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Why are they so fucking mad at me?
You stole their bras. Wait, that was me.
You posted too many times about wanting to smell Yuuka-sama's used underwear.
There's only so much to go around anon, you should have shared when you had the chance!
You let her thread die. Auntie is displeased.
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You fucking got blackout drunk, threw up on their couch, walked in on them using the bathroom and pissed on them (you swore you didn't saw her, but we know you're lying). Overall you're a piece of shit OP. Clean up your act.
I could’ve done something to save it but I made the grave mistake of hesitation.
My shame is inconsolable & my insolence unforgivable…
That was Gengetsu, not me
They were forcibly evicted by Yuuka because she needed the room for the eighth child she had with you.
Would you let a drunk Genge piss on you? Be honest.

... On a second thought, it might be more apt to ask: would you even attempt to punish, nay, to as much as tell Genge after she's pissed on you while drunk?
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Of course not,otherwise she might not do it again
>Would you let a drunk Genge piss on you? Be honest.
Do you even need to ask?

>would you even attempt to punish, nay, to as much as tell Genge after she's pissed on you while drunk?
Acting like nothing happened while she expects me to be pissed (heh) could be funny, just to see her confused reaction.
You're a man, and they hate men.
Genge seems like the kind of girl who'd get mad about it the next day and blame you for letting something like that happen.
I'm saving it now, is that okay?
If Genge is the one that will pee on you, what will Muge do?
Auntie's thread is full of getsupiss discussions. She'll forgive you if you let this one die and bump the other one instead...
auntie should get over it. everyone has a moment in life when they smell like getsupiss.
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If auntie Elly doesn't want this thread anymore Kurumi can take it!
Very stylish halloween 'rumi.
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