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Previous Thread: >>48066641


If you can't use an official store, use qoo-app.

Lost Word Twitter:

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Set-ups for farming story card stages:

In-game Artwork:

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Current Event:
The New Lunar Capital Expo! (JP & GL)
VS L1 Minoriko (JP)
VS L1 Keiki (JP)
VS B5 Reisen (GL)
VS L80 Mokou (GL)
VS L1 Ibaraki-Douji’s Arm (GL)

Current Banners:
C3< Aya (JP)
C3< Alice (JP)
L0g Kanako (JP)
L1 Biten, Enoko, & Chiyari (GL)
B1 Reisen (GL)
L80 Junko (GL)
W5 Sanae rerun (GL)
If you don't pull for MV Junko, your accound is bricked forever
Another luck farm
Note to my future self: roll Shinki, Mugetsu, pink Koishi and then save everything for the 4th anniversary.
I tried doing this set-up but brought extra characters just in case. Turns out it was the right call because not all enemies died with the final 2 LW.

yay green cubes are a daily thing
but 1 a day
somehow 25 green cubes for a month seems like a downgrade
I am an anon, who tested 65 sp comp for current AC.

I need to confess - my 6 team comp has a 5 sp unit, which feels sketchy for me to recommend it without a sp reduction (maybe someone will get a 72 sp trying to replicate it?). I am doing another 100 runs reducing overall power to 60 sp

If the team clears all of them (probably within tomorrow - they need to rest in school now) I'll post the team pic / replay.
I used this team for farming a MLB copy. Funnily enough it is at 60 cost too because I got annoyed by enemies having a random chance to survive when all 2hus were at low cost. Can probably be reduced down further to some optimal cost level but I don't want to record every input again for every cost level.
Good team, anon. I have a same backline to finish the last gauge (Kasen is 5 sp), my front is not so epic.
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A copy
I'm using same team but replaced ce kasen with A7a reimu and L80 kasen with L1 lily white for luck farming
How much SP and who nukes which gauge? Marisun should do the first one, isn't it?
did you intentionally omit the max SP and max coin amounts so people can't find your player level?
Got my first card after 400 runs. Mima is purple hearted. Amazing things are happening in Gensokyo.
30 sp, 1 Marisa, 2 Eiki + Reimu, 3 Shinki
crazy how you can do it without MV Kasen.
Good job, man
I hate this advanced challenge shit, I can't complete it even though my units are good I think, just not enough damage.
You can grab a good helper and make your challenge easier. I did it the first time when I lacked F1 Koishi in roster.
Is Lossy a mommyfag?
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Shilling of pink shitters will continue, whether you like it or not
I don't think it's a matter of individual units' strengths, per say, I just think I'm lacking in strategy. I have every genic in the game, MV Kasen, MV Youmu, F1 Koishi, MV Marisa... but I can't come up with a good enough strategy, I guess I just suck.
I'm in the same boat as you, and I think the main problem is it's really unintuitive to figure out what you need for any given set of challenges. You have to one by one click on enemies to see their weakness, they don't list their traits for killers anywhere, and then when you're searing through your own units to use, the search results are unhelpful as fuck. They really expect you to click on each character, then go into their spell cards to see what attack has what element type/killers while I'm trying to build a team? Not to mention swapping cards around is a fucking nightmare. You would have to be extremely autistic AND patient to set up the teams for each and every one of these high difficulty challenges they keep throwing at us.
>dropped 10 dollars on the daily deal thing
>got reisen1 from the rainbow cube rolls
I BEAT IT, but one of my units died because Sanae lived, I dont think I can set up a good enough farm unless I rely on spending 3 extra turns killing her with normal attacks. To be fair, I have the barriers to do it...
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Too old
Not my Clownpi
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Pink is love.
Lossy is a mommyfag!

Post your friend list maybe we can help ya arrange a good team.

Well it is good to have trooncords who are doing maths and count every buff/debuff states and other helpful info. You can check it in this Google doc:

Exchanging cards will be no hassle if you get used to it. Of course the more cards you have the more time you need but sooner or later you will remember where exactly your Witches if Scarlet Dreams are located etc. By clearing Divergent Spirits where the most best in slot story cards are hidden you are gonna snatch them, place them on featured unit (eg. Little Sisters and Sweets on F1 Koisher) and leave it there forever cause it was made for her.

The Eternals battle kinda made a rule that the player needs to play around the impossibility of switching the story cards between your friends. Save the best cards for your strongest units. Your A6 Reimus does not need to have their story cards filed most of the time if she is not the head of the food chain.
Oops, I forgot the link:

there is only one guy with over 30k cubes on trooncord
Do you guys really use guides? The game is fairly ez desu.
Update: It worked. I'll try and weaken the team again. They may make it with better spellcards and better power link usage.

>check overnight farm
>1000+ battles
>15 rare points
Did those fuckers nerf it again?
You are just unlucky (you did grab free Koakuma costume for better farm from previous event, didn't you?)
I already had it
3 days 24/7 grinding. Only 1 drop, epic
Keep farming, anon. Event will last 5 weeks anyway, event shops will be empty before you know it.
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Did discord ever post this team?
They have almost the exact team except there is L80 Kasen involved. 7 turns, 42 sp farm run.
weakness infliction is bad according to kogasa_komeiji! don't use it
Then obviously it's not me any farm above 5 turns is too slow imo
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I have no idea how this works. Front row breaks the first bar with spell cards, then they nuke bar 2? Is this even a 3 turn setup?
It's 5 turn break nuke, break nuke, nuke
Thought so, since I'm using the exact same setup except I put Sanae in as well, since Mima nukes 3rd bar.
>total slut for lap pillows from older women
what kind of question is that?
Who could work as a C3 Yuyuko replacement?
Pink Koishi, but if you have pink Koishi then put literally anyone to support her and she will farm it by herself
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I don't have pink koishi, who else?

I think these are my strongest units, (besides the other 4 on your team) if none of them work, then I guess I'm just fucked. Although, I just remembered my L80 Yuyuko still isn't MLB'd, so I suppose I'm fucked either way:

F1 Reimu
C3 Kogasa
C3 Yukari
L80 Youmu
L80 Marisa
B3 Eiki
EX Rumia
EX Sakuya
Rebirthed L1 Cirno
Rebirthed L1 Chen

Am I just fucked?
I don't care how many fucking units they throw at me I am saving up to 2000SC and I am never going below that number until C3 Yuyu shows up in a prayer, I'm so fucking sick of seeing her in team comps and not having her.
Yeah, C3 Yuyu is very meta. Might as well grab C3 Youmu if they happen to share a banner - she is strong too. I hope you have some epic dolls to feed to the ghost mommy.

Sorry, anon, I don't think I can build a right team for clearing this wallet check stage from this roster. Not many friends hit the right killers or weaknesses - you gonna expand your friend list. Half-anni is close and it is the best way to grab a unit or two and prepare for eventual rerun of this arena.
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L80 Yuyuko with these buffs and crit attack 10 + Mima skill 3 and 1 (lw turn 2 after full break)
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Skipping ghosts is not allowed and the consequences are dire.
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You could use full buffed Cirno + Mima skill 3 for gauge 1, Kaguya and Mima for gauge 2 and then you can clear gauge 3 with your 3 best nukers, this is Cirno lw damage turn 3 (2 turns used for setup)
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why 1 star hime, anon-chan?
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I also used Motor Byaku on the previous version of this challenge! Tell me, are you using Blond Reisen Card on her LW?
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I use it frequently! Provides good stage information.
Sad that the farming/clear comps never got updated again
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>You would have to be extremely autistic AND patient to set up the teams for each and every one of these high difficulty challenges they keep throwing at us.
y-yeah, who could be that autistic...
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I'll give it a try, Who do you think I should put on that last slot on the rear? I was thinking of C3 Kogasa, Shinki, L80 Marisa, L80 Youmu or Chen.

I was also thinking of replacing Kasen with a Yang debuffer (like L1 Sagu or B3 Shiki Eiki), but I dont know if a -10 Yang Debuff would be better than the kasen damage buff from full power
Lossy is a womanizer who sleeps on the laps of different women until her lust is satiated (never)
Actually, Cirno is a problem because she has that random chance to inflict a freeze barrier that neither Mima nor Kaguya can break.
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It works, though, just need to find a replacement for Cirno. Maybe Chen? Lily White? B2 Junko?
You avoid that by using Kaguya single target sc at 2 P turn 2 targeting Sanae
And 3 P Mima aoe sc full breaks Kanako and Suwako even if they got the freeze barrier as long as you use Mima skill 2 turn 1
The times I tried Chen she randomly failed to kill sometimes but Cirno with 10 levels of crit att and acc 10 yin and at least 9 yang (which you should easily get with 2 turns of setup) never did as long as Mima skill 3 is active probably because she has a 90% card for her lw
Wait there is an easier way just start with Cirno at the back and switch her to front turn 1 by the time you reach gauge 3 switch should be ready again, this method does not need rare cards but you add an extra animation by using it that is why I always used the one were Kaguya breaks the Ice barrier by targeting Sanae
i feel so good getting reisen1 bros
had plenty of resources to max her stats, just lacking levels
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enjoy your bnuny
I would pull for her if I wasn't a multibannerfag. I love her voicelines. She's super crazy, or should I say 'Lunatic'?
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Thank you, this is very helpful. Any other useful spreadsheets? I'm not on discord, so I don't know of any except that JP one, that hasn't been updated in ages
Hmm, I have Reisen card, but did not considered it. I put Night-Splitting Light instead.

Thank you for the idea - raw damage may be preferable than debuff (she uses her LW last anyway).

People are still posting their winning comps in trooncord. I dunno if they are lazy to record it / replicate manually or the author of the sheet does not bother to ask them to do so so he can fill the information.
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Next character reveal should be either today or tommorrow. Just gonna be the biggest harvest anyway instead of anyone special...
I bet we will receive ex-Shizuha.
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>Metal element 50% up

>Light bullets 50% up

>Crit Attack of all allies 2 levels up
That's the reward for a new high difficulty challenge. Doesn't seem too good though.
Outside poorly balance wallet check eternal battlefront and outside poorly balanced whale check advanced challenge, I still don't miss not having C3 Yuyuko, cause:

>first poorly balanced whale check challenge:
I picked up a 6t comp, turned it into a 5t comp by just adding C3 Tenshi

>various poorly balanced eternal walletcheck battlefront:
2 were done with a mix of L1, UFES, relic/genic and epic units, through the pure mean of fucking LW spam and get done with it.
I did not complete last one cause LW spam on the 4th stage wasn't working and I did not want to waste my time going back to my box moving cards test, it, fail at it, go back to 1 cause it's a fucking chore, also I did not care about fucking 10sc and a single lousy mirror of luck cause I'm not sinking SP into luck farming

>1st eternal wallet check battlewhalefront
she was not so needed

>C3 Tenshi credit card front:
was the only acceptable stage, still too many gauges, NN annoyances were okish

I do have L10.1 Reimu and I used her on two of these stages, none of mine DS farm contains her, and I usually never check other people comps if they use units I don't have
>still too many gauges
Do you mean too many waves with 3 gauges each? 3 gauges per battle is pretty standard for challenge content nowadays.

I wish you could save the progress with friends / spellcards being automatically blocked once the previous stage is cleared. Player can unblock it anytime but the price will be the resetting the progress from the wave 1.

I going to dry my sp reserves if the advanced challenges will go back to back. What do jp bros face this time? Entirely new stage?
>I going to dry my sp reserves if the advanced challenges will go back to back
This card is garbage to be fair. There is not a single reason to farm it, unless you're whaling for Kanako. No one except her has light+metal bullets and for the crit attack, Sanae's card and Tajikaro do it better. Even the free card we got a few events ago.
>3 gauges per battle is pretty standard for challenge content nowadays.

Pretty standard if NN didn't start to add many bullshit at it, and you should know what kind of bullshit

>killer resistance

>change of killer tags

>first gauge sometimes it's the only one with common elements, better change that so the second one will be a fucking rainbow, that will show people how fucked up we are

>anomaly spam

>they bought this unit or this card that gives enemy -X type of debuff and this skill gives enemy -Y type of anomalies at each turn, better wipe it off at each gauge

>oh look they are now using too many units and resonance to wipe 2nd gauge through SC meanings and minimum skill usage, better wipe all their fucking T1 buffs and spam them with more anomalies and fuck with yin units ever more


>oh look, they only MLB one Tajikarao and a couple of -x levels of yang def card, better make fun of those fuckers who don't dare to waste all their SC in a single banner, while we release 14 (now 16) epic units in a single fucking year with 16 or more partially good cards cockblocked in limited gacha, without even giving them 3x SC errands on that fucking dead week cause now the event needs to last a fucking month without lowering shop costs or adding back costume pack step ups with 300sc on them

Right now, all those fucking challenges should just come with 2 health gauges, or keep them at 3 but give us the option to pick what kind of anomaly or poles sticking from our fucking ass we want.
My theory is the high rarity Yuyukos are so good to compensate the absolute shit rebirth 2.0 L1 Yuyuko got.
I just want whatevergetsu card that was added on those stupid challenges to be farmable through poorly balanced DS stage meanings.

Flandre card if I have to go through and double check my box, depending on which kind of variant you are after, or the kind of unit you want to use that card with, whelp...

L1 Koishi, A11 Koishi, L1 Sumireko, L1 Seiga, maybe L1 Doremy but she fucking needs a very well done 2.0 upgrade, L1 Marisa in a wrong way but it's just the more sought variant of that card, E1 Meiling the one that gives you scaling, problem is outside story mode card farms and the from time to time weekly arena and the once in a while tower, you won't be using E1 Meling that much, E1 Sakuya still has more uses than her, then we have E1 Flandre.
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10 more to go
>I just want whatevergetsu card that was added on those stupid challenges
Me too! I wanted to equip my Muge-chan with 5 MLB cards, but I'm not crazy to farm that thing manually.
Hope the player survey about Eternal Battlefront be a little useful.
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>1074 cards
em, excuse me anon-chan, what kind of cards do you have? or are you a collector?
I have 400 and I think that I should free some space
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I have at least 2 copies of each card. Minimum 5 copies of cards I'm using regularly and about 50 WoSDs, 20 random Flan cards from the fronts and 4 or 5 MLB Youmu cards, with the ones visible on the screenshot waiting for a card with good effects to use them as fodder. Reisen card is not a priority for me right now, so I have only one from clearing 120.
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Not sure if all this would be useful for you, but here it is
Gamepress Advanced Combat Guide (Archived)
How Anomality Breaks Works
How Errands works
Character Affection dialogue
Cool information site. Useful for Tower and check release dates
I see. So you are a collector.
That's pretty cool, anon-chan!
55 sp comp is real. We are going down to 50 sp. tomorrow. Spectroscopy is quite good for Motor Byaku - I am worried about others keeping their damage numbers big and stable.

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Thank you very much for your help, it worked and I was also able to set up a proper team. Unfortunately I can't make a 5-unit team, so morale will be a problem since I don't want to purple heart my units (at least each run takes so long that it takes a while for unit morale to get drained).

Weakness infliction is so strong that I was able to use F1 Koishi to nuke last gauge even though my L80 Yuyuko isn't even MLB'd. I did also have to use L80 Kasen's buff as well to make sure Koishi could do it by herself, though.
All the current banners in the jap version end on the same day as that one.
what's even the point of the L1 keiki and L1 minoriko stage cards? this one is clearly whale kanako and c5 aya's bis
>killer resistance
Isn't it optional DS rule? You should not encounter this unless you are doing lvl 120 challenge.

>change of killer tags
It can be pain in the butt. But today we have online wiki which sorts who has required killers. You can check it and estimate the odds of your success.

>first gauge sometimes it's the only one with common elements, better change that so the second one will be a fucking rainbow, that will show people how fucked up we are
First gauge is usually gauge with double element weakness. You should not have much problem breaking with without use of LW. Second one is single one, but with anoms and correct elements you should not have much trouble sending the foes in full broken state again.

>anomaly spam
Can be painful or can benefit specific friends. You can also cleanse it an or graze it or send trash unit (yukkuri) in front, use all skills and swap for normal friend.

>they bought this unit or this card that gives enemy -X type of debuff and this skill gives enemy -Y type of anomalies at each turn, better wipe it off at each gauge
Any debuff wipes out after the full break / after the gauge is broken. Enemies usually does not cleanse themselves from anoms - they can be immune to same anoms or even heal when tergeted by them. You should play carefully around it especially when fighting relic / epic foes. Skill cooldown increase can be bothersome for spammy skills but you can play around it with skill cooldown decrease if you have specific friends or using them when you need once per battle.

>oh look they are now using too many units and resonance to wipe 2nd gauge through SC meanings and minimum skill usage, better wipe all their fucking T1 buffs and spam them with more anomalies and fuck with yin units ever more
Losing T1 buffs is a common issue in latest DS. Most recent units pack powerfull buffs within spell card usage - they kinda counter several cleanses after each gauge. Anomaly spam after breaking gauge 2/3 should be countered by not having available barriers for them to land on or if you have some good buff for grazing - you can graze them right away.
When the stage has +8 Yin Def / - 8 Yin Atk rule you should not rely on Yin unit anyway (except the gauge 1). Also they have received quite a big buff after the release of Hunting the Hunter story card which holds powerfull buff and debuff effects. You can also try and brute force the rule anyway by using units who buffs Yin atk a lot or has Yin atk ii (f.e. Gengetsu / F1 Sanae).
Does anyone else experience a bug where the Helper History doesn't update with the new day? I think the trigger is if you're in auto-rematch when the day begins but I can't say for sure. I don't like it because I can't reciprocate helper uses. Not even restarting the client updates the list.
I had a thing with the game freezing if I ever decided to look at more than 1 profile.
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I know all of this, but appreciate the effort. Last link is VERY useful for the tower, especially when it's bugged and I have to quit the game each time I check the element weaknesses. Wish it had a damage calculator too, or stage simulation so I don't have to boot up a spreadsheet each challenge.
>nobody has posted ex minoriko's intro yet

it's over
Lost Word it's a like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what kind of good card NN will cockblock

honestly you can get rid of a good portion of the cards you have (especially the 4 star cards) and be fine. I'm currently farming star extra to replace my 80 wosd MLB cards
I'm having problems with accuracy, crit accuracy, crit whatever ones, and that's only because I mostly use those cards with L1 and A universe unit to clear basic story mode or set up luck 100 event EX stage farms and gather extra mats. It's not that I need them, or I ever needed extra mats, as the only time I nearly ran out of dragon scrolls was when C3 Kogasa and L80 Reisen were released and I decided to give Marisa, Ran and Youmu 2.0 upgrades.

I don't even know how in the fuck I gathered 274 units and maxed out all of them, well, right now it's just 249 units at rank 5, rest 14 UFES, 3 Relics and 6 epics are still at rank 4, people said never pull if you can't pity, I'm in the red since the release of Shinki and Mima and fetched lots of units while keeping the sparking spree at minimum
They couldn't use any remix that didn't sound like complete dogshit for her?
Also another Yin attacker when this game already hates them
Her kit is
>harvest your cum
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A silly god.
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Look at this dork.
Good thing lossy is a girl.

She cute. Not pulling her tho.
What does the thread think of new new Reisen?
I don't. No thoughts, head empty.
It's pretty decent. Her LW Killers are good and in good percentage. The only thing is that her All SC doesn't apply anomalies, it's a sun unit (and we have a lot of that type already on meta) and her buffs are kinda selfish. But hey, it's an Ultrafestival. It's a very good for her type!
She is fine but nothing special. Not gonna roll for anything before the end of the year unless it's someone really special or some absolute meta god unit.
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bnnuy cards acquired. time to farm advanced challenge
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>american politics coming into the trooncord tier list
>kogasa_komeiji in mourning

oh nonono

that's what you get for shilling b3 reimu who was and always will be a shit unit
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Cute, but sorry, the moment i spotted zoomer yuyuko the fate of my already low stash was sealed.
The only politics I care about are regarding the lack of Yuuka rebirths with meaningful buffs and an Infinity Garden rerun
For my next feature request: let me copy other peoples' replays from the Clear History if I have the friends and cards. Or at least let me see their actions so I can copy it by hand.
What a lazy ass. Just look at the story cards and number of actions, and you will figure it out.
I think I'm just burned out. I enjoy the gacha and grinding mats more than building formations for challenge stages. The actual meat of the game...
Actually it'd be cool if they reworked the replay system to list the party, cards AND sequence of inputs. There would probably be a lot more people sharing their clears since posting an image would be easier than recording a video or typing it out.
Itemizing inputs would probably contribute to a combat log feature so people can easily learn why their farm happened to fail 57 battles in.
How does it feel, you Sanae bitch? Sanae beating your Sanae ass!
If I had MLB L80 Yuyu I wouldn't need a 6th member, but I need to save the discs for the next Genic and MV Miko
Totally agree with you. A kind of log that you could share and/or that tells you why your comp failed would be amazing. A good complement to a farming based game
which one of these rhythm minigames tracks are the fastest to get done?


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