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Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE

Touch the (spider) cow. Do it now.
gonna take off this silly ushis bandana, she'll get lazy eye!
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Everyone thinks Balrogs are old wise boomers and old ladies who speak eloquently and fancy compared to the younger Whipper Snapper pyrows and their Skibidi Rizz memes and lingo.

In truth, Balrogs; despite being elders and older women, do indeed speak in the same youngster dialect and lingo as their you get pyrow underlings. For Balrogs in MGE are just pyrows who're aged up.

Facts! The more you know.
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Be ye afraid, for I am so great and terrible! GAOOO!
I can't believe I have lost to gargoyle
They're surprisingly good at videogames.
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Ushi thread!
Damn green thing and her spinning butt.
The scariest thing a monster can do is call for their big sister.
It's scary, until she becomes your big sister too.
Then it's a little less scary.
On the bright side, now you get to call for her when you need her.
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Since oyakodon is a thing is there a word for being double-teamed by two sisters?
>6ft tall balrog calls for her 8ft tall sister with more flames and muscle
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Chesh shotgun, fearsome
I have a fetish for onee-sama girls, so I would instalose to a big sister-type monster, especially if she's a demon.
Mamonos used to call me on my cellphone
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Anon needs reverse correction.
Anon needs to play reversi with his wife
Anon just needs some alone time, no monstergirls. Only peace.
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She is an adult.
hello eros could you please send me a cute succ to cuddle. its cold.
I'm going to rape that little shit until a crater is formed in the court room
I haven't done anything! What is she going to correct? Oh god. Should I pack my things? Can I use her toothpaste or should I bring my own? Please give me enough time to visit the dry cleaner's first. If I'm going to be meeting someone's mom I can't just show up in a polo. Hold on, let me check the weather... It's going to be 59 tomorrow!? I need to get my chesterfields out of the attic!
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stop the pigeon
stop the pigeon
What if I stop her with my dick?
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you could do that, but it would be more fun to try and fail to stop the birb with an elaborate flying machine
I'd never lose to some malef brat
Ms. Gremlin, do I have to remind you what happened last time you made an "elaborate flying machine"?
I hope she's a failed outcast crackpot that makes my entrust my life to some pedal-powered ramshackle monstrosity.
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Listen. The dark matter hoverjetcraft may have been a bust when it catastrophically failed over that order territory - but the demon realm it left behind is something, right? Just trust the plan (and don't tell miss automaton she's going to have jetboots next week)

She fails, but she isn't failed. Learn from your mistakes. That pedal-powered ramshackle monstrosity was just the first in a long line of learning opportunities!
I will sap miss gremlin sentry
Best monster girl to spontaneously teleport into my dick?
Best monster to rewrite time until she's my childhood friend and mothersisterwife?
Telling miss automaton to delete system32
>Pink Orchid Mantis
Why does Eros get all the cute kuuderes?
Because being able to understand your monsterwife even if she barely shows expressions is a true show of your love towards her. She makes her kuuderes extra cute for that reason.
For the same reason that she also got all the soldier anons.
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>HFW you ask to be her duo partner
that'll show her i'm a full commitment kind of guy
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>H-hey anon
>I-I-I just got a 10,000 piece lego box set for the pawsoleum at wanlicarnassus
>Do you wanna build it with me?
Sure, we can start by pouring all the pieces out of the box into a big messy pile!
Sure, but she actually has to help this time instead of stealing enough bricks and minifigures to make a house and saying "look, it's us!" before having them kiss
are the schedule dogs branching out from pyramids?
She wants some roman's dicks
>all the cute kuuderes
just 2 of them and cupid isn't even cute
>Hanging gardens of Tabbylon - filled with rich ojou alraune and lazy kots, feasting and drinking in decadent style amongst the gardens (location never found)
>Statue of Goose - Giant stone birb that real birbs perch upon
>Great Wighthouse of Alexandria - A coastal resort villa filled with undead
>Temple of Artemouse - A grand temple where mice go to pray and leave cheese
>The Colossus of Toads - A large statue of a frog girl, an amphibian, to bridge the worlds of land and sea
>Pawsoleum at wanlicarnassus - A 150 foot building containing hundreds of thousands of parchment spreadsheets for anubis everywhere to admire
>Great pyramids of Gazer - Some dumb sandstone pyramids to satisfy wan autism
>he doesnt know about pink salmon sahuagin that swim up waterfalls in the pursuit of love
Also take that cupid slander back you tasteless phillistine
>she's bad at studying as expected
>get a better grade from your pair project than if you had partnered up with one of the huge nerds, because she was passively buffing you up just by being close to you
Balrog-chan's route unlocked
Cupids aren't cute.
ngl if a fish swam up a fucking waterfall to go on a date with me I'd be honored
>wonders of the ancient world, Alexander edition
>Alexander gets in the diving bell
>goes below the waves
>sees lecherous sea creatures
>retreats to the safety of his Centaur wife
Shimaidon? I think thats the tag youre looking for
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>cupid isn't even cute
You take that back right now
Thanks. I had a feeling there was a word for it but I couldn't recall it and when I did my brain confused its meaning with the one for "shimapan" for some reason.
I, the Soap Mage, continue to be the bane of smelly monsters everywhere. Whether they be P'orcs or H'orcs, or Trolls or Wocks or Beelzebubs or Devil Bugs, I cast my spell BUBBLE BATH ATTACK and follow up it with my SHAMPOO BEAM and HYDRO EXPLOSION and they are clean and sparkling before they know it. My cleaning magic cannot be paralleled. Not even a Kikimora can conjure such cleanliness. I swear, I will not stop until stench, odor and BO have been obliterated. I will not stop until all Monsters are CLEAN.... This world must be CLEANSED by my hand...
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>hey you sure are loud for a sweat rag, seat cushion
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>cleaning devil bugs against their will
You've gone too far this time Soap Mage!
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Do you remember the time he blasted an Akaname with "Degreaser Ball"?
I hear the poor girl is still dry heaving.
>Let's see how you like my - SCOUR POWER BANG ATTACK
Help, my sense of reason is in danger.
post proof of cupid being really cute
you can't
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You know what, no. First you slander them, and then you demand they prove you wrong? Look for proof yourself if you so wish.
No, the "swim up a fucking waterfall to get that dick" phase of their lives is not date night. Maybe once she's calmed down and turned back to her calmer form.
It's hardly slander if it's just naked truth.
Wonder what would happen if you kidnapped one and kept her in a tank without any males until rape season ends.
Step aside with that barely passable example of empathic love. Real chads blast into the momsters that spawned them. Objectively better fetish cooming through! Nothing can match the beauteous intimacy of lovingly coating momster's uterus while frotting her endothelium into a pleasure-filled mass of contracting full-body-enveloping flesh. Imaging spending 9 mo with your monster and all you do is charades because she has the sociopath autism. Couldn't be me.
Imagine being held down and gangraped by six Cheshire sisters with varying levels of chubby belly, fat ass and bouncy tits.
Heaven in hell.
>clean devil bug
>the stimulation turns her into a frothing sex mess
>clean devil bug
>. . .
Am I doing this right? I think professional help might be needed.
>Raeped by memecat
Maximum dishonorabu, many shame on ancestor face.
Sorry, can’t hear you over the sound of six bouncy bubble butts grinding on my dick.
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Fairies, Pixies and other tiny mamano give birth to tiny human boy babies who have really massive growth spurts.
>Get dragged underwater by Merrow!
>Fight her off
>It's super effective
>That's right, bitch!
>Oh no! you get sucked down by some bullshit magic whirlpool
>The river bottom around you is literally covered in her unfertilized eggs
>Can't escape due to the whirlpool, but at least you can breathe
>Merrow returns
>She stares at you
>Full unblinkingly eye contact
>A deviously lewd grin on her face
>As she makes the Ran-hand milking gesture
What happens next?
I can't hear you over the six voices screaming Captain Falcon quotes as they orgasm, but presume it won't go well. Good luck with that.
Joke’s on you, I’m into that shit. Now excuse me I’m off to imagine what the cuddling would be like.
>the Ran-hand milking gesture
>What happens next?
A good time.
>Cheshire is always a gentleman while cuddling
Redeemable, I guess.
Based MHQchad.
Nuzzling, gentle groping and soft ass everywhere. It’d be so cozy, you never have insomnia again.
I don't think they're any danger. It's a Ryokan, you eat, sleep and rest in the onsens. Drinking with the fox owner can lead you in someplaces...
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There's at least two rival girls inside that tail of hers. I'm certain of it.
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Sex with erufus
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Be honest, would you headpat a cu sith?
Nobody cares mick
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Uncorrupted elves are called erufus. Corrupted elves like in your picture (non-mamano elves do not become anywhere near that voluptuous) are called Erofus.
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If you're gonna give me a nickname, I'd prefer it to be Wormfood or something along those lines.
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What do you call a singing computer?
A dell
get it, adelle? hahahahahaha01001000 01100001
disable your antivirus already
This is why I run Kiki Defender on my PC. No succuviruses, no trojan centaurs, no wurmy worms, and definitely no marchware.
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>With foxes
>Especially brown, big titty ara ara foxes
RIP self-restraint
The absolute minimum number of times a day you should be sniffing your danuki's breath is 4. Any less than that is danuki abuse.
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Why wouldn't I, I already drink a lot alone. Drinking with a fox can't be bad.
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>Gives you 14 kids in 3 years
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but did you cum?
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In a chesh? daily if I could, armor on, armor off, at home, outside, in the blankets, in a bush...
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Big meaty elf hags are the best
No. Her sexual abilities are subpar, as are her tired memes. IT'S MY GODDAMN CHEESEBURGER STOP ASKING HRRThThrgteei fflzagf
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>We elves are a proud people!
>We are not a race of exhibitionists!
Why do elves say such things while dressed like this?
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Cum. As you are. As you where. As I want you to be. As a fren. As a frend. As an old frenemy.
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>Chesh gently holds and gropes you with one paw
>"YES!" she yells while first pumping the other paw
>The first thing you hear every morning is a staggered chorus screaming that you "SHOW ME YO MOVES!"
On the plus side, you'll never be late to an appointment again, the Chesh crew however...will be 'late' in an entirely different. Someone should draw her special move, Falcon Cunt.
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Should a slime keep her core in her head, chest or womb?
At least they cover their privates, most monster barely wear something below the waist for some reason
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Using Barb as an example most Elves are also like that
Why have her limit herself?
>Slime mantains her core in the head to keep it close to her eyes and facial fotoreceptors
>For sex, she lowers it down to where a womb would be, allowing her to control her slussy better and recieve your seed directly
>Afterwards she places it into her chest for cuddling. You have learned to listen to its very faint beating and movement, and she can feel your warmth closer.
I am a human who knows multiple humans that wear pants, and all of them are COWARDS!
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Hagville specially has pretty much naked hags walking down the street when there's a man in town
They are on the hunt
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underwear just gets in the way
>not keeping her womb directly on your dick while she walks around doing stuff
Noobs pls go. If you really want to jizz while looking at a sphere then get past the first three zones, rank silver or greater, and fuck a Cyclops like a normal person. Are you faggots even trying? Bet y'all didn't even get past the were sheep.
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you dont really want a zombie outbreak, its not going to go the way you think it is
Claymore was so fucking bad, the hiatus wasn't worth at all
Yn thee way of sin, vixen. Yore tofu will avail you notte onne thee daye of reckonyng. Reeepynt heathynn.
So cheerful songs about eating brains, outside my door, ain't it?
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Undead hours.
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If monsters aren’t easy sluts then how come I can whip out a stack of bills and get a blowjob from my favorite oni at the bar. Checkmate purity fags.
I dunno, bras are pretty cool and well selected panties both won't get in the way and will make a woman more attractive. Sounds like a skill issue.
Commissioning miss lich to create a cow-mhera for me
where are her panties?
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What do you need her panties for?
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I don't get it.
Male crocs mating call is literally blowing bubbles underwater. The more you know!
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Undead have a more relaxed dress code, if they happen to have one
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*French national anthem plays as she walks down the aisle, webbed feet slapping the floor*
>Floridaman can't even drink his choccy milk in peace
Ah, now it all makes sense.
>Anon drowning
>Croc girl looking at him thinking he's agressively flirting with her.
One can see how it could lead to some interesting situations.
My favorite
She's gonna take him to the shore, so it all works out.
It's like they are looking at me...
>Anon really struggling for his life
>She's getting flirty and acting shy
>Eventually realizes he needs help
>Brings him to the shore, but now she fumbled the chance.
How will she recover from this?
Give him "CPR" and body warmth
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>doing some geological exploration in the desert
>get lost during a sudden dust storm
>after a day trying to find the way back to your encampment the sun dries away all of your stamina
>the thirst is unbearable
>at noon the cold is starting to set in calling the night of the desert
>you see some ruins and take shelter there
>you lay to rest there with your back to a wall
>fall asleep
>suddenly you wake up with a girl wrapped in bandages putting her chest in your face
>you see some drops of liquid coming out of it
>you start sucking due to the thirst taking over your mind
>it's sweet, a bit sour but sweet
>you start sucking on her titties greedily for her delicious and rehydrating milk
>after a while you get satisfied and try to communicate to that girl
>she takes you hand and makes you follow her while she walks in a stiff way
>you go deeper inside the ruins where an Anubis opening a door greets and makes a call saying that there's another one
>then the Anubis says that after getting well rehydrated you need to replenish the mana of that Mummy that saved you
>the girl in bandages embraces your arm and starts laying by your side
>it seems that your daily life is about to change
nefarious creatures, exploit a man in crisis like that
Yes, and I'd rub her cute, lil', doggie nose. No lewd though.
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>The large bat rapes you. You cum...
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my lawn full of alarunes and claustrophytes will surely protect me from any undead menace headed my way
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>Go to Eros Church
>Kabedon one of the single cupids
>She's so surprised she doesn't know what to say.
>She's just standing there with a slightly agape mouth, not knowing what to do
>Take a piece of chocolate and put it in her mouth
>Give her the sweetest kiss she could ever imagine, Spread the chocolate all over her lips and mouth
>Continue until it's all consumed
>She's confused and aroused
>Teleport away before she can even finish complrehending
Let the hunt begin.
why are you on /jp/ if you don't know the basics of otaku culture?
When someone pins you against a wall,slams their hand against it and leans in over you.
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>getting bullied by a cute and funny elf
She doesn't want your help. Humans are the reason why she was thrown out to be a stray and abandoned, because humans are the cruelest. A human like you surely only wants to hurt her more. Humans only hurt things.....
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>wurm was later jumped by kobolds, hounds and kikis
>she enjoyed being surrounded by fluff
Wish I was inside lamia tail right now
Wish I was balls deep inside Troll ass right now
Bratty werecat needs food, shelter and affection correction...
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Dead /vg/ colony thread. Stop posting on /jp/ please and go back to your home board.
At least try to pretend you're not false flagging.
Thank you for not letting Cupids turn complacent.
I wanna see a friendly Wurm interact with a Bunyip cause they're both long.
>monster tried to solicit me again while I was walking back home from work
I need new clothes.
i dont get it
No matter what you wear they will accuse you of being a slut.
they're not wrong
Including the full Catarina set?
>wearing baggy clothes
>monsters say you're trying to make them guess what's underneath and that you're trying to entice them
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But I'm the one taking a monster home after work each night, they make nice company
what is the most inoffensive thing you've seen someone here get offended by?
if you want to troll do your own homework
A reminder by someone that stories should be written in good faith.
Monster having anal sex
Lolis drive normalfags insane with rage
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>Don't sleep on your back during a thunderstorm or a raiju will get you
Zapweasel confirmed sleep sexer
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You wouldnt marry
a blueberry
Post demons
>You wouldnt marry
>a blueberry
you're right
i would marry 2 blueberries
when you're sleeping with a fairy in what position/placement does she cuddle?
An adult demon has two blueberries.
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very big, ripe, and tasty bluberries
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Sorry I prefer purple, so if I meet a blueberry I need to embarrass her with cheesy pickup lines and public handholding until she turns purp
I would marry her little sister
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Raw unprotected blueberry sex with pulling out at the end
>pulling out at the end
>thinking she wont just wrap her tail around your waist to pull you in deeper
another case of demons outsmarting anon
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Isn't that a crime? and the number 1 form of bullying in monster society
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Which flavor of snek is this?
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You don't grab your wife's tail for extra leverage?
I can't be stopped
Maybe the number one planned form. I doubt most men would have the mental fortitude to try once they get a taste, and the ones that do usually have to be quicker or stronger than monster legs. It's a rare thing.
>bully in highschool
>the only thing you do is fucking the girl you're bullying and not cumming inside her not even once
>you don't even allow her to swallow you dolls, you always pull out
>the principal is calling your parents for such behavior
>not the sex but cumming outside
Her tail can't be around my waist because its around my neck and the tip is in my mouth
Checkmate atheists
You can defeat succs so easily with this one simple trick they all want you to know.
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Bundle up, it's going to be a cold winter
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Both the Student Council President and The Leader of the Delinquents insist that they have to keep your sperm safe from each other, both insist that you deposit it inside them to prevent the other from obtaining it. Now there is an uneasy peace between the two groups since they are now pregnant, the principal holds a big announcement congratulating you for stopping this feud.
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>smoking monster with a facial scar
My only* weakness...
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>Good boy
Goblins, Orcs and Trolls make the best harem
Are we sure Chinese fockses are as good and enjoyable as the Japanese fockses?
Dear OP,
You are a based Ushi Lover.
How about Japanese cats?
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you should not the cat
I do not trust the Chinese fockses much more than the Korean fockses.
Korean foxes are most romantic of all the foxes.
They literally want you inside them all the time.
Especially your liver.
>kunoichi criticising your tenchu gameplay
>Chesh in Japanese priest outfit
I didn't knew that I want that
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Dead hours
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The meido's gone rogue!
That what happens when you dont give her daily allotment of headpats
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She's making her master sad, he needs more booze
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Tiger milk
Booze makes mastah sleepy, and meido needs him awake for headpats.
Master is only happy when he sleeps, she can pat herself with his unconscious hands
Kiki needs to learn some magic from the sleephorse to spend time with Mastah better.
You don't dream when you drink to sleep, it's full of nothingness, nothing to clean for that kiki
I rarely dream in the first place so I don't know how accurate that is. Anyway, it's enough if it's a featureless void with Kiki like that scene in the Matrix where Morpheus explains things to Neo.
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You did not the cat, and now the cat will the (you)
Does offering tuna calm her down?
its not koturday yet
im immune to kot
It's Friday, so share your fries with a Black Harpy.
The Kot gang won't like that I help their rival
Kots shouldn't eat fries anyway.
Yes but they're a little yan
No, the harpies get the fries. The kots on the other hand get the cheeseburgers
but what if they want fish and chips?
A lot of sex is required to burn the fat afterward
>sex the kot after some fish and chips
>lay exhausted after a few hours
>kot pulls out another plate of fish and chips much to your dismay
>she explains that this is dinner fish and chips and they only worked off lunch fish and chips
>tells you to buckle up for round two as she starts munching
She better have a portion for me too.
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Sensing weakness, the kots have launched a preemptive invasion. It might not be koturday but they are still here all the same
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I have been wounded
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I guess that's why the cat is so fat
Fat kots...
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Are a plague upon the Kot community, a good and healthy cat is a fit cat, ready for high speed maneuvers and acrobatics
I only squish chonkers
According to all ai models I talked with monstergirls can only be wearing shorts and tops that barely fit on their tits 99% of time
Yes? That's common knowledge.
I mean, some of them wear cloaks like liches tho.
I'm gonna ride a bicorn while fucking my lizard girl wife.
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In the depths of my folder, there stood an image I could no longer comprehend the meaning of.
What you see 10 seconds before Haku correction.
I think it was something in regards to a haku's daughter taking a dude
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>Vampire hungry
>"I vould like to haave a bite to eat. Vould you like to come over for deener?"
for a race that live in the shadows they are pretty blatant.
>teenage haku entering her extreme brattiness know-it-all phase
>peak dunning kruger while also having just enough surface knowledge to "win" every superficial argument so she feels completely in the right and everyone is a fucking IDIOT except for her
>learned the ways of marital pilpul and trolling from her human father so you can never pin her down
I fear no monster... But that thing...?
She scares me.
They know you're a turbo slut for monsters and melt in the arms of any girl that shows you even the slightest amount of respect and affection. I mean at this point, it's like shooting fish in a barrel for them.
>Pic's a dhampir
Oh boy.
Is the bite my neck? Is having me over for dinner a bit of wordplay, as in she's going to have me (my blood) for dinner by biting and sucking my neck?
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>Can I come in please?
>Did you bring the pizza and video games?
It's a blueberry milk snake!
>duhhhh but milk snakes have stripes??
She hasn't earned them yet.
Or maybe they're blue stripes.
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Can I?
>Jehovah's witness vamp
To enter the sectet base you must answer me these questions three!
1. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
2. What is the sound of one hand clapping?
3. What do I have in my pocket?
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Sorry, no biters allowed. Only swallowers.
Who invited her
I did. I only allow girls that constrict and swallow.
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Stop bullying my younger sister. Only I can do that.
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>Collecting your whitehorn wife's shed antlers
what if the vampire is a queen?
so she technically owns the entire land, so she doesn't have to ask to be invited in as the house is effectively her property?
The curse doesn't care about silly papers and bureacracy. Anyone can manufacture ownership. Only the people that live there and have a connection to the home are allowed to invite her inside.
Every mamono can do that
>she mounts them above the mantelpiece
>jokes with your guests that they're all the other cows she had to fight to win your hand
>and all the rest that have looked at you the wrong way since
>laughs a little too long, squEEEzes your shoulder, and takes a deep drink of her 'nog
holidays with the family...
Lamias do it best though. And they can do it more ways than one. Only sandworms and serpentine dragons can give them a run for their money.
does she know how to play baseball? i'd play baseball with her
there must be a loophole somewhere
It's called gaining someone's trust.
what if she was the landlord of an apartment?
Same as before. Unless she lives in the apartment, she can't enter.
I will lick vampire feet

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