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Soft Ball of Darkness edition

Please read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guide

Fumo Information Website from a helpful anon - https://fumo.website/

Places to buy fumos and other plushes:

For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides (a bit dated)- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharing

Picture guide for acquiring fumos-

Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html
Gift Closet: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nuigurumi_costume/
Online Shop: http://giftshop.jz.shopserve.jp/

Fumo: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=ふもふも
Deka: https://buyee.jp/item/search?query=でかふも

Fumo: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=フモフモ ふもふも&lang=en
Deka: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?soldOut=1&keyword=デカフモ でかふも&lang=en

Tokyo Otaku Mode-

Solaris Japan-

Fumo: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=ふもふも+東方ぬいぐるみ
Deka: https://www.suruga-ya.jp/search?category=5&search_word=でかふも+東方ぬいぐるみ

Amiami- Amiami is currently the only place for non-jp people to buy Fumos during official sales, check Gifts twitter for sale dates
Fumos: https://www.amiami.com/eng/search/list/?s_keywords=touhou%20plush&s_sortkey=releasedated
Gift Closet: https://www.amiami.com/eng/search/list/?s_keywords=gift%20closet&s_sortkey=releasedated

Proxy and Forwarding services-

Do not buy from JP Figures. They are a scam.

Where can you get Fumos in Tokyo?
Akiba Hobby, AmiAmi, Lashinbang, and K-Books in Akihabara. Animate in Ikebukuro. Mandarake and Surugaya have multiple locations.

For all your Fumo cleaning needs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qryl5WUUc1Q

#/fumo/ irc available on irc.rizon.net

link to the op text: https://pastebin.com/jJsKV0QJ

Previous thread:
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We have a new chart, boys.

Because of the new unreleased fumos, three of the sections got an extra row and this pushed the total height over the 4chan limit (10000 pixels), so I've had to make the pics a bit smaller to make everything fit. I could have increased the number of pics per row instead, but I feel like that makes the chart less comfortable to scroll through.
(We'll probably have to do that too eventually, though.)

Here's the full size version in case someone wants it:
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Nice, thank you very much for your hard work Anon! I reeeeeally hate to be that guy, but I believe you're missing the new Plush Straps that were put up for preorder, I.E. Koakuma, Daiyousei, and Rumia. I noticed when I was coloring in what Fumos I own/want/preordered.
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fox marisa
fox berries
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fox berry pie
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Does anyone have an Inu Sakuya bootleg like this? Are they a good quality?
I have one. She is a good girl and definitely worth $25. She is made by the same company that makes most of the other bootleg fumos. They do a pretty good job.
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They're good
Please don't bake marisa into a pie
Good thing there are no evil anons on this board that would do such a thing to a poor innocent fumo…
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I just got Marisa yesterday through the exact same seller. Still working out the vacuum seal compression in the hat and hair. The one gripe I have is her the bow was stitched on the backside of her braid. I can flip it but it's not how the cloth naturally sits, I kind of have to twist it but it makes the hair float without the hat. Other than that it's a very solid bootleg, all the stitching is complete, no gaps and very minimal loose threading on the embroidery. Patchouli is next and then maybe Reimu/Yukari
if gift wasnt retarded they would rerelease her

looks pretty cute first bootleg fumo ive considered getting
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fumo on funpost board
we have the same op fumo too!
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Ah fuck! Why is it flipped?! Fuck this phone.
>if gift wasnt retarded they would rerelease her
I think their license from AQUASTYLE expired, same reason why they've never re-released V1 fumos and instead went and made V1.5 versions of them.
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>hate to be that guy
No worries at all, thanks for the heads up. I've noticed I had also missed the new mannaka reisen and aya, so here's a V2 again.

V2 here.
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aaand I forgot about Reimu and Marisa, great.
Gonna add them to the start of the section cause MC privilege.

V3 here.
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Every good librarian needs a good assistant!
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but why would they let the license expire? It seems like both companies would benefit from keeping it going.
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Reisen insisted I added this CD to my order and who am I to say no to that face?
What a good girl, she has good taste!
I have to ask, what is included on the CD? Is it just the song?
How did yours arrive so fast? I still have to wait like another 3 weeks for mine.
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It really is a banger. It does make me want to pick up the TH08 soundtrack CD one day, but I have no idea what buying physicals of the classic soundtracks is like
Comes with full song, game size, and instrumental. You also get a cute Eirin sticker :)
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Yeah, she got here uberfast. I placed my order on the 21st even! Though I did order her from Amazon (AliExpress was sold out) so maybe that had something to do with it.
She's kinda fatheaded though.
Cute lil demon
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I see. I ordered mine from aliexpress.
Cute lil Cirno
>walk into a store
>point at picrel
>"ah soldu out. Sumimasen"
Every time
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Kourindou Reimu is re-releasing in around two weeks anon. Not quite the same thing, but you do get more frills for the price.
It's not even about reimu at this point, it's just about finding a single fumo for sale. If I was still enjoying the luxury of being picky I'd be looking for a Junko fumo.
Oh I see... damn, hope you find one soon anon
They make Junko bootlegs
does any friend here know when does amiami make me pay? preordered utsuho, kogasa and rin in like june, amiami shows them in the "my orders" page, and that they should be ready by november, but it's already november and there have been no news.
right now, you should expect it around 20th to 30th of november
No idea really, it's just the only explanation I can think of.
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Is there a pattern to when fumo ships or is it just "somewhere within the given month"? We're 6 days into November and I'm ancy for Okuu fumo to come around :'>
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Reality kicks in, MAGA Fumo
Did you check the last thread?
I was in amiami looking for that bin
There are multiple AmiAmi in Akihabara. That one was in Radio Kaikan on the 4th floor. The bin should be right in front of you to the slight left.
I showed them a picture of the bin and they said it's sold out
>>48156835 (me)
Well this is a kick in the nuts
>I have no idea what buying physicals of the classic soundtracks is like
Those don't exist (PC98 aside). The games themselves are the OST discs.
It would be cool if we could put the CD in a music player and have it play the soundtrack though, like some PS1 games did.
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Managed to grab a Junko Fumo for 90 dollars 2 weeks ago and frankly felt like I robbed a bank. Dunno why her price has shot up to the fucking moon heh .
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My Crow Tengu birdwives have arrived!
Does this count as a fumo?
Where did you get it from? (If it's not in japan I don't care)
Yahoo auctions through a proxy
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I took Jacketko on an outside adventure today!
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I picked out the best ones I had, but still, I apologize for these photos being a little blurry, focusing on more than one thing at a time seems to be a foreign concept to my phone camera.

Will two Ayayas make each other twice as fast?

If it looks like a Fumo and makes you feel happy and cozy inside, then I say it totally counts.
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Cirnos restocked... Cirno acquired... It's a good day bros
Let's go, congrats! But tell her to stay away from that socket!
It says "fumofumo" on the label, so it's a fumo. One of the very few non-2hu genuine fumos.
It's usually "at the very latest moment they can while still counting inside the month they've promised".

Kinda surprising. On the pic anon posted it looked like no one cared about them.
yes, Gift specifically refer to it as a fumofumo
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When am I supposed to recieve the payment request? I have already bought online shit before so I know it is not my email, direction, or anything else. Is it because I am from this shithole called Peru? I just want my soft girl :c
Pre-orders usually take between 6 and 7 months before they'll even ask you to pay.
It's a matter of patience, the alternative would be buying from a reseller on YJA the day they're on sale at reitaisai, paying around 50% more.
gift ships the girls to amiami on the 19th, amiami will probably send out payment requests on the 20th
>aya and momiji arrived
>medium sized alice is available now
My wallet is crying
For now I’ll abstain (sinful) and be content with the eight fumos I have.
Momiji’s fluff makes me happy
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My tengus still haven’t fucking shipped…. God damn it AmiAmi
Damn, I knew fumos were supposed to be soft but that Rumia lookin' REALLY soft.
>fumos were supposed to be soft
Modern fumos aren't soft at all though. Stiff motherfuckers they are.
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>PC-98 girls back in stock
Yesss!! Finally! My dumb-butt self missed out on them once already, and I've been agonizing over not wanting to pay aftermarket prices, but not anymore baby!
My wallet still kinda hurts a bit though...
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Look at this smug little creature
They are by far the stiffest plushies I've ever encountered.
Pretty cute.
Yes it's the Amiami mascot in fumo form
When last did you wash your hands, sorry?
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I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out
bump for fumbos
Congrats on your murder, my Aya just shipped.
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Oh, it'll be a murder alright...
they really like fumos too huh
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What Fumos like V8s?
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When will my stupid fire hag restock....
Fumos are contained (for now).
Drug dealer, you're harvesting Fumo Fumes
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Only need chen now
but v1 is so hard to find
They are nice creatures :^)
Indeed, they take a lot of patience.
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>that hand
lmao dis nigga is 50 at least.

>mfw there's anons older than my grandfather ITT
You ever pop one open and take a big huff?
There some really old weebs out there and Touhou started in the 90's, if you started playing when you were 10 you'd be in your 40's
No one in the West knew about Touhou before EoSD.
EoSD was 22 years ago. If you were 18 when it came out, you're 40 now.
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Cute! Post more pics of your Mima, please.
Sorry it was just a bump with a pic I've found somewhere
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I don’t care for LostWord but this by far the cutest Fumo design. I want a 40cm version
They should make one of her instead of gacha recolors.
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Oh I agree (and add Labelko to that too!) but given how obscure these girls are that's probably not going to happen... I mean, we don't even have an official Kanako Fumo yet
You can make one yourself if you're in a position to spend some money and willing to go through a bit of a learning curve! You don't even need a sewing machine, just learn some basic stitches (backstitch, ladder stitch etc.), practice and be patient with yourself. It can and will be frustrating, but in the end you'll be very proud of yourself!
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>You can make one yourself
Seconding this notion! It can be a very rewarding and fun process.
BTW, I really love the way you did Jacketko's hair, with the one bang letting her eye peak out. And I'm curious, how did you make her little triangle mouth? It's very cute!
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So the inside and the outline of the mouth are two separate pieces, the red part is cut off from bootleg Yuuka's vest and the black part is a thick piece of felt. I cut out the red piece first, then made a smaller triangular hole in the black felt, stuck one piece into the other and carefully trimmed the felt around the hole to form a uniform outline... except the process was a lot more miserable that I'm making it sound because those pieces were so small that I had to use thread clippers for everything besides the first step... Then I glued the mouth onto the face with UHU All Purpose glue.
I kinda winged it, I'll admit it, and part of me wishes I'd used a more PROFESSIONAL method, but I wasn't expecting big nasty holes to be left in the fabric after removing the mouth thread... I'd also already gone over budget for this project at that point so I kinda had to make do with what I had.
Reimu... you need more nutrients than that...
Wow, pretty crafty of you!
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Surely she will get a rerun someday, right?
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What are they planning
which foods they will bring to share with Reimu. Meiling will bring chinese delicacies made with love by Sakuya, Ran will bring kitsune udon, and Eirin will bring mochi made by the rabbits
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sesbian lex
Dura lex, sed lex
Very cute. It's going to be a feast!
Based and croooooozepilled
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Based. I brought Cirno /out/ yesterday
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You encounter a wild baka in your path. What do you do?
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Funky tree
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Smaczna kawa
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Driving through curvy country backroads while playing eurobeat is super fun
I offer a frog
Miłego wieczoru i smacznej kawusi
File deleted.
Amiami preorders are open for Deka Cirno in tan and regular, 7/25. 66000 yen. I shudder to think what shipping will be.
Of the following which is the most likely one to happen? Alice Margatroid gets a rerelease, a Lost Word version, or PC98 version?
Lost word is the most likely, not the best (that would be PC98)
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Shit, I thought I had already bought all the fumos I'll ever want, but I don't think I'll be able to resist a PC98 arisu if she ever comes out.
I see she has already showed up on lost word, although her outfit has traces of older alice's added to it.
Actually, reading a bit more about it, it looks like she's supposed to be alice during the events of EoSD?
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Do your plushies have a special chair for them only or not? because mine do.
Any recommended Fumo discord servers that aren't run by fragile trannies?
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lmao good luck.
Sorry for what I am about to say but there are none. All cute-looking things like fumos are bound to be ruined by trannies fast.
Shilling this Reimu makeship campaign because I think she could be a good friend to my fumos.
Try here too >>48148948
Pretty tempting, I wanted a Reimu fumo, this would probably be better than a bootleg
Okay, what would the actual plush look like though? If it was cute enough I might back, but I'd like to know what I'm putting money towards.
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I assume it'll look like other humanoid makeship plushies, pretty similar to fumos but with more details in the faces and clothes. I would bet it looks similar to the Chocopuni Reimu, but there's no way to really know.
30 mins left and it's still at 88%. Is it ogre?
It was at 80% three hours ago. So close yet so far.
Did they not advertise it properly or something? It's weird that an official-ish Reimu plushie got this little attention.
I didn't hear anything about it until the 16th even though I think the campaign started on the 8th. It was pretty horribly marketed, Idea factory didn't make any real announcement for it. I'm hopeful they'll see it ended at 180/200 without a prototype and go ahead and do one but I don't know how these petition campaigns usually go.
Yeah it wasn't marketed very well, all they really did was just a Twitter post every 3 days with just a link. It having no design of what it would look like didn't help.
I wish GIFT made Fumo shoulder riders like Youtooz does for FNAF. I love taking them out but it would be nice to have them be able to ride along on my shoulder like this.
I hate those stupid touhou plushes with the weird faces. Don't post any cute pictures of them.
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Fumo 2 of 5 obtained
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My first fumo came in the mail today!
Australian fumos
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>Made an account on Bluesky to start a Fumo photography account
>Thought it would be easy to start and amass a following because new platform
>Still only get 2 likes a post

should I buy the pre-order fumos on amiami? They aren't characters that I necessarily like too much but fumo fomo
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Payment request has been received.

chocopuni reimu is cuter than fumoreimu
Do not misuse the quote function kudasai
please refer to;
don't get fomo, just buy the 2hu's you like and ususally pre-orders will also sell again (as not pre-orders) later

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