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previous >>48068164
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1 pure girl, a slut and the uggo
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rare fuuka w
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Only a matter of time now, can't wait for the Kyouka pb.
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First Ice post of the thread.
stay pure Kyouka.
stay pure.
karaage is only getting 50 views on her streams now
It'a 9:25am over there
fans don't watch stream in the morning
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>MVs in the OP
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ano can scarcely believe how fast her career is tanking thanks to some little kid called Lucky.
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2nd best SPATIO. After Ayaka.
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>I thought I had a runny nose, but my brain started leaking out of my nose.
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I hate that faggot who trash on every oshi but his with all my heart. Fuck you nigger, literally kys, this place shouldn't be toxic.
The only person who trashes every oshi is the busu schizo.
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She looks like that one menhera ex zenkimi member.
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I think Haruchan is 25+ but she's still cute and tempting. Her boyfriend is very lucky.
Your mother
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Does this slampig do grav at all or she just one huge fat tease?
which oshis are trashed? sometimes i talk shit but it's usually about the oshi posters not the oshis. i probably trash red riri the most but only because i think she would be cuter if she would change her makeup but that guy is less annoying now so i mostly stopped. im still going to kill myself 100% though.
i'm just a regular schizo. evil ice poster is also a bit of a dick but i think that's probably you so stop confusing me with that other schizo. i don't post with an avatar.

i do take random different sides on everything just to stir shit for fun a lot. i like seething about stuff and also being seethed at so sorry if people think it's toxic but i'm generally just fucking around after all it's 4chan not a reddit hugbox
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they're like the reddit hugbox of idol
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I'm only a dick to the schizos. I have never once shat on someones oshi.
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AZU pls come back.
you're not a dick to the schizos, your posts are indistinguishable from the schizo imitating you.
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That's something a schizo would say.
I exclusively dunk on pudding
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Mfw I'm the only sane person in these threads
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Sei looking cute as always.

>pro max iphone
Not alt.
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Is femme fatale or did she die?
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Tonchiki don't count down you'll curse it like last time!
bring back fat pudding
also too few pixels to see the booty
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So did pink member quit on them and they decided to just release the MV anyways since they didn't want to waste all the money?

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Silly hat August
Nothing has been anounced about 47774. Officially still part of the group. The MV was ok. Might give the new album another try. It wasn't what I expected.
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queen of heroines
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aisu is cool
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Rei looking like a mommy.
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what a shit attitude. i bet your oshi sucks. tell me who she is so if she ever tries to flyer me i can ball it up and throw it at her forehead.
nah this is the way, /alt/ isn't for oshiposting. i haven't even had to shitpost in the last couple of threads, just laugh at the rest of you assholes.
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she's tearing up the streets
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what are these costumes supposed to be?
new reirie
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natty beauties
I would never join the official kpg discord
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thanks mr skeltal

Don't care about that cheeky bogdanoff. The song was quite decent.
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oh haewon?
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Nani best smile, Meari best legs, Raki best Ano-killer
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I like the alien one.
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it's alright kind of all over the place like a mashup mixtape. schizo style where there is 4 bars of one song and 4 bars of another and so on. you can hardly decide if it's a banger before it switches up i hate when futurebass throws too many of those dubsteb breakdowns into a song it ruins the pace. not bad but like a 6.5 on the banger scale
would never have the guts to be a real street idol
i would die for chitti. please ask me to die for you chitti
i like when they have some rabid political wingcuck wota in their comments too. if it's a popular girl it can lead to a real shitstorm.
my ballot didn't even make it inside my house i threw it right in the dumpster without even opening the envelope so some trash digging homless junkie can cast my vote or some conspiracy schizo can find it and screech about how they are rigging the election
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Sorry to hear that
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Birthday-flavored mochi
he doesn't even know which schizo he is trying to dunk on most of the time which is fully schizo behavior.
i have a friend like that he will just launch into a story and assume that you know all the characters and what he's talking about i learned to just nod and smile and then by the end you can sort of figure out what he was talking about and it actually does make sense but he gives you no reference points during the story. everyone who meets him is always like "that dude is completely fucking insane" and they're right.
i tried to explain it to him once and why everyone thinks he's crazy but he still does it. he will just start a story in the middle like "bob did yadayadayada..." and you are totally confused because you have no idea who tf bob is or why that is relevant to anything you were talking about. i told him dude you can't just do that you have to qualify bob somehow like "once my friend back in elementary school named bob did yada yada yada..." but he doesn't get it so he goes around sounding like a lunatic.
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granny bob
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actual granny bob
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>you bull goose loonys are headed for the shock shop
I think iym a chronic Nurse Ratched.
Lobotomy time.
girl on right is incredibly cute and /alt/
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Average age went up by 15 years
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it takes a fierce grace to crack us open
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we support election idols
we don't support ugly filters
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wait, i thought the mai poster was just joking? wtf
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>cute therefore forgiven
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say it loud and say it proud
everyone is natty you dummy
is that avam noa
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interest has decreased dramatically
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happy birthday haruchan
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...he said as he washes down a handful of anxiety meds with a bottle of scotch just so he can order a hamburger without pissu pantsu
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Mai is cute
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spoiler that shit
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be nice, friend
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Never drank my prescription drugs
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you obviously don't even know how to have a good time then
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I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm not joining the kpg official discord.
we were there a few weeks ago desu
why is this tranny blogging his reality shifting delusions here?
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This Mai Hanase seems too /alt/ for a cupcake group like iLife. Maybe someone should lure her over to the dark side.
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she's obviously sent to do the luring. plying underage recruits with cigarettes and alcohol and boyfriends and not even a slap on the wrist. thats why they sent her to the junior group, for corruption. they present a upstanding idol life but it's all smoke and mirrors
She is already in the dark side.
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she didn't say she voted maybe she is just laughing at the sheeple who think it matters
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if you went to osaka and didn't take that exact same picture then it didn't happen. post it and maybe i will put in a good word for you with that menhera barmaid
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>Gets caught living and having a boyfriend
>Instead of kicking her out of the group they demote her
>Put her in the sister group and the sister group doesn't do nothing for 1year.
>Gets put back onto the main group
>Now is part of both groups while still having and living with boyfriend
>The month she joins back she kicks two of the other members off the main group
>Starts being in the wrong place at the wrong time forcing other members to trip over her
>One month goes by and she bullies Luna to take a "break"
>Cursed two members from paradeeq to quit
>Bullies Noa to "take a break" and canceled some lives
>Got caught smoking and drinking while causing disturbance in a dormitory with the sister group
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You would think when she got caught with her BF she would cool down on the degen acts.
wtf i like ilife now
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>Gets caught living
rookie mistake
like how they are representing every cheap donki costume possible instead of going with a uniform theme
Her boyfriend is the landlord.
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Usa literally got away with drinking underage and going to host clubs.
seems like they were /alt/ all along.
unlike dreco, which will soon be the top heroines group.
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today's turtles
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>i'm sorry we tried to leave without you anon
>there was a break in spacetime
>we hit the bump limit
>we hit the image reply limit
>the gate was still open
>we took a vote...
>you were right about voting
>it didn't matter
>it was just a trap for the sheeple
>reality shifting delusions are just page 10 shit
>childs play
>we need you if we want to get to page 11
>you know what to do
granny should have been a sexy cop
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Remember the age they "announced" public may not be their real age.
When they said 17 they might actually be 25.
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Katosan the criminal.
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Amazing. Pure. Cute.
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>that fake smile
Pudding is smart and knows complex kanji. Finish your studies and be a good oneesan.
Want to smooch hinano belly
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not bad i might listen to the album but probably not
don't do any of that shit pudding. have another drink and watch the world burn.
>got away with
your reddit is showing.
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Kyoka, Fuuka and the uggo
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>this is the way
a schizo who is 100% going to kill himself?
I agree.
>haven't even had to shitpost
gutless pussy. you would never make it on the streets
stick and move Katosan. leave the cheki in a coinlocker and never make the handoff yourself. keep the cash separate
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Why couldn't they forgive my oshi? She was cute and could actually sing. Makes me upset that Mai can get away with basically everything.
Because mai will be in a nurse outfit in Osaka today, therefore forgiven
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Did they all buy that Chinese vampire costume from the same place?
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it's the new donki model i guess. it's definitely more elaborate than the old one but it probably still costs 1000 and smells like cheap plastic
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Riri a cute
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morning momo
I am a fan of the aidream on the right.
wish they would all just be anya for halloween
that was a popular costume a few years ago but i stopped watching that shit a few episodes in. what does Anya dress up like for Halloween?
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They are all copying Moggerz
i dont recall there being a halloween episode yet
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Maido is the most low effort idol Halloween costume since every idol already dresses like a maid numerous times a year. It's like a doctor or a nurse wearing scrubs for Halloween
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meido mai request filled
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I'm going to get tired of this song they are over doing it.

it's not even liquid dnb i can hardly listen to it once
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Katosan even with her extensive criminal record still getting fashion modeling jobs.
Cute therefore forgiven.
what's your favourite etherwood song?
https://youtu.be/P1-7oQpFbwg my favourite.
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miss piggy
really only like female vocals in my liquid
I got you bro https://youtu.be/ojVek3lvhto
needs to be in a mix the whole song is just buildup. even the drop is weaksauce.
could easily be a very dope mix with some bangers tho
post sex bibian
not those kind of bangers
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costume looks weird without the ears
looks weird even with ears
is that a skeleton costume?
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better be careful who she threatens.
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>drinking, smoking, bullying, has a boyfriend
why is she still not fired? is she sleeping with her manager? i mean it wouldn't surprise me
helps that she is cute, which grants her a lot of forgiveness
I bet Riri is mad.
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cute nose
damn she can smile?
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Less than two months left, doesn't it make you want to smile?
tall autism should be my wife once she finishes up with that idol nonsense
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thats crazy,
getting punished despite doing nothing wrong
>no refunds
>canceled lives
>sister group is no more
>Mai gets "punished" whatever that means
They don't even have the balls to post this on twitter lol
they posted it on twitter.
Post it on the account that matters.
>no refunds
lol how is that legal?
Yeah that just shows Mai is probably fucking everyone in upper management if she stays after this.
cowards should have posted the mai halloween photos today
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why is she like this
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stupid sexy autist
the cancelled members should go to a real /alt/ group now that they have some clout. wish I was an idol manager i would scoop them up for a group whose whole gimmick is illegal activities and youth corruption. there's got to be a market for that what with all the menhera girls who are just drug-addicted chekithots out there.
pretty fly song but what a weird subculture scene that all is. i guess it's parallel to western bimbo club girls but it's definitely not for me
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speaking of autists
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This drunk dog has over 157K followers wtf. That's some clout. Mountain Dew Mio needs to get her dog on twitter it's at least as cute as this thing. All the pics and videos of it are all limp and floppy it must be medically sedated all the time like that cat from the Ano video. It's kind of sad.
she do be having that thousand-yard stare
jk idols can be horny too
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I feel bad for making fun of Onpu.
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there is no way mai will survive this right? if they keep her on the main roster she must be fucking some higher-ups lmao
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baseless accusations from a bunch of trolls. she is as pure and wholesome as any idol. remorse is for guilty sinners. the truly holy know that there is no sin and thus they are guilty of nothing and need not feel remorse.
if thou art cute, all is forgiven.
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looks like being cute can only take you so far. this will be your end mai-chan

why havent you gotten an ano tattoo yet?
an ano tattoo probably only lasts a few months anyway.
we shall see. lying about repentance to manipulate forgiveness is just as valid as being unashamedly unrepentant. you are your own judge and jury. the kingdom of heaven awaits
i hate tattoos and thigh tats are the tackiest of all but that's pretty damn HOLY
probably 9 or so
Amidst all your silly drama, Im happy to learn that Clea Bagshot had a private insta. Im happy to see my oshi doing well in her daily life.
>probably 9 or so
there's no way they would wait that long to cremate.
Forgot to include a photo.
I sperged out about that months ago nigga where were you? my prophecy has not come true... yet.
I will never understand the appeal of host clubs. How sad and pathetic must you be to enjoy such a thing? Its not like these duded are the peak of men either, they all look like shitty kpop rejects. I've seen some vids and what counts as a "conversation" these dudes give out is flat out sad. You'd have a more engaging conversation with the hobo in the 7/11 dumpster. Cant believe women fall for these guys lmao.
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being a wagecuck takes up 90% of my time.
you should donate your brain cells since you aren't using them.
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Nah, im just not a fag like u so I dont get the appeal of plastic men and shallow conversations.
Hosts (idol) >>> iLiFE (idols) >>>> ATM (otaku, real deal)
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No different than a concafe.
Plus, have you seen how ugly the average japanese male is?
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same but the end is nigh
is that a char cosplay, thats kind of cool
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Nutsuki is actually the purest of them all, what a joke.
True. The average jap dudes cant even be called mid. No wonder no one is getting fucked.
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>the cosmic joke never ends anon
>stay comfy
We will make it to page 11 yet SuperRaychan
Fasten your seatbelt.
It might be a bumpy ride.
she’s got a twitter account as well, replace the . by a _
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Followed. Her boyfriend (?) seems popular kekw.
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Can't even afford a real costume for halloween
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looks like a snake
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