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This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid censorship by localizations is highly recommended.

>Where to read WNs:

>Light Novel databases:

>Where to buy:

>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:
>Reliable OCR:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official trannylations:
v21.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1752934
v21.10: https://nyaa.si/view/1885386
>Raw dumps:

Previous: >>47969885
Please share if you have something from this list:

[JP] ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ 終・1年生編BOX トモセシュンサク Art Works
[JP] volumes 9-11 of Arifureta
[JP] 王妃ユーライア 穢されし淫紋の聖女 ~エルフ王国の崩壊~
[JP] 残虐すぎる異世界でも鈴木は可愛い
[JP] Index New Testament 11-22r
[JP] 銀盤カレイドスコープ
[JP] 現代社会悪役令嬢 2 and after
[JP] ブレイド&バスタード
[JP] 月が導く異世界道中vols 2 to 4
[JP] ふつおたはいりません vol 2
[JP] ドッペルゲンガーの恋人
[JP] 軍人少女 2-5
[JP] 第七魔王子ジルバギアスの魔王傾国記 volumes 2 to 4
[JP] 魔弾の王と叛神の輝剣 1-3
[JP] 魔弾の王と凍漣の雪姫 10-12
[JP] 女友達は頼めば意外とヤらせてくれる epubs of vols 2-4
[JP] 筺底のエルピス vol 6-7
[JP] 魔女と猟犬 3-5
[JP] こちら、終末停滞委員会 1-2
[JP] 過去を喰らう
[JP] レプリカだって、恋をする。vol 4
[JP] サイレント・ウィッチ 8
[JP] 妹は彼女にできないのに volume 5
[JP] だけど最強を目指します! ~ゲーム世界に転生した俺は自由に強さを追い求める~2
[JP] 少女妄想中
[JP] 魔王2099
[JP] 最果ての聖女のクロニクル
[JP] あたしは星間国家の英雄騎士! volume 3
[JP] お・り・が・み from 林トモアキ
[JP] ヒマワリ:unUtopial World
[JP] 創成魔法の再現者
[JP] 転生悪魔の最強勇者育成計画 vol 1 to 3.
I second this request and would also ike to request 俺は星間国家の悪徳領主!9
Add 魔王子ジルバギアスの魔王傾国記 2-5 to this please
>[JP] 魔王2099
I will name my axolotl in Minecraft after the magnanimous patron who will grant me at least a volume of this
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hey everyone, sorry for imposing
i've started learning some japanese. for now, i've learned kana basics. right now when i read manga, i try to read the onomatopeia that's untranslated, for training.
however, i'd like to try and start reading something in japanese
is there a light novel that's fairly easy to read, that is, not using a lot of difficult and obscure kanji? i would also like for it to be a decent quality, engaging story
For fairly easy read + engaging story I'd gotta go with Kino no Tabi.
japanese has this weird thing where the start is absurdly easy and you will make huge jumps in progress stupidly fast even if you are a complete brainlet because a few handful of set expressions you will see pretty much on every politeness level and on every single prose axis like gomen, yasumu, -iru, -aru, desu, etc, you can legit study basic conjugations and any anki deck a week and easily understand 20% of whatever is said in any given seasonal slop anime, 30% if it's shounenslop
that's not the issue, the issue is after clearing that it comes a massive fucking abyss of lingo, prose, verbosity and vocab that it seemingly fucking endless, hope you are happy with your 20-30% comprehension because you will never get any better for literal years unless once day you are suddenly 95% fluent, it "clicks" and bam you can suddenly watch/play/read whatever while only rarely needing a dictionary
this will happen pretty much regardless of what you read/play/watch unless you consoom stuff for literal toddlers, and even then you will still need to open a dictionary every 10 minutes
because of this the best learning material is first actual shit for toddlers or shounenslop until you get to that 10-20% mark, basically anything goes
once you start recognizing what's a verb, what's a noun. what are particles, what are conjugations, etc, just jump to what you actually want to consoom, because it makes little difference
you don't have to learn literally all particles/conjugations etc, you don't even have to memorize perfectly all the kana, just get to the point you can somewhat accurately spot what is what
just avoid nisio shit (hard for even a lot of natives) and anything goes, just remember anything with audio/voiced is far more helpful than raw text, but you can still easily learn with raw text if you voice the text in either your mind or out loud
That's a fuckton of /djt/shit to not actually answer the question with a light novel recommendation
kuma bear, bitch
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I have also been thinking about that, and I'm really starting to question how much of that comes down to the limits of English as a language.
Yes, translators ARE a problem with their faggotry, but even assuming someone perfectly fluent and literate in both Japanese and English with decent monetary motivations and with decent cultural awareness in both language I'm not sure it's even possible to get a proper functionally 1:1 translation of anything more complex than rudimentary textbook greetings.
Looked up an example of a decently translated line of something people would know (pic rel) and it's just not the same no matter how you slice it, it's at best a localization rather than a translation.
Can you more accurately translate Shadow's lines to English? Likely.
Can you do so while taking more or less the same space? Fuck no.
Have fun with the first line alone (仰ぎ見よ) when a somewhat more adequate yet still under 3 words "Behold!" is still 驚くなかれ so even that's still a localization of the expression.
Also wonder how did 天をうがつ turn into sky-rending rather than at least heaven-piercing? It practically begs for a shitty TTGL meme shoehorned in.
And just as I tried to dump 天をうがつ on deepTL it spews back at me "soar high (building, etc.)", the fuck was that? When did MTL get so fucking bad?

Full Japanese text for anyone too lazy to OCR:


Just read kuma if you need something super easy with some story. That's as easy as it gets if you don't want kids shit
grandiosity in Japanese (which is also partly influenced by Chinese) is conveyed with fewer words than grandiosity in English
That's just how the tempo of the languages work, you can't really change it.
May i ask folks. Does chinese Xianxia and wuxia get discussed here? Or is only J stuff?
>When did MTL get so fucking bad?
nah it definitively got even shittier earlier this year, before then it was at least passable
only jp stuff, the ch and k board is /a/
a lot of it is also jp has far more options in terms of granularity in the mundane-grandiose scale
for example english has like
check out -> see -> look -> watch -> observe -> witness -> behold
and even that's scraping the bottom of the barrel
meanwhile not only jp has anywhere from ほら to 仰ぎ見よ, and i'm not even sure 仰ぎ見よ is the top of the scale, but it's also a table rather than a linear scale too due to politeness levels, which is even more options
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hey that's pretty funny
thanks anon, i get what you're saying. i think i'll start with stuff like yotsubato since i like it very much
>you don't even have to memorize perfectly all the kana
i understand, but that's one of my goals, to be fluent with at least the kana

2 questions. are there jap people lurking here, and do native japanese read kanji fluently, i.e. how native english people would read english text? is it the same reading speed, so to speak?
"hey that's pretty funny"
I wasn't kidding? Kino no Tabi is one of the easiest LNs I've read.
IMO grandiosity/prose is like THE pain in the ass when learning japanese.
People say the issue is kanji but no, that's a byproduct.
Like on vidya terms imagine languages as DLC, westoids come preinstalled with say, 5gb of english and only need 10mb updates every month for the FOTM ebonics, meanwhile japanese is easily 200gb for the basics and then multiple 10gb packs for whatever subgenre of media you want to enjoy, and have fun if you like 2 or more different genres with little terminology overlap.
Dunno chinese but given it's also based on kanji style writing it's probably just as bad if not worse because they have no kana.
not native but i rarely have to slow down or stop for a dictionary these days
its hard to compare
in terms of raw character/phonetic per second ratio, my speed in jp and english is about the same, with jp only being like 10% slower
but not only kanji give way more info in less characters, conjugation and particles also give you far more info in far less characters
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Fujino Omori just posted the next Danmachi cover.
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...and the next Sword Oratoria cover.
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>to be fluent with at least the kana
Haha, good luck anon. I hope you'll never read schizoid works with foreigner/hapa characters that only ever use katakana whenever they're speaking during your journey. I know it's to tell the readers that the charas are unfamiliar with Nipponese or whatever common language the setting was set, but holy crap it's fucking annoying when they start doing it for long back-and-forth convos.
Oh fuck, another simulpub? Guess we're gonna see another Danmachi domination in
Oricon again.
As much as I love SO, it's probably better to fold it back to the main story at this point. Ais felt like too much of a cardboard cutout in the main story even though we're entering the endgame, and this is speaking as a massive Ryuufag.
>Ais felt like too much of a cardboard cutout in the main story even though we're entering the endgame, and this is speaking as a massive Ryuufag
i'll never touch danmachi again thanks to the stunt omori pulled with that ryuu if story
Is this really what yasuda's art looks like these days? The characters look like impostors of themselves.
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yasuda doesn't draw the oratoria novels
I hate danmachi because it's bland and boring, but at the same the the cool moments are really great so I feel like I'm missing out by not following it.
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Give me more LNs with rivalries or friendships between busty blondes and pettan brunettes.

I am also aware of Isekai Maou to Shokan
>but at the same the the cool moments are really great
so you are saying its not bland or boring
thanks for the info anon
i meant fluent as in i can recognize all the characters at a glance like western letters, not "esoteric dialects" fluent
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Virgin Road is ending in volume 11
surprised it even lasted that long after the absolute shitshow that were vols 3-5 or so
Anyone got ダンジョンシーカー The Dungeon Seeker v1-6
Please share if so.
It's up as scans on AB, is that OK? I don't think epubs have been ripped anywhere.
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so how was this one? did anyone read it?
If there's no other option, it's okay with me anon, although I am surprised.. Figure it'd be popular enough to get epubs out in the wild. At least, the metadata on anna's archive suggests as much, but yeah, I'll take em.

Haven't read it but plan on doing so soon, since it's from Sasaki. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but it'll probably get axed or abruptly ended 3-2 volumes in, among and much like the overwhelming majority of his works. He's extremely whimsical, and has luck not unlike Touma's. A terrifying combo.
Nevertheless, his ideas are always cool, and so there's something worth checking out, as in scrapped princess.
Sorry it's not ideal, i'll wishlist vol 1 in case it ever goes up on Kindle Unlimited
a rare and cool kanji in the title boosts sales™
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I've never seen a scan like this before lol
Must've been scanned by a Korean
Volumes 3-5 were great, you just have shit taste.
Pls add あした、裸足でこい。the final two volumes 4&5
I am surprised that I got only up to 3 since It’s been a while since it got completed
Vol 4 was on KU and I had enough points to get 5, enjoy.
Thank you so much anon, you made my day
It’s by 三角の距離は限りないゼロ author, one of my favorite romance series and art by Hiten so I hope it’s as good
Your example is exactly how it feels yeah, but I'm not sure if that's just the bias of being a learner of it as a second language. Maybe in some way the same issue applies to english learners (japanese) that we just can't see because of how natural it is to us. So we think like "it's hardly so subgenre specific, it's practically all just normal english!"
Eh, as someone currently learning mandarin knowing korean/japanese I can say that mandarin is honestly a lot easier because there's practically no grammar you need to remember like the verb conjugations in Japanese with te form.

Mandarin definitely has way more characters that I didn't recognize, but with my Japanese base I could figure out meanings of most stuff even if I didn't know the pronounciation.

It's also pretty comfy for reading if you realize the pattern for chinese character pronounciations relies on the right-most part.

Like 东 冻 is east and freezing, both are pronounced dong in mandarin. This character is the simplified version of 東 east and you see the same pattern in Japanese to with like 棟 東.

tl;dr Chinese is probably easier than Japanese because the grammar is waaay easier.
Read any good long series recently anons? Completed いいご身分だな、俺にくれよ recently and it was great then reread 侯爵嫡男好色物語 and 俺は普通の高校生なので、because I don't have any long series in my to-read list. Want to read something new now, preferably something that's not formally published or only published a vol or two yet.
Gook is what I knew first, and it basically has 1-to1 grammar rules as Japanese so all you need to learn are vocabulary + Kanji for the most part.

Chink is still pretty damn hard, but you can understand a bunch of words since you know the character meanings, but yeah definitely easier than not knowing shit.
I always assumed chink was harder because it's a tonal language.
Spics are good with languages? That's news to me.
Tones aren't that hard imo, for mandarin it just means you need to learn an extra 4 sounds for each syllable.
Do I understand this correctly? Does the story end with this volume?
iirc its less that they are good with languages and more like jp in particular has near 1:1 sounds with spanish, so immersion is far easier for them
that initial massive hurdle for EOPs to start immersing becomes a mere speedbump for spics
sounds like you understood it properly
havent read this one to see if it can pull off an afterstory but the main plot is over either in the next volume or the next arc, depending on how that series did things
This list needs to be pruned, some of this shit has already been uploaded like 銀盤カレイドスコープ and 少女妄想中. Check Nyaa or the DJT library.
I can only find 銀盤カレイドスコープ as scans, epubs aren't on nyaa and lolibrary doesn't point to which TMW release it's in. You mind sharing?
少女妄想中 from the Peepo DJT library torrent.

銀盤カレイドスコープ is scan only, so yeah if you want epubs then I don't have that. The list didn't mention epubs though my bad.
Ahh it's all good, yeah I think if it's scans only being on the list is still fine, maybe they should specify.
Pls add 階段島シリーズ to the list
I can only find the first and last volumes
The missing novels
It’s highly regarded series by Sagrada reset author, I am surprised no one uploaded it yet
The series official site
What type of content do you usually read?
Also, what do you think helped the most with your improvement, audio mediums (visual novels, anime) or raw text mediums?
In my opinion, beggars can't be choosers and at this point I don't see much of a difference between scans/digital scans or epubs aside from the file size.
I imagine people asking for epubs still use lookup dictionaries and/or can't be bothered to use OCR.
No issue with OCR here, have a bunch at ready, but I have issue with image scans, they sometimes do double page spreads so I have to batch cut pages or weird non-paper big page format unpleasant to read, annoying.
I quite enjoy KR novels where the real world is invaded by dungeons/magic, I think they are called system apocalypse? Or something
Is there some good stuff from the JP side with that premise?
>I think they are called system apocalypse
Theres a bunch of those in syosetu just search for dungeon
D-Genesis is one of my personal favorites though it's more of a chill SoL with dungeons IRL than the usual action oriented KR approach.
I remember one with a brat loli with red kimono that's literally just hunterslop BUT WITH CARDS but I can't remember the name.
Just mentioning it will hopefully trigger someone else's memory of it because it caused a decent blip in relevancy when it came out.
OP Pic related, how is the story? Any anon would reccomend?
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I made a poll in /a/ in an Arifureta thread about Myu's future.
Now I want to know the /jp/ opinions
I only read the WN.
It was fun until the human arc started, which was boring and I stopped in the middle.
Finished かくして少年は迷宮を駆ける  ~勇者も魔王も神も殴る羽目になった凡庸なる少年の話~ , major fights felt like raid bosses on this one, it was a fun read

Can you tl;dr why you found human arc boring ? Human arc is one of the reasons why i'm not sure about reading it
新刊情報 / New Publication News

アメリカ帰りのウザかわ幼なじみが今日も俺を踊らせてくる 2
ありあまる魔力で異世界最強 ワケあり美少女たちは俺がいないとダメらしい 2
断罪された転生聖女は、悪役令嬢の道を行く! 2
無能と蔑まれた貴族の九男は最強へ至るも、その自覚がないまま無双する 2

サモナーさんが行く 10
無職は今日も今日とて迷宮に潜る Lv.チートな最強野良探索者の攻略記 1
暁の魔女レイシーは自由に生きたい 魔王討伐を終えたので、のんびりお店を開きます 3
侯爵家の次女は姿を隠す 家族に忘れられた元令嬢は、薬師となってスローライフを謳歌する 4

ぼくの異世界生活はどうにも前途多難です。 2
冒険者酒場の料理人 2
「追放村」領主の超開拓 追放者だらけの辺境村がやがて世界に覇権を唱えるようです
一瞬で治療していたのに役立たずと追放された天才治癒師、闇ヒーラーとして楽しく生きる 7
転生魔王と勇者候補生の学園戦争 伝承の魔王様は千年後の世界でも無双するようです
願ってもない追放後からのスローライフ? ~引退したはずが成り行きで美少女ギャルの師匠になったらなぜかめちゃくちゃ懐かれた~ 2
本物のカノジョにしたくなるまで、私で試していいよ。 2
マッチングアプリで出会った彼女は俺の教え子だった件 2

俺ん家が女子の溜まり場になっている件 1
ジュニアハイスクールD×D 2 授業参観のアモン
絶世の美少女騎士は俺のガチ恋オタクでした 1
フルメタル・パニック!Family 2
魔王2099 5 魔王降誕都市・渋谷

勇者の当て馬でしかない悪役貴族に転生した俺 勇者では推しヒロインを不幸にしかできないので、俺が彼女を幸せにするためにゲーム知識と過剰な努力でシナリオをぶっ壊します
ダンジョン付き古民家シェアハウス 3
植物魔法で気ままにガーデニング・ライフ~ハクと精霊さんたちの植物園~ 2
カバンの勇者の異世界のんびり旅 実は「カバン」は何でも吸収できるし、日本から何でも取り寄せができるチート武器でした
異世界のすみっこで快適ものづくり生活 女神さまのくれた工房はちょっとやりすぎ性能だった 4

陰キャの僕に罰ゲームで告白してきたはずのギャルが、どう見ても僕にベタ惚れです 10
凶乱令嬢ニア・リストン 7
剣聖女アデルのやり直し 4 ~過去に戻った最強剣聖、姫を救うために聖女となる~
やがて黒幕へと至る最適解 2
楽園守護者の最強転生 1 出来損ないの神話のゴーレム、現世では絶対防御の最強従者になる
リピート・ヴァイス 3 ~悪役貴族は死にたくないので四天王になるのをやめました~

グランアヴェール お守りの魔導師は最推しラスボスお兄様を救いたい 3
虐げられた歌姫聖女、かつて助けた王子様に溺愛されています 2
信じていた仲間達にダンジョン奥地で殺されかけたがギフト『無限ガチャ』でレベル9999の仲間達を手に入れて元パーティーメンバーと世界に復讐&『ざまぁ!』します! VOL.11
ジゼルの錬金飴 1
転生アラサー女子の異世改活 政略結婚は嫌なので、雑学知識で楽しい改革ライフを決行しちゃいます! 3
ブチ切れ令嬢は報復を誓いました。 魔導書の力で祖国を叩き潰します 6
ポンコツスキルしか使えない悪役魔女だけど、テイムしたパリピなスライムたちと強く生きます! 1

カルネアデス 3.
経学少女伝2 ~試験地獄の男装令嬢~
堕天使陛下の仰せのままに え?俺が黙示録戦争を終わらせるんですか? 1
ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ 1年生編公式ガイドブック First File
ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ 2年生編12.5

お兄様は、怪物を愛せる探偵ですか? 3 沈む混沌と目覚める新月
シスターと触手 邪眼の聖女と不適切な魔女 2
純情ギャルと不器用マッチョの恋は焦れったい 2
ドスケベ催眠術師の子 3
魔王都市 3 不滅なる者たちと崩落の宴
屍王の帰還 ~元勇者の俺、自分が組織した厨二秘密結社を止めるために再び異世界に召喚されてしまう~2
魔導具師ダリヤはうつむかない ~今日から自由な職人ライフ~11

極悪非道な性癖貴族が努力したら誠実ハーレムつくれました 1
白いドレスと紅い月がとけあう夜に 1
女装の麗人は、かく生きたり 1
人類すべて俺の敵2 2
時々ボソッとロシア語でデレる隣のアーリャさん 裏話 11
僕はライトノベルの主人公 1
マジカルエクスプローラー エロゲの友人キャラに転生したけど、ゲーム知識使って自由に生きる11
ミスマルカ最終章 1
路地裏で拾った女の子がバッドエンド後の乙女ゲームのヒロインだった件 1
婚約破棄された研究オタク令嬢ですが、後輩から毎日求婚されています 1
死に戻り騎士団長は伯爵令嬢になりたい 1
大魔法使いと死にたがりのつがい 1
わたくしのことが大嫌いな義弟が護衛騎士になりました4 実は溺愛されていたって本当なの!? 4

異世界ラクラク無人島ライフ ~クラス転移でクラフト能力を選んだ俺だけが、美少女たちとスローライフを送れるっぽい~
地味なおじさん、実は英雄でした。 2
タメ口後輩ギャルが懐いたら、さすがに可愛すぎる 2

復讐を誓う転生陰陽師 ―芦屋道弥は現代世界で無双する―


転生したら平民でした。 ~生活水準に耐えられないので貴族を目指します~ : 5 【特典SS付き】
勇者パーティーを追放された白魔導師、Sランク冒険者に拾われる ~この白魔導師が規格外すぎる~ : 7

没落伯爵令嬢は家族を養いたい 5
僕は今すぐ前世の記憶を捨てたい。 憧れの田舎は人外魔境でした 6
聖女だけど闇堕ちしたらひよこになりました! 2
ゲーム世界転生〈ダン活〉~ゲーマーは【ダンジョン就活のススメ】を〈はじめから〉プレイする~ Lv.11
少女の望まぬ英雄譚 2
冒険者アル あいつの魔法はおかしい 2
魔獣狩りの令嬢~夢見がちな姉と大型わんこ系婚約者に振り回される日々~ 3

四度目は嫌な死属性魔術師 10
やり直し公女の魔導革命 03 処刑された悪役令嬢は魔術学校に留学する
ナナシの器用貧乏 1
餓える紫狼の征服譚 ただの傭兵に過ぎない青年が持ち前の武力ひとつで成り上がって大陸に覇を唱えるに至るまでのお話 02
Anyone know where to get pdf/epub of Vampire Hunter D past vol 30 ?
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This one?
Yes, thank you.
alright, i'm started to get bored of shamelessly enjoying things right now. any recommendations of something genuinely worthwhile? something that isn't trash reliant on my manchild self to eat up on it, but instead has enough substance to feel like im reading an actually good story?
>i'm sick of enjoying things, i want to be an NPC consooming oscarbait
>NPC consooming oscarbait
spot the genuine autist who thinks he's different for consuming teenage fantasies that appeal to the lowest common denominator. im just trying to get some ln recs, i don't care about the social aspects to it, or your individualist insecurity. if you're not going to go back to discord, at least try to add something here.
not a LN but it's pretty good
I wanted to read Shiki, but I ended up reading Salem's Lot and I feel they're probably too similar to read close to each other, so I'll wait some time to get to it.
thats so oddly specific what the fuck
I have KU for a month if any of you guys want some things
Are the volumes pat 29 from Vampire hunter D on kindle unlimited?
Volumes past*
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man finding Hideyuki Kikuchi newest stuff is such a pain the ass if i end up buying them i will post here

i know his stuff aren't LN mostly but this is the only thread i find
thanks for the suggestion
how do we even check whats on KU
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I use bookwalker to find something that looks interesting and just search for it directly on the amazon.jp website to check if it's on KU. It's impossible to actually find anything on amazon with the horrible UI
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白いドレスと紅い月がとけあう夜に 1
This seems interesting, even comes with a non-bait declaration from the author(yuri, mystery wise)
Is TMW pt.8 on discord or some shit? I looked on lolibray for some LN and it said i could find it on pt. 8 but there is nothing on nyaa
the mega links were posted last thread iirc
they only upload it as a torrent every so often then move to the next part
I will check the last thread then,thanks
Part 8 is currently being filled and only exists as that Mega folder. Once it is large enough, a torrent will be created and part 9 will start as a new folder
what did you want bwo
泡沫に神は微睡む 1-3 there was something else but i fucking forgot
Not him but see this:
あたしは星間国家の英雄騎士 is not there but the main story should be on the other parts.
Is Bungakou Shoujo series worth it?
Watched the movie adaptation of volume 1 years ago and it was pretty good, it dealt with pretty heavy cool themes like talent, death and jealousy and was wondering if I’ll get more dramatic stuff in the rest
Watanare V7
Peak is back
literally who
are there other parts?
ダンジョンシーカー anon here. Since >>48186964 I finished reading it ( thanks again ) however still, if you have the epubs, that would be appreciated.
Any of these too.
貞操逆転世界の童貞辺境領主騎士 1-4
田中のアトリエ ~年齢イコール彼女いない歴の錬金術師 1-15 ( especially this )
西野 ~学内カースト最下位にして異能世界最強の少年 1-14 (x2)
クロの戦記 1-15
王国へ続く道 1-8
濁る瞳で何を願う ハイセルク戦記 1-4
魔女と猟犬 1-5
憂鬱なヴィランズ 1-5
クロの戦記 1-4 in TMW torrents not on KU
魔女と猟犬 1-3 in TMW torrents not on KU
王国へ続く道 1-7 on annas archive
This is the manga btw. 田中~年齢イコール彼女いない歴の魔法使い~ 1-13 are in the TMW torrents and 14/15 aren't on KU
憂鬱なヴィランズ only 1 vol on KU https://files.catbox.moe/6py3j3.epub
Check https://lolibrary.moe/ for locations. The thread OP has links to the torrents under raw dumps and just google anna's archive if it's there
actually some guy ripped 憂鬱なヴィランズ 1--5recently
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Oh no?!
link to where you took the screen? not looking forward to typing this by hand
It's from an old TMW rentry that no one uses anymore, those links are all dead.
what does that even mean
Other anon already mentioned the others but
>濁る瞳で何を願う ハイセルク戦記
1-3 on tmw
It's not hard looking for it yourself and you can literally just go to the amazon page to see if it's on KU or not. Also, try being a bit more sensible in general before asking someone to rip 50+ volumes in total of multiple series you didn't even start to read.
Saya no Uta?
You're absolutely right. My bad KUanon. Didn't search on my own this time. Also, if you might be wondering why I asked for 50+ volumes for things I 'haven't read', as you say, it's because of a rule of my own wherein I must absolutely read everything relating to an author whose any work I have at one point read, no matter how small an investment I might've made, and no matter what its quality might be.
This,..It goes back to decision paralysis from eroge and manga. I couldn't decide what I would pick up next, so I would read on a producer by producer basis, going through each VN chronologically incepted within a given catalogue. My first such experience was with nitro and then ensemble studious, then BaseSon. Not uncommon examples, I'm sure, then with manga I pursued everything by Kazuki Funatsu. So, when it came to light novels, I decided I would continue without change. Sasaki and Peeps was great, so I thought, well, now I'll read Nishino and Atelier Tanaka! let's see if this anon might have epubs! Buncololi! Yeah. Should've searched for them before all else. I see now.
Another reason why I asked for several fully distinct series, is also because I like to plan what I'll be reading in advance. It makes me swell knowing what'll come next after I'm done with so and so, because well, I don't do much anything besides, a natural consequence of which creates an intense boredom once I'm done with anything. This chasm must be filled, consumerist though this sentiment rings.
At any rate, again, your point is understood. Searching will be done.
Not related to anything above, but it would be nice if more novels had divergent works pinned under one sizeable framework to further elaborate on the characteristic of its universe. More side stories or 'on the side(s)', in other words. I'm done with sword oratorio, 新・魔法科高校の劣等生 キグナスの乙女たち and RZ Teppenshu. Would help more series to have stuff like this.
Anyway, I don't mean to be a bother, so I will now fuck off.
Of course, before I do leave, I have only one more thing to say: it really would've helped if dendro borrowed from a feature of 'on the side', a secondary complement containing all manner of preamble and flashback to a primary function interested only in the absolute pursuit and forthright development of its narrative.
One of my main grips with LN is that there is not enough details in the works, i live wishing they weren't "light" just so i could get more details.
Fuck side volumes.
Arifureta zero was trash.
Fuck off. The final volume wouldn't have been as satisfying without it. Should've taken the authors advise and done some reading.
Miledi fucking SUCKS.
>新・魔法科高校の劣等生 キグナスの乙女たち
Completed the other stuff too? tatsuya's assasination spinoff (and its spinoff with the kurobas). Assuming you obviously read magian.

Nah, she is cool. But agree that zero is boring
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Is it any good? Or just overhyped?
was it ever finished?

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