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Welcome to Mugenkan, where demons gather.

The illusory moon is shining brightly...
I want her to rape me
You and me both, buddy.
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So cute...
I wish they'd kill me so my final sights would be the two of them...
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no auntieposting = dead thread
Cute yuri!
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No Elly in the op because she hogged the last LLS thread to herself and rabid auntieposting was getting a bit old(just like auntie)

Feel free to auntiepost though.
Why is Kurumi in the horny jail?
>auntieposting was getting a bit old
Well, I'm still waiting on that one Anon who said he'd finish the unfinished auntie short to invigorate the scene.
why not?
Auntieposting never gets old, and Elly is still a relatively young maiden, perfect for marriage.
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>relatively young maiden
Relatively to Tewi maybe
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The getsus are getting ready for Halloween!
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What video games would you play if auntie Elly watched?
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Artificial Academy 2, pretending very hard that it's a normal high school simulator.
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The land of dreams. A world made of emotions, memories. A universe in which hope and delusions may get in touch with reality, indiscriminately of one's fate, for as long as its tourists may be welcomed.
Who wouldn't wish to take permanent residency in such a domain? Well, here is the story of two girls who have met such a fate.
Two sisters, in fact. One, thirsting for the simplest, oldest form of entertainment, and the others, entertaining a strange ideal she may have created from being the witness of wish fulfillment fantasies, or was it a cruel reminder of one's place in the world? It sure blends in, with the sheer amount of dreams the two of them have seen.
Amidst this everchanging realm, the density is such that most would be completely overwhelmed. How would you react to this window to every one's blurry, twisted reflections of reality, wishes and fears? Could you even imagine being someone, anyone at all, of any substance, in such a world?
The front these siblings put may be convincing, but it'd be quite foolish to think they haven't been haunted by this dilemma, this nightmare that they can't wake up from. In their reality, the only constant is that they have each other, and that might just be enough to satiate the thirst that avoids this existential crisis beyond all manmade horrors.
Within this oh so pecular land, here you are. You get to see the Getsus, seemingly up to their usual hijinks. Gengetsu wishes to test you, while Mugetsu seems rather interesting in exchanging with you, as the witness of reality and delusions alike's vision of a maid.
Will you, Anon, be able to make a difference? Shall this encounter only be, at most, the buildup to a shocked awakening, or an episode of paralysis, which, intense as they may be, are all too humble in the long road that is your life, and even more so for the Getsus.
Or, will you be the one? Through your determination, willpower, or perhaps chance, perhaps YOU will leave an indelible mark in these unreal creatures? Can YOU pierce the shell of two beings who have seen it all beyond what that expression possibly implies?
In your slumber, the two Dream World inhabitants approach you. You, just as they, have all the cards in the hand to make this moment a central piece in the story of Anon, of Gengetsu, and of Mugetsu.
How will you go about it?
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Just go with the flow, who knows what they are up to? If they have some control over the dreams I would ask to see them again soon but I doubt that they would find me a very interesting person.
Too skimpy!
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t. jElly
From where is this? it's rare to see getsumanga
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Some old manga I found while searching gengetsu tag on booru.

There is also a recent one that looks really interesting but I can't find the full version anywhere online
She has nothing to be jealous for. Genge is the one more likely to get mad over what Kurumi is wearing.
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Genge Cola stocks are rising!
I want her to rape me
How original
Where does all the Muge milk come from? How do they plan to meet the ever increasing demand?
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>Where does all the Muge milk come from?
Nobody knows how or where it is made. It's one of Gensokyo's mysteries. There are two popular theories though:
1) It's a scam, the "Mugemilk" is just normal cow milk. With some psychoactive substances added.
2) Magic. Icemilk magic even
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Elly is ready for the date!
Elly was just told to get groceries with nephew-kun.
Please stop phrasing everything like this Kurumi!
Careless slips like this might cost her her job if Yuka were to find out her servant had a crush on her boy toy!
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Elis took Kurumi out to get sweets!
Cute lesbians!
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Drawing request?
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Follow thy heart anonymous, and draw what lies within
so long as Genge remains pettan that is
Gengetsu eating a corndog
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Mai and Genge playing with Mai's pet anon.
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omg hi Anon!!!!
Did they take Medi with them too?
Of course!
You don't have to pay for the sweets if the shopkeeper is choking on the floor
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what's with yuuka and blondies?
am I seeing a pattern?
Damn, that butt size contrast is so hot. Elly is a beast.
I'm starting to get the feeling that Kurumi is just as amoral as Medi and Elis, only she's better at hiding it.
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Everyone in Mugenkan is a degenerate of various degree except for Yuuka who is completely oblivious and just wants to sleep and grow plants
no wonder nephew-kun formed an attachment to her when everyone else is a weird molestation machine
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Nephew-kun was Elly'd in childhood and now as an adult he has a fascination with large assets. And I don't meant the kind of assets that Kurumi uses as collateral in financing new locations for her dealership chain.
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>new locations for her dealership chain
Who are her clients? Who the fuck even drives a car in Gensokyo? Seems like a money laundering scheme to me. Read more in the next Bunbunmaru extra!
Well someone's gotta import the 2.8 square miles of plaid Yuuka goes through every year in decorating & redecorating her house, mending her clothes, gifting to good fairies that don't touch her flowers, etc.
Gensokyo's like a haven to unscrupulous employers looking to take advantage of local employment regulations! All Kurumi had to do was enforce a market monopoly on factory rights and the yuan started rolling in (That could later be converted to real money)!
So what if a few kids get paid peanuts for their efforts, can't make an omlette without breaking a few eggs!
Is this from the same work where Kurumi makes fun of Remi for having tiny wings?
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"Yes, Yuuka, me buying every dress and hat in Kourindou is ESSENTIAL for my gatekeeping duties"
Is this such a common occurrence that it's become a catch-all term?
the catch-all is being Auntie'd, but you can replace it with the name of the auntie in question.
Yuuka doesn't question Elly's clothing budget, and Elly doesn't ask where all the little Yuukas come from.
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Elly may act out some days... well, all right, most days, but she really does love the boy.
Beautifully auntific and sweet. Love the little detail of Elly stroking his shoulder with her pinky while holding her glass.
she was already a cider hound when Nephew-kun was young?
Really cute picture though, this and that one with young Nephew-kun hugging Yuuka are my favourites.
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Very heartwarming
I think this is the first time I have ever seen fanart depict magic mirror-kun
Good to see some representation for nonanthropomorphic bosses finally!
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Mugetsu tries white gloves after some advice from a certain ghostly woman!
Keep it or drop it?
The white gloves are for when she wants to take her role a little more 'seriously'
Genge still teases her over it every so often regardless
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Anon wakes up in a strange world!
He comes across a woman in an old fashioned maid outfit!
She says she wants to play House with him!
Anon, in all his grace, accepts!
Thus begins a series of awkward interactions!
Mugetsu sweeping the floor aimlessly!
Mugetsu serving some kind of eerie liquid!
The sheer absurdity of a demon that's interpreting what its like to be a maid in her own, twisted way, and a man who thought he was in for a good time but the ambivalence of having a maid yet her ways of serving you seem rather unusual to say the least!
At least she's quite pretty!
You try to enjoy the sights and play along until a new foe enters the scene!
A girl with angel wings! Perhaps she'll bring some sense into your new maid and you'll have a great time all together!
Your delusions quickly get shattered as she approaches and talks with your maid!
You learn that the two are sisters! But more importantly, your heart is beating fast! REALLY fast! Is it love at the first sight? Not quite! The amount of pressure this "angel" is giving off by her mere presence is immeasurable! It's as if you'd been tasked with fighting a tank barehanded! Or even worse! Something about this girl... It scares you!
She seems to be arguing with her sister! She says to not keep all the visitors to herself, and that she was going to play battle with them!
You're not quite sure what she means by that, but even your melting pot of a mind can quickly figure out it's more the "complete, painful and utter annihilation within microseconds" and not a pretend wrestle match with a cute girl!
While fear gets the better of you, you still manage to utter that the maid found you first, desperately hoping you didn't just doom yourself!
And sure enough, the angelic demon begrudgingly agrees and pouts, leaving you back with your maid!
It's not all sunshine and rainbows however! She serves you food next, and it looks rather... pecular to say the least. Looks more like the remains of what would have happened had the winged blondie won the argument and played with you!
Next thing you know, you're up and shaking, nearly paralysed for a few seconds! That sure was one of the most unique dreams you've ever had, and it felt so real! That time you touched the maid's elbow gloves, it definitely felt like that was a person!
You wonder what'll happen next night...
I want to play with Genge-chan..
Muge's idea of maidly duties sounds almost as lethal as Genge's company.
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Sugoi writing! Do you have more? Or thinking about writing more?
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I'm looking forward to seeing them again. What's the worst that can happen? Even if you get hurt it's only a dream after all.
What's the plural from of Elis? Elises? Elii? Or is Elis both a singular and plural form?
>Or is Elis both a singular and plural form?
Probably this. One Elis is more than enough anyway, so there is no need for an extra plural form.
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I will try!
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I sure hope so because I would still go to sleep with enthusiasm given Muge's indiscernibly funny ways of expressing herself. I am determined to leave some kind of mark on these ephemeral cuties in spite of the risk!
An overabundance of Elis
A choir of Sacchans
A limerence of Louises
A disorder of Alices
A malediction of Mais
A phantasmagoria of getsus
A dealership of Kurumis
An E-cup of Ellys
A warcrime of Yuukas
>An E-cup of Ellys
My cup runneth over...!
>A warcrime of Yuukas
It is just a game after all
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But is this a getsu you can trust?
What is this pose trying to convey?
As a fair young maiden Elly may have worn a reasonable bra size that began with the same letter as 'Elis', but those days are long gone. Her current bra size begins with the same letter as the name of a different Vampire.
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What's with that question? Every Getsu is trustworthy. Absolutely nothing weird would ever happen around her.
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Maybe I've just been sold too hard on her sister then?
I dunno, I've heard some funny things over the products some of these girls are selling.
But Zanmu isn't a vampire?
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He meant Chiyari[
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Anon has yet another troubled night!
He arrives in the dream world once again!
He is greeted by the two girls he had seen last time! Isn't that pecular! It's been ages since Anon's had dreams that felt so real, ones that felt like the continuation of the previous! It's a relief from all those anxiety inducing nightmares grounded in reality!
Or at least, that's what it felt like at first! For this time, Anon wasn't greeted by the maid he'd come to know as Mugetsu, but rather, her and her sister! And so, Anon was quickly reminded that things weren't as idyllic as he foolishly thought for a second!
This other girl, with her fashion sense and wings as adorable and innocent as an angel! And yet, the sheer amount of pressure you felt just being next to her! You'd think she could take you out with her mere presence!
The two of them were bickering long before you arrived, and it only seemed to get worse when you made it to them!
"You hog all the visitors to yourself! It's not fair! said Gengetsu, with an annoyed look to her face.
"Well when I leave them to you even if you promise that you'll share when you're done, all I see is a bunch of bones!" replied Mugetsu
"It's not my fault! I'm just trying to have fun! HEY! LOOK! It's Anon! You had him last time! It's my turn!" A distracted Gengetsu exchanged. You may not have the best opinion of yourself or may have pondered about the thought of dying in your sleep, but your instincts knew this was a bad idea. Thankfully, Mugetsu would come to your rescue.
"Okay, but no disintegrating Anon! I choose the game!" said Mugetsu, determined
A pouty Genge simply retorted "NO PLAYING HOUSE!" to a disappointed Muge. What could she possibly find that would entertain this bloodthirsty demon of a girl...
Your mind hardly has the time to think of all the possibilities before Mugetsu comes back with water guns! That's it! For how strange and out of this world this "maid"'s thoughts may have been, this was just about the perfect middle ground.
And thus, a water fight began... well, about that water... It smelled kind of bad, and had this reddish brown color... You tried to shake the questions that came rushing to you and simply played along.
In the heat of the moment and as a means to pacify the sisters, once you were shot, you fell to the ground in a rather silly way, with acting so silly you thought you'd been working at a kindergarten. "Ow, you hit me!" you claimed, with about as much conviction to your voice as is needed to convince a child that had just been looking for such an opportunity.
Upon seeing you down, Genge runs to you and gets on top of you, holding your shirt passionately, her reaction intense. "Hahaha! I got you, Anon! I got you!"
These weird stains on that pure, white dress of hers from the hits you and Mugetsu got on her... That look on her face as though she lived only for such thrills, or had yet to be brought down by life as you know it... That indescribable pressure that got your heartrate skyrocketing... It was practically enough to make you forget that this was all just a silly game, and also that you had this petite, pretty blond on top of you, as if readying yourself to play the inevitably forbidden game soon after...
The excited demon catching her breath and getting off of you left you wondering how her sister felt. After all, she certainly looked more gifted... Well... Oh, you got shot again, better pick up your "water" gun again and start blasting.
You wake up rather abruptly, with more questions in your head than answers, and a certain eagerness to see what's next. You pray that your mind, or whatever forces exist that can help, get you to meet with these two dream demons once again...
Yep, nothing weird going on here. It is nice seeing Genge enjoying herself at least.
Well...with her playmate carrying on to tell the tale anyways. How generous of him to play along!

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