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Previous thread: >>48134470

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
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What vn is this?
I turned it off as soon as I heard the shitty AI voice.
surely i'm gonna believe that you just randomly managed to find some random ass vid with 200 views uploaded 5hrs ago and it isn't your garbage self-promotion
I saw it on r/visualnovels
Nobody cares, this isn't a translation thread. Post your hot takes somewhere else.
Do you like sex?
Is Higurashi good for an early intermediate learner?
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how did you know?
i need some cunnyge to read, feels like it's been dry lately.
I'd suggest moving on to dlsite doujinge then.
It can't be helped...
Any way to get ToHeart PSE on PC running without the CD mounted?
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started this today
who tops?
>Short Answer
>Long Answer
Higurashi is a challenging book to read in any language.
At the start of each episode, 竜騎士07 actually gives a description of the 難易度 of the episode, like you're picking a difficulty level in Touhou. The description for Episode 1 is as follows:
This reads like it could only possibly be an exaggeration, but if anything I'd say it's an understatement. It is a VERY hard story to get through.
Now, take that, and add in the extra additional layer of difficulty and stress and frustration and constant draining melancholia of forcing yourself to learn Japanese, and I think it's one of the absolute hardest reading experiences possible.

It is also a very LONG story. The original ひぐらしのなく頃に (Episodes 1-4) is over twice the length of the unabridged The Brothers Karamazov, and just under twice the length of the unabridged Les Misérables.
And that represents only about a third of ONLY the parts of Higurashi that 竜騎士07 wrote. No guest authors, no Umineko. 07's Higurashi on its own is like five unabridged Les Misérables, back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back.
Reading Episode 1 alone is like a brutal 100 meter dash, but you have to keep up that pace for an entire marathon. And your legs are broken because you're inexperienced with Japanese.
That is the ordeal you should anticipate if you are brave enough to try and read it as a beginner.

Is it worth it?
Absolutely. It's one of the best stories I've read in my entire life.
But there is no shame in waiting until you're a little better at Japanese. I tried it when I was new and it was just too punishing for me. I had to stop reading and come back years later.

If you are brave enough to try, the text itself is not too difficult. The main cast is all children and the reading level reflects that, at least somewhat. There are some idioms that will likely trip you up, but if you look them up when you get confused I don't think you'll struggle too terribly much.
The larger issue is that the original versions of each part (暇つぶし編, 祭囃し編, and ひぐらしのなく頃に礼), which are the versions I emphatically recommend, are unvoiced. If you go with these versions, the lack of voices will compound the difficulty for you further.
There are also some sections where the text progresses automatically and at a moderate speed, faster than you'll probably be able to handle. Perhaps consider getting a screen recorder and using it for these scenes. This is a really good tool to have as a learner in general. I use ShareX, but I'm sure there are other good options.
average higunigger post
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chat gpt ass post
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Which one do I play?
The games in the sakura edition collection

This one.
Nice, I assume you've played any Tanuki Soft/Rune stuff before?
rude af
Me in 48 years
Someone pls keep an eye on Dungeon Travelers on DMM and tell me when it gets on sale.
Love Lune.
Even if they went down the gacha route.
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good idea
I'd like for them to re-release Evil Woman Executive 1 on an engine that doesn't shit itself on modern OSes.
Tried looking for a nocd?

I love remakes so much
I would love a fandisk for the second one.
Which os were you using btw? my game worked fine on w10
I've recalled another poster having issues with it on 10. Haven't run the game in a long long time, but even back in the day that game's old engine was giving me some sort of problem with it not understanding that the hardware it was running on had more RAM than it expected, if I recall.
Glad I finished this route. Thankfully nothing happened.
>start playing astralAir
>FHD remaster announced the next day
>start da capo
>remake announced 2 days later
Could you read 兄嫁はいじっぱり next please?
DMM should notify you by email when it goes on sale if it's in your favorites or in your cart.
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It was rigged
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lol wtf
don't think i've seen something like this before
play Garden next please
I don't have an account and I don't check random mail.
How are you even going to buy it without an account?
I will make an account when it's on sale.
And I'll write the login on a piece of paper I have in my wallet.
Imagine your route being so shit the developers give it away for free
>your route
(Infantaria XP)->Suika->Archimedes->DCPC->DC FDs->DC2PS->DC2 FDs->DC3->DC3 FDs->DS->DS FD->DC4->DC4 FD->DC5->DC5 FD (when 18+ is out)->DC1 Demake

If you start now and read 16 hours a day you can make it in time for the demake 18+ edition haha lolno.
which one is the best of those and can you play it out of order
>the best
If you like dark NVL drama: Suika
If you like oldschool dating sims with a hint of nakige: DC1/DCPC
If you like Kotori (you do): Kotori Love ExP
If you like love triangles: DC2/DC2PS
If you like normal moege: DC3
If you like the best trash: DS/DC4/DC5
>can you play it out of order
Kind of. DCPC has references or cameos to the stuff before it. DC2PS is a sequel to DCPC but you only need to read it for the true route/ending and even then you should be able to read it without DC1. DC3 is a sequel to DC2 and continues the story but again pretty much standalone until the true route/ending. DS is a spinoff. DC4 is standalone pretty much. DC5 is a sequel to DC5 but can be read without. FDs always require reading at least their main game. Kotori Love ExP can be read standalone and includes the DCPC common route and Kotori route. For all other FDs you can technically read any heroines FD route with just their main route.
>Toheart and da capo getting raped by remakes between the same week
What a nice time to be alive
Did you actually play all of these? impressive
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Hold up bro, what's DC2PS? I've been playing DC2PC because I thought it was the definitive version.
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>Absolutely. It's one of the best stories I've read in my entire life
Umineko is better in every way.
Maybe if you're mentally disabled.
Even the author says so.
actually no first time playing anything from them
is there a guide or something for getting into vns? i want to start playing them to help me learn japanese but idk where to start. i'm mostly interested in older vns like from the 00s.
Replied to you in DJT since I don't want to derail this thread too much. We go here to talk about VNs after all, not how we learn Japanese.
What do you mean “guide”? Just give some popular games a try and see what you like.
i mean i know next to nothing about vns and am overwealmed and don't know where to start
Yes, that’s why you try out popular titles, to start getting an idea of what VNs are like.
Just start with the Steam releases of Yuzusoft and Madosoft titles. They have Japanese language included and they should be easy to get into without much stress. Some of them are even on sale right now.
That will be enough to check if you want to get further into this media or not.
bro just refresh vndb and click on a screenshot that interest you and if its Japanese read it
It's better to set default filter on vndb to "original language: Japanese" and not worry anymore about clicking on some OELVN bullshit.

But I find looking for eroge OP medleys like this https://youtu.be/hjjgO_Sx0SA to be much better way to find something interesting than clicking on random screenshots on VNDB.
Oh yeah that reminds me of how I got Sakura Strasse onto my to-play list after hearing its OP in an eroge song playlist. The song's an earworm for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqcQUzZWV8o
lol i don't even know you can do that because I don't have a vndb account. I don't do much of random screenshot clicking anymore though because my backlog is big enough as it is.
It's worth it to have an account just for that functionality of hiding OELVNs. Otherwise VNDB is almost unusable.
Only with old ladies
also to unhide the stupid "r18" stuff
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My gaijin ass brain couldn't handle Okinawan brainrot lingo
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I thought the final twist was going to be MC's daughter or something what the fuck
>sugar imouto as a seiyuu
Why is she light skinned?
I wanted to say that but i thought it wasn't appropriate.
>age 60
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She's a tourist, here's your local Okinawan
Please enlighten me what is she trying to convey there.
>Same skin tone as normal boys
welp at least is something i guess
It's just さようなら.
White haired girl is cute.
you guys know any vn with bleach vibes? ideally something without too many obscure kanji
any chuunige
that's a fighting game
dmm block me I cannot download the trial lmao
All those routelets...
Shit, doesn't seem like this one made enough to warrant a sequel/fandisc for the others
Get Japanese VPN. DMM blocks all foreigners since they attacked DMM through credit card companies.

Looks like download link itself doesn't have foreigner block, only the catalog is blocked.
Alright gonna actually read subahibi as it looks fun. Which version do I grab? 10th anniversary or full HD remaster
10th anniversary only has a slightly different UI
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They're the same aside from very slightly different UI. Pic related is 10th anniversary UI, and you can see the FHD remaster UI here: https://hijikichi.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/08/10/180000
So pick whichever one looks nicer to you, it doesn't matter.
Japanese people really hate contrast
>slightly different
>literally unreadable black text on a black background
Try not being blind
why would you even decide to torture your eyes for no reason when a literally much better option is available
this does not contradict what the post your replying to is saying
Thanks, Guess I'll go with full HD
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Oh nice, finally a remaster for a game I haven't played yet
is this really necessary
>no protagonist voice actor
extremely unnecessary, why even bother at that point
No but you could say the same about most rereleases
Why would the risk making new shit that can flop and kill the company when they can pass the CGs through waifu2x and call it a remaster? if it flops is not like they lost too much
Best heroine was Yuji's master btw.
still not playing it
Could I just play レヱル・ロマネスク instead of まいてつ Last Run? It's HD with changable fonts and vndb says まいてつ has disconnected h-scenes anyway so I can just view them later
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basically a brat that needs correction. Also an anime adaptation of this started this fall, which brought Ayumi Sarah her first anime debut with a lead character. dont end up like Sawasawa Sawa please
If only it weren't a short. At least you've got Nukitashi coming soon if you want more Ayumi Sarah
I see, what do you think so far?
The mc is a retard for sure, I get that he can't get hard for his wife but he has tools, hands, his mouth. Gays have been faking being attracted to their wives for years it's not uncharted grounds.
But like with every other dumb thing he does it's meant to come across as comedic I guess.
I just feel bad for her honestly, the rest of the girls are great though.
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鏖殺ノ乙女 was pretty good. It's actually a lot different than Dead Aegis was. Like that EGS review said, going in expecting a 百合燃えゲー would probably be better. There's still rape and some fucked up shit of course, but it's way milder than Dead Aegis. But anyways, I thought the scenario was well done. There was a good sense of leaving a few details unexplained so as a reader you come up with your own schizo theories to try and explain it. I was running with a "there's multiple 学園都市 existing at the same time with clones of everyone" theory for a while which of course was wrong but that's all part of the fun.

The 乙女たち chapter kind of started off a bit slow for me, and it wasn't obvious how it connected to the previous stuff at first. But once it picked up, it was really great and the finale was awesome. It did feel like Eris got a bit shafted there at the end compared to the other girls. She had a much less active role than I expected, but it wasn't bad or anything. Believe it or not, Reika actually becomes likeable too. The narrative focus skips around quite a bit, but for all intents and purposes, Towa is basically the main character. I enjoyed her point of view the most. I'm a sucker for the わたくし types, sue me.

I think Dead Aegis had more emotional high points, but 鏖殺ノ乙女 is overall more solid. That's probably just a personal preference thing though. Anyways, good game and a quite a bit different than what you usually get in the medium. I always appreciate that.
>There's still rape and some fucked up shit
Any penetrative rape? Male side characters?
Yes. Technically yes on the second one as well but calling them "characters" is a stretch. Well Judah is a full fledged character that's male but he's not sexually involved. Men have barely any presence in the game so don't expect much there.
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ToHeart is really the VN equivalent of this song

Also how do you save in the PSE PC ver?
It's different between gays and lolicons.
Adult women are often outright disgusting for lolicons. Gays have it better.
I remember opening this game and it forced my win10 PC into 16 bit color mode, had to go into the settings to fix it after I closed the game. Does the Renewal Package Edition not have that annoyance?
>All Age
thanks alot you are the man!
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I am going to buy this!
I am not touching this!
glad to see they still have a sliver of integrity to release the remaster in 18+ just like the original.
Imagine watching the sex scene on your 60" 4K tv bruh.
Spectacular, marvellous!
>Does the Renewal Package Edition not have that annoyance?
Idk, I'm playing the PSE/all ages version since they basically rewrote the whole game and added a lot of things (voice acting,new route,new CGs and longer story)
That Amane daki looks kinda weird, is it supposed to be her as a middle schooler?
Why are you retards make such a huge deal out of h-scenes? I skip them and fap to manga instead because most of them suck anyway.
step your game up
eroge > eromanga
theres no voice in eromanga
>most of them suck
because you are playing some low quality garbage
>theres no voice in eromanga
If you count CG sets then there's https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3801503
Ero scenes have been ingrained into this medium for decades and is the most clear distinctive feature of this medium compared to anime/manga/light novels, they are part of eroge culture, so when you think about it how they are slowly disappearing for all ages releases and censorship one could say westerners are doing the thing they love the most which is destroying other cultures.
You are always free to consume other media.
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That's so flippin funny dude!
Yeah nothing better than normalfag getting to know about pirate sites, nothing can go wrong
There's nothing better than a good ero scene for fapping.
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not all h scenes are meant for fap they are there for the feels
Maybe if you're new to this medium.
You are so cringe anon.
I've never came to VN hscenes honestly
I'm reading, I can jack off later
You should read more, anon.
egs readers have low T or something. I've fapped to plenty of games with low おかず ratings.
Don't really care about your westoid opinion.
finished c+c really fun read
is there any stuff out there on the game worth a look, such as any comments on the game from romeo?
also, who is the voice of the first 太一 line implied to be? youko? touko? nakaka?forgive me if i missed anything
also worth mentioning i havent listened to the line again, so if its obvious from the voice acting i dont remember it since it doesnt play again in the later sections
some strong words after making literal dogshit garbage translation
yea this is the obvious one but i mainly meant stuff from romeo or shit u wouldnt find with a quick google search
stop parroting dumb memes lol his translation was an addenum to his book not the other way round its made that way for a reason
I'm sorry to say but... you didn't beat the game.
By being a translation, it's inherently garbage. There's no meme about it. English is shit.
lol u ppl here are walking memes who cares
and you're not even a human, just a westoid rat lol
>my westoid book is more important than the VN
Am i crazy or is google translate miles ahead of deepl currently? Haven't touched textractor in years but now use it for nostalgia and I'm surprised how garbage deepl is compared to google translate. Wtf happened to it in the last few years?
So true, deepl is getting mogged hard by based google.
ya ur a walking meme lol
What even memes you are talking about, i have fallen to that translation myself in my eop days which made me think that the game was dogshit for years until i actually decided to reread it in jp and realize how much i missed (like 95% of what it was trying to convey)
Google got access to time crystals and are on their way to develop quantum computers.
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basically u fell for memes nd got trolled cuz the eng vn sloppers at the time told u it was a new translation instead of a passion proj made specifically for his book
basically u have abt 50iq points but its fine cuz the wider eng vn community has even lower than that so ur still good

also ghs sucks xD 95% of the time comes from ppl that havent even read the original text which is just absolute lol on so many levels
What memes are you still talking about, i didn't even interact with anyone back then just picked the random thing that was uploaded
If he translated it just to promote his garbage book he shouldn't have released it as a translation in the first place and ruin the experience for people
have u even read the book lol like its acc pretty interesting even if a little schizo
even if u dont like the wider theory there are some things here and there thatll make you go ohhh shit thats cool and thats a cool feeling dude idk
also u ruined it for urself lol u had to srsly go out of ur way to install that shit from the ixrec version at least back in the day idk if that changed
Does someone know the font they're using in the OP here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwvtQJXRMt4&t=74s
For anyone who has played their games, what's the best Ail-soft nukige?
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>shows up late
>talks a bunch of mad shit
>humiliates the top student
This is already good.
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>English is shit.
I love old school Shintarou art. And yeah, finally read Mao route after having the idea in the back of the mind for so long. It was ok, Mao was cute and not reading the other routes, she is my only sweetheart.
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This thread right now
One of those artists whose art style was just better in the 00's.
all art was better in the 00's
They didn’t know how to draw feet in the 00s.
And that was a good thing, now we have to deal with footfags.
He's a wizard just like me
The only issue is that he doesn't give her merciless plapping afterwards.
Shouldnt be hard to find footjobs with decent art between 2000-2009
Nah his style hasn't changed much in 2010s. What is tragic though is nekonyan, look at the kono aozora "remake" and compare it to original.
Any older sister game like Ama Ane and Setsuei?
Gentle Sasaki
Madosoft apparently announced another Hamikuri FD at their live event.
Baku ane?
Nee chan no susume?
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my takeaway from that tweet is that Hasune is back to do another game and I'm really happy for that. I really like Raspberry Cube.
the anime is a success....
Wasn't it a success before it even got made? I remember the fundraiser raised a crazy amount of money.
I don't know but wished they release the hentai anime version instead
Someone please spoon feed me on good teacher protag X student heroines vns. I was under the impression that this is one of the most popular settings but I'm struggling to find a single decent one
Most of them are sadly just nukige.
I liked Amaemi a lot.
Crystalia VNs for sci-fi
Canvas 2 for art interest
Monster Girl Academy for what it says on the tin
Quarttet for classical kino
Tsuushinbo for uohh
nothing wrong with nukige
I'll pick up Canvas 2 since that looks closest to what I'm craving for but holy shit quartett looks interesting just from screenshots, it looks like interactive manga. Definitely putting that on my list for later
you might as well just read doujins and h-manga but with voice over. It's just not the same without the illusion of slowly building some sort of rapport with the girl you're going to smash afterwards.
Actually I think Quartett isn't a teacher x student VN but it's still very good, would recommend.
Seconded Amaemi
heard good things about Islenauts, oldschool yuzu
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Monmusu Gakuen!
Gleam Garden no Shoujo
Tsukiakari Lunch
I found out Flyable Heart's dev team was all women and it's really put the presentation and writing of that VN into perspective. I gotta go back and read more Unisonshift stuff, I love their aesthetic.
Guys, anyone knows some eroge that have same level of technical quality as Studio Ryokucha games? I still can't find any game I was impressed by amazing quality of techpart...

Looks like they used their own custom engine, I can't find any information about it.
Everything jumps, flies, and feels very alive.

I remember mirai with Shukugar, but that's all...
theres no game with more jumping around than muvluv
Ayakashi and Mahoyo.
>VN about an artist
>Artstyle for the VN itself is the most bland shit seen 1000 times before
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Chusingura, at least the fights
Aokana, any of Apricot's old games, Jiangshi x Daoshi (unfinished but still fun).
just learn to use tags on vndb
/jp/ is back to reading good eroge? Fuck you guys I'm not gonna get exposed to your good taste. Sayonara.
deepl got lobotomized when they switched to a new LLM half a year ago
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Oryou has declined
I think he was probably just carried by Hibiki's colorists.
Leche is a great thing isn't it
She's cute, but the teacher needed it the most.
I sitll need to go through her route to finish up the game but the accent filters me a bit.
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When did EGS add a vndb link to games pages?
Few years ago.
it was always there as long as i remember
>moegesoft died
No... my google drive eroge...
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Jeweha. So I guess this is the big reveal. Good job by Tom. He got me good. I expected pretty much the reverse.

Don't open this. It's probably the spoilerest spoiler.
Man I remember calling bullshit when I saw that. So how are you powering through the fight scenes?
Just powering though like that.
But yeah, Tom's not all that good at those. I wouldn't say he's bad, but he's no Masada. I mostly want to continue to the next story beats.
I'm trying to remember a doujin lolige group. It isn't Sol-fa-soft. I remember them having having a soft coloring style.
This one?
Not what I was thinking of but these do look good.
Her kunoichi cosplay scene was amazing
just started reading dead days, then scrolled through their vns and realized I love clockwork. any other studios that do what they do when they're not making generic nukige?
Damn everything I'm reading is stuck on a sex scene.
use your dick
Waffle make some pretty good stuff, as did Liquid. Just look for the high rated ones on EGS and you'll know which.
How was HOOKsofts latest work?
It was alright
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It's just a nukige, it has 48 h-scenes.
Perhaps worth reading just for Kaede.
Pretty serviceable, like most of their offerings.
Finding and buying the merch for an eroge character years after her game has been on sale is an excruciating ordeal.
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This guy gets it
I was upset there was no armpit stuff in the h-scenes.
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I'm glad this VN actually shows the lower half of character sprites.
Call me an idiot but the last time I had a real shit brix moment like this was with Ever17 way back in the day.
It's a bit weird. The whole gimmick is that each girl has two routes, one where you keep your relationship a secret (which has slightly spicier h-scenes) and one where you don't (which has slightly more vanilla h-scenes). So you have two fairly similar routes for each girl, although they're both short to compensate. It's good and worth a read if you want moege, but it's definitely an odd structure. And there's a LOT of h-scenes.
Is there a patch to add the MC's voice to the 18+ PC version of Baldr Force?
Meant to say Baldr Force EXE
why do you want h scenes? they're unnecessary to the story
H-scenes themselves aren't everything to me but all-ages versions of games tend to also sanitize other scenes from my experience, removing stuff like panty shots and blood from the art. Anyway there doesn't seem to be a patch from what I've seen so I'll probably just play the all-ages version because from what I've heard this game really benefits a lot from hearing the MC's voice especially during the gameplay.
>why do you want h scenes? they're unnecessary to the story
They're pretty goddamn necessary in Baldr Force.
Also the all-ages version doesn't remove the h-scenes at all, it just does the first couple lines of the h-scene with an edited version of the CG to be SFW, fades to black, and then cuts back when it's over. You might as well read the 18+ version.
I read the all-ages version and kinda wished I read the 18+ one, although admittedly maybe the grass is greener and I'd be missing MC's voice if it wasn't there.
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That's nice but we're not doing Shio's route.
>one where you keep your relationship a secret (which has slightly spicier h-scenes)

Lots of anal, I hope.
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is asapro finally back to its origins?
Does anyone have proper hook codes for Sakura no Toki? Luna Hook has one built in, but it omits kanji with furigana.
why would you need to hook kanji that already have furigana of them in the first place...
I mean the whole point of using hooks is not to need to manually check Kanji I don't know.
not a problem when you know everything
finally some good fucking news
the main use of the hook is to save up time on drawing kanji or searching for radicals
like how hard can it be to spend literally 5 sec typing the furigana into yomichan window once in a while that it makes you go your way wasting even more time searching for better hooks and shit
too good to be true so they will 100% make something to fuck it up
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tits too big
Anyone have hooks for fortissimo
hmmm yes the one on the left is voiced by Haruna Ren i can see it.
i just hope that the bros get to fuck someone again
>I'll probably just play the all-ages version
Which one? iirc the the ps2 one doesn't have the same seiyuus as the pc one
Once I have the hook it doesn't add to the time wasted anymore.

Anyway, if anyone has a hook code for Sakura no toki, it would be much appreciated.
>panapanapana died
Fuck, where can I see what's releasing in the next months, now...
how it's died it still works fine for me
or do you mean they won't update anymore
Nevermind, I was still using the old one, I didn't know he migrated the server a while back
Nah! too big would be like hmm Erectlip size?
Why do you keep asking for a code if you can't even read? >>48255482
Go away already.
>Monmusu Gakuen
Looks great.
If I want to play this I should play the Mamono Musume games first right?
not really they aren't related.
Nipples too big
Should have been inverted too.
Alright, thanks.
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what did 帯 mean by this?
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It's a winning formula
It's on the usual site: https://ultrapre.github.io/clip/HCODE/2019-11-26-1574749676/index.html
Kano kind of looks like Satania
>the main use of the hook is to save up time on drawing kanji or searching for radicals
I for one believe if you can't draw the kanji well enough on mousepad for jisho to recognize it, you don't deserve to learn the definition.
I for one believe that if you don't know what saving time means, you don't deserve to spend time.
Why bother saving time when you have unlimited time?
funny gatekeeping but no one really cares here, maybe try djt or some other shithole
>no one really cares
So true, no one actually knows Japanese anyways.
100% of this thread knows less japanese than real japanese person so true
I bet I know more Japanese than an 8 year old.
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They were just a pair of 陰キャs a while ago. Also I probably shouldn't have done her route first.
Why not?
Because im enjoying it the most right now. Was saving Hiyori for last but now im not sure she can top her.
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I'm more of an Asumi guy myself but Hiyori is up there. Honestly I like all the Hamidashis
>Considering how old some VNs are and how still Lilith is behind the current times in terms of QoL changes most VNs have received over the last 2 decades, it’s safe to say that expecting them to actually put in some effort into them is just daydreaming.
>So, considering the fact that the KiriKiri engine doesn’t obfuscate the game code by design, I have decided to mod the game in order to add a ejaculation counter. For those who don’t know, it’s simply a feature that lets you know when the male character (or female) is about to ejaculate in that particular scene. Like I said before, most VNs do already include this feature, so look into them if you need some visual clarification on how it goes.
>so far away that you can see the girls' legs
This. The perspective is more relatable for self insertion.
Imagine being this mad because a game won't feature a shasei countdown
Don't tell me when to come game. I always turn it off
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yea autism at its finest
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Well fuck, Veo's wife...
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Well fuck, part 2.

Our guys can't catch a break. Is this fixable by sending a message to the past? (Which presumably already happened once in order to form the Pegasus Wing to begin with, but I'll have to wait and see.)
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is it true that this series shits the bed in the sequels? How'd they fuck it up?
She's cute, good thing she's having her brother's baby
I don't think any Nakadashi Procreatives are bad, but there's a clear winner.
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Where's my Hiromu route?
はぁー はぁー
クンクン クンクン
Any DL Links for D.C.P.C. ~Da Capo~ Plus Communication and Snow ~Plus Edition~?
I love legwear
I love witches so much....
Even fake ones.
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Does anyone have a chart for what eroges are easy to read for Japanese beginners?
Just saw some CGs from Sakura no Toki. Is there some tranny shit in there? One of the heroines suddenly has a cock, but on other CGs she has a pussy. Or is she a futa? But she has balls. What is this shit? Please spoil me.
Both great taste
It's a scatji game, what do you think?

But preferably just take something you would be really interested in. For a beginner motivation to understand would create much more positive effect compared to any variations in difficulty of language.
DCPC is in the ARCHIVES SAKURA collection which is available in usual places.

No idea about Snow. Try googling with its release date — 060929.
The golden rule is stick to slice of life stuff and moege since they are based around everyday vocabulary.
any good playstation 2 or ps1 visual novels out there?
Yeah, there is trans heroine with gender dysphoria and a few open gay characters, geimu is woke af
Actually? Because if I pick it up and you're lying I'll be pretty upset.
Thank you but this site doesn't have any of the eroges I'm looking for.
This is true but some games like idolmaster has wordings that are hard to understand due to dialect and such.
Then why are you even looking for a list of easy to read eroges? Just start those ones you're looking for.
And if you need to find something easy and random then that site should be useful enough.
nah you're right. I'll just take your advice and start a random one on the list.
Try Sanoba Witch, that's my first.
Has anyone heard of pic related? looks interesting.
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forgot pic, fuck me i guess
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>Ameri's the only one that didnt retweet

Worst girl.
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man, i miss the charm old vns have, everything nowadays looks so bland
That's because boomers and the boomer Japanese who were writing those older VNs knew how to have fun.
How is it so far?
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honestly, pretty damn good. just lighhearted fun to enjoy with some booze or something. the ost is very varied and nice, and i personally think this is the last vn before the artist Kokonoka lost his charm in making cute designs
also top tier seiyuu choies by favorite as always
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cool, still need to read their first vns
Which is why remakes are inherently bad since you lose that charm that makes you feel you have been transported in time to another era of entertainment
I am addicted to downloading eroge, but I never cleared any game.
I feel like deleting all the games to stop this addiction.
Please advice.
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wiz anniversary seems like fun from the screenshots i saw from it, so i might pick that up after this
remakes should be done to actual video games, not fucking porn slideshows. at least there you can improve on things the game didn't do right.
readers will always be inclined to be more angry when you're fucking with among the only selling points of your visual novel, the feel and artistic choices of it
worst offender is when they cut content because they don't deem it good enough to include in a remake, like h-scenes
>wiz anniversary seems like fun from the screenshots i saw from it, so i might pick that up after this
seems so, but not so sure about angel wish after egs reviews
and these porn slideshows tend to be
>poorly coded and fail to work properly on newer OS
>out of print(?), making the buyfag fanbase clamor for another opportunity to purchase the game
the only remake I can think of that really didn't need it is Kazoku Keikaku
Do coomers really care about crap like tsukihime h-scenes for example?
That what re-releases are for. No need for full remakes that don't event let you switch between the art styles and OST.
tsukihime remake is a prime example of visual novels getting americanized, nasu removed sex scenes and mentions of rape while doubling down on the gore, all in according to american tastes.
I really want to read it because Arc is voiced by Kita but this fact alarms me.
It's not "americanized". He's just retarded.
kill yourself
same but I don't feel like deleting anything
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Read amakano and see her fall in love without the sex getting deleted instead

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