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Previous: >>48011419

MystiAI Edition.

• A space for sharing and discussing Touhou-related AI content, namely RP chatbots, lorebooks and images.

• Chatbot Resources:
Frontends for chatbots:
>https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides
Koboldcpp (UI for local chatbots):
Example website with several touhou chatbots. Also allows you to create your own:
Akyuu Knowledge Lorebook (useful entry-level lorebook for giving your 2hu AI some context to RP with):
Botmaking guide and aid

• Image Resources:
Advanced UI for local generation:
Beginner site to browse for image models:
Current 'meta' base image models:
Index of guides for local generation:

• While sharing images is fine, please avoid derailing the thread with request-begging.
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Requesting a bullet. By that I mean, requesting an image of any 2hu of your choosing pointing a gun at the viewer.
Jo'on paizuri while she wears a purple bra
miko fucking her teacher (seiga)
I request cancelling all previous requests before my request.
>first 4 posts are requests
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I genned some more birb images, I think I'm slowly getting better at this... AI really fun!

I really need to learn to fix some of these imperfections though, like the fingers on some of these images.

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A mortal that wants to die. How quaint.
I don't need to generate that one, already got it on hand.
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clappy the sloppy
butt crack edition

Accepting writing/worldbuilding requests.
It can't be that uncommon. If it weren't for the medicine seller that sweaty moustached fellow might've topped himself.
Somehow Udongein holding a gun feels redundant.
Gee, Ringo. How come your pistol gets TWO barrels?
She got it from half life.
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Some nonsense I spent way too much time on this weekend.
https://files.catbox.moe/nnegdb.jpg don't open, dog dick inside

I've been thinking of radically changing how I do things, but these newfangled models are so damn unstable and inconsistent... I want to redraw LESS, not MORE!
>I've been thinking of radically changing how I do things
What do you mean by that, exactly? I noticed these images already look slightly different from your usual style
would you say that's ones of the shortcomings of using AI art? it seems like you can't really evolve a style the way a real artist can without just copying styles from other artists. You can refine it, but I feel like with AI art you'd start feeling a bit stagnant over time.
Or I could be completely off the mark.
I'm not an artist, but as someone who's been following a few AI artists I don't think that's true, you can definitely evolve your artstyle while still being unique.
Without whinging about why... Simpler workflow. Complete change of style, maybe. Something sharper and more saturated, perhaps...? Cut out the (over 2 years old at this point, lol) SD1.5 setup I've been using as a refiner all this while first of everything. Those scratchy outlines and grainy textures? That's it at work. I do enjoy the overall look, hence why I've sat in this rut - but it takes easily the most time and effort pre- and post-drawing things for it out of the whole process. No wonder; it's SD1.5. It literally doesn't know what a pupil is.

The "problem" with newer models - Pony, Autism, but especially Illustrious - is that they've very versatile. Which also means they aren't stylistically consistent unless forced to, the go-to method whereof being almost universally via artist styles. Something I strongly prefer to avoid. Generalist style tags in Illustrious do yield rather nice results (graphite_(medium), my beloved) - yet, the underlying style, the shapes and proportions, still tend to swing wildly without the crutch of an artist tag.

There are a handful of Illustrious tunes featuring a "default" style, but, pisser of pissers, I've found an entirely new issue with those. They're one and all configured for the Euler A sampler. Which, by itself, is not to be scoffed at, as by design it introduces between-step randomness into your gens. Great for t2i, where you want to see lots of fundamentally varied results... and murderous for consistency for i2i, where over-variance introduces a swathe of editorial problems for obsessive pseuds like me. Something to figure out.
Yeah, I've definitely learnt how to work things better over time even in these confines. It's just fatigue speaking. Or winter depression setting in.
Can't go wrong with experimenting, either way; my current "style" began as an accident, too. Used to do B&W pictures exclusively...

Anyway, sorry for the vent. I'll drop some newsboy Aya later today. Or Seiran. Whichever works out.
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I can't replicate this position for some reason, more specifically the penis_on_ass tag. I tried a few different variations (penis on ass, penis on top of ass, penis resting on ass, penis on ass cheeks) and neither seem to work. The AI keeps pressing the penis against her mouth or face like picrel no matter how many times I try. Any help?
Try angle tags (like from_side) combining with regional prompting.
{1girl, all fours, on bed}, {1boy, naked, nude male, erection, uncensored}, {{imminent penetration, imminent sex, from behind, (either doggy style or prone bone), (you can try to use all the tags you mentioned before)}}, from side
You can try using 'fulll body, female focus' for the girl and 'faceless, head out of frame' for the guy. Inpainting and Image2Image work too, especially the latter.
Thoughts on non-ballbusting Spacezin?

I love his style, was one of the first LoRAs I trained back in the NAIv1 days. I wish he'd draw more even if it were ballbusting but he seems really busy with IRL stuff all the time.
It's kino and hot af
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I already tried from_side, but it didn't fix the main issue, thank you regardless

This worked, thanks! Are the curly brackets there to group a tag to an individual? (like making sure the girl is the one that's on all fours and not the male?)
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I tried fusing Keine and Mokou...
who's the father?
Post image
If you are using vectors properly, like {1girl, appearance, position, do this, specify action}, {1boy, appearance, position, do this, specify action}, {{general action}}, {place},you shouldn't have any problems.
In any case, try this
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Have some extra
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How to get the purple outline on the green capelet without the entire character being enveloped by a purple outline?

>japanese clothes, capelet, dark green capelet, purple outline capelet
purple_trim, my man
when in doubt, look at tagged danbooru pictures
That anon told you to use curly brackets to emphasize tags because they assumed you're using NAI. Use normal parenthesis instead, or the ctrl+up/down keyboard shortcuts.
comfy thread!
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I did! But I couldn't find that tag, thank you!

I can't seem to get the purple trim to restrict itself to the capelet now, however. I tried messing around with the negative prompts to prevent this from happening but I think the AI is so confused now that it's now applying the purple trim TO THE IMAGE and not even doing anything to the capelet anymore.
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And yes I know this one is using "purple border trim capelet" instead of just "purple trim capelet" (which is likely why it's applying it to the image instead) but when I use the former this happens instead
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I love my wife
thanks, is there anywhere I can see how different punctuations affect prompting in Forge?
Check the docs here: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features#attentionemphasis
Not enough balls or eggs.
Well keine is supposed to be a bull soo...
Is this supposed to be an inpainting?
no, that's a plain txt2img gen
I want Koakuma to sit on my face
Thank you! I would sell my organs for this from Joon.
Have a quick sloppa with Litterbox, because right now catbox is out of commission (error 502)
(last 3 days)
Where is Sese?
At this point I'd just open in up in GIMP/PS/Paint, slap a rough border onto the capelet and i2i. Takes less time and effort than tweaking the prompt and rolling the gacha ad nauseum.
What does she have to do with Sese?
Please share more, any 2hu.
I haven't tried i2i, but I'll give it a try when I can to see if I can finally learn how to use it
Marisa being held down by Reimu and Sanae while Alice shoves a broom up Marisa's asshole
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I can't figure it out... so, I paint the rough border over the capelet like pic related, place it in the img2img... and then what?
use inpaint tab, not img2img. then draw over the part you sketched the outline on.
some settings like this (with a relevant prompt for the area you're inpainting) would be a good start. assuming you're using an xl model. https://files.catbox.moe/8rtxcl.png
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Thanks! It's better now, but still not quite there yet in terms of lighting. It also has a lot of imperfections... did I do something wrong?
try turning up the denoise value. my guess is the highest you're going to be able to crank it for something like that is about 0.7. that's more or less telling it how much noise to add to the image in order to redraw it.
The AI is having a hard enough time genning Saragimaru's outfit, I think if I tried to gen Sese my computer would explode.
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And some lewd Moks. https://files.catbox.moe/w3ykdc.jpg

Tweak the Denoising strength slider. The short of it is, the higher the value, the more the image will be changed. It's not quite a 0-100% scale, though, and differently models react to it more or less temperamentally, especially with that Euler A sampler, blech. 0.3 used to be considered the "safe" value; nowadays things are less well defined. You'll have to experiment. If you notice the borders of your inpainted area are too stark, up the Mask blur settings until they blend in.

Another option is to take it to i2i and upscale the whole picture at some reasonable ratio. It'll be somewhat changed across the board, but upscaled pictures come out bigger (duh) and more detailed than the source. Same stuff about Denoising applies.
Mokou fuzz sexo
Did you do this Seiran with your new style? I know it's your say, not ours, but I liked your eyes better before. Now they look a bit... weird? The pupils, in specific.
There's a tag for white pupils, so me thinks he's experimenting since I cant recall ever seeing him do that before. Different but looks neat.
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Uh oh! Dai-chan is in trouble!

I'd rather that you shut the fuck up bucko.
How do you make a Lora of a character?
Dai-chan has to use her lewd body to get cirno out trouble after a bad prank.
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More like Dai-chan's friends left her behind after their prank went wrong!
hot af
Ironically enough I think one of the shortcomings is the fact that AI does evolve its art style when an artist does as well. There have been times where I was trying to replicate an artist's older style but the AI kept going for their newer one instead
When will AI image gen be good enough that I can describe the proportions and genital shape of a frogsnake character and have them be rendered faithfully?
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>your new style
A candidate, anyway. Albeit my favourite of the few thus far. Has a number of the characteristics I've come to enjoy and, oh-so-importantly, doesn't draw directly on any discrete artist's style. Well, the bases still require the artist tag crutch (because Illustrious), but the subsequent style shift via redraw + model swap more or less cleans it up. More or less.
>I liked your eyes
Oh my.
Yeah, I liked them that way too, hence my stubbornly redrawing them on every single pic, but-
-still doing that, definitely. I just enjoy seeing (and putting) certain gaudy, I mean striking, elements on characters, and, for all my whinging, these models are finally capable of carrying them over through i2i from my shitscribbles. White pupils are that, too. Striking, I mean. Was going to go for no pupils, actually, before I was talked out of it. Still kinda dig that, even so.
Tell you what, though. I'll do something else for the next couple of pics. See if my mind's changed.
Not positive about base Illustrious or the NoobAI tune, but the Obsession tune, for example, has additional "year XXXX" helper tags to address that very issue.
Hopefully never!
Illustrious/Noob has them. See the paper: https://arxiv.org/html/2409.19946
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he's giving everyone kokoro eyes and sort of doremy sweet but hers are a bit weirder
I kinda like it though
Well, now that I look at my previous post, it kind of leaves the wrong impression, I think. Your new style looks really nice, the colors in particular make it pop out more, it's just the white pupils that are a bit weird, especially after being used to seeing you use black ones for such a long time.
Musgaki fairies and/or flandre.
Oppai lolis.
Working on making a paper tiger Yuuka bot on chub, never made a bot before
Any advice? I have no idea what I'm doing, despite reading guides
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No, I do get it. They're odd. That's why I gravitated toward the concept in the first place. And, look, voicing differing opinions might just net you results.

Like this tried & true The Chiya, for one. Using another colour/shading preset, because I'm still groping around for a stable go-to, but there's them eyes!
Spacejin Kaguya breaking some eggs to make a cake.
What a whore.
Tewi wants (You)

this tewi looks extra jewish
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Taters my hotwife...
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Cute alien anon
Aya would never
Are you using NAI? If so, requesting Spacezin Yuuka kicking barefoot, local models STILL can't do Spacezin or kicking.
What do you mean? I've been playing around with local models and have been able to do Spacezin
NAI makes spacezin style that is actually credible, local LORAs never look right, I've tried them all.
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You sure about that
Not flat. No wings. No hat. Proof that AI can't do Aya.
>not flat
booby aya shows up from time to time
>no wings
blame ZUN for that
>no hat
you wouldn't be able to see it from where it cuts off anyway
Crow tengu beaks typed this post
>booby aya shows up from time to time
Only in Alt Facts, as far as I recall, and that book was expressly full of fake news.
>blame ZUN for that
LE solidified Aya as being winged. Although, I'm willing to concede she may simply be hiding them here, as indeed she does in LE.
>you wouldn't be able to see it from where it cuts off anyway
You'd see the pom-poms.
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Your information is severely out of date, anon.
catbox for posterity (sorry it's node shit)
this is faker than the moon landings
>dat metadata

Looks good but Jesus Christ, I guess it's a decent result if you put the effort and mess with muh workflows, controlnet and all that,but NAI does it with just the simple text prompt.
The workflow isn't necessary. I'm really only using Comfy because current UIs have a couple things missing like CFG scheduling and compel (which can improve gens) and their reproducability is more flaky.
Here's a gen directly out of Forge. Didn't bother with hires fix or anything like that to keep it simple. https://files.catbox.moe/e4dgmv.png
Cute cirno and clownpi.
I want 2hus with sexy mature bodies but their head is in ZUNart, just like how the 2hu appears in game.
What artist is that? Kinda looks like jiro Matsumoto
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didnt know this general existed, been making a few bc i'm bored
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dats all for now
Are these NAI or local?
nta but they're local, he was posting them here earlier >>>/h/8274877
also i got banned for posting etna, very gay
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Fairies are for セックス!
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you forgot one!
that's a youkai!
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Oppai fairies are hot, but they feel wrong. A perversion of nature on multiple levels. Oh well.
She's dumb, small, and is always playing around. Her wings are clearly just sealed by the amulet on her head!
She's clearly a fairy!
She's an honorary fairy, if anything, not built for セックス unfortunately.
Surely she's at least good enough for pantyhose thighjobs, right?
Darkness Fairy.
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I don't know, is she?
She's alright... Mystia could probably do it better.
please respond
just be yourself :)
Nigger wtf? This thread is actually picking up? Share touhou vore bots
Write everything you want her to have inside the description section. Only the description, the name and the first message matter. Everything else can be left empty.
>but idk how to write
Too bad, maybe you can ask claude or gpt-sama to write for you :^)
>but they suck at writing
adjust and reroll until you like the slop
Don't dictate the user in your greetings (you did x, you felt y), it'll make the AI act for you in future responses and lots of people don't like that.
Thank you, it's not my writing capabilities I'm worried about.
Thank you, I fell into that trap, will correct it.
Having a brainfart on example dialog, any advice/tips?
To me they feel just right. All of that nature power has to go somewhere, right?
File deleted.
Any bot is a vore bot if you've got the gumption.
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wait a minute, this is really good
moar rumia pantyhose?
That's a long torso.
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I forgot that this site is a thing.
If the pic has metada/prompts, you can check them under the pic.
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Thanks, glad you like it

>moar rumia pantyhose?
You're lucky I'm an ass man.
Wtf is going on in that image
... somehow failed to notice that.
I want to know too, My waifu is obscure and I'm not sure if there is enough material to make porn of her.
I know you mentioned having read guides, but try this one if you haven't already, it has a lot of concise explanations and good examples. Also keep in mind you don't need to fill out every field when creating your character.
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Bomb piece of Life piece?
Can I get a loli Jo'on?
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I like the opening pic but i'm more /e/
Good to see dancers or rare characters in general
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I wanted to do some more /e/ with the two of them like the opening pic, but the AI kept having a hard time giving the correct pantyhose colors to each of them, despite tag grouping. I don't get it, honestly...
I've read that before, but it seems like it's written for a previous version of the site.
Am I just being a retard?
Some of the UI elements are different, yes, but most of it should still apply. I wrote my characters using this guide alone and I did it on the current version of the site as well.
A shame, these look more like pants, but I like it.
it might also have something to do with the model you're running, are you running the bot locally or on a site? if locally, what model are you using? are you using any lorebooks to complement the bot?
Thank you.
On site. I don't really get how lorebooks work, I just plug one of the akyuu ones in while chatting.

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