Post vintage 2hu art
omg yas i love y2k touhou fanart
>>48229117you're off by a few years this was uploaded to gelbooru in 2007
>>48229117>>48229140>y2k touhou fanartThis made me realize that the oldest 2hu drawings I have ever seen were from mid to late 2000s. Does any pre-EoSD fanart actually exist on the net?
>>48229318i don't think i've ever seen anything from the pc98 era, even finding things from around when eosd came out is hard
>>48229318I think there is at least one. Might want to check ZUN's website in the Internet Archive.I do know that in one of IaMP's manuals one of the people there comment that they were ZUN's fan since the PC98 era, so it's not like EoSD was released into a void.
I know this one is really old.
Here OP, this is a classic but it's still one of my favorites
Back when 3DCG images were novel
>>48243530Like this is really good. I love the hopeful, real-er than reality look a lot of 2000s 3D has.
Found this on another thread.
>>48243530I do think about this one a lot, hard to really replicate that feel or I just haven't seen enough modern examples
>Posted: 2008-10-02 03:51:38