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Last >>47988059

Futo Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi. Version 10 of Sugoi Translator with the DeepL Fix.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
Also please forgive me anons for not making the new thread sooner. I fell asleep and humbly ask for your forgiveness
No. Because of you I had to... brrr WAIT.
(please ignore the fact that anyone could have made it, or that I wasn't there to actually wait)
Like three threads I frequent died and I didn't know what to do with my life
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Sekibanki writer again, here's a redraft, it's about 43 thousand words, damn near everything has been rewritten/tweaked and there's also new additions such as some yuri stuff and unique interactions for the body suit

I also finished drawing up her extra costumes and making all her normal art 360x360, if you're wondering the sprites where she's holding her head is a Halloween costume
this thread is pretty slow already
It's not your fault, why the fuck did the previous thread archive at page 7?
Need to make room for the next vtuber thread
That would usually force a thread on bump limit to move to page 10 before archiving would it not?
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Mariko's last skills are a bit underwhelming. Or I should say that they are just very costly?
Severe Electric to two foes are random on 1 Row for 75MP, and Weak 4-8 Light for 80MP, I dunno how to feel about it. Except byebye any bosses who are weak to light.
Literal lol lmao at the idea of making her physical and giving her Moon Shaterer tho.
do you savescum pregnancies anon?
True but that vtuber thread has to be made NOW
why would I?
File deleted.
eragames... are dying....
Would be based even if only the sprite changes, I'll check out the writing later.
Only thing I savescum is accidentally pressing rape after danmaku
Why did this got deleted?
Holy shit, dude. I kneel.
Colour is a bit off
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No ETA on this because I should seriously get back to working on some real life stuff but I got carried away and starting drawing for other characters
If you have any suggestions for outfits/details/characters you want me to tackle feel free to ask
Choice of color or shading? I tried some things to adjust the former but the latter I'm still figuring out as I go
shading is very flat, you can get away with it on darker shades but once you get into anything that can go visibly darker it becomes jarring
not blaming you for it since this is very difficult, but it is an issue
Is she a mouse or a monkey?
Like the other said, the colouring is a bit too flat, use darker colours maybe(?)
If you don't want to shade it, you can always post the flats and maybe somebody else will pick it up too. Just drawing in the base stuff is already great. Always happy to see more swimsuits/bunny girl costumes. Keep up the good work.
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Looking at it now, I can definitely improve it a bit by just paying more attention to the hue shifting on the darker areas, still a far cry from being completely congruent with kaoru's art but it's something I'll keep in mind going forth
Honestly I'm having a surprising amount of fun just playing dress up with 2hus and thinking how to personalize each outfit, so I'll just continue for now, maybe if I do like all 154 characters I'll have it perfect
Mouse (comparatively very large one)
Your autism is inspiring. I think it's about time I try my hand at writing as well.
>I didn't know what to do with my life
Bold words for someone without a filled 1cc chart.
Wow, that color picker is neat. From the looks of it, the colors of each bar change dynamically depending on the value set on the other two.
Genuinely I can't enjoy such high pressure games despite trying multiple times for like 20 years. I am but a casual. Not even good at similar titles like Gundemonium or DonPachi.
The trick is to take it easy and just enjoy the journey, improving a little bit at a time and mainly enjoying the music and the beauty of the patterns.
whats the guide/alignment for editing chars? I want to improve naked states while keeping the style the same, most could be better.
Finally it's becoming a proper /jp/ thread
did the eggnant update ever actually release?
>egg bigger than her whole torso
Physically impossible
are you on the /egg/ discord? I have some requests for Kutaka
That's what the space that should house her brain is used for.
/egg/ based vtubers when
>YuYuYu storyline isn't finished
>you need to pick a choice to get the characters
>the rest isn't translated.
God hear my pleas.
It's finished (by a different author.)
The event that gives you the character marks the border between the old author and the author that finished it.
Ahhh, understood. Still they could have at least put a warning.
And translated it, because having a part translated but not the rest is a bit mean
Not with all the people abusing the quote function in here.
>who are you quoting
Don't they have their own board these days?
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The people who had been discussing them on this board before the craze started hate /vt/ and preferred to stay here.
The closest you are gonna get is raping the needy streamer girl in eramegaten.
I see. Never really followed any of that, I don't have any particular interest in anime stuff.
this isn't an anime board per se, there's a reason why /a/ is a separate thing
Touhou is literally anime.
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shut up
No u
Sex with tuber foxes.
Silly anon, touhou is a videogame series.
She got flicked in the forehead and she's already drooling. baka some people...
Potato fox
What was your creative process for writing your characters? Did you binge every bit of media they appeared in for inspiration?
I headcanon shit and write fetishes I like and fit with my headcanon.
please dont do this to sleggy
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tourists were a mistake
So much samefagging. Get a life.
Twoho is cool but when are they making Threeho?
three hoes
I hate that this is exactly the sort of shit I say in real life
Stop talking
every group has that 1 donkey that they dont mind having around because it makes the rest of the pack look more intelligent
And that's you!
No sir, you are the butt of the joke. Your name is now jackass.
>are you on the /egg/ discord?
>I have some requests for Kutaka
Fire away, feel free to link to stuff on a booru if you want me to just try recreating something you've seen before
I bit the bullet and finally download one of these games. I never played a porn game before and i feel so dirty for doing so. Never felt such shame before.
ERAMegaten btw.
You are now on 50 government lists and the glow in the dark fairies are on their way. Run. Now.
Do i still need to pay taxes?
Yes. Obviously. And child support.
Kasen fusing into oni kasen storyline never ever
But i do not have any kids who am paying child support for? Did a fish at sewers get pregnant from my cum going down the shower drain?
The fairies that are about to do fairy things.
see you in a week when you download more
Rance series seems interesting from the threads i saw so i might play that next.
So i never played one of these before, just downloaded megaten. Is there anything i should change at configurations before playing?
If you want iconized menus, coloured dungeons and whatnot, open emuera.config, change フォント名 to EraMTFont, フォントサイズ to 16 and 一行の高さ to 16.
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After >>48028230, click Dungeon Symbols and set your icons up. Ignore the Level Cap option, it's a mod that broke a couple of updates ago.
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Thank you in that case. I've been working on rewriting her completely, so, if it's not too much to ask, I'd like you to create the "essential" outfits for her (hell t-shirt, school uniform, bunny suit, etc, kind of like how you did with nazrin and sekibanki).

I have a few extra requests though, namely:
Human Village disguise (from Chapter 3 of The Shinigami is Rowing her Boat as Usual) (picrel)

White nightgown with her red hair extension removed.

I haven't thought of anything for Halloween, but I was thinking of something KFC-related.
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here's the reference for the nightgown (no red hair extension, as you can see)
Exceedingly minor nitpick: been studying Hatate's dialogue, and found a faffed line at 339 in Lib\function library.erb:
>(...), she can use himself as bait (...)
Cool, I'll see what I can do
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Fat fucking bird bimbo.
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So you have to pick between Erina and Noah or you only get Noah if you got a Dolly Kadmon?
You get Erina later.
Noah can only be obtained if you have a Dolly Kadmon.
I see I see.
What about the fairy onahole?
You'll get her later.
Her too? Cool.
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some of these AI portraits make 2hus look even more like rapemonsters
I almost thought she was Yukari for a moment because of the long hair.
I wish the AI portraits have a proper transparent background
My ranny would never.
Grow her hair?
and have that ugly fucking nose
Those two endings for Rabi Ribi feel weird.
I don't exactly hate it, but I feel like you could have put another one to oppose Trust.
AI hasn't gotten that far yet, somehow. Best they can do is try to edge detect and erase it after generation
Sure, but you could've just edit them to be transparent after it was generated
I guess, the size that TW uses is small enough you can scale it down and hide the nasty edges/feathering. Making backgrounds transparent after the fact is never pretty even when its not AI.
How did you guys make transparent background with the usual non-AI portraits?
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In the case of pixel art, hard defined aliased edges make it easy to cut them out.
For the Alphes sprites, they're already made on a transparent background so you don't even need to remove it.
The /egg/ update is finally among us.
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Oh fuck its true
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paizuri cat translation too
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But would Akyuu really say that?
Only to a fairy.
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It begins
sleigh won btw
no one just says bwuh
Cute chicken.
Damn ERAmegaten is fun. Is the real magaten this fun too?
Also, since i am not gay should i ignore male demons or can i recruit them still to fight?
And how do i make the game fullscreen?
>Is the real magaten this fun too?
Eh, it's different, let's just say.

>Also, since i am not gay should i ignore male demons or can i recruit them still to fight?
You can. You can also get them Fall status without training when they have enough Loyalty if you look at the options. It can work for female demons/characters too.

Good question.
>Also, since i am not gay should i ignore male demons or can i recruit them still to fight?
Just recruit them and use them to fight or act as fusion fodder. You don't have to sex them.
I fucking wish.
>And how do i make the game fullscreen?
Assuming its emuera works like TW's, you can try opening the config file and setting a negative value for the starting Y position (try -50 at first) so the title and menu bars will be hidden. Set 0 for the starting X position (or a negative value if you need to hide the window's border) and then set a value for the starting window size that will cover the whole screen. A bit of trial and error should get you there.
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Time to get back to writing!
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>hard defined aliased edges
which are, if not impossible, very hard to achieve with diffusion models

hell yeah motherfucker
what the fucking peak
I cant download sugoi due the mega download limiter. The only links are dead too. Now what?
>download limiter
Wait a few hours
Not to offend or anything, but wouldn't it be feasible to try to shove the clothes through stable diffusion in an attempt to get 1:1 shading, color choices, and lineart?
most nazrin outfits seem fine
Just use textractor
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This is something I've been asking about, since I'm absolutely shit at drawing, but it's not practical at the moment
Best you could do is get something you'd redraw over, and even then it's a fucking pain because it just wouldn't respect the pose, and again - if you're gonna tweak it this hard in post then might as well learn pixelart
(and that's assuming the sprite even HAS a Barbie doll base; Nazrin does, but it's in a different pose than her clothed)
Possibly yeah but I lack the experience with AI to even know where to start with that

I think with stuff like that you risk putting a lot of time into getting a process down that makes "mostly correct" looking art that needs constant tweaking, and at that point you might as well draw them by hand as, generally, people are much more charitable to subpar anon art than subpar AI art
daughterwife update when
google deepl and then ctrl+v
Weekly update:

- Eggnancy finally got added. Thank you all for waiting warmly!
- outpatient finished translation Orin's Japanese additions.
- A few minor fixes here and there.

- Nahobeeho got added.
- Some new portraits got added.
- Defeating Ameno-Sagiri in Heaven will now unlock it for fusion.
- The Bandori X Persona 5 crossover and Lavenza Colosseum fight from the KR version got ported over.
- (P only) The Nahobino class got some fixes.
- Some other bugs got fixed.

- MakaiRanch got a couple more fixes and translations.
Big thanks to the egghead that made this work
I'm eggstatic.
just use google translate
anyone have a rape list for TW? so far i've triggered:
Momiji with the bracers, Reisen basic hypnosis fail (idk if theirs more to it.), Yuuka SS and Meiling gatekeeping.

I was hoping for a really lock in a dungeon thing though, other era's don't really have that adventure feel to it than tw.
>adventure feel
anon TW doesn't even have proper combat
>inb4 danmaku
doesn't count
I meant it has some sort of you can roam around and do shit simulator, others have some sorta combat to it or locked into one area in addition to adding literally hu? I just want 2hu not another world
you're a bunch of good eggs
>idk if theirs more to it
Reisen has (actually just added like a couple weeks ago) lines for failing and succeeding at every hypnosis action. At some point (not sure what the trigger was because I did the first Reisen hypnosis event before the rest was added) she realises she has a hypnotism fetish and begs you to help her engage in it, but aside from the lines for failing/succeeding at hypnosis actions, there's not any full events for it past that
I wish sloppers could get the character designs right at least.
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long hair Ran is CANON tied in a ponytail though
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The contributing slopper doesn't know jack shit about getting it right. I bet he's still using only 3rd-party sites to generate or SD1.5.
I can spot the slopsmile from miles away.

>let's see if you can do better
Yes I can.

>so become a dev?
No I won't.
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you're gonna hate me for this but I kinda like this AIslop artstyle if only it was cleared up a little
can't believe you guys actually got egged into doing it
Why not just enjoy the artist the basic aislop style was based on then? He did the art for an eroge recently even.
because that's not 2hus
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Wait this is just Degrees of Lewdity without sprites
It's not set in britain.
hey uhm... i have been working on some sprites on my own, do you mind if i can help out by making some too?
Wanna know who will also be waiting warmly (on top of a pile of eggs)?
>- Nahobeeho got added.
Hee-ho! Same as VV?

>Defeating Ameno-Sagiri in Heaven will now unlock it for fusion.

>The Bandori X Persona 5 crossover and Lavenza Colosseum fight from the KR version got ported over.
I have no idea what Bandori is, I still having vietnam flashbacks of the DDS2 story, I'm just happy about the blue loli.

>Some other bugs got fixed.
>Some new portraits got added.
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here is one, is your work on the /egg/ fork?
that's clearly the tip of her tail, don't misinform people with your gay long hair agenda you weirdo
Nonsense. I unplugged the computer's tail from her USBs.
>Lina Inverse is added to eraMegaten P
Is everyone moving to eramegaten P?
Dunno, I am still on sabattical from all era games so I could later return and get overwhelmed by all new and translated stuff.
I'm not. While some of the new content is cool I absolutely detest the balance changes and some of the system ones. If the main branch ends up dying then so be it, I'll just play a dead game.
What sort of balance changes? I haven't touched P at all
I'm not.

Bring that to the normal branch.
I don't like stuff like the removal of the day-night cycle or the changes to apps or how in battle summoning works or how everyone gets EXP for free or how the tutorial was screwed up and so on. It's not a branch without merits, as the cleaning up of code and bug fixes are always welcome but there are at lot of things like that which rub me the wrong way.
On megaten what is the difference between a male protagonist and a trap? Can i play straight normally as a trap?
Pretty sure traps are considered female for the purposes of code.
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>do you mind if i can help out by making some too?
Of course you can help out, anyone can contribute
>here is one, is your work on the /egg/ fork?
I'm just posting to the thread and hoping a dev adds it when they get a chance

The only thing I'll mention is that trying to export everything to 360x360 is preferable, so rather than starting with the sprites in the game's resource files, getting the sprites from the OP, hoping your character has a barbie doll sprite so you don't have to try replicate it, and then working from there
The jap devs before us had everything in 180x180 for optimization reasons but we can pretty much just ignore that now
I dont understand how to use Sugoi. There is this blue screen that says "Text copied to clipboard manually or programatically will show up here along with the translation." but nothing happens. What step am i missing? Eramegaten btw.
How are the three Seiken Densetsu 3 characters? The wiki doesn't say much except that Lise has Pierce.
What does the three Era Meshi events do exactly?
Yo, I'm serving demi-human meat on my restaurant now.
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Check in the "Help" menu if send to clipboard is toggled on.
The what?
Restaurant events.
They improve the earnings from restaurant work.
That's it? Hm, they could have said so. Good to know anyways, thanks.
The same event also yielded:

Gore Magala
Motoko Kusanagi
Dark Magician Girl, Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle & 4 of the Spirit Charmers
DQV's Hero (female) & a Killing Machine
DemonsRoots' Hanna and an Eternal Doll
Kozue from ChaoS;HEad
Jefuty from Reverse Collapse
A Vampire from Romancing SaGa 2

and more.
>Gore Magala
>Motoko Kusanagi
>Dark Magician Girl, Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle & 4 of the Spirit Charmers
>DQV's Hero (female) & a Killing Machine
holy shit

>A Vampire from Romancing SaGa 2
There's not vampires in RS2.
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Holy...! You went way beyond my expectations with the bunny outfit, that's amazing, wow!
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Something funny is that I original had just the fishnets but I didn't think it was working, so I drew over them to make them stockings, it was only when I accidentally overlayed both layers did I realize fishnets + stockings was the way to go
Some of those are on the normal version's uploader too, they just haven't made a new version of it in a while. Also some girls from Lucky Star.
if it's missing anything the original has i'm not
if it has everything and the save can be ported over, sure, maybe i'll even get a gitgud account to push some updates if the code isn't chickenscratch gibberish and adding new stuff isn't convoluted as fuck
Kutaka dialogues when? Nest egg ending when? Egg.
someone was working on a kutaka dialogue iirc but they were busy with irl stuff
We wait warmly
I'm still gonna wait a while but I probably will end up moving at some point. Hopefully the balance changes get smoothed out to be less egregious or some anon adds a setting to change them before then.
>how everyone gets EXP for free
This is actually one I support in theory. Needing to grind benched party members is a bit of dated jrpg design I'm glad most things have abandoned.
>The jap devs before us had everything in 180x180 for optimization reasons but we can pretty much just ignore that now
I'm really really glad people have come around on this, it was such a silly restriction that stopped making sense years ago (and even then I disagreed)
I am a very paranoid person and every time i play a porn game i feel the need to turn off my wifi because i feel like i am being watched when i have it on and that someone will see the stuff i am jacking to through my screen somehow.
Is this normal?
Do you care about what other people are jacking off to? Nobody cares what you're doing in the same way you don't care what they're doing.
the way you're doing it isn't, you should assign a keyboard shortcut instead of going through settings every time - saves time when you keep doing it
Think of it like a phobia: I know it is retarded, and logically it makes zero sense but i still feel bad if i leave the wifi on lol.
Please re-enable your wifi anon, I can't watch otherwise
I do continue to have a sense of unease whenever I run the updater or use sugoi because they run command prompts and connect to the internet. I don't really care if someone spies on me playing though, I save that paranoid for the weirder shit.
I only do that with WEGs, I trust nipdevs with my JO recordings
Oh, so that is why sometimes I can't watch you.
no, i just cover my camera with some tape and jerk off in silence, they will never catch me, do you moan or what?
That's why I always cover the camera with something. I doubt it's normal, but I've been doing this for years. Only reason I'm not doing it with on the current computer is because the camera is a fucking button.
Consider a firewall so you can monitor everything that makes incoming and outbound connections. And then become even more paranoid as you don't understand why theres so many connections from normal system functions.
Dammit anon I don't want anon to watch me watching him.
What really surprised me was the "feathers" hanging off the vest, that's really creative.
QRD on how the egg update works?
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It's delicious
why can't I give my pregnant wife alcohol and have my children born with fetal alcohol syndrome? lame
i turn on my webcam and jerk off furiously with a smile
There is no FAS in Gensokyo, instead alcohol will turn you child into an oni while inside the womb.
Why do I have to pay child support if it's an oni?
It is not about money, it is about sending a message.
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>There is no FAS
>alcohol will turn you child into an oni
they're the same thing
Why Killing Machine of all monsters? Did everyone forgot horse bastards from DQ5?
I don't know but it's been one of my favorite designs since the first dragon quest monsters so I'm not complaining.
considering what's happened in this community before you're not paranoid at all
especially if you play a certain version
Lies, Pedy does a public service by monitoring everyone's fapping preferences and providing feedback and recommendations.
On my first megaten playthrough should i turn on extra events? I did and got flashbanged with like 10 different events and request on day 1 i do not think it was a good idea. Though shooting the 3 fairies with a handgun was fun.
You could always filter the extra events that you don't want to appear
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>There's not vampires in RS2
Today on JP's /eggtw/: some dude used a different era emulator, was shocked EMEE-exclusive functions don't work
fucking hell end users really are the dumbest no matter the culture
inb4 someone makes a fork of P which reverts the balance changes while keeping the upgraded engine
Eggsplain further.
From the little I've seen, it only provides the foundations for writers to make their characters lay eggs when they write them.
It also allows characters to have twins and higher, but I think those need to be written in too.
Still am, but I'll try to pick up the pace now that the egg update has been released. But I think I should also devote some of my free time now to playing the game as well, just to see how the egg update works.
I hate the new 'In Recovery' state
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does this ever actually go anywhere?
I think it's just a random event, for me it was Seija
Oh you mean monsters. I though we talked characters.
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>- Nahobeeho got added.
>- The Bandori X Persona 5 crossover and Lavenza Colosseum fight from the KR version got ported over.
How do you unlock all of this?
I want all of it in the normal version!
Beeho is a special fusion. For Bandori, just reach lv8 and the first event should unlock itself IIRC. Lavenza unlocks at rank 5 & 1000 colosseum fame, so around the same time as Satan.
They don't appear, so it mean I should probably do it in NG+?
You should, just to force any newly set flags to reset.
Also, if you're using a copy of the game from the wiki, that's outdated; switch to the git repo and they should appear if you've met the conditions.
Ngl, I like the approah of just adding characters you find cute/cool and not trying to make up an elaborate reason for a crossover event.
>You should, just to force any newly set flags to reset.
You can do that? Well obviously you can I just didn't think about it.

>Also, if you're using a copy of the game from the wiki,
I'm using the updater, it should be good no?
Yeah, you're good.
How do ya reset the flags?
You don't, the game already does that for you every time you NG+.
more random small events in TW please
>new state
Is there a trick to Persuading people in Megaten? I only seem to sway people with my MC but even then I'll go weeks and still not recruit anyone.
i'm trying to get a bigger image size for maribel and renko, I tried checking the kaoru mega and dairi image sets and both don't match the pose/face, where can I find the source or at least a larger psd for both?
You mean demon negotiation? The trick is to not agree to every demand. Being too agreeable just makes you a pushover. Also fucking them or having a dedicated meat toilet for them to fuck is easy recruitment(if you are a futa you can fill both roles).
It's an Alignment thing.
Not demon negotiation, the Toho-K style command in the main menu.
I wish events like this were more present similar to how they are in K
I WILL fix that.
It wasn't there in my old version
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good news and bad news anon, I'm fairly certain I've found them both in the mega folder, they're both under character sets subfolder, bad news is that they're literally in bits and you'll have to assemble them, though at the very least this might be great if you want to make edits to them
Pic related is me trying to just reverse image search for them and finding renko on a 9 year old video of a mexican playing I wanna be the guy
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Yeah that's what I've been writing, that's part of the reason I kept the character sets separate - for some reason certain characters got those, and with the Hifuu girls they are completely separate sprites I couldn't find in other folders
hey on the plus side you have a few ready outfits in the body_front and nudes in body_back
Thanks, search options for mega is shit and this is exactly what I needed.
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>Morgana's Request
>it's untranslated
>worst of all it's in korean
Truly god has forsaken me for putting this montruosity in front of my face.
Also it's not tied to a P5 storyline sadly but it's just cherry picking, and don't wanna cherry pick for a joke.
rabbit forage service is a big fucking scam
the fuck you mean, Tewi-chan is an honest girl that would never do that
>Tewis's dumb himbo of an husband who try to defend her but fails at it
That's a lewd akarin
nah its legit never used it oncebut the bug daily forage is great
>allow you to wake up at the same time as anyone
Now that's what I consider a massive QoL improvement. Almost every single night I had to move to the characters list, then check their wake time and go back to set it on the alarm.
I think it would be better to keep "Same as %CALLNAME:同居人%" too as a shortcut, though.
Forgot to paste a link to what I'm talking about
>Almost every single night I had to move to the characters list, then check their wake time and go back to set it on the alarm
But that's immersive though
It's been in the game for years. The only thing that changed is that it's now communicated to the player.
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How active is the jap community for TW?
>merlin has 150000 pregnancy resistance
what the fuck man
She's a poltergeist who literally has never been alive.
What did you even expect, anon?
You're trying to create life inside death
It's like trying to set a pool on fire
Meanwhile in tapletop games...
Does anyone know if Reverse can support multiple dialogues for the same character like TW can?
How does the new egg system differs from regular pregnancy?
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>Tenshi spreads bad rumors about you!
>Even though I have never even interacted with her before
What the fuck? Also should girls be able to give you three hate marks straight away when you insist on doing it raw? Granted I insisted several times by now but I didn't think Jo'on would just lash out at me like that.
No means no.
you think her womb is cheap? pay up bozo
What compels you to make these low quality posts?
what compels you to bitch about it?
He's probably autistic and butthurt.
Wanna know something funny anon? I've played this game for 427 days now but on the first day of the game the first girl I met was Aunn while I was randomly clicking around all buttons to figure stuff out and ended up trying to "draw her close" not knowing what that button did.
She obviously got pissed of.
AND she still is.
I haven't apologized for that for 426 days now so she is still piss mad at me whenever I run into her. Amazing how they really don't forget
I'm on year 8 and Kisume hasn't forgiven me for accidentally pressing rape after a fight on year 2
actually realistic behaviour for once in this game
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less posts than here, but quite active - the way they handle updates is a bit different, but there were a few additions to characters over the days
they just come to EN in bigger batches
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>less posts than here
they are on the next level when it comes to off-topic, this chain started with the McD burns lawsuit and ended with Peach Garden Oath
>Though we were born on different days, we hope to lose our virginities on the same day
Also an opinion that makes me want to piledrive a Japanese:
>Writing dialogue for TW is easy with a template, all you need is PRINTFORMW
>"You rape them ONE TIME and they never let you forget it!"
>"The nerve of these people!"
I have to admit... I didn't expect EraMT to have Mecha in it.
The what?
I guess, but it gets tiring after the first couple hundred times
If you don't like it, you can always try getting almighty impregnation first so her resistance becomes the same as a human, it's not too hard.
Otherwise just take up the challenge.
Basically instead of the girl having a baby in their stomach they raise an egg instead, egg hatches when pregnancy over
Egg layers can also give you unfertilized eggs at the end of dates as a gift
There's also now litters (animal characters can give birth to multiple kids at once) clutch egg layers (same as litters but they too have multiple eggs) eggnancy which allows you to have a normal pregnancy that leads to an egg that immediately hatches
Also normal pregnancy characters can have twins or triplets now
>can have twins or triplets now
Can they already or does it need to be enabled for each character specifically by the writer?
>Also normal pregnancy characters can have twins or triplets now
Does this double / triple child support?
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>Can they already or does it need to be enabled for each character specifically by the writer?
To my knowledge it exists as a mechanic for all normal pregnancy characters (which might include everyone if you disable the special pregnancies) obviously characters remarking on them giving birth to twins and triplets falls to the writers
>Does this double / triple child support?
There is a new option to reduce the child support costs but if I'm reading this right it only applies to characters who normally give birth to multiple children at once (litters and clutch egg characters)

You can also tweak the likelihood of it twins and triplets
Interesting, thanks for the explanation
At this point we should have a Vergil Mode which stop us from paying child support.
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I don't get it but okay.
>Vergil Mode
>no need to pay child support
>but all your children will try to kill you
There's no events after EX:TPT Gespenst Phantom's New Body? The wiki doesn't say anything about it.
More like they go and say: "Now it's time to pay my child my child support" and you go "..."
"if you want it, then you'll have to take it"
Wait so I can both thave Phantom and Patty on the same team?
I didn't even do anything I immediately pressed end session
It's the thought that counts.
Should characters with low chance to get pregnant have similarly reduced aversion to raw sex?
Yes. It works that way for hourai and ghosts already, who think they can't get pregnant so they won't care about protection. It would be nice to have the same in a reduced way for the other races.
I think it's Rinnosuke's fault that they don't.
In TW, does the lust route provide anything unique, or is it just straight-up inferior to the love one?
Having to keep Intimacy inferior to Lust is such a hassle, I'm wondering if it's ever worth it.
Not really, it's just room for extra/alternative dialogue. And it's already hard for one writer to fill out everything for love route so most people just don't bother, only a select few have any lines in their lust route.
In my opinion it should not have been a thing at all, all the extra lust content could easily be incorporated into love route anyway.
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Should I update the game? I haven't in 2 years. If so, how should I do it? I completely forgot about this game.
Also how do I fist someone?
can I change from lust to love?
I think there is an option for that in the settings.
Are there other games were you have a vigor bar?
the only character I know of that has any particular lust content is Yumemi. I don't know for sure, but I think Tsukasa might as well, considering she seems to have lines for just about everything else
I don't get it, I'm supposed to get a sword called Nightfoul, but there's nothing after Patty.
Click code, scroll down and click on zip
I'm doing it just for the achievement, the stone of Miranda makes it really easy too
there was no thought, just a misclick
will we ever get a dating overhaul? I'm so sick of the barebones things to do on dates as well as dates abruptly ending because a girl got tired or ran out of time instead of that triggering the regular date ending.
I do like that it demands actually paying attention to your date's stamina to keep the date going but it would be nice if there was a QoL option to just auto go to the normal date end if your date gets too tired or it gets too late
Are there new belly descriptions?
Eeeww, spider eggs.
I completely forgot about Yamame, oh god
>The average female spider's egg sac holds about 100 eggs, but some large spiders can produce a sac that holds 2,000 eggs.
Imagine the child support
2 million at worst, you DO make at least 2 million yen daily for your wife and children right anon?
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There's no new belly caress descriptions as far as I can tell, there's also no egg cradle command or anything like that
There is however some new bellyjob descriptions if the character is carrying twins and triplets

Oh speaking of, here's what the code says in terms of which characters have which pregnancies by default (you can change these if you don't like them)
Give birth to litters
>Chen, Ran, Rin, Nazrin, Reisen, Tewi, Kagerou, Momiji, Mamizou, Shou, Kyouko, Reisen2, Seiran, Ringo, Mike, Tsukasa, Enoko, Chiyari
Give birth to eggs
>Mystia, Aya, Iku, Utsuho, Hatate, Tokiko, Kutaka, Yachie
Give birth to egg clutches
>Wriggle,Yamame, Wakasagihime, Momoyo
I'm guessing it's a semantic thing with the fact she's never stated to be a crow tengu and there's no official mention to her having wings
But it's stated she's the chief of the crow tengu, it'd be really strange if she was the chief of them but be some other flavor of tengu
Yeah it seems that way. But it's weird, I figured only a bird would wear these funny shoes she has, plus she's the chief of "crow" tengu and we know for a fact that tengu can hide their wings.
Oh well, maybe sooner or later we'll get some confirmation in this matter. For now it's the correct decision I suppose.
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>roach has dialogue
Never knew I wanted to impregnate one, the fact it was also hard to make her consent on dangerous days too, thanks, this one went under my fridge.
She's specifically stated in her profile as "great tengu", which is a different order from "crow tengu" (Aya, Hatate) or "white wolf tengu" (Momiji)
this is PMiSS lore so it needs a grain of salt, though SoPM did still make a reference to it
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People are still doing this shit?
Hey anon, I just heard that (you)'re going to be
a dad soon! Your wife said that she wanted you to be there soon to see how healthy the clutch she laid is and also told me to make sure you Bring a lot of food or Child Support in the New Thread


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