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Information for live shows and viewings:

SNS and concerts:

Previous: >>48057724
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Put yourself in the shoes of one of the short liellas for a moment and imagine what it's like to crane your neck to look up at this huge beautiful Chinese woman all the time. If I had that kind of height gap with a girl like her it would feel like being around a freaking goddess
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imagine the double ear licking + double handy
This but Saku + Nonchan (or Peiko alternatively)
This but Yabu + Nonchan (or Emo alternatively)
This but Tomo + Coco (or Chunun alternatively)
This but Moepi + Agupon (or Kaorin alternatively)
This but Yume + Miru (or Rinna alternatively)
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Hahaha, he changed the names, but to offtopic shit! How does he even come up with this stuff?!
let's be real, any combination of any two ll3d on a double ear lick would be prostate exploding
double ear licking and handy by ll3d and lls+
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You don't have 19 different pics of those two together stop it
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You are right, I don't. I have 28,
I purged a lot due to being low quality but they take photos together fairly frequently compared to any other pair of niji members.
post them
No, spamming pictures is cringe.
That's what imgur albums are for autistbro
We literally have a thread for pic spam
Unironically, why? It's not like there's discussion in these threads. I'd rather see pics of cute ll3ds than thread politics circlejerks and autist stimming.
Shes so cute i genuinely dont understand the complaints about her looks
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I can't believe Staff-san pressured Nozomi to bungee-jump off of Tokyo Tower.
how could it be complete if i wasn't there with her?
I want to play a 'trick' on Kuma this Halloween if you know what I mean. (I mean unprotected sex)
I love that cute nose so much
mizuki yasui
Full vid please
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It just came out so no one's ripped the exclusive video yet, but the episode last month had a pretty comprehensive digest/teaser of it. (She didn't actually bungee‐jump to be clear)
love her boobs
Oh ok
thanks anyway
Definition of shit taste:
This is not a jerking off motion at all
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Our wife has many wives
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begging for it
Whose complaining? The japs?
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Someone on twitter compiled the Yuina + Kyan clips:
And I might be tripping, but it also kinda sounds like they used the summary I wrote here >>48063271
We got x lurkers here.
I want to stretch Date Sayuri (150.0cm) to her absolute limits.
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>ラジオどっとあい 結那の起承転”結”…致しません!! #3 (2024年10月26日分)

I really love this show so much already, Yuina's so fun and naturally charismatic. I hope they end up renewing it as a regular program towards the end of its run.
Did anyone post Kaorin's photo book yet?
Check in /vg/
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Sorry, should have done that first.
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I love China!
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Sakakura Hana-chan...
Didn't know Saku had a twin sister like Chuke
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wanna eat those chinese gams with some sweet & sour sauce and fried rice
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Can someone start a Sakuchan wikifeet page
When asking stuff like that, you're supposed to explain why you won't do it yourself.
I’m lazy
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Ai is so hot
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hot dog*
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>marumegane Chuke
Blessed. People have been posting some of the collab library announcements they play over the intercoms at regular intervals and they sound cute as hell.
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Dream threesome.
Need Pay to always leave the house dressed in that jirai-kei style.
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which chuke is real
Need blonde chuke
cute loli
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Can't even tell who these are.
Do you think they've fucked
Good! Look at me with disgust, while you sound the alarm! No one's coming!
nako sayu peiko nagi
I want to splooge on that forehead!
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Rough, non-lubed navel penetration for Moepi.
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>wonky hands
But still hot
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lol it happened
Cute and canon
D-Do women actually kiss like this?
I don't know how to feel about this
>can barely touch each other's lips, unlike
Even AI hates KuuKaa!
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They look disgusted.
Does anyone have the full version of the photo/bromide without the sample? It's been posted here (and on Twitter) before but I can't seem to find it.
wtf it kinda looks real with the way the lips move
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I can fap to this
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You think he got a signed copy?
She signed on his dick.
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Yabu's neck is going to snap!
Porn soon.
WTF, I love AI slop now.
new low
I can't believe the Japanese are actually archiving my/our shitposts for posterity.
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wait what
Yeah, I've seen a couple of the reply chains from here mirrored on matome sites before, I'm not quite sure what exactly makes for a 'notable' contribution in their eyes though.
I need to get a better grasp of the Hasu no Sora girls still
I’ve seen two lives I believe but don’t feel much of a connection
Only on like chapter 11 or so of the game story too
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which one would you have in the front and which one would you have in the back
Cry harder
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unhand those niji
Shes really cute in a ponytail.
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>they liked my post
Is Sayaka’s Seiyuu good at all
Don’t think I see people talk about her
Chuke is chuke
Nina is milk goddess
Konnachi and Kankan are sex goddesses too
No but Kyan has naughty thoughts about kissing Yuina and blushes furiously, meanwhile Yuina just has shameless hour long dildo sessions every night screaming Kyan-senpai's name, but they're both too shy to make a move.
wtf I love minmin now
In an alternative universe this is completely true. And it's an absolute shame we aren't in that universe.
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I REALLY hope Saku-chan announces a Halloween instalive this year to tease us again with another spicy yet pure outfit.
It won’t happen she’ll never show cleavage either
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Onii-sama is so lucky...
Indigenous face
Stupid Giant Baby Miyu!
Idk why you guys complain about Sakuchan’s face. She’s cute
Idk why you guys complain about Nonchan’s face. She’s cute
These but unironically
What the fuck does that even mean? She's a Japanese girl in Japan, no shit she's indigenous.
It's a subhuman American pig thing, don't worry about it.
Shes still cute but this webm is from a year ago right? She looks thinner here, at the 7th live she did look a bit chonky again
Which Seiyuu has the best legs
Depends on what you are into, homin has nice chunky thighs while moeka and liyuu have good long slender legs
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Arisa for soft thighs and ass, Yuina for long and slender with heavenly thigh gap, but I'm personally a fan of Nagi's elegantly sculpted ballet muscles myself.
I like Anchans thighs but I also like Emo's calves. Arisa also used to have some very nice thighs back when she was acting.
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looks like that gridman bitch, fuck
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Liyuu's are the ideal for me. Kanna's are a close second probably.
Seeing Yuina do stuff with Kyan is wild because they're somehow roughly the same height but Yuina's legs still look like that, girl is lowkey tiny as fuck
>Yuina for long and slender
chicken legs
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Why are you like this bro? Who hurt you?
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this is the way
holy emorin
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You can see her dedication in those legs.
>refuse to turn up once it’s over
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lmao no
no gore please
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holy chicken legs
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Even though they're short Sayu honestly has really lovely legs
I thought the same thing, I thought Yuina would be more taller
We heard you the first time retard, go away.
I can't justify this but my dick doesn't lie.
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Everything about this woman's lower half makes me feel insane
But she did it for her love live. Fine
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They were thick back then compared to now.
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Was just thinking that after seeing her in leggings in that one video, it would be easy for her to have stubby midget legs like Ainya but she's quite proportional.
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Cute sweet & sour slampig
Is slampig derogatory? Or does it depend
Post more I’m trying to build a folder
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Yuina's current legs look pretty much the same as Yabu's.
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Her waist line being wide instead of super slim is kinda hot. Shes really short but not petite
Kyan used to be skelly.
does rinnya goes to the bathroom or litter box
Every flaw you hear about Japanese society is greatly exaggerated by americans. Their birth rate isnt high, but there are other countries that have it far worse.
I love Hana-chan!!
I want to have my head squashed between Coco's muscular drummer knees like a melon.
Peak Liella
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Woah the audience is so close to the stage
i want to kick a ball around with the eggplant
her thigh alwayss look good when she does that high kick
What was it? they deleted it.
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Imagine the double paizuri..
Aww, that sucks...
It was basically just some of the photos/webms and posts from the thread following this reply chain.
It's not really about skellyness, Yuina just has unusual proportions. Even her face is noticeably smaller than Kyan's and I wouldn't say Kyan has a large face by any means.
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Suck them more bro.
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No more than you, simp.
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It’s so sad seeing other Seiyuu pose next to Mayu, knowing they’ll never be as sexy as her
mayu mayu2
good morning sirs
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>uncle let's watch S3 together!
it's 2pm, retard
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This franchise has given me a raging glove fetish.
Why wasn't Yabu in that video?
Puking out lunch in the toilet.
She pulls that off really well
Why, did she have to look at Mayu or something?
Nagif arted
Shouldn’t Liella be used to Nagisa’s farts by now
Can still catch them off guard if they are especially close and it's quiet
How do you make these?
That makes sense
Nagisa seems like someone who would usually silently fart too
With Peiko and Kuma being the opposite
Search the watermark.
Didn't saw it on phone lol
>le nagisa fart xD
And you say calling Sayu filipino is forced.
I'm pretty sure it's literally just a single underage retard talking to himself.
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It’s a joke that is both stated by English and Japanese fans because her brand is centered around sweet potatoes
wasn't asking
You brought it up
Let's all love Pay.
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I know the reasoning behind it, it's still unfunny and forced.
Joyless faggot
yuna nakamura
Forced anger
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Natsumi reminds me of the Japanese babysitter who used to take baths with me
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That's a strange thing to lie about
Mommy!!! Is she giving us a trick or a treat?
It’s a strange thing to accuse me of lying about
I want to watch some spooky movies with Mommy this Halloween!
The curse of the dried eggs!
Why would she need to worry about her eggs when we're already her children
Unironically this
FaceTime with Mommy!
cute emorin
Luv RKK's streams.
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I think Emorin's face vaguely reminds me of RKK, but when you put them next to each other you realize they don't really look alike at all.
>夏美・冬毬の母 日笠陽子
Hikasa Yoko my beloved.
There aren't pics of them next to each other.
Not them physically, I meant these two pictures being next to each other >>48090882
how old
Anon I’m disgusted you would have this saved can you send more
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Current-day Yoda-chan weight gain arc when?
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Cute hair style
Shame about the face
I never said that
Whats so bad about her face?
Then it looks like that post wasn't addressed at you, was it, Sherlock?
Small mouth that is too high up, made worse by her wide squared head. Her eyes are too asymmetrical in both size and shape. Doesn't even have a cute nose to make up for it.
Bottom tier of niji.
You are fucking insane
>small mouth
dont see how this makes her unattractive
genuinely schizo shit, you are saying words here
>big face
her face is round and cute like miyu and coco and they are sexy
Our mother is worried we can't handle horror movies rated 18+. And she's absolutely right because I still haven't mustered the courage to watch those 2 horror movies. She said one was so gorey that her brain tuned it out of her memory and people might hate her for recommending it.
turboincel detected
Fucking based, now make Sakurafags cry harder
She had sex with all the boys in her kendo club.
You want the regular seiyuu thread friend
dream threesome and mayu and hina
yupi k-on club
Is this real
so now what
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Why would it be fake?
Simply a filler statement to get more people to post emorin tits
yume to

yume to
>totally not an attention whore, by the way
She watches some seriously twisted movies, I can totally picture her having trouble falling asleep after getting through them.
actually good taste
yume sleep paralysis

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miru des writing shit on yume to face with permanent marker
>カラダ年齢: 33歳
It's unbelievably over.
When are they gonna announce the date for Aqours Finale? No way they’re gonna overlap with Liella’s 6th live right?
It will be the same day, one group in meji jingu and the other in chichibunomiya. Whichever group has the least people in their respective audience will have it's leader executed live on stage.
Post anwhore hanging herself with Gugu dancing in the background
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What a banger.
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Nagio Nagio Nii~
Anchan is the most conservative girl in love live
Agupon won't kiss someone with rotten teeth.
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Cringy edgelord
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Otogine If...

i legit got mad >:(
Directed by M. Night Shyamalan
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Nagio power
Just when I thought she couldn't look more retarded.
Good evening rentfree-kun
Your brain is broken motherfucker
Sakura audition footage on the release event livestream just now was peak cute
Seethe harder
post the clip
Mf even has the blue check.
Sheessh posting about LL can make some money
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>I'm pregnant
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Sup Minoran.
im a shitskin disgusting subhuman american pig

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