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Information for live shows and viewings:

SNS and concerts:

The cutest!
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Sorry fellas, I was little rough on the throat.
Why is Sakura so popular?
Besides being cute
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If those views reflect popularity Sayuri is near the bottom, below Kuma.
Hasunosora rivals
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I hope she sings well because the other one is awful.
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I like how cute and red Pay's hands usually get backstage in the cold.
>the pig of bullshit
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Nice, I hope she features on some of the future livestreams at the very least.
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What a forced cuteness
Nozomi and Sayuri's combined busts wouldn't even come close to matching the sheer mass of a single Amaneboob.
Who the hell is Amane and why is she singing next to sayuri
I'm sure Nina's tits are larger at least.
I wonder what the nature of these rivals will be anyways, I haven't watched the latest episode of the anime yet.
Raunchy cosplay/roleplay sex with Kingu.
Hoooooooly shit what a Kincute
That’s our King
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I love my Lolita otter
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She's okay
Step aside, Sayurin. The real nepo baby has arrived.
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Imagine the smell
Imagine the taste
Imagine the feel
Good thing we have no audio on this board
I seriously don't get why you guys hype her up like she has a great body, looks like a regular chubby old lady. Doesn't even look like she has decent tits.
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They do overhype it but she does have a nice body, just standard slimthick
She looks like a desperate uggo who's into degenerate stuff and would actually settle for an ugly bastard
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Woah! Bun-on-bun violence!
cameraman-san is a funny guy
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