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Imagine lying on bed with her under one blanket with a pizza box on the bed with half-eaten pizza watching some documentary movie about sponge bob or documentaries about shoe laces whatever just chilling and sleep together
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imagine sharing needles!
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Guhehe... Chiya-cha~n....
Conceptualize the olfactory profile
This is the kind of girl that would use her own tail to masturbate
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Kys aislopper
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Be careful, this creature steals your DNA
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how's it supposed to be erotic when there's no tail to heft?
This is the main reason I dislike the lizard, drugs are bad.
blood isn't a drug
I genuinely hope she makes it back into a game or printwork in some way
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Kinda funny how she experience the phenomena of being represented in any possible body types, similar to tsukasa, the bland clothes allows her to be drawn in any proportions : loli ; slander woman ; giant tits and ass or a chupacabra. you could draw her body into the shape of an octopus or a bear and botj would probably somehow look fine
it's because her t-shirt is so freaky and weird that no one notices who's wearing it
it's a very common Hecatia Lapislazuli L
why is this Chupacabra so horny?
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it's a viable hunting strategy
For what, sex?
Maybe the flatfags are onto something
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for somebody to leech off of
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its all about posture. when shes all hunched over, with her oversized shirt over her features, she looks like a gremlin. but once she stretches and let it rest on her body, you'll realize that you're dealing with a monster, that is seemingly bioengineered to steal semen from human men.
why do you have to make everything so complicated? you've got a dick, and presumably enough money for a bucket of chicken. give one good reason why she shouldn't be horny.
>and presumably enough money for a bucket of chicken
Chiyari DOES seem like the kind of girl to fall for the bucket of chicken trick.
What's the sex dynamic like? She strikes me as a free use kinda girl, like you could just wander into the room with her, pick her up and put her on your lap, then start groping her tits and using her legs to give yourself a heavenly thighjob and she'd just let you do it.
as long as you dont get in the way of the tv you can do whatever you like.
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I like to imagine she's really clingy when she gets in the mood, rubbing on you like some cat
See doc? That's the kind of relationship dynamic I've been lacking all along.
she is peak best friend material, I sometimes cry myself to sleep wishing she was there to share my interests with.
Here's some more.
someone please feed this gremlin, she needs to weigh like twice as much
stack donuts on her horn if you want, just leave them there for her to eat later ;_;
Imagine the fragrance
Too anorexic looking
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Is the secret to getting massive breasts a steady diet of blood?
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Wow, lesbians are raping a random girl on the road
More malnourished neet
imagine the filthy, smelly disgusting perverted neet sex
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upload the fantia
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c'mon MAOR
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Ask in the AI thread?
she gives me rapist vibes.
No real man would be overpowered by this scrawny NEET creature.
nah she gonna drug me haha
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how the hell do I acquire a chupa gf?
back alley blood donations
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Something I find interesting is the inversion of initial newhu popularity. Hisami was popular at first but fell off hard once everyone realized the only thing she had were lewds and yandere themes and yuri shipping. I remember a lot of anons hated Chiyari at first because she didn't look like a 2hu, the design was so lazy, but over time many realized she pushes a lot of buttons for them.
Funnily enough, it was the reverse for me. Took to the chupa-fiend immediately, while Hisami's popularity remained incomprehensible to me even months later.

Then, one day, out of the blue, I caught myself looking through my Pixiv feed and thinking "Huh, Hisami is pretty cute." No idea what changed, but it did.
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I'm glad that Chiyari has such good threads.
I still like Hisami, but Chiyari has overtaken her as my favorite 19hu.
she should be drawn rail-thin; AIanon has the right of it. Look at her defeated portrait where you can see both sides of her torso. She's a total stick.
Anorexia is unattractive.
Good, she should be a blatant girlfailure.
>you'll realize that you're dealing with a monster, that is seemingly bioengineered to steal semen from human men.
And money. God I'd dump my life savings on her so she can munch on cheap slop and smoke weed. I just want to spoil this sexy lazy smelly bitch and let her mooch off me on exchange for hot lazy sweaty sex.
Official art makes her look somewhat stacked despite being so thin.
I like it.
Thin stacked. Elegant yet stacked like a pancake breakfast.
Heights should be switched, and not in the /ss/ way
Big futa/trap fan are we?
Not in this case, no
I said HEIGHTS not sizes you sick freak
Cute yuri
>thst small line of bust
Chiyari milkers canon
makes sense, ZUN is an oppaifag nowadays
Chiyari having big milkers contrasts to Yuuma who is completely flat too
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Get a haircut!
I see a nipple
It's YASSY, so likelihood is it's a boy nipple. No cause for alarm.
Look how many horns are in this image! Is 19 the most horny 2hu game to date?
Why is Zanmu like this?
5 horns!
6 if you count Hisami's schlong as depicted by Yassy.
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She's a new member of the Take it easy alliance, but there's almost no art of her taking it easy with Meiling and Komachi.
Maybe because her type of taking it easy is very different from those two.
Hasn't she got cucked by horse cock in Yassy doujins before?
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Too big. TOO BIG!
Ideal chupacabra body
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What should i stock in my fridge to attract this kind of creature?
She would NOT wear ANYTHING under the t-shirt!
Alcohol, blood, deep fried greasy foods, leftover pizza, possibly hard drugs.
What if I wanted to attract a less bodacious specimen?
the same, then add cigarettes and energy drinks.
I don't want cigarette stink to block out Chiyari's natural musk!
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then you're stuck with the fat Chupa
That's medium chiyari
I want bigger one
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are you sure you got enough blood for a bigger one?
I donate blood every month to get a day off ill be fine
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I'll rebel against that fate!
as if being bald wasn't bad enough, that poor man doesn't have any eyes!
I really like the hair shading on this sloppa by the way
Isn’t that just your average self-insert male hentai protagonist?
I demand all your Chiyari slop
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We need to get some muscle on her tail and I know a certain moonshiner that could help!
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The creature is becoming more creature-like...
Is this a trick to get more blood donors?
Well it's not working, who dumped a barrel of gloss and glitter on our trash goblin?
god imagine bathing her
what is the cryptid's favored seduction method?
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Imagine shaving her pits yourself
She employes the shion tactic of being so pathetic that you can't help but want to take care of her
garden hose
What do you even call that? A tenyaijin? Chinyari?
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chupa butt
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They are cute together
I'd give her a heap of my sticky, smelly, chunky dna deep inside her pussy, mouth and asshole
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Why is this big boobied chupa looking at us like this?
Yuuma came to pic her up for work and chupa wife is waiting for you to give her a goodbye kiss
Oh that’s nice. Do you give her a kissu on the horn, forehead, cheek, or lips? Me personally I’m going for her :3 lips.
Stupid smug gremling, stop eating my snacks!
You will awake to find even more of your precious snacks GONE
Is chupa is also a voreslut like her friend
She's a feedslut who wants bloody slurry pumped into her mouth
I would grind SO many hapless Anons down into bloody slurry in order to make my chupa freeloader who never puts out happy.
Her true form and purpose.
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Sports chupa!
A visual representation of muh dik in the lower right.
I'll make her asshole EARN her room and board
I'm not into anal!
If you *really* wanted to make her earn her keep you'd use all 3 holes.
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do you think toutetsu ever lets chiyari take her blood?
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Very good slop. I love the little details like the stitchings.
stay in your thread faggot do you want a cookie or something as a reward
Thanks for making this.
gee I wonder why someone would post chiyari pictures in the chiyari thread
check the filename it's a repost
not touhou faggot
you're even stupider than chiyari
shut the fuck up Chiyari is a smart cookie she just takes the path of least resistance because she's lazier than a panda in heat
Chiyari looks like she eats glue because it tastes good to her.
It is good.
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throwing the flat chiyafag (singular) a bone
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poke the Chiya's belly
Image proof that she eats your snacks when you aren't looking.
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What a cute soft lizzner.
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Finally, the perfect woman.
I can't fix her, but I can fix her room.
Dibs on the clothes pile in the closet.
dibs on the ones she's wearing!
no rotting food and drink stains? This room is basically clean
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Cute, but too big.
cute but too small
Cute but just right
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something something peak performance
Why is she so big?! She shouldn't be so big!
You're right
She should be BIGGER
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N. O.
more like peak smell
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How easy it would be to rape chiyari
Bush far too well kept.
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That’s a pretty good flatty lizard.
Toutetsu said enough was enough when the bush starting peeking through the top of her shorts and made her trim it.

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