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A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF

Previous Thread: >>48065909
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No Johnny's idols in the KOuhaku this year again

Johnny's should try a live stream concert on YouTube
So it's gonna be another Korean Kouhaku
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He won
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been trying to watch the newest netflix slop because I love kasumi arimura, but it's just too multicultural for me. I wasn't a big fan of the premise of the story but then I started watching and so far I couldn't finish the first episode. Maybe I'll try again sometime later.
I'd take anything that isn't cliche tv slop, even if it's bad.
Curious, has there ever being an Amazon Prime Drama that doesn't get a global release?
No, they're all available globally. The only one who does that shit is Hulu.
>The only one who does that shit is Hulu.
Hulu Japan is a completely separate entity from the american one, the only share the name.
maybe the early ones like Ocha Nigosu
>tfw thinking about all the original Hulu and Abema dramas and variety shows I'll never be able to watch
You're making me regret downloading it now (haven't started it yet)
YouTube is recommending me short clips of old Downtown shows lately, been watching them on my phone every night before going to sleep, and let me say one thing, Daigo is a funny guy, but watching those old Matsumoto short clips, Daigo is nowhere near as funny as him. Matsumoto is an owarai genius, no one can replace him.
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>They started dating after they co-starred in "1122" this year
Let's hope their marriage life won't be cuckshit like "1122"'s story.
He could have done better.
>First Gakkii and Hoshino
>Now these two
What is it about quirky dramas about marriage that make the leads end up getting married irl?
is there anywhere I can get raws of shows recently aired?
the show I'm looking for is not there
What's the show?
rn I'm looking for Sora wataru kyoshitsu, but I run into this problem often. I just want an open access site that has rips of shows currently airing
There used to be a number of such websites but they're all dead now. The next best thing is to make your own rips by downloading from TVer, but NHK dramas like the one you mentioned are not on TVer. And you'll have to download them the week they air because episodes get removed after a new episode airs.
it used to be easier to find raws I wonder what happened
weird, I didn't find it when I looked it up. thanks
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Kinpuri fags on suicide watch
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No Johnny's
(I was right >>48090911 >>48091222 )
Based. This drama was fantastic.
Johnny's refused to be in kouhaku.
but they are still kinpuri for us
kyoshitsu janakute, kyoushitsu です。
To you maybe. You have no idea about the daily flame wars on SNS between STARTO wotas and Number_i wotas. This news escalated the animosity further.
they'll just do their own year end special
No more Korean.
>The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House by Koreeda Hirokazu (Netflix)
Thank you for bringing this drama to my attention. One of the comfiest shows I've ever watched.
>is this good for real?
It's really good. A heartwarming story about beautiful ladies from all ages, speaking in a cute dialect, working hard in the traditional maiko business, and shots of delicious dishes here and there.
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They're adding old dramas to Netflix.
This was the funniest 電気イスゲーム yet.
Gekidan Hitori is a fucking genius, he was in a different league playing a completely different ballgame.
Yeah, terrible matchup for him. 5D hyper chess just doesn't work when you're playing against the guy who will just sit on the highest number every round and hope for the best.
Watching Gekidan Hitori getting outplayed round in and round out was a delight.
I second this anon. Genuinely one of the greatest netflix show I watched
It's because Fuji TV made a deal with Netflix earlier this year. Expect more Fuji TV classics added in the upcoming months.
I didn't understand the character of Matsuoka Mayu in that show
Okano had no reason to humor him here, but it made it funnier.
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Glad you liked it. "The Makanai" felt like Koreeda was mixing "Still Walking" and "Our Little Sister", cinematography, not just story-wise. Just the perfect rhythm of the humanity-family he's known for. I felt sad after the final episode because every single character is loveable, even Mitani Koki who was playing as himself in that cameo was adoring. Just a lovely series with the kind of delicate, thoughtful virtues too little seen these days.
And speaking of Koreeda, his new Netflix drama 'Asura' will be released in January.

>Hirose Suzu
I will now watch your dorama
>Yu Aoi
I will now watch your dorama
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2025 is already shaping up to be a good year for dramas.
I remember absolutely nothing from season 1. That calls for a rewatch.
Strong independent Kyoto woman.
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The new episode of Downtown no Gaki no Tsukai ya Arahende featured the cast visiting restaurants with "Macchan" in their name. This was interpreted to be in support of Matsumoto. Consequently, the broadcast was completely lacking of the usual sponsorships (like pic related) that are displayed after the opening.

SmartFLASH asked 14 different companies that are sponsoring other Downtown shows what they would do if Matsumoto were to return. 6 of them didn't respond, 5 of them said "no comment," and the remaining 3 said they expect certain standards from the programs they sponsor.
>completely lacking of the usual sponsorships
They can't do that forever if they decided to have him back. Well, they're probably just testing the public's reactions anyway.
>completely lacking of the usual sponsorships
This was just a lie anyway.
gaki redditors refuse to face reality

>SmartFLASH asked 14 different companies that are sponsoring other Downtown shows what they would do if Matsumoto were to return. 6 of them didn't respond, 5 of them said "no comment," and the remaining 3 said they expect certain standards from the programs they sponsor.

0 of them said they won't sponsor the show if Matsumoto returns.
Kek that thread. Actual mental illness.
He should abandon terrestrial tv and move to SVOD services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.
Fuji TV will do another Run for Money SP for the New Year's Eve this year

Stopped watching year end specials last year after the year prior to it. All the shows are shit, and this show in particular tops the shitlist.
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Jap youtubers have done this better for years now.
Is this the only difference?
What's the appeal of this show? It's yarase to your face. I'm not able to suspend my disbelief watching it.
It's for kids. But then so is island survival shit, and at least that is occasionally entertaining.
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>Reiwa Roman
I didn't know that they allow past winners to participate, so they could be the first to win twice? Shame Long Coat Daddy didn't make it but I'll be rooting for Shinkuu Jessica. Also happy for Dansei Blanco and Tom Brown.
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I'm pretty sure Football Hour came close to winning it a second time before. I can't imagine it's good for the organisers/industry as a whole to have the same guys win again though to be honest. And yeah it's a shame about Long Coat Daddy.
There was a lot of buzz about ラパルフェ's quarter final neta. They didn't make it, but apparently they did the whole thing as New York. Should be able to watch it in a couple of days when the wild card thing starts where one combi gets voted back into the semi final.
I know they're better as a konto konbi, but sad to see Long Coat Daddy eliminated in their final M-1 year.
And with many popular konbis losing in the quarterfinals, it's impressive how Oswald are still making it to the finals every year. Not expecting them to win, though. My prediction this year is either Yarlens or Shinkuu Jessica.
Would have never thought they'd make it this far.
>Would have never thought they'd make it this far.
They need a token act with a female in it.
The City Hunter remake on Netflix was good.
Out of all the live action City Hunter adaptations I have watched, this is both the most well made but also most controlled. It still has great action and the humor is okay, but it makes Ryo less of an obsessive well trained perv and more of a well meaning asshole who happens to be well trained. I would have liked to have seen this more outlandish and more insane because as it stands, it is a decent action movie that doesn't break any new ground.
Your standards are so low, being adequate is not good.
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Rural horror is always good
Hope someone subs this
The thing about movies based on iconic anime like this one is that the cast can never replicate the charms of the characters. This one in particular is based on an iconic anime, and it suffered bigly from that.
omusubi is great i don't know people hate this
*don't know why
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The heroine and the other main characters are unlikeable. Made me drop it after the first week.
I'm seething
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Osakan people are funny. Even their gaijins and their trannies are funny.

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You're watching a show with this abomination as the MC
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Here's (you)r self-insert.
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i look like him
I'm hotter.
Finally an asadora made for me.
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reason i watch it
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true, but he's like that "it's ma'am" dude, easier to laugh at
those other 3 abominations are tryhards
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Does she disappear with her boyfriend for a quickie?
That's the priest guy from Shogun.
His Japanese was good in SHOGUN.
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other reasons to watch.
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interesting show since i've lived in japan during that era.
Since NHK was bothered to do overseas audition and cast someone from a popular-ish foreign series, I hope they would stream Bakebake internationally too.
why are asadoras not released internationally?
Will they fuck?
built for bbc i.e Big Bogger Cock
>i've lived in japan during that era.
How old are you?
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>Netflix & homosexuality
Name a more iconic duo.
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Japan and homosexuality
jptv general and bl general
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The new Young Jump has a collab with Love It!
>This is a BBA in her 40s
How does she do it?
didn't grow up with seed oils
>completly ignoring Yakuza
>listing a drama yet to be released
kek, lmao even
Why would Netflix mention an Amazon product?
No Makochan? No Yadasan? No Yokota Mayuu?
Kanon should stop stinking up my tv dramas with her ham acting and stick to being a tarento and a moderu.
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Now we're talking.
I know, I just find ironic that they ignore a recent big drama because it's produced by a rival company and at the same time they mention one that hasn't been released but it's made by them.
Nothing ironic here. It's normal to mention your own products, released or upcoming, and not give your rivals free advertising.
is that a skirt on her shirt?
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>finally find a non torrent dl for all about lily chou chou
>it's premium only nitroflare
He looks like the "btw I'm using kde" guy from mr.robot
Why not just torrent it?
>Smoking on tv
This would never fly on today's tv.
Yamapi's drama won an Emmy
God fucking damn ano-chan is so fucking ugly holy fucking hell.
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He's back.
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going to watch the 1st episode
looking forward next year
live in a place where torrenting gets you throttled by the isp and fined by the government since you're illegally uploading
>FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF
most useless pastebin ever. when was it last updated? 10 years ago? all those sites are down.
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New Rorenbo Shogun returns with Matsuken after 17 years, directed by Miike Takashi. Will be aired on January 4, 2025.

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>Shin Abarenbo Shogun on Jan. 4
>BLUE FIGHT on Jan. 31
Miike with a powerful start next year.
Holy based, at last. Kagawa is playing six different personalities in one drama, only an amazing actor like him can pull it off perfectly.
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Does this mean we're getting another Matsuken Samba
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This news has been trending on Yahoo and X for hours now.
Matsuken Samba V is the last of them, I'm afraid.
>Makes kinos
>Makes tv slop
Why is he like that?
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If Kagawa can return, Macchan can return, too.
did nothing wrong
Yahoo News fags, the same fags who are calling for Matsumoto's ban from tv, are celebrating Kagawa's comeback. This tells you that most of the anti-Matsumoto people have always hated him, and are just using the scandal as a way to kill his career.
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I downloaded Abarenbo Shogun Season 1 a number of years ago but it ended up collecting dust in my hard drive. Might as well watch it now before the new season.
Nice. TBS Sunday night dramas have been unwatchable without him.
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I've been out of the loop for about 2 years, I haven't scrolled this thread either, but would someone be kind enough to give a QRD on Downtown's status?
What I know thus far.
>both in their early 60s, so obviously slowed down a lot
>no laughing batsu is long gone, which is probably a good thing for reasons
>are they still doing weekly sunday Gaki no Tsukai?
>Is Gaki no Tsukai still a thing (Cocorico is 50+ now?)
>Is Matsumoto still working after some allegations?
>Wait, he dropped a suit against the allegations?
Anyway, banzai
You say "out of the loop", but then you post as if you're a dirty EOP with no real understanding of anything beyond "downtown=gaki". You're not out of the loop, you were never a part of the loop in the first place.
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Can't wait to watch this next year just for Milet.
>are they still doing weekly sunday Gaki no Tsukai?
>Is Gaki no Tsukai still a thing (Cocorico is 50+ now?)
>Is Matsumoto still working after some allegations?
No. He withdrew from his regular shows, saying he wants to focus on the trial, but now can't return due to public backlash.
>Wait, he dropped a suit against the allegations?
He dropped it because he made several fuck ups during it and there was a difficulty building a case when both parties can't give concrete evidences to their claims so they had a settlement and Matsumoto apologized for offending anyone involved.
Miike doesn't turn down works and offers, he's been like that since his very early days. Also, he isn't a stranger to TV SPs like this one. The same year he released his debut v-cinema film, he was hired by TV Tokyo to direct a TV SP for them, which was Last Run, his third work. He then made several TV SPs for many TV channels throughout the 90s and the early 2000s.
public backlash my ass
a vocal minority stirs shit up on the internet
People keep repeating it, but it wasn't a settlement. It was a withdrawal by Mastumoto's side.

An article explaining the difference:

An article about the withdrawal and a statement from Yoshimoto:
Milet is still popular?
She was like the most obvious industry plant back when she debuted.
And now they wanted to push her even more.
Never thought I'd ever see the day when Miike is directing Abarenbo Shogun.
So are we gonna see beheaded heads flying and blood splattering?
>>BLUE FIGHT on Jan. 31
Didn't know he was making a new movie. Nice.
I know its babies first J-drama, but I really loved The Naked Director. It's mostly focused on him building a business empire at insane speeds and scope, with some focus on art and obviously sex. S2 was a bit of a letdown as obviously all empires must fall, and some aspects of it feel forced, the conflict with kuroki was retardead. Any recommendations for shows like it where it's about the protagonist starting a company and very quickly getting rich/in over their head? I don't need ENG subs
Tokyo Swindlers
Recently started watching Documental. First seasons were pretty funny but I got to seasons 5&6 and it's getting pretty bad. Season 5 had the unfunniest faggot win and a pretty weak cast -bar a few people-. Then season 6 is half painfully unfunny women that could only gang up on one guy at a time, a geriatric with dementia and a dude that did literally nothing the whole time I watched. Not even Jimmy -who I really like- could salvage that trainwreck so I had to drop the season in the middlepoint. Does it pick up later again or should I just stop here?
Where can I watch this movie?
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The worst Documental is still better than the best tv slop.
There were attempts to update it over years but in the end no one bothered
thanks for the recap, chap. is Tanaka the only member to not have some fidelity that happened while married? I know he did get divorced. Hosei-san was a surprise to me though.
>tanaka probably still sits on the same spot on that stinky couch i bet
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Would be nice if Miike implemented crazy fighting scenes like in 13 Assassins.
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Sponsors today bow down to the SNS dwellers' sentiments. As long as they hate him there, they can't allow him back.
This fetish was a thing in the 80s?
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Based. Our sister in Inokiism.
They also love him there though.
>his source is a botted youtube communities poll from a algorithm abuser that literally just reuploads shit from x and yahoo answers
>everyone I don't like is a bot
Kamaitachi > Chidori
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don't forget to vote in the "have you masturbated at school" posts bro!
The AI technology is getting freaky
Nice first episode, but they should've trimmed down on the exposition.
As a big RGG fan, even without seeing the anime I feel like Oshi no ko turned out better than that Yakuza shit.
Oh shit. What took them so long?
Based on this comment, you should probably drop the whole show lol
>stupid idol in the cast
>manga adaptation
shan't watch
Yeah, it's very unfortunate that ano is in the cast, but the show is alright.
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>highschool setting
>cast hags
why do they do this
The story is good IMO. A good balance of humor and drama.
It's quite ironic how the worse parts of the series are from the real idols. And these idols are all ugly (aside from Nagisa Saito). Should have casted real actresses instead.
Kana and Aqua are good, don't know about the rest.
This can't be real
I know the drama is real, I'm talking about the ugly actress you posted. It looks like it was doctored with AI to make her look ugly and haggard.
yeah i took that screenshot in the first minutes of episode 1
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I'm glad Asuka is in Oshi no Ko, I would have missed out on a cool show if some shitter like Hashimoto Kanna plays Ai like some retards suggested.
I respectfully disagree with your retarded opinion.
the show needs a janiizu idol
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Ah yes, let's cast some ugly literal who instead of the A-List actress who actually looks like Ai. I'm afraid you have no self awareness when you uttered the word "retards".
did anyone notice the stalker in oshi no ko looks like the stalker in perfect blue lol
>A-List actress
does A stand for Alcoholic? kek
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But she was in Nogizaka46.
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A for Adorable.
She was in what? Who? You autist think the average person knows about ugly AKB48 idols in the year 2024?
The fuck? Did that actually happen?
She's as great as Kawai Yuumi IMO.
based take
you would have watched it anyway
just watched baby walkure 3 nice days. kind of disappointed honestly
I don't know, I might watch something I'm interested in even if someone I don't like is in it, but everything I heard about Oshi no ko just made me want to avoid it.
Oshi no ko was written by a genius mangaka
I don't know about that, I've read that they changed a bunch of stuff in this show and that somehow the show+movie will feature the whole manga that ended recently. Also manganimefags seem to hate the ending.
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Hey /jp/.
I'm the anon from 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.


This year, too, I'm looking for dramas to marathon over the holidays. Any 2024 dramas worth watching?
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Rojo no Ruka by Iwai Shunji
Oshi no Ko
Kimi ga Kokoro wo Kuretakara
Futekisetsu ni mo Hodo ga Aru!
Unmet: Aru Nogekai no Nikki
Umi no Hajimari
Chastity High
Gokuaku Joo
Golden Kamuy: Hokkaido Shisei Shujin Sodatsuhen
Ryu ga Gotoku: Beyond the Game
Oshi no Ko
Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru
Watched and enjoyed: Unmet, Shogun, Rojo no Ruka, Owakare Hospital, Extremely Inappropriate!
I have a bunch of others on PTW and fall seems to have some promising stuff as well, but waiting until those finish airing.
Kesenai "Watashi": Fukushu no Rensa (Good)
SHOGUN (Amazing)
Yakusoku: 16-Nen-me no Shinjitsu (Shit)
1122 Ii Fuufu (Drizzling Shit)
Tokyo Swindlers (Amazing)
Chastity High (Average)
The Queen of Villains (Great)
Like a Dragon: Yakuza (Good)
>Rojo no Ruka
>Tokyo Swindlers
Top three shows this year. Amazing stories and high production values.
Shogun is not a j-drama like House of Ninjas.
Just realized that Mei Nagano is basically Haruka Ayase without boobs.
The answer is obviously yes.
Well Long Coat Daddy won the wildcard vote, so they're in the semi-final.
Here's ラパルフェ:
The wildcard is basically a popularity contest so I'm not surprised they were voted. They're kinda funny so I'm fine with them making it in.
La Parfait were robbed. Fuck this shit.
Hanzawa Naoki 3 will be real
>Manzai mixed with monomane
Owarai kino.
Yeah, they do look very similar.
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Horan must be saying that a lot in private
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Is it because he's obese?
They agree.
This person owes me sex.
This should have won it.
This was seriously disgusting, I didn't bother watching it.
I know I shouldn't be surprised since this is >>48366196 the MC of the show, but do they have trannies featured every episode?
Not every episode. Sometimes there's some random 50+ year old dude dressed as a high school girl, but I don't know if those count as trannies.

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