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Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/

Song of the Day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMQrn4iASj4

Previous thread: >>48187251
good song
thanks its a classic
posting in the fatherless djt
going to be our most active thread ever.
djt's finally healing after the great /trash/ exodus
i take naps at pretty much all hours of the day
keeps me happy and 元気
kill yourself mlen
So what's more important, being good at speaking or being good at reading?
Right now my accent is shit, but I've been slowly improving as I listen to more stuff. Should I keep going in this direction or should I make literacy my main focus?
you're dumb as fuck your accent will forever stay shit it doesn't matter what you do you're destined to fail
im bunko tho
idk read more? no one here knows japanese
>no one here knows japanese
lol self own
I don't know, I've seen people improve their accents over time. I had a friend that learned Mandarin, and at first he sounded terrible. I couldn't understand half the things the guy was saying, but he hired a speaking coach to help him out on weekends, and now his accent sounds better than mine. I'm thinking the same can be true with Japanese.
prove me wrong fakeshit
watashi wa nip nong nip chong
Do watashi know nihon sugoi?
i 気に流れ all the haters for that is my ninja why
with not a 問題 in my mind i bravely ask all who stand in my way: なんぐみ?なんぐみ???
kenny naru
Hi anons, so I am starting to learn it. I found a pdf for learning japanese. I am using goodnotes, now I wanted to ask if I write down vocabulary should I write the kana per hand or should I just write it per ipad keyboard?
Is writing even needed?

I did realize that writing katakana from my mind is much harder than going with ios keyboard and writing hiragana. Wish I could have a button to change it to katakana though
>Is writing even needed?
not not really
most of everything is done on computers nowadays
i learned to do it just for fun
entirely depends on your personal goals. if you don't care about going to go to japan or making japanese friends or whatever, then output practice isn't going to benefit you much. improving your comprehension will help with both of those anyway so watch/listen/read whatever feels enjoyable.
onomatopoeia of the day: ガツガツ
yep japanese onomatopoeia are all so かぁいい
if you cant appreciate a good 'poeia then whats the point of learning the language
watashi wa nip nong nip chong
Do watashi know nihon sugoi?


Thanks for the exercise wnon. Damn this was difficult. And I realized I am missing some katakana in my vocab like ン and ノ. How can I do spaces on ios keyboard? Is no spaces correct? I think that is the reason why people use kanji.

I think I will try with written per hand, when I work with the book. But will add the keyboard typed one later to it
>How can I do spaces on ios keyboard
hit enter after typing something then press space
chicken shit is a retarded itoddler lol
who said i had an iphone lol
oh so youre announcing you have an iphone in particular unironic retard rofl
スパステ found it. It‘s above enter.
oh didnt realize you were using the 10 key
chickenshits keyboard didnt help him much challene? challene? lmao
fakeshit please
i thought you said we were gonna be friendly?
please be friendly hes retarded lol
this is unbecoming of you
she sounds sick
like sick (かっこいい) or sick (熱)?
thick (デブい)
thick (太い)
wew dark souls 1 performance on ps3 is rough at times
bought キャサリン for 270 yen god i love bookoff
the latter
sorry about your ban lmfao
What the fuck is キャサリン?
Ok lol googled it, didn‘t expect catherine
catherine the atlus game
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was kinda awkward handing this to the female cashier ngl
yh the whole games got a dad walks in kind of vibe
your thumb regenerated :O
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lil baby hand
crazy this is like two different hands ffirst one is like the old man who sells you tools for your motorcycle and second is a lady
next time ur in osaka u should go for a stroll up 御堂筋 its super pretty with all the lights
also crazy how my op gets deleted
sorry fakeshit we just aint feeling it
im more of a walking round the winding and narrow suburb streets type of dude
its like animes
same same
matt ops can't survive in today's djt
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how about Luminarie?
weve moved on from laughing at lolcows and now were committed to shepherding the next generation of jp lovers and learners alike
havent been yet happened to see it today bc my genba was in honmati
wotd とら焼き
your genba is your ママ's 地下室
uh lil bro she aint wearing the ring on the right finger lol
we werent married at the time but yeah we got a right size one eventually
i dont think you were ever married lol
damn why
no vocaroo nor any real proof
lets see some proof big boy
youd btfo me so hard tho
because then we would know that youre being honest about living in japan and that it wasnt all a larp
nah prove u aint fake
it helps establish your identity otherwise anyone could say they were you
just make a new one?
well i have complaints about it so i feel youre obligated to respond
whole lot of filtered posts rn
think imma take another couple of days without posting
lasted a lil over a week last time
ところで3VCzpXAaV7sの酉割れてもうたん? (´・ω・`)
bon voyage fakeshit
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which is more complicated English grammer or Japanese grammer?
lol grammer
I think rtk would probably actually be useful if you learned an actual japanese word with it instead of some abstract english Interpretation
you never listen to me or you've never listen to me
why is it by CONSOOMING you can learn English but this won't work with japanese?
just a harder language in general
the syntax is confusing and there are practically no cognates with many of the loanwords being false friends
man i don't why I'm in these threads probably depression because i said it in the last thread too i have learning disabilities i really wish someone taught me japanese when i was baby because my condition makes it too hard to learn as an adult
Depends on your goal. If you want certifications to work in Japan then just go for that and forget about speaking for now. Idgaf about certs and went just for speaking. I can understand most of what people are saying in general day to day topics and respond sometimes well sometimes broken. Either way it’s fun to talk to people especially in Japan which can be an isolating place.
just take it little by little and focus on small mile stones
treat each sentence you understand as a win and celebrate every time you recognize a word
learn to enjoy the process even if your disabilities are holding you back
Nice digits but why does everyone that has a hard time learning Japanese blame disability? I have heard that so many times feels like most foreigners I meet here have a disability.

On another topic for people living in Japan how many people besides family and internet people do you talk to per day?
japanese attracts people from a large... spectrum
she almost thought you were straight, haha
Very true. The latest autists are the inaka real estate “investors”
people actually want those dumps? most of those 'homes' are off grid and have no insulation
you can, it just takes longer
also, english is trivial if you know a romantic or germanic language
trvth nvke: all languages are equally "hard" or "easy" to learn
because you don't need to spend 1k hours before you can read latin letters
trvth nvke: all skills are eqvally "hard" or "easy" to learn
so i can read japanese by studying 3 jours every day for one year? nice, i imagined it would be harder
>3 jours every day for one year?
if you actually achieve that sure
yes if by jour you mean 3 hours
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you can start reading japanese, yeah. from there on it's the same grind as with english, so 5-10 years of casual consooming
is kanji the only hard part about japanese?
it will end up being the hardest part in the long run
I bounced off Anki really hard and I think I'm afraid to go back, is it normal for it to take around an hour/hour and a half to complete per day? I've got like a hundred I have to do again
but is it the only hard part?
depends entirely on the amount of cards you have and the desired retention youve set it to
no the syntax is backwards with the head noun coming at the end and many aspects being topicalized
this makes translation a nightmare and the reason why yellow subs are even a thing
it's not hard, it just takes a lot of time and memorization.

japanese is unironically easy as any other meme language besides that
every time i see gaijins write in japanese they look like trannies to me
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glad im not the only one
faggiest shit you can do on here
said the guy who single-handedly turned this general into a waiting lobby so he can talk to his 推し

the hardest long part is this dick!

who the hell is my oshi supposed to be? lol
Tbh I never used Anki and memorized my first like 3k words using vocab notebooks I got from daiso. Hated Anki so much. I’m using an app for Kanji though which has some built in SRS.
for those who were taught japanese by a teacher when you were a kid what is your story are you japanese or hafu?
>A: あいつ、民宿の仕事にめっちゃ真剣だったからな。それで料理が上手くなっただけだ
>B: そうかなあ……“料理はナントカ”っていうけど、それじゃないかな
>B: わたしは、ナントカのおこぼれをもらってるだけだよね
>A: よくわからんが、気に入ってもらえたなら俺も嬉しいよ
I began learning Japanese a few months ago and recently came across a dialogue that puzzled me. Can someone 日本語上手 kindly clarify what B is trying to say in this dialogues?
Who is あいつ in this sentence? Is it B's relative or something like this? I think B means that あいつ tells him that his cooking is just meh
not enough context
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Can someone please tell me what Power is calling Aki when she says "Topknot?" It sounds like すばけ or つばけ but it's not, jisho doesn't give anything for "topknot" either.

ありがとう、 my listening skills are shit I wasn't even close.
wow unko sure knows his japanese
>B: これ、開けていいの? へー、どんなのかな?
>B: おお、ハンバーグに目玉焼き、謎の小さいスパゲティ、ポテサラ、プチトマトとレタス。定番の美味しそうなオカズばかりだね
>B: できた妹さんだ! 言い値で買おう!
>A: 人の妹を売買すんな! 
>A: でも、味は保証するぞ。ウチがまだ民宿やってた頃もあいつの料理は客に出してたが、かなり好評だったからな
>B: プロのお料理だね。それじゃ、いただきます
>B: ……うん、美味しい。あれ、思ってたより全然美味しい。このハンバーグ、出来合いじゃなくてちゃんとつくってるんだね
>B: お弁当にこんな手間をかけるとは……その妹ちゃん、完全に君の胃袋を掴みに行ってるね
>A: あいつ、民宿の仕事にめっちゃ真剣だったからな。それで料理が上手くなっただけだ
>B: そうかなあ……“料理はナントカ”っていうけど、それじゃないかな
>B: わたしは、ナントカのおこぼれをもらってるだけだよね
>A: ……よくわからんが、気に入ってもらえたなら俺も嬉しいよ
>B: 教室で人と食べてるから余計に美味しいのかもね
Sorry, here's the full dialogues. あいつ is A's sister, and A essentially shares his bento made by his sister with B.
im what they call a pro
Why are the links different in this one
people like to troll the op from time to time
sure but itll be under one condition
you can probably guess the condition
no, i won't let you suck my dick
any hafus
oh boy
anyone who's weeb parents taught them japanese but no one in your family is japanese? just weebs
anyone know grow up with scanlator parents?
*anyone grew up with scanlator parents?
esl no need to flip the tense of grow to past
yeah im not gonna learn your weird little reading desu
weird vid had to close
was about to say bitch needs rape correction but she gets raped every day
there were no "did" in the sentence, you would use "grew" because the sentence would need to be in the past tense without the auxiliary verb. For example:

"Did anyone grow up with parents?" (with "did" = base form "grow")

"Anyone grew up with parents." (without "did" = "grew" in past tense)

So, if you're using "did," the main verb stays in its base form ("grow"). Without "did," you use "grew" to indicate past tense.
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only 80 and above have a chance of ever making it in japanese
>but there were no "did" in the sentence
dame this must be what the kids call dunning-kruger
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>djt 202〇
>dekinais are shot on sight
there was no did...if you know english then you know what im talking about
would sacrifice my firstborn for a good rezu sex tape of this bitch and keekihime
djt attracts people from a broad... sexual spectrum
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other than that typo I'm correct right?
i wasnt pointing out any typo lol and no youd still be incorrect but i applaud you for your mastery of textbook english
it's omitted, just like you can say 'anyone hungry?' instead of 'is anyone (else) hungry?"
and with that this concludes our det lesson
>and with that this concludes
maybe we shouldn't quite yet
ls all around
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lil bro...
not wasting 10gb on meme psyops, sorry
unko still shilling dogen
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is that a chink font in there or am i going insane
many japanese games use chinese font
japanese fonts look like shit and also ngmi if you care about what font's being used
>chinese BAD

>japanese GOOD
imagine not knowing both
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acquired 禰宜
le bug language
acquired 住めば都
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more like 住めば地獄
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so it depends if it's a question or not?
tranny energy
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i still don't get it
this seems like a funny picture
shame i cant read it
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>this kills the troonhooker
wotd タラレバ話
those whove enjoyed the convenience of copyable text will die after looking at this sentence
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acquired 両手に花
acquired 両手いっぱいに芋の花を
you didnt acquire shit
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yosh, only did half a chapter but i took me "only" 1h

i think the next part is eroslop and i'm not in the mood for gooning rn
im proud of you flood blud
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dumb question but, should i do my learning card at the end of the day even when i did call my cards in the morning
>i'm not in the mood for gooning rn
whenever, whatever, we'll never goon together
thanks sis, gotta work hard if i wanna become a proper /djt/ lolcow someday
曲 of 2日前
pls explain i again
learning japanese is very good, talk to Japanese girls and you'll be very successful, they love it when you only know a few words much less being able to speak it
captcha: KYS H0W
this is what chatgpt says
Apologies for the confusion earlier! Let's clarify:

With "did": The base form of the verb (which is "grow") is used. This is because "did" already marks the past tense in the question.

Example: Did anyone grow up with no parents? (correct)

Without "did": The verb changes to the past tense form (which is "grew") when it's still a question. This happens because, without "did," you need to use the past tense directly.

Example: Anyone grew up with no parents? (correct, though this might sound a bit informal or conversational)

In summary:

With "did": Use "grow" (base form).

Without "did": Use "grew" (past tense) even in a question.

So, yes, without "did" in a question, the verb changes to "grew"!
holy normalfag
no *smacks ur ass*
anyone grew up with no parents sounds so wrong
is japanese grammar complicated like this too?
little brother...
japanese has no grammar
...never mind, squirt *tousles ur hair*
is chatgpt still dumb?
where is the wasavi poster?
realistically how long until we have brain implants for super memory? (this is to help kanji dekinais)
you'll have talking loli onahole tutors before brain implants
is it over for dekinais?
>loli onahole tutors
we're so gonna make it bros its incredibly
this threads giving me the イック
10 years at least, but at that point you won't be need to learn kanji lmao
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your 40 year old JP tutor/science teacher walks in
>but at that point you won't be need to learn kanji lmao
never should have broken up with girlfriend #2, girlfriend #1 hasnt put out in a month
its like she sensed i decided to commit and dried up
women are a deadly trap bros, dont fall for them
1 month is the average
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2 more years for easily accessible and commercially viable version of one of those

because you'll be able upload the japanese directly in your brain, no need for super memory
it used to be twice a week from her
why would i want to see her hold and move the tenga?
her pussy has to mimic those movements
pending deletion

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gotcha senpai
If humans could upload and instantly process languages like Japanese (or any other) directly into their brains, bypassing traditional learning processes and memory limitations, it could fundamentally alter the way we interact with information, culture, and communication. Here are some possible ways this might change the world:

1. Global Communication and Understanding

Instant access to any language would erase language barriers, allowing for seamless communication across cultures. Misunderstandings caused by translation issues or cultural differences in language nuances could decrease, fostering greater empathy and cooperation.

2. Accelerated Learning and Education

Education would undergo a major transformation. People could instantly acquire vast amounts of knowledge without traditional memorization, expanding access to information in real-time. This could lead to a more knowledgeable society where learning is deeply personalized, as individuals could pick up new skills and subjects at an unprecedented rate.

3. Cultural Exchange and Preservation

Languages are deeply tied to cultural identities. With language knowledge instantly accessible, people could more deeply engage with different cultures. It might also lead to a resurgence of interest in less commonly spoken languages, preserving endangered languages and the cultural knowledge they carry.

4. Impact on Creativity and Art

In fields like writing, film, and music, artists would have immediate access to a vast array of cultural references and linguistic styles, allowing for richer and more diverse creative expressions. The blending of ideas from different cultural backgrounds could lead to new genres or forms of art.

5. Business and International Relations

Business would become more globalized and efficient, with professionals being able to negotiate and collaborate without the need for translators or interpreters. This could reduce costs and facilitate international ventures, but it could also create competition for those who traditionally relied on language skills.

6. Ethical and Psychological Considerations

The ability to upload information directly into the brain could challenge our concepts of memory, identity, and individual learning processes. There could be potential risks related to cognitive overload, privacy, or even manipulation if people could "download" biases or ideologies.

7. Social Structures and Power Dynamics

Language skills and access to information are often tied to power. If everyone could instantly understand multiple languages, the dynamics of who holds knowledge and who is considered an expert might shift. This could democratize knowledge but also create new inequalities based on who controls the technology enabling this upload.

8. New Forms of Cognitive Enhancement

Uploading languages (or other information) could be just the beginning. If this technology expands, it could enable faster processing of complex data, higher-order thinking, and even the ability to learn new cognitive abilities. This could lead to unprecedented advances in science, technology, and problem-solving, but it might also raise questions about the nature of intelligence and personal development.

In sum, this ability to "upload" languages directly into the brain could be a game-changer, opening up vast opportunities while simultaneously presenting complex challenges that we would need to navigate carefully.
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this japanese is getting difficult, even with yomitan

there's a lot to parse here...

what does なんだって at the end mean? Is it similar to なんか?

and, what is that みてーな business about?
fio bro
bro i just wanna watch kanna hashimoto without subs
teme mitai na kozou ja
hakkiri itte yakufusoku nano da
tte no
yakufusoku? yakufusoku?
kek good thing i'm anonymous
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can someone explain "no" at the end of the sentence to me?
like: nani wo suru? what should we do?
nani wo suru no? ??

i get that X no Y indicates posession or a quality or whatever, but i can't grasp what the no at the end of a proper sentence means
の at the end of a sentence means it's explaining something. Explanationの
tbf it's better to feel it out
i try to feel out grammar textbooks and duolingo
me? i try to cop a feel whenever possible
no there ask for an explanation - possible referencing something the person asking saw, as in you are doing something already or there is indication you are in preparation of and about to do something. think of it as "what are you doing (there)?", "well, what are you going to to (about it) (explain pls)."

何をしている alone is very neutral. there is no context. it's like i'm asking you on the phone "what are you doing right now?"
何をしているの is what more what "what are you doing there? (i see you're doing something.)" depending on the tone it can be used to express a lack of understanding or surprise "the fuck are you doing? (this is not right)."
that was meant only for questions btw, not statements
vocaroo no?
what's you first language
polish, but i get by with english reasonably well
thanks anons, that helps a lot
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thinking of you!
how to indians learn so fast?
what program makes those round outlines?

my dictionaries aren't good enough for blazblue..there's too many words it's not picking up...

where is the giant list of yomitan dictionaries? time to pile them up
k just asking bc at least in terms of questions の is pretty easy if you know german
wotd 希望的観測
thx anon.
I just downloaded jp-jp dicts from moe website. what dictionaries do u use?
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these ones

i haven't checked out the mome website's dictionaries yet, i'll give em a look now
how do i avoid osaka ben? i consider it like hood english
just close ur eyes nigga
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>"well then, i did some anki and ringotan so it's time to read something, right"
>pick one manga
>furigana is kinda blurry but whatever
>translate 3 (THREE) speech bubbles with great difficulty
>takes 15 minutes with a translator to help
fucking hell
but i did it anons. i read kana and came back alive
never talk to a guy from osaka or named ben
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>nigget tries not to be black
osaka ben laden
>upload the japanese directly in your brain
will japanese people do this with english?
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first reply decides which choice i make
aruto effu fo
>no "rape her" option
why bother
that's not a reply
i choose the "vocaroo" option
holy fuck stfu and don't create these abnormally many various readings for a single word my god wtf are they doing
wtf are they doing with those n5 words
sir, might i interest you in some kinshoku?
Other explained but the explanation that clicked for me is without the no it sounds like it’s a question for us. When you add the no it’s asking the person. Like doko iku? Where should we go. Doko iku no? Where will you go.
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schwul oder was?
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love japanese
truly i do
have i lost the plot if i also somewhat consider how 'minable' something is when deciding what to watch
im glad i lived long enough to see this vid
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Fuck this baby shit, I finished these in a few hours. I prefer reading, but jumping straight in to light novels terrifies me because it's frustrating to look up words that I will forget after a few paragraphs anyways.
why did you move to japan?
do they really say "despite saying that" when they wanna say "despite"
are you good with japanese slang?
bunkos old trip
what's some japanese things that won't be translated into english for a long time? aside from visual novels
i consider many officially translated games to be essentially untranslated because there are often dozens of scenes where the translation strays so far from the original text that it alters the intended tone or meaning
i dont consider translations
are you good with japanese slang?
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oh right there's a loli here...
>the tranny is a pedo
why am i not surprised
i'm literally not. it goes against buddhism.

and a perk of her character is calling the main character a pedophile. i'm not sure if this will be reflected in the nihongo yet
how to revitalize the japanese language? there will be no more speakers due to low birth rates
leave it to me
jfc ur life
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and there it is
that japanese man yuta said the reason japanese don't speak english is because they weren't colonized for 100s of years
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why is ragna asking the loli if she wants to cross the sanzu river, when children don't actually cross the river? thought for japanese religion.

in japanese religion, the children build up stacks of blocks by the sanzu river and the Oni come and knock it all down. Adults are the ones that have to cross the river.

Arc System Works, you're hurting my immersion here.
Thinking about deleting my core 6k deck now that I've been reviewing it for like 1 year since I've finished it. It's full of so many useless newspaper terms that maybe I'd be better off not reviewing this deck anymore, and if I forget words that I learned in it, then I can just mine them again for my own deck.

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unlocked せず
that's more grammar than it is a word, just so you know. you can add it to any verb.
damn vro you must have understood nothing in mgs
weve all been there tho you are on a good path
imagine white noising an entire video game.
couldn't be me, that's why I still haven't beaten the second dungeon in the new Zelda, because I panic at the thought of having to talk to 8 new NPCs and mining 50 words from their convo
the 9th NPC comes (「・ω・)「ガオー
if you learn even one thing its not whitenoise
that's a dangerous premise.
if you 99% white noise something and understand 1% it'll still have been a colossal waste of time.
not saying its efficient but still you learn one thing at a time
ideally there is as little time as possible between the learning events but either way past the beginner stages you will be able to immerse in anything and learn from it
>but still you learn one thing at a time
you say that like it's enough, but you are not actually acquiring the language by just learning one thing at a time. same way your Japanese doesn't improve just by doing anki reviews every day. you actually need a solid amount of quality time. just one unit of learned doesn't make up for the 2000 brain muscles you are not flexing during that time which then leads to loss of previously acquired knowledge.
worked for me and i did basically exactly what nora is doing without the hovering and mtl
but i also listened a lot tbf
dno if xhe does
>without hovering
every time...
yess. i love unlocking new grammar.

i still have about a year before the reps start giving me metal gear solid kotoba...i'm not going to have a fun time with it...but i'll deal with it when it comes.

my mining deck is reaching the end of pokemon red i feel like...it gave me the word おうぎ which was one of the last gym leaders in the game.
do you listen though
>do you listen though

i'm listening to blazblue in japanese. i kind of didn't listen much to metal gear solid, focused on just reading.

maybe i could benefit from starting japanese pod 101 soon.
you should listen to podcasts for natives
is anyone depressed japan won't be the same in the future
>zomg japan was so advanced
>literal chinese plastic temu slop everywhere
it will stay the same, welcome to the future
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the birth rate
Estimating the number of 18-year-olds in Japan in 2100 involves some complex demographic projections. However, I can provide an educated estimate based on trends in population decline, fertility rates, and the aging population.

Key Assumptions:

1. Declining Population: Japan’s population has been steadily declining due to a low birth rate (around 1.3 children per woman as of recent years) and a high life expectancy. The population is projected to shrink significantly by 2100.

2. Age Structure: In 2100, Japan’s population will have a much higher proportion of elderly citizens and a significantly smaller younger generation.

The Population Estimate:

The total population of Japan in 2020 was around 126 million, but the United Nations projects it to drop to around 60-70 million by 2100.

The proportion of 18-year-olds is typically around 1% of the total population, though this can vary depending on age-specific birth rates and other factors.

Approximate Calculation:

If Japan’s population is projected to be around 60 million by 2100 and assuming 1% of the population is 18 years old, there would be about 600,000 18-year-olds in Japan in 2100.

This is a rough estimate and depends on the actual fertility rate, immigration trends, and other demographic factors that may evolve in the coming decades.
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just finished my anki reps for the day, back to blazblue

here's my deck list. check em. of this deck, i finished all of genki kanji and all of n5 vocab, i started the n4 vocab so eventually i should be able to join the discord...

i also stopped doing reps for the bottom deck, will be removing that one soon
this person has taken many decks
ok but how many JKs
ai has already truly been a disaster for internet discussion
kys pls
bro what the fuck i LITERALLY just watched Tampopo earlier today
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桃鉄やればすぐやで! 知らんけど( ˘ω˘)
AI posts on 4chan (and other forums) can get frustrating, especially when they’re just copy-pasted ChatGPT replies or outputs from similar models. Some reasons why these posts may feel annoying are:

1. Lack of Originality: People come to forums for original, human conversation, so automated or copy-pasted content can feel generic and uninspired. Many ChatGPT replies are helpful, but without a personal touch, they don’t always resonate in informal spaces.
2. Repetitive Responses: AI often generates responses that seem polished and generic, lacking the quirks or unexpected insights humans bring to a conversation. Over time, repeated or similar responses can become predictable and lose appeal.
3. Context Misalignment: AI doesn’t always understand a forum’s unique culture, inside jokes, or norms, which can make posts feel out of place. A comment that works in a general context might miss the mark on a site like 4chan, where users often have a very specific tone and way of engaging.
4. Gaming the System for Attention: Some users might flood boards with ChatGPT responses just to boost post counts or get reactions, without really engaging with the community. This can lead to spammy threads that detract from genuine discussion.
5. Reduced Human Interaction: Part of the appeal of forums is interacting with real people with unique insights and perspectives. When AI-generated content takes over, it can feel like interacting with a faceless bot rather than an individual with real opinions.

In short, while AI can contribute value in many places, forums like 4chan thrive on unique, human contributions—something AI isn’t designed to replicate.
lol what happened to "ill never post my 妻"
its from this dude with based taste
what form of self hatred is this
is there a rom for it?
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i didn't know みたい could be used in this way..with what's being attributed coming after the に rather than before


niggas rly be out there playing fighting game story modes
i can't believe there are still 3 indian languages with more speakers than japanese and worse they are growing
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they aren't their fertility rate is now below replacement only africa is growing
nothing fundamentally changes there just because a に follows, it is the adverbial usage of みたい

みたいに adj/verb
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finished ragna's route, to finish this game i need to beat 7 more routes. that's enough for today.


BlazBlue is beyond your comprehension!!! it has a good story
I was wondering how pokemon/zelda/mgs guy was blazing through those games that fast. dude was just whitenoising lol
if i have children what language should i teach them other than english and japanese? should i raise polyglots?
could be worse you could be reading something simple like nankumi as nangumi after years of study
body language
do you learn japanese grammar in english or japanese?
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When 2 people are fighting and one is like youre stupid, fat, ugly, etc and the other responds 知らないよ what does that even mean or imply? you don tknow that? i dont know? i dont get how this is a common response in this scenario, it sounds like an incredibly weak comeback that doesnt really deny the insults
圧倒的ボリューム感! ヮ(゚д゚)ォ!
send examples
do you have an example in particular? my only guess would be "i don't know anything about that!" as a way of being dismissive
all of unicorn overlord and mother 2 and eternal arcadia
didn't /djt/ used to have a link to downloadable japanese vns or am i imagining things that never happened?
we did but we went legit after the great media purge
It's called google.com, knock yourself out.
it wasn't google.com. it was like a guide to learning japanese that had a bunch of downloadable japanese content including vns.
newcutie question, I've been doing anki for about a month and a half and I saw something online earlier saying you shouldn't be subvoicing or whatever. Should I not be trying to say the words as I go through my anki deck? I guess the idea is my pronunciation will be shit and will start to build bad habits but at the same time i feel like saying the words helps me actually remember them better
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When reading VNs in Japanese as a beginner the key is to read what you want to read since motivation is a key part of keeping up a consistent reading habit. But if you're specifically looking for a gentle start then pick some charage or light scenarioge with simple JP and roll with it, then repeat a few times with other simple games before going into the more advanced stuff. Fortunately there are a lot of easy VNs you can try, for instance most of the stuff in the first 4 or so pages here are fine for your first JP VN: https://jpdb.io/visual-novel-difficulty-list If you want a personal recommendation from me try out Nanatsuiro Drops since you're already interested in VNs from the 00s.

(7) (usu. with neg. sentence) to have to do with; to be concerned with; to be one's concern; to be one's responsibility;
your cards will have audio on them to guide your pronunciation so theres little harm in subvocalization
it's like "dunno about that one, chief"
its more like "dis nigga brazy"
yeah I try to emulate the way the audio clips say the words, but now I'm just spooked that that will fuck me up in the long run
epic queef momento
do all vns only have like 1/3 of the text voiced? the protagonist and narration is never voiced, so i need to actually read by myself. might as well read lns
dont sweat small stuff like your accent just focus on your comprehension and make sure that when you speak its slow and clear
too many people in their attempt to sound natural end up mumbling
ok, i just looked up what charage means and that seems to be the kind of stuff i'm looking for. is there a way to browse charage titles on vndb or somewhere else?
Most of them fall under one of these categories:
Anything in particular you're looking for aside from older titles?
slice of life comedy stuff. cute moe stuff. stuff that's character-driven rather than plot-driven.
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the more i slop nekopara the more i'm conviced i was right with my old meme formula that makes sure a vocab is repeated 6 times on average through the whole vn, that way you can acquire it properly

of course this is irrelavant if you hoover
hoovering is the great equalizer
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I'm currently reading Nursery Rhyme and it seems to be a good choice, very light-hearted and moe slice-of-life and the girls are cute. The common route is split into a lot of very small episodic bits so there's plenty of breathing room when you start out. There's a funny talking plush doll that tends to rant in Japanese that's a tad bit harder than the rest of the VN but most of what they say you can gloss over without missing too much.

Flyable Heart is also a popular recommendation for babby's first VN, it's also very cute and it has a nice pseudo-futuristic aesthetic.

Note that I picked both of these up after I had been reading for a few years so I'm not the best expert at figuring out how hard these are for a beginner but they do seem pretty easy in general and the mostly light-hearted character-focused nature of them helps ease you into the medium.
so glad im not a vn autist and can happily enjoy real media
most entry-level vinnies that get recommended are usually very short and the ratios of unique words/total words is very high. that means you basically look up every single word and once the vn is over you obviously forget them

i wrote some meme formulas that ensured that the vinny is long enough so that non-unique words are repeated 5-7 times, that way it's basically srs but with native content instead of anki.

now i'm even more convinced of it, because in order to improve the actual reading skill it's better to consoom content written by the same author for a while, since you get used to the writing style and the vocabs used.

i remember suffering through the first chapter of nekopara real bad, but since the same expressions appear a lot of times you literally can't not acquire them (覗く, 俯ける, 眺める, 撫でる, 燥ぐ...)
You can learn Japanese from almost anything without enough determination. I'll never forget the guy who learned Japanese from Yakuza, it was extremely scuffed but he made it work and that's admirable. VNs are just one of the easier ways to do it since you have hook tools like Textractor and instant dictionary lookup tools like JL to assist you so you don't have to look up kanji with radicals every time you see an unfamiliar word.
thanks! i'll check them out. the aesthetic of nanatsuiro drops so i'm looking into downloading that. i did download a game called popotan because i liked the intro but i can't even read the first line so it's probably too advanced for me. how do you deal with unfamiliar kanji?
you can do the same thing with tools like yomininja nowadays
google lense is 99% accurate and the program comes preinstalled with yomitan
>>of course this is irrelavant if you hoover
>how do you deal with unfamiliar kanji?
I use Textractor to hook the game and JL to take the copypasted text from the VN and look up the words with its built-in dictionary.
Textractor has some machine translation tools for MTL readers but if you're serious about learning Japanese I highly recommend only using the hook feature and trying your best to understand the Japanese text without full sentence translations.
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news TV good for learning?
the whole point of using vns is that they have prose AND the dialogues are voiced. no other medium is as optimal
also the text isn't timed so you can stare at it until you need to
oh i didnt realize your vns have prose AND voice acting
its a shame anime and vidya are only written in poetic verse
*narration, you know what i meant
tfw its written only in iambic pentameter
i did but i couldnt help make the joke sorry
np, i deserved it
yeah, i only need help looking up words. i more or less understand japanese grammar. my vocab is just very low because i have retention problems for some reason.
>some reason
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Oh yeah, with some VNs like Flyable Heart you can find the text for the VN in Textractor's list after just advancing the text once, but with other VNs you'll need a hook code to capture the text properly. A lot of VN hook codes can be found by Ctrl+F searching here, such as for Nursery Rhyme and Nanatsuiro Drops (the latter uses its Japanese name on the page):
Sometimes a helpful person will post the H-code on the game's VNDB discussion forum so look there too whenever you can.

That's great. Since you studied grammar already you just need to get used to reading and building up your vocabulary, and VNs are excellent for that.
hey, thanks a lot. if you didn't give me all of this info i don't know if i would have ever been able to get into vns, but now i have a few to start reading and tools to help me. thanks.
You're welcome. You're gonna have a lot of tough sentences and unfamiliar words to go through no matter what you pick up, but I guarantee the first time you finish a VN route in Japanese will be an extremely satisfying experience, let alone the first complete VN. Best of luck reading, and I hope you enjoy it.
i don't really agree desu
yh the part about it being natural srs after 6 times of seeing something is sus
why not? what's sus? same vocab is repeated a lot, and if you read a couple of hours daily then it becomes spaced over the whole readthrough
takes a little more time than that to internalize a word and if you compound that with additional vocabulary then youll end up forgetting more than you learned
>takes a little more time than that to internalize a word
better than doing 2 weeks of anki with that same word out of context

>if you compound that with additional vocabulary then youll end up forgetting more than you learned
this is only true if you are a complete beginner (in which case you should just to anki i guess), but you look up 1 words per sentence on average then you should be fine
when does fsn get good?
>better than doing 2 weeks of anki with that same word out of context
maybe but this can be mitigated by first learning the word in context and having said context reflected on your card
>this is only true if you are a complete beginner (in which case you should just to anki i guess), but you look up 1 words per sentence on average then you should be fine
that depends entirely on the relative difficulty of the content youre reading when compared against your own understanding
but even if it were only 1 word per sentence that would still measure up to a lot of unknown vocabulary within say an hour of reading
>maybe but this can be mitigated by first learning the word in context and having said context reflected on your card
in that case it's pretty much the same thing if you mine sentence from the vn, but without having a mining deck (and i guess you can do it for way longer though i doubt the usefulness of doing so)
>hat depends entirely on the relative difficulty of the content youre reading when compared against your own understanding
well yeah, that's why my formula also considered sentence length/vocab difficulty.
>that would still measure up to a lot of unknown vocabulary within say an hour of reading
this definitely happens but i guess it's a good thing? if you're reading something easy and have to look up stuff every sentence then you're lacking basic vocabs, might as well add the to your (figurative) mining deck

anyway i'm still testing this. all i know is that it took me 8 hours to read chapter 1 of nekopara and only 2 to read chapter 4 (which is half as long but still). i would like to check my reading speed the first chapter of nekopara 3 or so (same author), because if the vocabs used are always the same i should know 99% of them by then
according to jpdb half the vocab of any given show is going to only appear 1 time so my guess is the same would be true in a vn but let me know what your personal findings are
just read 瀉す as にごす
i think i did something like

>[(total vocabs - unique vocabs used once)/6 = total unique vocabs]

and picked vinnies where that number is close to 1, and then sorted them by shortest sentence length
also using that formula, the most optimal non-dogshit vinny was v31212
all ages vinnies win again
Some what related to Japanese but is it just me or are people hostile in japan if you are Japanese but can’t speak Japanese? I’ve been in japan for 3 days and even though I’m 100% Japanese I can’t speak at all and when I speak in English they all give me an attitude
maybe they think youre being difficult because they expect you to have grown up speaking it? dunno
>I’m 100% Japanese
post hand
so what’s the consensus on manga vs VN? I’m guessing reading time is more important so whatever you can stick with is better?
vns are better in just about every way but the medium is dominated by trash so its hard to say if mangas are definitively worse
>easy because both shounen/seinenslop is written for kids
>furigana makes stuff easier to look up and cripples you
>chapters are short and fun to read

>prose for "adults"
>voiced dialogue and the ability to texthook if you wanna cripple yourself
>extremely slow burn but comfier
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is わわよ a typo?
They're both good, pick whichever one with which you have a title you want to read. VNs will improve your narration reading skill faster, and manga will improve your dialogue reading skill faster.
this formula makes no sense
doujins are better than mangas but vns are the best for learning japanese
becoming a cripple is truly what japanese is all about
Normally, I'd never assume anything in a game is a typo, but this time it really looks like one.
They are all good, including anime and lns. I kinda aboid vns tho because i need more lookups while the lookup itself is more annoying because you do it in another window
do you learn japanese grammar in english or japanese?
Do you have a favorite news channel? I'm liking ANN News.
english obviously
because you dont speak japanese
did anyone ask their parents why they didn't teach them japanese?
it does, you're just low iq
Unlock dis pussy nigga *spreads lips*
good posts all around
especially the nigga pussy lips one, love those
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Did you guys order your Christmas cakes yet?

Pic rel my cake from last year
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>Did you guys order your Christmas cakes yet?
bitch, please
feel good being immune to (((propaganda)))
you dont eat cake on christmas
we need to bring back standards
gonna second 136
gonna second 944
did anyone ask their parents why they didn't teach you japanese?
i wanna collectively hit every japanese person in the stomach for this
but they did?
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the futa doujins are good
why didn't your parents teach you japanese?
this but ill never watch it
it's when people say stuff like this do I truly know something is just mediocre, slightly above average, it has some kind of gimmick.
japanese forums say to learn english you have to be around english speaking people
sound advice but then again japs dont know english
wrong, see >>48215327
My gf lives with me and we only speak English and 2 years later she improved 0%
that's sounds like a problem stemming from you
nuke jr.
are we still pretending nukemarine doesn't know japanese?
dekinai gf
I went to japan and some girls looked at me like
( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ)

I'm a 5'9'' med nerd twink. Do they want sex? husbando? Or is looking at foreingers just a tradition? Only happened in non touristy places and during the day. Shit was so irritating at first. I'm not used to female attention because back home you're worth less than a roach if u arent 6'5'' jacked with 5mil in the bank. Towards the end I started to enjoy the gaze a lot. Surely someone else in here experienced the same and got motivated to learn japanese, right?
5'9'' is average in japan, they probably just thought you're weird
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don't do me like that broski. imma go crop some of these stares I caught on cam and post them here. maybe they'll print a different picture.
should you learn osaka ben?
>implying you could
yes, every anime has one of those fictive individuals
you dont get to choose a ben, the ben chooses you
japanese isn't spoken anywhere outside japan anyways
jotd: しっぺ返し
japanese has never been ranked as high as 7th in terms of total speakers
at its peak it was 8th and going lower so if you teach your child the top 7 languages you won't be teaching japanese
>at its peak it was 8th
you just said it was 7th once before so its peak should've been 7th place
imagine learning hindi and chinese lmao
When I travel with people that only speak Japanese to other countries they are really handicapped. In Asia some people speak just enough to scam you but yea no one really speaks it outside of Japan. Native English is kino tbf
>no one really speaks it outside of Japan
how to change this?
create a new better internet but in japanese
ok so you don't know how rankings work then...
>the meaning
>the strokes
>all for a single fucking character
Not even 50 Kanjis and i'm about to fucking explode, this is too damn difficult. How the fuck did you guys managed?
by reading more
^omega dekinai post
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yh but its not worth travelling outside japan
>How the fuck did you guys managed?
someone post it
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stfu analcream
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Why you learn Japanese?
those are brazilians
no you
saddest djt regular award
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new thread?
i need a really good op pic before i can make a thread and that takes time sorry
Don't learn the individual kanji, learn vocabulary instead, eventually you'll naturally acquire most of the onyomi and kunyomi, and if you ever feel like it you can supplement your knowledge by going through the 漢検 Anki decks

anime is saved
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read https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/learning-kanji
Nearly all of them dude.
>unicorn overlord
I can't stand the pompous, faux-aristocrat dialogue the localizers pulled out of their asses in that game.
>eternal arcadia
This one is egregious. The translators admitted in an interview they threw the script out and "adlibbed it while watching the cutscenes" also "in the style of joss whedon".
>how do you deal with unfamiliar kanji?
Read more shounen/shoujo manga. It has furigana (mostly).
At this stage? Sunk cost.

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