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Does ZUN have a successor for when he retires or gives up the ghost?
Yes anon, (You).
Didn't expect that. What's my first decision going to be as the new Head Priest?
Public domain
his wife or children, I'm assuming
revive Alice
Make Mima canon. Then be sealed away in a tomb to never touch the IP again but renewing the rights when needed.
Probably not. I can see him passing on the rights to his children but he won't let anyone make games without his direct involvement. He has a very strict view on how the games should be and no everyone is going to follow that.
Sangetsusei anime
Tony Iommi.
Did he take the covid shots?
ya you can tell cuz he walk around with the metal sticking to him
Put Reimu in the next Smash to seethe the Smashtards
I think that would be the other way around, Touhoutards would be far more mad than Smashtards.
It would attract more redditors. I would be really mad.
Family which will quickly sell the rights to Netflix for the live action series.
He sort of hinted at letting it become public domain like Lovecraft's works.
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Honestly, I hope the franchise ends in the game 20. And before anyone complains, it doesn't come out of any sentiment of disgust or even hate, it comes from the feeling that the franchise deserves a good ending. I don't want it to become a soulless long runner, just look at TH19, the characters are not bad; but their design already reveals where it all is going to. I think it deserves to end in a memorable way, if not, then, will be people wait until ZUN has no more ideas for the franchise? For its characters? He already has a family, friends, and remaining money..
That sounds awful. They're going to make everyone gay black and trans.
This can already happen now though, no need to wait for the guy to get alcohol poisoning
>Put Reimu in the next Smash
The Touhou music remix would be insane though
how much the original music and remix you guys think we would get if that happens?
I imagine ZUN would be pretty much be okay with anything be used, maybe try to push stuff he really likes, but I'd be more interested in doujin music making it in somehow
He talked about this semi recently in one of his streams, but I think it was something like how he doesn't think about it at all, but hopes that it'll continue even after he dies through the fans.
I'd prefer it if there wasn't much doujin music since that means less higher-end composers making 2hu works. Only one that I think would be a gimme would be Brutal Sister because it's like, the most known normalfag 2hu song.
Remake the first five Touhou games then proceed to do nothing with the ip forever
>the franchise deserves a good ending
Exactly. The series doesn't have to go forever and the fan works can continue as they have for decades.
its over its confirmed th20 is THE last entry, in interview between yuzo koshiro and zun, there was speculat

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