post unconventional art style or situation koishis
>>48062675cute autist
>>48062675I want to be Koishi.
A few months ago, Koishi had multiple threads running simultaneously. Now one thread barely get any bump.
>>48062918Why can't you stay in your own general you fucking menace
>>48062948it's a real shame
>>48062918t. edgelord
>>48062918Why would you want to lobotomize yourself?
>>48062675black souls koishi?
>>48063092Yes actually, the creator of black souls has drawn her a few times
Koosh on the loose. Lock your doors and windows.
>>48062948autists can be very taxing people, bro
>>48063092>>48063122Also the creator of Igyoukyo. Very creative monster designs and unlike KKHTA it gets right to it and doesn't forget to add comedy. The Reisen Variants are great characters.
>>48062948>Now one thread barely get any bump.Blame the 15 minute wait before posting now.
>>48063458KKHTA has the best story, though.>>48063506Just set up new email and get shit done.
>>48068254Are you really going to post this image in every Koishi thread from now on?
>>48062948She isn't always going to be around and that's okay, these things happen. We still care about her all the same.>>48068263Pretty sure that was an established "yes" last this was checked.
>>48062675Koishi bonding with our son
>>48069384you gave birth to rinnosuke?!
>>48068254imagine being at computersso lonely you look and see koishi
>>48069423Just because I got raped doesn't mean I'm the one who gave birth dummy
>>48068263Are you really gonna ask every time?
こいし more like 恋しくて
>>48072451I mean you could post a different picture for onceWhen the same picture has been posted for like four or five threads in a row you start to notice no?
Wow, she really looks like a childhood friend of mine!
Dumb child
>>48091403Watch it with the ableist lingo.
>>48078861I know, right?
>>48091646Dumb youth
I like this artist but don't really love his normal art style. But when he does different styles such as this one it always looks very good
New Thread>>48114698>>48114698>>48114698
>>48148268You ought to be heavily tried for your heinous acts against Koishikind.
>>48148268Awful. Not even that much of a Koishi fan, but this was unwarranted.Which Era is this? I don't remember anything like that in TW.
>>48148268>You reach for her head as if to pat it as she closes her eyes and takes off her hat, ready to accept it.That is so cute(I stopped reading there)
>>48151488That's probably pedy's version.
>>48148268I understand some people disliking Koishi but this is just too much
>>48166119You sure love that image, anon
it seems the Koishi update for Touhou: Lost Branch of Legend will finally launch this month, devs said before the 15th!
>>48175317what a relatable little autist
hope this isn't too tough on the eyes for ya
what the koish doin
>>48211652crossing the rubiconshe is doing it slowly, however, to avoid slipping on the rocks
>>48211652Are those Tengu in the background or have I gone obsessed?
>>48219768No, I think you're actually right about that
>>48219768Obsessed? Your behavior is perfectly normal for a Cawshi thread.
>>48166119Honestly just seems like a great way to potentially give her a yeast infection
I want Koishi to have sex with anon while I watch from the corner!, its up
>>48230324why would you want to watch two smelly freaks going at it?
>>48235524Koishi has no understanding of the concept of sex, it would be Anon's end to be tortured. Very interesting, isn't it?
>>48063458I tried watching it and I couldn't understand what was happening because of how dogshit the art is.
>>48240986It is an acquired taste and it did get better with time, BS2's ero scenes were actually fappable.
touch grass
>>48148268it makes me want to cry knowing someone wants to do this to koishi. why would someone write this?
Koistink takes a Koishower and dissolves into Koislime.
>>48151488>>48158584It was a meme mod for TW which pedy made just to take that screencap, it's never been actually uploaded
>>48236500Thats sounds so intensively and painfully awkward. Something that would be the highlight clip of somewhere like Efukt for years to come.
>>48251302I do this, it's fun.
>>48242528Father time and the elements take their toll and Koislime become Koishit!
>>48251833Is this how evolution works..?>>48251577It is!
>>48251302Yeah but look how happy she is though!