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literally cheating
please stay in your containment general
Just looking at the death star makes me anxious
I swear that thread has the worst human beings on this site, there's nothing but pure condensed hatred and angst for some reason
Only /cgl/ comes close to that
you're thinking of 07th gen but the thread in question's surely up there yeah
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my excuse is i'm in uni and have enough stuff to do that piling more useless junk onto the queue isn't realistic if i want to actually learn it

but really. studying moon runes that are functionally useless is a waste of time if it's not genuinely a hobby i'm dedicated to. why should i learn a new language that's infamous as THE hardest for native english speakers to learn, when i would use it for nothing but reading manga once in a blue moon? i'd have to move to japan to realistically learn, because immersion is how you learn languages. learning japanese is a multi-year long chore that i just don't have the time for. and in the first place why use anki for japanese?

tl;dr i'm bad enough at communicating in english, and have zero plan of ever visiting Japan. my brain is crammed enough with pointless jargon and doesn't have room for the stroke order, grammar, and syntax of thousands of foreign characters
Japan isn't even that hard a language.
True but only in hindsight.
why are you on jaypee if you dont have a hobby that makes learning japanese worthwhile?
>have to move to japan to realistically learn
>and in the first place why use anki for japanese?
lemme tack "and why do you have such strong opinions on things you're so uninformed about?" to my question
>learning 20,000 words in 3-6 years is literally cheating
just replace all the translations you consume with raws, boom

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