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Literally me
He has fucked every single female 2hu in gensokyou, moon, outside world, hells, heavens.
Bro pale asf damn
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Why are you posting a genderbent version of the sexiest lady in Gensokyo?
I don't think I've seen anyone simping him.
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This is a no gay zone! Girl threads only!
What if I'm actually a girl
Touhou Harem with Rinnosuke
There are no girls with XX chromosomes browsing this website.
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You're gay if you wouldn't do r63 Rinno
Literally Zun.
Looks like a hag to me.
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>Oi teme, the girls told me you haven't read CoLA yet, why's that?!
The moment he gets up, I give him a light tap on the shoulders. He immediately falls over his chair, breaking it and taking with it over twenty of his precious pieces of garbage. The wood splinters all invade his body at the same time, causing immense amounts of pain. It's my win.

Then Marisa mastersparks me to hell.
he seems like a cool guy
Pretty face + glasses + strong body is literally one of the hottest combinations ever. Full homo.
Never knew Rinnosuke had his own version of masterspark
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Rinnosuke is my favorite single father
Who did he father?
Marisa is so lucky
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Kourin is much more interesting than the 3dpd that is flooding the board right now. Don't let his thread die away, please.

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