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Rumia is hungry!
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She should eat PORK
Consider mutton
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This one contains too much arsenic.
Her flesh tastes and smells like petroleum.
She should eat some plants for a healthy, balanced diet.
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Will Yuuka let Rumia eat some of her flowers?
I was rather suggesting that Rumia should try a 'sink or swim' approach towards choosing her eating targets, she will learn quickly from the experience and become a fearsome youkai.
She can also perish violently, but I believe in Roomba!
Dumbass can eat my shoe. It'll at least be more filling than the bugs that have been flying into her retarded slackjawed mouth.
Holy meat
rumia is just a picky eater! if she hates so much petroleum covered or chemical filled dishes, maybe she should eat those responsible!
She is just a silly child, time will be the natural corrector of her behavior.
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She can drink this.
Drink what? It's just an empty glass.
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Then she can eat THIS
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And THIS!!!
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she looks like a drunkard from another franchise
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wow, what a scary and powerful youkai...
Do not bully Rumia, she is just a child.
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I have just the meal for her
Finally, some decent meals!
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That's what she wants you to believe in order to bait your protective instinct as she devours you.
She's arousing a differnt kind of instinct there, if you catch my drift
I know it might be too western cuisine, but what about some frog?
Fruitfully multiplying with the grue!
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Why are these random women dressed up as Rumia?
Rumia isn't fucking around anymore
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Don't let child eat this shit, it spreads curses.
She's grown up!
Oh my...
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I have some tasty cabbage for her
I'd give her my sticky milk
I'd give her my veiny sausage
Don't do that, Rumia eating vegetables creates mustard gas
Is it okay for Rumia to eat cheese as a carnivorous youkai?
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If rumia found you, you wouldnt stand a chance
Why not? Even cats will eat cheese.
I would take this seriously if the image were in a better quality (drawing quality)
Yes, but only because her half-fairy nature permits her to process lactose.
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Why not skip all that nasty stuff for some candy instead?
Imagine the smell!
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how bout nooooo
No Bulli!
Keep bullying until the IQ improves.
Forgive me, Rumia, but this is so you can have a proper upbringing...
Would Rumia eat a human child if given the chance to?
She does regularly
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Of course not. Rumia is harmless and it's completely safe to leave her alone with your 5 year old daughter.
t. Yukari
Please feed Rumers appropriately
She needs her veggies!
But Rumia IS my 5 year old daughter...
No, she's mine.
What about half-youkai child? I thought of adopting Rumia until I have a proper child with my 2hu wife, but kicking Rumia out of family later on feels cruel... Would she make a good older sister?
>What about half-youkai child?
Youkai flesh has a disgusting taste, but Rumia may try to bite her if she's hungry.
>Would she make a good older sister?
She will bully her, so always keep an eye on her.
My beloved daughterwife Rumia is so cute
Rumia is... our baby?
My personal youkai pet.
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Would you give her candy, anons?
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ZUN continue the Rumia ofuda seal plot point please...
I think it's funny that GFW has cannonized the fact that Marisa just uses her mini hakkero as a flashlight to fuck with small fry like Cirno and, presumably, Rumia
Well in the 20th anniversary of EoSD two years ago ZUN mentioned Rumia's ofuda still holding some secrets so he has not forgor
Oyasumi Rumia.
Ohayou gozaimasu time to make breakfast for her
You'll be her meal, dude.
Best I can offer you is Larva showing up and not doing anything with her.
nuh uh
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At this point it's better if you just accept it, dude.
Is coffee good for you?
what an idiot haha
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imagine her true power
No, her existence as a daughter pet is more important than whatever fucking power she used to have.
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I'll fill her tummy with my cum
imagine mating pressing little Rumia
Be sure to clean her afterward.
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How about having Rumia for dinner
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I just pictured her doing pic related
She truly is out classed there are too many Lolis with too many secrets between them now.
Rumia is retarded but not *that* retarded
Then why does she bump into the tree all the time?
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Walk around with your eyes closed in a forest and try not to bump into any trees.
She's going to eat your meat
she's a spider
If she is not retarded, she should be developing night vision by now.
why does she blind herself, is she a dumdum
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What would you do if you encountered this
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At least we're not as dumb as rumia right?
Give her clothes, she must be cold
Cute Roombame
What 2hu is this?
Ask the local shrine maiden for help.
Wow, Marisa sure got taller recently.
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How do you fellas bait ur Roombas?

Not having any luck here I'm afraid :/
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Bacon bait works most of the time. When you enter the forest, just pretend to be scared.
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I just came to this Rumia pic
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Present tummy
>I just came to this Rumia pic
I want to bite the rumia
I can't explain why but I just want to bite her
I want to be rumia*
I can't explain why but I just want to bs e her*
What do you think she'd taste like?
I always pictured her tasting like black licorice
Rumia rating your cumshot after you came to a pic of her.
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boing boing
Look at all that darkness!
That's just Zun's shitty fanfiction bait
Isn't it hot?
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quit overfeeding my daughterpet, dudes.
Look at all this excess meat.
It's okay, it's good for her
Rumia has grown up!
Rumia if well fed, be sure to feed your Roomba great quality meat.
big jiggly
i like my rumimi small
With big Rumimi, you can make multiple small Rumimis
how many small rumimi do you need to make a big one?
Around 2.5
two loli and a babhu?
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Rumiafags btfo
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"some random anime girl" is my fucking daughter you bastard
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you daughter is my pet, dude
Rumia’s been eating a lot of outsiders, huh?
might be time to put thunder thighs here on a diet
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she even dressed up for the occasion!
great rumi doodle
Your daughterpet is dumb, feral monster, dudes
Especially at night!
Pitbull named Rumia
You can't make a big one from small ones. Making small ones from big ones results in an increase in entropy, so you cannot reverse the process.
Although if you wait long enough you will end up with as many big rumimis as small ones you started with, plus the original one.
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I miss Windows Phone like you wouldn't believe.
WP7 > WP8.
>You can't make a big one from small ones.
it does work in the suika game
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i want to fuk ur pet dude
The mechanism is a little different, in this case...
I am too young to have used wp7
Your pet needs to learn diet, dude.
You know how expensive meat is now bro?

Can't even imagine how much rumia meat is
She should eat Flandre
Wait, wait! What's Alice and her dolls planning to do to that poor outsider!?
Beautiful pic!
Will she eat my semen or cock?
Yes she will literally eat your dick and balls. It will be very painful.
Consensual rape.
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Check out these moves
dancing darkness
moving shadow
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I'm looking for an extremely disturbing image of Rumia, which I saw on /jp/ about 5 or 6 years ago. It was basically Rumia holding Reimu by her collar, in the process of eating her. All of Reimu's face was eaten. It was just the back of her head and hair and left. Does anyone have it? It really fucked me up when I saw it back then.
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>my cock's PoV before being engulfed in Rumia throat
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You won't have a cock afterwards
Thank you Roomba.
Considering it's you, how dark is that chocolate?
At least darker than black.
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Hello, I'm Time, and I'm here to do some natural correction TToTT
Yes, but let's talk about the food instead
you will if you manage to fill her tummy so much she doesn't want to eat anymore
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>my cute daughterp-ack!
She's just hungry, she's not usually like this. Mostly. Sometimes.
Ack what? You think we were unaware?
She's still getting picked up and hugged.
>He doesn't fantasize about being the only one she loves too much to view as food
How many days would you have to nofap to deliver a load sufficiently big enough to fill her tummy
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she hunted the next door neighbor all by here lonesome!

Whose the strongest lil youkai? Not Cirno! You are! That's right!
This guy gets it
Rumimi is like a cat that just happens to go after wild animals, people who are mean to her, random guys walking down the street, etc.
Getting a Rumimi without foreknowledge of this is highly irresponsible, and is the second biggest cause of abandonment, behind being eaten yourself.
If Rumia ate a jew, would she get gassy?
There is no jew in Gensokyo.
Hi sanae

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