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Previous: >>47892628
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Hello. Is this the true love live seiyuu thread?

I like birb.
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Where can I get that hoodie?
Please support my wife's clothing brand.
I don't think it's made for a 195cm lankcel
Quality OP
How are you even single?
I don't make six figures
Money ga~
He's posting in the + thread, take a guess
>Length: 70cm Width: 66cm Shoulder width: 70cm Sleeve length: 60cm
The measurements are there on the page.
Mods, this thread is a duplicate of the Love Live thread here >>48057724. Please delete. Thanks.
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I've always loved Emorin's 'hide the pain' expression.
No it isn't.
There is already a Love Live thread which is literally 10x more popular. There shouldn't be another one. Fuck off.
im pushing my luck, but I did apply for Day 1 with my sole cd that, miraculously, arrived at the forwarder today. The second cd got lost somewhere in Netherlands (i myself just drove past Eindhoven for fucks sake) and won't be arriving until 29th, so that's money wasted, but I suppose this whole affair is a waste of money because I'm doing it only to test bridge jp services, so I guess that's fair.

if there's second round of applications, i might try my luck again for both days in case I lose because I've always been present for both days in previous events I've been to, so why stop here?

what days have you applied to by the way?
Nice. At least you got 1 code. You can use the same code to apply twice, once for each day (1st and 2nd of February) so I applied 4 times with 2 codes.

And regarding the proxy payment, bridgejpn is on vacation until 1 day before the payment deadline so it's a bit risky. I found another one after contacting like 10 proxy buyers and most of them don't deal with "just* payment or are a ripoff (100k Yen for "transportation fees" that is going to the conbini).
The costs are

2 tickets
[Product Price] 33,890JPY
[S&H] 0JPY
[Commission Fee] 3,389JPY
[Shipping Cost] 0JPY
[Shipping Insurance] 0JPY
[Option Service Fee] 1,250JPY
[PayPal Processing Fee] 1,927JPY

[Total] 40,456JPY

Via online form it took her 3 days to reply but then via email she replied quickly.

Have a forwarder address ready if you also want the optional sticker that come with the ticket.
>You can use the same code to apply twice, once for each day
i didn't know that, guess i'll go maximize my chances
>Via online form it took her 3 days to reply but then via email she replied quickly.
Did she allow you to contact her directly in case you end up winning? I guess it wouldn't hurt to contact her beforehand to get the email address and to prepare her, right?
Yeah, in my last mail I told her that I will be contacting her via the same email chain if I win the lottery. I would also recommend contacting her to clear up the details.
>still using this thread
Are you two really avoiding the other thread on purpose?
No one is forcing you to use this one. Fuck off.
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Why the fuck do you even care?
Are you the stardust troon who is afraid that people might be able to discuss this franchise without the constant stream of off-topic diarrhoea?
I love how our "named" posters always get new myths made about them.

At first it was stardust troon who made this separate thread and now the very same troon is apparently mad about it.
Please don't post my oshi in this loser thread. Thank you
Who is your oshi?
What do you love about him?
He posts the best qts
When did you became his fan and what's your favorite work?
Him posting that slut cocona
I'm retarded but why would he make a separate thread which he doesn't use?
Girl who is named after male genitalia?
Hell would I know. I'm still not sure what ''cuckposting'' is.
The anon that says it doesn't even know what he means
Judging by the last thread, it wouldn't be stardust pedo since none of the musical girl posts got deleted. It's obviously loretard.
Posting about Kaori, who gets railed by El Desperado, is cuckposting
I don't like Kaori.
certified cuck moment
Happy Birthday Rippi
flop destroyer
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Still the cutest.
see you in hell boys...
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now make them kiss
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cool page 9 bump fuckface
she's cute, but not the cute(st).

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