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For the longest time, I misread 犬 (inu) as 火 (hi)... If you don't know, those mean "dog" and "fire"

Kagerou is a wolf youkai, would it be disrespectful to call her a dog?
Some things never change, huh.
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that's some dumb shit but have a cute kag
If I decide to lurk, I might rebuild my folders.
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what is this wolf woman's most attractive feature?
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Her ghastly thick and smelly pubic forest that nearly instantly regrows every full moon.
Her big, tender, soft, well-rounded personality of course!
As well as many other things.
I hate that she exposes so much skin around her neck, it makes me want to bite her so bad and she's supposed to be the youkai!
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I love the brown awoo as much as I love the white awoo. They are both good awoos and beautiful.
Good Anon. Have a headpat.
A..ah~! Headpats from Kagerou-sama and Momiji-sama~! Uuuuu.....
I spent almost an entire summer masturbating furiously to this fantasy. I'm not even really a wolfhufag.
You guys do realize she has more body hair than just pubes right? Leg hair, arm hair, armpit hair, she probably has a happy trail too. She's probably hairier than you, especially if you shave
Joke's on you. I don't have to shave.
Cute yuribians!
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I'd just wanna help her feel better about it is all...
>I misread 犬 (inu) as 火 (hi)
hopeless dekinai moment
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Her sweet friends always ready to help her out to court you and to remind her that some humans aren't that scary!
Genuinely glad she's got such a supportive friend group but I really need to make myself apart of that clique somehow...
Is the Grassroots Network currently accepting new applicants? Anyone got some key insider information there?
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Whose breast milk will taste better? Kagerou's or Momiji's?
Cute yuri! The grassroots network doesn't need c*cks when they have each other!
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See, youkai are kind too
Uh guys I don't think she's leading me out of the forest. She keeps blushing and panting and mumbling about not waiting much longer...
It's a surprise Birthday Party. There, feel better?
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it's far too late in the day for that. you're best off staying at her place overnight
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>Cute yuri! The grassroots network doesn't need c*cks when they have each other!
It's called the 'youkai grassroots network' not the 'spinsters grassroots network'. Please don't impose your selfish ideas on them.
Poor Kagerou dealing with cringe. Poor Awoo...
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>what is this wolf woman's most attractive feature?
Her deliciously hairy armpits!
I think she can shave.
She could, but unfortunately someone hid all the razors in Gensokyo mysteriously somehow
Guess she'll just have to grow it out and embrace her cakey nature!
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Why would she even consider doing that? Why would you? Are you gay?
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my lungs are melted.
>someone hid all the razors in Gensokyo mysteriously somehow
Sounds like an incident to me.
Kagerou will be joining Reimu - who also needs to keep her armpits shaved - and Marisa - who is hoping to find the Occam's Razor that Patchouli mentioned among those stolen - during the next incindent's solving. Can you help the hairy wolf decide on her shot type and bomb?
>Reimu - who also needs to keep her armpits shaved
Says who? Like Kagerou-chan, the miko deserves to grow her armpit hair and wear it proudly. Every girl in Gensokyo, whether human or youkai, needs to grow out their armpit hair and shaving it should be illegal.
Pubes are too messy and get in the way.
Is Kag a Hag?
in mortal terms probably since yooks are immortal
but in youkai terms she's young
She doesn't have the hag energy even if she has the massive bazoongas
She looks surprised seeing her own breasts. Do they expand on full moon or something?
No, that's Keine. She's clearly about to attack some helpless prey.
Someone succumbed to their intrusive thoughts and pulled on her brooch
it's very hard to concentrate when you're seeing that sort of cleavage every day
I wonder what Kagerou breast milk tastes like.
Tasty but not as good as Ran's
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have a sample
>have a sample
Yay! Thanks mommy!
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Yay two mommies to drink milk out of!
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describe the taste
A nice creamy texture and a perfect amount of natural sweetness. The perfect drink to help a shota become strong and develop lots of stamina in a shota x wolf mommy relationship.
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Mommy Kagerou, why mad?
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it helps milk production.
Rage helps milk production? Can't I just massage them instead mommy?
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she italian
But her milk doesn't taste like pizza. Although I think you can probably make a nice mozzarella out of her milk.
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It would be too low in fat
Oh...Nevermind then. Sad. I guess it's just drinking straight from the source only.
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The best way
Thanks mommy!
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Kagerou's mommy milk is addictive, but at least it's very healthy for you!
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she snacc
Mommy deserves it
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don't forget her friend
They both deserve good things. Let the milk fountains flow.
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Uhhh Momiji Mommy, are you pointing that sword at me?
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she loves all her pets.
Would Kagerou love me if I provided her a constant supply of nair?
I am addicted to Kagerou's armpit hair and body odor porn artwork on pixiv. I need to breed her immediately.
But I'm not a pet, I'm her adopted shota son. I'm adopted to both Momiji and Kagerou. I have two mommies!
Give us some of your favorites anon
>Give us some of your favorites anon

Aight then

【skeb依頼】今泉影狼 | かめのこ #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101801083

【skeb】依頼で剛毛の影狼と椛がおじさんの嫁さんになった | 何処園 オージ #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112424797

発情期 おじさんと交尾 | ドリアーヌ #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120834066

今泉影狼とえっち | nanohana #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/85898077

【Skeb】匂いを堪能される洗ってない影狼さん | 是乃@月曜日東 セ12ab #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/87044304

【Skeb】もっと匂いを堪能される洗ってない影狼さん | 是乃@月曜日東 セ12ab #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92350451
This is worse than misreading 犬 and 太
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ur their slave just accept it
Nuh uh. Shota son. Unless you're using the term slave for a kink play thing
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Yay! Thanks mommy! The milk helps
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can't say i enjoyed the two with the fat bastard but the others were really good
>can't say i enjoyed the two with the fat bastard
Helps with the immersion and self insert thoughever
I need to sleep. Good night awoo mommies.
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have a nice rest.
>She's probably hairier than you, especially if you shave
I'm a wop so this is pretty unlikely.
Kagerou is italian too>>48236747
Cute lesbians
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so heavy and full
They look like huge marshmallows!!!
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>Flat Kagerou
Mommy, does this mean you can't produce milk anymore?
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they grow again when there's full moon.
>Touhou werewolves become cute and funny for a small period of time before the full moon.
Mommy is around my age now. I don't know how to feel about this.
>Yes, son. You will starve.
quoting mommy Kagerou
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entire human villages got gassed because she took off her socks.
>Starve but mommy becomes cute and funny and playful.
Huh, good trade off I guess.
Anuddah shoah?
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Is the Italian meme being forced due to Kagerou being really hairy under a full moon?
in that case she'd be turkish
A turk roach? That sounds more like Wriggle.
>first Remi
>now Kag
which 2hu will be italian next?
I thought she was French along with her sister Flandre.
yes but talian name.
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>Italian name
So French, but actually Italian? Is Remilia actually Jean Alesi's anime form?
I'm not sure how I feel about this.
just accept it.
Q. What does a 70's house and Kagerou Imaizumi have in common?
A. A shaggy carpet
Wouldn't that....get in the way?
Grow up
Fuck you and those forcing this Italian meme garbage.
Not with the right attitude.
Yeah tbdesu I'd rather scroll through an entire goddamn thread of Mommy Kagerou's Breastmilk Back-and-Forth than yet another forced Italianization joke.
I can at least better relate to the plights & desires of >>48237743 as an observer.
Wah! Kagerou mommy, why are you smashing the Roomba?!
I want to enter Kagerou's room during a cold winter morning just to get hit by the warm feminine smell of it and see Kagerou slowly waking up with ruffled hair!
It was vaguely moving in her direction while making a very threatening vacuuming noise. She was just trying to get some sleep!
She'd instantly get embarrassed once she was fully cognizant from being caught disheveled & out of her element, but it'd really only make her more adorable in the end.
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Kagerou's a bit lost at all your feelings. Why don't you sit down and play UNO with her and her friends Waka & Bnaki?
Can't we play The Werewolves of Millers Hollow?
Kagerou mommy, I never played Uno before. I only know of the reverse card meme.
Am I going to watch a yuri threesome at the end?
Well it's like this see:

- each of us starts with 7 cards as well as a single pile of cards to collectively draw from in the center, with the person sitting to the left of who dealt the cards being the one to go first (in this case lets say Waggy-san)
- she would take the top card from the draw pile and lay it face up beside the others, creating the discard pile
- our goal would be to try and match a card from our hands to either the color or number of the card in the discard pile during each of our respective turns (Red Five to Green Five, Blue Three to Blue Seven and so on), with the previous discarded card influencing how Banki-san (if she's the next player to the left) will perform during her turn
- sometimes you'll have special cards that cause specific actions to occur for the next player (the Skip card forces the next player to do nothing that turn, the funny Reverse card switches up the directional ordering of the players which can only be restored with another Reverse card, a Draw Two card forces the next player to add two more cards to her hand and do nothing else that turn, a Draw Four card works much the same though can be placed on any color with the current player announcing what color the next person up must try and match, and the Wild card works the same though without forcing the following player to waste a turn drawing extra cards)
- we would all go around discarding one card at a time if we can or, if we can't discard anything valid from our current hand, we would draw a card from the pile (which we can then play if applicable, or simply keep if otherwise)
- the first person to get down to a single card must say "Uno" during each turn of holding that one card (failure to do this results in a penalty of having to draw two cards)
- once you are finally able to discard that last card, you win! the player that does so either ends the game there or collects everyone's remaining cards to tally up for personal points over the course of any following rounds (this could vary depending on the group, though the numbered cards are typically taken at face-value while the special cards are worth 25 to 50 points depending on their single/multicolored status and how many total points define total victory conditions)

Some people like to switch up some of the fuzzier rules or add some other twists to the game depending on how frisky the group is feeling but I'm pretty sure those are the by-the-book basics. So, feel like you're ready to try a game with Mommy Kagerou and her pretty Youkai friends now?
Depends on the mood, players, time and day of the month.
Mommy Kagerou, it does sound interesting. I wonder if Momiji Mommy would like to join us, but she's really hooked on Shogi. I wouldn't mind playing.
No, you'll get kicked out. You can listen through the door.
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I want to share a bed with Kagerou mommy. Too many nightmares.
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>That hat
>That outfit
Oh no, Kagerou embraced Judaism from (((Aya Shameiberg))).
Who are you quoting, exactly?

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