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10/14-15) Nogizaka46 36th SG Under Live Zepp Nagoya
(10/18-27) Yoshida Ayano Christie stars in
"Fruits Basket -The Final"
(10/21-22) Nogizaka46 36th SG Under Live Zepp Osaka Bayside
(10/28-29) Nogizaka46 36th SG Under Live Zepp Sapporo
(11/08-11/29) Nakamura Reno stars in the musical "Endless SHOCK/ Eternal"
(11/18-19) Nogizaka46 36th SG Under Live Zepp Yokohama
(11/19) Iwamoto Renka's 1st Photobook goes on sale.

Official site: https://www.nogizaka46.com/
Official X: https://twitter.com/nogizaka46
Official Showroom: https://www.showroom-live.com/campaign/nogizaka46_sr
Upcoming Nogizaka appearances/events/radio shows: https://www.nogizaka46.com/s/n46/media/list?ima=4035
Group subs masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B1HFVF5iQBgvjDrPnmwfbq0Iz6VvaOmDep0C2x8yoMo
Subbed content: https://nogiarea.weebly.com/
Group live shows: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JnKp_AEeGUNTNePfY3C3AO4veiVi7frza82lRo44ejQ
Just in time
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Thread oshi and thread oshiri
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This anon fucks
I would love to gape them both.
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take me back
the best pic
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For me it's that era Seira
I will make them kiss each other's gapes.
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Kek sure you will
Thanks for the cheeks
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Yeah, I like it here
The IQ discrepancy between the middle on and the other two combined is off the charts
its comfy away from the mental illness
Hates smart idols one minute and the next minute makes fun of retarded idols. The duality of /sakag/
so is the discrepancy in beauty but the other way around
I...I like retardos, bros (Nana pic.jpg)
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>I like retardos
Many such cases
Are you calling Hiraho ugly? What's wrong with you?
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i for one love both the smartpants and the retards
In any case, is Kira empty zone over already?
No and don't mention that
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I like smart idols who are also retarded.
And I for one only care about their ass. Don't give a single fuck about what is going on in their heads
nah he's still going
>implying it was on purpose
That's not Manatsu webm
Lmao just checked you're right
it's foxtrotal dump hours
Bros, please idles. Not that stuff again
Get some
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This sex would be a near death experience if it wasn't for auntie calming everybody down
I kneel
Will 6ki even come close to 4ki's greatness?
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Oh Auntie...
Unlikely, that was one in a lifetime event. But you never know, I will be happy if we get some cute fresh members who get nervous in front of camera
just the right position to...
4ki was lightning in a bottle
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Now I am worried I would damage her spine according to those numbers
seera ..
So this is how hinagigachads are built
B...Bros, I...
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I just realized the supposed Arno is missing. Curious...
If 4ki was so great they would have had more than 2 members center by now.
because we are actually posting nogizaka
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They were too great, meaning even 4ki nobodies were something else
comfy as fuck
Aruno, you say?
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based 4ki forgotten cuties appreciator
Suddenly went MIA kek
for me it's kuromin
I am hips appreciator, Miyu is one of the best
Good. Keep them being forgotten so they do more eroi choreo for Unders
But she's right here and fully stacked (yes I want her PB)
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Techi my love
Hazuki sweating after 15 seconds kek
Wrong zone, buddy
They needed to climb short stairs on their way to the scene, OK?
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the cutest chink double agent
But it's not?
Did she get a surgery at one point? Early Kuromi looked way different
She's a nogi idol. Many have accepted this.
It's muh Chinese meme not muh Korean meme
them titties tho
Mo meme ever stopped Yamasaki Ten from whitening her skin
Now we're talking. Her PB will be great.
now you've done it
>No meme
Guaranteed best 5ki book
wouldn't sale worse than those solo flopped singles. that MV though, how many views?
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>best 5ki book
They don't know
The best brown in saka
Damn right
>YouTube auto plays some videos in the background
>Suddenly hear "Happy Birthday, Hayakawa Seira"
>wouldn't sale
Yabai Eigo.jpg
Forgot the link sorry
Aruno's will definitely be way lewder than Nagi's
Nakanisherate Yurinaruno
but not as vulgar pure as ten's
Are you sure?
You know that this one isn't a Techi oshi, right? Just letting you know this isn't doing anything.
We're talking about 5ki PBs you tard
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oh no
bareta kek
Wrong thread
pity 350k views
high dislike ratio
owari da
i have no idea what you're talking about
>owari da
It was over ever since the forced graduation and the Korean agency was just pure desperation. Whoever expected she can turn thing over with one more single was delusional
Turn things around, fuck
Then move on
>she can turn thing over
Eigo is so bad I have to laugh larder
One more?
You are so far out of the loop and in this menhera delusion that there's no return. This is really pitiful.
yeah, he is here kek
You dropped something
>everyone is kirako
Yes menhera that's exactly what we're talking about
>everyone is kirako
Just one Sakurazaka 2nd generation idol, but she is behind all that
It's funny how you came to the very idol zone that was dreaded because it consisted of a nogizaka idol fan that was trying to get away from all this. What a funny coincidence.
>Eigo is so bad I have to laugh larder
Oh the fucking irony.
>It's funny how you came to the very idol zone
Oh the fucking irony.
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can we just post cute idles?
This dude is haunted so bad by a non-nogizaka idol group's members that he bought it all itt.
How's the new Hina idol zone?
Waiting for you to start
We are here temporarily and that Hina zone is a scam
i already did tho
now I am with you
It's pretty cool. Reminds me of early Nogi general.
Another way of saying 'can't accept that another can make an idol zone'
What is this word salad kek
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oy vey, you don't like jews?
she's just low tier among 5ki for me
Ya gotta be more grown to ding dong diddly understand this, jabroni
Not even him but this isn't much more concise tbqfwy
Issa werk
Just did it to multiple hinas
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You faggots are mentally ill.
Seek medical help.
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>look at thread viewer
>last thread 150+ posts and archived
>"oh no, some big news must have happened"
>check thread
>it's just schizos from the other general leaking here
I don't care about 4ki and 5ki. I only care about Nanamin, Naachan, Ikuchan, Maiyan, Miachun, Asuka, Renka, Ranze, Himetan, Kanarin, Higuchi, Yoda, Kitano, and Hori. The rest can fuck off.
Nogizaka is dead.
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>Nogizaka is dead.
Only cause Seira the Savior graduated.
That's why this containment thread exists :)
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I want to be crushed by a tanuki.
Asuka will never climb in your window.
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triple smooch
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"Dear Anonymous"
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double ass job
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I've been going to the gym for years and still don't have a big tiddy idol gf. What gives?
I ask myself the same question everyday, bro
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Renachi with slightly longer hair got me acting up
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I'm in love...
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How rich do you have to be to have a Renachi wife??
back off buddy she's already my comfy gf
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them meaty legs tho
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That's how you know she's not getting a pb.

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