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I told this old lady who sleeps all day she should lose some weight and she snapped her back when she tried sit-ups ;_; what do I do now? I'm so sorry
I was drinking tea with her in the mansion and she suddenly smiled and said "thank you for choosing me anon!". What the hell is wrong with her? Who would be so desperate to hang out with a loser like me?
Flabby old hag
my gf looks like that
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We won't fund her treadmill.
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Is Chen playing Portal 2?
the perfect body type for lap pillows
just imagine how comfy that would be, no wonder she’s so smugh
She just loves you anon, you should love her back.
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cute train nerd
imagine politely indulging a rant about train facts from her only to have her be so encouraged by your interest that she opens gaps and starts dumping trains into the area so she can better illustrate things for you
Yukarin saggers
Mating press
I wanna grope the belly
>What the hell is wrong with her? Who would be so desperate to hang out with a loser like me?
Love is irrational anon
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This is adorable
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This artist is a spawn from hell
I disagree
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wtf? where did you find that picture of Yukarin and I?
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it would be a lot of fun to share in her hobbies
Yukari abusing her god-like powers to give you an autistim fueled tour of her favourite trains!
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Even marriage couldn't make her less desperate.
Those bitches
Schoolgirls have evolved for millennia to sniff out pathetic hags wherever they go.
No matter how much they try to mask it, the truth will always come out.
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Ran looks hot in a school uniform
I love Yukari so much
This dorky gap hag needs big happy family correction
Made for creating half-youkai.
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She’s an evil, lazy, haughty, hag with hygiene issues who doesn’t even deserve her awesome powers and station. But an arguably foolish part of me still likes the Gappy.
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Would you like some cookies, anon?
They’re not drugged or anything right?
Of course not. Yukari is a lot of things, but drugging innocent men is something that disgusts even her. Only desperate girls with creepy eyes would need to resort to that.
Auntie Yukarin just wants to see the smile on your face as you enjoy some delicious baked goods. It brings a smile to her face, too.
I want to bring a smile to her face by eating her out continuosly
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>desperate girls with creepy eyes
Hmmm, looks familiar here…
But you know what? I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt but play it safe. Since you seem confident in her sweetness, why don’t you eat a few of her scrumptious and clean cookies first?
She just put her cum in them
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If you marry Yukari, does Ran become a sister in law or something closer to a step daughter? Also, what about Chen?
I love her goofy ass smile in that pic
You’re probably going to make her blush saying that.
If you marry Yukari you just become one of her wives, right at the bottom of the totem pole.
Chances are Ran and Chen would get permission to grow a dick and use you if they wanted.
>why don’t you eat a few of her scrumptious and clean cookies first?
Your loss, dude. More for me, then.
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I’m not sure if it’s Cookie Monstah or the frosty baka eating Yucookies, but how do you feel?
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Huge, pretty nails
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I see the way this artist draws Yukari's smile and understand completely how so many men could die over Helen of Troy.
This morning I had a dream about Yukari, though our interaction was limited to observation. It was at a gas station and she was filling a vending machine up full of gasoline. I distinctly remember she had at least $160 dollars of gas pumped, at a buck fifty that's a bit over a hundred gallons she was pumping in through the machine's coin slot. At some point she stopped and just left, the dream ended shortly after.
What did she mean by this?
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Yukarin-sama is known to sometimes partake in what is frequently referred to as 'just a little bit of trolling ;)'
They are quite delicious, can confirm.
She isn't even that evil once you get to know her! She just tends to get lonely is all, I'd say the real foolishness would stem from not giving her at least one chance or two when you can
Yukari is still bad. But I would kick myself for the rest of my life if I didn’t *carefully* give her a chance, totally not spiked cookies included here.
But whatever she may or may not have spiked them with makes them taste so good...
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Let's not get too hasty with the baked sweets now. Really give it a good think. If they look like immaculate little cookies then I have a niggling feeling that she didn't make them herself. The thought counts sure, but these aren't perfect and elegant Yukarin's homemade cookies. She probably isn't going to give you anything she made herself, so what you aughta do is ask her if you could bake them together.
This is the baked goods equivalent of a Venus flytrap. Then again, with how powerful Yukari is, she’s only maybe doing an elaborate spiked food trap because simply sucking a bloke through a gap got boring after the last seventy eight times she did it this year and prefers a chase to a prompt catch.

She can still likely cook and bake better than me. So I’d be all for it to do something with her such as this.
Ran had better be on standby with a fire extinguisher though or otherwise ready to intervene.
Okay you two actually have pretty decent points there. Can't help but imagine that Baking Time with Yukari would only devolve into her telling me what to do and how due to her lack of hands-on experience though, all while watching me with a smile. Still sounds funny to me and fun regardless, high risk of inevitable kitchen shenanigans and/or food meddling after the fact aside.
I’ve said it before, she may be an autistic monster girl, but you won’t have dull moments with her.
>Yukari is a lot of things, but drugging innocent men is something that disgusts even her. Only desperate girls with creepy eyes would need to resort to that.
Is this a jab at her old friend from long-time-forward?
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I know someone whose cookies are perfect and elegant!
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It would probably be really rare to get a genuine smile out of her vs the sly, catty grin she usually has
Perish the thought.
Do you really believe a great and powerful and youthful youkai such as Yukari Yakumo would do such a petty thing?
She's obviously just speaking in generalities. You know how those weird-eyed girls are.
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Anon, it's time again for Yukarin to continue her lectures on all her favorite engines from The Railway Series and how they were depicted in its various adaptations.
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Very rare indeed, which begs the question: As she's someone quite experienced in life and likely not prone to happy surprises, what would you even have to do to elicit a genuine smile from Yukari?
Show me her bra collection.
cant we talk of some more cool train series, like maitetsu?
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I don't know about smiling, anon... She certainty seems flustered but how do we accomplish complete Yukari happiness?
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This Yukari is exclusively into girls
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Listen with genuine interest & enthusiasm while she talks about topics such as >>48208771 at great length, making sure to retain as much as I can while occasionally bringing up points or subjects from conversations prior so she knows I really have been caring all this time. Laugh at her funny little remarks every so often too.
Then I'd treat her to a specially prepared cravings dinner of my own making as we enjoy the meal tenderly by the fireplace!
Then she'd take me back to her room an
See? That's why you need to be careful around Yakumo Yukari. The Anon above just expressed some willingness to be genuinely nice and he was immediately gapped in the middle of typing.
Her thirst for human interaction is far too great for anyone's wellbeing. In fact, I
Oh no, should we try to find these two? Yukari just straight up took them without even having met with them but simply because they wouldn’t tell her to “go away” or “shower smelly hag” and such.
I’m a bit jealous.
>Then she'd take me back to her room an
...let you tuck her in and turn on the night light so that she can get a good night's sleep?
Yukari 'eats' anons on an hourly basis.
What a whore! No wonder she can't get a boyfriend, nobody wants the village bike.
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Well, I (>>48224873) have returned. I am sadly under explicit gag order and can't tell much. However, it wasn't as bad as I thought it will be. The other Anon is not coming back, I am afraid. He went to happier place...
Today i dreamed that i was having sex with BBW Yukari and i couldn't get her off me because she was too heavy
Nooo! It should have been me!
How heavy exactly?
A shame about that other guy and the gag order. But hypothetically, what would happen if you broke it? The people and I demand to know what Yukari did to you during your forced captivity!
I think I would probably cry if Yukari gave me a warm hug
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Very heavy. I remember that in the dream she didn't last even a minute before finishing, i asked her for more sex but she wanted to sleep instead. But instead of sleeping she started kissing me, i tried to get her off me but she was too heavy, i felt her entire weight pushing against my torso even though she was sitting on my hips.
>i felt her entire weight pushing against my torso even though she was sitting on my hips
The yukariccubus is real.
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That’s hot
Dainty, cute foot
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The funny thing about a plump Yukari is that she could effortlessly will away any bodily trait she determines to be a blemish so you, of course, have to question if having a fuller figure is how she wants to be perceived or if she's too listless to use her powers on herself.
Either way, you can't help but love her the same.
>have to question if having a fuller figure is how she wants to be perceived or if she's too listless to use her powers on herself.
maybe she subconsciously sees herself as plump so even if she uses her power to make herself slim it wouldn't keep
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Yukari-sama's agressive, yet soft and gentle footjob!! Getting kissed on the neck from behind, getting my hair and head petted and being called a good boy while getting my dick sandwiched between her soft feet, feeling like two pillows rubbing against my sensible glans without mercy!!
One word for this sweet sage: N E E D.
Holy fuck
Fatty lmao
No small part thanks to her fox reminding her the exact amount of calories she's taking in and giving her a complex about it.
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Ok niggers the propaganda worked and now I cant help but cum to the old hag on a regular basis.
Now what.
Cum harder
Cum stronger
had a dream i was a border crossing guard into gensokyo and i let yukari and chen through. what does this mean?
She'll come for you soon.
I wish she'd come for me.
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>Have near infinite reign over physical space and can manipulate forms with just a thought
>But any attempts at remolding yourself are reversed by your own deep rooted self-esteem complexes
>Meaning you have complete dominion over all the world except yourself
With a situation like that, she seems to be in dire need of correction through intense sessions of hand-holding, positive, self-affirming headpats, and convincing her she's fine as she is.
well, if that's what's gonna happen, then i better prepare. does she like wine? chocolate?

i'm just scared she'll eat me right off the bat, i'm hoping if i bring her something she'll like me or at least let me run away
Try ούζο, Guinness and sake first.
Yukari Yakumo fighting style: https://youtu.be/gDQltEznD9Q
i suppose you're right, i thought she might have somewhat western tastes. you know, given the blonde hair, the royal purple dress... her curvy figure...
Rum or Whiskey cocktails if you want to give her something with some sweetness other than wine thats still western. Hell, try white claws, I think she would like them
Laughing my ass off rn at the imagery of Yukari coming to abduct and/or kill this Anon at his house and instead finding a candlelit date night with expensive sake and chocalates.
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"W-well since you're so insistent I'll take it!"
Ran would become the daughter in law and Chen would be the granddaughter in law for sure
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She would pop a massive boner seeing all that.
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Imagine the headpats
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Ara ara
Would she headpat you while drilling your butthole?
i mean, would it work or not???
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I want to leave those saggers covered in bite marks
I need her to leave my neck and shoulders covered in bite marks
At this point I must wonder who’s eating who here?
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They're the humie so of course its gappy gobbling them up
Her fangs were made for chomping on humans that get lured into her claws
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Dangerous and alluring monster woman…
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The most elegant, beautiful lady in Gensokyo? Yeah, that would be the Gappy.
From lolikari to clampkari
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Gappy loves the feeling of your terrified squirming underneath her and your racing heartbeat on her lips
life and death, only a quick nip of her fangs away. Do you trust her?
I know better and would do everything in my little power to stay the fuck away from this bizarre creature appearing as a dainty and eccentric young woman. But a dumber and and horny part of me wants to be this refined monster’s yummy lil chew toy and even if I were to act in line with the above, resisting would just make it more enjoyable for a predator like Yukari.
Ah, sage-sama.
No need to be such a sissy, Anon. Yukari is Yukari.
Quintuplets of ultimate truth, my god...
I 100% need this please oh please.
>Do you trust her?
Yes! Unreasonably so in fact!
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imagine the sex
Anon let's be real here
She would throw out her back trying to act sexy and spend the next 2 hours crying in embarrassment as you try and comfort her
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If she tries to hold a sexy position for any amount of time she'll be down for a day afterwards.
I don't need to imagine :3
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instant improvement
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I would happily comfort her, we can just cuddle and hold hands.
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Speaking of cuddling/sexing Yukari, I've been bothered recently by the question of whether or not Yukari can actually reciprocate physical intimacy. In CoLA, her hand gets bludgeoned by Rinnosuke and not only does she express zero discomfort but she only seems irked that an attempt was made to stop her curiosity rather than being upset at the means by which refusal came around. By comparison, would soft, delicate affection by someone like you or I even register to her? The deeper meaning of the gesture likely wouldn't be lost but, without the totality of the literal sensation to accompany it, wouldn't us to her feel like no more than a fly pitching on your arm? Skinship is integral to all forms of relationship, romantic or otherwise, so being unable to sustain that would probably make maintaining a relationship with Yukari difficult...
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It could just be your interpretation. Youkai durability is something ridiculous that I could see Yukari stopping a sword with her finger, she blocks the mallet because she knows it's child's play to stop it. But the rest of her actions were laid out as calm and delicate. The finger wagging comes across as more playful and teasing, she made a whole show of it rather than just yoinking the gameboy away at the earliest convenience.
>Youkai durability is something ridiculous
That durability would probably only exists for youkai who were described as or had legends of their durability like tengu and oni
You might want to look it the other way around: Rinnosuke is exceptionally frail and weak.
Of course she can!
Pretty lady
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Yukarin is 17! She's a girl!
Girls don't have cocks that hang down to their knees.
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That seems more like a "resistant to mundane blunt force" thing than a "can't feel any physical stimuli" thing.
I can see her areola
If she asked me to, I'd kiss it
with my glans
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kill them yukari
The most elegant, beautiful and fun 2hu
I would genuinely die for her
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Who did this to Yukari?
It has been 20 days since I made this post. Anon was in fact drugged and taken by the baking Gappy…
Cute foot
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I suddenly want to move to western Russia. Or live at North Africa or the Middle East for that matter.
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Imagine being stuck at the crossroads of being terrified of the sheer power and presence Yukari exudes, but at the same time, you can’t help but love her and want to make her happy.

She’d have you cornered after yet another of your attempts to try and court her. Looking down at you, she’ll inquire about why you’re doing this before threatening your life out of instinct. You’ll tell her that you don’t want to die, but that you also want to make her happy. With a catty smile, she’ll ask if you think she’s unhappy. Considering how she’s basically at the top of the proverbial and literal food chain in Gensokyo, along with her devout servant Ran, you can’t argue that she isn’t at least satisfied. However, you tell her that, while it may be selfish, you just want to be a part of her happiness. To know that you could make her smile.

Yukari will pause for a moment, scanning your face for any form of dishonesty. Then, she’ll slowly crouch down and cup your cheek. She’ll lift your head up by your chin to look her directly in the eyes. With a much softer smile, Yukari will remark that you’re a fool, albeit an adorable one. Her curiosity now peaked, she’ll stand back up and offer a challenge. She’ll bring you with her, and if you can gain Ran’s and Chen’s favor along with satisfying Yukari herself before a set deadline, you can spend the rest of your days comfortably at her side. If you fail, she’ll devour you.

A date with the devil, so to speak.
I met a strange lady, she made me nervous.
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I wish Yukari would make me breakfast
Yukari will buy you something from the mcdonalds breakfast menu at best. This is assuming she actually wakes up before noon.
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that would be very sweet of her
That Yukari would rather have breakfast made for her.
Every day.
Maybe fed to her too.
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Beautiful image along with this wonderfully written entry. I feel like the best way to impress a woman as grand as her along with her familiars is simple and paradoxical based on what you’ve already covered here with her.
Yukari already is well above most and sits comfortably and lazily at a lofty position. So perhaps being simple yet straightforward with her yet occasionally challenging her in a light fashion is the key to further success. After all, being a “simple fool” yet doggedly and perhaps ill-advisedly chasing a existentially hazardous monster like her is what won you the chance to be with her. Keep to the script yet adding onto it should possibly work.
But if it fails, at least you’ll be beaten and eaten by one of the best versus just some dumb beast youkai.
it sounds wonderful
imagine Ran asking you to grab Yukari for breakfast but she doesn't want to get up so you have to princess carry her to the table
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that's a lot gentler than her usual method of getting the old lady up
someone has to spoil her rotten
Guys, do you think that Yukari would be willing to share her husband (me) with Ran, Yuyuko and the other sages?
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Ran and Chen is a big maybe even if they’re in her household. Yuyuko more so even if she’s a friend. Forget about the rest, they can get their own damned cute humie husbands that she may or may not have abducted.
A women as greedy as Yukari sharing?
Anon you're crazy, if anything she would brag to everyone about how she has a man and they don't
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If you're not loyal you don't deserve her
Those are some nice words!
But how can any one of you be loyal when there are many of you lusting over the same woman?
Lofty of any single one of you to assume that you would be the first, even more so that you would be the last as well.
Position does not matter, the very fact that you lust simultaneously does!
Have you ever considered... dueling?
There can be only one!
I want this lady to fully unleash upon me her autistic knowledge on trains
Going on a date with Yukari and she just does this >>48137577 the entire time
All the trains?
Going on a date with Yukari and making her hopping mad by saying "I just think planes are cooler".
Looking at her get embarassed after nerding out for 3 hours about trains, thinking that having an obsession like that is too juvenile, making her look way too cute in the process. True GAP MOE.
All the trains. You have to look at all the pictures she's taken too.
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When you tell her you think it's cute
If Yukari wanted to get a boyfriend why didn't she just follow the advice and tips of her old friend Renko?
She used to be able to pull in guys without even trying
Now, even with the threats she can't get them to do and day what she wants
She's too high IQ for such kindergarten methods.
Cute hag
It's funny to think that, being the maker of Gensokyo's borders, she convinced all would be residents that mob caps are the quintessence of high fashion and almost everyone believed her.
I can almost see her handing one out to each asylum seeker at the gate.
I love this hag
Is The Cars Yukarin's favorite band?
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The 'kari.
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30 children with my wife Yukarin isn't enough! We need to make sure that at least 60% of Gensokyo's population has purple eyes and blonde hair!

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