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This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>47800676
>the previous thread lasted a full month
So this is the power of Tiara's pantsu...
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I miss Tiara and her white pantsu so much... why did KLab have to kill her and her franchise?
Now that daphne flopped we wait for Resonance kino
what's with the pics and why are they in black and white
all kusoges without pantsu
>without pantsu
My bad, for some reason I thought Shine Post was Nakagawa Rika, who has still been promoting it to this day.
That's a Chinese kusoge
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Please play Tokyo 7th Sisters
ウィザードリィ の新作!ダフネ 始めたんだけど チュートリアルみたいな最初が難し過ぎて初手でツンデツンデりゅわよ ゴブリン地獄から抜けられない!キレそう マリオパーティとマリルイRPG 発売したら辞めちゃおうかな

Fuck is it really? Guess that's another one for the bin.
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I will now play your chinagame
Wow people don't like Susu anymore huh
This has the longest tutorial jesus christ. How do developers not realize people just want to roll quickly and then play?
Another one bites the dust.
This is more like the natural end of a lifespan
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>the thread is only a day old and yet the next thread's OP pic is already determined
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Not to mention they will have a livestream later. Over seven years of running the girls' baseball team as their coach has come to this.
>hachi nai
>couldn't reach 8 years
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Male MC is canon albeit
If someone had told me this would die before venus eleven.
When will the old gramps Chain Chronicle retire?
Male options only exists to placate a minority of psychotics that don't play video games.
You'll be missed
It's live now.
new game announcement?
So far they are explaining the upcoming Offline Version. It's the last episode of the livestream.
Is Hachinai yuri? Another offline yuri mobage?
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Nope. You play as a former senior league ace turned coach of Tsubasa's baseball team after suffering from shoulder injury.
Et tu Tomoya?
Next year probably unless they are bullshitting another new main storyline out of nowhere. Puzzle and Dragons and Monster Strike are still older though.
My bad, I meant female options only exist for forced cultural appropiation and pandering to a schizo minority
About time for a new sequel that somehow will EOS before it.
resonance solstice apk where? Tried qooapp but JP versión is not there, only CN
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An AGAkiller is back. Will it succeed this time or fail again?
Pantsu status?
Looks awfully generic. Why is she showing off her non-existent butt?
The original had
>Pick up new gacha
>Honeymoon is fun and everyone calls it a super generous game
>Start to get fucked and honeymoon ends
>Start to see all the ugly parts about he game
>Feel absolutely fucking miserable playing the game
>Don't want to quit because I like the people I'm playing with
>Eventually find the willpower or the right excuse to finally excuse myself from the game

You have no idea how many times I've done this. I definitely do have a problem.
What gacha?
Too many to count now honestly, usually the fate of any FOTM I try out and I don't like enough to stick around. Don't want to name any recent ones in the rare case that someone that plays it sees my anonymous confession but I did that with Epic7 for one example.
I'd say that's pretty much the standard gacha cycle.
Though I don't usually get too involved with the social aspects, aside from maybe dropping into a relevant /vg/ or /vmg/ thread for a while. So that tightens the loop a bit.
I love discussion and communities so it's a major demerit when the community is fucking dead like with Neural Cloud for example. Game's alright but discussing it in the clusterfuck that is /gfg/ along with two other games is a pain.
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That was a long-ass intro, fortunately there is no need to reroll becase best girl Livia is with you since the beginning.
And not anymore?
There is always #COMPASS
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New D4DJ spinoff.

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