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The hime has been giving you a weird look for some time now...
Eww cringe.
Mokou is better.
I just can't imagine lewding her.
yeah this is .02 seconds before "anon go find me this rare thing inside of an erupting volcano please and then sexo for you"
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I wonder what she meant by that...
Neither can doujin artists, i guess. For someone known for her beauty, there is a surprisingly small number of lewd works to be found under her tag on nhentai.
If the request she makes is considered impossible then that might cause me a little trouble
Can't we sexo THEN the quest thing after?
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Jesus, calm down you whore.
Women start with pleasure, but end with labor. It's only natural then for men to have labor before pleasure.
My name is Anon, Husband of Kaguya: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
But would you fail?
That's great, but I could rock up to that tomboy hobo and get A-grade dick-wringing borderline reverse rape by asking nicely.
Why should I put up with the hime's bullshit when I can get the same thing with a lot less effort?
What a sow.
My kid in your wife's stomach.
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I will put so many children in Kaguya's belly that she will be considered a primordial mother goddess in the future
That's Eirin's baby in there
The truth is that I convinced Yukari to gap the triplets I convieved with Mokou into Kaguya's tummy many months ago. Hopefully she doesn't get too upset if the kids are born with white hair.
Kaguya isn't some youkai, anon. She doesn't eat people, especially not kids.
That's just what you're telling yourself, in reality Eirin invented a drug that lets girls impregnate each other through yuri and this is the result of a particularly heated wrestling session between Mokou and Kaguya. Mokou is also pregnant.
>She doesn't eat people
What if you ask nicely?
Imagine someone into this kinda thing stepping on a Lego and busting a fat nut.
Mokou's such a considerate girl to share Anon's genes with Kaguya!
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But she is a moonie and her kind constantly talk about exterminate all life on earth
Can Hourai immortals even get pregnant? Would their children even age?
>Can Hourai immortals even get pregnant?
Mokou went from a child with short black hair to an adult with long white hair so I would assume that they can if they allow it
>Would their children even age?
Probably because I doubt the child themselves would be immortal. They might have greater regenerative properties and be immune to illness as a side effect but I doubt they would be straight up immortal unless the mother drinks another does of the elixir while she's pregnant
quality answers from a quality thread!
Is this what they call living rent free in someone's head?
Imagine the awful smell.
Kaguya looks aggravated.
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Would you trust her with your eggs?
Yeah sure go for it
It's not like I'm using them for anything anyways
She looks trustworthy enough. What's the worst that could happen, anyway?
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This doesn't seem safe...
For lunarians humans are nothing but inpure thinking reeds that should be exterminated
She's fucking other men so no.
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Heheh smol
Tiny bamboo baby.
Prove them wrong (you can't though, but you can try).
damn I thought those were her boobs
Shotas too.
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Forget Kaguya, have you seen Yuuka?
Now this is small
No need to worry, she's immortal
Sexy bioweapon turning on her masters! Youkai uprising begins today!
Kaguya on the Beach!
I wish Yuuka was my daughter.
All the man will have their dicks explode from seeing this
Cute lesbians
Does Kagu have pink or brown nipples?
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I think we both know the answear.
Kaguya is a pure japanese beauty while Dorkmu is a retarded mongrel
How can Youmu be a mongrel when she has blue eyes? And Kaguya can't play the "pure Yamato maiden" card, she is from the moon.
One of the founders and the Lord of the Luna Captial is Tsukuyomi and Kaguya as a princess of the moon is most definitely a descended of him if not his direct daughter making her as pure of a Yamato as a maiden can get
They should kiss each other
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Himebros, surely Kaguya will be playable someday...
Ready for the dance?
What would her shot type be?
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Omikane's Heart: Kaguya is protected by a moon treasure that homes in on enemies like Reimu A in DDC. If Kaguya isn't shooting or moving but is hit, the moon "dies" instead of her. In other words, her shot loses power points in exchange of saving her life.
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Parallel Time: If Kaguya focuses, she leaves a time parallel image clone of herself so she can maneuver while it attacks in place or attack in 2 places at once (think Remilia shot in IN)
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Star Forger: Kaguya creates stars that expand or turn into black holes and do more damage the further they go up the screen.
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Eternal Love: Basically, Kaguya shot makes "threads" with the enemies it hits that last in place for a few seconds even if the enemy dies. If you hit different enemies, you can connect more of those "threads" to create constellations "lasers" that burn enemies who go through them. In other words, you're using your foes as your canvas to draw beautiful constellation laser patterns.
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Bunny Buddies: Kaguya has Earth rabbits following her around and collecting drops for her if they're near them. Think something like Marisa A in MoF with some Yukari shot in IN.
I like this one the most
Kaguya as a playable character? These are gargantuan levels of cope.
I see you're put a lot of thought into it. The first and the last are my favorite.
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>Omoikane's Heart like Omoikane's brain
Eirin can't help but worry, eh?
Or it's Kaguya who loves Eirin so much she named her treasure after her.
smokin' hot tomboy abs
Eirin's Taskute's and pits on FULL display
Sexy teacher showing off her indecent body
Everyone in this image is gay
She's immortal,I don't know what Eirin has to worry about
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Eirin acts like an overprotective mom to Kaguya, this is the same woman who ditched everything she had on the moon to spend eternity with her.
Take notes, ZUN.
Yatsuhashi is blessed to be fingered by the princess.
Kaguya can play an air biwa too if Benben wants in.
I wish I could finger then princess
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Sexy Chinese himesma.
Oh right the Lunarian are supposed to be chinese right?
Delicious brown nipples it is.
Yeah but they still have shinto gods ruling over the moon...
Didn't Eirin witness the Japanese islands being created from the moon or is that just fanon?
Japanese Islands are children of Izanagi and Izanami. Those two gods were in turn the last pair of gods during japanese teogony's part that happened before proper cosmogony, at least according to Kojiki.
Omoikane on the other hand is a child of one of the three gods that begin teogony, namely Takamimusubi. Omoikane could therefore be one of the amatsukami - who reside in Touhou on the moon - before Izanagi and Izanami started to produce offspring.
I've been infatuated with futa Kaguya for the past three months.
who wouldn't?
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Mokou is a smelly hobo.
I want her to use her hourai enhanced imperishable stamina to bloat my colon with so many gallons of fresh hot princess cum I look pregnant and I want her to keep a tally on my body of every time she ejaculated inside me and I want her to gently bully me the whole time.
Child bearing sensei hips.
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That's so fucking hot.
I will keep hoping till the day ZUN dies

You get force fed the Hourai Elixir and she puts a bunch of dangerous shit in your eggs for the funny
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Hime under the Sea
I can dream...
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Does anyone have that picture of her lying with the text "I have no will to do anything"?
That's >>48115630 not how fishing is done Kaguya
Princess... Maybe you should cut the mochis for a bit.
son of a bitch
Himesama has really nice things.
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Moon rabbit? Earth rabbit? White rabbit? Black rabbit? Kaguya loves them all!
This is absolute slander, Kaguya would never get fat.
Oh? Princess left her tummy exposed again.
If you think about it Kaguya would be extremely good for organ harvesting
Every time she dies she comes back with a set of new organs to harvest and sell. Lucrative business idea I'm writing this one down
But would Lunarian organs work on humans? I mean, I know they have human organs and etc, but wouldn't their organs work differently or have a different composition due to the fact that they eat other food, behave, and live longer?
She did yeah. If my knowledge of the myth is correct. Eirin and possibly Kaguya by extension are super old.
Didn't ZUN say Kaguya was hundreds of millions of years old?

She probably had a dino as a pat before she switched to rabbits
Ripe for some tickles...
Human organ transplants already barely work on other humans so Lunarian organs can't be that much worse, the point is you're getting a lotta money
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Himestare is too powerful
Her eyes can petrifying people in a different ways from Reisen
Do you think it would be possible to "kill" a hourai immortal by making them age backwards?
Before and after she sees your balls.
Kaguya is such a silly manhater
Tell me about Kaguya why does she take pleasure in torturing male genitals?
Because they keep asking for it.
Eugh, and here i thought she was a young asian beauty. Kaguya, princess of the moon (formerly), was but a decrepit HAG all along.
What has to go wrong in your life before you become the Touhou cock and ball torture artist?
CBT is pretty tame compared to some people's claim to fame
It's really kinda disappointing when someone can clearly draw well and then does nothing creative with it aside from drawing their fetish for 10 years and then giving up
i see we have another gentleman of patrician taste here.
She likes the taste.
She just needs a good friend and a shoulder to lean on, i'm sure of it.
It's just a hobby
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Cute yuri
the cutest
She feeds me to pack of horny rabbits including herself and Eirin.
Shame ZUN would never.
Cute yuri, keep posting
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Kaguya has a job and it's very important!!!
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Violent fighting to come again.
Kusanagi no Mokou vs Kaguya Yagami.
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reisen you lucky rabbit.
Cute Kag.
i find it intriguing that so many sizesages appear here
The cutest!
cute hime
Cute lesbian
it should've been me, it's not fair...
100% brap princess
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The hime can only think about one thing...
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She thinks?
I want to sit back on a hot day with a tall glass of Eirinbull
Eirin's can sized dick?
Taking "pet play" to a whole new level

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