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What if Touhous were boys? I think that would be really funny, you'd go to Gensokyo and just see a bunch of handsome boys! It's a really funny idea I think.
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Imagine a boysuzu

Are you imagining?
Lube, now!
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How do you imagine your favorite 2hu as a boy? Are they tall, muscular, lean, chubby, cool, small, nearly identical to how they are as a girl?
I don't have to imagine my favorite 2hu is wriggle
Wriggle is a girl...
for most touhous including meiling i view them as mentor/guidance figures so honestly i wouldn't be too mad if i somehow ended up in genderbentsokyo
The Mask if he was from /jp/: "SSS-SOMEBODY TOP ME!"
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Man... Can you imagine a world where you AREN'T gay?
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Don't laugh at me Cirno-kun!
I'm a girl though
Gosh male Sannyo is so cute
Are you a fujo?
Because that's as bad as being a fag.
Will this be THE gayest thread on the jay?
These threads are gay because they are homosexual.
However the TF thread is gay because it is both homosexual, in denial, and just plain weird.
So somehow the thread about men is less gay than that one.
Also if the last two malehu threads are anything to go by a fair number of posts in this thread will be worried and confused anons freaking out because the idea of being pursued by a malehu makes their heart pound.
I'm not sure if the anons of that thread are in real denial of much, but I won't refute the other two points.
>a fair number of posts in this thread will be worried and confused anons freaking out
Those are some of the best ones though!
I have a bunch of favorites but for this one here: Definitely taller & leaner. More outwardly slick too, smooth when he wants to be. Maybe just a teensy bit more arrogant than usual but with a lot more suppressed bashfulness.
Gradually chipping away at his mildly projected charisma to reach the raw, overwhelming passions underneath would be legendary...
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I'm not gay, I can just appreciate a handsome boy touhou. It's not a sexual thing. Sometimes people are just handsome, you can admire those things in a nonsexual way.
sakuya izaboy
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I'm pretty sure she's just flat.
For me its not about handsomeness at all but I like seeing how the design changes when they become male. I like when artists take creative liberties to make the clothes more boyish
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eh, 90% of this artist's work is malehus, he loves drawing them
I think you could just consider it up to interpretation
These threads are a trap, it's bullshit to draw such a pretty person and then go "haha that's actually a boy you're gay now!" fuck off
Imagine if all the Anons in this thread got together and released all their pent up urges on each other haha
most of them look pretty male though, it's not like they're tricking you into thinking they're still girls
It's a trick though because they still look very beautiful and appealing you're trying to make people think funny things by posting them and trick me into being gay
If seeing handsome men makes you have gay thoughts, I may have some bad news for you, Anon.
You're the ones drawing them to look like that and posting them to trick me, not me
my life is a living Hell.
I do odd jobs around and for the Myouren temple, although I'm not a Buddhist, well, my old man was and his friend recommended me for this work, so that's why I'm here. And when I say 'odd jobs' that's everything from fixing roofs to setting small fires outside the homes of fairies that punched holes in those roofs to send the message that maybe karma is real and if they wreck other people's homes theirs's are gonna be destroyed in turn?
Yeah, I'm the despicable sort you could say, but you all should be thankful for that, because the Youkai at this temple can be worse and they're many times as clumsy. Just because someone steals a coin or two from us doesn't mean we need to drown them half to death or leave them pink and purple, you could get the same effect by taking them to the tea house, making the bill line up to what the amount they stole, pretend to be skint, and when they pony up the funds, squeeze their hand a little hard and say how good it is that people covet friendship and not money these days. Keep the explosive stuff to Danmaku, that's what I think.
But my work ain't what's causing me grief, nor is it these Youkai's evil inclinations, it's how buddy buddy they are.
Nazrin's always standing way too close when I'm working to criticize me, even sitting in my lap when I set down, what is he? A kid?
Ichirin's constantly asks to fist fight and grapple, although it's hard to fight him since he has that quiet lady friend with him and I don't hit girls.
Murasa's keeps asking if I want to hit the baths together and any time I look for him it seems like he's always in some state of undress. It's uncanny really.
Shou's dignified enough, in public. In private, he's a sobby, needy, handsy drunk who won't shut up until you console him about how good of a job he's doing.
Hijiri, well, he gives me goosebumps despite acting like a wholly dignified monk. I can't pick out any one thing that's off, it's just something about how he says 'Good job Handy Man-San' or 'Were all counting on you again today' that sends a chill down my spine. Maybe it's the 'Youkai Monk' thing, but I feel like that's a separate issue all together.
Nue, now, Nue is just the worst. Unlike other folks, I don't have to search for him because if I ever call his name he pops right up, like the creature had been stalking me up till that moment and was just waiting to be called. Worse, one night I woke up to a face full of his hair and found that he'd snuggled up to me as the little spoon. Didn't do anything about it since I was dead tired at the time and he didn't say anything about it later, but I started to set up some traps to detect if my door was opened at night and they've been tripped on more days then naught.
My only real solace is Kyouko, who acts like a normal, cheery kid, although he gets all weird around woman, guess he's around that age? Is puberty the same for Youkai?
Come to think of it, awhile ago I told them I couldn't help out one day cause a girl asked me to the festival. They all laughed like I was joking and got all weird when I insisted. That never went anywhere, although it seemed like we had a good time and I figure it's because I do some sordid business after all, still get a strange feeling about it though...
I'd go either the Murasa, Shou, or Byakuren path. Murasa would just be fun and looks cool. Shou would be big and I'd enjoy comforting him while he's drunk. And Byakuren because why wouldn't you?
I don't think the anons ITT are as pretty and handsome as the boyhus. I sure aren't. Besides, there's a couple of fujos around too. Girls are just gonna ruin a good gay orgy.
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Where's the ojii-san?
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Where's the disastrous pestilence god?

Roll a 2hu that inexplicably turns into a boy
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How disappointing, this is literally just a /jp/ anon.
Post more male Jo'on
So if I end up in boysokyo does that mean I turn into a girl?
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Many directions.
It could be that one of the Aunn's was secretly a boy, or after the transformation he becomes a tomgirl instead of a tomboy, or nothing much changes except that now he gets embarrassed when being dotted on. I miss having a dog buddy so this would be okay.
Be careful. Knotting can be dangerous.
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Only if you want to, though that's sounding like material and ideas that belong in the other thread
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I wouldn't recommend getting too close to him. He seems scary.
touhou boys are a terrible idea and ZUN knows it, malehus would be radical different and unhinged in thought process and temperament only because male brains are hardwired different than female brains. it would be a more violent and unstable gensokyo because every hothead would be out to make a name for himself and prove something. it would be something like romance of three kingdoms level of politicking or outright DBZ shonen.
God help you if a fujo gets a hand in this, for the only thing you get is Homodrama like owari no seraph.
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Nah they'd be cool and handsome
Can you explain how it's tricking you?
Somewhat unrelated but how the fuck are those guys still going at it? I thought it'd be a one time thing for 2 threads and then everybody fucks off after the spark dies down but they've gone through like 10 threads and counting.
Everytime I dare to peak my head in, I find several paragraphs of story and 4 new rentry links. Does transformation just DO something to people that makes them a billion times more productive?
okay but mokou is already cool and handsome (for a girl)
FeMokou is leagues better than a malekou could ever be, since she's basically just a guy with a pussy already with added gap moe.
I'll admit it. These threads broke me. I hope you degenerates are happy.
>Does transformation just DO something to people that makes them a billion times more productive?
You transform into a more productive person.
>I find several paragraphs of story
Sorry, a majority of those are mine.
>Does transformation just DO something to people that makes them a billion times more productive?
On the linguistic side, the prompt lends itself well to serials as the character adapts to a new situation and, unlike a strict self-insertion fic, there's the leftover context from whatever character/creature they become.
From the schizophrenic psychological angle: you could say being able to imagine becoming someone else gives you more autonomy to be another person, because you have to convince yourself on some level that's possible, unironically what >>48218951 is saying. I remember there was some big RPG maker game about the same subject matter(who's name I don't dare mention) where the author said something like:
>When I was young and being bullied I always wished I could just give the reigns of my life over to something else more powerful.
Which I think captures a part of the wish-fulfillment scenario as well. It's dangerous because there's the desire to get entirely lost in a fantasy, but on the other hand, there's an important lesson in these stories about accepting circumstances that won't change and moving forward, which is probably counter to what most people assume readers would want.
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This is the closet gay thread.
at least you're gay in the most accepting period in history
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you think they're cool for a reason though
might be because you like the way they look
I think they're cool but in a >>48189218 type of way. That doesn't have to be sexual.
I'll be honest, this really just makes him more punchable for me.
I already pity Shion but Jo'on gets on my nerves enough as it stands.
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Are you a Reimu or an Aya? Metaphorically of course
They're just cool and would probably give nice hugs, but that doesn't make me gay. You hug your friends too right? That's normal.
So then who do you think is the coolest of them all? Your ideal Touhou Bro to casually hang out with?
Reimu superficially, Aya internally.
"So that's the guy?"
"Yea, he was sneaking peeks on you while he thought nobody was looking."
"Really? That's sort of gross isn't it? What kind of human checks out a Tengu?"
"One with good taste?"
"Guess so. Sort of makes me feel bad for him, all those guys in the village are all burly and overly bulky while we're all slim and handsome."
"Yeah, what's so good about all that muscle anyway? And their skins is always a mess of scars because of all that labor. At least, well, he seems pretty confident."
"That's just because he's a big fish in a small pond! If he keeps up this pervy game of his we'll put him in his place! That big body of his will be useless in the open air!"
"Right! He can't grapple us out in the open. We just gotta make sure we tie him up right when he's inside, I don't think we'd be able to escape those hands of his in a confined room."
"Ha! He'd probably be too horrified by how we'd punish him to even think about escape."
"What uh, what would we do to him?"
"That's easy, we'd uhm, well there's whips maybe? Ehh..."
"The rule is after he takes twenty steps onto Youkai mountain he's fair game right?"
"So long as he's within fifty paces outside the border we could get away with a light citation."
"And we could probably bait him with a treasure map or something?"
"Treasure map first, and if that doesn't work I know someone who can induce dreams so he has visions of a place where he's easy to snag."
"Okay, and, just to make sure, we keep this to ourselves and never speak of it to anyone else?"
"You don't even need to ask."


Special Report: Affectionate Abductions?

An anonymous whistleblower, who claims to be a Tengu on Youkai mountain has sounded the alarm on traditional youkai values being transgressed.
They allege that a band of male Tengu participated in an abduction of a male villager and proceeded to engage in debaucheries with their victim. While to many readers this may seem nothing out of the ordinary, the story is complicated by the fact that the Tengu in question are said to have been on the receiving end of the activities.
Regarding the matter, Megumu Iizunamaru, Great Tengu, had this to say: "Tengu are supposed to terrorize humans, not be terrorized by them, even in private for our own amusement. We do not debase ourselves, especially by violating that core principle. If there is any truth to these leaks, those found in contempt will be punished accordingly and made an example of."
It should be noted that similar incidents, as recent as two months ago, have been reported in the past, with no perpetrators having been publicly punished in such a manner. This might suggest a systemic pattern of abuse or a repeated tactic of slander meant to defame the great Tengu society.
I'm uncertain if it's more or less delusional than just being closeted, but what I get from malehu's is more friendship oriented. Due to autism, I find it far easier to self insert myself into being friends with men than their female counterparts. Doubly so if I'm self inserting as my own OC. Man I wish opus was affordable.
I like my boymus more on the slender side.
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Slender, and short, and oblivious to sexuality.
>A Fatigued Rape
What a straight-to-the-point title.
From the author of "I'm The Only One Not Crossdressing?". It seems to be a pattern.
Same. It's a lot easier to imagine myself creating a meaningful and comfortable bond with a malehu than a normal one. It doesn't help that, like many other men, i don't understand how women think and/or what they enjoy.
Well that's what tomboys are for, just look at Mokou for example!
Doesn't she look like the kind of gal that'd call you gay for liking her?
Mokou is one of the 2hus that regardless of gender, i wouldn't be able to talk to her normally even if i wanted to. If she were a guy, i'd still be too scared of accidentally spouting shit while talking to her while she just stares or ignores me entirely.
Being actual friends with her must be nice though. Imagine just chilling with your dear buddy at the Bamboo Forest, enjoying nature with someone by your side. Maybe she'd even help you get back to the village once it gets too dark.
accidentally spouting shit while she just stares or ignores me entirely*
Imagine yourself violently destroying maleNuen's boyhole
, listening to his pathetic moans, watching as the last bit of masculinity within him dies forever. IMAGINE.
I've heard some animals breed a fellow male for no reason other than to assert their superior masculinity. Maybe that's the same thing for youkai; it would put Nue in his damn place for sure.
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Kasen is just going to scold me for being a frail weakling who eats poorly, isn't he?

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