spending the day with Sensei!
/jp/ - Hakutaku Culture
>>48200476The shotacon teacher
>>48200476Mokou's gay girlfriend
>>48200476Ditching Sensei to go have sex with youkai!
Keine hired new teachers!
>>48200629Isn't Sensei a youkai herself?
>>48200663Only when it's that time of the month, if you know what I mean.
>>48200663She'll argue over half-human semantics in public endlessly but I know better.I know what that woman is like behind closed doors in her off-hours and let me tell you, those arguments would not hold up.
>>48200512I really like this Keine here. Confident and a bit irreverent in her whimsical expression. And hot teacher cleavage.
>>48200661The children are complaining that Seiga-sensei is teaching them some really weird things...
>>48200661Those kids sure are going to do a lot of growing up in the next few lessons...
>>48200661Seiga could teach philosophy and PE, but what would Kanako teach? Physics? Economy?
>>48200744they're a bit late for that
Why are shotafags such cucks?
>>48200695Those are two separate people. This myth about Keine having horns has to stop!
>>48200695Are they at least related? Why do they have the same name?
>>48200963Experienced or not they are gonna have some fun time with Keine, whether it's someone young or old she'll be ready to welcome anyone with open arms.
She fucks the kids every full moon.All of them.
Mokou's other girlfriend
>>48213766Sometimes even during the sunset.
If you wanted to stay in the village and didn't know Japanese Keine would probably be one of the few people who would be willing and able to teach you.You could spend a lot of time together, maybe even help her out with chores around the school. I also think that most people here would be good with kids, so she'd see you get along well with her other students.Maybe one day you repeat a line Keine taught you to Mokou that she said meant something like "you are a good friend" and Mokou goes red in the face and tells you not to joke around...
>>48235388But I want to be close to the teacher...
>>48235494Keine gave you the wrong phrase on purpose because she wanted to hear you say it.
>>48200512this looks like AI
I heard sensei wears a thong.
>>48235663Oh no...sensei was too smart for her own good...
fucking cow
>>48235388>I also think that most people here would be good with kidsMost /jp/sies are not allowed within 300 feet of a school.
>>48235858Tell Mokou to stop snooping around in Sensei's panty drawer.
>>48236201Why should I, I paid her good money to. Allegedly.
>>48235858Gotta give some reward to the shotas lurking around her.
She's so cool...
>>48200735Why don't they just practice self-fellatio? That's a way more efficient way to nourish yourself. Are taoists dumb?
>>48256655It's not about literal cum literalling rising into your spine literally so eating literal cum is not gonna help. I'm sure Seiga would love to feed you your cum though if that's what you're after.
>>48213766That butt...aaah....AAAAH!
sensei doing her hair up