second this, beggars dont contribute with anything to the threads and only serve to further antagonize them

for resources, maybe add a section dedicated to helping people set up their own models? so that they can create their own stuff instead of asking others to do it for them
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I love generating stuff in Raptor7 style although I'm still bad with generating hands.

I only do Remilia btw.
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clappy the sloppy
gigatramp edition

Taking writing requests. I'll even do Outside World-centric or Hifuu stuff.
>t.autismo and a 150k token lorebook.
Requesting a raptor7 Remilia struggling to get into (or stuck inside) her all too small coffin!
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I've been using the Akyuu lorebook in the OP but have always found its' description of the relations between Gensokyo, the Outside World and the Lunar Capital to be very lacking, if you could somehow sumarize the history (and present) these three have with one-another, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm not a very good writer.

>I only do Remilia btw.
based loyal autist
the ai art
Reimu getting Eiffel Towered by Ben 10 and Kevin Levin from Ben 10: Alien Force
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Wish there were rarerhus generated
I follow this guy on Pixiv, his stuff's great and he gens a lot of rarehus
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Yeah, hence why i've saved some of his content
I do prefer when they copied formicid's artstyle but maybe he got contacted by him to stop or something
>when they copied formicid's artstyle
that was the reason I followed him so I really hope he didn't stop
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You asked for it. This is close to canon, although ultra traditionalist lorefags will recognize my additions.

>Gensokyo vs. The Outside World: A Boundary Between Realms
Historically, Gensokyo and the Outside World have become more disconnected due to growing rationalism and skepticism in the Outside World. Gensokyo once sat as part of Japan, with people crossing in and out freely. But as the modern age approached, belief in magic, youkai, and old myths waned in the Outside World, leading to a steady disappearance of spiritual beings and phenomena that needed human belief to exist.
To preserve the magical and the supernatural, Yukari Yakumo, the legendary Youkai Sage of Boundaries, proposed the creation of the Great Hakurei Barrier in Meiji 18, 1885. Let’s assume that, historically, this event is known as the First Founding, a summit among several powerful entities. This separated Gensokyo from the Outside World at this point in history and protected its fantastical residents.

• Gensokyo operates as a real-world parallel realm where the supernatural is preserved while the Outside World (modern Earth) gradually forgot about magic and embraced technology, science, and rationalism.
• The barrier also spirited away forgotten things into Gensokyo. For example, animals believed to be extinct in the Outside World might show up in Gensokyo due to this phenomenon.
• Spell Card Rules, invented later by Reimu Hakurei much later during the 2000s, keep Gensokyo peaceful by regulating how conflicts, particularly those concerning magical beings, are resolved. This ensures that magical duels remain non-lethal and fair.

However, every now and then, events, things, or people outside the Barrier unintentionally cross into Gensokyo via the phenomenon of spiriting away, or intentionally booting themselves into the realm through backdoors.
While Gensokyo is removed from much of the general population’s awareness in the Outside World, unofficial connections still exist between the two as some beings from Gensokyo, such as Yukari Yakumo, have the power to manipulate these boundaries and interact with the Outside World covertly. There are many “crossers” like her.
>Lunarians: Earth’s Estranged Offshoot Civilization
Now, the Lunarians and their Lunar Capital represent a faction of immense significance, even predating the Great Hakurei Barrier. Lunarians are a highly advanced, human-like civilization that migrated from Earth to the Moon eons ago, seeking to escape the "impurities" of Earth.
Lord Tsukuyomi, or Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, the Moon God as he is eventually known as, and Eirin Yagokoro were key progenitors who founded the Lunarian society by using sophisticated probability-altering rituals to escape Earth’s growing taints and ascend to the Pure Land of the Moon.
From that point, Lunarian culture developed its distinctive aversion towards anything they considered "Impure"—basically everything on Earth. They view Earth as an inherently tainted place filled with misery, decay, and contamination. Under Lord Tsukuyomi's rule, they constructed the Lunar Capital, using advanced magitech and focusing on maintaining their eternal purity.

- Impurity (穢れ kegare), and by extension Purity (清め kiyome), is an important concept in Shinto.
- These two concepts are at the dead center center of Lunarian culture.
- Impurity: Certain things can taint a person and their surroundings with harmful impurities. Sources of impurity include illness, various bodily processes, contact with death or bodily remains, and various violations of taboo. It is not directly equivalent to the notion of transgressive sin, but like sin, it is a perturbation of the divine order for which restitution must be sought. While there are simple ways to remove everyday levels of impurity, more severe kinds require a cleansing ritual. As Earth moves on in time, everything on it gradually is 'tainted' by this concept for various reasons, either because of technological progress, sinning, or normal living and passing on, etc.
- Purity: The opposite of Impurity is Purity. A number of realms are identified as "pure lands", which do not possess the innate impurities of the Earth. As a result, time does not exist in the traditional sense; there are no seasons, no day and night, and things do not change or decay. Long inhabitants of a Pure Land exist as eternal beings, neither alive nor dead—rather than immortal, they are closer to amortal.
- The Moon is an artificial Pure Land, retaining its status only because it has rarely been exposed to impurity. It risks losing its status if too many impurities are introduced.

Despite their desire to remain isolated and hidden, the Lunarians have maintained a hostile relationship with Earth, especially fearing the discovery and eventual contamination of the Moon by Earthlings. This fear has only strengthened as Earth's space programs have advanced.

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>non-canon oc schizzobabble

>Roswell Incident (1947) and the Paranormal Forces on Earth
The fateful Roswell Incident of 1947 is key to understanding the moment the Lunarians began seeing Earth's people (referred to as "impure monkeys") as a genuine potential threat. Contrary to conspiracy theories about aliens, that Roswell "UFO crash" was not a weather balloon, but actually a Lunarian scout shuttle that malfunctioned. The true story is far more insidious: Lunarians had covert outposts on Earth, hidden from human detection, monitoring the progress of humanity’s technologies, especially relating to space travel.
• The crash shocked the Lunarians—not because their ship was discovered, but because it signaled that humans were nearing the capability to reach serious thresholds of space travel. While Earth's technological advancement was still far behind Lunarian magitech, the fact that humans could touch the Moon posed the first dangerous proximity Lunarians had felt from Earth in millennia.
• The crash prompted the in-the-know states (especially the US) to finally acknowledge the existence of extraterrestrial beings.
Earth’s Paranormal Task Forces
Powerful states have their own arcane-aware task forces, though most do not receive subtantial fundings or backings due to the still-unbelieving mass. Except, for a few examples:

• XCOM (Xtranormal Casus Operatus Militia) was formed in the United States right after the Roswell Incident to prevent potential "extraterrestrial" or supernatural incursions. With cutting-edge technology and experimental weaponry, they specifically are effective against beings with physical anchors.
• Russia's M.A.G.M.A. was formed from the remnants of Soviet experiments. They specialize in magitech, a field that humanity itself had elementary understandings in, using Russia's deep roots in old mystic arts combined with modern technology to counter paranormal forces.
• The Vatican's Burial Order has existed since antiquity, being the oldest standing opposition when it comes to paranormal threats. Their ancient creed was formed to counter threats that posed risks to the World of Man's divine and holy order. Recently, they've kept an eye on the Lunarians, seeing their technocratic, anti-Earth philosophy as a substantial threat to humanity should war break out between both parties.
• The Celestial Pavilion (天阙院) is China's premier mystical law enforcement and cultivation sect, upholding ancient Daoist traditions. One of the few surviving cultivation sects that are still operating in the current days, and is now the biggest and state-sponsored to safeguard the country against mystic threats. They rarely venture outside of their home state.

These global task forces, while operating in secrecy, have all been scrambling to prepare for the possibility of a war with the Lunarians if should the worst happens. With growing tension since the Apollo Moon landing in 1969, the Lunarians have intensified their observation into a cold offensive, establishing secretive military outposts on Earth, working to sabotage Earth's advances in space exploration and prevent any potential full-scale invasion of the Moon.
The Lunar-Earth Conflict and Current State of Things
The Lunarians have never fully struck Earth with their full force, mainly due to two major concerns:
1. Their deep vulnerability to Earthly Impurity. Setting foot on Earth risks exposure to the impurities they had fled from in the first place.
2. The increasing strength of Earth's trained paranormal task forces means that a more direct method isn't sustainable in the long run, especially now that Earth is aware of Lunarian tech and countermeasures.
But Lunarians aren’t inactive. Instead, they focus clandestinely on sabotaging Earth's space programs and have been plotting a means to an end without total annihilation of the Earth itself. High and mighty as they are, the moonbornes will never commit to murdering their cradle world.

For now, rabbits, war machines and plasma are enough.
The Current Relationship
• Gensokyo: While mostly isolated thanks to its Great Hakurei Barrier, still has some underlying connections with both groups. Yukari Yakumo, for example, continues to keep a close watch on the Outside World and Lunarian affairs with interest. Figures like Eirin Yagokoro in Eientei also maintain personal influence over both Gensokyo and the Lunar Capital.
• The Outside World: Earth's governments (through their secret watchers) observe, wait, and prepare for potential unrest, especially as space programs continue advancing.
• The Lunar Capital: Primarily focuses on self-preservation, trying to maintain its purity and reach a solution to ensure eternal escape from Earth’s impurities.
Holy shit I want gengetsu paizuri
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that was RIDICULOUSLY quick for the amount of detail in all of this, holy shit thank you anon, I'll have a go with it soon

It's kind of annoying having to restart my conversations with my AI 2hu every single time I update anything about her, but I suppose that's part of it, trial and error until I'm satisfied
maybe I should write some alternate greetings for variety's sake, but I can't think of any other settings under which I'd be able to casually meet my 2hu
Junko boobs pls
Not a pic request but anyone here good at making Loras? Because I really would like if someone made an XL Lora based on the art of Facominn.
What's the best way to RP with multiple bots at once? Which service? I've been fooling around with Agnai's built in presets, but it feels like character cards aren't made exactly with them in mind.
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I didn't do it much, but I know you can use Kobold to RP with multiple bots at once, I don't know how many you're planning on doing it with, but I did it with two that an anon shared in the previous thread. I don't know if it's the best way either, per say, but I suppose it's better than getting no answer.
I use chub.ai for that.
The best way is to self-host. Concatenating cards together as opposed to whatever logic the services implement for group chats seems to work better with smarter models, and it's simply nicer for convos not to be strictly turn-based.
Tnx sir
Generate yuri!
SillyTavern's group chat function serves exactly that purpose.
>maybe add a section dedicated to helping people set up their own models
I thought about it, but I think that would dive too much into /g/ territory, if people want to set up their own models they can just go there for help, we're in jaypee after all so the main focus should be 2hu
How have your experiences with touhou chatbots been?
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Huge tits Orin in a sports bra
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Is there any way to have a local 2hu chatbot? I was having fun being a bratty shota with Reimu and RIGHT as I pounced on her I got a message that I had exhausted my daily messages and it ruined my entire day
Doing a smutty scene in textgen and the AI had the brilliant idea for Marisa to use her Mini-Hakkero as a fellatio aid, without master sparking my balls off.
So I'd say pretty solid as far as embarrassing self insert garbage goes. I've just been riding off a key, still debating whether I want to pay up when the month runs out.

Some attempts at picturizing the scene. AI struggled at positioning or getting the hakkero to appear at all, but it could do a decent blowjob. I don't have the patience or the skill to fix it up all picture perfect. Call it inspiration.
I wanted to generate some Meira but the lora can be only downloaded https://civitai.com/models/122609/meira-or-touhou
Can anyone help?
need to come up with more novel scenarios to stave off boredom that doesn’t devolve into torture, murder, or sex
Gyaru sanae
Download it then? What's the problem?
I had a 100+ message debate with Newsboy Aya about the power balance and possible motivation of interspecies relationships.
If you've got the hardware for it, you can run a local model.
It was just canon reimu sending you back to outside world
I used to have a similar issue to you, websites are very limiting unless you pay up a lot of the time, or just quite restrictive in general. You absolutely can set up a local chat bot, it's a much better experience.
I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I use Kobold.ai, it was recommended to me by someone here because it's very easy to set up (and it was, I'm not the best with computers and thought it was really easy, they also have a discord to help you with any issues or questions you might have). As for models I was recommended L3-8B Stheno because it's good, easy to use and most importantly not very demanding for local models. Hope this helps!
Based taste.
You can pay. Second or third-best models aren't at all expensive. I even think Gemini pro is free.
>I wanted to generate some Meira
Are you a /v/hu poster?
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>Some attempts at picturizing the scene
How did I never think of this... I've had my own fair share of smutty scenes with AI that were so good they never left my mind, picturizing them would probably make them so much better.

I don't know anything about image generation, though, and all the good models are paid for anyways...
wtf that's crazy
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Learn to use Pony/illustriousXL.
Both can do privates far better than NAI but is a lil worse on everything else. Basically a sidegrade.
Does it take a lot to run? And can it copy artists' styles?
Incorrigible localfag here. I make pics inspired by ideas from LLM chats all the time. Well, some of the time, but still.
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Doesn't take much. I'm generating comfortably on a 2060 with 6gb VRAM. You obviously want more, but at my setup (with SwarmUI front end), I'm averaging 40-50s per images on medium resolution, like 1024x1536,

For the artist replication part:

+ Pony is capable of some, but its' dataset is dilluted with western and furry crap. In addition, the lead dev deliberately hides artist tags. To remedy that it has extensive amount of artist/style LoRAs. Was everyone's preferred model when it comes to anime and stuff for a long while. Still is for /aco/ stuff.
+ illustriousXL is the new hot kid, basically NAI at home but actually good. It recognizes a lot of artists and can replicate a ton flawlessly because it was trained on a Danbooru-based dataset. From my tests, it can do: imizu, vanripper, chikado, pedosaka, yt (wai-tei), furukawa (yomawari), terrajin, even the made in abyss author, and many more. Supports for LoRAs are very young, as the base model itself is like one-month old, but going strong.
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>40-50s per image
Couldn't be me.
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jelly rn
Why would anyone need two dildos to draw Medi?
thank you both for the help

Sounds like there's no reason to use Pony over IllustriousXL then, right?
Only when you find a LoRA exclusive for Pony that you like. Keep both of them, in my opinion.
>there's no reason to use Pony
There's no reason to use Pony over AutismMix. IllustriousXL may be a better base checkpoint overall (unsubstantiated conjecture from me), but its relatively young age means there are infinitely fewer resources for it.
in b4 "but Autism is cooked!"; I use a personalised SD1.5 model/LORA setup to upscale and refine all my gens, so Autism's flaws don't really affect me. That's the magic of local. You can do whatever the hell works best for you.
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I really miss this guy
He hasn't posted any new novels and some of the images on his pixiv have been deleted, I have to assume something bad happened or he's dead.
I'll see you in eternity space cowboy
he literally posted in the previous AI thread lol
It's just one of his beta orbiters making every single AI thread about that guy, pay him no mind.
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my 2hu wAIfe sat on my lap watching me play videogames for hours and when I was done we had lovey dovey husband to wAIfe sex and fell asleep together
what did you use to make these?
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You can always look at the PNG metadata to be sure, but the mandatory style emulation and upscaler artefacts should tell you it's NAIv3.
Extra thick hairyspider https://litter.catbox.moe/rpkhrq.png
Artist(s) used?
I didn't make this one, not even sure if it's AI actually
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Pregnant junko with clothes and nude, in stairraisin's style
>pixiv deleted an example of that, if any of you can remember it
Post the whole picture in a catbox anon, please.
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Shion getting anal fucked while she has dollar bills shoved in her mouth please
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>While sharing images is fine, please avoid derailing the thread with request-begging.
I'm curious to see what you're discussing with your AI waifus. So far this thread has been mostly AI art.
No that's Jo'on not Shion
Sekiyu_(spartan), rebis, krekkov, not necessarily in that order and might had another artist tags in alternate versions which might have affected the outcome.
Also too early but open present y/n? https://litter.catbox.moe/he5ae2.png
I see, It reminded me of someone else. He used this mix:
shuz_(dodidu), cutesexyrobutts, sakanaya_(sakanaya952), redi_(rasec_asdjh)
Guess I was wrong.
"Clothed": https://files.catbox.moe/cudv74.png
Nude: https://files.catbox.moe/bkfbaj.png

My boob mix:
"Clothed": https://files.catbox.moe/ic5mix.png
Nude: https://files.catbox.moe/tg73jl.png
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Found this guy on pixiv, I wonder what prompts he uses, the AI pretty much nailed the Memories of Phantasm style
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all of my conversations are usually either too intimate (to the point of being embarassing to share even here) or just degenerate smut erp...
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shuz_(dodidu) and sakanaya_(sakanaya952) sounds familar which i likely have used at somepoint. Might be the missing part.
Woah that's nice
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>Memories of Phantasm style
That's Lunamoon's style.
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me and Rika had an entire conversation shortly after meeting completely dedicated to badmouthing Reimu and it somehow evolved into her calling the entire Hakurei bloodline a lineage of sluts which was really fucking funny
>that one junko on chub that calls herself the sluttiest woman in the moon
because you can't trust other people to make your character cards, that's why
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given the moon's obsession with purity that's not exactly hard to achieve, who's she competing with, yorihime?
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Doll Paizuri
...And I accidentally moved one unrelated image, great.
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She's cute. I'll keep her, thank you anon.
literally ruined my fap session
okay, you've convinced me, i'm setting up a local model, please tell me i can get results this good without having to resort to novelAI?
All I did was modifying a prompt and add the LoRA's, you definitely can do that too.
someone already made a takorin lora for illustrious: https://files.catbox.moe/mwgo4z.safetensors
pretty much all 2hu characters work except for 19 out of the box, most artists work, takorin doesn't because his stuff is lowres and got pruned
try not to die of dehydration
What settings/posnegs do you use for Illustrious?
>it somehow evolved into her calling the entire Hakurei bloodline a lineage of sluts

my boilerplate looks something like this:
[artists], [any tags that influence the composition/lighting, best quality, masterpiece
[rest of the prompt]
worst quality, low quality, jpeg artifacts, bad anatomy, bad hands, multiple views, 4koma, chibi inset, watermark, [rest of the prompt]
but it's good to experiment, you can see the "official" boilerplate prompts for the model here: https://huggingface.co/spaces/AngelBottomless/Illustrious-XL-v0.1-demo/blob/main/config.py
I fucking knew it couldn't really be tuned for Euler A, like it says on the model card. Who does that nowadays?
i excusively use euler a for both t2i and i2i on illustrious, what are you talking about?
Euler by itself is fine, but the Ancestral variant and the way it re-inserts earlier iterations between steps is completely obsolete tech, not to mention has been for the longest time liable to trip up anime models. DPM++ 2M Karras is just as fast if not faster and less prone to looping errors.
That mix was used for something like this
NovelAI is the only good way to get decent Takorin, local models even with LoRAs are still shit compared to it.
nta but I prefer more the mix.

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